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Maricela Hernandez



My Educational Philosophy Statement

“It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and

knowledge (Albert Einstein, n.d.). I believe that it is important that a teacher can

connect with the each student in order to bring the best out of the student in them.

Understanding them helps you understand what they can bring to society because most

students who walk out of school or college aren’t sure what role they're supposed to

play. Unprepared and unknowing of what they can do, are concerning thoughts.

Everyone has a purpose and I find that each student has a certain plan in life, all they

have to do is be able to find something special about themselves. My hope is to inspire

that small light of hope in order for them to find self-worth in their day to day studies.

Yes, I am aiming to become an art teacher and most might find this area less prioritized.

However, “research has shown impressive benefits of art education on entire school

culture-especially student motivation, attitudes and attendance” (Bolender, 2020). So

Therefore, using this cognitive psychology approach will acknowledge the student's

creativity and expression which will make a difference. 

Progression is key to educational psychology, since John Dewey believed that

educators are effective when they focus on the students rather than the subject (Cox,

2020). There is an argumentative reason why I believe that exams are not a true test of

knowledge and are too overwhelming to students. In many cases, when a student isn’t
able to grasp the concepts and elements of what you're teaching, the test becomes

nonsense. In classrooms, I see students who are bored, distracted and bothered by the

amount of work. My younger brother has special needs like dyslexia, he finds it difficult

to stay focused and always needs constant encouragement. The best ways to catch his

attention in wanting to know more about himself and increasing knowledge is by

providing more hands-on activities. When he has to memorize a whole prayer, we begin

by working small(,) by visualizing each word as a hand symbol or body symbol.

Additionally, projects that a student might suggest, that is of course connected to the

subject you're teaching, can benefit critical thinking and inspire him to do something in

the area that he enjoys. If you're an english teacher who wants the students to express

the book they read and by allowing him to remember what he learned, an educator

should integrate art into teaching. Whether it is acting, music, or basic drawing, students

are shown to benefit more from these examples than from a test result. Portfolios,

presentations, and group work are also great ways to develop the student problem

solving and maximize positive skills. 

Herbert believed that a student's interest in a topic was his greatest strength and

had a tremendous influence on the learning outcome (Cherry, 2020). I emphasize so

much in connecting with the student because I do know as a future educator, you can

find your students weakness and strength. My experience during Elementary years was

a challenge and I wasn’t a straight A academic student. I had a hard time

comprehending all the subjects. hHowever when I entered Junior High., I found myself

understanding who I wanted to be, I found something interesting, and the person who

put me in that position was my Coach. She brought the best out of me during sports and
I was encouraged to do my best academically because I found joy within it. Simply

because the primary purpose of teaching should be in the same terms as preparing the

students' needs for the future. Our mission is to support and help the student to reach

whatever goal they have in mind. Mentoring the student to find their identity, motivation,

and be confident. My educational principles are straight forward,. I would approach each

student differently, depending on how they grasp the assignment. No lesson plan will go

be right for every student, but we can learn from that and we can change the outcome.

The most appropriate strategy for teaching is being someone for the student and having

the ability to take time to learn more about them in order to bring the best potential out

of them. Because the student is intelligent, worth knowing, and they definitely need a

little bit of your time to motivate them. 


Albert Einstein. (n.d.). Albert Einstein Quotes About Art.” A-Z Quotes,

(Albert Einstein, n.d.)

Bolender , Kelly Fey. “Arts Education.” Americans for the Arts, 30 July 2020,

(Bolender, 2020)
Cherry, Kendra. “Educational Psychology History and Perspectives.” Verywell

Mind, 13 Jan. 2020,


(Cherry, 2020)

Cox, Janelle. “4 Teaching Philosophy Statement Examples.” ThoughtCo, 6 Mar.


(Cox, 2020)

Laoghaire, Dún. “Ethical Issues in Education – Barriers to Learning in Schools.”

IICE, 19 Aug. 2019,


(Laoghaire, 2019)

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