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Question type: Multiple Choice

1) Managers need ________, which comes from who managers know and how well managers
relate to them, to get things done while working with other people.

a) social capital
b) intellectual capital
c) a high economic status
d) a high intelligence quotient

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication helps people build social capital.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

2) The process of sending and receiving symbols with meanings attached is called ________.

a) transmission
b) reception
c) communication
d) notification

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages with
meanings attached.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

3) The ________ element of the communication process conveys the receiver’s response back to
the sender.

a) noise
b) feedback
c) evaluation
d) interpretation

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages with
meanings attached.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

4) ________ communication occurs when the receiver fully understands the intended meaning of
the message.

a) Efficient
b) Effective
c) Transactional
d) Transmission

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is effective when the receiver understands the sender’s
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

5) Tom is trying to save money by having a telephonic conversation with an important customer
instead of flying in to talk to him directly. Tom is trading communication ________ for
communication ________.

a) effectiveness; richness
b) effectiveness; efficiency
c) efficiency; effectiveness
d) richness; noise

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Application
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is efficient when it is delivered at low cost to the sender.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking

6) Effective communication occurs when ________.

a) a message is encoded and sent

b) a message gets delivered to the receiver
c) the receiver fully understands the sender’s intended message
d) the receiver responds back to the sender

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is effective when the receiver understands the sender’s
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

7) ________ gets someone else to accept, support, and act consistently with the sender’s

a) Feedback
b) Persuasive communication
c) Transactional communication
d) Reception

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

8) ________ occurs when the cost of the communication is minimal.

a) Efficient communication
b) Effective communication
c) Transactional communication
d) Transmission communication

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is efficient when it is delivered at a low cost to the sender.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

9) ________ earns trust, respect, and integrity in the eyes of others.

a) Efficient communication
b) Nonverbal communication
c) Credible communication
d) Filtered communication

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

10) In the communication process, poor choice of communication channels, poor written or oral
expression, and failure to recognize nonverbal signals are examples of ________.

a) noise
b) static
c) feedback
d) mixed messaging

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

11) As the leader of a research project, Tim plans to communicate the project details with his
team members. He writes a mail to each member in order to brief them about the project and
explain their roles and responsibilities. Tim is in the ________ stage of the communication

a) encoding
b) transmission
c) decoding
d) feedback

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Application
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages with
meanings attached.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking
12) ________ presents a message in a manner that causes others to accept and support it.

a) Noise
b) Persuasive communication
c) Informative communication
d) Feedback

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

13) Wireless transmission is a form of communication ________.

a) barrier
b) feedback
c) channel
d) filter

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

14) A ________ is the pathway used to carry a message.

a) communication flow
b) communication channel
c) communication reception
d) communication protocol

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
15) Anything that interferes with the effectiveness of a communication process is called

a) interference
b) disruption
c) noise
d) confusion

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

16) Information filtering and physical distractions are examples of ________ in the
communication process.

a) chaos
b) encoding
c) reception
d) noise

Answer: d

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

17) The capacity of a communication channel to effectively carry information is called


a) channel richness
b) proxemics
c) transmission quality
d) interactive capacity

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

18) A communication channel that is capable of carrying enough information to assure good
personal two-way communication is said to have ________.

a) no noise
b) a high channel richness
c) enough adaptability
d) an open channel

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

19) Which of the following forms of communication provides the highest quality and quantity of

a) Telephone
b) E-mail
c) Face-to-face
d) Television

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

20) Which of the following communication channels works best when we need immediate

a) E-mail
b) Text messages
c) Web sites
d) Face-to-face

Answer: d
Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

21) Which of the following forms of communication provides the lowest quality and quantity of

a) Telephone
b) E-mail
c) Face-to-face
d) Postings on bulletin boards

Answer: d

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

22) Which of the following communication channels is an example of an impersonal, one-way

interaction with limited opportunity for feedback?

a) E-mails
b) Face-to-face
c) Telephone calls
d) Video-conferencing

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Technology

23) Which of the following communication channels has the highest channel richness?

