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-44 Magnum caliber
manner, and its extremely
$96.00 retail list ful field tests resulted in the
also uses .44 special ammunition pistol achieving spontaneous
e prolonged popularity.

lieve the shooters of Amer


$87.50 retail list

also uses -38special ammunition
with the very best of m
gineering &d workmanship
It of the world-wide ace

incomparable Blackhawk 357

num and, a year ago, the

the world: Blackhawk .44 M

.22 short, long o r long rifle ammunition

-also available in light alloy
construct ion at sanw price

our cuatomers only after they

, successfully pasaed our rigid

STANDARD MODEL and gun-wisepersonnel.

$37.50 retail list
-22long rifle ammunition manufactured entirely in
4%"or 6"barrel
the United States of America by

$57.50 retail list Sf"' y-.,
-22long rifle ammunition
6%"or 6%"barrel Write Dept. G-12 for
descriptive literature
Grade I h $250.


Behind the clean, graceful style of the Browning

Superposed you see. . . is a Master-gunsmith's pledge
for the Superposed you'll shoot.
And when you take command of this custom-built
shotgun you'll discover the full significance of that
pledge . . superb performance, mechanical smooth-
ness, and feather-like balance. Its instant response
to your slightest impulse will be a new and gratify-
ing experience in effortless shooting.
The rugged strength inherent in the Superposed is
your assurance of safe, dependable service for the
gun is made to withstand the severest usage.
You'll possess the ultimate in fine shotguns . . . for a
lifetime of shooting pleasure.

For your personal selection

Six different grades-either 12 or 20 gauge
Models for Field, Marsh, Trap, Skeet
Both Standard and Lightning weights

Tour Superposed is as close as your nearest

Authorized Browning Dealer

Grade V
from $630.

Write for new 28-page catalog showing all Browning guns in color,
Catalog plus special chapters on shooting-practical information for gun enthusiast!,
Prices subject to change without notice. Browning Arms Co., Dept. 89, St. Louis 3, Mo.
(United States, Olympic


of the smallbore
riflemen who wore the
insignia of the U.S.A.
at the Olympic games
in Australia last year,
chooses his Remington
Standard Model 37 as
his favorite gun. The
rifle is fitted with a
Dunlop free-rifle stock
and a Canjar trigger
which is adjustable to
lighter pull than the
3.3% pound factory fit-
ting. Wright did not
shoot his best scores at
M e l b o u r n e but said,
"The fault was not with
the rifle. The trouble
was with the man be-
hind it!" (For "ditto"
from U.S.S.R., see be-

64-PAGE low.)
Before you buy any
outdoor clothing,
insulated underwear

Lighter than feathers, wormer than 10 ANTON ESCO
sweaters. Nylon fortified outer fabric. Satin
lined. Elastic knit wool-nylon collar. Sizes 36-48 (Rumania, Olympic
i n Scarlet, Dead Grass, Smoke, Forest Green. Smallbore)
$14.50 Add 50c for Shipping

Down Cap
Scarlet fur and fabric.
THERE is no b e t t e r
.22 match rifle than
my German Anschutz. It
Yellow fur and fabric.
Beaver finish fur with 1 is easily my favorite," says
Dead grass. Smoke or
Constantin Antonescu who
Forest Green
rubric. represented R u rn a n i a in
Specify head the '57 smallbore compe-
POSTPAID tition at M e l b o u r n e . "I
ORDER WITHOUT RISK was not able to place bet-
COMPARE! You'll agree ours is far better quality, far better ter than 9th at Melbourne,
value, or return for full refund, including the shipping costs
both ways. but it is the shooter rather
PROVEN than the rifle who makes
BAUER Down products are the choice of the major expedi- the score in rifle compe-
lions and sportsmen. They are the Original and Genuine-
mode exclusively in our own factory under U. S. Patent*.
tition. Other rifles there
Sold direct to you only.. never through dealers or under may have been as good,
ether brands.
but there were none
with better scoring capa-
T IS DIFFICULT, at least for anyone
having more than a passing interest in
guns, to witness one of Hollywood's standard
Pretty actress Anne Francis
can not be listed among
Hollywood's top gunfighters,
but she was an apt and enthu-
siastic pupil when gunswift
slam-bang Western movies without raising a Arvo Ojala coached her in the
skeptical eyebrow now and again during the use of the big sixes for a
smokey flow of film. Admiration often gives recent moving picture role.
way to a snicker when a single bullet, fired
from the hero's hip, neatly disarms a dis- DECEMBER. 1957 V O L W, NO. 12-36
tant badman. The snicker evolves into a
sneer when later the same hero bags his
seventh, eighth, or ninth (depending upon
the casting director's budget) outlaw with
his trusty but unreloaded six-gun.
Questions arise. "Who the hell does Hol-
handguns .
lywood think it's kidding?" is one of the ...........................................Charles MacDonald Heard 12
most frequent. The true gun-handling ability HANDGUNS FOR THE TYRO.. .............................Elmer Keith 25
of actor-shooters is another subject often
argued but which is, as yet, unresolved. An-
other aims a doubting finger at the skill of
trick shot artists who "stand in" during
hunting . a

SAFARI-LAND . . . I N T E X A S . . .......................... .Dev Klapp 16

difficult gun-action scenes. So wages the IS YOUR G U N LEGAL? WHERE. AND FOR WHAT?. .Alfred J. Goeq 31 ....
proverbial battle of "the right way," versus
"the Hollywood way." We do not profess
optimism of such quantity as to suggest
that Hollywood limit six-guns to six shots,
guns americana

.. . -
:. ...
a ..
% , I .
:..?..Lytander Kemp 19
much less five, but we have included in this GUNS AND GUNNERS O F THE FEUDING CLANS.. .Carl W. Breihan 22
issue an excellent article by Charles Mac-
Donald Heard, a professional movie gun
expert who answers the questions and places
the blame.
shooting . a a

THE BARREL I COULD NOT WEAR OUT.. .......... .....,&.itsyil

, ,-t*^
departments .
. , . -, , ;-,..A*.-*
Of special interest to the gun collector 2

and, in a way, to any man who has not a

always seen eye-to-eye with his next-door- ...........
MY FAVORITE GUN.. .Verb Wright and Constantin A
neighbor, will be Carl Breihan's full cov- TRIGGER TALK ...................................................... 5
erage of the notorious Hatfield-McCoy feud. GUNS I N THE NEWS.. ......... :. ....................................
In his "Guns and Gunners of the Feuding
Clans," Breihan discloses the present where- CROSSFIRE ......................................................... a
abouts of many of the weapons used during G U N RACK.. ....................................GUNS Technical Staff 10
the long inter-family war. He also dismisses SHOPPING WITH GUNS.. ...........................................
many of the legends attached to the feud, ARMS LIBRARY ....................................................w
maintaining that "the story is fantastic George E. von Rosen
enough even if one holds to the truth." PUBLISHER E. B. Mann Art Arkush
We have good news for many readers (the EDITOR, . EDITORIAL DIRECTOR
exact number of which, we wouldn't even
venture to guess) who have been sending in
requests: "How about handgun articles by
:frDyR&K& William B. Edwards
Elmer Keith
' pred

Keith?" So here is the first of what we hope Louis Satz Marvin.Ginn L. Pector Carlos Thut
Editor Elmer Keith. Here is special advice
for the tyro on "how to buy 'em and how to Editorial Advisory Board
shoot 'em." Keith knows. He is "Mr. Handgun COL GEORGE M. CHINN CAROLA MANDEL STUART MILLER ALFRED J. 6 0 E R 6
himself" to a wide segment of the shooting
Louis Corbeau tested a brand new nun
barrel for GUNS. The Appel barrel, named
after Dr. Gustav Appel who developed it, was
claimed to have more accuracy over a longer REPRESENTATIVES-NEW YORK Eu ene L Pollock 40 East 40th St New York lb N Y Murray
barrel life. After a rifle was made up on the Hill 6-6760 MIDWEST Jack P&OI
The Ron ~ v r i l ~ompany,.
N '~ichigan Chicago II! ?~anklin2-2488' & L ~ N I A
Ren Awri11,'232N . Lake St. frasdena. Calif. ~Y'an1-9291; and
barrel, Corbeau attempted to burn it out as Gordon Cole. 74 Bmt Harts Terrace, San Francisco II, calif., PRospict 6-3902.
fast as possible and thus either prove or dis-
prove claims of the Appel Process. His
story, "The Barrel I Could Not Wear Out,"
is an interesting, and at times startling,
Anyone who can't afford an expedition to
Africa will be happy to learn of the safari
land described by Dev Klapp. It's right
down yonder in Texas, podnah. 'm
* yeatwte~:
Finest Imported Rifles
& Shotguns

* Finest Imported Handguns

Domestic Rifles, Shotguns

** & Handguns
Scopes, Sights & Mounts
Imported & Domestic  St. Thomas, Canada: Two rookie police-
* Ammunition
Reloading Tools &
men walked in upon a burglary in which
one man had just punched a hole in the safe
** Components
Trap & Skeet Equipment
while his companion stood by with a sawed-
off shotgun. One officer fumbled his revolver

* Gun Parts
Hunting & Shooting Books
into action, hitting walls, floor, and ceiling.
Said one crook, "Now, son, we're caught,
and if you want to shoot it out, we'll be
* Gunsmith's Tools
Over 512 Pages -the
World's accepted Firearms
happy to oblige. Otherwise, just put up your
pistol and we'll come along quietly." And as
Encyclopedia they say in the scripts, "exit two robbers,"
one still carrying his sawed-off shotgun as
they strolled down to the police station,
followed by two youthful cops with their
revolvers bolstered.
When a Washington, D. C., detective
rookie brought down a thief with one well-
aimed shot, he was merely living up to the
doings of his namesake. The detective was
a IUEVEK ARma Pvt. Crockett.
Â¥Seem it was about midnight when a butler

45-1 8 Court Sauare. lona Island City 1. N. Y. awakened a wealthy British sportsman and
told him, "There are noises downstairs, sir."
"Are you quite sure?" yawned the sports-
is the man.
"Yes, sir." . ...
.. -
scope "Burglars, perhaps?" .-.'.
b "It would seem so, sir."
"Oh, very well," sighed the sportsman.
'? YOU "Fetch me my gray tweeds and my gun."
* *
want- Â During the Civil War it was necessary for
recruits to have sufficient teeth in good
condition not only to eat food properly but
if you want to tear cartridges quickly and with ease.
the FINEST ***
 A Washington journal reports this court
room repartee:
Judge: How far were you from the
defendant when he fired the fast shot at
the man?
Witness: Five feet.
Judge: How far were you when he fired
the second shot?

Bear Cub
A Witness: Two blocks.
 Gov. Furcolo of Massachusetts has signed
into law a bill which requires deer hunters
5' T o the SHOOTER who's ready for the FINEST.
. $59.50 Wherever shooters gather, Bear Cub is the scope to whii to wear bright red or yellow clothing or be
,, F all others are compared. Mar-proof TUFCOAT@ subject to a fine. The bill requires hunters
finish, self-aligning optics, micro-accurate adjustment to wear the vivid colors in the woods for
100% WARRANTS^ the reduction of hunting accidents. The
brighter, wider popular prices.
maximum fine will be $50 for those who fail
to comply.
 All during the deer season Arthur Wagner
of Reedsville, Wis., kept his brown riding
horse in the barn. Three minutes after the
season closed he let the animal into a
pasture for exercise. A moment later he
heard a shot ... and found the horse dead
of a shot gun slug.

The perfect first gun A

A $19.95 LESS SCOPE (4x SCOPE $9.75)
for the young man
& the family
r' The Colteer 1-22ythe second in a new line of rifles bearing the
famous Colt name, is a superior quality single-shot -22 caliber rifle
which incorporates many custom features at a very reasonable
price. Used with -22 short cartridgesy the Colteer 1-22 provides good
plinking and target practice at nominal cost. With long or
long rifle cartridges its inherent accuracy makes it an excellent small
game piece. The receiver is designed for easy mounting of the
Coltmaster Jr. telescope sight. The rifle also features a specially designed
loading ramp; a self-cocking bolt; a band ramp front sight and a
rear sight which is quickly adjustable for elevation and windage. The
rotary-type thumb safety gives maximum protection from
accidental firing. Further protection is provided by the fact that the
weapon will not lire unless the bolt is fully locked. The roundy
tapered and crowned barrel is made of ,the finest quality steel. The
genuine Black Walnut stock features a Monte Car10 combya full
pistol gripyand a rugged composition butt plate.
The 4-power Coltmaster Junior Scope retailing at $9.75 has
positive adjustment for elevation and windage plus rugged construction
and real beauty. Its lenses are carefully ground to give the very
finest definition. And lightweight, weather-resistant alloys with
super-sm.ooth finish form a scope tube that can take real use in the
field. A 6-power scope is available at slight extra cost.
Your nearest Registered Colt Dealer has this brand-new Colt rifle
in stock right now. He also has a complete line of pistols and
revolvers and the necessary know-how to help you select a gun.

For the name of your nearest Registered Colt Dealer,

call Western Union and ask for Operator 25


nizing my gun as being a Parker. I'm m
if this puts you on the spot, but it is
Parker and not an Ithaca, as was sta
A Letter from Africa Fact is, we were surprised to learn tha
Am out in the sticks here. Managed to get shooters who know me well were aw
in, but unusually heavy rains have taken out the slight error. However, all comments w
roads and bridges and we can't even get mail given in a friendly vein and I'm certain
now; s-nd a boy to Arusha over 100 miles to harm has been done.
mail letters. Our mutual friends, Carola and Leon
My guns not here, being held up by Kenya Mandel, certainly are shooting up a storm in
Mau Mau regulations. Hope to get them to Europe these days. We miss having them with
Arusha by the time we can get out. In the us at our Flyer shoots and look forward to
meantime am using the -458 I sent over last their return in time for our big November
year, hut ammo is getting low. The amount of shoot.
game here is fantastic-elephants all over the In the meantime, my husband and I are off
place. Saw 14 rhinos in one short day's hunt- to Wyoming to hunt antelope. If, at any
ing, and hundreds of buffalo. Should he able time, I can be of any assistance to you, or
to make some very good tests on my wild cat the folks at GUNS,please write to me again.
guns when I get them here, hut the -458has Dolly Isetts
heen quite satisfactory so far and seems to Kenosha, Wisc.
be a very lucky gun for me. However, the We have stories by the Colonel and Mrs.
moral support of a rifle with more "kick" Mandel coming up soon on their European
would at times he reassuring. Have had adventures.-Editors.
several encounters with the big stuff, usually
hunting alone with one or two native boys. The Advertising Question
My friend's farm is closed to hunters in Just a few lines to tell you to keep up the
general. He turned down offer hy game de- good work. No other magazine comes any.
partment to "control" the game, preferring where near the standard set by you on the
to handle the job himself as he likes to shoot firearms field. I want to commend you in
and only wants to eliminate whatever game something no one has mentioned. Nowhere
is threatening his crops. in any issue of GUNS that I have ( I have 'ar

J. R. Buhmiller ahout 20) can I find an advertisement that ' z '

Amsha, Kenya does not directly pertain to guns or hunting.. "4
Many other %ports" magazines, while having ,($
Urges Curb on Anti-Gun Laws
I have just finished reading your article, good stories and articles, also have two ~r -:
three full page ads on liquor or cigarettes i n . - ;
i s bullf info Sierra Bdlefa "Why Not a Pro-Gun Law" and I consider
it the best and most worthwhile article you
each issue. Raise your subscription rates if. , <
you must, hut stick to the subject for which
have ever published. you're named.
After patient hours of waiting your I expect to admire and own firearms for Donald Rudisuhle
game approaches the clearing. This the rest of my life. However, if something is Caledonia, Minn.
not done, and soon, to curb the never ending
is the pay off. Your first shot must stream of proposed anti-gun laws which are How do other readers jeel about this ad-
always comirig into action, the rights and vertising question? Remember, the more
count. I t will if you use SIERRA advertising, the more magazine we can give
privileges to do this will he taken away.
bullets-precision made for target This problem confronts all gun-lovers today, you. Cigarette, automobile, fami yes, even
and your magazine is doing a great deal to liquor) advertising could give you more jor
accuracy and killing power. point the way to a solution. Abolition of your subscription dollar-and gunners do
guns for prevention of crime is silly. It is smoke, drive cars, and buy liquor. What do
you say?-Editors.
FREE.. . my firm conviction, that no matter what laws
are made or what precautions are taken, if a Wants Gun Books
Write today for criminal wants a gun, he will always he able
Sierra's exciting to somehow obtain one. I am a gun enthusiast. I became interested
illustrated brochure, Donald J. Laing in guns just a short time ago through your
"An Introduction to Leadville, Colorado magazine, GUNS.I would like to know where
Handloading." I can find hooks on guns; books that would
Dopt. AGIO Keen-Eyed Readers be good for a beginner. Would you be able
Many thanks to you, Iris Stowers, and to help me in this matter? I hope so. Thank
#o.Qp Dick Miller for using the newsphoto of me YOU.
%3& Miss A. Coursen
n GUNS. I sincerely appreciate the honor
04 rou nice people have bestowed upon me hy Manhattan, Kans.
civing me and '&my gun" a one-half page Ray Riling, 684 Gorsten St., Philadelphia
spread in your fine magazine. 19, P a , is the mthor of a gun-book biblwg-
Because we aren't always able to receive raphy, "Guns and Shooting," which Lists hun-
)ur copy of GUIYS every month, I'm enclosing dreds of books on guns from Gutenberg, to
I check for $5.00 and would appreciate dute. Riling also specializes in the sale oj
laving you send it to us regularly. gun books, new and old. Support your retail
Your readers are mighty "sharp" for recog- deder, whether it be books or guns.-Editors.

Some fellows have the nicest Dads

They want to give their sons something pretty special for longs or 22 shorts. Reasonably priced at only $42.75.
Christmas. And a Savage or Stevens -22 is just that. It's All Savage Deluxe -22's feature Monte Car10 stocks with
been the traditional "first gun" of young Americans for cheek piece and raised comb for either iron sight or 'scope
generations. Chances are it was Dad's first gun' too. shooting. And all Savage and Stevens -22's (except Model
Take the Savage Model 6 Deluxe in the picture-an accu- 15) have grooved receivers for instant 'scope mounting.
rate 3-in-1 rifle that shoots as fast as you can pull the They're at your dealer's now.
trigger. It operates as an auto-loader with -22 long rifle There are Savage' Stevens and Fox shotguns and rifles for
cartridges... or it may be used as a bolt action repeater every shooter and every kind of shooting. Writeforfie njle
or single shot with short' long or long rifle cartridges. or shotgun &g. Savage Arms Grporatwn, Chicopee F& 99,
Large capacity tubular magazine holds 15 long rifles, 17 Maw-&.

stock with dktinctive black tip fo=nd. Operatea M
an auto-lander with .22 long rille ca~tridgea.Mav be ALL PRICES SUBJECT TO CHANQE, SLIGHTLY HIGHER I N CANADA.
used M bolt action reg a t e ? or si e shot f i b bith
short, long or long a i cart1idge5%7.!35.

SAVAGE MODEL %The 22 with the short

r i b . +d-cocking action, independent of bolt, slide action. A fick of the wrkt ejects and loads cartridges
providea maxmum safety. Well-pro ortioned stock 7 smoothly without disturbing aim
.. .. .one-piem bolt, re-
with black tip fore-ond ..%%" .
barn! . . cold bead
front sight, open rear sight with elevator. $15.95.
movahle without tools .
.. s i d e takedown screw . .
walnut stock. ~ ~ - 1 o ~ e lh iddl e for Iim grip. $47.50.
GUNS Technical Staff

GUNS Tests BSA Imports ones that fit, should be ordered with the rifle

s OME MONTHS AGO we had occasion

to review the &st appearance of the
newly designed BSA (Birmingham Small
Arms Co., Ltd., England) big game rifles on
for convenience. The bolt handle is low for
scope use. Standard sights for the American
model consist of a triple leaf rear on the
barrel, ranged for 100, 200 and 300 yards,
the American scene. They were then imported and a ramp front sight. On samples tested,
this was a wide blade foresight, good for
by A1 Freeland of Rock Island, Ill. Since that
range use on targets. As a hunting rifle,
time Al, well-known among competitive target
shooters as an expert on their needs, has con- the new BSA will almost invariably be used
with a scope to take advantage of its cali-
4 centrated on the new smallbore BSA's, while
bers. In three actions, the "Imperial" long
an accelerated merchandising program of BSA
Made in sporting rifles by J. L. Galef & Son, of New receiver, the "Viscount" medium job, and
West Germany .y York, has permitted much wider distribution the "Regent" shortie, the BSA is adapted

L Lowms~ of these arms, with distinctively lower prices

but not one bit of reduction in quality. For
for the following calibers: -22 Hornet, .222,
7x57 mm Mauser, -243, -257 Roberts, -300

Noted for great brilliance, wide field of
view and sham defi~tion.Due to roof-
my money, the new BSA big bores remain
among the most attractively finished rifles on
the market today, and that is to say that they
do not have many peers.
Mechanically, the BSA is a modified Mau-
Savage, -308, -270, -30-06, and -458. Combined
with the pleasing appearance and design of
the "Besa" and its wide range of calibers
is its price schedule-from about a hundred
and thirty to slightly less than two hundred
bucks for the -458Imperial.
prism design, ~ e n s o l dbinoculars
t have ser, involving two basic elements of Mauser
a slender, elegant shape-easy~to carry design. These are the double locking lugs on Two things of greatest novelty are worth
and hold. the bolt front end, and the primary extracting mentioning in the BSA line. First, their Feath-
Models of 8 to 16 Dower. cam on the root of the bolt handle, working erweight.mode1s are truly light weight, both
ing dealers. Write for literature. against the receiver bridge on opening. But my .30-06 samples registering just six pounds
CARL ZEISS, INC. the styling and sense of line and proportion seven ounces. For the "carry all day and shoot
485 Fifth Avenue, New York 17 one shot to kill a deer" crowd, the Feather-
which has gone into making up these new
Genuine only with thistrade-mark. BSA rifles combines the best of basic Amer- weight is a tough item to better, in price,
ican styling with some indefinably British quality, effectiveness. The second point of
touch that sets it apart, distinctively, from novelty is the patented "Besa" muzzle brake.
Aurand's For Sports! other guns. The blueing is a rich blue-black. Muzzle brakes are as much a subject of
Polish is clean and precise without ripples or pros and cons as the high velocity us. the big
HOLESALE JOBBER that "shoeblack" look of a sloppy buffing job,
while the stock is varnished to a good finish.
bullet arguments. We will merely report what
happened in our tests, with side comments
Standard Dealer Discounts The floorplate of course is hinged with trigger from BSA. The pamphlet supplied by the
All Hand Guns & Pistols except C d t
All "Factory" Rifles & Shotguns
guard release. maker describes the BSA brake in detail .. .
H & R Pistol+RifIes-Shotguns -
Receiver has dovetail blocks integral a verticallv slotted section near the
All Reloading Tools & Parts for the Parker - Hale scope mounts. muzzle to divert powder gases and, by
Bullets, Powder, Primers, Cases While these mounts are of good de- harnessing some of their kinetic energy,
All Gunning Accessories & Cases
All Sights, Scopes & Mounts sign, quick to detach, they are the only cut recoil. There are a lot of formulae
F.N. Actions-Barreled Actions (Continued on Page 34)
F.N. and Norrahammar Rifles
0 Sako Rifles and Barreled Actions
Archery & Fishing Tackle
Sleeping Bags-Air Mattress-Tents
"Everything for the Outdoorsman"

229-233 E. Third St.
Store hours 8 to
EZZ ~ 2: .I ;7

Among most attractively finished rifles on the market are the big-game and
smallbore imports from Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., Birminqham, Enaland.
I 12 GA.-6% lbs. 20 GA.-5 lbs. 2 ozs.
(All models with chr6me lined bore)

i A graceful streamlined beauty, incomparably light in

weight, the Franchi Automatic is furnished with chrome
ALSO IN f lined barrels, rustless anodized receiver, all-weather stock
finish, and an automatic cuboff; each is an exclusive
12 GA. MAGNUMII feature of the Franchi line.
shell. 0dy $158.00
' With hollow-matted or ventbted r
mat. In three gradea
ib at slight extra

LSTOEGERARMS CORPORATION 45-18 Court Square, L o n g i s l a n d C i t y 1 , N. Y .

You Get the Widest Field

3.5feet al l00 yds.

after sighting through the Bausch & Lomb

B a s k and BALfor hunting sights. They
never knew such wide fields were possible
in 6 and 4 power scopes. By actual measure-
ment, the BALsix gives you 21 feet at 100
yds. ...the widest measured field of any 6 X
scope. The BALfor field measures 31.5 feet PAYMENT
at 100 yds. ... the widest measured field of
any 4 X scope. Widest field is just one of the
reasons why a Bausch & Lomb is your best
bay ... for with a Bausch & Lomb, you- get
dependable, accurate sighting through con-
stant zero, shock-proof, fog-proof durabil-
It's Easy to Own a B8L Hunting Sight
ity. And it's backed by a lifetime guarantee! You can own a B&L sight for just pennies a day under
the new Time Payment Plan offered by B&L dealers
everywhere. As little as 10% down-the balance in
convenient monthly payments.
FREE M A N U A L Send for your copy of
"Facts About Telescopic Sights," a 96-page man-
ual filled with valuable information about tele-
scopic shooting. Gives full description of entire ....: ....
line of B&L rifle sights. .:.....
:..... .....
.... 20624 Lomb Park, Rochmster 2, N. Y. ...
.:.:;.:.: .....
Pleasesend Free Copy of G-165 manual, .......


"Facts About Telescopic Scopes."

NAME .........................................................................................
ADDRESS.................................................................................. 5s
CITY ........................................... ZONE ....... STATE
.u6!sap UMO s e l d ~
$0 'pau!) I Q + ~ Ws! ~ a + s *uoipe
p~ 04111
un6xis 6u;++a6 u! lpqs pau!eJ+ Alq6;q s+!q;qxa ep!o OAJV
j~adxaun6 pue1a;~ow'UO!+OW +sej auo u! gy 4103 6u!ddeus

"'I :-




s 0 MUCH BUNK, so much de-bunking, glamorizing, criticizing,

half-truths and full lies have been written about the men who
make gunplay part of their careers in Hollywood motion pictures,
that it seems time the truth "and nothing but the truth" is told con-
cerning these actors and professional performers of gun-stunts. I
feel that I'm as well qualified a s anyone to tell these facts because
for the past several years I have worked as a technical advisor on
gunwork in films, and/or furnished technical and historical data to
writers, producers, and directors of such gunplay stories . . little
of which advice was heeded, I must admit. Before coming to Holly-
wood, I shot on pistol and rifle teams in Alaska and the Southwest,
and burned a lot of powder on my parents' ranch in Texas. I'm a
former Custodian of Weapons at The Alamo, and have been a student
of western Americana from my earliest boyhood memories of tales
of Injuns and gunfights, as told me by Old Timers who were "there."
Like most of the men who work with guns in Hollywood, I now shoot
for fun and money.
As you have noted in countless films, there are often gross and
ludicrous errors made concerning guns, gunfighters, and history in
general. Too many of these avoidable errors are blamed upon the
actors, stuntmen, gun instructors, gun specialists, or technical ad-
visors. In truth we are, or should be, the group least to be blamed
and maligned, for we make a profession of performing and teaching
:.,,-. , "the right way" as opposed to "the Hollywood way," as we call it.
,:.;. ..
Cinemactress Anne Francis gets .
ti s from Ojala on handling of
"Peacemaker" Colt. Anne was a
good pupil, enjoyed practicing.

Border shift" is taught by film gun experts Rodd

Redwing, Heard, and (left) Ojala to actors cast for
aim+): parti. Scene below is from "Run For
over, starring gunfighters Cagney and Derek.
. '\.
Movie gunfights are filmed from several angles to get
best possible visual sequence, as in scenes above and
left in which author Heard and Arvo Ojala duel for TV
film. Heard and Ojala have fought many movie battles
and Heard hopes some script lets him win so he will
not have to do all of the jarring "dead-man falls."

Yet, nearly every article I've seen on this subject is either a cott TV shows which mis-educate your children and fail
blasting critique of our movie gunwork, or some publicity to entertain anyone! Then, and only then, will you see gun-
man's pipe dream about our "super-fast draws," "dazzling stories done the way you, and we, would like to see them
spins," and "amazing trick-shots." done on the screen.
The truth is, we are neither supermen nor phonies-just Believe me, we professionals will be very pleased to shoot
hard-working, well-practiced performers and technicians our six-shooters the correct five times and then use our
who have worked years to acquire our reputations for skill .
eiector-rods for true realism . . and I can promise that
and knowledge within the movie industry. There are at none of us will ever again shoot a pistol from anyone's
least six men who have proven themselves "professional hand from the hip! Also, when the public makes itself felt
gunhands:" Arvo Ojala, Rodd Redwing, Carl Pitti, Doyle in the offices of the movie moguls, maybe the publicity
Brooks, Fred Carson, George Ross, and ( I venture to add) blurb writers will soft-pedal their claims for fantastic or
mvself. impossible gun skill that they publish about their actors>
Also, there are a number of actors who have practiced These "claims" of Hollvwood eunhands
" are all based
arduously on gun-skill and studied gunfighter lore in order upon truth, but have been either incorrectly written by
to improve their portrayals of gunfighters. Among these some "technical writer" or colored up by sensational "pub-
are such stars as Audie Murphy, John Derek, Burt Lan- licity men." I doubt if there is one of the "pros" I've men-
caster, and many others, as well as the new TV gunfighters -
tioned who hasn't had some stranger come & to him on a
movie set and insist upon asking "a few questions" (usually
such as Hugh O'Brian, Clint Walker, Jim Davis, James
Arness, Clayton Moore. These men are also "pros" who do when we are all keyed up for a scene, or are trying to talk
not require a double to do their gunplay, no matter how to someone else). After a half-dozen or so a u e s t h s the
fast or riskv a scene mav be. stranger thanks 'us and leaves. Sometimes these strangers
Technicians and actors are hired professional perform- just watch us awhile and don't even ask questions. Later we
ers, who claim to be nothing more. We all work for wages read the "inside story" of how so-and-so got to be the
and take orders from the boss, the film's director or pro- "fastest gunhand in Hollywood," or "how the movie-boys
ducer. Our actions are directed bv them. often over our fake gunfights," or whatever point of view this writer took
arguments and protests. So, the next time you see a show .
about our work. These are the bovs vou a
can credit for the
"claims" some of us are alleged to have made for super-
where the hero's pistol never runs dry, or one of us shoots
a gun out of a guy's hand, or whatever, blame the right speed fast draws and miraculous trick-shots.
man-the Movie Maker. Even better for accuracy, blame Of course, there are tricks to all trades, and ours is no
yourself, for it is you-the movie-goer-who is really excevtion. Let's look at some of ours:
responsible for the perpetuation of these ridiculous errors. Quoting an article, "Arvo Ojala, who coaches the stars,
Start demanding your money back at theaters when they claims he drops a half-dollar from waist level, draws a hip-
show you hogwash which purports to be history, and boy- bolstered revolver, cocks, fires (Continued on page 35)


LOT OF PEOPLE would think you were crazy if you

A said you were going to Texas for African or Asiatic
game. If you said you expected to shoot a Barasingha
deer, an Aoudad or Barbary sheep, and a black buck or
sable antelope, they'd know you were crazy-provided, of
course, that they knew enough about game habitats to
realize that these beasts are natives of India, Africa, and
Asia respectively.
But there's a lace in Texas where you could fill those
bag specifications-and more. You could add, for instance,
a Sika buck, native of Japan. Or an English fallow deer.
Or an eland, straight out of an African safari. ... Plus,
of course, wild turkey, native white tail deer, or almost
anything else in the way of game which you could expect
to find on the North American continent between the
Canadian border and Panama! The place? Captain Eddie
Rickenbacker's Bear Creek Ranch, 20 miles west of Kerr-
ville, in Kerr County, Texas.
The Rickenbacker name explains it, of course. You
wouldn't expect things to be ordinary, run-of-the-mill, on
a spread owned by this man whose whole life has been
packed with the thrills and adventures of far places. And
this 2,700 acre ranch will not disillusion you. Managed
by Captain Eddie Rickenbacher's son, David, the ranch
produces cattle and goats just as do other Texas ranches;
but a Rickenbacker "hand" sees, in a day's ride, a lot of
Heart of African hunting in Texas is Rickenbacker's
native stone ranch house. Famous World War I ace
Capt. Rickenbacker shows (facing page) a black buck
antelope rug, one of his many big-game trophies.

