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Vol. 43 No. SIG 10(TOM 7) IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications Nov.


Regular Paper

Greedy Genetic Algorithms for Symmetric and Asymmetric TSPs

Hung Dinh Nguyen,† Ikuo Yoshihara,†† Kunihito Yamamori††

and Moritoshi Yasunaga†††

This paper presents new enhancements to a multi-population GENITOR-type Genetic Al-

gorithm (GA) for solving symmetric and asymmetric Traveling Salesman Problems (TSPs).
First, improvements to the greedy subtour crossover are proposed so that it works more ef-
fectively at the stage of highly fit individuals. Next, local search heuristics are combined with
GA to compensate for its lack of local search ability. The powerful Lin-Kernighan heuristic is
used for symmetric TSPs and the fast 3-Opt heuristic is used for asymmetric TSPs. Various
symmetric and asymmetric TSP benchmarks taken from the TSPLIB are used to validate the
method. Experimental results show that the proposed method can find optimal solutions for
problems ranging in size up to 3795 cities in a reasonable computing time. From the viewpoint
of quality of solution, these results are the best so far obtained by applying GA to the TSP.

ably good solution. They can be roughly di-

1. Introduction
vided into two categories: local search algo-
The Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is rithms that use problem-specific knowledge and
one of the most important and representative global search algorithms that are problem inde-
combinatorial optimization problems, because pendent. One of the global search algorithms is
it is simple but fundamental and widely appli- Genetic Algorithm (GA), which is an optimiza-
cable. The TSP has applications in many fields tion and search method inspired by the evolu-
such as vehicle routing, robot control, and crys- tionary process of nature 1),2) .
tallography etc. For example, the problems of There have been a lot of attempts to ap-
collecting coins in automatic vending machines, ply GA to solve the TSPs. One of the im-
scheduling jobs in a single machine, and order- portant parts of GA is the crossover (recombi-
ing drill holes in a circuit board can all be for- nation) operator. Many crossover operators 3)
mulated as TSPs. have been proposed for solving the TSP, for ex-
The TSP is simple to state. In the TSP, lo- ample, partially matched crossover (PMX) 4) ,
cations of all the cities are given and the sales- cycle crossover (CX) 5) , order crossover (OX) 6) ,
man’s task is to find the minimum cost route maximal preservative crossover (MPX) 7) , edge
connecting them all, with each city visited only recombination (ER) 8)∼14) , greedy subtour
once and return to the city of origin. The cost crossover (GSX) 15),16) , distance preserving
here can be distance, time, or money etc. If crossover (DPX) 18) , edge assembly crossover
all the costs between any two cities are equal in (EAX) 21) , and natural crossover 22) .
both directions the problem is called a symmet- Although GA is a robust search algorithm
ric TSP (STSP), otherwise it is an asymmetric suitable for problems having huge search spaces
TSP (ATSP). such as the TSP, it is often outperformed by lo-
Since the TSP is an NP-complete problem, cal search heuristics when applying to the TSP.
any method of finding the true optimal solu- This is because GA is lack of local search abil-
tion has a search space that expands no less ity, or in other words, it does not utilize the
than exponential order of the number of cities. problem-specific knowledge. It seems that the
Therefore, they are impractical for large prob- only way to develop a high performance GA-
lems. So far, many efforts have been concen- based method for the TSP is to incorporate
trated on the development of practical algo- problem-specific knowledge into GA. All of the
rithms that do not always aim at finding the best-so-far GA-based methods for the TSP used
best solution but at quickly finding a reason- problem-specific knowledge19)∼22) .
Merz and Freisleben 19) proposed the Genetic
† Graduate School, Miyazaki University
†† Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University
Local Search, which stresses on the use of the
††† Institute of Information Sciences and Electronics, powerful Lin-Kernighan heuristic. The GA part
University of Tsukuba of their algorithm, however, applied an ex-
166 IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications Nov. 2002

Step 2: alternately add cities from parents, each for one direction,
until a city that has already been included in the offspring is met
Parent 1 ✲
❤ Partially built offspring ❄ ✲

Step 1: city B is randomly chosen

Step 3: fill in the
G F L O M K N E D J I C B❤H A ✻ remaining cities at
Parent 2 ✛ random order

Offspring M K O D J I C B A H G E F L N

Fig. 1 The original GSX (GSX-0).