a) A memo
b) A face-to-face interaction
c) A voice-mail
d) A Web site
Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

24) Communication through gestures and body language is called ________ communication.

a) alternate
b) nonverbal
c) silent
d) poor

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Failure to spot nonverbal signals makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

25) Which of the following is NOT an example of nonverbal communication?

a) Hand movements
b) Facial expressions
c) Eye contact
d) Written memo

Answer: d

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Failure to spot nonverbal signals makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

26) A(n) ________ results when a person’s words communicate one thing while his or her
nonverbal actions communicate something else.

a) effective communication
b) clear message
c) mixed message
d) nonverbal communication

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Failure to spot nonverbal signals makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

27) If Susan intentionally distorts information in order to make it appear more favorable to her
boss, she is engaging in ________.

a) channel enriching
b) information filtering
c) noise creation
d) active screening

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Application
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Information filtering makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking

28) ________ causes information filtering.

a) Channel richness
b) Channel noise
c) Status difference
d) Active listening

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Information filtering makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

29) Jerry is the production manager at Good Cookies LLC. He regularly keeps the negative
numbers in the monthly reports from his boss in order to match his boss’s expectation. Jerry is
guilty of ________.
a) information filtering
b) mixed messaging
c) active listening
d) downward manipulation

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Application
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Information filtering makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking

30) ________ is the process of taking action to help others say what they really mean.

a) Verbal support
b) Feedback
c) Active listening
d) Filtering

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Active listening helps people say what they really mean.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

31) ________ involves being disciplined, controlling one’s emotions, and withholding premature
evaluations that turn off another party’s willingness to communicate.

a) Active listening
b) Verbal support
c) Feedback
d) Filtering

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Active listening helps people say what they really mean.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

32) Which of the following is NOT one of the five rules of active listening?
a) Respond to feelings
b) Listen for feelings
c) Focus only on the nonverbal cues
d) Listen for message content

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Active listening helps people say what they really mean.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

33) In addition to listening to the words that someone is saying, it is also important to ________.

a) discourage emotional outbursts

b) judge their intentions
c) take note of all the nonverbal cues
d) dismiss their feelings

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Active listening helps people say what they really mean.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

34) ________ is the process of telling someone else how you feel about something that person
said or did.

a) Active listening
b) Interpretation
c) Noise
d) Feedback

Answer: d

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Constructive feedback is specific, timely, and relevant.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
35) While giving feedback, one should avoid ________.

a) being specific
b) worrying about timing
c) being threatening
d) having valid comments

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Constructive feedback is specific, timely, and relevant.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

36) Which of the following should NOT be done when giving constructive feedback?

a) Being direct
b) Keeping the feedback general rather than specific
c) Giving feedback at a time when the receiver seems most willing
d) Being specific

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Constructive feedback is specific, timely, and relevant.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

37) ________ involves being honest and openly sharing accurate and complete information.

a) Corporate communication
b) Communication transparency
c) Glass door communication
d) Active listening

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Transparency and openness ensure that accurate and timely information is
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
38) In a(n) ________, managers provide employees with essential financial information about
their employers.

a) corporate communication
b) open-book management
c) autocratic management
d) active listening

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Transparency and openness ensure that accurate and timely information is
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

39) Which of the following is a characteristic of open-book management?

a) Secrecy
b) Unaccountability
c) Obscurity
d) Transparency

Answer: d

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Transparency and openness ensure that accurate and timely information is
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

40) At Trapp Inc., a private investment firm, employees are provided with essential financial
information about the firm. If employees want to know what others are making at the firm, all
they need to do is ask the chief financial officer. This is an example of _______.

a) open-book management
b) corporate literacy
c) social capital communication
d) active listening

Answer: a

Bloomcode: Application
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Transparency and openness ensure that accurate and timely information is
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking

41) Johnny wants to learn about the ways people use and communicate with space. He should
study ________.

a) information technology
b) channel richness
c) space technology
d) proxemics

Answer: d

Bloomcode: Application
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Office spaces can be designated for interaction and communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking

42) The tendency to consider one’s culture superior to any and all others is called ________.