1 Using .30-06 with 4X scope. Ludwig Brand si hts

Aoudad ram while Lar Rosmarin covers with in- I
ocular.. (Below) Two Inglish Fallow deer freeze.
watching hunters, showing characteristic antlers.
strange horns he might be tempted to "lay a loop over." And one of the ranch
chores is riding herd on the hunters who come to Bear Creek looking for
"foreign" game trophies.
Rickenbacker guest sportsmen come from all over the United States and from
Canada, Mexico, Spain, wherever Captain Eddie has been, and even from
places he hasn't visited. They arrive carrying various types of guns and ammu-
nition. Usually the caliber, bullet weight, and powder charge are well suited to
the animal hunted. But sometimes guests are inexperienced. One hunter from
Canada brought along a Mauser 7.9 to bag a 90-lb. black buck antelope. Another
fellow-this one from Illinois-had armed himself with a .22 Hornet; a fine
little gun, but not exactly the caliber to use on the 620-lb. Sambur he wanted.
On the basis of experiences such as these, David carefully checks all guns Rick-
enbacker guests intend using, often diplomatically suggests the use of heavier,
or lighter, arms.
When two Houston hunters showed up on the day friend L. A. Wilke and
I were down on the ranch taking pictures, David shoved us all in a station wagon
and took off on a tour of the place. One of the hunters, Ludwig Brand, wanted
an Aoudad ram. His partner, Larry Rosmarin, had his sights set for a prize
Axis deer head. Neither sportsman would make use of any of the eight shooting
towers on the place. Both wanted to take their trophies under conditions similar
. those found in the animal's natural habitat. Therefore, we bounced across
- --- ~

rocky pastures, up steep slopes, through thorny brush, looking for the game
they wanted.
We had just rattled down one particularly steep incline when David eased
on the brakes. "Look!" He pointed toward a group of reddish-brown animals
walking single-file up the far side of the draw. "There are your Aoudads,
Ludwig. Let's see vou eat one."
~ u d fumbled
h ~ for the door handle, slipped quietly (Continued on page 38)

A genial host, Capt. Rickenbacker (top of page) entertains guests in his

Bear Creek Ranch troph room. (Left, center) Hunter stands beside Sambur
deer trophy. (Above] Hunters display day's bag: one white English Fallow
deer, one Axis buck, and two black buck antelopes. (Left') Another prized
black buck is dragged to car. Black bucks are alert, fast, difficult targets.
3. .V
Seiior Mendoza left) with cannon de-
signed for Panc o Villa. Genius for
simplicity is further shown b late
model pocket submachine gun ( elow).

. "< <, ..
. ,. . .,..,. ... ..
., . ,




"w HEN DON FRANCISCO asked me to design a

cannon, he gave me only two specifications. It
should make a lot of noise, and it should make a lot of
an intimate of Madero when the Revolution was being
planned, and took part in the first battles against the
Federals at Ciudad Guerrero, Pedernales, Ma1 Paso, and
smoke." Cerro Prieto. Then Don Francisco asked for that cannon.
That is how Rafael Mendoza, Mexico's eminent inventor Sefior Mendoza is a busy man. Besides designing arms,
of automatic arms, remembers his introduction to gun- he owns and manages a small factory next to his house
designing. The time was just after the outbreak of the where the popular Mendoza BB pistol and BB rifle are
Revolution of 1910, and "Don Francisco" was the great made. But he can find time to relax and converse in his
Francisco I. Madero, its guiding genius. Madero was a garden. He smiles easily, and when he begins to reminisce
mild little man who looked like an associate-professor, but his eyes shine behind thick-lensed glasses. The smile be-
under his leadership dictator Porfirio Diaz, after a rule of comes a grin when he recalls that first assignment.
almost 35 years, was driven into exile. Sefior Mendoza was "I had never designed or made a gun before in my life,"
Tripod-mounted gun on
facing p<ge is Mendoza
.30 ca machine rifle
used by Mexican army.

: Mendoza smilingly handles his new RM2 .30

caliber automatic now being tested by Mexican
army. Picture back of Mendoza shows Pancho
Villa with his famous, picked Los Dorados escort.

Prices displayed are in

about 12 times cost in I

he says. "I was given the job because I'd run a small the cannon should produce lots of noise and smoke, it
shop before the Revolution, manufacturing plows and was to make the Federals believe that the Revolutionaries
other farming implements. That wasn't much of a qualifica- had as much firepower as themselves.
tion for designing a cannon. It worked, though. It was 37 Once Mendoza began the manufacturing of arms, Don
mm., small and light, easy to handle. Plenty of smoke and Francisco had another job for him, and it placed him at the
racket, too." By lifting the handle the entire barrel slid right hand of the most colorful figure Mexico has ever
forward, opening the breech to insert the loaded round. known, one Doroteo Arango, better known as Pancho
A spring striker at the back fired the gun. Villa. Madero wanted to persuade Villa to join the rebel
It worked so well, in fact, that Madero placed Mendoza in forces, and sent Mendoza and a group of officers to
charge of the manufacture and maintenance of the cannons, interview him in Chihuahua. Mendoza, incidentally, has
machine-guns, hand grenades,' and other weapons with never held any formal military rank or title. The delegation
which the Revolutionary soldiers in northern Mexico were finally won Villa over to the cause of the Revolution, and
outfitted. Mendoza says that much of the equipment was shortly afterwards Mendoza became a member of Los
crude and simple, but its very simplicity was partly a Dorados, Villa's personal escort.-In English "Los
virtue, since many of the soldiers who used it had never Dorados". means "The Golden Ones," or less literally,
had any real military training. As for the specification that "The Golden Guard." His proudest keepsake of those
I anen auring 19 1 1 revolu-
tion, photo shows Mendoza
firing his first m a c h i n e
gun (hand cranked, fed by
5-shot Mauser clips). Man
standing, l e f t , loads his
M I 8 9 3 Mauser while others

eventful days, even more cherished than the original designed for Madero's men would do. It used a projectile
cannon he designed for Madero, is a yellowed and faded that exploded on contact, and Villa was favorably im-
group portrait of Los Dorados. pressed by the damage it did to trees, walls, and other
Today Villa has become a legendary figure, and there "dead" targets. But he also wanted to see it tried out on a
is such a wealth of stories about him-some true, some live target. According to some of the myths, he should
embroidered, some pure fiction-that it is difficult to form have sent out one of his fanatically-loyal Dorados to be
a true picture of the man. In some versions he is presented shot at, but what actually happened was that he spied a
as nothing but a bloodthirsty bandit who did more harm to distant group of mules, and told the cannoneer to shoot
the purposes of the Revolution than his victories were at one of them. Because of the distance he thought that
worth. In other versions he appears as a sort of Robin all it would do would be to scare them.
Hood in a ten-gallon hat. The- truth, of course, lies About ten minutes later, however, an Indian came run-
somewhere between these extremes. Mendoza, remembering ning up to announce that his one and only mule, which he
the actual human being, not lurid legend, has a high loved like a brother and which was the mainstay of his
regard for Villa as an astute leader. livelihood, had been killed. Villa hiked over to where it
He also has a fund of anecdotes. His favorite concerns lay, and was astonished to see that the critter had been corn-
the time Villa wanted to see for himself what the cannon pletely disemboweled. At once he (Continued on page 40)
GUM awn Gwwew




men's minds leap to legends of tall, gaunt, hard-
eyed frontiersmen armed with long, slim "Kentucky"
barrelled shotguns, six-shooting revolvers, and highly effi-
cient lever action repeating rifles, caliber generally some-
where in the middle forties. And they were not remarkable
r i f l e d e a d - e y e marksmen all, able to pick the eye out of marksmen, either, take them by and large; about equal,
a squirrel with a bullet at a hundred paces or, better still, you might say, to any similar group o f men you could
to "bark" him without so much as breaking his skin. With pick out of a typical rural comn~unitytoday. They could
no thought of "debunking"- for the story is fantastic miss. as well as hit. Thev did both. On one occasion. a
enough even if one sticks to the truth as of record - the representative group of Hatfields and a representative
legend as popularly accepted is, to say the least, mispainted. group of McCoys fired at each other for two days across
The Hatfield-McCoy feud took place in the 1880's. There the 20-yard width of Big Sandy Creek without a,siixgle
were no great, paved, super-highways in Kentucky or casualty - not even a scratch - on either side. :.
West Virginia then, but neither was it what you would call You can just about write your own ticket as to h o d t h e
frontier country. The people were not frontiersmen; they feud started. If you like your manslaughter well spiced
were farmers. The men were tall, yes. "Devil Anse" you can join the faction of those who insist that it all
Hatfield is said to have stood three or four or more inches began when pretty Rose Ann (or Roseanna) McCoy moth-
over six feet in his sox. Some were gaunt and some, like ered what, in that time and place, was picturesquely known
other men everywhere, were fat. They were probably all as "a woods colt" after having allowed herself to be loved
hard-eyed enough, at least after the feud started. But they not wisely but too well by young Jonse Hatfield. (Or you
were not armed with Kentuckys; they carried the modern can call him John, Johnse, or Johnson, each with prece-
guns of that era - which meant, for the most part, double- h t . His living relatives call him Jonse, which is as good

Never before published picture shows Anse Hatfield and friends rescuing George Hatfield from McCoys. Anse holds
single barrelled shotgun, man a t left levels .45-70 Springfield, and man at Anse's right has a lever action rifle.
a name as any.) The story is that Jonse proudly acknowl-
edged his paternity and took Rose home with him, but old
Devil Anse flatly refused to permit a marriage ceremony.
It probably made the McCoys mad, but so far as we know
they did not start the shooting war because of it. Or maybe
they did. It's a good story.
There's another faction behind the legend that it all
started with a dispute over the ownership of a pig. Others
say it wasn't a pig at all, but a fiddle. (A fiddle does enter
into the story, but not as the cause of the war.) Some say
it was simply a matter of politics, with the two families
supporting different political parties in dispute over local
issues. And some say it was because Devil Anse Hatfield
was a captain in the Confederate Army whereas Randy
McCoy not only fought on the side of the Union but did
so as a private in the ranks. According to this faction,
when you combine the usual North-South differences of
opinion with the ancient bitterness between Rank and
ranker, you have cause enough for a dozen feuds the size
of the Hatfield-McCoy fracus. We are told, too, that Devil
Anse Hatfield killed Harmon McCoy in 1863 in the midst
of a Civil War skirmish, and that this was the caus ' the
feuding. You can take your pick of causes; or you
as many do, that all of these, and more, lay bet
blood-bath that finally came.
Devil Anse Hatfield was 27 years old at tne f
the Civil War, a giant of a man, powerfully bui , I Double-purpose violin said to have figured in Hatfield-Mc-
long black hair and piercing black eyes. The Hatfield Coy feud had a .44 caliber gun imbedded in its throat, the
clan obeyed him to the letter (Continued on page 44) hammer and trigger within easy reach of fiddler's fingers.

.J '
Lever action repeaters like one
above were favorite arms of
Haifield and McCoy clansmen.

Anse H a f i e l d posed with roup

armed with Colt and Smit and
Wesson revolvers and "modern"
fast firing repeating rifles.

P ISTOL SHOOTING as a sport is becoming ever more popular in this

country, and target shooting is only one phase of the game. Small-game
shooting is another, and informal matches at cans or other objects is always

fun and good training. Trick shooting is another very interesting phase of the
handgun game. The present great demand for first class, accurate, small caliber
pistols shows the trend. Safe ranges can be set up in most localities, even in
basements in cities where the outdoor scene is too crowded.
Anyone desiring to become a good pistol shot should start with the .22 caliber.
The recoil is negligible and the report so light that pistol shooting with small
calibers can be enjoyed in settled communities, providing a suitable back stop
is found. This can be a regular target bunker, a hill of soft sand or dirt, a big
block of wood, or one of the many bullet stops now on the market.
Start right by buying the best .22 caliber auto pistol or revolver you can
afford, preferably with target sights that are fully adjustable. Then you can
sight the arm to print exactly where the sights bear on the target. While there are Handgun target shooting
many foreign automatic pistols in .22 caliber being offered, I prefer the Colt, is a sport which women,
Ruger, and High Standard guns made in this country. .If repairs are needed children can play on even
terms with men of family.
you know where to get them. If revolvers are preferred, we have the fine Smith
& Wesson, Colt, and Ruger lines, as well as the less expensive Great Western,
Harrington and Richardson, and Iver Johnson arms, to choose from.
Let's look first at the auto pistols. If you contemplate serious match work
as the ultimate goal, then you should get the best in target arms, such as the
High Standard Super-Matic, the Colt Woodsman Match Target, or the fine
Just a few of the many
gun buyer are (left, top d
Whijney Lightning Model,
man, and Iver Johnson M 8

Ruger Mark 1 Target. The

capable of the fin t possible .22 caliber handgun grouping.
lip. Wit no ~ O V -
ing breech block, the revolver offers greater sight radius
For general plin ing and informal target shooting or for
a gun to carry on fishing trips, the shorter barrelled auto
for the same over-all length of gun. (Revolver barrels are
measured separately from the cylinder, but the length of
may be had in all makes, with or without adjustable the cylinder must also be included for true sight-length
sights. Some makes offer both barrel lengths, interchange- comparison.) Malfunctions are rare here and if one occurs
able, for an all-purpose combination. I believe the fully or a cartridge fails to fire, you merely have to cock the
adjustable sights are to be preferred and worth all they gun to bring another cartridge under the firing pin. Or,
cost. For most shooters the longer the barrel the better the with double action guns, you can just pull the trigger a
target arm because of the greater weight and sight radius; second time; whereas, with all auto pistols, clearing a jam
but some oldsters may find that the shorter barrels give requires the use of both hands and considerably more time.
them both sights in better accommodation for their older Revolver chambers can be fitted to closer tolerances than
eyes. Likewise, for handiness in carrying, the gun with the auto pistols, and if the chambers are perfectly lined up
short barrel is easier to carry on a waist belt or in a car. with the bore (as they usually are in high grade target
For carrying on a horse or in a shoulder holster, the long arms), they are just as accurate as the auto pistol with
barrel is not in the way. its barrel and chamber in one piece but with looser cham- .
The auto loader has advantages; it also has its faults. bering. Cheap revolvers may not line up all chambers per-
The magazines are usually slow and cranky to load, and fectly with the bore when cocked. This causes inaccuracy
can become lost out of the gun if the magazine release is and has caused some shooters to believe that revolvers are
pressed accidentally. If the magazine lips become battered, "just naturally" less accurate.
they may cause jams. They require special care if they are .There is no magazine to load or get lost in a revolver,
to function reliably in really cold weather. and no magazine lips to get bent and distorted. Fine double
The revolver is my own personal favorite in handguns action guns can be fired at least as fast as can the auto-
and the finest sixguns in the world are made in this country matic, and I find the double action revolver faster for
in the Smith & Wesson, Colt, and Ruger plants. In the double certain hits, especially on moving targets. For the woods-
action guns with swing out cylinders, you have simul-
taneous ejection of fired cases, and these guns are very
man, trapper, camper, or hunter, these differences are
important. I use greased bullet (Continued on page 47) *': r
Firing revolver from prone position with free hand as rest gives
fine accuracy and near-rifle ranges, aids novice in gaining confidence.

Expert's kit include*

Proper grip places trigger finger on case, spotting scope,
trigger so the squeeze is straight back. guns of .22, .38, and .45
caliber, match ammu-
nition, and "gadgets."
320 shots, more than avera e hunter would fire in 10 years, was just
average one day's fodder or barrel used in grueling endurance test.

Problems are discussed as author Louis Corbeau (right and gunsmith
Wyatt Osburn consider plans for bedding Appel barre into its stock. DID YOU EVER buy or build a
fine rifle and then purposely try to
wreck it? Did you ever get a superbly
accurate barrel and deliberately set out
to burn it out as fast as possible?
That's the job I had in testing the
new Appel Process cold-formed rifle
barrel. Never heard of an Appel
barrel? Chances are you'll be hearing
lots about them in the future if my
experience was any guide, for we really
gave an Appel barrel a workout-and
in the process I worked up quite a
sweat, too. We had a rifle made up on
the Appel barrel, to test for original
accuracy, for barrel life, and for re-
tained accuracy in its old age. Many a
rifled tube will send all of its pills into
one hole when it's new, but mighty
few of them will do so when the erosive
gases of a couple of thousand rounds
have gone down their throats. But the
German-designed Appel barrel, now
made in America, upset this generaliza-
Dr. Gustav Appel developed the cold-
form process in Germany where it
helped the MG-42 compile a fine record
for barrel life in fast firing machine
guns. The Doctor claims that his rifled
barrels are smoother inside, more
accurate, longer-lived under hot loads,
and possessed of more uniform vibra-
tions when fired, than barrels made by
other methods. To gain these results,
the Appel Process uses a mandrel rod
with the rifling machined upside down
on its outside diameter. This rod is
inserted in a pre-drilled piece of gun
steel. With the mandrel in place, the


Appel process consists of driving a
cutting tool through cold tube, so
avoiding flaws due to heat stresses.

steel is subjected to a terrific pounding by a special although also a notorious barrel burner, has never achieved
forging machine. This hammering forces the steel into the accuracy of the Varminter among the bench rest
the grooves in the mandrel. Remove the rod and you have fraternity. The .22-250 seemed to be the best possible
the rifling on the inside of the pre-drilled steel tube. Bear combination of land-eroding loads and pinpoint accuracy.
in mind that all of this machining is done while the steel Looking ahead to about 3,000 explosions taking place
is cold. No heating and cooling processes is involved, so within inches of my skull, and with no desire to end up
there are no heat stresses to be relieved. There are no cutting out paper dolls, I decided against making it a
tiny inaccuracies in the rifling resulting from uneven super lightweight cannon. Although I wanted that barrel
expansion of steel during forging. turned down to a weight where a woodchucker could
Because of the terrific pounding it received from the high handle it all day, I had no intention of getting recoil-
impact forging machine, the granular structure of the belted all over the scenery every time I touched her off.y,.
metal is actually compressed. Because of the high impact So we decided on a hunting-weight rifle and stock. ip".^+
forging, the barrel is left in a stress-balanced condition, Second only to the barrel in importance is the trigger,'
which lends itself to uniform vibration on firing. for my money at least, so I chose a Jaeger Model 50
In simpler words, they claim more accuracy, over a trigger especially designed for the Mauser. It has positive
longer barrel life. My question was, was their claim adjustment, a pull that is crisp and neat, lacking in creep-
justified? just right for what I had in mind.
I had the Appel .224 barrel fitted to a Mauser 98 action Choice of scope was a tough one. I wanted a 20X to
and chambered to .22-250. The 'choice of caliber was do the most perfect possible job of pointing it. On the
dictated by a sincere desire to burn out the barrel in other hand, to carry it in the field after prairie dogs,
the interests of science. Those nearly 4,000-feet-per-second crows, and other such self-erecting targets, I needed a
loads in the Varminter have the reputation for doing just light 4X. The logical compromise was an 8X Bushnell
that. I first considered the .220 Swift, but that caliber, Scope Chief. It shows me bullet (Continued on,pag< 49)

s HOTGUNS WOUND MORE GAME, cause more game to be

lost and wasted, than any other gun or any combination of
guns used by hunters in the United States today. Yet shotguns
are legal hunting arms in many states where rifled guns are pro-
This is no indictment of shotguns. I like shotguns. And I like
. shotgun shooting, at proper targets. So do several million other
hunters: and of course the principal reason why shotguns wound
more game than any other gun is that shotguns are used more
times. for more kinds of game. by more hunters, than any other
gun. If they are used sometimes o n the wrong kind of game,
that is not the fault of the gun, nor is it the fault of the hunter.
It is the fault of the law. And that is what I am shooting at in
this article: at the crazy muddle of inconsistencies and inanities
that exists in our hunting laws from state to state in this allegedly
united country!
I wanted to find out where. in which states. I would be uer-
mitted to use a handgun on game, and which handgun on what
game. I sent for and got the game codes, or condensations thereof.
from nearly every state in the I'nion. I got no very satisfactory
answer to my question; most states seem not to have sensed the
current upsurge of interest in handgun hunting. But 1 did get
a startling and not very flattering look at the laws of our land
regarding hunting. Some of the state laws defy interpretation;
and others reduce to interpretations so illogical as to be absurd.
Simply because the shotgun versus rifle controversy is one of
the most common (and one of the most confusing) instances of

the differences in state hunting laws, let's examine it first.

As every hunter knows, many states permit the use of shotguns Plump Rocky Mountain blue grouse picked off
(loaded with shot of certain sizes, or with rifled slugs or ball) with revolver makes good camp meat, but few
on deer, while prohibiting the use of rifled guns on deer or, in states permit you to shoot game with pistol.




some instances, against any game whatever. Rifle hunters is legal and the other not. Is this because the bird or.bunny
think this kind of law is pretty silly. Lawmakers, and is a smaller ahimal, must therefore suffer less?
some of the hunters, in the shotgun states defend the laws (Some of the "laws" we hunters make for ourselves, in
as being "in the interest of public safety." They say that the name of sportsmanship, are a little odd themselves,
thick woods, or thick population, make rifles unsafe. "The under close scrutiny. For instance, that business of moving
rifled guns shoot too far, kill people or stock out of sight targets. The rifle goes all out for precision: uses a sling,
of the hunter." scope sights, fires if at all ~ossiblefrom a kneeling, sitting,
Neither my own experience nor the hunting casualty or prone position or from a rest. Nothing pleases him
statistics I've studied seem to support this argument, but- better than a shot at a standing target. He brags about
let's say they've got a point. If so, it's a point against the such a shot, congratulating himself on the sportsmanship
reckless hunter, not against a type of weapon. Modern .
of a clean kill . . The shotgunner, on the other hand,
high-velocity rifle bullets disintegrate on contact with any shoots standing (often off-balance; that's the luck of the
obstacle, even a twig; and not even the "brush cutter" field) with practically no sights at all, at small, swiftly
rifle bullets will go far through thick woods; not much moving targets~considers it utterly unsportsmanlike,
further than a bouncing, ricochetting ball or slug from a even disgusting, to shoot at a sitting bird or rabbit. ...
shotgun barrel. Thickly populated areas might be endan- Understand, please, that I'm not advocating shots at sit-
gered by long-range bullets that missed their intended ting birds or rabbits; neither am I damning shots a t
targets, but this is a matter for education rather than legis- standing deer. I merely said, "It's funny.")
lation. The educated hunter never shoots unless he can see Most states, I found, allow shotguns to be used for deer
a sure, safe stopper for his bullet. And there must be as hunting. The .410 gauge is frowned on by some states
many reckless shotgunners as there are reckless riflemen; but is legal in others if slugs or ball loads are used. If
in fact, too many shotgunners depend much too much on the gauge is not over 10 nor under 20 it is legal to use
the false belief that their guns "won't reach much farther No. 4 shot, or larger, on deer in Arkansas. But in this
than I can spit." same state, not only the .22 rim fire but all .224 and .228
Shotguns loaded with No. 6 shot are legal in all states, calibers are illegal. Presumably, then, the .22 Hipower
so far as I know, for use on upland birds, small game, or Savage is not considered potent enough for Arkansas deer,
even wildfowl. Yet many of the same states prohibit the Just for fun, I told my neighbor, an ex-Alaska hunter,
use of "22 caliber rifles." The lawmakers were probably about this regulation. His boiler pressure jumped alarm-
thinking of the .22 rim fire shorts of their boyhood days; ingly. Why, hell, he had killed many big brown bear with
but some of our modern ".22 caliber" loads are pretty hot. the .22 Hipower Savage! Not big enough for whitetails?
A bird or rabbit hit by one No. 6 shot in the intestines They're crazy! ... I refrained from telling him that, on,
can and will travel far and fast, too far and too fast to the other side of the muddle, the state of Virginia allows
be bagged; but he will almost certainly die. That one the use of .25 rim fire loads on deer. I didn't want the
No. 6 pellet in a rabbit is closely comparable to one .22 old timer to have a stroke on my account.
caliber rifle bullet in a deer. And, of course, a deer hit To further confuse the average gun nut and hunter, I
in the intestines with a .22 (or even much larger) slug picked at random some of the various states' laws and
may be lost. But some of our high velocity .22s produce regulations pertaining to the use of firearms in hunting.
tissue damage and shock entirely disproportionate to the I don't guarantee these statements; there are questions of
size of the bullet; enough to bring many a gut-shot deer interpretation, questions of what is enforced and what is
to bag. Moreover, the rifleman is much more often shoot- not, even contradictions and exceptions in various counties
ing at a stationary target on which he can place his shot in the same state. But these are the laws as I read them,
for an instant kill-whereas the shotgunner is almost In New Jersey, no handguns are allowed for hunting,
always shooting at an erratic, fast-moving target. Yet one For deer, it is legal to use buckshot in shotguns not over

Many states forbid use of any rifle on any game. Some

permit small game hunting with .22s like M77 pictured.

Beautiful, powerful, beloved by many hunters, guns like

this fine .270 sporter are still outlawed by some states.
A 12 gauge rifle slug (for shotgun) and the 130 grain while a .270 bullet will kill tro hies like those pic-
.270 bullet beside it both have one-ton impact at 25 i
tured at ranges of three times t at distance. Yet the
,270 is outlawed in many states where shotguns are legal.
rds. But the slug's extreme range i s about 100 yds.,

10 gauge. (A 20 gauge shotgun load is okay; a .44

Magnum revolver bullet isn't.)
In Pennsylvania, autoloading, automatic, and semi-
automatic rifles are prohibited in all types of hunting.
All .22 and .25 rim fire cartridges are illegal. (Does this
mean that the .32 rim fire is legal?) Buckshot is illegal.
In Michigan, "No firearms other than shotgun and '
.22 caliber rim fire may be used in hunting during any
season open to the taking of deer with firearms." This is
the law at least in certain parts of the state.
In Connecticut, rifles using ammunition larger or heavier
than .22 caliber rim fire Long Rifle are okay for deer.
Shotgun ammunition with loads larger or heavier than
No. 2 shot are illegal in some areas, okay in others. (Ex-
actly what is meant by "larger or heavier?" Is the obso-
lete .25 rim fire, with a bullet weight of 65 grains, legal
because of its weight and diameter? Or is energy in foot

pounds what is meant by "heavier?")
In Nevada, big game hunting with a shotgun, handgun,
or rifle with a velocity of less than 1000 foot pounds at
100 yards from the muzzle, is unlawful.
fSHW -< *< ?