tremely small population size (20 individuals are used to validate the method.
for the STSP). On the other hand, Gorges- The paper is organized as follows. Section
Schleuter 20) proposed a method that uses a 2 presents the improvements of GSX. Section
powerful hierarchy population GA with a rel- 3 describes the hybrid GA. In Section 4, ex-
atively weak local search heuristic. She com- periments and results for TSP benchmarks are
pared her method with Merz and Freisleben’s presented. Section 5 concludes the paper and
method and pointed out that for large prob- briefs works for future research.
lems, the strategy of using many times a weaker
2. Improvements of the Greedy Sub-
but faster local search can be as effective as us-
tour Crossover
ing few times of a more powerful but slower
local search. Unfortunately, both methods did Desirable characteristics of the optimal so-
not clearly demonstrate the potential of com- lution of the TSP are embedded in subtours,
bining GA with local search as expected. Their which consist of connecting relations of edges.
results reported for large problems are still not Therefore, an appropriate crossover for the TSP
convincible. should transmit as much connecting relations of
Nagata and Kobayashi 21) incorporated the edges as possible from parents to offspring. The
TSP-specific knowledge directly into the GSX is designed for such purpose. In this sec-
crossover operator, which they named edge as- tion, the conventional versions of GSX operator
sembly crossover. They did not use any other and its newly improvements are presented.
local search heuristics. In order to find high 2.1 The Original Greedy Subtour
quality solutions for large problems, however, Crossover (GSX-0)
their method needs a big population size (1,200 The original GSX (GSX-0) was proposed by
individuals for a 2,392-city problem), which Sengoku and Yoshihara 15) . It consists of three
makes their method rather slow. steps as follows.
Recently, Jung and Moon 22) proposed a GA- Step 1: a city is randomly chosen as the
based method that uses the natural crossover crossover city and copied to the offspring.
and involves the Lin-Kernighan heuristic for the Step 2: cities from parents are alternately
STSP. However, their crossover is only applica- copied to the offspring, with each parent be-
ble for Euclidean problems and their method ing extended from one direction of the crossover
does not have impressive quality of solutions. city, until a city that has already been included
The goal of our research is to develop a more in the offspring is met.
effective GA-based method for the TSPs. To Step 3: all of the remaining cities are filled in
achieve this goal, we first propose new improve- the offspring at random order.
ments to the GSX operator to make our GA Figure 1 shows an example of the GSX-0
more effective at the stage of highly fit indi- operator. First, city B is randomly chosen as
viduals. GA is then combined with heuristics the crossover city and copied to the offspring.
to compensate for its lack of local search abil- Next, other cities are alternatively copied from
ity. Local search heuristics for both STSP and parents, with parent 1 from the right and par-
ATSP are investigated and a way of incorpo- ent 2 from the left of city B. In this example,
rating them into GA is proposed. Various prob- first city A from parent 1 and city C from par-
lems from the TSPLIB 26) , which contains stan- ent 2 are added to the partially built offspring.
dard benchmarks for testing TSP algorithms, The process is repeated until city F from par-
Vol. 43 No. SIG 10(TOM 7) Greedy Genetic Algorithms for Symmetric and Asymmetric TSPs 167

Step 2: alternately add cities from parents, each for one direction,
until a city that has already been included in the offspring is met
Parent 1 ✲
❤ Partially built offspring ❄ ✲

Step 1: city B is randomly chosen

Step 3: fill in the
G F L O M K N E D J I C B❤H A ✻ remaining cities at
Parent 2 ✛ the order of parent 2

Offspring M K N D J I C B❤A H G E F L O

Fig. 2 Takeda’s improved GSX (GSX-1).

ent 1 is added to the partially built offspring at this stage.

