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(SHS) Physical Education and Health 1

First Quarter, Week 4

Name: _______________________________________________ Date:_________

Grade and Section: _____________________________________

Skill Related Fitness

I. Most Essential Learning Competencies

1. Engages in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) for at least 60
minutes most days of the week in a variety of settings in- and out-of school
2. Recognizes the value of optimizing one’s health through participation in
physical activity assessments (PEH11FH-Id-t-14)

1. Identify the components of skill-related fitness.
2. Perform the six components of skill-related fitness activity.
3. Appreciate the importance of skill related fitness through your well- being.

II. Background Information for Learners

Skill related components of physical fitness refer to athletic ability. It focuses on
improving one’s performance in specific activities such as sport or dance. This
includes the following:
1. Agility – the body’s ability to change direction or position rapidly and accurately
while moving in space.
2. Balance – the ability of the body to maintain a stable position while in a
stationary position or while moving.
3. Coordination – the ability to use different body parts in performing more than
one motor movement at a time.
4. Power – the ability to exert the maximum amount of force in the shortest
possible time.
5. Reaction Time – the amount of time it takes for the body to respond.
6. Speed – the ability to perform an action as quickly as possible.

III. Instructions
1. Answer the following activities and do not forget to fill in the learner’s
information above.
2. Read the directions very carefully.
3. Avoid erasures.
IV. Activities
Activity 1: Review
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is an example of vigorous activity?

a. tiktok dance b. mountain climbing c. walking d. 10 push ups
2. What is the advisable “sets” and “reps” in improving muscular strength?
a. 3 sets and 8 reps c. 3 sets and 10 reps
b. 4 sets and 8 reps d. 4 sets and 10 reps
3. Which is the best example of muscle strengthening activity?
a. Squats b. Jogging c. Aerobic dancing d. Zumba
4. What is the other term for cardio exercise?
a. Aerobic exercise c. Bone Exercise
b. Fitness Exercise d. Muscle Exercise
5. If you are looking for an exercise to strengthen your bones, what will be the
best exercise for you?
a. Jogging b. Aero Dance c. Sit ups d. Planking

Activity 2: Find My Fitness!

Directions: Find and encircle the skill related fitness components inside the puzzle.
They run horizontally, vertically, diagonally and even backwards. Find all six (6) words
as fast as you can.

Activity 3: Let’s Do This!

Directions: Perform the six skill related components of physical fitness. Observe
safety precautions while doing the activity, and access your performance using this
self-rating scale. Answer with all honesty.
I– I can perform the activities by myself.
O – I can perform the activities with other’s help.
W - I will just wait for my next PE class to master the activities.
Skill Activities Self
Related Rating
Fitness Scale
Agility Hexagon Agility Test - measures the ability of the body to move in
different directions quickly
• Tape measure
• Stopwatch
• Chalk or masking tape
• Hexagon Size – Length of each side is 18 inches high school. Each angle is
120 degrees
For the Tester:

 Stand with both feet together inside the hexagon facing the marked starting

 At the signal 'Go', using the ball of the feet with arms bent in front, jump
clockwise over the line, then back over the same line inside the hexagon.
Continue the pattern with all the sides of the hexagon.

 Rest for one (1)minute.

 Repeat the test counter clockwise.

For the Partner:(family member)
 Start the time at the signal go and stop once the performer reached the side
before the side he/she started.
 Record the time of each revolution.
 Restart the test if the performer jumps on the wrong side or steps on the line.

Scoring – Add the time of the two revolutions and divide by 2 to get the
average. Record the time in the nearest minutes and seconds.

Balance Stork Balance Stand Test - assess one’s ability to maintain equilibrium
 flat, non-slip surface
 stop watch
For the Tester:
 Remove the shoes and place hands on the hips.
 Position the right foot on the side of the knee of the left foot.
 Raise the left heel to balance on the ball of the foot.
 Do the same procedure with the opposite foot.
For the Partner: (family member)
 Start the time as the heel of the performer is raised off the floor.
 Stop the time if any of the following occurs:
 the hand(s) come off the hips
 the supporting foot swivels or moves (hops) in any
 the non-supporting foot loses contact with the knee.
 the heel of the supporting foot touches the floor.
 There shall be three (3)trials.
Scoring – Record the time taken on both feet in nearest seconds and divide the
score to two (2) to get the average percentage score.

Coordin Juggling - measure the coordination of the eye and hand

 Sipa (washer weighing 4 gms with 5 inches straw)/20 pcs. bundled rubber
bands/crumpled paper or any similar local materials weighing 4 gms.
For the Tester
 Hit the sipa/rubber band/crumpled paper or similar local material alternately
with the right and left palm upward. The height of the material being tossed
should be at least above the head.
For the Partner: (family member)
 Count how many times the performer has hit the material with the right and
left hand.
 Stop the test if the material drops or after two (2) minutes.
 There shall be three (3)trials.

Scoring –Record the highest number of hits the performer has done.

Power Standing Long Jump - measure the explosive strength and power of the
leg muscles.
• tape measure/meter stick/any measuring device
For the Tester:
• Stand behind the take-off line with feet parallel to each other, the tips of the
shoes should not go beyond the line.
• Bend knees and swing arms backward once, then swing arms forward as
you jump landing on both feet. Try to jump as far as you can.
• Do not control the momentum of the jump (continuously move forward).
• Must land on both feet.
• Perform the test twice in succession
For the Partner: (family member)
• Place zero (0) point of the tape measure at the take off line
• After the jump, spot the mark where the back of the heel of either feet of the
tester has landed nearest to the take-offline.
• Record the distance of the two trials.

Scoring - Record the best distance in meters to the nearest 0.1 centimeters.

Speed 40 m sprint – measures running speed

• Stopwatch
• Running Area
For the Tester:
• At the signal “Ready”, stand behind the take-off line, the tips of the
shoes should not go beyond the line and assume a crouch position.
• At the signal “Get Set”, assume an un-crouch position (buttocks up) with
both hands on the starting line.
• At the signal “GO”, run to the finish line as fast as you can.
For the Partner: (family member)
• Set the stopwatch to zero (0) point
• At the signal “GO” start the watch and stop it as the performer crossed the
finish line.
• Record time in the nearest 0:00:01seconds

Scoring – Record the time in nearest minutes and seconds.

Reactio Stick Drop Test - measure the time to respond to a stimulus

n Time Equipment
 12-inch ruler or stick
 table and chair or arm chair
For the Tester:
 Sit on an armchair or chair next to the table so that the elbow and the lower
arm rests on the desk/table comfortably.
 Hold the ruler or stick at the top, allowing it to dangle between the thumb and
fingers of the performer.
 Hold the ruler/stick so that the 12-inch mark is even between the thumb and
the index finger. No part of the hand of the performer should touch the
For the Partner:( family member)
 Hold the ruler or stick at the top, allowing it to between the thumb and fingers
of the performer.
 Hold the ruler/stick so that the 12-inch mark is even between the thumb and
the index finger. No part of the hand of the performer should touch the
 Drop the ruler/stick without warning and let the tester catch it with his/her
thumb and index finger
 Record the score on the upper part of the thumb.

Scoring- Record the middle of the three scores (for example: if the scores are
21, 18, and 19, the middle scoreis19). In case where the two (2) scores are the
same (for example 18, 18, 25), the repeated score shall be recorded.

V. Reflection

Directions: Look carefully at the picture below. What is the skill related fitness
component is shown in the picture? Explain briefly by writing your answer inside the

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