Belgium 10 ga. Magnun GUN RACK

GOOSE GUN' (Continued from Page 10)
Experience the thrill in this pamphlet and the maker claims 47.3% era1 of the cases and slotted them lengthwise
of clean kills at X-
recoil reduction. ... at the bases to guarantee splitting. On two
1.3 Muzzle blast is something else again. shots copious clouds of smoke poured out-
V/$' Magnulm While I became accustomed to it through but paper placed on a board and held imme-
successive shootings, that first shot was defi- diately behind the Besa action failed to show
nitely unpleasant. It is possible that the significant blast effect. While there were
nervousness after the first shot contributed minute perforations from gas, the ability of
to the wide pattern, but I was not able to the action to handle gas under the most
hold the shots inside about 4" at 100 yards. abused conditions of puncture or primer fail-
32" Belgium nitro pr
rels, Bored full and Pete Kuhlhoff's experience was much the ure surprised the skeptics. Nothing leaked
10% Ibs., Anson & same, as was John Amber's. back that a pair of old Doc Mitchell's peep-
BSA stated these were the very first pilot er protectors wouldn't have stopped easily.
models-more accurate Featherweights would Summing up, the Besas rate excellent on
ejectors - Rich Hunting Scenes engraved - Silver grey
finish -French Walnut hand checkered. Competes in go out to us directly. Came the second esthetic style and finish, with one mark
quality with the finest. Price $312.55. Less electors & Featherweight. This was apparently iden- against them for too-soft varnish. The sus-
engraving $238.55.
Buy direct from Importer tical to the first in design details, and the ceptibility of the varnish to marking, even
Imported by RILEY'S Avilla, lid. brake did crack a little, too. However, shots picking up cloth imprints, may have been
seemed to close down now to about 3" because of the haste in getting this batch
which while by no means spectacular is not of guns over to America for writers' review.
too bad for a really light rifle. The "kick," Gas handling is entirely adequate and safety
Revolver ............................................
$140.00 $125.00 was different-a sharp rap rearward which is tops, proof against the normal hazards of
Model 1004. Cal. ,270 only............ 139.95 99.95 left my forend hand grasping a handful of primer puncture. Tight fitting bolt parts
BELGIAN SHOTGUN. 12 gaugeonly 135.00 89.95
Send for free literature on this piece. air. The Featherweight with muzzle brake contribute to this security.
MAGNUS 10 gauge Magnum Shotgun 295.00 139.95
OUTERS Complete Gun Cleaning is not a gun for the target range, regret- A score against it is that the firing pin is
Kits-Pistol .................................... 2.85 1.95 tably. In comparison with a .30-06 standard separate, like the Springfield. This has long
Rifle .................................................. 3.25 2.15
Shotgun ............................................ 3.50 2.35 bolt action sporter which another shooter been a bone of contention among the hyper-
OLT'S Game Calls-
M-9 Perfect Crow Call.................. 3.50 1.75 was using, the Featherweight blasted and accurate belly shooters, that the separate fir-
E-1 Regular Crow Call.................. 2.50 1.25
R-25 Perfect Deer Call ................ 3.50 1.75 kicked appreciably more than it should.
8 - 8 Perfect Squlrrel fall .............. 3.50 1.75
SWIFT BINOCULARS-Lifetime Guarantee Nevertheless, it is not fair to be too harsh on
8x30 Oceanic ....................................32.50 22.75 the gun. In finish and fit it is superb. In
7x35 Triton ......................................41.50 28.95
7x50 Night Hawk............................ 46.50
8x40 Saratoga ..................................49.50
accuracy it is good. In recoil, well . . . it is
20% Deposit on C.O.D:s okay for casual hunting.
SAVE up to 50% on all your Clothing, Footwear, The standard BSA, the Imperial .30-06 was
Camping Equipment another matter entirely. The forend is not
Send for FREE NEW 1958 Cataloa
"Hard to G e t Guns o u r Specialty" - scooped out to the extent that the Feather-
weight is lightened, and gave a better damp-
P.O. Box 55, Williomsbridge Sto., N. Y. 67, N.Y. ening effect to barrel whip. With both 180
grain pointed soft point hunting loads and
the miscellaneous assortment of GI .30-06
Ball M2 that inevitably is the principal fod-
Big Balvar 24 variable-power sco es
der for a "thirty caliber" arm. the Standard
nperial performed well. A couple of groups were tested on a variety of ri es. S
ider 2" attested to the practical accuracy
' the weapon and, repeatedly, its fine finish
ing pin design contributes to soft firing pin
id entire presentation was impressive, ap- blow, erratic ignition, and hence poor ac-
FOR reciated by all the hangers-on at the range. curacy. In the BSA, planned as a sporting
Why handicap your shoot- springfwd ut fine feathers don't make fine birds, and rifle to go to the far corners of the earth,
look at the BSA action suggested that, be- the separate firing pin is sensible as it pro-
FN Maurr tuse the bolt sleeve was inside the receiver vides for easy repair in case of breakage. One
ed for smoothness in a Swedish
rifle action before ship-
MOUST intour, it might not handle gas from punc- thing was noted in disassembling the BSA
Cuch M a u w
ired primers too well. There is an in- bolt-it is best not to do it. The design is
and all othertyp.
iequate gas-relief port on the receiver ring, definitely less simple than the Mauser, or
S P E C K S . $15.00 . c
" ,de".;d w
Mod.! È M o u d
id no ports in the bolt at all. even the old "Enfield" with which it will
Request Descriptive Folder Bfl@iaiis @l We tied the Standard Imperial down in an inevitably be compared. Don't try to disas-
DAYTON-TRAISTER CO. d tire and slipped a few rounds of notori- semble the BSA bolt. On accuracy, the
7028 164th St. S.W. is headseparaters from Johnny Smith's Featherweight scores "fair, satisfactory for a
EDMONDS, WASHINGTON hunting rifle," in the old terms, but owners
h d
r a p box, some brittle FA 33 stuff. A wisp
of a Featherweight will do well to branch
I SMILEY CASE TF 11 *56 1 ' vapor arose on one indicating a

,paration, but no sweat to open the bolt

out into handloading to find the fodder that
(Continued on page 54)
1 all. Adding injury to insult, we took sev-

1 I
1 The onlv case trimmer made that trims and deburrs
both inside & outside in one operation-The fastest
. lowest-priced oomplete trimmer.
% One stationary
edict takes all cases-Guaranteed. No other trimmer
1 can compare in speed and performance. Test all.
Sold by Dealers Everywhere
SHOOTERS quit k-Draw" Holster
P. 0. Box 82 Auburn, California
Protects Your Hand u n s
h i e a r g Tiem. 1 1 0 CUSTOM MADE r
OFFERING THE best v a r i e t y in E u r o p e a n art
iournals and books in English. Send $1.00
for sample and complete dwriptive cata-
Designed by shooters. Of-
ficially used by U.S. Gov't
Pistol Team. Full piano
hinge solid wood construc-
tion carries four guns ammo
SINCE 1897 6
& scope - even the B&E s;.
Corrosion resistant hardware beaw simulated leather
coverin n u t Inhibited treated Cushioned SuDporti;
611 Broadwav. N e w York 12, N e w York EL PASO. TEXAS
. (Continued from Page 15)
and hits the half-dollar before it drops four
for any person is supposed to be l/5th to You am now able to shoot your pistol in
inches." We do not blame the experts for 2/5ths of a second. By the time the person your living room, back yard, garage, etc.
being amazed and doubtful of the physical aiming the cocked pistol sees that the draw
possibility of such a stunt-Ojala was even
Tri-Jen Auxiliaries now permit yeu t; shut
has begun and reacts by squeezing the trig- the large bore pistol yen already own at a
more amazed when he read he could do this ger, he is already too late. The man doing fraction of the cost of regular ammunition.
thing! As usual this incredible performance the drawing has no psycho-physical time loss Tri-Jen shoots a #2 shot shell BB with
was recorded for posterity by a writer who for reaction time, since he pre-determines only a large pistol or rifle primer, and are
saw Ojala do his drop-the-coin stuut, and when he will make his draw, which is purely case-hardened for long wear and black
without bothering to learn how ANO does a reflex movement on. his part with no oxided to prevent rust and cormion.
the trick or being exact in giving details, mental or physical delay. But any way you
this writer has done Ojala an injustice. The measure the drawing time, it must be less
facts 'of this stunt are amazing enough! than l/5th second, unless the draw is made
Actually, ANO lays the fifty-cent piece on
the top of his drawing hand, then moves the
against a handicapped person ...and I've
yet to see any actor or stuntman who
hand (palm down) to a horizontal position "tried" Ojala or Derek who was in any way
approximately four inches above his waist- so handicapped. Again, this might be classed
belt and six inches forward of his gunbutt, as a "trick," but it sure is a fast one.
which by measure is seven inches below his
hipbone. He tilts his hand until the coin
slides off, then he goes for his pistol. There
is a shot, and the coin spins through the air.
0 NE writer stated that Rodd Redwing
"claims" to shoot through the hole in a
candy Lifesaver. Gun experts have gone to
This is a trick, naturally, and the "hit" is great lengths to prove it is ballistically im-
only an illusion, since he has fired a blank possible, because the Lifesaver's hole is only
and struck the coin with his pistol barrel as .03" larger than a .22 cal. bullet. Yet Red-
it arcs up and forward out of his holster. wing does it all the time as part of a
The day I measured this stunt for the sake
of truth, ANO did the gag three times with-
'shooting act' he does for kids ... and
gullible writers! He can even do it with a
out a miss using a factory-fresh Colt Single- .22 pistol. Here's the stunt: Rodd puts a
Action with 5%' barrel and one of his hol- candy Lifesaver into a clamp in front of his California residents plus 4% sales tax
sters ("Hollywood Fast Draw Holster"), "shooting board" (actually a panel of W' CALIBRES AVAILABLE
which he now manufactures for sale to the steel on an easel), then directly behind the .32 S&W Long .38 Long Colt .38 Special
general public. Obviously, the distance the hole in the candy he clamps a lighted match .357 Magnum .9 mm Luger .45 Auto. Colt
coin drops is closer to 8" or 10" than it is to or birthday cake candle. That done, he steps .44 Special .44 Magnum .45 Long Colt
4"; therefore, the distance, too, is in part off twenty feet or so, aims his .22 rifle or
an optical illusion. But the real thing to TRI-JEN MANUFACTURING CO.
pistol and fires, and the flame is shot out! 8525 Beverly Blvd. Los Angeles 48, Calif.
remember is that Arvo still has to make an Far be it from me to give away Rodd's gim-
ultra-fast draw, then shoot in perfect timing mick-and naturally there is some trickery Order Direct Patent Pending
with his gun's striking of the coin! involved-but I will again state the truth:
the flame is shot out by the solid bullet he

A NOTHER stuut Ojala does, with either one

gun or two, is one which has won him
a lot of bets and, in my opinion, makes him
fires. Think back to some of the trick-
shooters you've seen and maybe you'll find
theanswer-the air in front of a bullet has
the "fastest gun7'in Hollywood. Here's the bit: to move pretty fast to get out of its way.
He hands a person, a single-action six-shooter Here's one of Rodd Redwing's greatest
(after all pistols have been inspected to stunts of fast-draw showmanship: He sets a
assure their being empty) and tells the per- wooden target over his steel "shooting
son to cock the pistol and aim it at his hoard," steps off about twenty feet and holds
chest; then to pull the trigger when he sees a hunting knife up by its point, then tells
him start to draw. The bet is that ANO will his audience that he is going to throw the
draw either one or both pistols-starting knife into a bullet-hole which he is going
them uncocked and hip-holstered-and snap to make in the target while the knife is in
his gun, or guns, before the other person the air, using his hip-holstered single-action
can merely squeeze the trigger! .45! Sure enough, he tosses the knife, draws
Impossible, you say? Well, several people and shoots, and when the smoke clears the
have lost money learning that it is not. Star knife is sticking in the edge of the bullet-
John Derek. who was originally taught to hole! This is also a trick, but perhaps the
draw by Ojala, can also do this stuut using greatest trick of the whole thing is how that
one gun, a Sheriff's model Colt Single-Action Indian can move-fast enough to get every-
with three-inch barrel and a holster he de- thing done while his knife is flashing
signed for himself. Derek "took" a well- through the air.
coordinated stuntman nine out of ten tries,
for $10.00 a try, on this stunt! So let's see
how it's d o n e : ~ h e "normal reaction time"
One thing which really has the experts
in a challenging mood is the claim that
some of the movie gunhands draw in one-
a day in the woods or
just practicing you'll
find "Noble" is a favorite
I friend for shooting pleas-

-m--m =-=--
Blue print drawings mode
from sketches, layouts or
from actual ports.

1 \
Humane HAVABART Trap captures animals alive- SEND FOR
without any damage to them to you to your children!
Takes raiding rats. rabbits, &uirrels. skunks,weasela. PRICE LIST
mink, coons, etc. Strayimr pets and poultry released
unhurt. Fully iruaranteed. Easy tosefcÑooenendsfriv
animal confidence. No Jawa or SPMIWS to break. Rust-
HAVAHART, 204D Water St., Ossining, N. Y. RFD 2, 15 Lorelei Drive, Yorktown Heights, N. Y.
tenth-second. Some of the Hollywood gun- for we cock, then draw with one continuous
fighters have stated that they can draw in motion. This would have made any of the
1 4 0 t h second, and that they have photo- old time gunfighters think we were all a
graphic evidence to prove their time. Not bunch of magicians who produced cocked
one of them ever claimed, at least to my pistols out of thin air. Never were holsters,
knowledge, that he could draw and fire a hit single-action guns, and style so completely
in l/lOth, *at first-I believed this thing co-ordinated as ours are today. True, the
could be done "Hollywood-style." However, Old Timer might put a hole in us, but he'd
when I began to seek the truth and the sure be afire from powder bums long before
proof, I found the answer to be negative- he even found his gun!
tenth-second draws, getting the pistol cocked, Our holsters are indeed far different from
out and fired, have not been done. But the regulation drop-loop western holster. My
several of the boys honestly thought that own design has no bend to it a t all, since
they had done so. I t was an understandable the holster is riveted hard-and-fast to the
miscalculation, as I think you will agree gun-belt, and both belt and holster are partly
when the whole matter is brought before metal lined. John Derek's design is made up
you for judgment. of one solid piece of leather which forms
The most natural and obvious timing de- both belt and holster. Granted, these are not
vice available to us Hollywood gunhands is as comfortable as the Old Timer's soft
the camera with which we work. 'scabbard' which was worn looped over his
The Mitchell studio motion picture camera single-weight cartridge belt, and usually high
is; used throughout the world because of its about his waist with no tie-down thong
mechanical dependability. These Mitchells cutting into his leg. But we always know
delivers m o r e may cost $13,000,00 and upward; they are where our pistol is (a loop of whang under
on t a r g e t , i n equipped with very accurate tachometers. or over the hammer acts as a keeper, so that
The opening of the shutter plus the shutter's the gun won't fall out accidently), whereas
uniform pattern, running speed determines the exposure time the Old Timer had to find his gun, pull it
at higher velocity. of each frame. A sound-and-camera set up free of holsters which could bind his pistol,
will give a very accurate record of time, as cock with his thumb, point and let go. Not
Bet the killing power of a gau e well as pictures of just what was done. The that they weren't fast, but we would have
arger, the recoil of a gauge small-
er with this anti-recoil and shot camera is constant. Thus, using a Mitchell the 'edge' all the way with our modern
control device for single barrel studio camera running at the optimum speed holsters and guns.
shotguns. No blown shot pattern, no
of 24 frames per second for correlation of
useless "floatine" shot. No muzzle
' jum Gives you greatest reduction In
recot. Only =.SO plus installation.
sound and image, and the variable shutter
Yes, our guns are also a bit different from
what you see, or think you see, in films.
Complete with short, medium & long set at the normal opening of 175 degrees, While all of us use Colts or Great Western
range tubes belt carrying case and each picture is exposed exactly l/48th single-action six-shooters of standard barrel

wrench. ~vaiiable for 12, 16. 20.
28 gauge. second. length-^i%", 5%", or 7%"-with regular
SEND FOR FREE 16 PAGE FOLDER! It is this approximately l/50th second ex- hammers, triggers, and guards, each man's
PACHMAYR G U N WORKS, INC. posure which has brought about the entire pistol is "hand tuned" until it is smooth-
1220 S. Grand Ave.. 10s Angeles 15. Calif. misconception of proven l/lOth second draws working and perfectly timed. Actually only
. the boys were using film strips of their the front sight and main-spring are very

Carry Your Shells 1 draws to determine their speed. They

counted the number of pictures from be-
ginning of hand movement to muzzle flash;
much altered from factory condition. Both
are filed down to about half their original
size, making the pistols to speed-cock

Conveniently- - -1
10 frames should equal l/5th second and faster to clear leather. None of the
(10x1/50), and five frames was accepted by "pros" use Lightning Model Colts, or any
them as l/lOth (5x1/50). Some of the boys DA pistol tricked-up to look like a single-
actually have made draws in four frames. action. However, such double-action guns
and safely (My own time averages somewhere around
eight frames, so I'm sort of slow!)
are often supplied actors who are not able
to fire a thumb-buster fast enough to suit a
What they weren't taking into account is director. This was the case in the film,
that each frame is exposed l/50th, but while "Fastest Gun Alive," when Brod Crawford
the next un-exposed frame is moving into has to 'fan' his gun. With a production
the camera's aperture, the dark half of the which ran into several thousand dollars per
revolving shutter is cycling closed for one day being held up by Crawford's lack of

with MERSHON 1 50th. So the true time of each frame is

1/25th, mechanical duration, which makes a
five-frame draw actually one-fifth-second,
not l/lOth. I trust that you will see how this
gun skill, Carl Pitti, the Technical In-
structor, handed Brod one of the Colt DA's
that Stembridge Gun Rentals makes up for
just such occasions. These are New Service
"SURE-GRIP" Rifle and error originated, and that you will agree with .45 revolvers with Colt single-action grips
Pistol Cartridge Packs my contention that we're a pretty "fast and ejector rods added. Brod "fanned" out
For safely and conveniently carrying .
crowd" . . especially since all our work is his shots, the scene was in the can, and
cartridges of all calibers without with single-actions! that's how it happened.
As Ed McGivem has pointed out, "The Well, that's about the size of it, and
danger of loss. Bullets are ke t safe
from nicks and scratches. Shel s won't
stick as Cartridge Packs are made
I' quarter second draw squeezes the time down
to what I believe to be very close to the
maybe you can see now that we aren't trying
to bamboozle anyone .. . we're just working
limit of human reaction time and hand guys who enjoy our jobs, when we get them,
of waxed rubber. Fit on any belt up speed." And this time, according to Mc- and we try to do them better and faster than
to two inches wide. Givem who is certainly our best authority, is anyone else, that's all. As for McGivem's
for any type gun, drawn from any type rig idea of having a grand shoot-out to see
or holster. Of course, it must be remembered who's the "Fastest or Top Gun in The West,"
Satisfaction guaranteed. See your dealer or that his %, second minimum includes the we say, "You-all come down anytime, an'
gunsmith. W r i t e for literature on Mershon scoring of a hit, our l/5th does not. And we'll have a lot of fun shootin' fer them
guaranteed shooting accessories for rifles, the only way any of us ever approach this silver pistols you promised the winner ...
pistols a n d revolvers. really amazing speed is by using holsters of but don't bother bringin' all them electric
scientific design (Ojala was the first to devices. We got cameras an' our own rules
511 E. Broadway, Glendale 5, California
patent and market such a holster), but . .. well abide by them!" Remember, movies
which still have the appearance of the Old are better than ever, in spite of their faults,
Exclusive Manufacturers of "White Line" Timer's rig. These holsters enabled Ojala to except there are too d a m many "East-
Products, by Supreme Court Decision evolve a new and faster sequence of drawing, ems." Let's have more "Westerns!" (
muns. ~mmo.Â¥un* a m m o

^-isssf s-
- -
3 ~ e z G.: S.= G (with Ye I--J I- - - - x)
..-.:EST SI --.----


Minimum order 1 0 0 rounds. All Prices er 1 0 0 rounds. CAL. 7 M M REMINGTON ROLLING BLOCKS
A ammo must be shinned RR EXPRESS COLLECT
.30-06 U. S. COMMERCIAL . .. . . .. ... .$6.00
ONLY $29.95
k eL%?$KX%~ % ~ n 2 ~ Y n S n ~ki~''i% h P ~ ~%%
in original commercial 20-rd. boxes. Fresh stock! Pay
Among men who really know Mausers the Argentine Model
0 8 stands alone. A true 9 8 action made in Germany In the
ammo prices back where they never were
benefit!! Order thls amazine ammo buy today!
no more anywhere, elsewhere. Ye Old Hunter brin s
and YO%

floor p l a ~ ~ ? e a % d ~ & m w ~ ~ t a ~ e$&%%St%iese/he%i%~

i % l
s orter. Actions alone sell for over $5&%0 wlth this feature and Yet, .30 (7.65) ARGENTINE MAUSER.. . . . .$5.50
iR- Old Hunter. wlth t h e Call of the Wild uy n him. offers the mn
nificent Mauser a t only 929.95 in fully serv ceable condition through:
The collectors' and shooters* find of the year a t oweat
prlce ever offered! The rarest and most desirable of
out wlth s h w t l n e bores. A few selected specimens a t only 934. 5. contemporary Mauser rounds available at last! Formerly
A post war selection of original 7 65mm (cal. 3 0 ) Argentine ball sold at up to $1 per round, so stock up now while
ammo a t only 9.5.50 per hundred 'to function flawless Y in these supply lasts a t thls amazing prlce. Contem orary pro-
mamificent r flea Order today1 Goins fast. duction!! 184 Or. Boat-Tailed Bullek. w h a h v e a w a v .

ORIGINAL WINCHESTER MODEL 73's 44-40 WINCHESTER BY U.M.C. . . . . . . .$5.00

Bare or1 lnal UMC 2 1 7 Gr. Black Powder loads that
$29.40 UP Caliber 44-40 will function in all modem uns a s well a s those choice
old Colts and Winchesters. H u g e new shipment permits
thls unprecedented low b a m i n price.
7 M M MAUSER (WIN. CTG. CO.) ......$4.50
Superb original Winchester Cartridge Co. 7mm in
I inal 20-rd commercial boxes with 1 6 5 w a i n FP
bufiets which will cackle with dell h t a t those wavin
targets! Do not confuse these beautfful 7- loads with
the Indescribable salvage rounds by furrin makers of- FAMED .43 ORIGINAL REM. ROLLING BLOCKS
fy~tge~;~~einnt;g a;lil .G2$h~ll;~u;;;;;;me~~;

easier without further damace to the case! (This ammo
lists today a t over 822.00 oer 1 0 0 rde. elsewhere!!)

.303 BRITISH ISSUE LOADS. . . . . . . . . . .$4.00

Choicest Imported 160-Gr. Ball Ammo available a t a
giveaway prlce less than the cost of reloading your
own. Don t wait to stock up on thls tremendous Old
Hunter Special! Never a m i n a t this price!

43 11MM REMINGTON . .. .. .. .. .. ...

Who else hut Ye Old Hunter would have foun?
t r e a w w o r w n a ~b m i wc
~ loads in o r i g E
k%i%n~r%%=!lE tf- ~ s~%&%
l b%
l~?% k %%&
blocks. First time available In 29 years.

Length 53'/a". Weight 914 Ibs. Cal.: 6.5mm

L . 100 rds.
'Only $9.95
of original

i%~!?c?!!~!cHunter to bring this world beating
b a m l n to American shooters-now shoot those dusty
.38 Auton economlcallY -In. Orleimi Issue ammo
from world famous makes for a l l suitable weapons.


100 Rounds 7mm MAUSER $1.50

Ye Old Hunter rocks Uw world in wlth this

IÇÈ-than-scrap-pri bargain ~ g e d a n dselected
7mm guaranteed to be mmtly unshooteble but
an absolute treasure trove for t h e re'leader-
I . - . -

YE O W HUNTER counted It the lucklest da of hls life when

. -
¥ak erÑAl b e a u CUM and all baautiful ?P
bull&. The Ammo a w e r i n g o f the century! - this treasure trove of rare Model 9 3 spanish Mauser deadly
long r a n p rifles fell into his hands wlth the surrender of a in olstie
o u r of unrepentant rebels. These lovely rifles are now available, i n
to save expense. What can you low?
m e toning condition and tight mechanical1 Just as they were l a s t
stacked the mercenary troops t h a t finally held them. for only
$19.95 Order now before others charge you u t o 950.00 for t h i s
priceless item. Shipped wlth pleasure y Ye old Hunter!


(They're Too Piercing)

REGISTERED DEALERS: Write on your official letterhead for new sensational discount lists.
&~MH$$T~!s?!~~t~?~%Me%?~nt25.6e~5~~0%r O~s?~%%coiFi%
American riflemen! Ye Old Hunter has returned to thuh Old South and eotabliahed world's big printing of Americas amazln new automatic rifle-the Armalite AR-10-
Walk run n d e fly swim or pogo stick and see for ore southem m s on hanf%a!"?i&n%! first from Ye Old rfunter's secret unde-und printlng press.
Robert w& h e in by Yankee knavery a t ~PDomatlxix"!-%old Hunter Ts all%eartl

1 HUNTERS LODGE 9 200 S. Union St. Alexandria 2,Va. 0

y-;sO~#.% o&&ungEp:
or money back" guarantee when
days after receipt. Ye Old Hunter
Please send them elnwhere! All
COLLECT. Ship from We East
wnoamn Buyers: now re uio Lanuoran nunrer nos esraunsneo me nonunions greatest arms comer at P.O. Box 628, Peterboro, Ontario. Order from this ad and save, save, wve!
: ~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ k ~ ~ ; s . ~ ! ?$2
will not answer ascpminoneoir letters!
orders must be xhipiftd RR EXPRESS
and uve. save, save! Save! Save!
goods are r e t u r n e d p e p a i d within 2
(Continued from page 18)
out of the wagon while Larry watched the weighed 250 pounds, had a horn spread of
traveling animals through powerful glasses. 26 inches at the widest point. Ludwig's first
The sheep soon moved into a clump of shot had placed the 180-grain bullet j u s t
cedars and stopped. At first we could see back of the animal's shoulder, missing the
only their rumps. Then the leading ram lungs; but his second shot shattered the
turned his massive head and stared at us, shoulder, and blasted the heart.
suspicious and alert. He was a beautiful The Aoudad or Barbary sheep does very
sight, his head held proudly erect, his beard well in the American Southwest and, unlike
sweeping down across his foreparts until it the other unusual Rickenbacker ranch im-
touched the ground. ports, this one can be found also i n one
"I want that lead ram," Ludwig whispered, other place on this continent: in New
"but he's behind some cedar branches, and Mexico, where a wild herd of some 200 an-
I can't get a clear shot." After maneuvering imals roams some of the roughest terrain in
about a bit, he added, "Reckon I'll have to America under the careful protection of the
try to slip up on him!' New Mexico Department oi Game and Fish,
"Be careful," David cautioned. "They'll but available to hunters provided you are
cut and run at the slightest sound." lucky enough to draw one of the strictly
Ludwig nodded. He checked the bolt ac- limited special permits for them. In New
th. choir* of
tion of his .30-06, then crept forward cau- Mexico where they are hunted, they are ex-
~ i o u s luntil
~ we lost sight of him in the tremely wild and difficult to approach. A
brush. much smaller herd, planted in a non-hunt-
There was a long space without sound or ing, sightseeing area, are less wary. They
movement. The old ram moved cautiously are tricky targets, their tawny coats blending
into view. Through the glasses we could see well into the coloring of the terrain they fre-
him stomping uneasily. Twice he shook his quent; and since both ewes and ranis are
head angrily. heavily homed, it is often very difficult to
Then t h e shot cracked. The big ran; distinguish one from the other at a distance.
reared. The ewes bounded into the brush Like the Rickenbackers, the New Mexico
and disappeared. The ram didn't follow Department is studying the animals, learning
them, but walked around in a circle, stum their habits and needs, finding out whether
bling and hesitating. or not they are subject to diseases dangerous
Ludwig burst from the screening brush to other local game or domestic animals, in
and ran toward his quarry. He scrambled the hope that here may be a new trophy for
down the stony draw, eyes ahead, hell-bent American hunters. The meat has much the
on getting his sheep. But the Aoudad had flavor of venison.
life left in his rugged frame. Apparently, he We dressed Ludwig's kill quickly, for time
heard Ludwig coming. He turned and made was passing and Larry had to get his Axis.
a mighty effort to follow the ewes. When the cleaning job was finished, we hung
Ludwig stopped running, set his feet, the carcass in a tree to wait for the ranch
brought the gun to his shoulder, sighted truck, and we all piled back into the station
a moment, and squeezed. When the s h o ~ wagon.
We give u handiest hunting and fishing knife you've crashed, the ram crumpled where he stood. Now ~ a r r ytook the favored seat, and our
eicr h a d I ' Has 4-INCH LONG hlxblf tampered steel
blade-VERY SHARP! Attractive handle. We send knife Ludwig had his trophy. attention was centered on getting an Axis
FltKE to acquaint you with our below-wholesale har- And what a trophy it was! The Aoudad buck. The time was just right,
rains. Please send 25c for handling. NO LIMITÑbu - . for the sun
wrnl 25c handli for each knife. Order TODAY!
HUNTING KNI% h o t . K-281, Box 881, St. Loull, Me.
Patented N E W MODEL M I N I A T U R E C A N N O N S
Wear without tear of detection. New principle U.S. or Confederate p r o o f m a r k s
makes pistol-revolver or automatic-completely
INVISIBLE Price, $7.50: $4.00 t o $100.00 pair
Free Circular Dealers wanted. lists f o r Stamp
Ernest & Cranmer Building Denver, Colorado
LENKEL 812 Anderson Ave..Palisade. - N.J.
I - 4
1958 Model Just Out

New C-Hhanuuuiw. ~ i i u - s you h o b

to m a k e your o w n ammunition
a n d h o w to s t a r t . . right! Packed
with valuable information JUST OUT! Parker Hale's
a n d tips reloaders should No. 57 Edition Catalogue
know, this beautiful
booklet c a n be yours Enclose $1 bill with your
absolutely free. Attach name and address, seal
coupon t o postcard
a n d mail now!
and forward To :-

1 C-H DIE GO., Dept. G-12 I

I P. 0.BOX 3284. Twminal Anntx

P l m c rush ill* FREE booklotl I

1 NAME 1
1 Th* name of my sportina good> d*elÈ or gun- 1 MIDLAND GUN CO. LTD.
Proprietor. of the
t i l t h Is
hovered over the cedars, and game was on Larry wouldn't let us follow the herd with
the move.. Our station wagon took to the the station wagon, and we watched them
back pasture trails, the remote sections of race across the pasture and come to a stop
the ranch. Once we spotted two Sambur on top of a high ridge some 300 yards away.
deer, browsing less than a hundred yards "It'll be more fun stalking them, anyway,"
off the trail to our right. Later, we sighted Larry explained. He eased out of the wagon
a herd of nine Sika deer from Japan. These and lost himself in the thick brush that
deer trooped along for a spell, paralleling twisted snake-like along the edge of the
our car at a discreet distance. There were pasture. NEW M O S S B E R G
two nice bucks in the herd, but Larry had We waited, every bit as tense as we had
his mind set on a fawn-spotted Axis, and been earlier when Ludwig was stalking his
nothing else would satisfy him. sheep. We kept the deer in our glasses, and To make your Christmas selection easy
Then, all of a sudden, an animal ap- searched for the leader. But he wasn't with
peared before us. It was about the size of a
Complete lineup of rifles,
the others. They stood almost motionless, shotguns, telescope sights
Brahma cow. David slowed the wagon so
we could get a good look at it. Two more
black silhouettes against a reddish sky.
Larry's shot was long in coming. We were
and spotting scope, all at -
of these animals stepped out of a dark thick-
low Mossberg prices-each
conjecturing on the whereabouts of the lone readily obtainable at your
et and stood beside the first. Their horns buck when the shot cracked sharply, shatter-
were black and about 18 inches long. Stand- ing the sundown quiet, and scattering the
ing motionless, their brown bodies were silhouettes on the far ridge into wild flight.
scarcely visible against the tangle of scrub Finally we heard Larry's call, "I got him!"
oaks. David told us they were elands, sup- and we ran for the ridge.
posed to be the largest of the antelopes. The buck was a fine specimen, perfectly
And all around the elands were their tiny proportioned, and beautifully marked. One
cousins, the black buck antelopes. They were 30-06 bullet back of the shoulder, at 120
almost exactly the opposite of the elands in yards, had dropped him. Just as we had done
nature. The elands were quiet and dignified, with Ludwig's sheep, we swung Larry's 167-
while their small kin were active and frisky. pound Axis up into a tree for the ranch
The little fellows are naturally a red-tan
color, with white underparts, except bucks
truck to find, and trooped back to the station
wagon. - -
which have reached three years of age. Then, Both hunters now had their trophies. They 1 0. F. MOSSBERG & SONS, INC. -1
usually, black appears around the head and grinned happily as we turned toward the 1 78112 St. John St., N e w Haven 5, Conn. 'I
down the back, and the spiral horns turn a ranch house. They had achieved, in their Send me without dela your new Christmas
glossy black. These are the trophy heads own state of Texas, results otherwise obtain- 1 catalog of Mossberg dearms available at my 1
the hunters seek. able only on a big game hunt in India or I I
"Watch this," David said, and gave the Africa. and at small cost. Name........................................................................ I
horn a toot. As if activated by one string, That is the atmosphere the Rickenbackers street........................................................................ I
every black buck antelope jumped straight try to provide. More than 600 foreign deer
up, five or six feet, then bounded away i t...................................(Zone).......State........ I
run wild over the pace, in what is as near 1L---------------J
toward the skyline in weird pogo-stick jumps. their native environment as it is possible to -
We were still laughing at the little an- produce. What it costs depends on what you
imals' antics when the car rounded a bend intend to shoot, as the various species are
and Larry saw his Axis. We counted fifteen tagged according to their rarity.
in the herd before they spotted us and ran.
In the lead, running in long, graceful bounds,
A hunter on the Bear Creek Ranch is
given three days to bag his game. If he
'Ulyt&eCs,y<~eit Y MAIL
was a buck of extraordinary beauty. He had comes back empty-handed there is no charge,, SLEEPING BAGS , DAVE
six-point antlers (ten points is the world's and the drinks are on the house. If you PROVEN! Eddie BAUER sleeping ABOUT
baas are rated the finest by expe-
record) and a l a r g e fawn-spotted bod; score, the cost is not great. "I've paid more
dition.leaders. guides. mountaineers. . . .
foresters and authorities everywhere-
A 1 1 TYPES: Singles, Twin Sets. Mummies.
Em-t Rifleman's Station Wagon Bags.

i n 1916 at
Island Arcnal
Europe's Inding maiufxAmn.
Wçllh ll ç8. 8hot. 6wL
WORE YOU BUY any sleeping bag out-
oor clothing or insulated underbear
Â¥E THE FACTS about insulations:
Lead what authorities say. I
25 cal. Blue $27.50
25 cal. chrome $29.95
22 long or short $29.95 22 long chrome $3250
25 cal. chrome engraved $35.00
25 long chrome engraved $37.50


S. 1 6 t h St., Phila. 2, Pa. No CODs Over 40 Y e a r s D o w n t o ~ nN. Y .
SLOAN'S ~8 Chambers st.. N. Y . 7. N . Y
B A . 7-6323

b w i _ u w SCOPE SHIELDS
PGS rubber slip-on shield insures good
sighting and protects eye from recoil.
PER PAIR $2.98
PGS, Inc
622 Gratiot Avenue
Saginaw, Mich.
or a hunting lease and never got a thing!" MEXICO'S MACHINE .GUN
ne hunter remarked. Accommodations are '
?expensive, and nice places to stay can be --
~ u n d near the ranch. "Of course," and (Continued from page 21)
)avid smiled when he said this, "if a fellow directed that the Indian should be given two
eally wants to rough it, we have two camp of the mules which had been seized from a
ouses on the ranch, either one of which a rich man's hacienda for use in the army.

