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CASHFLOW 202 Piayer

CaIt Opti Qfr (You effpect the stocb price to go up.)

Stock #of of Total,funt.
Cost Strike To,l*É Price Anount Turn
Symbol Shares Option/Share Paid Price New Price Gain Receive Count
(a) -(b) (axb) k) (d) (d -.) (d-c)xa
t---l IJ

t--_-l 23
t-l 23
PUt OptiOfrS (You ercpetct the stocb price to go doun.)
Stock #of Cost of ToralAmt. Srike To,{rÉ Price lunount Tirrn
Syrnbol Shues Option/Shue Paid Price New Price Gain Receive Count
(c) (d) (c-d)

Turn Count: Tb keep tack of your 3 turns before your options ex?ire, marh of eaclt number as that number turn pdsses.

'Iotal .Ioml
#of Sale Price Sales Cost
Shares Per Share Amount kr Share (relnl l.osc

For examples of hout to record your Call Options, Put Options and Short Sales,
plrase refer to pages 6, 7 and 10 in the CASHFLOVT'202 rule boob.
@2000, 2002 CASHFLOWT, Technologies, lnc. All rights reserred. CASHFLOW@ gqmes ore couered by one or more of t'he {ollowing IJS Potents; 5,82ó,878;
d,a32,95i ond a,toa,so'0. cASHFLowa is a regisbíed todemork oÍ ctéurLow" Technologies, lnc. G202CT|3
CASHFLOW 202 Piayer

CaIt Opti Qfr (You effpeet the stocb price to go up.)

Stock # of of Total,funt.
Cost Strike To,l*É Price Anount Turn
Symbol Shu'es Option/Share Paid Price New Price Gain Receive Count
(a) -(b) (axb) k) (d) (d -.) (d-c)xa
l---l 23
t--_-l 23
t-l 23
PUt OptiOfrS (You ercpetct the stocb price to go doun.)
Stock #of Cost of ToralAmt. Srike To,{rÉ Price lunount Tirrn
Syrnbol Shues Option/Shue Paid Price New Price Gain Receive Count
(c) (d) (c-d)

Turn Count: Tb heep tack of your 3 turns before your options ex?ir€, marh of eaclt number as that number turn pdsses.

#of Sale Price Total Sales Cost
Shares Per Share Amount kr Share (relnl l.osc

For examples of hout to record your Call Options, Put Options and Short Sales,
?lrase refer to pages 6, 7 and 10 in the CASHFLOVT'202 rule boob,
@2000, 2002 CASHFLOWT, Technologies, lnc. All rights reserred. CASHFLOW@ gqmes ore couered by one or more of t'he {ollowing IJS Potents; 5,82ó,878;
d,a32,95i ond a,toa,so'0. cASHFLowa is a regisbíed tqdemork oÍ ctéurLow" Technologies, lnc. G202CT|3

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