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DENT 1625 Oral Health Sciences V AZ-DENT1625Examinations Review Test

Submission: Examination 3 1-7-11

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Review Test Submission: Examination 3 1-7-11
User Alan Halls
Submitted 1/7/11 8:27 AM
Name Examination 3 1-7-11
Status Completed
Score 39 out of 60 points
Question 1
0 out of 1 points

The mandible fuses together by:

Selected Answer: Second branchial arch
Correct Answer: First branchial arch
Question 2
0 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 16: Late 20th-century fixed

appliances” by Dr. Wahl, what was “probably the most significant development in
clinical orthodontics in the second half of the 20th century”?
Selected Answer: The edgewise bracket
Correct Answer: Direct bonding of orthodontic attachments
Question 3
0 out of 1 points

What percentage of the Black, White, Chinese and Latino (mainly Mexican American)
Adolescent population has a “mal-occlusion”?
Selected Answer: 32-53%
Correct Answer: 69-96%
Question 4
0 out of 1 points

The lower left permanent second bicuspid would be designated in the Palmer Notation
Method as:
Selected Answer:

Correct Answer:

Question 5
1 out of 1 points

The distal shoe space maintainer is typically:

Selected Answer: Placed on the primary first molar with a loop and a "shoe" in
the tissue to guide the eruption of the permanent first molar when the primary second
molar is prematurely lost
Correct Answer: Placed on the primary first molar with a loop and a "shoe" in the
tissue to guide the eruption of the permanent first molar when the primary second molar
is prematurely lost
Question 6
1 out of 1 points

The greatest period of cranial growth occurs between:

Selected Answer: Birth and 5 years of age
Correct Answer: Birth and 5 years of age
Question 7
1 out of 1 points

The downward and forward direction of facial growth results from:

Selected Answer: Upward and backward growth of the maxillary sutures and
mandibular condyle
Correct Answer: Upward and backward growth of the maxillary sutures and
mandibular condyle
Question 8
1 out of 1 points
A person who is hypo-divergent cephalometrically is considered to have:
Selected Answer: counter clockwise facial growth
Correct Answer: counter clockwise facial growth
Question 9
1 out of 1 points

Proclined (procumbent) refers to:

Selected Answer: The tipping or inclination of incisor teeth in an anterior
Correct Answer: The tipping or inclination of incisor teeth in an anterior direction
Question 10
0 out of 1 points

The mandible forms primarily by:

Selected Answer: Endochondral ossification of Meckel's cartilage
Correct Answer: Intramembranous ossification along Meckel's cartilage
Question 11
0 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 8: The cephalometer takes its place
in the orthodontic armamentarium”, who was the most highly decorated dental officer in
the history of the US Army. During World War II, and his leadership of a National
Institutes of Health-funded program in craniofacial growth and development led to a
broader understanding of the form-function relationship in the craniofacial
Selected Answer: Dr. Downs
Correct Answer: Dr. Moyers
Question 12
1 out of 1 points

As per the lecture, the naso-labial angle is considered normal if it is between:

Selected Answer: 90 and 120 degrees
Correct Answer: 90 and 120 degrees
Question 13
1 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodoncia: Its Outlook” by Dr. Behrents, Dr. Angle characterized the
teaching of orthodontics in his time as:
Selected Answer: defective
Correct Answer: defective
Question 14
1 out of 1 points

Retrognathic is defined as:

Selected Answer: Deficient or small skeleton; refers to a smaller than normal
maxilla or mandible
Correct Answer: Deficient or small skeleton; refers to a smaller than normal
maxilla or mandible
Question 15
0 out of 1 points

The descriptive term for the necrosis that occurs in a pressure zone of the periodontal
ligament (PDL) as a result of excessive orthodontic force is:
Selected Answer: Biochemical zone
Correct Answer: Hyalinized zone
Question 16
1 out of 1 points

Where is the principal site of vertical growth of the mandible?

Selected Answer: Condylar head
Correct Answer: Condylar head
Question 17
1 out of 1 points

After approximately 7 years of age, the mandible increases in size by:

a. Generalized deposition of bone on free surfaces of the mandible
b. Condylar growth
c. Interstitial growth
d. Growth on the posterior border of the ramus
e. Deposition of bone on the alveolar process
Selected Answer: (b), (d) and (e)
Correct Answer: (b), (d) and (e)
Question 18
1 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 16: Late 20th-century fixed

appliances” by Dr. Wahl, which doctor developed “an appliance whose brackets
were designed for each tooth so that, on being aligned on an unadjusted
archwire, the teeth would assume ideal positions. Based on his “six keys to
normal occlusion,” he called his design the Straight-Wire appliance”?
Selected Answer: Dr. Andrews
Correct Answer: Dr. Andrews
Question 19
1 out of 1 points

