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Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. (Be careful with modal verbs.

They can be
affirmative or negative.
1. My brother hasn’t smoked since last year. (stopped)

2. When did you start to learn English? (how long)

3. It’s a bad idea to buy a cheap computer. (had better)

4. It wasn’t a good idea to go out in such bad weather. (regret)

5. It was wrong to spend so much money. (should)

6. I read an interesting article during the trip. (while)

7. It wasn’t necessary to help him. (need)

8. Why didn’t I study last week? (should)

9. I’m not in the mood to have a party at the weekend. (feel like)

10. Susan started studying two hours ago and she’s still studying. (for)

11. I’m sure that Robert forgot to post the letter. (must)

12. I don’t think that I’ve ever met your boyfriend.(remember)

13. This is my first driving lesson. (never)

14. I can’t wait to go on holiday.(look forward to)

15. I doubt he is telling the truth. (can)

16. It isn’t allowed to park here. (must)

17. I’m sorry to inform you that all the tickets have been sold. (regret)

18. My friends were waiting for me. I arrived ten minutes late. (by the time)

19. There’s a possibility it won’t rain tomorrow. (may)

20. He finished the project on Monday night and sent it by email on Tuesday. (the night before)

21. First, I’ll go to the supermarket. Then I’ll go to the cinema. (after)

22. Do I have permission to borrow your book? (can)

23. Is this your first visit to Granada? (before)

24. We’re going to play tennis from six until eight o’clock. (at seven o’clock)
Write the following sentences in English.
1. ¿Cuándo te diste cuenta de que te habías montado en el autobús equivocado?

2. Lucy nunca llega tarde. Su coche deber haberse averiado.

3. Más vale que no tomes parte en la protesta. Podría volverse violenta.

4. Cameron Díaz estaba abromada por el número de admiradores que llevaban horas esperando para verla.

5. Llevamos quejándonos de la escandalosa conducta de nuestros vecinos desde que se mudaron.

6. Debido al efecto invernadero, la temperatura del planeta puede subir mucho.

7. Mis amigos y yo a veces cotilleamos sobre los famosos.

8. Lamento informarle que el vuelo ha sido cancelado.

Translate the words below. Then complete the sentences with the correct for of the words you have

Habitar: _________________ Cantidad: ____________________

Emitir: _________________ Dañino: ____________________
Quedarse calvo: __________________ Dispuesto a : ___________________
Mejorar; recoger; aprender: ________________ Instantáneo: __________________
Perderse: _________________ Dar por sentado: __________________
Avistar: _________________ Muchedumbre: __________________
Criar; educar; sacar a colación: Enorgullecerse de: __________________
____________________ Rodeado: __________________
Ingerir: ___________________ Directamente: __________________
Agotar; gastar todo: ___________________ Ídolo: _________________
Respetuoso con el medio ambiente: Encargarse: _________________
_________________________ Cuadrilla (de actores): ______________________
A medio camino: _______________________ En el centro de atención: ____________________
Basura: _________________ Autógrafo: ___________________
Exterminar: ____________________ Controvertido: ___________________
Una gota en el océano: Dinamismo: __________________
_______________________ Escandaloso: __________________
Atajo: _____________________ Encaprichamiento: ____________________
Un soplo de aire fresco: Rico: ___________ / _______________
______________________ Suntuoso; lujoso: _________________
Viaje (por mar): _______________ Perderse: ___________________
Evitar: ___________________ Ir al extranjero: __________________
Dedicar. _____________________ Conocido: __________________
Vertedero: ____________________

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