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Responsibilities of a teacher is indescribable. We, students in

BACHELOR OF SCIENCE in EDUCATION, know the meaning to its
core roots, the same with other teaching profession who share
the same goal as us. As we train ourselves to become teachers
who will take on the challenge of becoming a significant Future
Educator for the next generation, the struggles that comes with
are endless.
It takes patience for a teacher to become a good one. Not
every road they take is easy. It takes perseverance in doing so,
have guts as they say. You could also say that teachers are risk-
takers as we put ourselves in a delicate environment where
every movement influences an individual’s thinking. Though, it
might sound exaggerated since all other professions are difficult
as well. But to hold a newborn mind and teach it about the
world’s mindset and its inner-workings are a chaotic task.
It is a teacher’s job to motivate students to reach their
dreams, instill them the tenacity to hold on hope, giving them
ideals and virtues that would guide them to become pious
citizens, guiding them all throughout their growth as they will
become the next stewards of society and taking up the burden
that comes with it after our turn. Making it a delicate profession
where students of all ages look up upon for ideas and aspirations.
Then, they would have to be molded into productive individuals
with courage, willingness and determination for them to be
trained as military leaders who are ready whenever their services
are needed by the nation, participate in activities for the social
welfare and become numeracy and literacy literate. So, the
responsibility that teachers carry is innumerable.
With that, a teacher must have the will and power to teach
their students. Along the way, they’re facing against pain and
adversities to service the needs of the youths to fulfill their
duties towards the community. Teachers would have
persistence to gain constant control in the teaching-learning
process, have the strength to overcome any obstacles presented
by difficulties in many aspects of teaching diverse individuals,
have the resilience to endure any emotional dilemmas as it
never runs out of it, possess bravery to stand firm against all
odds that strays out of favor, the courage to fight against any
fear that can hinder development, and most of all have the
willingness to carry out these qualities. That is to obtain and
uphold an encompassing characteristic which summarizes all
these aspects, FORTITUDE.
From this notion, we would like to inspire fellow teachers to
possess the word FORTITUDE. As we apply it to ourselves
through NSTP, we urge those in the same hand as us to not give
up and to never falter in these difficulties. It isn’t easy to become
a teacher but it is a duty worth fulfilling. The joy in teaching
students, and the day they achieve their goals is a wonderful
sight to behold.


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