Exam Report and Remediation

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Teacher :Mr.

Djellad Mohammedlevel : 3MS


Exam report and Remediation

First Term Exam
L .objective : By the end of this session my learners will be able to notice, correct and
overcome their mistakes.

Material (s ) :w.board + flash cards .

common mistakes

 Learners find difficulties in :

- Task one : I put the verbs in the right form 50%

Some learners’ mistakes

 I used to playing hopscotch in the past.
 In the present, my sister wear jeans and beret.
 She loves plays video games.
 I cannot preparing baghrire.

Situation of Integration: I look at the pictures and write 4 sentences using “used to”.40%

Some learners mistakes

 Used to Hayek wear

 I am used to horse cart drive.
 Used to on fire cook.
 Used to with rolling board play.

Teaching steps
Time Remedial Activities Learner’s tasks
Step one: visualization of the mistakes

T. divides his learners into groups and writes

the mistakes on the board and asks the learners
to identify and correct them.

Task one: I spot and correct the mistakes.

15  I used to playing hopscotch in the past. Learners look , read and correct
 In the present, my sister wear jeans and
 She loves plays video games.
 I cannot preparing baghrire.

B ) – Situation of Integration :

• Used to Hayek wear

• I am used to horse cart drive. Learners look, read and correct
15 • Used to on fire cook.
• Used to with rolling board play.

Step two: Remedial work

Task two: I put the verbs in the right form

 My grandma used to ( to wear ) shawl.

 In the present my sister ( to play ) Learners use
 I cannot ( to speak ) French .
 She loves ( to cook ) delicious dishes.

Task three : I look at the pictures and give

examples expressing lifestyles using “ used to”.
Oral practice.

Teacher Distributes the exam sheets and invites Learners produce

his learners to correct their mistakes.

Learners copy the lesson in their copybooks.








Step one: visualization of the mistakes




-step two: Remedial work












Test ‘s correction .




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