and city E from parent 2 is attempted. How- 2.3 Newly Improved GSX (GSX-2)
ever, since city E has already been included We observed that the GSX-1 operator has a
in the offspring, the above process is stopped drawback when being applied to the STSP. For
without adding city E to the offspring. Finally, the STSP, there are two ways of representing
the remaining cities are filled to the offspring a tour (an inversion of a tour represents also
at random order as shown in Fig. 1. Note that that tour). For example, tour “A B C D E”
there are three foreign edges (edges are inher- and tour “A E D C B” are the same for the
ited from neither parent) KO, OD, and LN in STSP. Therefore, the population may contain
the offspring. individuals that share a common subtour but in
2.2 Takeda’s Improved GSX (GSX-1) inverse order. Let consider the case that parent
Takeda, et al. 16) modified only the final step 1 partially contains the subtour “A B C” and
of the operator. They proposed to fill the re- parent 2 contains the subtour “C B A”, and
maining cities at the order that they appear in B is chosen as the crossover city. In this case
one of the parent, skipping all the cities that GSX-1 will stop step 2 immediately after city
have been included in the offspring. In the C of parent 1 is added to the partially built off-
above example, since before the stop of adding spring. The offspring is then filled in with the
cities the algorithm attempted to add city E remaining cities at the order of parent 2, thus
from parent 2, so the remaining cities will be it is almost identical to parent 2. The conse-
filled to the offspring from the left according to quence is that the operator’s ability of creating
the order that they appear in the parent 2, skip- diversity for the population is degraded.
ping all cities that have already been included Our solution to this problem is as follows. Be-
in the offspring. That order is “N K M O L” fore adding cities from both parents (step 2),
and the offspring becomes as shown in Fig. 2. the direction of adding cities from parent 2 is
There is only one foreign edge ND in the off- decided according to the crossover city and its
spring. four neighbors. Let assume that parent 1 and
Despite of minor modification, the effective- parent 2 are as follows.
ness of the operator is improved fairly well, es- Parent 1: “. . . x B y . . .”,
pecially when combining GA with local search Parent 2: “. . . p B q . . .”.
heuristics. The reason why GSX-1 is superior Where B is the crossover city, x and y are its
to GSX-0 can be explained as follows. When two neighbors in parent 1, and p and q are its
combining with local search heuristics, the pop- two neighbors in parent 2. The following frag-
ulation rapidly converges to a stage of highly fit ment of pseudo-code will decide the direction 2
individuals. At this stage, the edges that com- for adding cities of parent 2. Note that GSX-1
pose the parents should involve in subtours with always adds cities of parent 2 from the left side
desirable characteristics. Therefore, even a sin- of the crossover city.
gle randomly created foreign edge may degrade if (x == q || y == p) then
the fitness of the offspring. The improved GSX- direction 2 = right;
1 fills in the remaining cities in the order of one else
of the parent so it can reduce the number of direction 2 = left;
foreign edges introduced into the offspring, and As we know that random foreign edges intro-
therefore it is able to produce better offspring duced in the offspring may degrade the fitness of
168 IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications Nov. 2002

Step 2: alternately add cities from parents, each for one direction,
until either a city that has already been included in the offspring
is met or exchangeable subtours are found
Parent 1 ✲
❄ ✲
Partially built offspring

Step 1: city B is randomly chosen

Step 3: fill in the
G F L O M K N E D J I C B❤H A ✻ remaining cities at
Parent 2 ✛ the order of parent 2

Offspring K N E D J I C B❤A H G F L O M

Fig. 3 Newly improved GSX (GSX-2).

the offspring, we propose another modification Procedure HybridGA

in order to reduce further the number of foreign Begin
edges. This modification is applicable to both For each subpopulation do
Initialize subpopulation by tour
STSP and ATSP. Only the step 2 is modified. construction heuristic;
Cities are alternately added from the parents to Repeat {
both sides of the crossover city until either a city For each subpopulation do {
that has been included in the offspring is met If (rand() < mutation rate) {
Select one parent p using linear ranking;
or exchangeable subtours are found. Exchange- Mutation(p, c);
able subtours are defined as two subtours, one } Else {
from each parent, that consist of the same set of Select two parents p1, p2 using linear
cities but in different order and have the same ranking;
Crossover(p1, p2, c);
two end cities. }
In our example, the subtour “B A H G” of Tour improvement heuristic(c);
parent 1 and the subtour “B H A G” of parent Replace c to the worst parent if fitter;
2 are exchangeable subtours. Therefore, the op- }
erator will stop adding cities from both parents At predefined migration interval do
Migration between subpopulations
after city G of parent 1 is added. Then the }
offspring is filled in with the remaining cities Until converged;
according to the order that they appear in par- End
ent 2, starting from J. The final offspring is as Fig. 4 Pseudo-code of the hybrid GA.
shown in Fig. 3. We can easily see that if ex-
changeable subtours are found, all the edges of becomes a more robust search algorithm. In our
the offspring are inherited from parents (i.e., hybrid GA, a tour construction heuristic is used
there is no foreign edge in the offspring). When to generate the first population and a tour im-
properly implemented, checking for exchange- provement heuristic is used after the crossover
able subtours can be done in a time order of and mutation operators to improve the quality
O(N ). Therefore, the time complexity of the of individuals during the search. The pseudo-
newly improved crossover remains O(N ), which code in Fig. 4 illustrates our hybrid GA.
is the same with GSX-0 and GSX-1. The mutation operator performs a special
kind of non-sequential 4-Opt move or the
3. The Hybrid GA
double-bridge move (Fig. 5) 27) . This kind of
3.1 Hybridizing GA with Heuristics move has been proven to be very effective when
In TSP applications, many studies have in- working with local search heuristics such as 2-
dicated that pure GA methods are outper- Opt, 3-Opt or Lin-Kernighan since it is not easy
formed by the conventional heuristics, partic- to undo this kind of move by these heuristics.
ularly when the problem size increases. There- 3.2 Genetic Algorithm
fore, many researchers have tried to combine A multi-population GENITOR-type GA is
local search heuristics with GAs to gain better used in our algorithm. The GENITOR was
performance15)∼22) . The hybrid method com- originally proposed by Whitley and is available
bines the global search ability of GA with the on the Internet 23) . It has some distinguished
local search ability of heuristics, thus it possibly characteristics, which are (i) using the steady-
Vol. 43 No. SIG 10(TOM 7) Greedy Genetic Algorithms for Symmetric and Asymmetric TSPs 169

