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Patient blood management

The GP’s guide
Sandra Minck
Kathryn Robinson
Ben Saxon
Tracey Spigiel
Amanda Thomson

advocate and referrer of their patients.

Background Table 1 outlines the questions GPs should
There is accumulating evidence of a strong association between blood consider when intending to refer a patient
transfusion and adverse patient outcomes. Patient blood management aims to for elective surgery.
achieve improved patient outcomes by avoiding unnecessary exposure to blood
products through effective conservation and management of a patient’s own Why do we need patient blood
blood. management?
Objective Many factors have led to the uptake of PBM.
To introduce the general practitioner’s role in patient blood management. There is increasing evidence of the potential risks
Discussion and adverse outcomes associated with blood
There are a number of ways in which GPs can contribute to patient blood transfusion, as outlined in Table 2.2 Evidence
management, particularly in the care of patients scheduled for elective surgery. also suggests that use of blood products is not
These include awareness, identification, investigation and management of always in accordance with clinical guidelines.3
patients with or at risk of anaemia; assessment of the adequacy of iron stores Rising costs and demand for blood products,
in patients undergoing planned procedures in which substantial blood loss is from a limited donor base, is putting increasing
anticipated; awareness and assessment of medications and complementary pressure on supply.2,4 Patient blood management
medicines that might increase bleeding risk; and awareness of and ability to
optimises the use of donor blood and reduces
discuss with patients, the possible risks associated with blood transfusion and
transfusion associated risk.
alternatives that may be available.
Keywords New Australian patient blood
blood transfusion; anaemia; preoperative assessment; iron/deficiency management guidelines
A review of the 2001 National Health and
Medical Research Council/Australasian
Society of Blood Transfusion Clinical practice
Patient blood management (PBM) is the guidelines for the use of blood components3
timely application of evidence based is currently being undertaken by the National
medical and surgical concepts designed Blood Authority (NBA) on behalf of Australian
to maintain haemoglobin concentration, governments. A series of six modules will
optimise haemostasis and minimise comprise the new patient blood management
blood loss in an effort to improve patient guidelines. The modules are intended to assist
outcomes.1 Patient blood management and guide clinical decisions and coordination of
principles are particularly relevant to the healthcare across the primary, secondary and
care of patients scheduled to undergo tertiary care settings for patients requiring blood
elective surgical procedures in which products.5 Three modules are currently published
significant blood loss is anticipated. and the remaining modules are expected to be
Effective conservation and management released over the coming months. Module 2 –
of a patient’s own blood requires a Perioperative,6 is particularly relevant to GPs. A
proactive, multidisciplinary, team number of recommendations and practice points
based approach. General practitioners contained in this module are discussed in this
play a unique role as care coordinator, article. The guideline also includes a preoperative

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clinical Patient blood management – the GP’s guide