--- unter may use at no cost. Both places are

quipped with water, lights-and path."
Bear Creek Ranch is not just a play place
Also-and this is a very nice touch-he took
the trouble to write and sign a statement
that the mules belonged to the Indian and
or the rich; it is geared to fit the average had not been stolen. Of course, the man
ian looking for a good time and good hunt- went off singing his praises, and it was
ng of an unusual type. The hunters who incidents like this that caused the Indians
ome here are a cosmopolitan lot, widely to crowd into his ranks.
ssorted as to type and background. The It was this particular incident that led to
;uns they bring are widely assorted, too. the designing of Mendoza's most famous
loth of the Houston hunters, Rosmarin and weapon. Villa had been much impressed by
irand, brought .30-06 bolt actions equipped that very dead mule, and he asked Mendoza
Hill 4X scopes, used 180-grain soft point to design a machine-gun. Like Madero, he
illcts. But many varieties of guns and loads specified that it should make a lot of noise
appearance of your gunstock. lave been used on Rickenbacker's exotic and smoke, but he also specified that it
Ask for "STUDS" at your dealer. If he ame. One hunter from Maryland brought should be as simple as possible. "Some of
can't supply you, order direct and include the boys," he explained frankly, "are kind
mur dealer's name and address. lown a huge Berasingha buck with one 180-
"STUDS" are available in these 18 op- ;rain soft point from a cut-down .30-40 Krag. of simple themselves." Mendoza designed a
ular game head designs In either 10-K )thers have shot Aoudads, Sikas, black buck 7 mm gun with two barrels, hand cranked
gold at '$3.00 each, or Sterling silver
at $1 2 5 each. Federal Tax included.. ntelopes, and elands with everything from somewhat like the gardner, that was exactly
ELK DEER BROWN BEAR 32 carbines through rough as-is Army what Pancho wanted. It was first used
BEAR WOLF GRIZZLY BEAR ipringfields to fine .270 sporters and high- during the battle of Casas Grandes, and also
MOOSE TURKEY MOUNTAIN GOAT played an important part in the battle for
elocity Weatherbys. Here, as elsewhere, "it
ANTELOPE CAT (Panther) in't the gun; it's what you can do with it." Ciudad Juirez. It was later immortalized in
JAVALINA BLACK TAIL DEER So, in the future, if some friend spins you the popular ballad "Seven Leagues" (which
MULE DEER SKUNK (a good gag) was the name of Pancho's favorite horse) :
campfire yarn about bagging a Barbary
am or an Axis or Sambur deer, when you At three in the afternoon
:now perfectly well he's never been outside The locomotive whistled;
Jncle Sam's continental l i m i t d o n ' t call Hooray for Villa, boys,
~ i ma liar. He's nrobablv been down to And set up that machine-gun.
Sear Creek Ranch as a guest of the At three in the afternoon
R. J.COFFEY Zickenbackers. The locomotive whistled.
1102 N. Main Ave. When Pancho's boys got their machine-guns
Son Antonio 2, Tex.
set up, quite a few Federal locomotives
Cheyenne" stopped whistling.
After the Revolution had been won Men-
45 CALIBER Gun Belt doza went back to manufacturing farm
implements; but after all- the excitement,

NEW $32.95
the work seemed tame. The designing of
guns was in his blood by now, and he gave
up his plows for the second (and last) time.
He wanted to accept the challenge of in-
venting better, more efficient weapons than
N. Y. State the rather primitive affairs he produced

under stress during the Revolution. He also
Trooper Gun wanted to satisfy a deep patriotic ambition.
45 Long Colt Ctg.-5%" Barrel which was to provide the ordinary soldier-
World's Largest Suppliers o f Leathercraft the humble Mexican GI-with superior arms.
GRADE (A)-KING QUALITY-Lote model with T A N D Y L E A T H E R C 0 . fSincelm9} There is no smile, no twinkle in his eyes,
round latch, completely reblued, selected and P. 0. BOX T91-BZ FORT WORTH 1, TEXAS
new Colt Medallion Grips (as illustrated) V.G.
when he speaks of this dream. "I wish I
cond. .............................. $43.95 could tell you truly," he aavs. "hnw nrn-
GRADE (B)-Same except not reblued, used grips. Improved Equalizer
(Good cond.) ....................... $35.95
GRADE (C)-Same model except round top and
flat latch. Condition V.G. in and out, with orig-
i n used Colt Grips, selected by C.H.B.. .$32.95
liarrels 38 S:wlal or 357 Mannum. 6" blue
Henry Brass Rod with ring handle & brush 10". ..$
...... .60
8.65 Patent Pending
Hçrrel 38 Special. 3W-10. 44 Spec.. 414" blue.
Itanels 45 Long Colt. 514" blue
................. 8.6;
t?llnders Con~u. 38 Slice. 357. 44 Slice. 45 Colt.. 16.55 N.R.A. Technical Department's test proved
Ilaimner Complete with firlni! pin & strut
.$3.00. Flrlni! l'lns..
the hold down of the rifle is most excellent;
Nrw Grills with Colt Medallion fl'alrt
lloil Hearts.. .50c. Hands.. .$2 50. Mainspring..
the muzzle blast markedly less than experi-
4.5 Long Colt ammo 250 er. Irml N.C. (Box of 5flt 4.FO enced with the usual muzzle device. The
Ilf-avy Steer Hide open Holster with safety atran 3.25 Improved Equalizer reduced recoil so that
State Trooper Leather Outfits used with Colt N.S. a woman can shoot a 30-06 rifle. Equal-
Revolver 45 cal., consisting of: Sam Browne Belt, izers for Winchester, Remington, Husqvarna
3" wide of heavy black cowhide with shoulder
stropÑGenuin Audley patent button holster^ 30-06 and 270 Rifles. For special barrels
Cartridge Holder for 18 cartridges-Hand Cuff send micrometer size of first '/i" of
Holder~Lanyard for butt swivel; all in good barrel. Price $8.50 Money back guarantee.
used condition. Sizes 32 to 48 while they last.
Value complete $33.50. Only '$9.85. Can also
be used for 1917 model Colt.
Free Lift
Instructions and wrenches with order. Only
a few minutes to attach. CLADALOY BULLET CO.
UuiutMtureni of the Mnmin new mUhliu out
HUDSON SPORTING GOODS GO. H. C. Sorensen o o ~ wdad ¥U bollete which can b driven at
Ugbwt TdociUM. A d a b l e for hand lulu and
G-52 Warren St., N e w York 7, N. Y. P.O. Box 202 Beaverton, Oregon rifle*. At roar dealer or order direct. Write tor
C. H. Be+schinoer, Sole Owner free lint ud folder. Immediate ddlnnr.
(Life Member 7936)
foundly moved I was during the. Revolution and the first 20 guns were issued to the 48tl
by the courage and self-denial of the Infantry Jhttalion, then stationed at Chapul
Mexican soldiers. 1 decided to serve my tepec. Replacing the heavy Hotchkiss, tripod
country in the only way I could, by devoting mounted Colt and Vickers Maxim guns i~
my life to studying and designing better the hands of Mexican cavahy and infantq
weapons ... weapons that would be as the light Mendoza gun in one step place
Mexican as I could make them." the once-ill-equipped revolutionary army 01
Mendoza speaks Spanish, of course, and a par with the best equipped of Europea~
perhaps in English this declaration sounds forces.
a bit flowery. But he abandoned his profit- Weighing ahout 18% pounds, and firinl
able business, took his wife and small from an open bolt to allow barrel coolin
children to Mexico City, and haunted the on full-auto bursts, Mendoza's weapon wag
National Arms Factory, asking for a job, and is, one of the simplest machine guns ii
any job, any job whatever, no matter how existence. Constructed with only 22 workin . . it's FREE!
modest. He had mamed in August of 1910,
only three months before the Revolution
broke out, and now there were the children
parts, it 6red at a rate of 500 rounds pe
minute, using double-column 30-shot to
magazines. The bolt is simple, turned wit1
l%e biggest Was-Den Catalog ever
crammed with page after page of equipment
to s u p p o ~as well as his wife, hut Seiiora two front lugs and a double cam slot througl for the gun enthusiast. Fully illustrated. A
Mendoza shared and encouraged his dream. which the operating stud on the gas pistol "must" far the novice and expert alike1
Finally he was given work right where he Write now for OW Free COPY.
unlocks the bolt and draws it to the rear 01
DEPT. G-12
wanted it, in the machine-gun shops. firing. The firing pin, which in the Lewi
He skips over the next years. He merely gun is a fixed and breakable part of the ga
says that he worked, studied, and waited. operating rod, is, iu the Mendoza, an in
But his patience must have been next to stantly removable piece having pin tips 01 TO BECOME
heroic, because it was not until 1929, almost each end. If one breaks, field stripping t~
twenty years after he designed the cannon switch ends for repair is a matter of seconds
for Don Francisco, that he finally received Quick barrel removal was another featur
au Army directive to design a gun for the in which Sr. Mendoza was a pioneer. Flasl
soldiers he had vowed to serve. On the 12th hiders were standard on his earlier guns
of November of that year, the Department of more recent models have slotted mum1
Military Manufactures gave him written in- brakes.
structions to devote all of his time to A brand-new design, also by Sr. Mendoa
designing an automatic rifle. He was to is heing studied by the Army, but current1
incorporate the hest features of similar the original machine rifle is still standarc
weapons from other countries, but the Mex- although it is now made in the U.S. 3
ican version was to be simpler and lighter. n o d s iust what w u need fy developing
caliber in accordance with an agreemen better marksmanship with p~stol, revolver
Here was the opportunity for which he between Mexico and the United States t or rifle. With a "Detroit" ullet T m w u can.
practice shooting whenever you feel fike it.
had hoped and prepared himself over so standardize equipment.
Tested and proved b top-rankiw pistol and
many years. He designed a gun that he After this success, Mendoza thought fo revolver shooters. ~ d e l .stop all pistol
believed would fulfill all of the Army's revolver and 2 2 whbre. r~m-ftre rifle bullets:
Also "Super" model to stop 300 magnum cart-
requirements, and prayerfully submitted his r ~ des u to 3000 ft. per second velocity. Few
models. The gun was under consideration for mo%ls 8 . 9 5 to $42.50. Send far liteptmre.
a heartbreakiigly long time. It was subjected
to innumerable comparative tats. A few DETROIT BULLET TRAP CQ.
trifling changes were requested and made.
At last, in a Presidential Decree dated
2- capitol btmit n,Mich. i
October 31, 1934, he. , p w his dream come
true: the Mendoza 7 mm light machine rifle
was adopted as standard by the Mexican
Army and put into production. BULLETS: L a d s Pmkhl h W d : PWision Bl*
by crippled veteran8 World War 1 and Korean War.
Great secrecy had surrounded Mendoza's Fmm two thousand of your letter8 w have v i c k d out
the bullet8 you nw are: "Ex,t,reme4 WUnte -one
work. The actual adoption of the new gun shot km - expand perfect. Pmduction ha8 in-
creased; we have mnverted ta heaw duW ~emi-auta-
occurred in December of 1933, nearly a year matic presses to relieve the fellown of the hen mrk.
before the official pronouncement. Full pro-
This is the "red McCoy" Indian Buck Lure We use Custem Made Jack& amd Pun Wim. LJ
guaranteed to kill all human scent even with A slight increaue in price but an even better bullet
duction of the Mendoza LMG at the National a dawn wind. Makes deer feel it's the safest thanks to you. (SP) S p i t m , (EP) ~ o h m i n 6
(EN) mundnm.
Anns Factom was ordered bv June of 1934. place around. Genuine animal gland compound Price
22 CALIBEB (242.3 or 3 2 4 ) Per 100
--not artificial abde perfume. 50. 55. 60. 70 main S P HP. RN ........................


v e r i . ea& to use. Thousands of
successful hunters. Carlfon Shaver,
mail carrier, is shown here with
6 M& CALIBER (.243)
75, 87. 105 Grain SP, HP, RN
257 CALIBER (.257)

60, 87, 75, 100. 117 grain SP, E

6.5 Hbf CALIBEB ( 3 3 8 or 2 6 4 )
, lW
85, 70, 87, 100. 120, 140. 150, 16 g r h BP,
Order Your Battle Naw-
HP, EN ...........................................................-...
" $8.50
270 CALIBER (.277)
110 180 140, 150, 160, 170 g d n
BP,' HP,' RN ................................... ...................
" " " $3.75
7 Hbf CALIBEEt ( 2 8 4 )
C a w hardened steel, checked, en- 145, 160, 175 grain SP, HP,RN $4.85........--..... ".....
graved. Smooth roller bearing trap SO CALIBER ( 3 0 8 or 3085) & ( 3 1 1 or 312)
180, 150, 173, 180, 200, 220 grain
- 5 W x 1%". With anaching wows. SP, EP,RN ............................................................
8 MM c u m m (.a111 or .sw
150, 175, 226 main BP, HP, BN $4.50 ......................
Lowe's Pay8 the Postage; mod Check or M.0.


282 Broadway, Idaho Falls, Idaho

MOW A V A I L A B L E ~ q f gi
he big~estand best GUN Dl6fST ever! NOW 324 heavily illustrated
The clean white lubriwnt in powder farm. Use it like
powdered gmphite. Great for gun actions, too. Send
$2. for 1 lb. can, postpaid. Or ask your dealer for it.
oaees. the 1958 book has.all the soecs on all U.S. and forei~neuns .
i n i accessories, original articles b i the top gun writers.
- -
Only $2.95 ppd. or at your sports, hook or dep't store.
3469 N. Clark St., Chicom 1% Ill. The GUN DIGEST CO.. Publishers. Chicago 6. Ill.
a while that the,pattern of his life was set.
But the Army's requests for new weapons
were not frequent enough to keep him full-
Lwk! H e r e i s the r e a l M c C o y ! SPECIAL*
time at designing, and his work at the WLE o f that h a r d - t o - g e t ammunition^
National Arms Factory was too routine to f o r Derringer, etc. 0
be a challenge. He had designed and built R IEMMFIINRGETSOHNO R T S
several BB pistols and rifles for his young
- - -
. a s . ~s m~e k e ~ e s sLOW Pressure
P e r Box (50 ~ds.:
3ons, and the boys were so pmud of them .= P*, 100.. ...............
Reminstm Rifle cartridsea
mr loo-value 617.S.O..
(and the neighborhood small-fry so envious)
WORLDfS MOST AMAZING CATALOG that he felt sure the guns would sell prof-
.3Sl Winchester Self-LOMOW
Per 100-Value $14.00..
3s Winchester
Per 1 0 0 - V aSelf-LOMiw
l ~ e$14.00..
itably. After talking it over, with his wife,
he quit his job at the factory, set up a
30 Remmgtora stlvertum
Per 100-Value S17.00..
.3Z L o w R F Cartridges
little sKop on a shoe-$tring and a prayer,
, Pe. 100 ................
, 3 2 short R F
Per 1 0 0 . ................
and offered his first products to the market. I .ZS Rant-Fim Shorts
Per 100. ...............
They sold. In fact, they sold far better
than he had dared to hope. And they have a ished. Value $ZS.OO. ........Redumd
sold ever since. Today, the shop where they
are made has some 20 stamping presses,
besides milling machines, lathes, drills and
other equipment, and employs almost 100
workmen. The Mendoza BB pistol, which is
modeled after a Frontier Colt, has intrigued
...................... .. the grown-ups as well as the small-fry. I t
LOS ANGELES 58, W F . is so accurate that it is being used more and
more for target shooting. Mendoza will soon
add a 2 2 rifle (designed by himself, of
PRESSURE GUAGE course) to his line. However, he never allows
his commercial activities to take precedence
over what he considers his real work: he
N e w guage assures s ~ i l ldevotes his best efforts to his designs
for the War Department.

Improved Minute Man Oun

ROLL CRIMPS a d I Tis difficult to believe that Mendoza was

born 71 years ago, because his vivacity
and his tall, erect carriage belie his age. He
Blue Instantly ~ m w r v e n a n d
renews steels and iron sur-
~..~.. a m i n t o r Iaenuw
No heafitig riiob&Y~
Comes wmplete with a11 neo-
STAR CRIMPS owns a city block in the suburbs of Mexico as8aw euulpment.
GUARANTEED -T8sted 8lld
City, with his private home, in the shape of proven o w r 40 years hy
NOW! ONE SHOTSHELL a wide open V with a huge garden, occupy-
ing about half the plot. The remainder
W W l t U h 8 t 0 satidled
RELOADER DOES 80Tffi contains his shop and the house of his
married daughter. In the shop, besides the


6-12, Bradford, Pa.
large area where his BB guns are made, there Addmab .....................
is a separate area with lathes and other Icity.. ..........state.. ....
equipment for turning out new models for 1----------a.....................
the Army, and another room which serves
as a business office and drafting studio.
Much of the Mendoza home is furnished
with magnificent antique furniture. I t was
brought to this continent from Spain by
Seiiora Mendoza's great-grandparents, and
after the Revolution she brought it to Mexico
City from the hacienda in Chihuahua where ARCHERS AND DOG LOVERS.
she was born.
The Mendozas have-three sons and a
daughter. The eldest son, Roberto, is in
charge of all the machinery in his father's
shop, and the youngest, Hector, is the shop
foreman and a sportsman of considerable
repute, with many trophies. The second son.
R e b a d yaw d d shells-save S S $ I This ONE inex- Josh, also worked for a time in the shop,
pensive s e t d o u t h e w m p l e t e & b o a u r a t a l y , wdb a n d
.q&kly, w i t f ~ c~o ~m tp k a t e d apuatbm or a d i u s h n e 0
but later turned to interior decorating. He
T a k u both b w a n d high b a s e shells, aba 3" M a w u r n
N o a t h w s e t l i k e ~ . . . w e n a t 2.3timestheprkel
Available in 1 0 , 4 1 0 . 2 8 . 12. 16 6 20 a a u a e . 1 flz MA HUNTER.AND HER
Sweet, lovabobble ole' Ma Hunter has got holes in her head for w e l d i w UD these b e a ~ ~ t l f u l
big classic Brownin0 A u t m t f e RW68 ("BAWs") but instead of waiting for the National
F4reurma Act t o be repeated a t t h i s next session of t h e Conmess, we thought we'd just zci
this select lot into the market a t Dewats. So drop us a note asking tor low prlces, details
on the BAR'S.

ALSO Selected 8chn1&ser Machine r ~ ~ Model

v l 28. rare w&d stwk att tern only $34.95.
(mad; U guns a t that price, slightly'wisper Grade I Schmeisser MP28's $39 8 5 )
NOTE: These are just a few of tbe bargains whlch arc the cream of over T ~ THOUSANO
Ma ~ u n t e < - & e F o i t e s t 11'1 ole' gal i n JersGy.
a u N s +,,st. imnorted from the far-flung battlefronts or the world and put to tbe torch by Less!
CANNON: i t i l l have a good selection of genuine fleld artillery some big emugh to s i t i n front
of City Hall other8 small enough to s i t n e a t b i n your firedare All a t low low prices yet
can 'be put ih s h t u ShaW for s b t e s FOU* of JUIY c e i c b r i t i n ~NFA r b e a ~etc i u u s -
trated catalog, only cannon sales catalog &I existence from'which VMI can b w cam&, O&Y 26c.
Why Pay
R e ular M a t machine gun catalo 25c t w Write wire semaDhore smoke 8ignal or Celevise
to h~ EIUN-% Box 1 7 1 &eat ~ n g l i w o o d ,*ew Jbrsey. ' W e have a large s k k , bought
a t ripht pricm, and ca; meet a& legitimate com~etition," as they say. Machine gun collectm,
8 u p w t your American Antomatic Weapons Asswiation!
mm . 11
T H E W O R L D ' S T O P GU.N B A R G A I N S
recently designed many of the beautiful
fixtures-lamps, mjrrors, door and drawer -- 1 3046 U.S.f,ENFIELD RIFLES
p u l k t h a t have been installed in Mexico
City's plush new Continental Hilton Hotel,
and he seems destined for a creative career
as successful as his father's. manufactured by wimh&r, Rmnln#bn
At 71, with a past so full of accomplish- stone. v.e. excel. A -I buy. only w
VAMOUS. DERRlNaER .22 DOUBLE BARREL Available as. th* fine m l u m S m r with
ment and a present so comfortable, Mendoza
Zippered e u n Casa wi8 carrying sling only $s$.&.
3 0 4 6 Enfield Barreled-Actions, com~1-e.w
has earned the right to rest on his laurels 3" 6 UNDER
and just doze away the days in his garden. BARREL

But the very idea of retiring, or even of ss 02. PRECISION SWISS SCHMIDT-RUBIN R I M S
slacking up, horrifies him. He is still gazing
eagerly into the future. The Army is now
testing the new verson (RM-2) of his
automatic rifle. That 2 2 is almost ready for
30-30 W.C.F. Cartridge. 12-Shot, lightnins
production. There is another Army weapon fad Repeater. 22" Bbl, Lightweight, accurate an&
evolving on his drawing-board, and he will dependable. Ammo available anywhere. N.R.A. Excab
lent. Only $ 3 7 3 0 each. AIM availabla i n M i l i b w
have to build 50 models,, and then it will 7.5mm (.SO Gal.). only S14.SO ( 2 ot th- fine
have to be tested. Retire? Not on your life! Rifies S2S.00). This caliber converted to a Spwtet,
22" Ebl. Only $22.50.
"In the first place," he says, "I don't
feel 71 at all. I feel like a muchacho." He 0 A t t r a c t i v e D i s c o u n t s to Dealers! All O r d e r s S h i p p e d P r o m p t l y
says it with such obvious gusto that you 0 Send R e m i t t a n c e Immediate Shipment
know it is true. "Besides, I've got all these INTERNATIONAL FIREARMS Corn 22 KINGMAN, ST. ALBANS, w.
projects on hand. I'll be on pins and needles
until the Army people adopt that RM-2. And -
if they turn it down I'll design it all over
again. But the real challenge is that there's
no such thing as an ideal gun. Every gun is
a compromise. I'm rather proud of my sub- along with other outstanding stock-
machine gun, for instance ... but it's a is shown in our Big 32 page catalog
compromise. It isn't perfect." TIMELY IDEAS in GUNSTOCKS
The Mendoza sub-machine gun is the latest Over 100 pictures showing new
of his designs to be accepted and put into ideas in checkering designs. AU of mdbd in Gun Stocks
production by the War Department. I t is the latest in finished and semi- w w
-45 cal. with a rate of fire of 500 rounds per fished Rifle and Shotam st=ks. GUNSTOCK SALES. INC.
so60 Road 20
minute. As with the automatic rifle, he was REINHART FAJEN' Box 115, Warsow8Missoud h n hbb, C ~ M .
requested to make it "lighter and simpler."
Therefore it weighs only 2% kilos (about
5% lbs.), can be dismantled in five seconds,
and has 'only five maim components: the
frame, slide, fore-grip, main spring, and
magazine. It is a shame that Pancho Villa
never had a chance to use it. He would have
loved it, and it is simple enough for the
simplest of "the boys."
"But it isn't perfect," Mendoza repeats.
He sits bolt upright in his garden chair, and Exclwlre .. .
his eyes shine as they look ahead, he is still
the eager young fellow who tackled that
cannon thing for Don Francisco so long ago.
"I can design a better one. I know I can.
And somediy, God willing, maybe I

Folder, 1Oc A

Rifle, Pistol and >tshdlCompc

?$fee Literature Dim nts to Dealers
! ~?!'D?!* 1
(Continued from page 24)
and carried out his orders without question. amved that Ellison had died. Without fur-
He owned thousands of acres of land and had ther ado, the McCoys were rowed from the
thirteen children, four girls and nine boys. West Virginia side across the river to the
The original Hatfield home was at the head Kentucky side. Little Randy witneaaed the
of Island Creek in Logan County, W. Va. death of his two brothers; then the fifteen-
Randy McCoy was a man of strong year-old lad was shot down also.
physique, with dark hair and gray-blue eyes. Old Randy McCoy said he would handle
He was twenty years older than Hatfield at the matter according to the letter of the
the time the trouble began. McCoy built his law, but it was not to be. Three of his sons
home only a few miles from that of the were gone; only himself, young Calvin and
Hatfields but across the line in Polk County, Jim remained of the McCoy menfolk. Mc-
Kentucky. Coy appealed to Governor Knott of Ken-
The real war seems to have started in tucky, who issued indictments for a number
August of 1882, when Elias and Ellison Hat: of the Hatfield clan. These papers were
field. Anse's brothers, rode into Polk County, forwarded to Governor Jacob Jackson at
Kentucky, and got embroiled with Randy Charleston, West Virginia, but they were
McCoy and his sons, Phemar, Tolbert, and never served.
Little Randy. (Or maybe it began well be- From here on, the story grows even
fore that. Nobody knows, for certain.) Any- bloodier and more involved. In the fall of
way, according to newspaper reports of that 1886, Devil Anse was convinced that the
time, on this August day in 1882, Tolbert wife of Bill Daniels, a Hatfield partisan,
McCoy badgered Elias into a quarrel and was carrying news to the McCoy camp. A
struck him to the ground. Ellison Hatfield party of men, allegedly Hatfields,' descended
leaped to the aid of his brother, wliereupon upon the Daniels home, grabbed the sus-
Tolbert pulled his knife and stabbed Ellison. pected spy and beat her to death with a
Then Little Randy McCoy entered the de- whip made from a cow's tail! Not content
bate, also with a knife, and stabbed Ellison with this they dashed into the house and
again in the side. Elias Hatfield tried to help beat the woman's aged mother so badly that
his brother but was driven back by Floyd she wes crippled.
shape $75.
woo; STOCK ECEXIGI~SRR smm submachine gun, ~ McCoy. Then Constable Matt Hatfield came The woman who was flogged to death was
scarce MP28-I1 (no clips) in fair condition, only $30.
Bargain prim. running to the scene and arrested the Mc- ihe sister of Jeff McCoy, one of Randy Mc-
EAXOLIS COLT'S MODEL 1921 Thompson S u b m a e h h Coy's relatives. Another McCoy woman,
Guns, s u x p e d in 1928 on N a w req~isitionand re- Coys. Joe Hatfield, another constable, ar-
shmped 1928'' mid '%. S. NAVY. Laie8t -1
with wood forearm. These guns may have gone Mth
rived next, took charge of the McCoys and Nancy McCoy, had married Devil Anse's son,
U.S. Marines i n Nicaraguan campaign; fair and sent Matt off to fetch Devil Anse. Jonse. One day, Jeff McCoy came to Jonse
scarce, only $85.
For our customers who only can When Anse arrived he .ordered that his and Nancy and told them that he had killed
scrape up two-bits, we have a
wounded brother, Ellison, be removed to the a man and wanted them to hide him, be-
Buy for
a A T . a o a showing many more items
i n the dewat maehine gun auto- home of Anderson Farrell and that Tolbert, lieving he would be safe there in a Hatfield
matic rifle ammunition and'equip-
ment l i n e . ' ~ rsend 45c and we will
send i n addition our latest A R T n -
Phemar, and Little Randy McCoy he ar- home since the lawmen seeking him were
LmEX AND ORDNANCm CATALOG rested and kept under guard until it was Hatfield men. He was .wrong. Another of
learned if Ellison would survive. "If Ellison Anse's sons, Cap Hatfield, learned of the
dies, then so do these three McCoys," said killing, arrested Jeff in Jonse's house, and,
By the time you read this meet
Ma Hunter the klndiy 'grand- WhyPay
mother who i s the only person still
alive to knit sox out of Cordite
Devil Anse.
On the third day Sarah McCoy, mother
of the boys held prisoners, was allowed to
aided by one Tom Wallace, killed Jeff "as
he tried to escape." Cap Hatfield was a con-
stable who seems to have made his office
will have returned from ~ u m &
with m a w more goodies. . . watch
this column for the latest i n auto-More! see them. but the Hatfields turned a deaf ear
to her pieadings. Also on the third day WOI
serve his own ends!
Not long later, Jeff's brothers, Lake a"d
Jake, capt&ed Tom Wallace and put him
in the jail at Pikeville, county seat of Pike
County. And not long after chat, Cap Hat-
field helped Wallace to escape. .Whereupon
the McCoys are said to have offe~eda nice
reward for the capture or scalp of Tom Wal-
lace. The story is that a heavily armed
stranger walked into Pikeville one day and
Non-Breakable, Guaranteed displayed a red-haired scalp to Jake and
Lark McCoy. Tom Wallace was red-headed.
For All American, Many Foreign Gum Jake and Lark, we are told, paid off.
Non-slip and precision-fitted, FRANZITE GRIPS a n The feud became so widspread that law-
the most durable made! Beautiful d o n ; smwth, enforcement became a t r i g of politics
checkered, staghorn and fancy cawed; tNly distinc- rather than of duty. The McCoy vote in
tive. Long-wearing, unaffected by moiStur=3, PW- Kentucky was a large one and the governor
spiration, most mineral and vegetable oils, Will not at Frankfort promised to do all in his power
chip or peel. Luster, color a n permanent. to have Devil Anse brought to justice. On
Cowentional or conversion styles. Also target grim, the other hand the Hatfield vote was equally
with or without thumb rest. Available far all ppu- potent in West Virginia, and authorities
jar guns in: Ivory, Pearl, Onyx, Agab, Walnat, there refused to be unduly swayed by out-of-
Mack and Stoghorn finishes. Low cod, $2.50 ta
state pressures.
S8.00-See our complete catalog!
But Devil Anse Hatfield overplayed his
Franzite rim Are Wd Under Our Guarantee k hand on New Year's night of 1888 when his
forces swooped down upon the home of
old Randy McCoy. and demanded that
Randy and his son, Calvin, surrender. Anse
was infuriated because McCoy had induced
the governor of Kentucky to place a price
upon Hatfield heads, and the old man of
the Hatfield's had been forced to live under