t5 t6 t5 t6
t4 t5 t4 t5
t3 t6 t3 t6

t8 ⇒ t4

t2 t1 t2 t1
t2 t1 t2 t1

Fig. 5 A double-bridge move. Fig. 6 A 3-Opt move (ATSP).

state update strategy, (ii) using linear rank- time a diversity of the population needed for
ing for selecting parents, and (iii) replacing the GA can be produced.
worst individual in the population. The reason (b) Heuristics for Tour Improvement
for choosing the GENITOR-type GA is because The Lin-Kernighan heuristic is used as tour
Whitley has pointed out that the GENITOR al- improvement heuristic for the STSP. For the
gorithm is very effective. It needs less number asymmetric case, we use a version of fast 3-Opt
of evaluations than canonical GAs (e.g., SGA, heuristic.
Genesis) in order to gain the same quality of so- Lin-Kernighan is a very effective heuristic for
lutions. We choose the multi-population model the STSP 24),25) . It repeatedly checks for a se-
because it is very easy to implement in parallel, quential r-opt move (r is variable) that can pro-
which we want to do in the future to speed up duce a shorter tour and performs the move if
the method. such move exists. In our implementation, we
Our algorithm, however, has one point differ- limit the search to 12-quadrant nearest neigh-
ent from the GENITOR algorithm. It uses a re- bors (3 nearest neighbors for each quadrant)
placement scheme of replacing the worst parent. for Euclidean distance problems or 12 nearest
This replacement scheme causes slower conver- neighbors for others. The maximum value of r
gence but it can maintain a more diversity pop- is set to 25. The don’t look bit idea 28) is used to
ulation. In every generation and for each sub- speed up the algorithm. Each city has a don’t
population, only one offspring is created either look bit and it is investigated as the first city
from two parents by crossover or from one par- for an improving move only if its don’t look
ent by mutation. If the offspring is better than bit is turned off. Initially, every city has its
the worst parent, it is immediately inserted into don’t look bit turned on and after the crossover
the subpopulation to replace the worst parent. or mutation operators, only cities at the two
However, duplicate individuals are not allowed ends of foreign edges have their don’t look bits
in each subpopulation. In order to avoid pre- turned off. (For the mutation operator, the for-
mature convergence, the population is divided eign edges are the four bridge edges.) Using the
into a number of subpopulations and after a don’t look bit, though the quality of tour each
pre-defined number of generations, some best time the Lin-Kernighan heuristic is applied may
individuals are exchanged between these sub- be a little worse, the heuristic runs much faster
populations. The algorithm halts either after and allows our method to process more genera-
a fixed number of generations or after a fixed tions and ends up with a better final results. To
number of generations that the best individual make the heuristic more robust, our implemen-
cannot be improved. tation also performs a limited check for non-
3.3 Heuristics sequential 4-Opt moves.
(a) Heuristics for Tour Construction Since the Lin-Kernighan heuristic cannot be
The random insertion heuristic is used to gen- applied to the ATSP, a version of fast 3-Opt is
erate the initial population of GA for both types used for this case 25) . A 3-Opt move (Fig. 6)
of TSPs. It can be described as follows. At first, causes a 3-edge change at a time, a minimum
three cities are randomly picked to form a tri- change for the ATSP. It first removes three
angle tour. Then the remaining cities are ran- edges of a tour to form three separate subtours,
domly chosen one by one and sequentially in- and then reconnects them in the other order,
serted into the tour at the position that causes such that the direction of each subtour is not
the minimum increase in the length of the tour. reversed. A 3-Opt heuristic checks if there is
Using this heuristic, a population with fairly any 3-Opt moves that can reduce the length of
good quality can be obtained and at the same the tour. If such move is found, it performs
170 IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications Nov. 2002

the move and repeats the procedure. Fast 3- 560

Opt heuristic limits the cities investigated to K 559 GSX-0

nearest neighbors and uses the don’t look bits gr96

to reduce the computational time. In our im- Optimum

plementation, the value K is set to 12. 557

Tour length (x100)