haemoglobin assessment and optimisation

Table 1. Questions to consider when referring a patient for
algorithm (Figure 1)6 to assist with the
elective surgery
assessment and management of preoperative
anaemia and suboptimal iron stores. • Is the surgery likely to result in significant blood loss?
• Does my patient have anaemia or are they at risk of anaemia?
Preoperative assessment – What are my patient’s iron stores?
Surgical patients should be evaluated as early as • Are there comorbidities that may contribute to adverse outcomes if anaemia
possible to coordinate scheduling of surgery with
– If so, what steps are needed to optimise these conditions (eg. cardiac disease)?
optimisation of the patient’s haemoglobin and
• Are there chronic conditions that may impede a haematopoietic response (eg.
iron stores.6 Ideally this should occur a minimum chronic kidney disease, inflammation or bone marrow pathology)?
of 30 days before the procedure. • What medications and complementary medicines is my patient taking that might
If the haemoglobin is <120 g/L for females or increase their bleeding risk?
130 g/L for males the patient should be further • Is my patient informed about the possible risks associated with blood transfusion
investigated to determine the cause of the and alternatives that may be available?
anaemia and replacement therapy instituted if
indicated. Common causes of anaemia include Table 2. Risks and adverse outcomes associated with blood transfusion2
iron, B12 or folate deficiency, anaemia of chronic
disease and chronic kidney disease. Resources Infectious risks
to assist with the diagnosis and management of • Known infectious agents (HIV, hepatitis C and B)
these conditions can be found at the end of this – risk has been reduced to very low levels, however the blood supply will always
article. In cases of significant anaemia where remain vulnerable to emerging infectious agents
the cause is uncertain specialist referral may be • Bacterial contamination
necessary. – also low risk, however this is still an important consideration, particularly with
platelet transfusion
Risk factors for transfusion Non-infectious risks
associated with surgery • Acute haemolytic reaction (eg. incorrect blood component transfused)
Three main predictors for red blood cell • Allergic, including anaphylactic, reactions
transfusion have been identified by the Austrian • Transfusion associated circulatory overload
Benchmark Study of blood use in adult patients • Transfusion related acute lung injury
undergoing elective surgery.7 These include • Delayed haemolytic transfusion reaction
patients with preoperative anaemia and those
• Transfusion associated graft versus host disease
in whom substantial blood loss (blood loss of
Adverse outcomes – red blood cell transfusion has been associated with:
a volume great enough to induce anaemia that
• Increased morbidity and mortality
would require therapy) is anticipated. Procedures
associated with substantial blood loss include: • Increased ICU and hospital length of stay
cardiac surgery, vascular surgery (eg. abdominal • Increased incidence of postoperative infection
aortic aneurysm repair, femero-popliteal bypass), • Transfusion related immunomodulation
large joint orthopaedic surgery and major general Note: The major source of morbidity and mortality relating to transfusion in Australia
surgery (eg. bowel resection). is from the non-infectious risks and adverse outcomes
The strategies to address these risks, as For further information and updates on adverse events go to
outlined in Table 3, are referred to as the ‘three
pillars of patient blood management’.
Table 3. Relationship between the predictors of red blood cell
Anaemia and its potential
transfusion and the three pillars of patient blood management
adverse effects on patient
outcomes Predictors for red blood cell transfusions Pillars of patient blood management

The first pillar of PBM can readily be addressed Preoperative anaemia Optimisation of red cell mass
in the primary care setting. Anaemia is common, Volume of surgical blood loss Minimisation of blood loss
with prevalence rates increasing rapidly after
the age of 50 years, and reaching over 20% at Failure to adopt a more restrictive Optimisation of the patient’s tolerance
threshold for transfusion of anaemia
age ≥85 years.8 It needs to be considered in all

292 Reprinted from Australian Family Physician Vol. 42, No. 5, may 2013
Patient blood management – the GP’s guide clinical

Preoperative tests
• Full blood count
• Iron studies‡ including ferritin
• C-reactive protein and renal function

Is the patient anaemic?

Hb <130 g/L (male) or
Hb <120 g/L (female)


No Ferritin <30 µg/L‡§ Ferritin 30–100 µg/L‡§ Ferritin >100 µg/L

C-reactive protein¶

Raised Normal

No anaemia: ferritin Iron deficiency anaemia Possible iron deficiency Possible anaemia of chronic
<100 µg/L • Evaluate possible causes • Consider clinical context disease or inflammation, or
• Consider iron therapy* if based on clinical findings • Consider haematology advice other causeπ
anticipated postoperative • Discuss with or, in the presence of chronic • Consider clinical context
Hb decrease is ≥30 g/L gastroenterologist regarding kidney disease, renal advice • Review renal function, MCV/
• Determine cause and need GI investigations and their • Discuss with gastroenter- MCH and blood film
for GI investigations if timing in relation to surgery§ ologist regarding GI • Check B12/folate levels and
ferritin is suggestive of iron • Commence iron therapy* investigations and their reticulocyte count
deficiency <30 µg/L‡§ timing in relation to surgery§ • Check liver and thyroid
• Commence iron therapy* function
• Seek haematology advice or,
This template# is for patients undergoing procedures in which substantial blood loss is anticipated
in the presence of chronic
such as cardiac surgery, major orthopaedic, vascular and general surgery. Specific details, including
kidney disease, renal advice
reference ranges and therapies, may need adaptation for local needs, expertise or patient groups
*Iron therapy
# Anaemia may be multifactorial, especially in the elderly or in those with chronic
Oral iron in divided daily doses. Evaluate
disease, renal impairment, nutritional deficiencies or malabsorption
response after 1 month. Provide patient
information material ‡ In an anaemic adult, a ferritin level <15 µg/L is diagnostic of iron deficiency, and
levels between 15–30 µg/L are highly suggestive. However, ferritin is elevated
IV iron if oral iron is contraindicated, not
in inflammation, infection, liver disease and malignancy. This can result in
tolerated or effective; and consider if rapid misleadingly elevated ferritin levels in iron-deficient patients with coexisting
iron repletion is clinically important systemic illness. In the elderly or in patients with inflammation, iron deficiency
(eg. <2 months to non-deferrable surgery) may still be present with ferritin values up to 60–100 µg/L
Note: 1 µg/L of ferritin is equivalent § Patients without a clear physiological explanation for iron deficiency (especially
to 8–10 mg of storage iron. It will take men and postmenopausal women) should be evaluated by gastroscopy/
approximately 165 mg of storage iron to colonoscopy to exclude a source of gastrointestinal bleeding, particularly a
reconstitute 10 g/L of Hb in a 70 kg adult. If malignant lesion. Determine possible causes based on history and examination,
preoperative ferritin is <100 µg/L, blood loss initiate iron therapy, screen for coeliac disease, and discuss timing of scopes with
resulting in a postoperative Hb drop of a gastroenterologist
≥30 g/L would deplete iron stores
¶ CRP may be normal in the presence of chronic disease and inflammation
In patients not receiving preoperative
iron therapy, if unanticipated blood loss π Consider thalassaemia if MCH or MCV is low and not explained by iron
is encountered, 150 mg IV iron per 10 g/L deficiency, or if long-standing. Check B12/folate if macrocytic or if there are
Hb drop may be given to compensate risk factors for deficiency (eg. decreased intake or absorption), or if anaemia
is unexplained. Consider blood loss or haemolysis if reticulocyte count is
for bleeding related iron loss (1 mL blood
increased. Seek haematology advice or, in presence of chronic kidney disease,
contains ~0.5 mg elemental iron)
nephrology advice
Figure 1. Preoperative haemoglobin assessment and optimisation template
© National Blood Authority, 2012. ISBN 978-0-9775298-1-0. Reproduced with permission