constant guard even in his own home. With was found dead on the trail, shot, allegedly
the attacking force was "Cotton-top" Mounts by Elias Hatfield. Jonse Hatfield was re-
and Tom Mitchell. Mounts called to the in-
mates of the McCoy home, but was informed
by a daughter, fifteen-year-old Allifair Mc-
leased from Moundsville after not too many
years, chiefly through the political influence
of his father, old Devil Anse.
Coy, that her father was not at home.
Mounts yelled, "Yo're a-lyin',,damn yuh!"
And, without further ado, leveled his rifle
Cotton-top Mounts' killing of the young
McCoy girl had caused the regional senti-
ment to pile up against Anse and his fol-
For H u n t e r s
and killed the girl. lowers, and soon law-enforcement 05cers
Quickly, the dead girl was dragged into were able to make legal arrests. But it was
the house. But the Hatfields climbed onto not until 1890 that Mounts paid the price
the roof and set it afire. Desperate hands for that killing. On February 19th of that
made futile efforts to put out the flame as year he was hanged at Pikeville. The McCoy
it ate through the dry shingles, but the water family moved to Pikeville to avoid further
supply was soon exhausted and Calvin and bloodshed.
Randy McCoy used buttermilk in further But the vendetta did not die. There was
attempts to save the dwelling. still plenty of hatred and plenty of gunplay.
It was a hopeless effort. The attackers The apparent last of it was in 1896 when
were closing in. Randy McCoy saw Tom Anse's second son, Cap, shot by one John
Mitchell about to fire the door, and shot Rutherfold. Cap's stepson, a teenage boy
off several of his fingers. With that, the en- named Joe Glen, grabbed a gun and killed
tire Hatfield clan present rushed the door one McCoy partisan and wounded an inno-
and broke it down. But that shot must have cent bystander. Maybe that was the end.
made them wary since, when they entered Devil Anse Hatfield died a natural death
the burning house, Randy and Calvin had in 1921. Randy McCoy, the leader of that
escaped outside to the protection of a huge clan, had passed on some years before at
boulder, from which vantage point they the ripe age of ninety. Tennis Hatfield had
poured bullets into the Hatfield ranks. How- a life-size statue of his father carved in Italy
ever, their aim was mighty wild for no one at a cost of $10,000, and it stands today in
was- hit. But being shot at, even by bad
marksmen, is no fun and Devil Anse and his
crew m o u n t d . their horses and rode back to
Peter Creek. Little Allifair was laid to rest DALE
beside the bodies of her brothers.
Again Randy McCoy appealed to the gov- CUSTOM MADB
ernor for protection until finally the chief
executive of Kentucky demanded the sur-
Police Stocks
render of Devil Anse Hatfield. But to no
avail. The officers sent for the Hatfields
always left without them, usually glad to get
Detective Stocks
back .safely to their own stamping grounds. FACTORY PRICES
Although detectives had been sent from far Herrett's custom fitted pistol
Used and recom-
and near to. capture the Hatfields, Old Devil mended by GUII
stocks are the most popurar i n
Anse, his sons, Cap and Jonse, and their Owner8 throughout the world . . . because they are
uncle, Jim Vance, went uncaptured and for the U.S. more than just a pair o f grips.
the most part unmolested. OuMt No. 5 Only $28.85
Finest workmanship, finest
Then Val Hatfield was arrested and sent materials! and! above all, each

to prison for his part in the McCoy killings. p a i r custom f i t t e d t o each
His stay in prison was not long, however, BOX 7292-J EL PASO, TEXAS
for he soon died from worry and confine-
shooter's needs. Made for all
ment. His death brought Devil Anse again popular guns.
into action. The McCoys were not well OT- Free Brochure o n request.
ganized, but under the new leadership of
one Frank Phillips of Pikeville, they were r
formidable enough. Jim Vance was killed, a
few days later, by a group of McCoy men - dX+-
Hunti Fi- - F@~ting - -
B O ~ M in 5 sizes. k 3 o r t dskinniw
knives, 00% handcmftd from Swedish To+ S W .
kmws w8mb s T 0 c K s
led by Phillips.
The next outbreak was near Grapevine
IS models, various lengths handle comb~nation~
Co!lectofs ieces today. of legendary fome tomor- BOX 74 1-G
Creek when Tom Mitchell, Cap Hatfield, row. Send !5c for dwch ions, prices and instrue
t/ve -jet. 5 k for F& knt+e urn mama,.
Devil Anse, Indian Hatfield, Lee White, and w. D. RANDALL, J,., BOX 1%-e orta*, ma.
French Ellis were attacked by a strong force I I
of McCoy men, again under the leadership
of Frank Phillips. The fight lasted for sev-
eral hours. Twenty of the McCoy attackers

were wounded when Phillips finally gath-
cred his men and rode back to Kentucky; The owner of a Gorosabal TEN @A. MAC
and Cap Hatfield had killed Bud McCoy, writes: "I Start Shooting when the rest of the
and Indian Hatfield had been killed by a boys quit, never m a l i z i a shotgun would shoot thd, hard".
McCoy bullet through his brain. This was NEW IMPROVED MODEL-CHECK THESE FEATURES: 10 ga. Magnum
better shooting, though the circumstances 32" Solid Lump CHROME lined Toledo Steel barrels. Improved Anson
were hardlv such as to demand marksman- & Deeley action with double purdey bolt, greener crossbolt with m t t
ship. This was a slug-out, at close quarters. bite and side clip for extra strength. Ugh& scroll engraving. Hinged front trigger. Check-
Shortly after this battle, Jonse left the ered, cheekpiece French Walnut stock with recoil pad. Beavertail forend with pushbutton
release. tine craftsmanship by Gorosabel of Eibar. Wt. App. 12 lbs.
area for Washington, and his brother, Cap
Hatfield, became Devil Anse's chief lieu- $175.00 with positive extracton $225.00 with selective auto-aiocfon
tenant. ~ u Jonse
t did not remain away for
long. He returned to his home town and ,
FRANK CLARK, Jr., Life Member NRA
Doc Ellis arrested him. For Free Circular Write to P. 0. Bax 297, Cheyenne, Wvo.
He was convicted and sent to prison for We also have the fine Ugarteburu I 0 Go. Magnums with BOHLER ANTI-NIT steel barrels in s k k ,
life. Several days after the trial, Doc Ellis
MA'GR BEFORE the clan burial ground in West Virginia. All
of Devil Anse's children who are dead, died,
the claims are justified, whether they are
provable or not. It is often difficult, even im-
in bed except Elias and Troy, who were possible, to prove even the truth about old
killed in 1911 in a bar-room fight. weapons, as collectors have learned to their
New G. R. Shotgun Stabilizer Reduces Four Hatfield sons (Joe, Tennis, Willis, sorrow. But there were scores, possibly hun-
Recoil, Speeds Recovery Through Max- and Elliot) were too young at the, time of dreds of guns used in the "feudin'," and
imum Gas Deflection! Sold on a the fighting to participate in it. And in the many are still in existence.
Money-back G u a r a n t e e decades since the guns stopped talking, both Certainly the oddest of the guns said to
families have turned their steps along the have figured in the Hatfield-McCoy war was
paths of peace. During the 1920's, both Ten- a short-barrelled rifle action built into the
nis and Joe Hatfield served as Sheriff of neck of a violin. It was an ingenious device:
Logan County, and a first cousin, Henry D. a .44 caliber gun firmly imbedded in the
Hatfield, was elected in 1913 as Governor upper inches of the fiddle's neck, the muzzle
of West Virginia. In 1928, he was elected to opening at the top of the scroll, the rabbit-
Photo shows special vent positions ap- the United States Senate. Most of the old eared hammer sticking up among the tuning
plying scientific principles to increase hatreds are forgotten, or at least ignored, pins, and the trigger hanging within cozy
e a s deflection more than ever before even by the McCoys. In 1926, Jim McCoy, reach of the fiddler's fingers. It is said to
then an old man, posed for a picture with have belonged to a Hatfield. History does
Shortens Recoil! Improves Shot P a t - Tennis Hatfield and Cap Hatfield's son, Elba. not record whether or not it ever added its
tern! Eliminates Muzzle Jump! Con-
trols Blast! Field Tested by champions! Today, the old Hatfield homestead at the .44 calibered bark to the staccato beat of a
Light, high tensile strength aluminum. head of Island Creek stands beautifully re- hoedown frolic, but one can imagine that its
Easily installed by your local gun- modeled, thanks to Tennis who spent a for- user must have enjoyed a peculiar sense of
smith. Send for I t today! Price: $10.50, tune on it.
cage only, postpaid, check or M. 0. power as he fingered this by-lingual instru-
C. 0. D., few cents additional. Gun collectors all over America display ment. And woe to him who failed to pay
ins for which thev claim Hatfield-McCoy the fiddler!
0.12 A letter from Ewe11 Hatfield of Charles-
NAME .............................. ton, West Virginia, offers some interesting
ADDRESS ..........................
1957 SCOPES- LATESTMODELS sidelights on one Hatfield gun: "Regarding
the gun that belonged to my grandfather,
Anderson Hatfield, it .was a Winchester
CITY ................... STATE .
Watch for additional G.R. Developments
.45-90and the serial number was 96979. It
was given to my father, Dr. Elliot R. Hat-
field, by my grandfather. My father left it
to me. I know that it was used by him dur-
General ResearchCorp. 20% DEPOSIT O N C.O.D.'s
ing the greater part of the feud. This can
216 E. Lexington St., Dept. G-12 be verified by my two uncles that are living
Baltimore, Md. PARKER DISTRIBUTORS Dept. 1712 (Joe T. and Willis Hatfield) and by my
I Dealers Inquiries Invited P.O. Box 55, Williamsbridge Sta., N. Y. 67, N.Y.
aunt, Bettie Caldwell. They are- the three
children of Anderson Hatfield who are still
New Fitz Grip!
I FITZ Gold Bond living. This is the same gun that Jonse
Hatfield, the oldest son, was carrying when
'THE GUNFIGHTER' TEN-0-GRIP a party from Kentucky came over to West
NO c.0.D'~
$6;95 fifigyX
A For Most Target Model
S&W and Colt Revolvers
............... S6.95
Colt .45 Automat-
ic .........
Virginia, captured him and took him back
to Kentucky. He threw the gurf down and
made a small place (scar?) on the gun. My
grandfather got it back shortly.
"Among other things he had killed sev-
eral black bears with it. Also I heard tell '
Makes Your Snub-Nose ONLY about the time that he shot at this buck .
a Handful of Deadly deer that was running and the bullet going
Colors: B u t t
Walnut, Flame- through him and out the other side and
Grain Rosewood, killing a doe that was carrying a fawn;
African Ebony, ' three deer killed with one shot. This was
Ocean Pearl.
60 to 70 years ago and the game laws were
not the same. Those days there were no
New Fitz Fitz
roadside stands as there are today and the
AMM-0-CONE rifle helped get a meal quite often. This was
AMM-0-SAFE done by barking a squirrel, or shooting into

CAN'T SPILL! the bark of tree or limb close to the squirrel . ..

Positive seal a t shell neck. 9gc and knocking it out."
Made of high-impact life- Dustproof, m o is- A goodly number of "feud" guns are

time Duramite. Fits ALL
Pistol and Rifle shells. lure-ppof, shock- owned and on display in the tavern owned
absorbing. Red life- by Robert Hatfield in the village of Stirrat,
time plastic. Con-
West Virginia. There are said to be Hatfield
aF - -
& venient pocket size.
weapons on display, too, in the Hatcher
Hotel in Pikeville, Kentucky; and Elmer
P 0 Box 49702
LOS ANGELES 49, CALIF. Hatfield of Gallipolis, Ohio, a former sheriff,
Liberal Dealer Discounts. .44 and .45. is said to possess several .44 Colts revolvers
with feudal history. ... Bob Hatfield of
Stirrat, West Virginia, is even said to have
"the bloody shirt worn by Ellison the day
he was killed."
And so the legend lives on and is cher-
ished. Blood seems to lend strange life even
Custom quali at a realistic price. Immediate delivery in 12, 16 6 20 gauge with 7.6" to cloth and wood and metal; a life that
or 28" b a r r z . Equipped with automatic ejectors, beavertail 'forend. finest walnut seems to us now as unreal, as distorted as
stock and COLD plated triggers. Send dime for catalog also illustratin BERETTA SHOT-
GUNS, FERLACH SHOTGUNS AND DOUBLE RIFLES in all calibers in8uding .416 RIGBY the passions that led to its spilling. The
AND .458 WINCHESTER MAGNUM. days when "the Hatfields and McCoys was
ORDER THROUGH YOUR DEALER feudin' mountain boys" are gone ...
CALIFORNIA ARMS CO., 12203 Wilahin Blvd., Los Angeles 25, California let US hope forever.
if you for

a HANDGUNS FOR THE TYRO your gun use ,

-. . (Continued from page 27)


ammunition exclusively in my revolvers, master and you can then fully open the non- GUN LUBRICANTS
because dry-bullet ammunition in 2 2 caliber shooting eye without the sights moving off
soon fouls the face of the cylinder, rear end the target.
of the barrel, and the barrel throat. Stand loosely and relaxed, facing away
For any quick draw work, the revolver is from the target at about a 45 degree angle.
best, and quickest to get into action. I t is This varies with individuals, but you will
also the most reliable. find that if you face yourtarget too squarely
American makers offer a wide choice in you tend to sway up and down with the gun
weights, barrel lengths, sight equipment, and and your shot groups will be vertically dis-
price, in .22 caliber revolvers. For example, persed. If you turn too far away from the
the five and the Colt Officers Model Match, target, then your gun will have too much
in heavy six-inch barrel super accurate tar- lateral sway and your groups will be later- I n the Siberian cold of MIG alley
get arms. No finer target guns are made in ally dispersed. Select the right angle for you . . . .. .
where petroleum lubricants
Anderol lubricants ke t
.22 caliber. The Smith & Wesson K-22 Mas- as an individual and stick to it.
terpiece is built on the .38 Military &Police Start with a big target at close range. A our jets* guns firing. NOW
same type lubricants are avail-
. ..
frame, while the Colt Officers Model Match gallon can at ten yards is good enough. Be able for your guns!
with its heavy 6-inch barrel is on the .41 sure that the rear sight is wide enough so WIDE TEMPERATURE RANGE
frame arid slightly heavier. Formerly, Colts you can see a strip of light on each side
of the front sight. Hold the top of the front
... perfect firing from -SO0
to a torrid 300' F.
made lighter .22 target revolvers. These have
been dropped from production, but Smith & sight level with the top of and centered in 10 TIMES LONGER LIFE
with 100 times better pro-
. ..
Wesson %ill make their fine little .22-32
tection against rust and
target revolver with 6" barrel (or shorter to corrosion.
order), the Combat Masterpiece on the K-22
frame with 4" barrel with ramp front and
you don't need a solvent
target rear sights, and also the little Kit I ¥hi forestry, Wildlife Serv'uul with Anderol Lubricants.
gun on the .32 frame. These, plus the wider Pick up a Lubri-Kit at your
assortment offered in the other makes, en- Dealer. We'll Guarantee
able the shooter to select a gun of the exact Your Satisfaction.
size, weight, and barrel length best suited
to his needs. The new H & R Sentinel line
area .. .
If not available hi your
send $1.50 for
each postpaid kit. Lubricants
Manual on ant
now offers a choice of colors also, a feature
particularly attractive to women-who, in-
cidentally, find handgun shooting just what
Dept. G-12, Chestertown, Maryland 1 ti^)'

the doctor ordered as a sport which they

can share on equal terms with their men.
Lovers of the old Colt Single Action have
welcomed the fine Ruger Single Six in .22
caliber. This is a light, small frame gun but
with standard size Single Action grips and
straps. It has been redesigned and fitted
with all coil springs for a very smooth, fast
Ñg ' "Load your own"
actipn. It .comes with a rear sight that can Handloading brings you
be moved laterally for windage, and can
easily be fitted with a fully adjustable rear
the finest satisfaction of
sight. This splendid little revolver comes shooting. Yourskill and un-
with a 5%" barrel in the all steel model, or derstanding of ballistics is
a 4%" barrel in the light weight aluminum
frame and cylinder model. I t is a fine un-
derstudy for the big Single Actions~which,
with the perfect balance and fine "pointing"
qualities, were the finest handguns ever pro-
duced for hip or "point" shooting.
Decide what you want in a handgun- .--
what uses you will have for it, what features Only Pirecisiion hand loads
you most value. Select the arm you like best can give YOU assured confi-
and that best fits your hand. Buy it, and dence in your shooting abil-
start shooting. Ammunition is cheap and you
can do a lot of practice shooting for small
ity . ..
bring out the best
cost. in gun and man. And re-
Few investments will pay off as well in member-You get the best
terms of fun and personal satisfaction-and results when you use the
if you later decide that you want a better finest tools.
or different gun, the "trade in" value of
guns is always high.
IGet Redding reloading tools and be sure ... they're Fully guaranteed!
If at all possible, secure the services of a
good coach. He will save you a lot of time
and ammunition by starting you right, not
only for safety but also to acquire good
shooting habits from the start. Shoot with
both eyes open if possible. But first deter-
mine which is your "master eye," the eye
that actually controls your vision. If neither
the master, then train your shooting
be the master by closing the other one
you line up the sights and then partly
the non-aiming eye. Continue this and
' c D m MEASURE.
Sold Him Dealers only
Free folder on request

will find the shooting eye becomes the

.. a- -; 47
th e rear sight. Each time the sights come
OT1 the target perfectly, increase the pressure
orI the trigger in a gradual squeeze. Never
B.S.A. MARTINI INTERNATIONAL .22 CALI- Piill or yank the trigger. ,

BER TARGET RIFLE, FOR THE RIGHT HAND Do not aim too long. If you can't get the
shlot off before your arm tires, lower the gun,
OR LEFT HAND SHOOTER IN THE HEAVY re st, and try again. Never let a shot go care-
MODEL OR LIGHTER WEIGHT 11 POUND le ssly. With practice, you will soon be hit-
Freeland Popular
Car Window sup-
RIFLE WITH SIGHTS ............. .$170.00 ti1ag the can with every shot. Then you can
BAA. MARTINI INTERNATIONAL .22 CAL. g*Â¥aduat to smaller cans, then to longer
ra.nges. But shoot at targets you can hit. This
RIFLE LESS SIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$150.00
$7.50 HIGH STANDARD FLIGHT KINGS 1/2" and 63/4"Pistol $46.50
bl.eeds confidence.
"Dry" firing-simulated fire with an un-
HIGH STANDARD SENTINELS 3" barrels .......... $37.00 loaded gun-is the best possible way to prac-
HIGH STANDARD SENTINELS i n the Nickel Finish.. $42.50 tii;e, and it costs nothing. Hold, aim, and
Freeland Car Window Su port 10X RIFLE COATS ............................ $20.00 sq[ueeze exactly as if the gun were loaded,
with Scope Holders .$r4.95 .. FN Mauser #300 Rifle ........................ .$170.00 arid watch where the sights are when the
SMITH AND WESSON COMBAT MASTERPIECES WITH hiimmer falls. With a little practice, you can
TARGET GRIPS & HAMMER ................... $80.00 c;all" your shots with amazing accuracy.
WINCHESTER Model 88C Rifle .243 or .358 Cal. ... .$135.50
WINCHESTER Model 70 Featherweight, asst. calibers. $1 29.95
dDry-firing some .22 handguns will burr the
WINCHESTER Model 70 Standard, asst. calibers. ....
.$129.95 ec1 of the chamber. If your gun is one of
WINCHESTER Standard 52 .22 Caliber rifle. ........ $1 15.95 thiese, keep an empty cartridge case in the
WINCHESTER Heavy Barrelled 52 .22 Caliber rifle.. .$129.95 ctiamber when you are dry-firing.) A few
WINCHESTER Sporter Model 52 .22 Caliber. ....... .$176.95 minutes of "dry" practice each day will per-
Marlin 39A or 39A Mountie rifle. ................ .$ 72.95 f ect your trigger squeeze faster even than a
Marlin 336A Regular Rifle or Sporter.............. .$ 89.95 lilIce amount of shooting, because you can
FREELAND TRIPOD i n Black, Remington Model 721A .30-06or .270............ .$ 95.25 clieck your own errors by watching the sights
Gray or Forest Green. .$14.95 Remington 722 .244 and .222 Caliber, Standard. . . . . .$ 95.25
when the gun "fires," without being distract-
Remington Model 4041 Standard .22 target rifle. ...
ec1 by the shot or by recoil. And you don't
Thalson Shortshell Reloading Set, 1 gauge. ......... .$ 22.50
ftedding Powder Scale. $1 4.00 Powder Measure. $ 16.00 .. eie n have to go out to the range.
Lyman 31 0 Tool complete 1 caliber. ............... $ 16.50 Practice safe gun handling always. For
Lyman EZY-Loader. ...... .$35.00, Rifle Dies. ....
.$ 17.00 clleap practice, .22 Shorts will do just
Lyman Economy Reloading Set, complete unit. ..... .$ 33.50 ai1 well as Long Rifle ammo if you clean
C&H, PACIFIC, RCBS reloading dies, set. .......... .$ 13.50 t lie barrel with a brass brush and a good
C&H RELOADING PRESS ONLY. .$36.00 "C" Press. .$ 12.00 scilvent after firing, to remove possible lead-
FR VND FREELAND Smiley Standard Case Trimmer for 1 caliber.. .....
.$ 17.50 inig. For serious target work, use .22 Long
.$ 3.00
R ifle ammunition. For small game, use high-
REST w i t h
finger grooves
$1 8.50
HORNADY N O R M A SIERRA - SI~ e e dhollow-point Long Rifle ammo. Your
.22 handgun, so loaded, will kill squirrels,
C l.ows, close-range woodchucks, rabbits,
(Mention r i f l e when ordering
palm rests)
All Rifle Scopes and Mounts
Spotting Scopes
- fr ogs, snakes, owls, hawks, rats, almost any
STnail game-if you place your shots.
Learn to use it, treat it right, and a hand-
ST A N D, with 3 sandbags g'in can be a fine friend and a fascinating
.................. .$20.00 Complete Supplier to the: Reloader, C()mpanion. Learn with the .22, then try the

FREELAN D SLING KEEPER hisavier center-fire guns. First thing you

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.25 Hand Gunner, Target Shooter. klnow, you'll be an addict. And you'll be in
GUN WIPER .......... .50 s(>od company. A lot of the world's
Order Hunting Sights and Gun Cases NOW. fils t people are handgun shooters.

FREELANDS SCOPE STANDS 30-30 .....................
.300 Sav.
3 7 3 7 F o u r t c t ~ n t h Avenu*: Rock Inland, I l l i n o i s
.38 Special ....
.45 Auto ......
All popular bullet wei hts. Express prepaid an
five boxes. Other califers on request.
1 A ff f e t e ' ~flu Om HandgmModellot
Illustrated Kimball's Custom Ammunition
4" Barrel BRYLITE BLACK Box 217 Alpine, Texas

With New Positive Locking G u n Rack
Adjusts f o r Any Size Gun
is: Also available in HYBRITE Finish (simulated Made of fine quality Gum Ply-
polished chrome). wood. Precision cut for or
0 Caliber: 2 2 (short-long-long rifle)-sIx shot.
Action: Single and double.
fee+ fittin Easy to assemble,
0 NO specialtools. Quali hard-
Weight: 4" barrel - -
22 oz. ( 2 W barrel 20 oz.). ware. Everything included.

"~i'i" 16.45 STOS

18 inch kit, Only $17.45
MFG. CORP. -7 Springfield St., Chicopee, Mass. ORDER BY MAIL
id anywhere i n U S A
Postage ~ r o h u rec
6 CO.ÑQI& since 1905
Wilmington 99, Delaware
(Continued from page 30)
IDEAL XMAS GIFTS! f o r Amateur
& Professional

holes at 200 yards, has beautiful light gather-

ing qualities and is remarkably free from
parallax troubles. When focussed carefully,
it has good resolving power. It proved to
be a wise choice, and functioned perfectly
during the long, jolting test. To hold it on
the Mauser action, I chose Buehler mounts-
simple, sturdy, and lacking in springiness.
METRIC: 1 mm. with vernier, 1/20 mm. INCH: .025" with
vernier .001". Overall length 8 in.. with caoacity of 51A- in.
Wyatt Osburn, of Auburn, Iowa, was my
choice for the gunsmithing chores on this
Precision made especially for Gunsmiths & work where close accurate measurements
one. Wyatt has one fault-just when he is Allied Trades where both metric and inch must be taken & final inspections. Clear
getting started working on "your" gun, some systems are used on t h e same firearm, ac- Graduations. Prices including Wooden Box
friend comes in to his shop and suggests a tion or frame, also handy in checking am- in Chrome Steel. . . .. . .. ... . .. . .
munition sizes. Indispensable in all shop in Stainless Steel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..
few rounds of blue rocks, or a trip to the Send 2Sc for New 1957 Catalog-48 Big Pages
bench rest. When that happens, Wyatt is FRANK MITTERMEIER Gunsmith Supply Headquarters
done working for the day. I don't hold that 3577 EAST TREMONT AVE. Establblwd 1936 NEW YORK 65. N. Y.
against him; I wanted a "shooting" gun-
smith, not a gun mechanic. It takes long
and careful tinkering with the bedding to

-. ...- I' f i n dinuothef t horiginal case:

turn out a gun which is ready to deliver
its best in accuracy. I wanted a man who
was interested in the final accuracy of the
The e Year
gun he was working on.
Wyatt turned the barrel down to heavy
sporter dimensions. Cut off and crowned, it
measured a neat 22 inches. While machining
it, he told me that there was something diff-
erent about this barrel, not something he
could put his finger on, but just "it worked
' at
à § i iwill h ~f irlh and by la UM fleli or ia ws alltcli~n.
if ttem rlflis isri In World War D N i t V.6. mmd andltlm... $ U.S.
4 awy
Ammo... S 2.00 per b o x
up different." He tried to talk me into
chambering it for his favorite wildcat, the
.22-243, but finally agreed to do the job in
.22-250. - - .. -- -- .
The stock was a Bishop walnut, semi
finished. It turned out to be a nice piece of M l lilÃQ à ‘ à t à ‘ à ‘ i
Y m^
;:<^ - :
";:',. 5 ~ o r c o ~ ~ , p e r 1 0 0 - ~ 7 . ~ 0
hI I @ ~ blH. W Ã 4% stab
P A N A M E R I C A N A R M S C O M P A Nl
- - 9211 Venice Blvd. - Los Angeles 34. California IÈÑÑÑÃ
wood, with fine, close grain-dense and free
from bird pecks. There was a lot of figure Dept. G-12
in the butt stock which improved the appear-
ance considerably.
I considered glass-bedding the rifle, then
decided to allow a good gunsmith to perform

the marriage of wood and metal which is
the result of good inletting. I left Wyatt
strictly alone during that job, for a pain- Ill
staking job of inletting is not done carelessly,
? hw
A K bscription to
JFLEMAN Magazine.
~ e a aboutd rifles, pistols, shotguns, hunting, target
shooting, n collecting, home gunsmithing, reloading
and relatedubjects-in the world's finest gun magazine
hammer torndÑwieilio made - - e v e r y month!
Razor sharp, large stainless steel rivets (no soft
nlckelsilver) for greater strength. Strongest
l a w s ever built into a knife. Rosewood handles. MEMBERSHIP IN THE N R A
4%" when closed. Imported from Bergischen 1' 1 get prompt, personal answers from OUT Firearms Information
Land (hilly country) in Germany. $4.95 post- i w u n law b u l l e t i n s ~ l o wcost gun insurance~marksmanship
paid, money back guarantee. instruction-gun club information-right to buy government surplus
CAP'N BALL gun equipment-eligibility for participation in a year-'round shooting
DOE B,110 Worth Ave., P a l m Beach, Florid program-plus many other benefits.


tinctive NRA lapel button sells regularly f o r $1.50. Yours
BURNS 12 HOURS F R E E as a n extra bonus for joining now. Wear i t proudly;
FOR 5c lies you as a member of this great sportsman's organization.
Perfect for trailers camps
trucks dens kennels base!
ments, wherever comfortable Please enter my subscription for T H E AMERICAN 0
HEAT is wanted.
RIFLEMAN, enroll m e as a n NRA member and send my
0 Portable Safe 0 Odorless gold-filled lapel button*
0 Silent 0 Dependable 0 Brass-
built for a lifetime. Â
0 Enclosed is my $5.00 D Bin m e please 603-12 '
$23.95 PP N
Money-back guarantee; circu-
lars on Lanterns, Cookers, Heat-
ers on request.
: Address -.
City & State
Exclusive US. Importer Â
CLERMONT. FLA. - (EXeter 4-5021)
Dealerships open, write, wire
Wash. 6. D. C.
1600 Rhode Island Ave.. N.W..
ar is it done in a few hours. Whatever a I fired 2,000 rounds through it before the
unsmith charges for inletting-if he does a stock was finished!
aod job, it is worth it. The actual firing of the gun being tested
But even before the stock was inletted, was done over sandbags on the trunk of the
Iyatt and I gave in to temptation. We car out in the gravel pit. Firing ultra-hot
istened the scope on its Buehler mounts to loads, I got a .group of five shots measured
from Norm Thompson ie barreled action which was still in the just .725" between extreme centers. However,
hite. We slapped the gun into an old issue the best ten shot group measured 391". That
[auser Stock which allowed it to rattle isn't going to take any world's record, I
round a bit. While Wyatt was fitting it know, but wait a m i n u t e t h o s e groups were
)gether, I ran up a box of handloads on fired from a gun weighing nine and one
Wild BO is bench. I put 35 grains of DuPont #4064 half pounds complete, not thirty! And the
FRONTIER SHIKI ehind the 55 grain Sierra bullets, of which scope was eight power, not eighteen. And a
(e had obtained 5,000 for the test. trunk lid is definitely not a bench rest.
Wyatt took a proof load out of the bench In addition, it must be remembered that
rawer and stepped out behind the shop. the load being fired was not chosen for
[e put the muzzle in the testing pipe and accuracy, but for speed alone. These groups
inched her off. It didn't even flatten the were fired with 36.9 grains of DuPmt 4064
rimer, so we were off and running. behind a fifty-five grain Sierra bullet. Slide
It was too far to the range, but there was rule velocity is within inches of being 4,000
smooth-grassed pasture nearby. The bench feet per second. The barrel was accurate, no
est pedestal and a couple of sand bags and question of that. With one loading which
nt us in business. After boresighting, it took was much too hot, three out of five shots
list three shots for Wyatt to move it onto keyhold, with the bullet being driven too
oint of aim at 100 yards. He tightened the fast to stabilize. Even with three keyholing
lount screws and fired six more shots. The bullets, the total group was just three inches,
roup he made on the side of the tomato which was once considered accurate.
rate was about one and one half inches! So the Appel barrel when new was
Ie was smiling when he straightened up accurate. Now the next question was,
rom examining the target. "Considering the "Accurate for how long?"
andicap of this stock," he said, "I'm willing I upped the powder charges slowly, a tenth
o predict that she'll shoot." I slid in behind of a grain at a time until I was tamping the
he Bushnell and fired my ten. My group was case full of #4064. I do not recommend this
ust about the same as Wyatts. We were load. It is too hot. It is dangerous. It did not
mighty happy when we went back to the produce any accuracy. According to the
hop. ballistic tables, at least, I was well over
When wyatt finished the gun, blued and 4,000 feet per second. That load must have
rith the stock rough finished, I was so subjected the fine steel of that rifling to a
-- that I didn't even sand the stock. tremendous erosive effect of blistering gases



Ãb m m w m w
An amazing selection of :
4 sizes 5 calibers 60 models 1 1
%&W/ Ask your dealer/^!
&&sfwrite to y
America's most distinctive clothing and equipment< .
for men and women. Handmade leather shirts, jack- &heware of i
ets, hunting clothes, boots in full range of styles and
flies, Western clothes, SHIKARI "White hunter"
clothes, world funoua Cowldun Indian swnten.
Norm Tbomvson products are not sold in stores. I
or the original
M A P P A I r"Cl

Norm Thompson Dep'.