4. Experiments and Discussions

All the experiments were run on a com- 554

puter running Windows 98 with a Pentium-
III 700 MHz processor and 128 MB of memory. 553

The program is written in C language and com- 552

piled using Microsoft Visual C++ 6.0. 551

0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
4.1 Comparing GSX Operators Generations (x100)

The first set of experiments was performed to Fig. 7 Comparative convergence for gr96.
measure the effectiveness of the newly improved
operator. We ran the program with three ver- 162

sions of the GSX, namely, GSX-0, GSX-1, and GSX-0

GSX-2. Three benchmarks, gr96, d198, and d198 GSX-1
161 GSX-2
pcb442 were chosen from the TSBLIB. For each Optimum

benchmark, we set the population size to 1,000,

Tour length (x100)

which is equally divided into 10 subpopulations
with each subpopulation having 100 individu-
als. The selection bias was set to 1.0 (i.e., ran- 159

dom selection) and the mutation rate to zero

(i.e., no mutation). 158

To see the differences between the crossovers

more clearly, the tour improvement heuristic 157
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
was not used. The tour construction heuris- Generations (x100)

tic, however, was used to generate the initial Fig. 8 Comparative convergence for d198.
population because we want to know how each
crossover works at the stage of highly fit indi- 560

viduals. The migration interval was set to 1,000

generations and 5 best individuals of each sub- 550

population are exchanged at each migration in-

terval. The program stopped after 50,000 gen- 540
Tour length (x100)

erations. The results are averages of 20 runs

and are given in Fig. 7, Fig. 8, and Fig. 9.
For all three problems, GSX-2 always con- 520
pcb442 GSX-1
verges fastest and gives the best final results. Optimum

GSX-0 converges slowest and has the worst fi- 510

nal results. For the pcb442 benchmark, the

operator could not improve the best individ- 500
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
ual of the population after 50,000 generations. Generations (x100)

This shows that the number of foreign edges of Fig. 9 Comparative convergence for pcb442.
an operator has very strong effect at the stage
when the quality of individuals is high. Three slightly faster than GSX-0 and slightly slower
benchmark experiments lead us to the conclu- than GSX-1. GSX-2 is slower than GSX-1 be-
sion that the newly improved GSX-2 is greed- cause it has to spend time for checking ex-
ier than conventional ones, especially when the changeable subtours. However, since the run-
problem size is large. ning time of our hybrid GA is largely occu-
Table 1 shows the CPU times of the method pied by local search heuristics, the extra run-
for each of the GSX operators. We can notice ning time of GSX-2 over GSX-1 has almost no
that the CPU times of all three operators are effect to the overall running time of our hybrid
proportional to the number of cities. GSX-2 is algorithm.
Vol. 43 No. SIG 10(TOM 7) Greedy Genetic Algorithms for Symmetric and Asymmetric TSPs 171