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Patient blood management – the GP’s guide clinical

patients not just the ‘typical’ risk groups such preoperative iron therapy.6 diagnosis and treatment of the underlying
as premenopausal females (particularly those The management of iron deficiency involves cause.9–11,15,16 Key points for the diagnosis
with menorrhagia); institutionalised or socially two concurrent components: iron therapy to and management of iron deficiency are
disadvantaged people; and those with poor or correct deficiency and replenish stores, and highlighted in Table 4.
restrictive diets or malabsorption disorders.9–11
Using the World Health Organization definition Table 4. Key messages for the diagnosis and management
of anaemia of 120 g/L for females and 130 g/L of iron deficiency
for males,12 the Austrian Benchmark Study
Diagnosis of iron deficiency
found the overall prevalence of preoperative
• Serum ferritin is the most powerful test for iron deficiency11
anaemia in elective surgery (coronary artery
• Serum iron should NOT be used to diagnose iron deficiency10
bypass graft, total hip and knee replacements)
• Serum ferritin:
to be 19%. There was no female predominance.
– <15 μg/L is diagnostic of iron deficiency10
The incidence of preoperative anaemia was
– between 15–30 μg/L is highly suggestive of iron deficiency10
on average three times higher in patients who
– >100 μg/L – iron deficiency is unlikely (but consider functional iron deficiency)10
received transfusions than in those who did
– iron deficiency may be present with levels up to 60–100 μg/L in the elderly or
not. A considerable number of patients with
those with inflammation or systemic illness; C-reactive protein may be useful to
preoperative anaemia had not had their anaemia identify coexisting inflammation6,10
treated.7 – <100 μg/L is considered as suboptimal iron stores in patients awaiting major
Preoperative anaemia has been shown to surgery in whom substantial blood loss is anticipated6
be associated with an increased risk of adverse
outcomes. A retrospective study of 8000 patients
• Iron deficiency is never a final diagnosis in itself and a cause should always be
undergoing non-cardiac surgery, in which 40% of sought9
both male and female patients had preoperative • All patients with iron deficiency anaemia (IDA) should be assessed for coeliac
anaemia, found a five-fold increase in 90 day disease.9–11 For further information on assessment, including interpretation
postoperative mortality.13 A larger study of and limitations of screening tests (coeliac serology and IgA), refer to available
300 000 elderly patients undergoing non-cardiac
• Upper and lower gastrointestinal investigations should be considered in all
surgery showed a statistically significant
postmenopausal female and all male patients where IDA has been confirmed
increasing rate of 30 day postoperative mortality unless there is a history of significant overt non-GI blood loss11
with decreasing haematocrit.14 • In premenopausal women with IDA, upper and lower gastrointestinal
These statistics highlight the extent and investigation should be reserved for those aged 50+ years, those with symptoms
significance of preoperative anaemia, particularly suggesting gastrointestinal disease, and those with a strong family history of
in the older age group in whom the likelihood colorectal cancer11
of need for surgery is increased. In patients Iron therapy
undergoing cardiac and non-cardiac surgery, • Increasing dietary iron intake alone is inadequate to treat frank iron deficiency10
preoperative anaemia should be identified, • Oral iron therapy, in appropriate doses and for a sufficient duration, is an effective
evaluated and managed to minimise red blood first line strategy for most patients10
cell (RBC) transfusion, which may be associated – after therapeutic doses of oral iron, reticulocytosis should occur within 72 hours,
with an increased risk of morbidity, mortality, and Hb levels should rise by about 20 g/L every 3 weeks10
intensive care unit length of stay and hospital – oral iron should be continued for 3–6 months beyond normalisation of
haemoglobin, so that stores are replenished10,11
length of stay.6
• Patients in whom parenteral (intravenous) iron should be considered include
Iron deficiency those with:
– demonstrated intolerance, non-compliance or lack of efficacy with oral iron,
It is important to note that iron deficiency despite modification of dose, timing and frequency
may occur without anaemia, and suboptimal – a clinical need for rapid iron supply (eg. where there is insufficient time to
iron stores will impact on the patient’s ability correct iron deficiency before non-deferrable surgery)
to respond to the increase in erythropoiesis – intestinal malabsorption
associated with blood loss. Surgical patients – ongoing iron (ie. blood) losses that exceed absorptive capacity
with, or at risk of iron deficiency anaemia, or • The use of intramuscular iron is discouraged unless other approaches cannot be
with suboptimal iron stores (as defined by a practically delivered10
ferritin level <100 μg/L), in whom substantial • Blood transfusion should be reserved for patients with or at risk of cardiovascular
instability due to the degree of their anaemia10,11
blood loss is anticipated, should be treated with