Moderate crowding is considered to be between:

Selected Answer: 4-6mm
Correct Answer: 4-6mm
Question 20
0 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 3: The professionalization of

orthodontics” by Dr. Wahl, the first undergraduate orthodontic program was
Selected Answer: at Columbia University in New York in 1922
Correct Answer: at the College of Physicians and Surgeons (now University of the
Pacific) in 1915
Question 21
0 out of 1 points

The neurocrest cells form all of the following EXCEPT:

Selected Answer: Periodontal ligament
Correct Answer: Enamel of teeth
Question 22
1 out of 1 points

The “S” point is cephalometrically defined as:

Selected Answer: Center of the pituitary fossa of the sphenoid bone
Correct Answer: Center of the pituitary fossa of the sphenoid bone
Question 23
1 out of 1 points

The picture represents an orthodontic dental classification of:

Selected Answer: Class II division 2
Correct Answer: Class II division 2
Question 24
1 out of 1 points
In the article “Mesial force from unerupted third molars” by Southard et. al., based on
the results of this article, the following reasons could be used to remove third molars
Selected Answer:
To prevent mandibular incisor crowding
Correct Answer:
To prevent mandibular incisor crowding
Question 25
1 out of 1 points

Based on the lecture, the last synchondrosis to fuse (about age 20) in the cranial base is
Selected Answer: Spheno-occipital
Correct Answer: Spheno-occipital
Question 26
1 out of 1 points

What is the proper term for the dimension labeled 'A'?

Selected Answer: Overjet
Correct Answer: Overjet
Question 27
0 out of 1 points

Morphologic factors that could affect an eruptive force were measured for a third
molar from a radiograph. These factors included:
Selected Answer: The length of the third molar root
Correct Answer: All of the above
Question 28
1 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 6: More early 20th-century

appliances and the extraction controversy” by Dr. Wahl, all of the following
statements are TRUE about the post World War II orthodontic extraction controversy
Selected Answer: Dr. Charles H. Tweed, Jr. was adamantly against
extraction of the first premolars
Correct Answer: Dr. Charles H. Tweed, Jr. was adamantly against extraction of
the first premolars
Question 29
1 out of 1 points

At birth, the palate is relatively flat; in adults it is vault shaped. By which of the
following does this change occur?
Selected Answer: Deposition of the alveolar crestal bone
Correct Answer: Deposition of the alveolar crestal bone
Question 30
0 out of 1 points

At birth, which of the following structures is nearest the size it will eventually
attain in adulthood?
Selected Answer: Nasal capsule
Correct Answer: Cranium (Cranial vault)
Question 31
1 out of 1 points

During growth, the maxilla displaces:

Selected Answer: Downward and forward
Correct Answer: Downward and forward
Question 32
1 out of 1 points

Which term is used to describe the position of the chin in this profile?

Selected Answer: Retrognathic
Correct Answer: Retrognathic
Question 33
1 out of 1 points

Which derm layer forms all connective and muscle tissue and some epithelial tissue?
Selected Answer: Mesoderm
Correct Answer: Mesoderm
Question 34
0 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 8: The cephalometer takes its

place in the orthodontic armamentarium”, who developed the first cephalometric
analysis that allowed clinicians to compare their patients with norms based on age, sex,
and race?
Selected Answer: Dr. Moyers
Correct Answer: Dr. Ricketts
Question 35
1 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 3: The professionalization of

orthodontics” by Dr. Wahl, who was elected as the first president of the “Society
of Orthodontists”, later to be known as the American Association of Orthodontists
Selected Answer: Dr. Angle
Correct Answer: Dr. Angle
Question 36
1 out of 1 points

Which types of tissue does the ectoderm form?

Selected Answer: All nerve and some epithelial
Correct Answer: All nerve and some epithelial
Question 37
1 out of 1 points

The second pharyngeal arch forms which of the following:

Selected Answer: Stapes
Correct Answer: Stapes
Question 38
0 out of 1 points

The transpalatal arch is all of the following EXCEPT a:

Selected Answer: removable appliance
Correct Answer: (a) and (c) above
Question 39
0 out of 1 points

From the lecture, what percentage of maxillary permanent canine impaction can be
prevented with early intervention?
Selected Answer:
≈ 30%
Correct Answer:
≈ 95%
Question 40
1 out of 1 points
Of all facial clefts, cleft lip and palate represent approximately:
Selected Answer: 45%
Correct Answer: 45%
Question 41
0 out of 1 points