a) culturalism
b) cultural etiquette
c) ethnocentrism
d) bad manners

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Sensitivity and etiquette can improve cross-cultural communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

43) ________ is the use of appropriate manners and behaviors in cross-cultural situations.

a) Ethnocentrism
b) Racism
c) Cultural etiquette
d) Business etiquette

Answer: c
Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Sensitivity and etiquette can improve cross-cultural communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

44) James attends a class on cross-cultural business management where he learns about the use
of appropriate manners and behaviors in cross-cultural situations. In this case, James has learnt
about ________.

a) ethnocentricity
b) positive feedback
c) cultural etiquette
d) active listening

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Application
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Sensitivity and etiquette can improve cross-cultural communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking

45) Jessica is on a business trip to Japan. She purposely avoids prolonged eye contact with her
Japanese hosts because she knows that the Japanese are uncomfortable with it. In this scenario,
Jessica is practicing ________.

a) ethnocentricity
b) positive feedback
c) cultural etiquette
d) cultural globalization

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Application
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Sensitivity and etiquette can improve cross-cultural communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking

46) ________ communication earns trust, respect, and integrity in the eyes of others.

a) Good
b) Credible
c) Effortless
d) Efficient

Answer: b

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

47) The ability to inspirationally persuade and motivate others is known as ________.

a) credibility
b) leadership
c) inspiring
d) charisma

Answer: d

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

48) ________ leadership tactics are communication techniques people use to make themselves
more “leader like” and be perceived by others as influential and trustworthy.

a) Persuasive
b) Credible
c) Effective
d) Charismatic

Answer: d

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

49) All of the following are essential ingredients of successful presentation EXCEPT:

a) Being professional
b) Adding the right amount of polish
c) Relying on real-time Web-site visits
d) Supporting your points

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor written or oral expression makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

50) Communication can be hindered by all of the following EXCEPT:

a) Poor use of channels

b) Poor written or oral skills
c) Spotting nonverbal signs
d) Status differences

Answer: c

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Failure to spot nonverbal signals makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

Question type: True/False

51) The ability to inspirationally persuade and motivate others is known as persuasion.

Answer: False

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

52) Credible leadership tactics are communication techniques people use to make themselves
more “leader like” and be perceived by others as influential and trustworthy.

Answer: False
Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

53) In communication theory, noise is anything that interferes with the communication process.

Answer: True

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

54) Channel richness is determined by the efficiency of the communication channel.

Answer: False

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

55) Information filtering helps ensure that only the relevant messages get to management.

Answer: False

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Information filtering makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

56) Active listening requires that the person listening pay close attention and remain quiet.

Answer: False

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Active listening helps people say what they really mean.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

57) Any feedback, so long as it bears good intentions, will improve behaviors.

Answer: False

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Constructive feedback is specific, timely, and relevant.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

58) The way an office is laid out can actually impact the communication process.

Answer: True

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Office spaces can be designed for interaction and communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

59) The tendency to consider one’s culture superior to others is call racism.

Answer: False

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Sensitivity and etiquette can improve cross-cultural communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

60) To be successful in cross-cultural communication, you have to be sensitive to others and

willing to learn how others see things.

Answer: True

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Sensitivity and etiquette can improve cross-cultural communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
Question type: Text Entry

61) ___ is the capacity to attract support and help from others in order to get things done.

Answer: Social capital

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication helps people build social capital.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

62) ___ is the interpersonal process of sending and receiving symbols with meanings attached to

Answer: Communication

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages with
meanings attached.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

63) A(n) ___ is the pathway used to carry a message.

Answer: communication channel

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

64) ___ communication occurs when the resources expended are kept to a minimum.

Answer: Efficient

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is efficient when it is delivered at low cost to the sender.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
65) ___ is the capacity of a communication channel to effectively carry information.

Answer: Channel richness

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

66) The intentional distortion of information to make it appear favorable to the recipient is called

Answer: information filtering

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Information filtering makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

67) ___ is the process of telling other people how you feel about something they did, said, or
about the situation in general.

