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Competency 5 Assessment

Alyssa Cremer

Rasmussen College

General Psychology

Jennifer Green

October 1, 2020


Competency 5 Assessment

Psychology is a multifaceted discipline that entails several sub-field studies like social

behavior, human development, cognitive process, health, sports, and clinical development.

Hence, it is the study associated with the mind and behavior. Psychologists have used the

psychological principle to induce behavior change in several frameworks, from marketing and

psychotherapy to political manipulation and military training. The principle has impacted

acquiring basic possibilities of changing other people's behavior and developing an internal and

comprehensive consistent psychological understanding of environmentally relevant change of


Deviant behavior has two parameters, and these are formal and informal deviance. In

psychology, formal deviance tends to violet the set law, such as theft and homicides, while the

informal deviance tends to violet social norms such as belching loudly. For a deviant behavior,

the possible therapy is rehabilitation, taken to secured units in prison or visiting psychiatric


Psychological principles affect the study of group differences in that it considers how

individuals differ. Because everyone is unique, each individual has a different response to any

program, and the uniqueness may relate to gender, injuries, chronic conditions, past experiences,

genetics, shape, and size. For instance, some individuals take more time to recover than others.

In industry, psychology's role is to identify and come up with an effective solution to the

problems. It also improves the workplace dynamics and employee satisfaction in a complex

organization, psychology in assessing organizational, group, and individual dynamics. Besides,

psychology helps the organization make a solution to the problem to improve the organization's

performance and well-being. In law, psychology enables the formulation of an advisory role due

to the activities played by legal psychologists in the court system.

Lastly, in education, psychology plays a vital role in that it enables educational

psychologists to use human development's theory to inform the structural process and for a better

understanding of an individual's learning.



6 psychological effects that affect how our brains tick. (2020, June 30). Retrieved from


Behavioral psychology principles that impact workplace behavior. (2019, October 2).

Retrieved from


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