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Physical activity after total joint replacement International SportMed Journal,

Vol.9 No.1, 2008, pp.39-43,

International SportMed Journal

FIMS Position Statement

Physical activity after total joint replacement
Dr F Mayer, 2Professor H-H Dickhuth
Institute of Sports Med. and Prevention, University of Potsdam, Germany
Med. Clinic, Dept. Rehabilitative and Preventive Sports Med., University Clinic of Freiburg, Germany

Introduction of scientific studies focus on physical

endurance after implantation of knee- and hip
The number of artificial joints implanted
prostheses 2,3,11,18. However, there is little
worldwide has increased dramatically over
evidence-based data available regarding the
the last 20 years. In the majority of cases
question of physical activity after
quality of life, as well as overall postoperative
alloarthroplasties of the upper extremities or
mobility, has increased as a result of joint
the ankle joints. To evaluate the durability of
replacement. Furthermore, improved quality
the prosthesis, several factors have to be
of implants, optimised implantation
considered: on the one hand, there are the
techniques and growing experience among
different types of artificial joints implanted (i.e.
surgeons have led to an improved durability
cemented, cementless, hybrid) stability of the
of prosthesis, faster rehabilitation following
prosthesis (i.e. press-fit), the extent of wear
surgery, and a broader range of indications
(e.g. periprosthetic osteolysis), and, on the
for treatment.
other hand, the amount of stress applied
externally. Recently the above mentioned
As a result, the indications for treatment with
factors have been the topic of controversy.
joint replacement have expanded and even
Studies showed that increased physical
younger patients are now being provided with
activity resulted in optimised osteointegration
an endoprosthesis, especially for the
as well as improved muscular performance
replacement of hip and knee joints, as well as
and a decrease of loosening rates 4,18,19.
shoulder and ankle joints. The patients’
Dubs, Widhalm and von Strempel observed
growing demand for improved quality of life
fewer cases of loosening in patients who
and enhanced functionality during work or
were physically more active, than in those
recreational activities after having received a
who were less or not active at all 6,19,20.
total joint replacement requires a thorough
Further, von Ritter (hip), Lavernia and Jones
revaluation of the patient’s ability to cope with
(knee) showed that especially low-impact
physical stress, especially while performing
sports (swimming, cycling) resulted in an
athletic activities. In the past, the main focus
improved clinical outcome, as well as lower
rested on restoring activities of daily living
revision rates 9,12,14. However, higher
(ADL). Today, that focus has shifted towards
loosening rates have been reported
resuming previously played sports, as well as
especially in younger patients with increased
taking on new forms of exercise 16.
levels of physical activity 9,14.
Basics of physical activity after Due to a lack of in vivo data, the limits of
arthroplasties tolerance and the actual force which is
internally applied to the prosthesis and its
A reasonable amount of physical activity after anchorage can only be estimated. Therefore
total joint replacement is generally secondary evaluation criteria, such as the
recommended 8. In this context, the majority patient’s conditions, revision statistics and
39 Official Journal of FIMS (International Federation of Sports Medicine)
Physical activity after total joint replacement International SportMed Journal,
Vol.9 No.1, 2008, pp.39-43,

