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Dear Ms Staines,

Thank you for coming to our company last week and ask for help and discuss your
problems with Burnet TV Supplies, I am writing to summarise our discussion and
to confirm your instructions.

As I already know that Berlingua recently bought a new satellite system for
educational use at 50% of the normal price from Burnett TV. This was to be used
to record foreign-language TV programmes for use throughout lessons. Whereas
you first set the system up and tried to record, you realised that the timer function
was broken. When you contacted Mr Burnett to ask for a replacement, you were
tould that you never couldn`t expect it to work consummately at such a cheap
price. Then, they refused to replace the system, but did offer to repair it at cost of

So, the law is majorly clear on problems such as yours. If a reduction is offered
due to defect in the product, this defect must be pointed out at the time of
purchase. I am sure as Mr Burnet did not do this, you may claim either a complete
refund at the price you paid or a replacement system.
Please do not hesitate to contact me If you have more any questions. I appreciate
your quick response.

Kind regards,
Susan Carter

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