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Bolibli OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 2021 IMPACTFUL LEADER CAN CHANGE pm ONESIA Challenge yoursel e one! Bolibli OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM Operations Management Development Program (Ops - MDP) is a 1,5 years learning Journey program exclusively developed and nurtured by Blibli. This program is designed for passionate Fresh Graduates and for those who have less than 1 year working experience to have a jump-start in unlocking your potentials to be future leaders by learning directly from the brightest minds in Operations field and getting hands-on experiences. Bolibli Why you should join Ops MDP? E-commerce in Indonesia has evolved so fast beyond our imagination and usual daily practices. Everything progresses in full speed, especially in Operations field. as one of the strongest E-Commerce players, always strives to give the best customer experiences in Indonesia. Thus, we need stellar talents to achieve our promise, Customer Satisfaction #1. By joining Ops - MDP, you will get the opportunity to learn the essence of Operations fields in Supply Chain Management, Customer Management, Return Management and Strategic Operations. So, if you are a fast learner, strong data driven, exceptional problem solver, love challenges, and passionately working in a team, this is the right program to fast-track yourself to be the next future leader in Operations field and let’s make impact for Indonesia! Bolibli Special Learning Menu for our future leader: We curated a special development program to unleash your potentials as the next future leaders in Operations field. A little sneak peek to the TRAINING SERIES program, we will assist you to create an agile and effective mindset -- to be the best version of yourself, We'll train the skills you must overcome in this E-commerce industry. So, don’t expect a boring in-class session. We will have fun games and fruitful discussions. All are specially designed just for you! Learning can be fun! You will receive two types of mentoring - Human Resources (HR Mentoring) and Technical Mentoring. In HR Mentoring, you will experience series of leadership coaching, exclusively from our EE HR Team. In Technical Mentoring, you will MENTORING i pe es ‘i ‘vate experience direct coaching and mentoring from Top Leaders In our Operations Field. On top of that, you will also get the opportunity to learn directly from Top Leaders from another Department. With this mentoring system, we expect our future leaders to see things from all perspectives. Bolibli Special Learning Menu for our future leader: Dummy projects are so last year! Learn to DIRECT solve real cases and make big Impact on daily PROJECT basis. The previous MDP Batch has solved our nee Packaging issue and save IDR 4 billion annually, Does making direct impact sounds good to you? Imagine yourself as a Young Successful Leader in Operations field with impactful JUMP-START ideas from different perspectives. Yes, we YOUR CAREER will assist you to achieve that! Enjoy your learning adventure and experience the learning process with Ops - MDP. Bolibli Your OPS MDP Journey Final: Placement 2”! Phase: Leading a 3" Phase: Collaboration Leading a Team 1* Phase: Self Leadership Bolibli Your OPS MDP Journey 1T* Phase: Self Leadership In this stage, you will be introduced to high technology operations and your first project assignment. By working closely with your appointed mentor, you are expected to make a big impact in the Operations division which are Operations Strategy, Warehousing, Logistics, Return Management, Customer Service, and Process Improvement. 2" Phase: Leading a Collaboration In the second stage, you will be assigned to a new operations division where you will get a new project that will expose you to other department outside operations. In this phase, you will experience a more complex situation, collaborate with other departments, and scale up your interpersonal skills. Yet don’t worry, your HR and Technical Mentors get your back. Expect a lot of improvements in the way you see and solve problems. Bolibli Your OPS MDP Journey 3" Phase: Leading a Team Your new project assignment will be a challenging one. You are expected to lead a team to solve big impact projects where you must plan, delegate, negotiate, and think creatively to complete the project. In this stage, you will be challenged in every corner of your understanding about Blibli operations. We want to make sure that by the time you graduate from the program, you will be a strong and effective operations leader. FINAL: Placement Your Ops - MDP journey is over, it's time to start your new chapter as the Operations Leader. We will place you in a certain Operations division based ‘on your performance in the previous three phases so don’t worry, we will definitely put you in the right place, just where you belong. Bolibli Please meet your mentors! Exceptional leaders that have led Blibli to be one of the leading E-Commerce in Indonesia. They will guide you throughout your Ops - MDP career at Blibli by sharing their experiences and wisdoms. Future Leaders, please meet your mentors : Emilia Susanti H ‘Widyanto nome CantyaM (Gerlor Vice President (ce President of ce Present of ‘of Statesle Operations) Total Qualty & Management) customer Esjencay Sindu Sirat Azizah Purwitasari — Handoke Widodo (Assent Vi Preidert of| Bolibli Let’s hear it from the Mentors! What can you expect to get from Ops MDP Program? The mentors share some secret for you. Pssst, there might be hints on what we’re looking for as well. Check them out here: Bolibli Lisa Widodo (Executive Vice President of Operations) Ops - MDP is designed for people who look for fast-paced career progression, while building a strong mindset foundation for your lifelong career. We are a set of strong mentors, leaders, and founders of Indonesia top E-Commerce. For sure, we are committed to shape you to be the future leaders of E-Commerce Operations. Ops - MDP candidates will learn the real meaning of dedication, hard work, commitments