Environmental Education

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Título: “La educación ambiental, la principal estrategia hacia el desarrollo


Número de páginas:4
Tipo de reseña: Informativa
"Environmental education, the main strategy towards sustainable


The main tool to adequately face global environmental problems is

environmental education, since educational sciences deal with the environmental

training process of man, its development, that is, how it prepares itself throughout its

life. life to interact with the environment, this education should promote the

formation of an environmental awareness in human beings that allows them to live

with the environment, preserve it, and transform it to meet their needs, without

compromising the possibility of future generations of satisfy yours, to preserve and

develop the cultural wealth of humanity, to produce goods and material wealth,

increase the productive potential, without implying endangering our environment,

thus achieving sustainable development.

The main global environmental problems are due to anthropic causes, as well

as industrial and natural ones.

If we speak or want to focus on the issue of environmental problems at a

global level we have to:

• The greenhouse effect is one of the main global environmental problems,

this is a process in which the thermal radiation emitted by the planetary surface is
Título: “La educación ambiental, la principal estrategia hacia el desarrollo

Número de páginas:4
Tipo de reseña: Informativa
absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases (GHG) and is re-radiated in all directions.

The main greenhouse gases (GHG) are:

- Water vapor: consequence of evaporation. The amount of water vapor in the

atmosphere depends on the temperature of the ocean surface. -Carbon dioxide

(CO2): of greenhouse gases, this is the most important concentration in the

atmosphere is due to the use of fossil fuels for industrial processes and means of

transport. Its emission comes from all kinds of combustion processes: oil, coal, wood

or by volcanic eruptions.

-Metane (CH4): Its origin is found in the fermentations produced by

specialized anaerobic bacteria found in swampy areas, crops such as rice and in the

emissions from the intestinal tract of livestock. It is also produced by the leaks from

natural deposits and industrial pipes.

-Nitrous oxide (N2O): This gas is produced mainly through the massive use

of nitrogen fertilizers in intensive agriculture. It is also produced by other sources

such as thermal power plants, automobile exhaust and aircraft engines, biomass

burning, and the manufacture of nylon and nitric acid.

Título: “La educación ambiental, la principal estrategia hacia el desarrollo

Número de páginas:4
Tipo de reseña: Informativa
-Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs): They are artificial chemical compounds that

are present in small concentrations in the atmosphere but are extremely powerful in

their greenhouse effect. They have multiple industrial uses in refrigeration systems,

such as aerosol components, aluminum production and electrical insulators, among


-The tropospheric ozone (O3): Also caused by the burning of polluting

energy sources.

• Global warming is another global environmental problem that through the

combustion of fossil fuels and other GHG emissions, humans are increasing the

greenhouse effect and warming the Earth significantly. Climate change is also

another problem and generates global variation in the Earth's climate. This variation

is due to natural causes and the action of man and occurs on all climatic parameters:

temperature, rainfall, cloudiness, etc. at very different time scales.

• Other practices that generate adverse consequences to the environment are

agricultural due to the use of pesticides that contaminate water sources, the soil and

the subsoil, leaving it infertile, the cutting of forests is the cause of the loss of habitat

for millions of species, and the rest. the contamination of bodies of water with oil:

The animals and ecosystems most affected by oil spills in the oceans are usually

ecosystems that depend on algae and plants, thus causing “irreparable” damage. An

example of a global environmental problem today in my region is a company near

Título: “La educación ambiental, la principal estrategia hacia el desarrollo

Número de páginas:4
Tipo de reseña: Informativa
my place of residence called "CERRO MATOSO" that is responsible for the

extraction of nickel in the open, bringing adverse consequences to the atmosphere

due to the emission of Pollutant gases from the exploitation machinery in the mine,

as well as the micro particles of said metal, not only that, but also affects the health

of the people of the mine as well as neighboring communities causing respiratory

diseases cardiovascular and dermatological among others ...

In conclusion and without a doubt, the large industries such as the one mentioned

above and others dedicated to the exploitation of hydrocarbons for the production

and use of energy, as well as the increase in population and other inappropriate

activities of human beings are the causes. in great majority of the global

environmental problem that afflicts us and that requires as soon as possible that we

become aware to achieve a better and balanced world

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