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Muhammad Fariq Hamizan bin Mohd Zainal (2017934487)
Mirza Mubarak Bin Mohammad Mokhtar (2017574899)

What Are The Factor Considered To Decide Whether Or Not It Need
To Take A Loan?

First, Puan Syazwani should determine the amount funding that she needed. It is important to
be realistic on how much the Delaila Boutique need to expand their business. In order to
estimate how much the fund needed, Delalila Boutique should specify the purpose the funds
and by doing so it will able to estimate the expenses needed for the loan to cover. As Puan
Syazawani have an intention to do renovation to make her boutique to look more exclusive.
So Puan Syazwani need to identify the probable cost of renovation to ensure the amount of
funding is sufficient to carry her intention. Also the fund that will be obtain Delalila Boutique
can be use it for asset purchasing and cash flow maintenance.

Then, the current economy condition. Where Delalila Boutique should assess the current
economy condition because it would give a probable picture of what Delalila Boutique would
face in the near future. Especially during this pandemic era. Where people tend to be
precautious in spending and tend to save their money rather than spending. Thus, Delaila
Boutique should aware that their business sales may decline significantly in future. So, Puan
Syazwani need to be aware of the capability to repay back the loan before applying it.

Next, what are the lending option and need determine the ability to repay? Puan Syazwani need
to consider the best options available would be for her business. She need to maximize the
wealth and minimize the cost of her business. Thus, by choosing a low interest rate and short
period of loan will give a huge influence to Delaila Boutique financial. If the business able to
get a low interest rate loan, and with a short period of payback. The interest loan will be
relatively low but the amount payable for a year would high. So, Puan Syazwani need to access
Delalila Boutique capability to repay back the loan and which period that suitable.

Finally, Delaila Boutique need know their credit score. Knowing a credit score is going to be
a primary factor in getting you a loan. Because credit score reflect business ability to repay the
future loan that we are going to apply. Also, it will influence the interest rate that are going to
offer to the business. Therefore, Delalila Boutique need to make sure the score doesn’t have
any mistakes that need resolving. Before consider applying for a loan, Delalila Boutique should
request a copy of their credit report and check it to ensure its accuracy. If there is an error,
contact the credit agency such as CTOS.

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