Answer: Feedback

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Constructive feedback is specific, timely, and relevant.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

68) ___ involves being honest and openly sharing accurate and complete information.

Answer: Communication transparency

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Transparency and openness ensure that accurate and timely information is
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
69) The study of the way we use and communicate with space is called ___.

Answer: proxemics

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Office spaces can be designed for interaction and communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

70) ___ is the tendency to consider one’s own culture superior to any and all others.

Answer: Ethnocentrism

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Sensitivity and etiquette can improve cross-cultural communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

71) The use of appropriate manners, language, and behaviors when communicating with people
from other cultures is called ___.

Answer: cultural etiquette

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Sensitivity and etiquette can improve cross-cultural communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

72) ___ is ability to inspirationally persuade and motivate others.

Answer: Charisma

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

73) Communication techniques people use to make themselves more “leader like” and be
perceived by others as influential and trustworthy are called ___.
Answer: credible leadership tactics

Bloomcode: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is persuasive when the receiver acts as the sender intends.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic

Question type: Essay

74) Explain the trade-off involved between effective and efficient communication.


Bloomcode: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is effective when the receiver understands the sender’s
Section Reference 1: Communication is efficient when it is delivered at low cost to the sender.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
Solution: Effective communication occurs when the receiver fully understands the sender’s
intended message. In other words, the intended meaning matches the received meaning. Efficient
communication, on the other hand, occurs at minimum cost in terms of resources expended. A
low-cost approach such as a text message may save time, but it may not result in the other party
getting the real intended meaning. By the same token, an effective communication may not
always be efficient. In these and other ways, potential give and take between effectiveness and
efficiency must be recognized in communication which often become very influential in how we
choose to communicate.

75) What is meant by noise in the communication process? Name some common sources of
noise that can interfere with effective communication.


Bloomcode: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Poor use of channels makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
Solution: Noise is anything that interferes with the effectiveness of communication. Common
sources of noise include poor choice of communication channels, poor written or oral expression,
failures to recognize nonverbal signals, information filtering, and physical distractions.
76) Describe the communication process.


Bloomcode: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Understand the nature of communication and when it is effective.
Section Reference 1: Communication is a process of sending and receiving messages with
meanings attached.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
Solution: Communication is an interpersonal process of sending and receiving symbols with
messages attached to them. A sender encodes an intended message into meaningful symbols,
both verbal and nonverbal. He or she sends the message through a communication channel to a
receiver, who then decodes or interprets its meaning. This interpretation may or may not match
the sender’s original intentions. When present, feedback reverses the process and conveys the
receiver’s response back to the sender. Throughout the process, noise may cause the quality of
communication to be reduced.

77) What is information filtering? How does it affect effective communication in an



Bloomcode: Comprehension
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective 1: Identify the major barriers to effective communication.
Section Reference 1: Information filtering makes it hard to communicate effectively.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Analytic
Solution: Information filtering is the intentional distortion of information to make it more
favorable to the recipient. The risk of ineffective communication through information filtering is
high when people are communicating upward in organizations because people tend to tell the
boss only what they think he or she wants to hear. Whether the reason is career protection, fear
of retribution for bringing bad news, unwillingness to identify personal mistakes, or just a
general desire to please, the end result is the same. The higher level gets biased and inaccurate
information from below and ends up making bad decisions. It is a continuing challenge for
managers to fight this problem, and the larger the organization the bigger the problem seems to

78) What is proxemics and why is it important?


Bloomcode: Evaluation
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective 1: Discuss ways to improve communication with people at work.
Section Reference 1: Office spaces can be designed for interaction and communication.
Standard 1 : AACSB || Reflective Thinking
Solution: Proxemics is the study of the way we use and communicate with space. The physical
distance between people conveys varying intentions in terms of intimacy, openness, and status as
they communicate with one another. In the same way, the physical layout of work and leisure
spaces also sends out nonverbal signals to others about levels of connectedness sought in the
workplace. Proxemics is important because the way we use space can have a very strong
influence on our ability to communicate effectively. It can either help or hinder communication.

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