1 1 11 N. W. I l s t , Partland 9, Or-n @ v~anufacturers:

at terrific speed. Primers flattened badly,
extraction became difficult,. and when one
primer came right out of the pocket, I
is apt to leave one with a permanent set
of crossed eyes, and with fewer fillings in
one's teeth.
moved back to 38 grains, which is still To help soak up some of the beating,
hotter'n the breath of a goat dining on and to get other shooting skills to properly
chili peppers. evaluate the rifle, I enlisted help. I t wasn't
All loads in this test were placed in Norma hard to find several good riflemen who were
.250 cases, full-length resized to hold the .22 anxious to get off a couple of hundred well-
bullet. Norma cases have a reputation for aimed shots.
thicker brass, which weighing two hundred The best group was fired by one of my
"case fulls" of each proved to be correct. I friends, and measured .583" for five shots
found that Norma cases held 3/10 of a grain at one hundred yards. I told him it was
less powder than comparable American brass. ninety percent luck and I think he agrees
This reduced case capacity and undoubtedly with me. When that group was fired, the
caused even higher pressures and velocities barrel age was 1,158 rounds.
than we had figured. Norma cases also have We reloaded evenings and we fired days,
the reputation of being made of good stuff. and the results continued to be good.
In my book, it is well earned. They took a At fifteen hundred rounds, the best group
brutal beating. Some of them were loaded was one that measured .795" for ten shots.
with over-maximum loads ten times, and Close visual examination of the rifling
still came back for more. I discarded more showed no signs of discoloring at the throat
cases from my own clumsiness with the or wear on the lands.
loading tools than from wearing out in the Dr. Appel claims that his process results
chamber. in a barrel which vibrates uniformly, so a
No load fired in this rifle could be called few comments on the rifle's ability to react
anything but hot. No one should approach to heat are worthy of mention. The first shot,
any of the maximum loads we used unless from a completely cold barrel, would land
he approaches them cautiously, a grain at a one and a half inches low and an inch to the MODIFIED
time and then a tenth of a grain at a time. left of the aiming bull. The second shot, from OPEN 40 YARDS
Reason for this treatment was our attempt a lukewarm barrel, would land in the bull.
to pack a lifetime of shooting through that The third, fourth and fifth shots, from a
barrel in a few weeks. warm, wanner and hot barrel, would also land The only choke in the world
The old beef of the bench rest fraternity in the bull. The fiftieth shot rapid fire, from a to give the three all-important
is that a barrel is worn out and ready for barrel so hot it was boiling the linseed oil killing patterns automatically!
the scrap heap by the time they have worked out of the stock, would also land in the bull. Set on open choke (15 to 25
out a good load for it. To see if that
was going to be true of the Appel barrel, I
That first shot, from the cold barrel, was
consistent, but it would not group with the
yards) for first shot. ..when
put that 4,000 feet per second load into others. fired, automatically changes to
each of 1,000 shots! If one man's shoulder On several occasions we fired forty rounds modified setting (25 to 40
takes all of that beating, the muzzle blast
- as fast as we could work the bolt and trigger.
- yards). ..and again automati-
cally changes to full choke
setting (40 to 60 yards) for
third shot! (f

Full 1% inch Choking Collet of 6150
Vanadium Steel for accurate,
uniform pattern.
Designed to prevent accumulation
of residue.
Test fired in excess of 10.000 rounds
and found to be clean as the day
m e Manual Setting Collar locks in
any of the three select positions, open,
modified, or full choke.
* * * * * * * * * * *

I do
n \
AT LONGEST RANGE Director of Trapshooting,
Sun Valley, Idaho.
NORMA factory loaded ammunition
brings shooters Olympic Championship
Match Grade quality -of no extra
Firearms Editor,.
Trap 6 Field Magazine
112 E. Euclid, McPhenon, Kansas
reloading; with all caliber* and weights I am interested In a Flex-Choke. Send me ma-
plete information.
o f bullets for best game and target
shooting. Name .....................................................
1 Available at your local dealer. Store Name ................................................
Address. ..................................................
with a barrel so hot that it would
The Perfect Christmas Gift cause a leather shooting glove to smoke,
we would switch over and fire a carefully
For The Man 'Who Has "EVERYTHING". . aimed ten shot group for record. We con-
tinued this sort of testing all through the

GQN' BOOKS BY FADCO second thousand rounds. When the log book
showed 2,000 rounds, all hot loads, we went
back to the bench rest.
In my hurry to get to that significant 2,000
"THE '03 SPRINGFIELD1'* round mark, I had subjected both myself and
the gun to a marathon of firing on Saturday
by Clark S. Campbell afternoon. I fired as rapidly as I could
reload and sent four hundred loads through
her in three and one half hours. The barrel
was charring the wood when I quit. No one
would shoot a target rifle like that. I was
leaning over backwards to give it a true
torture test.
After supper Saturday, I loaded up some
light rounds of 34.5 grains of Hodgdon
powder #4895. I wanted to get some real
accuracy figures on Sunday.
We had a perfect day Sunday, zero wind,
thick overcast and a good light on the
targets. I fired just one target to find the
point of impact of the lighter load. It was
I 272 Pages. Over 100 Illustrations. Size: 81/z"x11" 1 postpaid quickly moved up and I settled down to do
some serious shooting.
The first shot drilled into the black. The
second lit an inch and a half to the right.
I was flabbergasted, and immediately began
checking to see if any screws had worked
loose. My pals gave me the horse laugh and
told me to finish the group. I finished it,
but didn't bother to measure. It looked like
I had shot it with an inaccurate sling shot.
It would take a Texan to cover the group
ov:0;op;~;e2 zit:
l u s t r a t i o n s covering
1 7 6 gazes. with al- MAJOR
A. 0. B.
with his hat.
MAUSER DoNALg BAD" I fired a second ten shot group, and got
duction of tlm world's
most 3 0 scale draw-
n r i u d c d are both n u s o f t h e m o s t
commercial and mili- 1 0 u l a r . h i s t o r i c a l
T h i r t e e n Chapters
include: Introductory a group of about three inches. I was ready
most famous handc-un. tary models linciudin a n interesting cen- H i s t o r i c a t 0utli"e-
L u m w a OLSON A best seller in the
eun book fieid...87.50
experimental forms o? lel-flre cartridges of
each) from the first the last 7 5 years. A
automat:^ Mechanisms
-Lockin Mechanisms
to admit that the Appel test was over. I
Here a1 last is the
%Zkw%%k%.% thought that the 2,000 blistering bullets had
t y p e s c o n c ~ i v ~a ds wealth of information -5ctraction and E me-
book o n e most
famous rlfle of all
early as 1896 to the
most up-to-date varia- %ic%=G~%Zi
tions of 1955. I t you r u n e n t h u s i a s t s . A
Mechanisms -
tion Mechanisms-peed
a n d F i r i n g Mechan- been too much for it, just as they would be
. . .
times Mauser. are intorested In ail
there Is lo know about i&% f?: yo.u.r8+%
sms-Sights and
too much for any other barrel I'd ever
the United States
Army's .4.1 Colt Auto-
mat1c l'istol, you'll -Silencers-This Plus
seen. One of my friends volunteered to try
find it ail hero. g~g;d~~,neE;~Ecaa a ten shotter; and I couldn't care less. He
280 I'tges and index
$7.50 Postpaid Many o f the illus- took a lot of time with his firing and when
;- ofrewy~
he finished he wore a king-sized grin. His
100. are uncomplicat-
S. FIREARMS-1778-19S8'
ed, yet clear and de-
tailed drawn l i hand ~
group was a beauty, measured .755 of an
9 by
In order to more em-
ily show the median-
isms and principles of
t h e t e c h n i m i =om. Bewildered, I stared at my own target
Beginning with the flintlock weapons of the Ponents and workinus
Revolutionary Period, the complete hi~1oi-yie of the many while another shooter took over. His group
carried through weapons In the- liands of the wea o n s h e r Z i Y d 2
troops diiring the Second World War and the
Korean "Police Action."
scribed. O t h e r s are
fine phototrraphic re-
was just on the one inch mark. Obviously, it
The Outstanding Feature of this superii
productions of many
of t h e current a r m
was me, not the barrel, which had worn out.
chronicle is the 88 Full Pages of Hand-Drawn falling into the title's Then someone told me that I was flinching
Line Drawings executed in most nicticuious categories. Both illus.
manner To Exact Scale by America's foremost trat ons and text were
technical military illustrator. Andre Jandot! Prepared expressly like a goosed schoolteacher with each shot.
Mr. Jandot's iiluitrations show not only each "for persons with no
exact detail down to the smallest, but me more technical e w i -
l e e r i n g knowledge
I was gun shy from the pounding of the day
intersuorsed with numerous "Cutawav" draw.
inxs which unfold the hidden secrets of tine
than Is needed to car- before.
internal mechanisms! Each plate is Full Page
181/<>"xll"l and all are fl-atliered in a s m c h l tonance of his car.'' Once a flinch is admitted, it is fairly easy
t o to the rear of t h e text in &h a The handy 5%" x
manner that one may "read" the plates nopa. S W s i z e I s hard- to conquer. I began squeezing more slowly,
rateiy. No finer and more complete j o l ~ oi linund a n d c o m p l e t e
iilusiratintr weapons of Any type has c v c i with dust jacket with
squeezing dead slow-so slow that I actually
been attempted, much less accomplished. The did surprise myself when the gun went off.
drawlnc's alone tell a story and Illustrate the able paper. Satlsrac-
ninny variations. intricacies, components. Car- t i o n g u a r a n t e e d or My group came back to a respectable inch
fridges and Accessories far bolter than a t ~ your mon
Publication Date (ap- over 1 0 0 %i:t%tlo"*
yoximatel 1 Novem.
>cr 15. l h 7 . 216 Pnxes. $ 1 2 3 0 Postpaid
1 7 8 Pages and one half. After a couple of hours away
$4.00 Postpaid
SEND FOR OUR unae BROCHURE ~ ~ A ~ ~ R ~ l ~ ~ me
FROM l ~ WORLD 5 ~ ~ N from
~ ~ the~ gun,
~ ~ I came
o o back
s and shot a slow
.------------------------------------ ten shot group which measured .850". This
is the accuracy figure I'm using for 2190
rounds of barrel age.
Box 3183-C7 O l y m p i c S t a t i o n To continue the test we went back to the
B e v e r l y Hills, Calif.
Dear Sirs: routine of firing ninety maximum loads-
Enclosed please find. ........... .Check.. ........... .Cash.. ........... .Money Order in the Amount of loads which flattened primers, stretched case
................ .to cover cost of the Book(s1 indicated beicw: necks and made us useall our strength lift-
RIFLES. ................. ,812.50
.................... .............$12.50
0 US. FIREARMS. 1778-1956..
ing the bolt handle. Then we'd go to the
plsTo=*S. .....
0 COLT AIJTOM&TIC PISTOLS. .............. 'a ID' 7.50 ....... 4.00
0 THE ' 0 3 SPRINGFIELD. .................. 9.95
.... '.OO Beautiful, Clear, Sharp, 3 5 M M transparencies
Outstanding Pistols. Perfect for Projection.

Set Ç Set È
c i t y . . .............................. zone.. ......
1 ~ a m e . ........................................
. Colt S.A. .45
1904-06 Navy Luger
Webley-Fosbery .455
S&W 357 Magnum
Mauser Military 9mm
Remington .41
Cordite Auto. Revolver Derringers (pair)
$1.00 per set of 3, p
302 15th Street Santa M o n i c a , Calif.
accuracy loading of 34 grains of Hodgdon
4895 and print ten for record. That seemed
to be the best load for this particular rifle;
Here's the gun, 1
34 grains of 4895, a Cascade primer, and the
55 grain spitzer Sierra bullet. It might shoot
like a crackerjack out of a drain pipe in the are proud to own1
next gun, but for mine it was just what the 1
doctor ordered. The results of this accuracy
shooting are shown in the accompanying
table which is the life history-to date at
least-of my first Appel barrel.
Barrel Age (Total with the famous Ithaca Raybar Sight (

Rounds Fired) Size of Best Group

300 1.000" for/10 shots. Ithaca guns are famous favorites with Hunters and
500 .891" for/10 shots. Shooters because they are finest quality from tip of the
1,100 .583" for/lO shots. barrel to the end of the stock
makers for your shooting pleasure!
.. .
crafted by top gun
1,500 .795" for/10 shots.
2,190 . S O " for/10 shots. You'll be proud of your Ithaca with its beautifully finished I
2,450 .800" for/10 shots. native walnut stock and forend; its fast, smooth, trouble-free
2,760 .7001'/10 shots. action; exclusive, safe, bottom-ejection ...
all the fine features
3,000 .855"/10 shots. you want in your gun1
Which brings us up to date. That Appel All Ithaca guns are made of safe, solid steel ...
built to last
Barreled .22-250 has fired 3,000 rouuds, and give you greatest strength to handle the 2% inch magnum
2,700 of which were in the maximum load shells os well as the 2 % standard loads ...
yet it is so light you
class. 2,500 of them were too hot to be shot never get tired toting i t all day i n the woods and fields.
safely in the average gun. They were de-
signed for just one purpose-to burn out a
barrel. It is my contention that these 3,000
loads subjected the rifling to more of a
All models are equipped with the original
and amazing
beating than it would get in two lifetimes . .
that helm imorove your shootina under anv out-
door lighting conditions. Helps you gel on target
of normal shooting.
faster. N o more misses because of poor light.
We took on the Appel barrel for a long Ithaca Raybar sights also fit other makes and
slugging match. The barrel won. If you models o f shotguns.
want to take on such a contest, get in shape
by going ten fast rounds with a good sharp- SEE ITHACA SHOTGUNS AND
~unchingmiddleweight, before you go three RAYBAR SIGHTS AT YOUR DEALERS
thousand rounds with the .22-250!
Naturally, I intend to continue recording
the accuracy of the gun as I shoot it. I 4 Send for Your Copy of This Booklet
Build your own Gun Cabinet or Rack. Six designs, a l l
figure if I load it sensibly, I'll still be able new. Complete, simple instructions. By special arrange-
to make prairie dogs come unglued at 300 ment with the author you can have this $1 booklet
yards ten years from now. for only 50c coin (no stamps). New booklet on
Two more things I want to find out. Shooting Tips and Featherlight Information 25c.
I have an Appel barrel in .30 caliber that I
intend to fit to a fine Fabrique Natiouale "Since 1880 - Great Guns!"
Mauser single shot, in a bench rest stock
and fire for accuracy. ITHACA Gun company, Inc., Dept. 53, Ithaca, N.Y.
Then, if I can wangle a .243 barrel from - .-- -. -. -. ..
the Appel people, I'm going to work up an
antelope rifle for this fall in Wyoming.
In the meantime, here is my report on the
Appel barrel No. 1 for the readers of GUNS:
"I put 3,000 hot loads through the
For man? years we ban been destining and hand-fashioning
Appel .224 barrel, which should ruin ¥&dra ~olsters'for motion picture aotors and peace Offi~erkI. PRICES
it. The barrel was very accurate in i d we specialize i n making "Lightning Draw" Holsters and Belts
>r all types of guns. They are made from the finest oiiallt; Single Holster
the beginning. Insofar as I can deter- ouble leather with a special metal Httlng Inserted between the 6 Belt (shown)
nlng-ao that the gun will draw aui- without bindim. Pioneers
mine, it is still just as accurate. One
barrel doesn't make a still, but as far
nd leaders i n this Held. OUR WORKMANSHIP I8 UNCONDI-
NOTICE: When orderini.' be lure to send your waist and hip
-: E:::
as I'm concerned, Dr. Appel definitely leasurements the length of the gun barrel the caliber and the
lake ot the &I For all PLAIN BELTS with one holster deduct Belt with
has something here. goo from price. For all PLAIN BELTS with two h o i s t k de- Double Holstw
Louis Corbeau!' not $3.00 Include $100 extra for postage. In California add
% Sales k. 20% d&tl maulred on all C.O.D. orders. write
>r llluatrtted catalog and endow 600. (Catalog price refunded on
rat purchase.)
PS: There is a postscript to this gruelling
enduro that even gun writer Corbeau doesn't ....................... ............
ustom fitted silver gun hmdlw with gold steer head and your
nltials 885.00 (tius Fed. Tax). Belt 6 1 Holstel
Ton. $47.00
know about, and that is-his barrel was [DWARD H. BOHLIN "WORLD'S FINEST" BIOC~. $49.00
Belt 6 2 Holsten
defective, a reject barrel! According to Dr. Specializing i n plain or silver mounted saddles and acces-
sories for the equestrian and sportsman for over 38 years.
Ton. $62.00
Appel's letter to GUNS, "It apparently 3 1 North Highland Ave. Dept. C-12 Hollywood 38, Calif.
slipped our attention to request that the .22
barrel be returned, because this barrel was
incorrectly manufactured. It was drilled for
6 mm and formed, in error, to a .22
barrel . . ."
1 1
r n L - PEN CARNIVAL Champions RUDY ETCHEN and
Col. CHAS. ASKINS agree this "10" is best
Get those hiah-flying, 7 to it-pound Canadian honkers
with the NEUMANN 10-ruge maanum-world's moat
powerful shotgun1 S~elallydnlgnç for long-nn e pus
'hooting this gnat MOM aun auurm d u n khs at
dlstancei many yards beyond the çffçetreach of 12-
rug8 must Action k built to stay snug forevert
(Continued from Page 34)
their particular rifle performs best with. De- this scope will be the big seller in the B&L
spite the debunking fervor among arms line this year.
writers these days about the "long range The appeal to the gadget-minded shooter
shot," the BSA Featherweights tried will not is irresistible; he can be kept happily busy
do as well as the ammunition's own factor just fiddling with the thing. In addition to
of accuracy. Good, but not spectacular, is the the standard adjustments for windage and
way to put it. The Standard Imperial will elevation, we have ocular focusing, objective
group inside 2", depending on the ammo. focusing, and power (6 to 24) setting. As
Certainly there is no problem about tying can be expected with any of this first line
the gun into the stock for solidity-the firm's offerings, quality is tops, featuring
Standard Imperial and others of the Stand- rugged and precise work throughout. For any
ard weight are inherently accurate. On the use where weight is not a disadvantage (the
New G u n Cleaning
- last count, muzzle brake, there is much to scope weighs 36 ounces) and medium to high
Outfits be said for this on both sides. Introduction power is desirable, this is a hard outfit
of a factory-made rifle with integral muzzle to beat. Field was flat and clear at all mag-
provide you everything needed for the complete brake is long-overdue. But the effectiveness nifications, detail was so good that we had
cleaning of your guns. Solvent, patches, gun of this muzzle brake, in terms of subjective no trouble spotting .22 bullet holes at 100
wipers, oil, and a three piece Gun Cleaning Rod.
-22 or .30 caliber. The latter equipped with the kick and not abstract ballistic recoil, is still yards, even under rather mediocre lightcon-
Hoppe Adapter for cleaning guns up to 12 gauge. something to determine. The Featherweight ditions. There was, of course, no change of
The Hoppe "De Luxe" features a drill steel rod and
a cedar box. The Hoppe "Utility" provides an
aluminum rod and a sturdy, steel tote box enarn- Standard for the accuracy fan.-W.B.E.
is excellent for the walking- hunter, the zero after Dower shiftinas.-H. J. ERFURTH.

oled in hunter green. See these fine "Outfits" a t

your gun dealer's. Those Balvar Multi-Power Scopes
We received several of the new "Balvar
FRANK A. HOPPE, INC. 24" telescope sights the other day and hauled
2313 North 8th Street them out to the ranee, . - them on every-
- . twine
Hunting knives, well known "Mora" and
Philadelphia 33, Pa. thing from heavyweight varmint and bench
"Eskilstuna," handmade from world famous
rest guns to featherweight spotters. Our pre- Swedish steel sent to you'direct from Sweden.
diction: in spite of the high price of $160.00 This new model offered for the first time in
U.S.A. Tot. L. 8 % " stage horn handle compl.
with genuine leather sheath $8.76 ppd. De Luxe
Knife Tot. L. 10" stage horn with leather and
metal sheath $13.80. This knife is guaranteed
the highest priced in Sweden and an excellent
gift for a hunter. Send your check or money
order through

S. I.0th St., Phoir 670
422 Sherman Canal. Venice. California

6% Ib. rifle with less recoil tha
New Mauser Action

Action has 21 points of superiority. It is

stronger, faster feeding,easier extracting than
any other. The B.S.A. Royal Line is a master-
piece of design. To examine a B.S.A. . . .to handle
it. . to use it only once is sufficient to thrill with a
sense of power and control you never experienced before. desperate hunting and fishing emergencies. This
noted collector's prize i s 9" in overall length, with

FEATHERWEIGHT (with Besa Device)
IMPERIAL-30.06-.270, 611. lb.4127.75
.6% lb.-$127.75
.6lI4 1b.-SlW.55
- .....-....- WEIGHT
..- .-...
(also available without Besa Device)
IMPERIAL-30-06 ..... .7V2 1b.-$127.75
beveled stainless steel blade over 4' lone. Latch
automatically locks blade in place when it darts for-

VISCOUNT-.243 Win.. .257 Rob..

.SOO Sav., 7 m . .... .71l2 lb.hl27.7~
.222 Rem. .........
REGENT--22 Hornet,
,711, 1b.-$127.75
ORDER NOW: Snxl $10.00 &a, M.C.O.D.

(Continued from Page 33)
morning following on lands inhabited by too clear but it appears that both rifles and
deer, of rifle larger than .22 caliber rim fire shotgun are legal. FINESFRELOADING TOOLS
or a sidearm larger than a .38 caliber, or In Tennessee, deer hunters must use rifles ON THE MARKET!
a shotgun and shells loaded with shot larger of .25 caliber or larger, with muzzle velocity
than No. 6 shall be presumptive evidence of 2200 feet or more. Shotguns must use a PACIFIC ,
of a violation-." (If this was meant to dis- ball or slug. For 8we3 an ace
courage poaching, it is utterly ridiculous! In Nebraska, no rifles are allowed for raw at in rfonoiiy
price. Includes sue-
Probably more deer are killed by poachers deer; shotguns with ball or slug only. cially h e a t - t r e a t e d
with .22 rim fire rifles than with any other The Utah law makes no mention of what iing
i z i die
~ gdie, andadjust-
with seat-
firearm, because the report is not loud and is to be used on deer, but game birds must able crimper. F a -
tures unlaue swine-
the bullet is extremely accurate. Equally be shot with a shotgun only. out p r i m e r arm.
inconsistent is the fact that the poacher is In Florida, anything goes, for deer, except Price complete with
dies. shell holder and
within the law in carrying a .357 Magnum the .22 rim fire. primer arm. $44.95.
Automatic primer
revolver, even though potential as a deer- In Colorado, the big game weapon must feed. $7.00.
slayer is twice that of the .45, which is be a rifle with at least a 70 grain bullet
illegal.) which at 100 yards must retain 1000 foot
In New Hampshire, the .22 rim fire is pounds energy.
illegal for deer, Shotgun with single ball or In Oregon, no rifles are legal for deer
loose buckshot only are legal. that are under .23 caliber. For elk and
In Maine, the meaning of the law is not pronghorns the bore must not be under .25
I t
rf for oufdoors!
i feels like chamois leather
Warm well -tailored
and tough, for hunting Pacific Super Tool Complete With Die*, Shell
Silent Sioux's or fishina. Sanforized Holder, Primer Arm ..............
and get; wfter with
Wiqwamer each washin
Pacific Big "C" Tool Complete For One
kliber ........................
MIDGET sirs: 14-18. Half sizes. .............
3 5 - 9 5
. - .......
Pacific Powder Scale .$10.95
See Your Dealer or Send For F m Catalog!
Send for free Gokey
Rugged light weight and portable the ideal heating
unit f& hunters! Use for cookin and heating in Sportsman's Catalog PACIFIC
duck blinds cobins and corn s. %urns bottle of fine boots, cloth-
No. 1 fuel 'oil or kerosene. i n k is o tional. i& & equipment. RELOADING TOOLS
$12.95 less tank. Gwd Christma? gift f% all sports- PACIFIC GUN SIGHT COMPANY
men. Contact your dealer or write to: Dept. G127. Dept. G
St. Paul 1. Minn. 1903 El Camino Real, Polo Alto, California
Silent Sioux Corm. Orange City, Iowa

Sporting 135 gr.. ...............

.............20 ids. ONLY 3.50



THE GUNS THAT calmer. No s i i u i g u n s are allowed for deer

that are loaded with buck or bird shot.
Nothing is said about shotguns loaded with
2. 1048 /Title 30. United States Code. Section

CIRCULATION OF GUNS MAGAZINE published monthly a t

Skokte. DlInOla. for October 1. 1957.

WON THE WEST a single ball or slug.

In Oklahoma, nothing is said about what
firearms are legal except no shotguns over
1. The names And addrewise of t h e publisher. editor.
managing editor, and b & w mma&-am are: P u b i m e r ,
Publishers Development Corporation. 8150 N. Central Park,
Skokie, 111.; Editor, E. B. Kami, 8150 N. Central Park.
Skokie, 111.; Managlng editor, William E d w r d t , 8150 N.
Central Park, Skokie. 111.; Business manager, G e w e E.
10 gauge. von Rosen. 8150 N. Central Park. Skokie, 111.
Massachusetts, only shotguns of not over 2. The owner is: Publishers Development Corporation,
8150 N. Central Park. Skokie, 111.; Stockholder, 0. E. von
10 gauge are permitted for deer. It is un- Rosen. 8150 N. Central Park. Skokie. Ill.
3. The known bondholders, ioirteaiie~, and other se-
lawful to use any rifle on game. Oppossum curity holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total
amount of bonds, m o r t e m s . or other securities are: (It
end raccoon must be hunted by dogs only there are none. so state.) None.
4 . Paraerraplis 2 and 3 include, in cases where tha stock-
and killed with a pistol or revolver not liolder or security holder annears unon the b o o b of t h e
larger than .38 caliber. company as trustee or in any other fiduciary relation, t h e
na!ne of the person or corporation for whom such trustee i s
In California, apparently nothing is out- acling: also the statements in the two naragraphs show t h e
a n t ' s full knowledc-e and belief a s to the circumstances
lawed except that you can use no shotgun and conditions under which stockholders and security bold-
ers who do not appear upon the books of the company as
larger than a 10 gauge. trissLees, hold stock and securities in a capacity other than
that of a bona fide owner.
In the Kansas code, no mention is made 5 . The average number of copies of each issue of this
of kinds or calibers of guns, but it is illegal publication sold or distributed, through tho mails or other-
wise. to paid subscribers during the 12 months preceding
to shoot game birds except when in the air. the date shown above was: (This Information is required
from daily, weekly. semiweekly, and triweekly newspapers
In Delaware, no shotgun must be used 0niY.I
G. E. von Rosen
h a t is larger than a 10 gauge. (Siernature of editor, Publisher, business manager, or owner)
Colt Army .44 Cal. 1860 In Iowa, only a shotgun is legal for deer. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 13th day of
Septeml~cr. 1957.
In Minnesota, no rifle using a bullet small- (SEAL) Betty Lou Munson
(My commission expires March 10. 1058.)
er than .23 caliber or less than 1%" long
ANTIUUE GUNS may be used for deer unless the caliber is
.35 or larger. Slugs in shotgun are legal.
Theseare replicas of original rare COLT p n a In Arkansas, .22 rim fire, .224, and .228
made of strong metal-look and feel like the rifles, and .410 gauge shotguns are illegal
REAL GUNSÑwit gun blue finish.
for deer. No. 4 shot and slugs or ball are
1847 Colt W a l k e r 4 4 col............ .$6.95 okay for deer in all shotguns above .410
1873 Colt Peacemaker45 col. ....... $5.95
1836 Colt Texas PotersonÑ4 col. ..... .$6.95 gauge.
1848 Colt Wells F o r g e 3 1 col.........$5.95 In West Virginia, a rifle of rim fire using
1860 Colt A r m y 4 4 col. ............. $5.95 a bullet of less than .25 caliber is illegal
1851 Colt Navy-36 col. ............. .$5.95 for deer. Shotgun slugs and ball are legal
Truly novel gifts that are interesting conversation for deer; buckshot is illegal.
pieces. Each gun comes complete with a short
and enlightening history on its period. In New York, ball or slugs in shotguns
not under 20 gauge are legal for deer. No
. Send cash, check or Money Order now! rifles are allowed in some counties and
7784 Foothill -
Long Island.
(Continued on page 58)
' 56 Craft Blde..
SMI Holbwoed Blvd..
Lot A n n l u 28. Calif.
... - . ......Tujungo,
. Calif. . . w

LAST and FINAL Inquiries


SHI. ..... JT JUST

ARRIVED...: . 7.5 Caliber (.32) 30 Second Take-

Now, you too canown, or give as a

gift, the world renowned Husqvarna
Revolver. Every collector, shooter
and gun crank will want to own one, Fine Swedish Steel Superbly Accurate
and can buy at Our We have received a number & exceptionailY
Sensati~nallyOW Price. Rugged, ac- fine revolvers for serious collectors. They have
curate and dependable, its ease of a nr e unusually
in Excellent fine Condition.
Charcoal Blue finish a n d
maintenance makes i t ideal f o r
ranchers, hunters, target shooters,
plinkers and for home protection.
Original Accessories
an yards
Cleaning Rods ........................ .35
' e m Good
1&DAY MONEY-BACK Screwdrivers .......................... -36
Plenty Of Ammo Available
GUARANTEE A t less t h a n comparable U.S. Prices
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(Continued from Page 56)
large quantities of parts f a export orders-especially 30 carbine, 30 Garand, 30 & In Idaho, any firearm is legal with the
50 caliber machine gun plus their accessories & attachments. 2 very large orders en- probable exception of the .22 rim fire.
In Kentucky, shotguns are legal for deer.
There is no mention of rifles being used.
In Indiana, there is no mention in the
code book as to the type of firearm to be
used on deer.
A SPECIAL SAVING OF $10.00 In Missouri, rifles, handguns, and shotguns
SPECIAL PRICE $5.75 are legal on rabbit and squirrel. There is
Armstrong receiver sights no mention as to what to use on deer.
amazing dual ranue-after
micrometer windage & ele.
Illinois regulations are the same as Mis-
nation is set, pressing souri's, or similar.
button increases settings The South Carolina law makes no men-
automatically 1 0 0 M s . ,
another Press & sight returns to original aettinfl. tion of the type of firearm to use on deer.
-All adiuatmenta with lock screws 6 Allen wrench
contained in sight base. Quick detachable. press but-
In Alabama, shotguns and rifles are legal
ton and siaht slips from base. slip back in and sight for deer. The law does not state whether
returns to your original setting. Special grooved the .22 rim fire is legal or not.
w e disc centers eye automatically-used for years on
world's finest factory Mauser smrters,-fits Mauser. In Maryland it is illegal to hunt deer
Springfield, Enfield 6 Krag. with shot, buckshot, or full metal patch bul-
lets. Use only ball or rifled slug in a shot-
gun, and no rifle is legal that has a muzzle
energy less than 1200 foot pounds. Upland
game may be hunted with a .22 rifle, except
$2.95 plus 4 0 t Postage.
Add $1.00 if you wish either blank chambered for FRONT SIGHTS deer.
2 2 rim fire. Amaze your friends, astound your t a r e e b r e e a r d - Arizona is a stickler on caliber and energy
p&rz2&':'5 ; : ;u 6t$FpMy4make excellent
less if paper, cans. o r game your "hits"
imProve with this slirht-for Hl-powers and small
of rifles for certain animals. Better consult
REMINGTON MODEL 1 2 6 1 2 1 BARRELS brand bores, often used on t a m t p i s t o l s ~ c o m ~ l e t with
e officials for interpretation of law before
new 2 2 caliber. If used for moriel 1 2 dov&il for
man. must be filed In --------__--.--____-
sa.50 extra aperatures quickly lnterchanoreable. From
discontinued Tawet rifle of lamst U.S. rifle manu-
planning a hunt here.
REMINGTON MODEL 3 4 & 3 4 1 barrels, new. .22
In North Carolina, shotguns and rifles are
caliber. $6.50. facturer-at a 70% discount! Price $1.49 ea.-
NEW .44 CAL. BARRELS legal for deer. So far as I can tell, even
2 7 W l o n ~ p r a l i r h t VR" d I a . 4 ffroove. One end
turned to from Va" fmm turned end shallow the .22 rim fire is legal.
position flat. Used for .44-40, 4 4 Spec Hixh alloy
.steel. adaptable to Win
2:; W ~ S . ' ~ ~ ~ *
In Virginia, shotguns are legal for deer in

h a r r e ~ s .etc. m i c e ~ e . 9 = ¥ D I I V A L
most places. Some counties forbid rifles and
PISTOL BARRELS shotgun slugs but allow the use of .22 rim
Brand new. straight lengths W4" x 8". for extra lone
fire for hunting.
:%'% !KZa$t%
or 2 for 86.50.
2$$2ic~!~?f:23.~ eif2 In Georgia. for deer. shoteuns with slues


1 5 shot. new -- ----$1.00 ea.
2 for ~ 1 . 7 5 - f r e e l i Z d i a - ~ i n gcase ziven
when 2 am ordered)
3 0 shot-new - - - - - - - Ã £ _ _ _ _ Ã £ _ __S4.95
5 Shot. for hunting & neater appearance,
smooth welded bottom flts flush with t r i s ~
guard-new ---------_--_-_---___$2.4s


Complete inner (w/sprlnK follower
s t r i ~ p e dinner, $1.25; out&, $Z.SO. 1'4~~%)i&~?(
state which.
WRENCH, essential for re.
movinE c a s Piston for

ost & broken parts*
ed knuckles -S~.OO
both above tools
ascd, triffsrer spring
ncluded Free.