What is the relationship between the growth curves of the lymphoid tissues and sexual
Selected Answer: Both curves slope upward in parallel form
Correct Answer: Lymph tissue regresses as genital tissue develop
Question 42
0 out of 1 points

The picture represents all of the following EXCEPT:

Selected Answer:
Complex open bite
Correct Answer: Compound open bite
Question 43
1 out of 1 points

The maxilla forms from:

Selected Answer: A center of ossification in the mesenchyne of the maxillary
process of the first arch
Correct Answer: A center of ossification in the mesenchyne of the maxillary
process of the first arch
Question 44
1 out of 1 points

The “Po” (porion) point is cephalometrically defined as:

Selected Answer: The mid-point of the upper contour of the external auditory
Correct Answer: The mid-point of the upper contour of the external auditory
Question 45
0 out of 1 points

The maxilla and mandible form from the tissues of the:

Selected Answer: Apoptosis of cells and fusion
Correct Answer: Apparent fusion of the facial processes
Question 46
0 out of 1 points

In the review article “The etiology of late lower arch crowding alternative to mesially
directed forces: A review” by Richardson, which single factor contributed the most to
late lower arch crowding?
Selected Answer: Late mandibular growth
Correct Answer: No single factor contributes
Question 47
0 out of 1 points

When evaluating a smile, the maxillary incisal edges should follow the shape of the:
Selected Answer: Curvature of the upper lip
Correct Answer: Curvature of the lower lip
Question 48
1 out of 1 points

Which Angle Classification of malocclusion does this model of a patient depict?

Selected Answer: Class II division 1
Correct Answer: Class II division 1
Question 49
1 out of 1 points

Treacher Collins Syndrome occurs when the following happens:

Selected Answer: Neural crest cells fail to migrate to the facial region
Correct Answer: Neural crest cells fail to migrate to the facial region
Question 50
1 out of 1 points

What is the proper term for the dimension labeled 'B'?

Selected Answer: Overbite
Correct Answer: Overbite
Question 51
1 out of 1 points
The timing of the first screening for orthodontic problems should include all of the
following EXCEPT:
Selected Answer:
When the eruption of the primary second molars begin
Correct Answer:
When the eruption of the primary second molars begin
Question 52
1 out of 1 points

The lower lingual holding arch is typically used:

Selected Answer: All of the above
Correct Answer: All of the above
Question 53
1 out of 1 points

Which of the following are sites of cartilaginous growth postnatally?

a. Spheno-occipital synchondrosis
b. Mandibular condyle
c. Frontomaxillary suture
d. Nasal septum
e. Alveolar process
Selected Answer: (a), (b) and (d)
Correct Answer: (a), (b) and (d)
Question 54
1 out of 1 points

How much extrusion is needed to properly restore a fractured tooth with a fracture line
2mm below the alveolar crest?
Selected Answer: 5mm
Correct Answer: 5mm
Question 55
0 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodoncia: Its Outlook” by Dr. Behrents, after a look back at our history,
consideration of our present, and a glance forward into the future of orthodontics, the
future is described as:
Selected Answer:
in need of reorganization
Correct Answer: the best is yet to come
Question 56
0 out of 1 points
In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 8: The cephalometer takes its
place in the orthodontic armamentarium”, which doctor’s “analysis, published in
1953, offered specific guides for the use of cephalometric measurements in treatment
planning, based on what compromises in incisor positions would be necessary to achieve
normal occlusion when the ANB angle was not ideal”?
Selected Answer: Dr. Moyers
Correct Answer: Dr. Steiner
Question 57
1 out of 1 points

Dolichocephalic literally means:

Selected Answer: Long skull
Correct Answer: Long skull
Question 58
1 out of 1 points

The mandibular condyle grows by intramembraneous bone formation.

Intramembraneous bone formation is when a cartilage model is replaced directly by
Selected Answer: Both statements are False
Correct Answer: Both statements are False
Question 59
1 out of 1 points

Mal-occlusions can be a result of:

Selected Answer: Both (a) and (b)
Correct Answer: Both (a) and (b)
Question 60
1 out of 1 points

In the article “Orthodontics in 3 millennia. Chapter 6: More early 20th-century

appliances and the extraction controversy” by Dr. Wahl, who defined leeway
space as “the differential in tooth widths between deciduous and permanent
buccal teeth. This space is normally closed by mesial drift of the permanent first molars
as the deciduous teeth are replaced and can be ‘reserved’ with a space maintainer in a
borderline extraction patient”?
Selected Answer: Dr. Nance
Correct Answer: Dr. Nance
Friday, January 7, 2011 8:27:55 AM CST

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