to our customers and sellers, and the warmth feelings of becoming part of Blibli Operations family. It may not be an easy road, but then again, let's together always do the right thing since day 1. Bolibli Bayu Sudjono (Senior Vice President of Operation - Logistic & Warehouse) Ops - MDP is a fast-track prestigious program within Blibli Operations department where Ops - MDP candidates are mentored by at least 3 operations leaders. The way we mentor each candidate is to groom them to become prospective leaders by giving them projects, sharing our experiences, and teaching them our way of thinking in solving problems. | expect each candidate to grow significantly both in experiences and in maturity once they graduate from Ops - MDP. Bolibli Shanty Cantya Ma’Mun (Vice President of Customer Experience) We are in the business of making customer satisfaction as a priority and as a commitment in the most tangible way possible. It’s not a PR stunt, not just a promise, and for sure, no nonsense. By joining Ops - MDP, you can bring your fun, unique characters, knowledge, and everything genuinely in you to contribute, synergize, and grow this serious ambition of delighting customers to the next level. Ops - MDP is not for everybody. It comes with a lot of expectations, challenges, and discomforts. But at the same time, it is also fulfilling, rewarding, and growing yourself personally and professionally. For us, taking care of serious business can also mean fun. Bolibli Handoko Widodo (Assistant Vice President of Operation Business Intelligence) Ops - MDP is a great program for top-notch candidates to kickstart their career. The program is devised to ensure these talents unleash their highest potential through strenuous yet exciting projects. Each candidate will be mentored by well-rounded leaders who will take part in crafting the growth mindset to develop their competencies. Bolibli Those who have ventured speaks louder. Please meet the Ops - MDP 2020 participants : Bolibli Ops - MDP is an exciting, inspiring and definitely worth your time! | am enjoying such experiences and exposures that are far exceeded my expectations. | am growing better as an individual and as a team player. Moreover, | am experiencing the opportunity to work directly with the best mentors at Blibli. = Shiera Pamella Gautama Bolibli It is a pleasure to be selected as one of the Ops - MDP participants. We receive high exposure in an agile environment and experience various cross - functional projects, On top of that, this program helps to develop my strategic & structural thinking. Experiences in Ops - MDP helps to maximize my understanding about holistic business processes, business models, frameworks and solutions. By experiencing the learning journey in this program, | feel that | have already contributed to Indonesia’s E-Commerce development. = Faishal Nararia Rafie ‘wd 2. Bolibli Being a part of Ops - MDP is such a great experience! This program provides you a complete skillset (both Soft Skills & Technical Skills), which is designed in cross department projects. You will be able to accelerate your skills through projects, which are directly mentored by Blibli’s Top Leaders. If you are looking for a challenging. path to improve yourself, Ops - MDP is a once ina lifetime opportunity! - Muhammad Arief Sasmita Bolibli lam so blessed to be a part of Ops - MDP. My experiences as a participant are quite challenging yet super fun. We are experiencing various critical cross - functional projects. Luckily, | am mentored by Senior Leaders in Operations field. Thus, | am fully equipped with insights and skills to face the challenges and various business problems. = Agnes Kartika Putri Bolibli My journey as an Ops - MDP participants is such rewarding experience for me. | am getting exposure and insights from Blibli’s Top Leaders. We are directly mentored by the VPs of each department and challenged to lead various strategic projects in a dynamic working environment. Furthermore, we must be customer-oriented in every project we handled - because Customer Satisfaction #1. - Muhammad Fauzan M Raharjo Bolibli F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions) What is the goal of the Ops - MDP role? The goal of the Ops - MDP role is to build Blibli’s Operations field Future Leaders capable of facing the business’ future demand. Who are we looking for? We are looking for candidates who fast learner, strong data driven, exceptional problem solver, love challenges and passionately working ina team. The complete requirements can be found in our career page: careers com Will Ops - MDP role face real business issues? Yes, you will. Each project that you are assigned are real cases happened in Your mentors will guide you to examine problems, generate solutions, implement solutions, yet communicate effectively with various stakeholders to solve the cases well. Bolibli F.A.Q (Frequently Asked Questions) What happens after | complete the 1,5 years in the Ops - MDP role? It’s the beginning of your real journey. You will be ready to take on a leadership role and have a significant impact on the Opera- tions field. We will place you in a certain po- sition - based on your performance from previous phases. | already have a couple of years of work experience, can | apply? Ops - MDP is for Fresh Graduates with max. 1 year of work experience. If you have longer experience, please take a look for other vacant positions in our career page. When will the Ops - MDP start? Ops - MDP will start on January 2021. How can I apply? Our Ops - MDP program opens until 31 October 2020. Apply now via our career page: careers.b! Bolibli So, are you ready to be the Next Impactful Leader for Indonesia? Join Us! Application Period: 7 September 2020 - 31 October 2020 You can apply directly via or send your CV to recruitment@bliblicom using subject OPSMDP2020_(Candidate Name) NO Bolibli MDP Recruitment Process eicallectis, et Vio, a She Mey, Sepia to™ Panos inte Ofterind More info: fi bliblidotcom | @lifeatblibli | @B careers.blibli1com

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