model calculations, are used. One of the few Consensus, the Knee Society Consensus,
available in vivo analysis using a so-called and the German Society for Sports Medicine
measuring-prosthesis during running and and Prevention recommendations 5,7,8.
cycling exercises, shows that the stress Physical activities that combine a cyclic
applied to the hip joint while riding an performance with low rotational forces and
ergometer did not increase by more than 1- minimal impact forces are summarised as low
1,5 times the body weight 1. The stress during impact sports (e.g. cycling, swimming,
treadmill exercise was significantly higher (2- walking, Nordic walking, gymnastics, low
3 times body weight while walking, 5-7 times impact aerobics, weight training, and cross-
body weight while running). Although not country skiing) and are highly recommended
scientifically proven, assumptions and for patients with endoprosthesis. Team sports
recommendations have been made in the and sports that require frequent jumping (e.g.
past that the choice of footwear and other soccer, handball, volleyball, basketball), as
external factors should be taken into well as sports such as tennis, badminton, but
consideration. Ultimately it was proven, that also skiing, high impact aerobics and sports
the stabilising forces of the adjoining muscles with higher risks of injury are rarely
are primarily responsible for the amount of recommended. Nevertheless, high impact
stress applied to the joint 1. sports should not be dismissed on principle
and should be evaluated for each individual
Basic recommendations for physical case. Furthermore, forces that might likely
result in luxation (in relation to surgical
activity techniques) and sports with high risks of
injury (trendy sports among others) should be
Physical exercise recommendations after
avoided. The patient’s prior experience in a
implantation of a hip prosthesis have been
particular sport will also play a major role in
addressed by several scientific societies.
the decision to allow participation. It is
With respect to knee endoprosthesis, the
recommended to evaluate running sports
type of the implanted joint (differences
differentially, because duration and speed, as
between surface replacement, partially
well as the compensational ability of the
stabilised and stabilised prosthesis) has to be
muscles, are essential assessment criteria. A
considered, since the amount of force
primarily stable anchorage with musculo-
transmitted on the implant/bone increases
ligamentary stability, a functional and
with mounting passive implant stability
painless walking pattern (lower extremities)
rendering surgical revisions riskier or only
and functional joint stability are general
partially feasible. Thus the assessments of
preconditions to resuming physical activity.
the ability to cope with physical strain are
The operation should have been performed
generally conservative even though the
at least 6 month previously (exceptions
positive effects of activity are scientifically
excluded) prior to resuming vigorous activity.
proven. Concerning the shoulder joint, sports
A good axial alignment of the implant without
with little risk of falls, low tensional strain and
signs of loosening should be confirmed via X-
low rotational stress are recommended rather
rays. In addition, the general assessment
than sports with higher risks of injury. Data
criteria concerning cardiovascular,
concerning physical strain after
pulmonary, orthopedic and neurological
endoprosthetic replacement of the ankle is
findings should be taken into consideration.
even less adequate than that of the shoulder.
Current contra-indications are infection,
In general, physical activities during which
instability of the joint, or loosening of the
the patient’s weight is not directly transmitted
implant. Relative contra-indications are a
to the endoprosthetic joint are recommended
prior revision of the endoprosthesis, muscular
(swimming, cycling 17).
insufficiency, and obesity (BMI above 30, 5).
However, those patients should not be
Recommendations in relation to type discouraged from performing physical
of sports activities on principle, but should rather be
advised to pursue alternative and less
When assessing physical activity capacity stressful movement patterns (i.e. weight
after total joint replacement a distinction has training under functional joint stability,
to be made between lower impact and higher activities in the water, cyclic performance with
impact sports following the general a limited range of movement - see Table 1).
recommendations of the Hip Society
40 Official Journal of FIMS (International Federation of Sports Medicine)
Physical activity after total joint replacement International SportMed Journal,
Vol.9 No.1, 2008, pp.39-43,

Physical activity after total joint replacement Acknowledgement
is recommended based on the most recent
evidence-based data as outlined in Table 1. Thanks to Dr Sarah Schwieger for reviewing
Recommendations based on the consensus and translating the manuscript.
statements of different societies in
combination with scientific research data Address for correspondence:
provide sufficient information and evaluation Professor H-H Dickhuth, Med. Clinic, Dept. of
criteria for the prescribed exercise for Rehabilitative and Preventive Sports
recipients of knee and hip prosthesis 2,3,11,18. Medicine, University Clinic of Freiburg,
There is significantly less controlled data for Germany.
the assessment of other joints. Important Email:
factors for the assessment of exercise
capability and the capacity to cope with References
physical stress can be summarized as
follows: 1. Bergmann G et al. Frictonal heating of total
(1) physical activity after joint replacement hip implants. Part 2: Finite element study.
is generally recommended from the J Biomech 2001; 34(4):429-435
medical point of view for general health 2. Bradbury N et al. Participation in sports
and fitness after total knee replacement. Am J Sports
(2) the following factors should be taken Med 1998; 26(4): 530-535
into consideration when evaluating 3. Clifford PE, Mallon WJ. Sports after total
physical stress: joint replacement. Clin Sports Med 2005;
• general risk of injury 24:175-86.
• risk of luxation 4. Cornell CN, Ranawat CS.. Survivorship
• risk of damaging the implant (fracture analysis of total hip replacements: results
risk, abrasion, anchorage’s stability) in a series of active patientes who were
• risk of loosening less than fifty-five year old. J Bone Joint
• muscular (functional) joint stability Surg 1985; 68A: 1430-1434
• patients general stamina 5. DGSP - Sektion Rehabilitation und
Behindertensport: Empfehlung der Sektion
• the patient’s experience with the sport or
Rehabilitation und Behindertensport zum
Thema Bewegung und Sport mit
• the physician’s and patient’s knowledge
Endoprothese 2006
of the particular sport with respect to
6. Dubs L, Gschwend N, Munzinger U. Sport
evaluation of its suitability and the joint’s
after total hip arthroplasty. Arch Orthop
ability to cope with the expected amount
Trauma Surg 1983; 101:161-169
of physical stress.
7. Healy WL, Iorio R, Lemos MJ. Athletic
• the relation between beneficial joint activity after joint replacement. Am J
stabilising training stimuli and the Sports Med 2001; 29(3): 377-388
possibility of damaging the joint by 8. Huch K et al. Sports activity five years after
applying too much strain should be total knee or hip arthroplasty. The Ulm
explained to the patient in a way that is Osteoarthritis Study. Ann Rheum Dis
suited to the patient’s- particular physical 2005; 64; 1715-20
activities 9. Jones DL et al. Physical activity and risk of
• an adaptation to individual conditions and revision total knee arthroplasty in
capabilities can be achieved by slightly individuals with knee osteoarthritis: A
modifying the physical activities (i.e. use matched case-control study. J Rheumatol
of sticks during walking exercise, 2004; 31:1384-1390
avoidance of competition character, 10. Kilgus DJ et al. Patient activity, sports
limitation/modification of techniques participation, and impact loading on the
during cross-country skiing). durability of cemented total hip
• controlled, individually paced sports are replacements. Clin Orthop 1991; 269: 25-
generally recommended with the 31
objective of rehabilitative, stabilising 11. Kuster MS et al. Endurance sports after
training for the muscles adjoining the total knee replacement: a biomechanical
41 Official Journal of FIMS (International Federation of Sports Medicine)
Physical activity after total joint replacement International SportMed Journal,
Vol.9 No.1, 2008, pp.39-43,

