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Analysis of Statically Indeterminate Structures-I (CE-803)
(Lesson-6, Week-6)

Prepared by:
Md. Ariful Islam
Department of Civil Engineering
World University of Bangladesh (WUB
➢ How to analysis Lateral load by portal method
1. The shear force of interior column is twice/two times than the shear
force of exterior column.
2. There is a point of inflection at the center of each column.
3. There is a point of inflection at the center of each beam.
Procedure of portal method
1. Column shear force calculation
2. Column moment calculation
3. Beam moment calculation
4. Beam shear calculation
Analyze the following multi-storied building by portal method where
frame spacing is 15ft c/c and wind velocity is 120 mph towards right.
Draw SFD, BMD, & AFD of beam and column.
We have,
Wind force, P= 0.0025𝑣 2
= 0.0025 x1202
=36.9 Psf
=37 psf
Distribution wind force = Wind force x c/c of frame
=0.56 x15
=555 Ib/ft
=0.56 Kip/ft
Considering only top floor of the structure

𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑥 =0
Or, p+p=2.8
Or, 2p= 2.8
Or, p= 1.4 kip
Considering the only 2nd floor and top floor of the structure

Summation 𝐹𝑥 =0
Or, p+2p+p=2.8+5.6
Or, 4p= 8.4
Or, p= 2.1 kip
Considering the all floor of the structure

𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑥 =0
Or, p+2p+2p+p=2.8+5.6+6.72
Or, 6p= 15.12 kip
Or, p= 2.5 kip
Analysis the frame
Calculation summery: top floor
1. Column shear force = 1.4 kip ( value of p for top story)
2. column moment = column shear force x half of column length = 1.4
x 5 = 7 kip –ft
3. Beam moment = column moment but opposite direction = 7 kip-ft
4. beam shear force = beam moment / half of beam length = 7/10 =
0.7 kip
Calculation summery: 2nd floor
1. Column shear force = 2.1 kip (value of p for 2nd floor)
2. column moment = column shear force x half of column length = 2.1
x 5 = 10.5 kip –ft
3. Beam moment = summation of column moment but opposite
direction = 10.5+7=17.5 kip-ft
4. beam shear force = beam moment / half of beam length = 17.5/10
= 1.75 kip
Calculation summery: 1st floor
1. Column shear force = 2.5 kip ( value of p for 1st floor)
2. column moment = column shear force x half of column length = 2.5
x 7 = 17.5 kip –ft
3. Beam moment = summation of column moment but opposite
direction = 17.5+ 10.5=28 kip-ft
4. beam shear force = beam moment / half of beam length = 28/10 =
2.8 kip
Shear force and axial force
BMD of the column
BMD of Beam
SFD of Column
SFD of Beam
AFD of Column
Thank you

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