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MYP Naruto Reading

The manga will be divided into 3 parts. You will need to read the assigned section and
write a Reading Log entry for that section. The sections are:

Numbers 1,2 August

Numbers 3,4,5 September

Numbers 6,7 September

Whenever we have an evaluation, we will discuss what you read the previous week. You will lead the
discussion, so you will need to come to class with ideas about what you think was important, questions you may
have, predictions about what will happen next.

Your Reading Log must contain the following:

A short summary of what you read.

Two questions about the section. Is anything confusing? Are the characters thoughts or actions
unclear? However, you will then go on to attempt to answer your own questions.

Connections to elements from the expositions

Predictions about what you think will happen next.

You should also include three of the following:

Comment on one or two important sentences in the section. Make sure you explain why you think it is

Explain what we learn about one or more of the characters in the scene.

Explain why you think a character behaves in the way he or she does.

Talk about the relationship between two or more characters in the scene, quoting

specifically from the text.

Explain the meaning and significance of a scene of your choice.

Your reaction to what is going on in the novel

You should bring your log with you to class and use it as a reference for discussion about the manga.
You will be assessed on your Reading Log and your written evaluation about the manga according to
the rubric for Criterion C: Producing text

Criterion C

C: Producing text
produce texts that demonstrate insight, imagination and sensitivity while
exploring and reflecting critically on new perspectives and ideas arising
from personal engagement with the creative process

make stylistic choices in terms of linguistic, literary and visual devices,

demonstrating awareness of impact on an audience

select relevant details and examples to develop ideas.

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