Modern Marvels - Egg

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Date __________________

Modern Marvels – Eggs

1. ____________ are the reproductive cells from which animals are created.
2. The first eggs on earth were laid by ________________________________ in
3. _______________________________________ laid the first hard shelled eggs.
4. There are ______________________________ (number) hens at the egg capital.
5. There are about _________________________(number) hens in the US.
6. Americans eat about ________________________ eggs a year.
7. There are about ________________ breeds of chickens in the world.
8. There are about _______________________ eggs laid a day at Rose Acre Farms.
9. At the age of ___________________, hens will start to lay eggs.
10. There are ______________________________ (number) of chickens at the farm.
11. Hens will lay eggs if they are exposed to about _______________ hours of light a
12. __________% of the egg production in the United States is from caged birds.
13. Chickens have _____________________(number) ovary(ies).
14. People working in quality control look for ________________ ______________.
15. What grade of egg has the smallest air cell when candled? _____________
16. Refrigerated eggs have a shelf life of about ______________________________.
17. The drying chicken dung forms ______________________ which can harm the
chickens’ respiratory systems.
18. The chickens are fed a ration that is a mix of _____________, _______________,
vitamins, and minerals.
19. Petaluma Farms houses about _______________________________ hens.
20. Cage free egg production accounts for about _________% of egg production in
the United States.
21. The huge barn has _______________________________ as a floor litter.
22. Rhode Island Red hens lay __________________eggs.
23. Egg color of a hen can be determined by looking at the ___________________.
24. The highest price eggs come from
25. The chickens at Eatwell Farm roost and nest in chicken coops built on _________
26. The productive life of a laying hen is about _____________________________.
27. Spent hens are processed for _______________________________________.
28. The eggs from the free range chickens at Eatwell Farms sell for ___________ a
29. The farm sells about ________________________ dozen eggs a week.
30. It takes a hen __________________ hours to lay an egg.
31. Fresh eggs are at the market in __________________________ days.
32. The taste and nutrition of an egg is affected by _____________________.
33. Hens can be made to lay eggs high in Omega 3 fatty acids by feeding them
_____________________ and _________________________.
34. About ___________ of all eggs are sold without their shells.
35. The processing facility checks for cracks in the shells by using ______________.
36. The cracking machine can process ____________________ eggs per hour.
37. The raw eggs are pasteurized at a temperature of __________________________.
38. The raw eggs are sold to be used in ____________ or ______________________.
39. The raw eggs are packaged and have a shelf life of ________________________.
40. Powdered eggs are sold to institutions or ________________________ producers.
41. Most doctors agree that the average healthy person can safely eat ________ eggs
per week.
42. __________________________________ is best for muscle growth.
43. The body builder eats _________________ raw egg whites and ___________
scrambled eggs a day to build muscle mass.
44. The eggs produced by Eggology have a _______________________ shelf life.
45. Go to Iowa City and eat at the _____________________________ for the best
eggs in town.
46. The restaurant in the above question serves what grade of egg? __________
47. The Iowa omelet has eggs, _____________, ______________ and hash browns.
48. An ostrich egg is about ____________ times larger than a chicken egg.
49. An ostrich can live ____________ years and can run up to 50 miles per hour.
50. Ostrich hens will lay ______________ eggs a week.
51. An ostrich egg weighs about ___________________ pounds.
52. The ostrich shells are used for _________________________________.
53. The ostrich egg shells are so tough, they must be opened with a ____________.
54. An average ostrich egg contains about _________________ calories.
55. The pickled, purple eggs get their color from ___________________________.
56. A delicacy called ______________________ eggs or the century egg isn’t really
that old, but has been buried in clay, ash, salt, and lime for a month.
57. The sushi chef makes raw omelets with _______________________ eggs.
58. Gary Lemasters in Iowa City carves beautiful designs in ordinary eggs shells with
59. The dark green egg that he carves is from a ___________________________.
60. Gary sells his carved eggs for ______________ to ______________________.

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