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clinical Patient blood management – the GP’s guide

Haemostasis management because, although it reduces the risk of • WA Health Patient Blood Management Program
Many medications such as aspirin, clopidogrel, allogeneic RBC transfusion, it increases the – information about patient blood management:
non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, overall risk of receiving any RBC transfusion
warfarin and novel oral anticoagulants such as (allogeneic and autologous).6 Collection of home/good.cfm
dabigatran and rivaroxaban affect haemostasis. predonated autologous blood should only be • Gastroenterological Society of Australia –
Complementary medicines including garlic, undertaken in specific circumstances, such information about iron deficiency: www.gesa.
Ginkgo biloba, ginseng and fish oil products may as rare blood groups where blood may not be
increase bleeding risk17–19 and discontinuation available in the general supply.20 • BloodSafe patient resources – iron therapy:
before surgery should be considered. The
PBM perioperative guidelines provide some Summary aspx?tabid=86.
guidance on which medications, under what General practitioners can play a vital role in PBM
circumstances, may be continued or when they by helping to ensure that available measures are
Sandy Minck MBBS, FRACGP, is medical officer,
require cessation. They also provide references adopted to reduce or avoid the need for blood Transfusion Clinical Governance Unit, Australian
to other established guidelines for management transfusion. Of particular importance is the early Red Cross Blood Service, Brisbane, Queensland.
of patients on warfarin therapy. Hospitals may identification, evaluation and management of
also have their own guidelines and pathways. anaemia and suboptimal iron stores, particularly Kathryn Robinson MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, is a
Early referral is important in the management of in patients awaiting major surgery. Awareness transfusion medicine specialist, Australian
complicated or high risk cases that may require of medications and complementary medicines Red Cross Blood Service and a haematologist,
The Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Department of
multidisciplinary assessment in order to balance that affect haemostasis will enable appropriate
Haematology and Oncology, Adelaide, South
the risk of bleeding and thrombotic events. planning to balance the risk of bleeding and Australia
General practitioners should ensure patients are thrombotic events. Educating patients about Ben Saxon MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, is National
aware that their medications and complementary treatment options, including blood transfusion, Transfusion Specialist, Australian Red Cross Blood
medicines may represent a bleeding risk, and that and their associated risks and benefits is vital for Service, Adelaide, South Australia
they provide an up-to-date list at specialist review informed consent. Initiating a PBM approach at Tracey Spigiel RN, GradDipOnc, MNSc, is
and preoperative assessment. the primary care level is the first important step in Manager, Transfusion Clinical Governance Unit,
ensuring optimum outcomes for patients. Australian Red Cross Blood Service, Adelaide,
Additional techniques to reduce South Australia
or avoid the need for transfusion Resources Amanda Thomson MBBS, FRACP, FRCPA, is a
transfusion medicine specialist, Australian Red
In addition to preoperative anaemia and Resources for health professionals
Cross Blood Service, Sydney, New South Wales.
haemostasis management, numerous other • National Blood Authority patient blood
techniques, such as acute normovolaemic management guidelines – currently available Competing interests: None.
haemodilution, intra- and post-operative cell modules and updates: Provenance and peer review: Not commissioned;
salvage, and the use of pharmacological agents guidelines/review.html externally peer reviewed.
may be used to reduce or avoid the need for • Australian Red Cross Blood Service – patient
transfusion. These are further outlined in the PBM blood management and anaemia management
Australian governments fully fund the Australian
perioperative guidelines. It is essential that patients guidelines: Red Cross Blood Service for the provision of blood
are encouraged to discuss their possible need for • WA Health Patient Blood Management Program products and services to the Australian com-
transfusion and the availability of additional or – information for health professionals: www. munity.
alternative techniques with their specialist team
before surgery. This will ensure that they are able • BloodSafe clinician resources are available 1. Society for the Advancement of Blood Management.
to provide fully informed consent for treatment. under clinical resources/anaemia management Professional definition: patient blood management.
Available at [Accessed 10 September
topics including chronic kidney disease
Preoperative autologous management, macrocytosis, normocytic
2. Thomson A, Farmer S, Hofmann A, Isbister J,
donation no longer Shander A. Patient blood management – a new
normochromic anaemia and iron deficiency
recommended paradigm for transfusion medicine? ISBT Sci Ser
anaemia: 2009;4:423–35.
At the time of the emergence of HIV and Default.aspx?tabid=77 3. The NHMRC/Australasian Society of Blood
before robust testing methods being available, Resources for patients Transfusion. Clinical practice guidelines on the use of
blood components, 2001. Available at www.nhmrc.
predonation of a patient’s own blood before • Australian Red Cross Blood Service – [Accessed 10
surgery had been previously advocated. information on anaemia and iron deficiency, September 2012].
However, the routine use of preoperative having a blood transfusion and giving consent: 4. Western Australia Blood Management Project.
Executive Summary 2011. Department of Health,
autologous donation is not recommended, State of Western Australia. Available at www.