Table 1 CPU times of GSX operators (sec). istics has more strong effect than the ability of
Operator gr96 d198 pcb442 preserving diversity. This explains why GSX-0
GSX-0 7.65 22.48 54.29 is the worst operator.
GSX-1 4.36 15.76 36.76 On the other hand, GSX-1 and GSX-2 oper-
GSX-2 6.14 19.96 42.31
ators have very high AoC and quite small AoD
values. They can transmit more than 99% of
Table 2 Measured AoC and AoD values edges from the parents to the offspring in the
of GSX operators. pcb442 problem. GSX-2 has slightly higher
Operator gr96 d198 pcb442 AoC in the two small problems and slightly
GSX-0 28.720 21.384 13.270 smaller AoC for the biggest problem. How-
AoC GSX-1 97.627 98.608 99.293
GSX-2 97.943 98.671 99.212 ever, its AoD values are consistently higher
GSX-0 75.172 82.568 89.459 than those of GSX-1 operator. This shows that
AoD GSX-1 7.081 5.787 3.694 GSX-2’s superior ability of preserving diversity
GSX-2 7.992 7.069 5.036 is the main reason why it performed better than
GSX-1, especially for the pcb442 problem.
The second set of experiments was performed 4.2 Validating the Hybrid GA
to address the question why GSX-2 is better We performed another set of experiments for
than GSX-0 and GSX-1. We define two values, measuring the performance of the hybrid GA.
AoC and AoD, for each crossover. These values The newly improved operator GSX-2 was used
are calculated by the following equations. as the crossover of the method. This time,
f e(O, A, B)  due to tour improvement heuristics are used,
AoC = 100 1 − (1) a smaller population size of 500 individuals was
 ncross × ncities 
min d(O, A), d(O, B) employed. The population was divided into
AoD = 100 (2) 10 subpopulations, each having 50 individuals.
ncross × ncities Other parameters were set empirically. For all
AoC is the average number of edges inher-
problems, the selection bias for selecting par-
ited from parents, per crossover per edge. It
ents was set to 1.25 and the mutation rate to
shows the ability of inheriting characteristics
0.1. After every 500 generations, three best in-
from parents. AoD is the average hamming dis-
dividuals of each subpopulation are exchanged
tance between the offspring and the nearest par-
between subpopulations. The program stopped
ent, per crossover per edge. It shows the ability
after 50,000 generations or after 3,000 (STSP)
of preserving diversity for the population.
or 1,000 (ATSP) generations of non-improving
The function f e(O, A, B) here returns the
of the best individual. Both symmetric and
number of foreign edges in the offspring O cre-
asymmetric TSP benchmarks taken from the
ated by crossover from two parents A and B.
TSPLIB with sizes up to 3,795 cities were used
The function d(O, A) returns the number of dif-
for experiments. All benchmarks were per-
ferent edges of the offspring O and parent A.
formed 20 runs. Table 3 and Table 4 show
ncross is the number of times crossover is per-
the results of symmetric and asymmetric bench-
formed and ncities is the number of cities of
marks, respectively.
the problem. (In the TSP, the number of edges
In these tables, Name is the problems file
in a tour equals to the number of cities.) The
names in TSPLIB. Except for some asymmetric
same three problems above were used for exper-
problems, the suffix number of a problem name
iments. Experimental parameters were set as
indicates the number of cities of that problem.
the same with the first set of experiments, ex-
For example, the lin318 problem has 318 cities.
cept that each crossover was performed 100,000
Optimum denotes the optimal tour length. Best
times. The results are given in Table 2.
quality, Avg. quality, and Worst quality show
We can see from the results that GSX-0 has
the percentages excess over the optimum of the
much smaller AoC and much bigger AoD com-
best, the average and the worst tour length of
pared to GSX-1 and GSX-2 operators. This
20 runs, respectively. These qualities are calcu-
means that GSX-0 has quite small ability of in-
lated using equation (3). Avg. gen. displays the
heriting characteristics from parents while its
average number of generations needed until the
ability of preserving diversity for the popula-
program converged. Ratio of opt. shows the
tion is big. However, at the stage of highly fit
number of times an optimal solution is found
individuals, the ability of inheriting character-
within 20 runs. CPU time indicates the run-
172 IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications Nov. 2002

Table 3 Results of STSP benchmarks.

Problem Optimum Best Avg. Worst Avg. Ratio CPU
quality quality quality gen. of opt. time
lin318 42,029 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 3,179 20/20 57.42
pcb442 50,778 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 3,405 20/20 41.61
att532 27,686 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 3,808 20/20 88.86
gr666 294,358 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 4,052 20/20 187.39
rat783 8,806 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 3,659 20/20 70.14
pcb1173 56,892 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 4,135 20/20 167.95
fl1577 22,249 0.000% 0.004% 0.031% 5,556 17/20 299.45
d2103 80,450 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 4,155 20/20 433.38
pcb3038 137,694 0.000% 0.008% 0.034% 7,449 8/20 1,200.85
fl3795 28,772 0.000% 0.001% 0.007% 6,274 18/20 1,034.38

Table 4 Results of ATSP benchmarks.

Problem Optimum Best Avg. Worst Avg. Ratio CPU
quality quality quality gen. of opt. time
ry48p 14,422 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,156 20/20 0.27
ft53 6,905 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,133 20/20 0.43
ftv64 1,839 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,198 20/20 0.32
ft70 38,673 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,321 20/20 0.94
kro124 36,230 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,318 20/20 0.54
ftv170 2,755 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,640 20/20 1.42
rgb323 1,326 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,069 20/20 29.49
rgb358 1,163 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,126 20/20 27.87
rgb403 2,465 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,106 20/20 26.88
rgb443 2,720 0.000% 0.000% 0.000% 1,105 20/20 34.67

