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Name: Alisha Hussain Course: Level 3 Btec Business Year: 2 Date: 03/11/20

Section 1

Consider the skills listed below and rate how important you think each skill is for employment and how competent you are in this skill.
Consider how each of these skills may enhance your performance, and allow you to develop and advance further. You may wish to discuss
these with your advisor of studies. Alternatively, you may wish to ask a friend or family member, and to compare and discuss your separate

Once you have rated yourself, multiply the number in the column marked ‘Competence’ with that in the column ‘Job Importance’. So, for
example, if you feel that you are not very proficient in verbal and written communication (i.e. you have rated your competence at 4), but that
these skills are very important for employment (i.e. you have rated it at 5), then your overall total score would be 5 X 4 = 20.

Section 2
This section will provide you with examples of the types of evidence you can provide to demonstrate your level of competence with each skill.

Competence – How competent are you in Job Importance – How important do you
this skill? think this skill is in Employment?
1. Highly proficient 1. Unnecessary
2. Fairly proficient 2. Not very important
3. Adequate 3. Helpful
4. Not very proficient 4. Fairly important
5. Unskilled 5. Essential
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
8 I think that I am very good at being able to express
Ability to express self well in writing myself in writing as I have done this many times during
my school and college life. An example of this would be
when I had to create my CV and write a covering letter.
Informal – ability to network easily with 8 I think that I can network well with other people as I
other people have done this in school, college and even at work
placement. It is important to make relations with other
people during work and to work well with them
otherwise it would be hard to keep working.
Formal – ability to express yourself 10 I am good at expressing myself however, I do need to
clearly and concisely to a group of improve so that I am able to do it confidently. I need to
people gain the experience of being able to speak in front of
Listening – ability to attend actively to 8 I believe that I am good at listening to other people's
others’ views and ideas and understand points of views and their ideas. I have done this
their point of view throughout my life and I understand that everyone has
different opinions.
Body Language – ability to match body 16 I don't think I am very good at matching my body
language appropriately to what is being language with what is being said and I know that I
said verbally definitely have to improve on this.
Ability to collaborate effectively within 8 I believe that I am very good at being able to collaborate
a team well within a team. I feel like I'm good at team based
activities due to the fact that during school I have been
in various sports teams.
Ability to reach a mutually satisfactory 12 I think my negotiation skills are good however I
outcome through compromise definitely need to improve on this due to the fact that
my chosen career requires thi. I need to be able to
negotiate so that I can buy and sell houses.
Ability to respond appropriately to 10 My ability to respond appropriately to individuals is
individual differences, e.g., age, gender, good due to the fact that during school we have had to
etc. speak to students our own age and teachers who are
older. In my family we have a few children and due to
tht I need to make sure that when I speak to them it is
Ability to encourage and motivate 10 I believe I am quite good at being able to encourage and
others motivate other people as I have to do this whilst I was
captain of my rounders team.
Ability to supervise or direct work of 8 I believe that I have the ability to supervise or direct
others work of others due to the fact that in school I had to
plan and teach a lesson and during that lesson I had full
authority and had to supervise the students.
Ability to evaluate competing priorities 12 I have had to do this when I have too many assignments
to plan ahead due near the same time. I have to make sure I plan
ahead so that I complete my assignments on time.
Ability to use a calculator or PC to make 12 Due to doing maths in school for Gcse’s I have had to
calculations use a calculator for the calculator papers. For a couple
of my assignments I have had to use spreadsheets in
which they calculate the numbers for you.
Ability to interpret descriptive statistics, 12 I have had to do this when I was in school for my maths
e.g. ratios percentages, means, paper and to interpret different statistics. I definitely
standard deviations have to improve this.
Ability to interpret inferential statistics, 16 I need to improve on this skill as I don't have a lot of
e.g., confidence intervals, statistical experience as this will be needed when dealing with
significance, effect size different numbers and statistics.
Ability to organise and present 12 I am quite good at this but need more experience to
numerical data in an appropriate become better. For my assignment I had to make a
manner creative brief and present my data on that in an
appropriate manner.
File Management Techniques
Ability to create, store and retrieve files 8 I am very good at this due to the fact that I have done it
a lot. In my business course I have 18 different units and
I have to make folders so that the work I do is put into
the right folder and it doesn't get mixed up or lost.
Word Processing (e.g. MS Word)
Ability to use a word processing (WP) 8 I believe that I am very good at producing a variety of
package to produce a variety of formats formats for my documents as I have done this a lot in
of documents the past. I have to write letters, make a report and a
booklet for some assignments.
Spreadsheets (e.g., MS Excel)
Ability to use a spreadsheet to record 10 I believe that I am good at this as I have had to create
and manipulate different sets of data spreadsheets to record data for my assignment. I have
also used and edited spreadsheets whilst I was on
Databases (e.g., MS Access)
Ability to retrieve information from a 12 I believe that I am decent at being able to retrieve
database information from a database as I have had to do this
whilst being at placement.
Ability to create a database 16 I don't have experience in creating a database, I need to
make sure that I learn this skill.
Presentations (e.g., MS PowerPoint)
Ability to create and display a 16 During school I have had to create and present many
PowerPoint presentation powerpoints so I am good at this. I need to work on my
presentation skills and gain more confidence though.
Information and Communication
Ability to send and receive email 4 I am very good at sending and receiving emails, as I
have been doing this since school time due to the fact
that most things are done electronically nowadays. If I
need help or guidance then I have emailed my teachers.
Ability to send and receive attachments 4 I have had to do this when I was in school in order to
by e-mail share my work with my tutors for them to mark it. I
have also done this in college regarding my
Ability to use an internet browser, e.g., 4 I am able to use the internet etc very well as we have
Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL been taught this since primary school. Due to having a
lot of experience I am able to do this very easily.
Ability to download files from the 6 I am easily able to download files off the internet and
Internet and transfer to WP transfer it to WP. I have been doing this since primary
Ability to use a search engine, e.g. 4 I am very good at using google as nowadays the world is
Altavista, Google more advanced with technology and it is used in
everybody's lives daily. It is important to use google
because it has the answers to a lot of things.
Ability to generate new ideas or 10 I feel like I am good at coming up with new or different
conceive existing ideas in a new way ideas to use in a project. I have done this during school
for our charity event for children in need.
Organisation and Planning
Ability to set down a systematic 12 I have done this when we had to do a charity event in
sequence of activities and carry them school for children in need. I thought that we should do
through in an effective manner some activities for the students to take part in and that
helped us raise money for the cause.
Ability to gather information in a 8 I have done this due to the fact that for one of my
systematic way to establish certain business assignments I have had to create a
facts or principles questionnaire to find out what potential customers will
think of my products and services.

