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2. Jacks cook all our meals for us? What does he do?
3. The students enjoy ice-cream?
4. Frank went to the station to catch the 8.30 express to Tranton.
5. The instructor will bring up a new subject in class today?
6. School starts at 0900 and marie is always on time.
7. There is a discount on this TV.
8. Bob needs to do his laundry.
9. Jone had a big dinner a few minutes ago. Is he hungry now?
10. Is this seat taken?
11. What courses are you taking this year?
12. Why do people talk?
13. Bill can not run as fast as bob. Why doesn’t bill run as fast as bob?
14. Is that Marie’s voice?
15. Jerry asked ‘whose pen is this?. What did he want to know?
16. Mr.Lesley’s job is to regulate the machines? What does mr.lesley do?

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