A REAL BUY AT .. . $3.50.


2 T b ~ ~ ~ ~ t 2 & k 3 s s ~ ? ~ ~ e u ~ ~ 2
Eel for $3.50-Lucky us (and you) they
t g u n shells a n d
came in c o m ~ l e t e with issue universal
. . .-' results
ÑAfitte takes seconds to a p ly
. Deep6ritects Used cold nothpng s u n cases. & we are nassine this lucky rifle cartridges. Small- weather protec-

complicate blue permanen't finish. buy on to you. Case detachable of heavy er lower loops prevent flaps. Mahogany
Actually penetrates the steel. Used by g~an finish with rein-
factories and gunomitha everywhere. Gurir- gg;~~:Fg;~"m;&&;~fl~l$~
anteed to be t h e best cold blue you ever
UsedÑo your money back. $a$$d;;u\zf%! $2;
3 GUN SIZE ÑÑ...._.__.._
$2.00 ppd. H O I ~ S aim firmly prevkntinb scratchinflr

1 pint
L Y 6
ppd. $7.50
Y %r%%
~&u%$zK Plain finish $12.00
Postpaid $16.00


yr$;;~ay~;~~~i$ekprw;{~f~y;;;~ma~~~ FREE CATALOG
Featuring over 100 holster OOD!


styles a n d complete s a d d l e

leather shooting equipment.


of THOMPSON Guns "Â¥'
Sub-machine FROM $150.00 to $1500.00.
- 5 , 5 .

.2 %....*. ..: ..
or No. 1 buckshot or larger are legal. Center
fire rifles of .25 caliber or larger (except
.25-20, .32-20 and the .30 M 1' carbine) are
In Wisconsin, big rifles are illegal for
deer, and .22 rim fire rifles and .410 gauge
shotguns are illegal for bear and deer. No
upland game can be taken legally with .22
rim fire. Handguns of .22 caliber come
under the same regulations as the .22 rifle,
and other handguns are outlawed.
In North Dakota, slugs or 20 gauge and
up are legal for deer. Also, for deer, all
33. rifles and other calibers are legal for
deer providing the cartridge is 1%" long
or longer.
In South Dakota it is illegal to hunt deer
with buck shot, slugs, or ball that weigh
under % ounce. Rifles may be .22 caliber
but bullets (or cartridges?) must be two
inches or longer.
This covers not all but most of the states,
and the others have similar regulations. The
over-all picture is one of complete confu- GIVE EVERYDA Y SHOOTING FUN!
sion. The one firm conclusion I have been
able to draw from it is that the lawmakers Suddenly t h e thrills and skills of shooting become part of the whole family's every-
in most states have displayed an amazing day fun life. Y o u r gift of Crosman Pellguns with controlled range and power
ignorance of firearms, ballistics, and the makes it possible ...safer, accurate shooting, right in and around t h e home, all
logical solutions to hunting problems. year long. Clean and quiet, too. N o powder. N o explosion. Power is provided by
odorless, non-toxic C02 gas o r compressed air. For gifts that really hit the mark
In states where woodchuck hunting is a.
major sport, experienced farmers allow only
... rifles, pistols, a home shooting range
Crosman Pellguns.
ask your sporting goods dealer about
hunters shooting precision high-velocity rifles FREE! New, colorful, 32-page G u n Book. Write Crosman Arms Co., Inc.,
with bullets that will break up on a hit, Dept. G-12,Fairport, N. Y.
whether on a chuck or on a bit of sod. Why
not, in big game areas, specify high velocity
rifles of a stated, reasonable caliber, with
thin jacketed bullets having muzzle veloci-
ties of, say 3000 feet per second to insure
proper disintegration - plus, if you like, Available i n Canada
(Continued on Paste 62) World's largest producer of pellet rifles a n d pistols
- - - - -- - -- -- -


Beautifully c a r v e d s a d d l e
leather for the discriminating
Sportsman. Special! tanned
leather withstands hard use.
Maximum gun p r o t e c t ion.
Safety strap holds gun se-
curely. With or without snap-
off feature. Heavily stitched
with waxed linen thread. In
Black or Brown.

Flower Carved holster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.45 .

FRONTIER COLT ASH TRAY Plain holster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3.75
by Coombs of Creekside Craftsmen
Full size, cast aluminum replica. Antique copper
finish. With black Colt $7.95. With polished colt

These guns ore full scale Frontiers, and look like
the real Colt. Unmounted in any way, they are

Superior dependabiliti ...-..

all-steel top mount for general hunting
ideal for decorating rumpus room or den.

use with Vi minute adjustments for eleva-

tion and windage.
Identify your target faster sight faster POST BRACKET
shoot better with your scope reticle opti- For mounting name or mail box. ......... .$6.50
cally centered. Make full use of your scope's For Shelf Brackets. Pair. ................ .11.50
field f f view with reserve field in all direc- Write for Literature
tions for target identification and lead.
Your beit investment in accuracy for any scope.
$29.50 compl*t*
AT YOUR DEALER or write for litenturn
Super ,Cold Blue
Acclaimed world's best instant
b l u e b y t h e foremost gunsmiths
a n d manufacturers. I
ED McGIVERN'S BOOK on "Fast and tributed by Scott-Mitchell Inc., Dept. G-12,
Y o n k e r s 21, New Y o r k
I Fancy Revolver Shooting" is the textbook
for all students of quick draw, aerial shoot-
ing with handguns, and precision rapid-fire
611 Broadway, New York 12. Available from
or through your sporting goods dealer.

combat marksmanship. As timely now as

when first published 20 years ago, this new
edition by Wilcox & Follett, Dept. G-10,
1000 W. Washington St., Chicago, Ill., is well
illustrated, tells just about all there is to
know about fast gun play. Writing that
crackles with gunfire, by the man who has

Their famous edge holding tem-

per is the joy of sportsmen the
country over. Get your order in
for a 'BUCK." Prices start a t


complete job as shown tor
most guns S25
I -
I The b m l ~that 1> d l f f ~ ~ i t - b e c f l uIt's
n rlmht In
I your rite barrel. Choice of dlwrlmlnatlnn shoot-
I <n. You don't n ~ ad blob on your muzzle for
I ¥Od braking. Illurtrated foldm-dealer dlicounta.
C A R T R I D G E BOX spent most of a lifetime in proving what
D D can and can't be done with pistols, makes
u u this book the "Bible" for the present cult
T of quick-draw addicts.
E E gunners a compact steel shellcase plus a
sponge-rubber topped seat which swings into latest scientific researchers as best, most
any position, fits easily into car or boat, visible color for hunting safety, is now a
GLENN holds six to eight boxes of shells, enough for standard color in the 1957 Duxbak line of
(Free Circular on Request) a full day's shooting. The leather handle pro- outdoor garments. Now to be had in Air
vides for easy carrying, lies flat when case is Force Yellow are the Retriever hunting-

L-- FINEST PNEUMATIC RIFLE M used as a seat. Priced for retail at $9.98, this
neat new accessory for the wingshooter is dis-
fishing vest (pictured), the Onondaga deer
hunting parka, Style L Field ski and hunting

' ~ n ,EM
~ w6~0 P Shooting
Cçnuinpneumatic u n free oir. Bolt mi0
, p r u ~ n ~ ~ M - ~ I Ti CrH E L L ' S
SHERIDAN PRODUCTS, Inc., Dept. 4 6 7 4 Racine, W s hi-33 Adiustable 22X - 45X - 60X
NEW "Thumbslide" tang safety
for Remington rifles 6 low price! You get clea
shotguns -
Mod. 740,
Mod. 760, Mod. 870,
sharper pictures at all Powers
because of the super compound
Achro Lens. No color, no fuzz. Varl-
You Can shoot Better..
When you look
. .
able eyepiece adjustable In 23 45 or 60
Mod. 1 1-48 6 Mod. 58 power. Lower powers excellent lor target thru Mitehel!'s
Sportsman. W r i t e f o r shooting and wide angle viewing. Higher powers glasses. W r i t e
folder. f o r FREE folder
giving informa-
tion on sight and
ditlonally guaranteed. Carrying case Included. Send only
- $6.98. Cash. check or monev order. We pa? poetaze.
Gunsmiths & Banelmakers Criterion Co.,313 Church St.. Hartford. Conn., Dept. T S A - 2 3 M I T C H E L L ' S SHOOTING GLASSES
East Hamilton Conmctlcut Wavnesville. Missouri
7 4 page fully illustrated

Premier Reticles
cumlog devoted exclu-
sively to pistol shoot-
era. Clark, Shockey cua-
ton ZUM. Bammerll, WORLD'S FINEST
Colt,HI Standard, Ru-
B-er SAW tarffet N U S .
Cross Lines - Tapered Posts Premier Dots -Ranee
FindersÑSpecla Reticles Made to Order for Any Scope
Hundreds of Items tor
competitive shooters. -Custom Made - Top Jobber and Dealer Discounts
Articles by top men on Write today for FREE Literature
shooting & loading:. Na- PREMIER RETICLES
tional records. etc. &
GIL HEBARD GUNS 8402 Fenton St. l Silver Spring, Maryland
Knoxville 6 Illinois
Dealer inquiries Invited
paid 26.2.
MUST for competitive
Dot- Phone Juniper 5-3030
cap, and the Uplander hunting coat which russet leather with sweatproof leather insole.
has the yellow trim on pockets and yoke. Come in wedge-type sole (shown) or with
The new color is also available in combina- crepe sole and heel, A to EE, sizes to 15.
tion with gray in the Ranger long boot socks
and Quail medium boot socks. Your dealer
will have a complete line of these products,
NOW! NEW T H R I l l S for
made by (Jtica Duxbak Carp., Dept. G-10,815
Noyes, Utica 4, N. Y.

^¥^A* k à L l l l W C I .. .. a




rolls into an inconspicuous corner of living
room or den, solves one of the problems of
apartment living. Bar comes in knotty pine or
maple, in kit form for home assembly or com-
pletely finished. Good also for stowing guns,
gun gear. Retails around $40. Write Yield
House, Dept. G-12, North Conway, New
Sentinel .22 caliber nine-shooter specially
fitted in satin lined mahogany finish case ISSUED GOOD CONDITION

with lock and key. Revolver comes with a
PINK frame and barrel, nickel cylinder and
Winchmer Military 303 Brltlsh Cartridgw, IM- '0
white round butt, easily gripped by women
even with small hands. Shocking pink finish
is deliberately designed to make women
conscious of guns, to make them interested
in a firearm designed especially for them. , - Now..Leorn to Shoot Doubles

BOOTS IN 96 SIZES in the very popular MELCO DoubJm HAND TRAP

"Irish Setter" styles are available from Red Learn to shoot by sbootmg/ Here's a
Wing Shoe Co., 113-129 Main St., Dept. G7,
Red Wing, Minnesota. Full cushion crepe
a p c i t s y to
one or two standard clay targets right $4.60
sole gives unusual comfort with light weight,
or left handed. If your dealer can't
supply you. send check or money order. ffiT
softens the spine - shaking shock of walk- MILCO WOOD PRODUCTS OINIVA 3, N. Ye
ing on hard surfaces, cushions the foot in

sloughing through rough country, shale and
talus slides. Nailless construction so you
don't get the heel -staples jabbing you at Hand made.TYue or natural tonei.
every step. I r p e r s of water repellant "Oro" adjustedtodeaired~md. Proventobe
one of the m o t effective caUen-e~y m jy
h t o - CompleteinÈmiction>.Mç
HIDE-A-WAY for van of Krvice. DEALERS WANTED
WALTER W. PUCKETTE Gladys, Virginia

The best handgun holster

idea in years! Soft glove
leather with sturdy nickel
plate clip; fastens inside
trouser waistband for
perfect comfort and wn-
cealment. Handmade to
fit YOUR gun .. . give
caliber, make and barrel
length when ordering.
$2.95 PP. or COD. plus
; r ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
are m y
business and I make
P.O. BOX& B&J LEATHER tz"P7Pde2&:!iast~:i
T e x a s GOODS CO.
by precision machinery. Send
Brownsville, for latent list.

Cannon. uniform parts. armor, also collection of Civil
Wan presentation swords. 8 x 11" page-size. $1.00.
B R I C K H O U S E SHOP. N e w P a l t z 4. N. Y .

Listings of "old" books as available.
Largest selection. Send 50t for both.
~ r e ebooks 6' premiums.
(Continued from Page 59)
a . 11th ANNUAL ROUNDUP o f -

t,Western Christmas Cards *

smoothbores or reasonable gauges, loaded
with rifled slugs-and make this (or some
similarly sane regulation) uniform in all
the states?
The various game departments are doing
Illustrated by Robert R. Lorenz a marvelous job of propagation 0% wild life.
Deer have been brought back in areas that
were sterile in grandpa's time. Some game
departments are to be commended for their
efforts in attempting to establish a reason-
able "means of taking game" by consulting
gun authorities. But it is not the game de-
partment that makes law. In the last an-
alysis, the lawmaker in your locality is you.
If the hunting laws of your state are stupid.
maybe it's because you and your hunting
@ No. 1044-Full C.olor to Yours NO. 1046-Full Color friends haven't voted for the right people.
Greeting: "Afay No. 1045-Full Color Changing existing law is not easy, but it
the Peace and Joy oj Greeting: "Merry Greeting: "Merry can be done. What are you going to
Christmas be with you Christmas and a Happy Christmas and a Happy do about it?
# throagh all the Year." New Year" New Yea8'
New Book for Frontier Owners
b y Loren W. Smith
A d d t wumlf I n s t N d h
text beak on the opentlon
Z%"bm%r. Tk&
hlns ten ~inpters dullns
WIUI this well known slwle
utlon revolver.
lllus~ratodwith Numuous
No. 1047-Full Color No. 1048-Full Color A- S k d ~ a sand Photographs
Greeting: "A Mewy in u. s. & Canada Greeting: ,,Memy LIST PRICE SS.00 POSTPAID. Sold on NtlSfm
"Xery"%&* rm%'&e O $ % s E *%
Christmas and a Happy Christmas and a Happy C%e&
your check er money order (- no C.O.D.e
' ) to:
P. 0. Box 2686 Eggertsvi4le 26, N. Y.

The original
thumb rest
s t o c k s $7.00
and $7.50 pair.
L Imita-
tion stag, no thumb r e s t u

= i h- .z-; o "

N ~lO49-BrOwn
- - -~

- Just Thinkin* of You.
No. 1050-Brown Duotone
.. Lost. ..and found for
a $4.00. Largest complete
stock g e n u i n e Pearl,
Ivory S t a g Fully inletted
s e m i - h i s h i d Walnut, r i g h i
Greeting: "Memy Greeting: "and No. 1051-Brown Duotone or left $9.00,
a M~,.,..,, Greeting: "Merry CLEAR SIGHT LENS CAPS
Christmas and a Happy Christmas and Christmas and a Happy for all scopes. $3.25 pr.
G R E A T W E S T E R N Single
8 New Year" a Happy New Year" New Year"
a Action Guns-complete stock late set-.
Send f o r F R E E CATALOG. Address
Montebello, Californ~a
& A l l new and different for 1957. Cords ore Cards Without With

ond your name your name
heavy white textured stock, single folded enve~opes imprinted ~mprinted
to 5 x 6 h inches. Complete with bright white 15 $ 2.00 $ 3.00
matching envelopes. Top five scenes ore
i n beautiful full color. Bottom three scenes 25 3.00 4.00
are dark brown duotone-a beautiful line 50 6.00 7.50
and tone combinotion. Simple greetings 75 9.00 11.OO

t inside i n red. Hove your nome imprinted t o

match. These cards available only from this
ad. Order by card number. Cards may be
assorted a t no extra cost. Orders accepted
1 bethvou've never

through December 15. We guarantee that 300 30.00 35.00

your order will not be delayed. Our 11th 500 50.00 55.00 guarantee it'll get a large chuckle out ot anyone. If you
yeor of selling Western cards by mail. live i n the wuntry, it's a natural-tor the city boys. it's a
magnuicant tmpby-and even makes a dandy TV seat.
You'll have ta go mme to beat tbis gut1 Yeasir. :$3.95 DM.
ff Send cash, check or money order to- N O C.O.D. PLEASE

LINCOLN PRODUCTS, 49-G East 4lst St., N. Y. I7
Harvey Prot-X-Bore Zinc
Base 6 Jugular Jacketed

l Swaaed Hand Gun Bullets.

You are safe buying by mail-Satisfadion guaranteed.
6. N. ACTIONS IMPORTED-LIE WGT. vonodium steel
borrels, blued with mmp (220 Swih, .243 Win., 244
Rem 257-R 250-3000 270, 7 mm or 30-06) $74.00
PRE~AID. NEW Serie; '300 F.N. barrelled' oction
$9a.oa, PREPAID.
F. N. ACTIONS, Boehler 24" proof steel barrels, semi-
octagon ribbed, mowed. Sheared bead in romp. Cali-
ber .270 308 Win. or 7 mm. 3046, 22-250-220 Swift
26", 25i~-250 Sov. $95.00. $10.00 extra for NEW
series 300 oction.
and .375 H&H, blued, with sights, $89.95.
SAKO ACTIONS on 26" 41h# med. heavy DOUGLAS
chrome moly barrel, white, 222 Rem., $84.00.
SAKO ACTION on imported medium heavy bowel,
blued, no sights. Ready for stocking. 222 Rem. $90.00.
- - -

LIMITED SUPPLY - ENGRAVED F.N. ACTIONS Rifle blonks, 011 gmdes, $4.00 to $2O.W. Walnut Extro large French r i h blanks, $20.00 to $40.00.
With Doubla Set Triggers $69.50 shotgun blonks, $1.50 to $15.00. Wolnut inletted Some rare fancies $50.00. Turned and in!&
stock for most rifles; stondord $6.00; xx gmde (butt)most ribs $5.00
w.00; others $10.00 to $12.00. Also Penno, burls ond
BARRELS mre burls ovoiloble NOW: xxx gmde $17.5&$20.00. $5.00 to $7.00. lnlened stocks for 011 rilles, $B.W to
BOEHLER BARRELS, proof steel, semi-octagon, ribbed, xxxx $25.00; super Burls up to $35.00. $12.00. Some Seconds, All Grodes, SO?& off.
matted entire length. Mode by FRANZ SODIA of Fer- Large over-size to" h shaped HORN. PISTOL GRIPS

loch, Austria in .22, 25, 270, 7mm, and 3 0 caliber. %% 2A&Et&!Fk! 23t3p00.
k % ' ~ ~ e ~ & o o ~mgmved'scmb, thickness
~ $1 00 L i n e A om ~ 8 s t o 1~
r bmsv?%
i ~
Also now ovoiloble in 243 and 244 col. Highly
occurote-in the white, $45.00. (Fiwed to your oction,
FREE TO GUNSMITHS: Bin &color chart showina Floig's varied GUN STOCKS in n d u d &.
with sheared beod, complete price $60.00).
New! Krog 2-Groove 3040 BARRELS 23" or less in
length. Fully chambered threoded. Only $15.00.
44R. ORDNANCE BARRELS 23" long, fully chom-
bemd, threoded, blued $20.00.


Mode by o notionally known barrel-maker of h i hest repute, we now offer o " b u ~ o n rifled1# m-6,
hod, swedged, six groove chrome moly bowel 01 absolutely top quality, comjdetely threaded precision
New! MAUSER '98-3046 2-Gr. BARRELS 23" or less chambered and crowned at a money-saving price.
in length. Fully chombered & threoded. Only $15.00. Immediately ovoiloble for the FN Mouser, 98 Mouser, Springfield and 722 Remington Action.
Note: Any of the obove Barrels expertly fitted to your Choice of LIGHTWEIGHT ZY', SPORTER WEIGHT 24" and MEDIUM-HEAVY WEIGHT 26It.
Action-heodspoced ond test-fired-$2.50 odditionol.
Choice of Caliber= 220 Swih, 22-250, 243 WIN., 244 REM., 250 SAV 257-R, 270 WIN W SAV.,
308 WIN., 30-06 ond the new 280 REM. 222 also ovoiloble for h e 722 Rem. onli.'
AMMUNITION Per 100 Only $24.00 complete*. $2.50 odditionol i f we heodspoce and test-fire to your oction. Original order mt
8 MM Mouser A.P.P. (Imported, Germany)- prepaid with return privilege.
...$ 6.00
175 gr. B.T.M.C. (Cose of 1500, $75.00) ACE BARRELED ACTIONS:
3 - 5 5 255-groin SP.......................$ll.OO Mouser 98-ACE B o d e d actions in any caliber or weight os above ........................
........................................................ 4950
303 Sovoge 180-gmin SP ................. .$ 7.50 F. N. Mouser-ACE Barreled actions
*FLAlG-ACE "8uwoned-Barrels" are ready to be screwed into your receiver. They need only to b

-25-20 S.P. 86-Gr. ....................... .$ 6.00 heodspoced by o competent gunsmith before firing.
3 2 Win. S.L., 169gr.S.P. .................$ 6.50 DEALER inquiries invited and GUNSMITHS be sure to O S ~for Our special descriptive litemfum on this
Lots of 500 or more-1OVo less. time ond money soving tremendous value item.
.270 Win. Factory New Primed cases . .$9.75 per 100
FERLACH ##OVER-UNDER"TURKEY GUN ............. .$360.00
Webster Scoles ................. .$16.50 & $26.50 l
22 Hornet ------$2.50400 308 Winchester .$6.00-I00
.300 Savane ----- $2.50-100 222 Remington .$6.00-I00
.30-3OWinchester$3.0&l~ 243 Winchester -$6.50400
New imported 1" Leather military slings.
Live select leather, brass
keepers, $3.25.

For most rifles, shotgum
w r i t e for Free New List #29. - w e stress Individual service. D E A L E ~Authorized I"

and handguns.
Fitted to you, Mauser or EFFICIENT FAST SERVICE
F.N. Action Se.00 mom.