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Patient blood management – the GP’s guide clinical
tive_summary.pdf [Accessed 12 April 2012].
5. National Blood Authority Australia. Patient Blood
Management Guidelines Launch. Available at www. [Accessed
8 October 2012].
6. National Blood Authority Australia. Patient blood
management guidelines: Module 2 – Perioperative.
Available at
index.html [Accessed 10 September 2012].
7. Gombotz H, Rehak PH, Shander A, Hofmann A. Blood
use in elective surgery: the Austrian Benchmark
Study. Transfusion 2007;47:1468–80.
8. Guralnik JM, Ershler WB, Schrier SL, Picozzi VJ.
Anemia in the elderly: a public health crisis in hema-
tology. Hematology 2005;528–32.
9. Gastroenterological Society of Australia. Clinical
update: iron deficiency, 1st edn. Sydney, Australia:
Digestive Health Foundation, 2008. Available at
[Accessed 10 September 2012].
10. Pasricha SR, Flecknoe-Brown SC, Allen KJ, et
al. Diagnosis and management of iron defi-
ciency anaemia: a clinical update. Med J Aust
11. Goddard AF, James MW, McIntyre AS, Scott BB on
behalf of the British Society of Gastroenterology.
Guidelines for the management of iron deficiency
anaemia. Gut 2011;60:1309–16.
12. World Health Organization. United Nations Children’s
Fund. United Nations University. Iron deficiency
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13. Beattie WS, Karkouti K, Wijeysundera DN, Tait
G. Risk associated with preoperative anemia in
noncardiac surgery: a single-center cohort study.
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14. Wu WC, Schifftner TL, Henderson WG, et al.
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15. Gastroenterological Society of Australia. Clinical
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16. Ellard K, Shepherd S. How to treat: coeliac
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17. Stanger MJ, Thompson LA, Young AJ, Lieberman HR.
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18. Moses GM, McGuire T. Drug interactions with
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19. Turner MB. Medicines safety update: safety of fish
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20. Boulton FE, James V. Guidelines for policies on alter-
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