ning time for one run in seconds. found an average tour length of 0.052% excess
(len − opt) over the optimum for the pcb3038 problem by
quality(%) = 100 (3)
opt using a GA with the natural crossover and Lin-
For the symmetric problems, Table 3 shows Kernighan heuristic. Their method could not
that all optimal solutions are found within 20 find the optimum for this problem even within
runs. All of the optimal solutions except for 100 runs. So far, all of these methods are con-
the fl1577, pcb3038, and fl3795 problems are sidered to be the state-of-the-art algorithms for
found in all runs. The average qualities of so- solving the STSP by using GA-based methods.
lution for these three problems are also very From the viewpoint of running time, our
high (0.004% for fl1577, 0.008% for pcb3038, method is also quite fast compared to some
and less than 0.001% for fl3795). From the other methods. In average, it needed about 17
viewpoint of quality of solutions, these results minutes to solve the biggest 3,795-city prob-
are the best so far obtained by applying GA to lem. Merz and Freisleben’s method needed
the TSP. Merz and Freisleben 19) reported an about 5 hours of a DEC Alphastation 255 run-
average tour length of 28,868.5 (0.335% above ning Digital Unix V4 to solve the same prob-
the optimum) for the fl3795 problem using the lem. Gorges-Schleuter reported an average
Genetic Local Search, which also uses the Lin- CPU time of more than 5 hours of a SUN Ultra-
Kernighan heuristic as the local search. Gorges- Sparc with 170 MHz for this problem. Nagata
Schleuter 20) reported an average tour length and Kobayashi’s method needed 8,707 seconds
of 28,850 (0.271% above the optimum) for the of an Intel Pentium 200 MHz processor for the
fl3795 problem using a hierarchy population pcb3038 problem while ours CPU time for this
GA with the maximal preservative crossover problem was 1,200 seconds. Although differ-
and a weaker local search heuristic. Both ent computer types were used, it seems that
methods could not find the optimal solution our method is at least as fast as these methods.
for this problem within 20 runs. Nagata and The only method that is faster than ours is Jung
Kobayashi 21) , using a GA with the complicated and Moon’s method. It needed 816 seconds of
edge assembly crossover, found an average tour a Pentium III 450 MHz processor to solve the
length of 0.029% above the optimum for the pcb3038 problem.
pcb3038 problem and found the optimal solu- Table 4 summarizes the results for ATSP
tion once within 20 runs. Jung and Moon 22) benchmarks. Note that in this table, problems
Vol. 43 No. SIG 10(TOM 7) Greedy Genetic Algorithms for Symmetric and Asymmetric TSPs 173

prefixed with ftv have sizes equal to their suffix cial case of our method, in which the popu-
numbers plus one. For example, the size of the lation size is just one and the mutation rate
ftv64 problem is 64+1 = 65. The kro124 prob- is 1.0. The symmetric att532 problem was
lem has a size of 100 cities. The results show used for experiment. Since the genetic search
that the proposed method is capable of find- approach needed roughly 4,000 generations to
ing always the optimal solutions for each of the converge and there are 10 subpopulations, we
ATSP benchmarks. Obviously, no any methods set both the maximum number of generations
could be better than ours from the viewpoint of and the maximum number of non-improving
quality of solution. The running time of ATSP generations to 40,000 for the iterative search
benchmarks is slightly faster than that of STSP approach. That is, 40,000 calls will be made
benchmarks, given the same problem size. In to both the mutation operator and the local
average, our method needed only 35 seconds search heuristic (Lin-Kernighan, in this case).
to solve the biggest 443-city problem. Nagata As expected, the iterative search approach did
and Kobayashi’s method spent 286 seconds (In- not find the optimum in all runs. There were
tel Pentium 200 MHz processor) for this prob- four times the algorithm got stuck with a lo-
lem. Merz and Freisleben’s method reported cal minimum of 27,703, leading to an average
spending 100 seconds (DEC Alphastation 255 tour length of 0.012% above the optimum. The
running Digital Unix V4) to solve the ftv170 genetic search approach found the optimum for
problem while the running time of our method this problem in all runs. It is also not surpris-
for this problem was 1.42 seconds. ing that the running time of the iterative ap-
It is notable that the running time of our proach was 187 seconds, more than two times
method does not depend only on the problem slower than the genetic search approach, if we
size. For example, the CPU time of the gr666 remember that the number of calls to the tour
problem is more than two times slower than the improvement heuristic for the genetic approach
CPU time of the rat783 problem. The aver- is only one third of that for the iterative search
age number of generations required to converge approach. The result confirms that the genetic
shows the difficulty of problem. Here, the hard- search approach is more efficient than the iter-
est symmetric and asymmetric problems for our ative search approach.
method were pcb3038 and ftv170, respectively.
5. Conclusions
The number of calls to the mutation and
crossover operators can be approximately cal- This paper presents a GA-based method
culated as follows: for solving both symmetric and asymmetric
N m = avg gen × sub pop × mu rate (4) TSPs. The method is a multiple population
GENITOR-type GA, which uses the newly im-
N c = avg gen × sub pop − N m (5)
proved versions of the GSX and involves lo-
Here, N m and N c denote the number of calls to cal search heuristics. New improvements to
mutation and crossover, respectively. avg gen the GSX are proposed so that it can work
denotes the average number of generations more effectively at the stage of highly fit in-
needed to converge. sub pop is the number of dividuals. The random insertion heuristic is
subpopulations (in this paper, 10) and mu rate used to generate the initial population and the
is the mutation rate applied (0.1). The num- Lin-Kernighan heuristic (STSP) or fast 3-Opt
ber of calls to the tour improvement heuristics heuristic (ATSP) is applied after the crossover
(Lin-Kernighan or fast 3-Opt) does not neces- and mutation operators to improve the quality
sary equal to the sum N m+N c. This is because of individuals during the search.
the crossover sometimes produces an offspring The method has been validated on a num-
with no foreign edge. For the tested problems, ber of symmetric and asymmetric TSP bench-
the number of calls to the tour improvement marks, ranging in size up to 3,795 cities, taken
heuristics is about (N m + N c)/3. from the TSPLIB. The benchmark tests that all
Finally, one may ask whether the genetic optimal solutions have been found in a reason-
search approach is more efficient than the it- able computing time lead us to the conclusion
erative search approach, if both approaches use that the improved operators work very well in
the same local search heuristic. We performed the hybridizing environment and the method is
one more experiment to address this question. powerful for solving both types of TSPs, which
Actually, the iterative search approach is a spe- have many applications in the real world.
174 IPSJ Transactions on Mathematical Modeling and Its Applications Nov. 2002

