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as WUB WORLD UNIVERSITY OF BANGLADESH Department of Civil Engineering ASSIGNMENT Course Code: CE 804 Course Name: Concrete Structure Design | Sessional Submitted By Submitted to Name: Md Mostefizur Rahman Munna Rokhshana Parvin Roll No: 6866 Lecturer Reg. No: WUB 10/19/77/6866 Department of Civil Engineering Batch: 77 (G) World University of Bangladesh Department: Civil Engineering ing dimension = All bricu wall thicuney = 10” Foor +o Loop height ~12/ Window opening =207. Gq = 4:2 MSi = 4200 psy *y Live load = 150 och Floor finish = 20 psf = 60 Wi = Co, 200 Psj Hentifieation of slab type = 4 \ a 12 1g i i ! bs ms Sa 2 eS a eo | f= ths > f ao =i. | aD 29-5 = = 7 = poze i hn yp one way Slob. \ h= ee 2" 3.9! Calewlate total factored load: Dseif weignt of Slabs We =7PKISD 2 ag xI5e = 90s ese ») Floor nich, Wy = 20 ef Dilive ead, We = 190 PoP Se, toda} faclayned load, i bP2pL+ Ue LL Sd (ores yz 29y +l 6 2159) = 373-5 poh. © DOE XIX 60.1 8 eae Rein toncernent Calculation * D At exkprion Support end ¢ MA Me G03) a As ie As gisree [Taxeo =i] 0-9 x COX (6:3 — 0.6) ! eae =e -o-11£ os Asty ose feb o-N&XCO 85X42 KA So Siexurat & é D Ad Mistion span C-for Ans) Re Mm a ‘aeal Ue ag 0.31 in’ Asty Ones Cab 0-31 x60 OST KG UID I4em { Flex, weinton Aan carat ( ix /tyy| Or 1S | 0.19 | min) Fem/Shi aa Steet (its) | We yp @ 19" te me | > A+ exdtenior Sup pont Pare oi in o lk ein L1G x2 i ote x26 = 0135) we Wes { So sequined Stee] = 0:95 -00 = 016i oe Hid os tyra dep Oe : We DHT bat ad extnatop In bet altemate cud baw. 4) For win |4ternp | Shamuage Sfeel > Gee acre = Jolie Ps Crea) 0 $0, BE no. 29 @ 8 ete.

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