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1. Draw the Plan of a typical mosque an elaborate on development of Mosque Typology
in India through sketches.

2. Discuss the architectural contributions during the reign of Akbar (with suitable

3. Discuss the impact of Delhi Imperial style on the architectural style of

a) Bengal
b) Mandu
c) Gujrat

4. Write Short notes on ( any four):-

a) Taj Mahal
b) Qutub Complex
c) Jami Masjid, Ahmedabad
d) Atala Mosque, Jaunpur
e) Tomb of Sikander , Lodhi

5. Elaborate on the construction techniques adopted by the Mughals in the building of

various structures in India and its step by step development (with neat sketches).

6. Write Short notes on ( any four):-

a) Squinches
b) Char – bagh concept
c) Persian influence on Indian Architecture
d) Red fort, Delhi

7. Elaborate on Tomb design evolved in Indo-Islamic architecture from initial examples

of sultan Garhi to final phase, Taj Mahal.

8. Discuss the planning and designing aspect of fatehpur sikri with neat sketches.
9. What do you understand by provincial style? What was the reason for emergence of
different provincial style? Highlight by taking examples from Mandu style.

10. Describe with sketchs a comparative development pattern of Islamic architecture in

the following
a) Slave Dynasty
b) Khilji Dynasty
11. Compare and Contrast (any two) :-
a) Provincial style of Gujrat and Bengal.
b) Jami Masjid at Mandu and Delhi
c) Red fort Agra and Red fort Delhi.

12. Detail out the architectural contribution of the Vijaynagar Empire at Hampi with

13. Compare and Contrast:-

a) Jami Masjid ,Delhi and Jami Masjid, Ahmedabad.
b) Square tombs and Octagonal Tombs.
14. Explain in brief ‘Seven cities of Delhi’ developed by the Islamic rulers.
15. Draw the Plan of a typical mosque an elaborate on development of Mosque Typology in
India through sketches. Also Describe with sketches a comparative development pattern of
Islamic architecture in Slave Dynasty.
16. The building of funerary or tomb architecture by Muslims in India resulted in some
spectacular buildings, living spaces and evolutionary typologies. Explain this statement
using Indian examples from 12th century till today.
17. Describe the evolution of the Islamic dome by citing examples from tombs in Delhi & Agra.
18. Two of the most famous Palace of the Mughals is: 1.Red Fort by Shahjahan. 2. Fatehpur
Sikri by Akbar. Both the emperors were famous for their architectural and design abilities.
Choose any one of the above and write an essay of critical appreciation of their planning and
architectural design.
19. Describe the salient features of Gol Gumbaz at Bijapur. The building is a structural
achievement. Explain its structural & constructional innovations that were responsible for
this achievement.
20. Compare the development of the tomb during Mughals with that of the earlier sultanate


1. Bring out the salient features of Architecture of Vijaynagar Empire with reference to
2. In South India, temple complexes developed into temple towns in Mandala plan.
Explain briefly its form, contents shape & mention any two best examples of such
3. Describe using specific examples, the synthesis of Hindu and Islamic design ideas
achieved in Gujarat architecture.

4. Compare Hindu religious architecture and Indo Islamic religious architecture with
respect to planning, built form, materials, technology, and socio- cultural aspects.
5. Discuss the primary similarities in terms of idea and functions and differences of
resultant form between Nagara & Dravidian style of the Hindu Temple. Use
appropriate examples with sketches. Also, mention which according to you is more
graceful and Why?
6. Explain the salient features of a fully evolved Orissan Temple with sketches.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following with sketches:-

a) Vastupurushamandala
b) Elements of Hindu temple
c) Any one Khajuraho temple.
d) Kailash Temple at Ellora.
e) Ladh Khan Temple, Aihole.
8. Write about Vijaynagar Hindu Temples of Deccan & explain the planning of Meenakshi
Temple of Madurai with sketches.
9. Describe the temple complex of Mahabalipuram. Which style and era does it follow?
Elaborate with example.
10. Compare the temples of Khajuraho to the fully evolved Orissan temple form.
11. The Hindu creation myths are characterised by space as opposed to light and the resultant
architecture is defined by creation as opposed to death. Discuss the resultant architecture
elaborating ordering principles, the role of axis in the conceptualization, techniques in the
formation and its evolutionary development. Elaborate with examples and diagrams.
12. What would you consider to be the forces occurring within Indian society around 3 rd century
A.D. which create a unique condition for the formation & growth of the Hindu Temple?
Describe some early experiments.
13. Discuss the journey of temple architecture from the Buddhist Chaitya hall to the Hindu
14. Explain through sketches and a short write up about the two distinct styles in temple
architecture? Give one example each.
15. Write short notes on any three of the following:
a) Vastupurusha Mandala
b) Khajuraho Temples
c) Any Chola temple
d) Gopurams
e) Kailash Temple, Ellora.
16. Using Kandariya Mahadeo temple in Khajuraho as an example. Expalin the evolution
of North Indian temple form.
17. Mention the names of any two important temples of Early Chalukyas period of Aihole
and describe the architectural features of any one temple.
18. List the names of UNESCO’s world heritage temple sites of Cholas & describe the
architecture of any one temple in detail. Sketch the Shikhara of that temple.


a) Explain the evolution of Basilican Church & architecture of early Christian
b) Explain one example of Basilican Church with sketches.

Q2. Explain the difference between Dravidian Style and Nagara Style with appropriate
Q3. Write short notes on the followings with the help of sketches:
(i) Groin Vaults
(ii) Barrel Vaults
(iii) Narthex & Nave
(a) Characteristics of Romanesque Architecture in Europe.
Illustrate the various applications of Pendentives in Byzantine Period.
(b) With sketches, explain the planning & features of St. Sophia.

Q5. Write an essay on the architecture of the Renaissance with particular focus on any one

Q6. What were the reasons behind Renaissance to take place? How was the architecture
different from the earlier period? Write a short note about the person you consider being the
ultimate Renaissance man citing examples of building designed by him.

Q7. What are the main differences between the Romanesque & Gothic Architecture? Explain
through sketches giving examples of each.

Q8. Establish a cultural milieu (considering the state of Europe and the declining Roman
Empire) for the consolidation of early Christian architecture and discuss the beginnings of its
early forms using relevant examples.

Q9. “Romanesque architecture has been revolutionary in nature, while Gothic architecture
has been evolutionary”. Explain using significant examples and sketches.

Q10. In which place did renaissance begin and why? What were Architectural features of
this Era? Discuss the works of any one Renaissance man.

Q11. Write short notes on the following:

a) Romanesque architecture.
b) The important elements of Gothic architecture.
c) Flying buttress
d) Chatres Cathedral in France.
e) Gargoyles.
f) Lancet Arch & Windows.\
g) A Rose window & Clerestory

Q12. Describe the stylistic evolution of European churches from the Romanesque to Baroque

Q13. Using one or more example illustrate the distinctive features of French gothic

Q14. Choosing your favorite Gothic cathedral, write a detailed essay on its architecture,
identifying its country and highlighting its distinguishing features.

Q15. How did Early Christian and Byzantine architects adapt Imperial Roman buildings to fit
the new church construction needs? Discuss specific features and buildings.

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