Paraprofessionals Information Sheet

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Paraprofessionals Working with Paraprofessional: When there is more than one adult in the classroom, it is

critical that the roles and responsibilities are clearly delineated and followed. One nonnegotiable
is that the classroom teacher (or co-teaching team) must always have the role of the primary
teacher(s) for all students in the classroom.

All students should be involved in all parts of the classroom, including the instruction and
routines of the classroom. “When students with disabilities are hosted, rather than fully
Educational Aide 1: Performs routine tasks under the included, in a classroom setting, it can inadvertently send a message to the rest of the class ‘that
directions and supervision of a certified teacher or some students are more or less worthy of teacher time than are others.’”
teaching team: releases the teacher from routine tasks and
participates in selecting, planning, organizing, and
evaluating; helps the teacher with clerical operations; helps
the teacher supervise students in routine movement from one
recreational activity to another; helps supervise the
playground, bus, and lunchroom; helps the teacher prepare Be aware of the role your
and use instructional media; duplicates instructional paraprofessional is intended to play in
materials for teachers; performs classroom clerical The tasks the paraprofessional the classroom. It is important to:
operations under the supervision of a certified teacher’ or performs should supplement, not distinguish the roles and responsibilities of
performs equivalent determined by local school district. supplant, the classroom teacher(s)’s a paraprofessional assigned to a classroom
duties. Paraprofessionals can serve in for support of multiple or even all students
from those of a paraprofessional who is
many different capacities in a
assigned to an individual student within the
classroom, but their role is not to plan classroom as required by that student’s
or design classroom instruction. IEP. While a classroom paraprofessional is
Rather, it is to make important able to assist with general class routines and
Educational Aide II: Performs tasks under the general contributions to the classroom assist all students, a paraprofessional who
supervision of a certified teacher or teaching team; releases instruction by effectively implementing is required to provided 1:1 support for a
the teacher from routine tasks and participates in selecting, important delegated tasks for which specific student, as mandated by the
student’s IEP, should not have
planning, organizing, and evaluating; helps the teacher they are specially trained.
responsibilities outside of working with
prepare and use instructional materials’ duplicates materials;
that individual student.
conducts drills/exercises as directed by the teacher; helps
administer/score objective measurement instruments; helps
the teacher work with individual students and groups;
records grades and attendance; prepares instructional aids,
including displays and mockups; assists with play area Non-Negotiables: Paraprofessionals may not
develop lesson plans, introduce new
activities; helps operate and use educational media; assists
material/content, provide direct teach portion
with testing routines; works with individual students in drills of the lesson, select materials for
Support student independence,
and exercises; conducts group drills and exercises; assists implementation of the lesson, assign final
autonomy, and peer relationships. It grades, be responsible for any IEP-related
students with programmed/precises units of instruction
is important that the student with a 1:1 responsibilities without supervision of a
aide not be isolated physically or certified special educator, develop IEP
socially from the rest of the class. goals/objectives, design the classroom
management system, be responsible for
Instead of the 1;1; paraprofessional determining/reporting student progress, when a
being the student’s primary social paraprofessional is providing services required
contact, the paraprofessional can work by a student’s IEP, he/she must do so under the
Educational Aide III: Performs and assumes to facilitate academic and social supervision of a certifies special educator.
responsibility for tasks under the general guidance of a Should be provided a schedule that links to
interaction between the student with a
classroom schedule, provide explicit
certified teacher or teaching team; Releases the teacher disability and his/her peers. information regarding what task(s) they should
from routine tasks and: participates in selecting, planning, implement during specific points in lesson.
organizing, and evaluating; helps the teacher implement Should spend majority of the time doing
methodology and use instructional media to yield an instructional duties not administrative duties.
educational environment for all students; assists the teacher
with instructional activities; works with individuals or
groups of students in a variety of educational experiences,
Communication: It is imperative that PLAN IN ADVANCE for working with a
relieves the teacher of selected exercises and instructions everyone on the teaching team be clear about parapro
with students what is communicated to whim regarding how
the teaching team will work together. Define Prepare the paraprofessional from the
specific communication responsibilities, the beginning on role, Assert expectations in
certified teacher should always be the primary helpful manner, Review frequently, Agree
communicator to the parent regarding a to work out problems to support each other,
student’s academic and behavioral progress,
plan carefully, Reinforce contributions and
anytime student-specific information is
success, Observe frequently to ensure plans
communicated (verbal or written),
confidentiality must be maintained. are being implemented and give feedback

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