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in developing a high performance GA-based Genetic Sequencing Operators, Proc. 4th Int’l
method for the multiple-sequence-alignment Conf. on Genetic Algorithms, pp.69–76 (1991).
problem in genome informatics, which is also 11) Mathias, K. and Whitley, D.: Genetic Oper-
ators, the Fitness Landscape and the Travel-
NP-hard 29) .
ing Salesman Problem, Parallel Problem Solv-
There are several issues for future works. ing from Nature, pp.219–228 (1992).
First, since the running time of our algorithm is 12) Dzubera, J. and Whitley, D.: Advanced Cor-
largely occupied by the local search heuristics, relation Analysis of Operators for the Travel-
we want to investigate them further to improve ing Salesman Problem, Parallel Problem Solv-
the time-quality tradeoff of our algorithm. Sec- ing from Nature — PPSN III, pp.68–77 (1994).
ond, we want to extend the method so it can 13) Nguyen, H.D., Yoshihara, I. and Yasunaga,
be run in parallel. Third, we want to test the M.: Modified Edge Recombination Operators
method with some bigger problems. of Genetic Algorithms for the Traveling Sales-
Acknowledgments The authors would man Problem, Proc. 3rd Asia-Pacific Conf. on
like to thank the anonymous referees for their Simulated Evolution and Learning, S-WP4-3:
useful comments and suggestions. This research CD-ROM (2000).
is partly supported by the 2001 and 2002 grants 14) Nguyen, H.D., Yoshihara, I., Aoyama, T. and
of the MESSC 13208001 and 14015206. Yasunaga, M.: Directed Edge Recombination of
Genetic Algorithms for Asymmetric Traveling
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29) Nguyen, H.D., Yoshihara, I., Yamamori, K. is an associate professor at the Faculty of En-
and Yasunaga, M.: A Parallel Hybrid Ge- gineering, Miyazaki University. His research
netic Algorithm for Multiple Protein Sequence focuses on parallel computing, neural network
Alignment, Proc. 2002 World Congress on and fault-tolerant systems. He is a member of
Computational Intelligence, CD-ROM 2002. IEEE, IPSJ, and IEICE.
(Received February 4, 2002)
(Revised April 11, 2002) Moritoshi Yasunaga re-
(Accepted July 1, 2002) ceived the B.E., M.E. and
Dr.Eng. degrees from Univer-
Hung Dinh Nguyen re- sity of Tsukuba, Japan, in 1981,
ceived the B.S. degree in elec- 1983, and 1993, respectively.
tronics from Hanoi University From 1983 to 1994, he was a re-
of Technology in 1991 and the searcher of the Central Research
M.S. degree in computer sci- Laboratory, Hitachi Ltd., Japan. He joined the
ence from Miyazaki University faculty of the Institute of Information Science
in 2000. From 1991 to 1997, he and Electronics, University of Tsukuba in 1994
was a researcher of the Forest Inventory and where he is currently an associate professor. His
Planning Institute, Vietnam. He is now a doc- research interests include reconfigurable com-
torate candidate at Miyazaki University. His puter, evolvable systems, evolutionary compu-
current interests include evolutionary computa- tation, genome informatics, and artificial neural
tion, combinatorial optimization, and genome networks. Dr. Yasunaga is a member of IEEE,
informatics. He is a student member of IEEE. INSS, IPSJ, and IEICE.

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