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Strategic analysis is essential to formulate strategic planning for decision

making and smooth working of that organization.
TRUE 2. With the help of strategic planning, the objective or goals that are set by the
organization can be fulfilled.
TRUE 3. For an organization to function efficiently, it is important to think about how
positive changes need to be implemented.
TRUE 4. One of the most important functions of strategic planning is to predict future
events and deduce alternative strategies if a certain plan doesn’t work out as
TRUE 5. Performing SWOT analysis will help you create a strong and long term
vision through strategic planning for your organization.
TRUE 6. Having a clear picture of the current situation and identified pain points, a
Business Analyst can make well supported recommendations about the
project scope and feasible options to address the identified problems.
TRUE 7. Understanding your current state is a key step in building your organisation’s
awareness of the need for change.
TRUE 8. By developing a baseline of current state processes and issues it allows you
to visualise the bottlenecks and agree on the priorities.
TRUE 9. the gathered knowledge enables to set out a path of improvements towards
the desired ‘to-be’ state.
FALSE 10. It is not necessary to measure your progress between the two points to ensure
that you did not get stuck in the middle of nowhere.

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