' w e have obtained a LIMITED

supply of Genuine Select Grade

, J
Grade I $59.85
9mm Model S/42 Mauser Lugen.
Each of these weapons has fine
arsenal blue finish checkered wal-
nut ~ r s i and is in Excellent Me-
chanicar and Shooting Condition.
All guns are complete & original.
Grade I1 $49.85
Grade Ill $39.85
NOTE Grade'l and I1 guns have all matching serial num-
bers, includin Clips.
A C C E S S O R ~ E ~ - H O L S T E R S - - E ~ ~ ~ ~World
~~~ War I1
v with Flap & Cartridge Pouch-Near N e w Condition q5.50
,AMMUNITION-Swedish High Powered Automat~c &
Sub-Machine Gun 9mm Ammo. $9.75 I00 rds.
EXTRA C L l P S B r a n d New ................ .$7.50
CONVERSION UNITS-Brand N e w ERMA .22 Cal. Con-
version Units for the above guns, Complete. ... ..$39.95
The V e r i Latest i n Single-Action Revolvers.
Custom lue Finish Walnut Grips Full-Ian t h
Rib, Solid Front Sigh, Rear Sight hiu us table
Wind and Elevation.
22 Caliber 4" BBL. ..................... ..$lW.SO
.38 S ecial 4" BBL. .......................
357 Lagnum 4*# BBL. ..................... 124.50
7 Jap Sporter 30-06. Custom Stock. Excellent a n d . SALE PRICE $40.00
.... iWmchester Model 70 -30-06 with Sling. Like New. SALE PRICE 89.00
USED RIFLE SALE 9: Ross Straiqht Pull, .303 Cal. Sporter. V.G. Cond. SALE PRICE 34.00
I. Marlin Model 56 .22 Lever-Action. Special % c k . SALE PRICE. .$35.00 lo. Springfield--30-06 M e . Military Model. New condition. .
2. Enfield Custom $porter 30-06. Custom Cawed Stock, Sling, Re- Complete with Sling. ................................ SALE PRICE $40.00
coil Pad. Excellent Cond. SALE PRICE.. .................. 65.00 GREAT WESTERN SINGLE ACTION
3. Winchester Model 75 Tar et R~fle, .22 LR Cal. Sling & Sights.
V.G. Condition. SALE ~RICE.. ......................... 45.00
4. Model 98 Mauser. Mfa.
- bv. Radom. 8mm Cal. V.G. a n d . SALE
- --
5. Winchester Model 70, .22 Hornet. Monte Carlo Stock. Like New.
SALE PRICE ......................................... 89.00
6. Sprin field 30-06 Sporter. Custom Stock, Redfield Si hts, Sling,
R~CO! Pad. Over $200.00 spent on this gun. SALE ....
PRICE.. 80.00 -45 Cal. .....
99 50
.44 Sped01 .?05:50..
22 Coi. ....
-38 Speclal ... 99.50
357 Magnum .105.50
44 Mognum .119.50
Bbl. $5.00 e x t m
-45 AUTO CAL. .38 CALIBER 4y4* B~I. $2.50 e x t m
Ch.ome or Nickel Fi:iB"$l5.00 extra
6-Shot Blue Finish Select Grade Six shot Sw Bbl. Doubla actlon
Guns ...............
Nickel Plated Gun Like New
. revolver. Excellent mechanical DOUBLE BARREL DERRINGER
and shootina cmdltioa. Used b m e
.................... $28.75
Ammo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.25 50 Rds.
Br~tishCommandos. ........... .&9.75
Nickel Plated Gun Like New. ... .S28.75
Ammo Bow 50 R d s 'Q20 " Holster ....
llent authentic reproduc-
Brand New Unfired Mili

Nickel Plated Gun-Bmnd New, .$58. Genuine Tooled Leather

Ammo $3.25 50 Rds. Holster 5.
B e a u t it u I Custom Hand
Tooled Genuine Leather Fast
BROWNING Drow Western Holsters. Com-

pletdy lined with soft suede ish. l m m d i o t e Delivery-
We hove o few of these
for the protection of your un.
Available fot Colt, Great d!- -38 Speciol, 5 I,$ or 7 I,$
.45 Long Colt, 51h or 7&" Barmla.. .$125.00
Borrels. 125.00
Thew same ori i ~ l oustom enenveal with buu-
tiful scmll d&n
(comp~mta -n) ....................
and menuine Ivory rips
Holster ....................... $5.50
ot tha anad 6mm~ A
dal btua nnlsh. FIm

Ram 7" Barrel Model

Oripinal Geman A m y model.
Ad~ustable rear sights. Blue finish, 7 66nuine Rare Collector's Powder Flasks. Not
w a l n u t stocks. Fine copies but the O r i inals. Brass finishes, Amer-
shooting condition. .... $@*20 ican & En lish. E aa piece is i n Excellent Con-
origmal Oevmam A m y l s s w ~ i s b rfor
7 - : a nm. mew condstlon ss.75. Ammo dition. $15.50 Eachs OR 3 f o r
ss.75 100 M s . (S-ifv If VOU wish a h i n o r d e s f ~ ~ O a a t t e r n ~

U.S. SPRINGFIELD RIFLES Fine Hiah quality Gemon

Walther World War I1 Gem
automahc. Fires 9mm Luger
Genuine rare old Trapdoor MU tridge. Original neor mmt condition.
for the collector and shooter. Extm dips $4.70. Ammo 9mm, $9.50
M d d I873 45-70 cal. Goad Cond. $39.50 % I d for 100 rounds. Holster $4.50.
Grade, $ 4 5 h 45-70 ammo. $3.50 a h ' European A m y Holster. ........


I 2 4 18 Ventura Blvd., Dept. 0 Studio City, California
Classified ads 20c per word per insertion including name and address. Pay- issue (on sale Decembt3r 1). is October 16. Print your ad carefully and
a b l e in advance. Minimum a d I0 words. C l d n q date for January, 1958. mail t o GUNS Magazin a. 8150 Central Blvd., Skokie, lllinoic
5771450 E N F I E L D MARTINI rifles. F a m o u s
BINOCULARS & SCOPES GUNS & AMMUNITION Martini H e n r y lever action. A r a r e collectors
i t e m a n d a n excellent shooter. Only $19.50 each.
SENSATIONAL R I F L E Bargains! U.S. 30-06 5771450 solid lead Kynoch smukeless c a r t r i d g e s
ITEW 1957 SCOPES, f a c t o r guaranteed in cal. Springfield rifles. ~ i g hnumbers. All
scaled boxes, Weaver Series GOB, K2.6 o r K-3 $14.50 p e r 100. Limited quantity. I n t e r n a t i o n a l
niilled Darts. Verv ~ood-$39.95. Perfect- Iq'irearms, 22 Kingman, St. Albans, Vermont.
24.95, K-4 29.50, KV 39.95, K-8 o r K-10 39.50. $44.50. U.S. 30-06 -caC ~ n f l e l d rifles. p e r f e c t -
Leupold m o u n t a i n e e r 4X 56.95, 6X 69.95, B e a r -$39.50. U.S. 30-40 cal. K r a g rifles. Very good FIRED-CASES. .30-30, 22 Hornet, .300 Sav.,
C u b 2% 33.50 4X 43.00 6X 57.95 L y m a n Ali- -$37.50. U. S. 45-70 cal. Springfield rifles. $3.00 p e r 100; 243, 270, $6.50; 308, 358, 222,
American 4X935.50, 6X '48.50, c o n h e t e weaver Very* good - $32.50. G e r m a n Mod. 98 8 m m
t o p o r side m o u n t s 7.75. S t i t h Dovetail 12.10, $6.00; F o r m e d Cases, .219 Donaidson, 22-250.
\Viiliams 9.95, Leupold D e t a c h 0 7.95 a l l com- Mauser rifles. Very good-$37.50, Exc!eilent- $9.00 others, P o s t a g e Paid. Gunsmithing, Re-
Diete, a l l postage paid. B i g discounts on Re- $42.50. Gernian G-43 8 m m Mauser semi-auto- barreling, L i s t 10c. Casey's, Box 7, Manchcster,
loading tools a n d bullets, o t h e r scopes. W r i t e .matic rifles. Excellent-$60.00. J a p 7.7mm N.H.
> , A r i s a k a rifles. W a r issue. Excellent-$14.96.
f o r C a t a l o g 57-A 25c. Lombards, 3141 Bain- U.S. .30-06 SPRINGFIELDS. H I G H numbers.
bridge, N. Y. C. 67, N. Y. P r e - W a r issue. Excellent-$18.00, J a p 6.5mm
Arisaka rifles. P r e - W a r Issue. Very good- Very good-$39.95. Perfect-$44.50, U.S. .30-06
$20.00. J a p 30-06 cal. conx.erted rifles. P r e - Enflelds. Perfect-$39.50. J a p 7.7mm rifles.
W a r issue. Excellent-$29.50, P r o n i p t deliv- Excellent-$14.95. F r e e list. Money back g u a r -
ery. Money back guarantee. New free 1958 antee. Al's Gunroom, 1 B e e k m a n Street, New
g u n catalogue. Freedland A r m s Co., 34 P a r k Y0rk. N. Y.
Row, New York, N. Y. KNO\V YOUR Shotgun! E i g h t 32'' x 32". P a t -
L E A T H E R L E N S Covers F o r Any Scope. T h e T H E FOLLOWING listed a r m s a r e in brand terning T a r g e t s w i t h instructions. $1.00 post-
a r i g i n a l waterproof caps. $2.00 a t your Dealer new & perfect condition & fully g u a r a n t e e d : paid. Dealers also solicited. T e g r a t Designers,
o r prepaid by Sweet & Co.,. Box 447, Clovis, Colt Single Action A r m y 5th" o r 7%". .38 Spe- Dept. G-51, 3740 A u r o r a Ave., Cincinnati 11,
New Mexico. cial o r .45 Colt, $99.50, Colt Python, $99.50, Ohio.
Omcers Model .22 o r .38, $72.50, Ofiicial Police, 32 CAL. PEzN pistol. Proven a n d tested model.
COLLECTORS . 2 2 o r .38, $57.50. Police Positive, .32 o r .38, Make your own f o r less t h a n $1.50. H a n d tools
$56.00. Cobra, $68.88, Woodsman, $14.50, only needed. Complete instructions $1.00. H u r d
N E W ILLUSTIIATED Gun Cataitwue! Cnn- Huntsman. $41.50, C:overnn~ent Model .45, .4rms Comnanv. Goode. Va.
h i n s 300 : ~ n t i q u e a n d 111odern guns, edge $65.0!, S m i t h & Wesson K-22, $65.00. Chief,
weapons, oddities and :tntique g u n parts. Only $53.42, K i t Gun, $61.50, .44 Magnum, $120.00, GUNS ?WANTED: h a r d T o Get "Art Items"
50c in coin o r S~:IIIII). F i v e a r n ~ s Uniin~it*xl,119 Winchester M-70, a l l cals., $105.00, Remington T o T r a d e F o r Good Shooting Guns. Send Your
S h x d y Avenue. Pittwhurgh G . Pa. 721 Or 722, $80.00. Savage M-99, a l l cals., Gun T r a d e List. J a c k Goldstein, 1420 Clay Ave.,
$98.00. Good used Colt Single Actions f r o m Bronx 56, N.Y.
O V E R 500 ANTIQUE-Alonlern Gun-i'owder $40.00. Gunsmithing, l e a t h e r goods, h a r d t o R I F L E S , 303 B R I T I S H Enflelds, a s issued,
i ~ l a s l c ~ - S ~ v ~ 1 l ~ ~ 1 s - l \Veapons.
~ ~ l g e ~ l Large Print- fllld Parts. Catalog S.25. Greer F i r e Arnis Com- good condition, $27.50 each. 303 British Mili-
e d List 25c coin. Cartridge f o r C!oliectors List pany, Box 201, Griflin, Georgia. t a w Cartridges, $7.50 p e r 100. Public Sport
#66 25c coin. E d Howe, Cooper Mills 11, Maine. SWISS PRECISION Service Rifles: F a m o u s S ~ O P S11, S. 16th Street, Philadelvhia 2. Pa.
Schmidt Rubin rifles, high w w e r , 7.51nm (30 S&W 44 MAGNUM REVOLVERS, new $140.00.
GUNS! GUNS! Guns! Guns! Antique Collection caliber) 12-shot detachable magazine, lightning
-Kentucky's Colts, Winchesters, S & W. Send f a s t repeater. Ideal for a l t e r i n g t o .308 Win- Rem. M76OADL Deluxe 270 like new $99.50.
lllc for t h i s m o n t h ' s list. Pony Express Sport chester a n d ,300 S a v a g e (N.R.A. excellent) Close o u t on Renl. M760A 257 caliber, New,
Shop, 17460 V e n t u r a Blvd., Encino 6, Calif. while t h e y l a s t $14.50. 2 of these fine rifles $85.00. Jeff. T r a d e r , Pocomoke City, Maryland.
$25.00. Aiso available a s flnest lightweight ANTIQUE AND Modern Firearms, 20c coin f o r
I'ATEIISON COLT Replica. T h e flrst Colt pistol sporter with 22" barrel, only $22.50. Ammuni-
made. M a d e of s t r o n g metal. $6.95. Two for list. H a w k e y e Arms, P.O. Box 7006, Miami 55,
tion $2.65 box 20. New Release! T h i s model Florida.
- ....- -.
$10.00 postpaid. Valley Gun Shop, 1784 Foothili converted t o a Deluxe Sporter a n d t o Shoot t h e
Blvd.. T u j u n g a . Calif. Popular 30-30 Cartridge. 22" barrel. Only GUNS R U G E R 44 M a g n u m $86.95-357 $74.50-
$37.50. Send remittance, i m m e d i a t e shipment. Single Six $55.00-S&W 44 Magnum in stock.
ANTIQUE ARMS ?or Coliector o r Shouter, a t International F i r e a r m s Co., 22 K i n g m a n St., St. Jimmy's, 570 Union Ave.. pr0v.T R.I. List 25c.
I h r g a i n Prices. 10c f o r List. Ladd, C a t ~ k i l l , Albans. Vermont.
x. s. USED GUNS-Modern a n d Antique. K. Hinlcle,
GERMAN G-43 8MM SEMI-automatic rifles. R R # l . Franklin. Ohio.
ENGRAVING Excellent-$55.00. U. S. 30-40 Kraga. V.G.-
$35.00. U. S. 30-06 Springfields. Excellent- M-1 C A R B I N E S $100. GARANDS $125. F r o n -
-- t i e r s $ 7 5 . Sioucr, C a m p Verde, Arizona.
$49.95. Perfect-$63.00. G e r m a n 8MM Mausers
F I N E S T QUALITY Gun engraving. E. C. w i t h milled parts. Excellent-$36.00. U.S.
I'rud'hon~me, 305 Ward Bidg., Shreveport, La. 47-70 Springflelds. V.G.-$29.00. J a p a n e s e 30- GUN CABINETS
06's. Excellent-$16.50. F r e n c h 8MM Labels.
FOR SALE V.G.- $27.50. F r e e List. P r o m p t Delivery. GUN CABINETS, Racks. Complete Selection.
A'orti~eastern Firearms, 145 Nassau Street, Send 25c f o r Catalogue. Dept. D, Knox Wood
X?w J'crk. Xew York. Products, Knoxville, Iowa.
Ia'REE! 1LI.USTRATED wholesale c a t a l o g f o r
De;ilers. T r e m e n d o u s Values! H a n d - carved HELP WANTED
**Western9'f a s t - d r a w "Buscadero" belt-holster
sets, holsters, scabbards, pistol a n d rifle belt Luthentic palm size, beautifully F R E E INFORMATION: E a r n h i g h pay. All
slides, clip pockets, c a r t r i d g e a n d d r e s s belts, nished, amazingly accurate, safe, trades, Foreign a n d USA J o b Opportunities.
saddles, ctc. H a n d - 110iished blowing horns, easy t o maintain-and a fascinating conversa- Travel paid. Applications, W r i t e Dept. 62D
powder horns, mounted "Long Horns," bull tion piece. Never before $24.50 each. Dealers National Enlployment Informatlon, 1020 Broad,
whips. Send t o d a y f o r F r e e copy. Western q u a n t i t y discounts. Send remittance. P r o m p t Newark, N. J .
P r o d u c t s (20.. 701 M a r k e t St., L a r e d o 3, Texas. shipment. International Firearms, 22 King-
- man. St. Albans, Vermont. iNDlAN RELICS
17,000,000 GUN P A R T S Stocked-lnotlern, 01)-
IAf P O R T E D MUZZLE Loading Percussion C a n
solete. foreign. Send tracing, descriptiun lor 3 INDIAN W A R arrowheads. F l i n t Scalping
quotation. 44/40 I n s t a n t Gun re-bluer, t a k e s Guns: sculptured, engraved walnut stock. 30;'
barrel. Engraved silver n ~ o u n t i n g s , inlaid Knife, F l i n t Thunderbird $4.00. Catalog Free.
seconds - largest selling - absolutely g u a r a n - Satisfuction Guaranteed. Arrowhead. Glen-
teed, $2.00 bottle. J u n k e d g u n s wanted for p a r t s patchbox, lightweight. Single barrel s i ~ i g i e
h a m m e r $29.50. Double barrel t w o l ~ a m m e r s wood, Arkansas.
-$I-$5 e a c h plus postxge, a n y kind, condition.
S h i p OR-check airmailed. N u n ~ r i c h Arnls, $,l9.50. A collectors item a n d a n excellent
W e s t Hurley 19, N. Y. shooter. Limited quantity. Send remittance. LEATHER CRAFT
International Firearms, 22 Kingman, St. Ai-
bans. Vermont. F R E E "DO-IT-YOURSELF" Leathercraft
BUY SURPLUS B o a t s ; Motors; A i r c ~ l f t s J; e e p s ; ~ a t ~ l o Tga.n d y L e a t h e r Company, Box 791-Z22,
T r a c t o r s ; Wallcie-Talkies; Shop E q u i p m e n t S P E C I A L R E L E A S E : ,455 Colt ~ e Service
w F o r t Worth, Texas.
A ~ n p h i b i o u sVehicles; R a d a r ; Camping equip- Model Revolvers, Genuine N o r t h Royal West
n ~ e n t ;Typewriters; Adding Machines; Etc.- Mounted Police. A collector*^ i t e m a n d excel- MISCELLANEOUS
B u y direct f r o m U.S. Government Depots-List lent shooter W.R.A. V.G. t o perfect) - only
& procedure $1.00. Brody, Box 8-GU, Sunnyside $32.50. Altered t o shoot t h e .45 Colt o r A.C.P. INVENTORS-THIS flrm i s registered t o prac-
4, N. Y. $2.50 e a c h additional. F r e e Holster. .455 Am- tice before t h e United S t a t e s P a t e n t Omce a n d
- -
munition $9.50 p e r 100. International Firearms, available t o assist you in t h e preparation a n d
"FAMOUS GERMAN Air Pistol" "B.S.F." rifled 22 Kinxman.
- . St. Albans., Vermont.
prosecution of your p a t e n t application. " P a t e n t
.I77 bbl. w i t h a d j u s h b l e s i g h t s a n d trigger Protection f o r Inventors'' booklet containing
pull, 14" long w i t h full w a l n u t griws a n d beau- R l F L E S : FAMOUS 30-06 U.S. Enfleld Sert-ice detailed information a n d s t e p s t o t a k e t o w a r d
tiful blue flnish; t r u l y a flne precision product. Model, flnest 5-groove rifling, m a n u f a c t u r e d by p a t e n t protection s e n t promptly upon request.
C o m e s a t t r a c t i v e l y boxed w i t h a p a c k a g e of Remington, Winchester, Eddystone. 6-shot re- No obligation. Victor J. E v a n s & Co., 855-P
pellets. Only $22.50; Postpaid. Satisfactiun peater, 26" Bbl. (N.R.A. very good t o excel- Merlin Building, Washington 6, D. C.
g u a r a n t e e d . T h e A r m s Locker, 400 N. Maple l e n t ) . Only $32.50. Shipped d u t y free. Inter-
Dr., Beverly Hills, Calif. national F i r e a r m s Co., 1011 Bleury, Montreal, F O R E I G N 2-3-4 B A R R E L rifle s h o t g u n combi-
nations; Double Rifles; R e m o Rifles; Waffen-
F O R SALE-Like .
X e w . . Browning super-
falerich - Mauser, Mannlicher - Schoenauer,
posed shotgun, Over a n d under 20 Ga., Full a n d HANDLOADERS: - CARTRIDGE boxes w i t h Mauser-Werke Rifles, Carbines. W i t h o r with-
modified. F i r s t $195.00 t a k e s it. Russell partitions a n d d a t a labels, prepaid-30-06-.270 o u t telescope sights. 280 Rosa; Foreign Shot-
Lohmeyer, Box 261, Montague, Michigan. etc. $1.40 dozen. 38 spec. 45ACP. etc. $1.50 g u n s w i t h sling swivels; L a r g e Foreign tele-
dozen. Labels only 50c p e r hundred. J. E. scope sights. No. pistols. Dealers' Replies wel-
ANTIQUE, EDISON Cylinder Phonographs, Bridgmen, P.0. Box 2502, K a n s a s City 42, come. W r i t e Vincent, c / o Antique Shop, 252
Missouri. E a s t 52, New York City.
like new - horn a n d records - $32.00. Lloyd
Whitlock, 114 S t a t e Street, Brewer, Maine. GUXS, ANTIQUES, modern, ammunition, a; CARRYALL, CANVAS Roll w i t h s t r a p s a n d
cessories. Indian relics. 5000 listed monthly. handle, l a r g e size, t o r travelers, campers, base-
GUN COLLECTION F o r Sale. Antique And Photugraphs, Listings 20c. s t a m p s o r colna. ball players etc. Gov't Surplus, b r a n d new
Modern L i s t 15c. Donovan. 1444 Svauldinx.
-. Associated Publications. E a s t Ellsworth 4. value $ 1 2 . 5 ~ S p e c i a l $2.25 each. Public ~ p o r i
P o r t Sill, Oklahoma. Shops, 11 S. 1 6 t h Street, P h i l a d e l p h i a 2, P a
F R E M C i R 93 Isage I'rtre Eook, filled with L. C. SMITH, SPECIALTY Grade 16 Gauge, 28
outstanding bnrguins. Oniy new merchan4ise inch modifled double barrels, selective single
listed. You can eave up to 25% on many reload- trigger, Monte Carlo Stock, recoil pad, bxcel-
ing toole,, guns, scopes a n d mounts. Reloading lent condition, $175.00. S. D. Littlepage, Point
WfnPonents for pistol. rifle and shotgun. Home Pleasant.
-~ ~~~
, W. Va.
'appliances, t i r e 6 home shop tools, Gpewritera
Walter Oliver, Box 6% Auburn, Indiana. GUN J E W E L R Y - C o l t Navy .a6 cufflinks, tie-
SHOTGUN LEADER Sight, Molded Rubber. clip; Remington Derringer cufflinka, tieclip,
Two Ring Sh-n Sight F i t s E n d Of Barrel earrings, $1 each, postpaid. Many others. Deal-
Every Gauge Shotgun, Siigle o r DoubIb.Birre1. e r s inquire. Calico Frontier Shop, 204 E. Hunt-
Proper Lead F b r Every Shot. No Screws or ington Drive, Monrovia, Calif.
Bolts, Inatall in Seconds. Money Back Guar- GOGGLES GOV'T Surplus, for ifidustrial use,
antee. No C.O,D.'s. $1.10 postpaid. Shotgun skiing, motorcyclists and auto driving. Value
Leader Sight Co., Box 856G Sheridan, Wy?-- $12.60. Sale $1.96 per pair. Public Sport Shops,
BUY SUPPLIES direct from Government. &, 11 S. 16th Street. P h i l a d e l ~ h i a2. Pa.
motor truck, jeep, hunting, flshing, camplag, DON'T MISS Kahokian Gun Show, Shiloh,
sOorting equipment. Radio, Photographic, Illinois, November 2-3. Secretary: Mrs. Helen
Power tool& machinery and hundreds other Lauchli, 2012 North Keebler Street, Colilnn-
listed in our Bulletin "Surplus Sales,'' Price ville, Illinois.
$1.00. Box 169 UH, Hrfd. 8, Conn.
HAND SIGHTING Levels, improved new model, "WINEMAKING," $1.00. "HOW to Make Beer.
many uses, for laying drains, ditches, founda- Ale," $1.00. "Herbs for Influenza,'' $1.10. Illus-
tions, grading, contouring, laying out of fences, trated. Eaton Publications, Box 1242-N, Santa
PIeI-8, roads and gardens. Fully guaranteed. Rosa, Calif.
$2.50 Postpaid. Public Sport Shops, 11 S. 16th
Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa. R I F L E SLINGS, leather, Army Surplus, 1 %
inch, used, good condition, $1.00 each. Brand
30-06 SPRINGFIELD OR Enfleld Rifle Stock, new $3.00 each. Public Sport Shops, 11 S. 16th
a s issued, brand new, $2.95 each. Rifle barrel& Street. Philadelnhia 2. Pa.
cal. 30-06, brand new, Gov't Surplus, 24-inch, US. FIREARMS, 1776-1956
completely flnished. Value $25. Special $5.00 N E W OUTSTANDING And Amazing Informa- By Major James E. Hicks
Postpaid. Public Sport Shops, 11 S. 16th Street, tion On Shotgun Patterns. Literature Free.
Philadelphia 2, Pa. George Oberfeii, Box 110. Bartiesviiie, Okla- (Fadco Publishing Co., $12.50)
SHOOTERS: I F you a r e interested in learning homa.
Gunsmithing and a r e willing to spend a few RIFLES ALL calibres including ,468 Magnum,
This is truly a most unusual hook among
hours in your home shop for a handsome ac- shot-guns 10 Magnum-.410 inclusive, telescopes, arms books, because of the wealth of factual
curate .22 target pistol, send 3 cent s t a m p for mounts. rifle cases and accessories. Coronet
comz4ete information. P. 0. Box 362. Terre Arms Co., Long Valley, N. J.
information it contains. Although 6rst pub-
~ a u t e Indiana.
, lished in 1944) by Major Hicks as a private
"SIX-SHOOTER COLT." Full size model Plate. ELECTRIC PENCIL: Engraves all Metals,
mold complete with flnished and unflnished $2.00. Beyer Mfg. 10511-Q Springfield, Chi- edition, with a second printing in 19%, this
cago 43.
lamps, ashtrays, dinner gongs, door knockera, valuable picture book of gun reference has
table lamps and 15,000 brochures. Will sell a t CANADIAN BULLETIN of Hundreds of iteme,
cost. Brochure sent free. Valley Gun Shop, hunting, flshing & marine.-10c. Ellwood E .
P.P. ~ been generally unavailable for over i decade.
7784 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, Calif. Clinton, Ontario. Higher p r i m than the current retail *tab
SHOOTER'S BIBLE, 1958, over 600 pages. SEND 10c FOR lists either shoteuns. rifles. have been paid to get a copy of the original
Ready for shipment. Illustrated Modern Guns handguns, ammunition: or send j 5 c 'for ali
and Accessories, $2.00. 1958 Gun Digeat, $2.95 lists. FravsetWs. Willmar. Minnesota..-. - edition. Picturing in carefully-drawn detail
Postpaid. Public Sport Shops, 11 S. 16th Street, HANDCUFFS, $7.50; LEG Irons, $5.00. Leather all American military small a r m s from pre-
Philadelphia 2, Pa. and canvas restraints. Thomas Ferrick, Box 12,
DUCK DECOYS, flne quality flber, life size, Newburyport, Mass. revolutionary days to after the Korean police
mfg. by Carry Lite. Mallards and Blue Bills OLD HANDCUFFS, legirons, thumbfasts, incident, "U.S. Firearms" makes use of the
Only. Value $27.50 per dozen-special $12.95 shackles wanted. Patterson Smith, 2FL. 269
While They Last. Public Sport Shops, 11 s , Shepard Ave., E a s t Orange, N. J.
graphic skill of Andre Jandot, one of our
16th Street, Philadelphia 2, Pa.
QUAIL, CROW, and game call. Simplest and leading military illustrators. His pictures
VIRGIN FLORIDA Land $159 per acre full flnest in t h e U.S.A. $1.00 postpaid. Valley Guns show all the fine detail of each gun drawn
wice. 6 Acre Tracts. Idea1 speculative invest- Shop: 7784 Foothill Blvd., Tujunga, CaW.
ment. Easy monthly payments. Free booklet. to exact scale and proportion. These illus-
Dixie Land, 2325 N. W. 27th Ave., Mia~ni, ?OO TRcICI& KNLOC-KOp; f2r #elf-defense $1.- trations prove superior to photos for the col-
n 1, Illinoia
lector's purposes as they include hidden
features not possible to illustrate b y photo,
with vises you have now? - I features important in identifyiig rare guns.
Accessories, such as bayonets and tools, are
also pictured.
Major Hicks is one of the first modem
arms researchers to make adequate use of
the wealth of material in government archives
Makes Qwkward iobs cay! Turn VERSA- of interest to the gun fan. His ".US Fire-
VISE u full circle-standing or laid dawn arms, 1776-1956" has been a classic book.
-and lock it where you want it iust by Now, with the Fadco reissue, it can again be
tightening the iaws! Use it to hold any* a useful tool for thousands of collectors who
thing, paper-thin up to 5" thick. Has anvil, find fascination in the story of Amer-
smooth iaws and removable ipe iaws. ica's weapons.-WBK
Accessories available for a $ d d flex.
lbility. Perfect for any iob-tinkerina or
You'll like t h e U n i f l o w
0 No speciol skill needed to
throw consistently accurate
0 Fast adiustment from one
$awe to another-stays ad-
lusted when locked.
0 P o w d e r i s poured-not
dumped-no clogging.
Easy to split a single grain.
0 Price includes BOTH small and
large capacity drop tubes.
Available Now


P . 0. Box 729-G
Oroville, California


S1.W hhher, Rocky Mt. States 6 West


A u s a : r e - o n sale a t about $ 3 5 less than nationan market pi-Ices. These guns are lit aosoiuiew per-
f e c t mechanical condition with sharp clean rifling. We guarantee Very Good bores and exteriors specially selected for N.R.A.
members. These are late model high number weapons. The Springfield used with scope by marine snipers in Korea and Guadal.
The most popular all-time hunting: caliber. Softnose ammo i s available everywhere. A high-powered Ionic ranw huntins weapon.
Get yours now while they last! If not satisfied return for full refund. OUR AMhfO SPECIALS: 3 0 / 0 6 Tarset, 2 0 rds., S2.W;
1 0 0 rds:. $7.60; 3 0 / 0 6 SOFTNOSE, 2 0 rda., $2.95.

r ires u.3. iviaae amui iviauser Amn INDIVIDUAL GUNS, $9.95 EACH.
Popular 24" Sporting Length Barrel. Tremendous
f i b p o w e r ! Fires standard 8MM Mauser ammunition made
All Five for $37.501
SPECIAL: 8MM Mil. Mauser. 1 0 0 rds.. $7.50. A WALL FULL OF

- A 6-shot bolt action

r e c o m m e n d firing
t h e m d u e to t h e i r
age, and the fact
t h a t dur g u n s m i t h s
have not checked
t h e m d u e to low
cost. T h e y are

ofixinal double barrelled Dnrinfr made

In modern s t 4 by the finest E

accurate -oa for plinkine, home UFO-

motion. Limited BUPD~Y.


Famous ifMM Slack Powder "8&??" Mauser Rlfh 98 FOR ,244 UEM. 3 4 8 WIN.. .368 3 HISTORIC RIFLES a11 In good condition.. ... ALL THREE
WINCHESTER Tills ie çhorteçiiiritteat,
itrnW7ev.t inilltory *cum. me choice Of
expert* for rçbstrelin to tba l a t e s t 1
pm ea1lbW 4 5 8 Wm. A&* for t h e id
Rix 11." Model 7 1 / 8 4 ,
&* ;:?i%,K
;tib%= &
=: i t action, 7 ahot, tu-
P,&O& ~~~~~ M;$dfwfipgy&e
e t e i y e r wall. Small barrel thread. Ttuua
çrf true 98 actions. Cock on
.- .. 11MM.
bular magazine with cut-
off. 31" bhl,
'Gew. 88". Bolt action.
B O B s u a r a n t e Z fair to good, ~'nconditionul10-day monw- 5 shot, clip loading,
Have a third lug, eta. W . mid%<rf^ back guarantee. EXTRA AMMO FOR THESE 3 RIFLES: Mannliohmr m a g a z i n e ,
If you want a s p o r t i w thrill, try hunting the way they Dated 1 5 3 0 4 4 Mauser QreCdOBi work- 29" bhl.
did 7 5 years ago. This i s a colleitor'a item and am un. 1 M M hlauser ammo for "The Big 1 1 , 87.50 per 1 0 0 rds.:
p C o n d i t i o n u s e d , mw rood

h i
g n g ? ~ ~ ~ o ~ ! oi 2 cgu ~. ,f j 8MM hltiuser with .31H dia. bullet for,"Gew MH," $ 7 . 5 0 MANNLICHER 11MM.
believable import find. together with plenty of ammo. Model Modal '86. 5 shot, clip
7 1 / 8 4 Mauser repeating rifle. 7-ahot bolt action. 31" barrel. A per 1 0 0 rds,: 11MM hlannlicher for Mod. '86.'' $8.50
per 1 0 0 rds. loari-r 32" hhl
must tor your collection, but be sure t o t a k e i t out hunting. Gum. the white, !ç9 xlxhtt. cut, cfowoed, c y -
s o d . Choice walnut stocks. AMMO SPECIAL: 11MM Mauler < Â ¥ - tourvd t e s t fired cb&igbamt) wad 6
Model 7 1 / 8 4 ) . 1 0 0 rds., $7.50. ~d. W e uu A b Ã
$68. 4

g m
& y%Jt&**d=* ev bm

Small short barrel revolvers (H&R, I.J.)for plinkine, t a r z e t

camping home protection. All fire standard commercial . 3 2 S & W
or 3 8 s & W ammo. A real bargain. Specify .32 or 2 8 . AMMO
SPECIAL: . 3 8 S & W. 1 0 0 rd... $5.50.


We a r e proud t o offer the hunters and shootera of
America the much desired short action 7MM M c x l r a i m a i m s c u r a c y and velocity. This 8MM (7.92MM) full jacketed Mftuxer ammo m e . In
e r e a little peppery, excellent ace"- Germany t o s t r i c t military specifications. (Purchased commarcially would c o a t you $ 2 0
M u R e B
i c y . Outside condition excellent. Bbl. length 281/4". Softnose
Hunting ammo, 2 0 rds. $2.95. Mil. T a r s e t ammo, 1 0 0 rds. $7.50,
PEndFz$a%i ?i&t$&?l
ewt. h i e d lor 6thlwdshl power
1 0 0 rda.) Cannot accept orders under 1 0 0 rda. TMM Military ammo., per 1 0 0 rds.,
$7.60. .45 ACP Gov't Brass non-corrosive, par 1 0 0 XIS., $6.00. Note: All ammo moat be

SAME AS ABOVE except barrels rebored, rechiunbered to 3 0 8 Win., nine fi&n S w i ? limited. S k t h f i shipped R.R. Express (charges collect). F.O.B. Pasadena. Ordering i n larffe quantities
-edoutslde excellent, bores brand new $49.95. lionsuwttt~ifanl. tends to defray *hipping costs.


Enclose aliened statement "Am not alien, never convicted
of crime of violence, am not under indictment or fugitive.
am 2 1 or over." Mass. Mo.. Mlch. N.Y. N.J. N.C.. R.I..
Omaha, New Orleans, r&ulre permltsÑÑe&losewl ordÈr
o r money order. For C.O.D. send Vs or more
deposit. All items shipped F.O.B. Pasadena,
TO ORDER send check, cash or M.O. Send Vs deposit in Exp. charges coll. Calif. resld. add 4% s t a t e
c.0.D.'~. Pittola shipped R.R. CXPI.. F.O.B. Paaadena tax. 10-day money back euarantee on all
collect. Calif. reaid. order thru local dealer only. 10-dav items Dealers inquire. -
money-back guarantee. 386 West Green Street Pasadena 227, California
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-%* P-

The Gift Every Sportsman Wants

-- 7-

" -
A Hi-Standard .22 handgun under the tree See them all at your dealer's. And be cer-
means a lifetime of shooting fun for some tain to see the new Sentinels in Dura-Tone
lucky sportsman. Whether you give or get Colors - the handguns that all America
one, you can be sure it's the finest that is talking about. Perfect as a presentation
money can buy. piece or trophy, and especially fine as a
More top pistol shots on the firing line put home-protection gift for the lady of Your
their trust in Hi-Standard than any other choice. They're safely packaged in tamper-
make, bar none. So whether you shoot in. proof mahogany-finished case, complete
National o r Olympic competition, pack with ^k and key-
along a handgun in your fishing kit,
sharpen your eye with basement shooting Hi-Standards are priced from $37.00 to
or outdoor plinking, you'll do your best $78.00. Select yours today, or let us rush
with a Hi-Standard. you free full-color catalog Dl.
. :.-
'>- **-
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A, --A
' ' .,--
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