investigation. Med Sci Sports Exerc 17. Valderrabano V et al. Sports and
2000; 32: 721-724 recreation activity of ankle arthritis
12. Lavernia C et al. Activity level and wear patients before and after total ankle
in total knee arthroplasty: A study of replacement. Am J Sports Med 2006; 34:
autopsy retrieved specimens. J 993-999.
Arthroplasty 2001;16:446-453 18. Van den Bogert AJ, Read L, et al. An
13. Mont MA et al. Tennis after total knee analysis of hip joint loading during
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30(2):163-166 Sports Exerc 1999; 31: 131-142
14. Ritter M, Meding J. Total hip arthroplasty: 19. Von Strempel A, Menke W, Wirth CJ.
Can the patient play sport again? Sportliche Aktivitäten von Patienten mit
Orthopedics 1987; 10:1447-1452 zementfrei implantiertem
15. Schmalzried TP et al. Wear is a function Hüftgelenkersatz. Prakt Sport Traum
of use, not time. Clin Orthop 2000; 381: Sportmed 1992; 2:58-64
36-46 20. Widhalm R et al. Is there greater danger
16. Seyler TM et al. Sports activity after total of sports injury or osteoporosis caused by
hip and knee arthroplasty – Specific inactivity in patients with hip prosthesis?
recommendations concerning tennis. Z Orthop 1990; 128:139-143
Sports Med 2006; 36: 571-583

42 Official Journal of FIMS (International Federation of Sports Medicine)

Physical activity after total joint replacement International SportMed Journal,
Vol.9 No.1, 2008, pp.39-43,

Table 1: Recommended, recommended with limitations and less recommended types of sport
after total joint replacement of hip, knee and shoulder joints 5,7,8

Joints Recommended Recommended with Less recommended 2,3

limitations 1,3
Hip joint aerobics (without aerobics (without basketball
jumps) jumps) figure skating
aquajogging alpine skiing speed skating
ergometer training golf soccer
individual gymnastics bowling gymnastics
bowling weight training handball
cycling (saddle height) running/jogging hockey
horse riding horse riding inline skating
rowing cross-country skiing martial arts/combat
darts tennis sport
swimming table tennis rock climbing
dancing athletics (jumps)
walking/Nordic walking mountain biking
hiking squash
Knee joint aerobics (without alpine skiing basketball
jumps) weight training figure skating
aqua jogging running/jogging speed skating
ergometer training horse riding soccer
individual gymnastic rowing handball
bowling cross-country skiing hockey
horse riding tennis rock climbing
darts squash
swimming volleyball
walking/Nordic walking
Shoulder4 aqua jogging alpine skiing basketball
individual gymnastic golf figure skating
running/jogging weight training speed skating
cycling running/jogging soccer
horse riding horse riding handball
walking/Nordic walking rowing hockey
hiking swimming martial arts/combat
cross-country skiing sports
rock climbing
mountain biking
1. generally possible depending on experience
2. evaluation for each individual case
3. sports with high risk of injury are generally less recommended
4. compared to recommendations for physical exercise after knee and hip endoprosthesis the
data available for the ability to cope with physical stress after shoulder alloarthoplasties is not
sufficient for evidence based evaluation. Therefore the mentioned information should be
regarded as a recommendation, which should be reassessed in each individual case.

43 Official Journal of FIMS (International Federation of Sports Medicine)

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