Ability to understand and summarise 8 For some of my assignments I had to make sure that at
information the end I summarise what I have done and what the
assignment consists of.
Ability to initiate, take decisions and act 10 During my placement I have had to make decisions and
resourcefully to act resourcefully, for example, if I had finished my set
tasks I made sure that I asked my manager for
something else to do as I didn't want to sit there doing
nothing and just waste time.
Self Management
Self awareness – ability to identify and 10 I believe I am good at being able to identify my own
reflect on own strengths and strengths and weaknesses and then to improve the
weaknesses in relation to: weaknesses. In my skills analysis and skills audit I had to
● Personal Development look at my strengths and weaknesses and I had to make
● Educational Development sure thatI set targets in place to strengthen and
● Career Development improve the skills.
Effective learning – ability to learn from 12 I have done this as in school we got a lot more help
a range of situations and apply learning from teachers however in college we have to work a lot
in a variety of contexts more independently. Also at my work placement I had
to be as professional as I could as they would get many
clients (parents and children).
Reasoning skills – ability to defend 12 During school I have had to take part in debates in
argument using logical and systematic which I had to portray my ideas and thoughts and give
thinking based on sound evidence logical answers and statements.
Reflection – ability to reflect on and 10 I believe that I am very good at being able to reflect on
critique own performance my own performance. I am my own worst critic due to
the fact that I am a bit of a perfectionist.

Study Skills
Ability to manage and prioritise time to 10 I have had to do this during school and college. As
meet deadlines sometimes I could have many assignments due at the
same time or even on the same date and I had to make
sure I prioritise my time in order to get them done.
Ability to identify relevant sources of 12 I have had to do this for my assignment and my
information, including people and business course, I have had to use harvard referencing
reference material in order to reference links that I have used for my
Ability to use a library to find books and 12 For some assignments I have taken books from the
journal articles library so that they can help me with my assignments.
For my course I use the business book so that it can help
Ability to take notes, organise them, and 8 For my assignments, I have had to take notes during the
integrate them with other sources of class so that I am able to use them in my assignment
information effectively. I have also had to take notes in school so
that I could use them to revise for my exam.
Ability to reference materials using an 12 I have started to learn how to use harvard referencing
appropriate system, e.g., Harvard or when referencing pages for my assignment. I do have to
Vancouver say though, that I'm not very good at harvard
referencing and definitely need more practice in order
to get better.
Identify your learning needs

Now pick three of the highest scoring skills from the above audit (by multiplying your scores as shown above) that you need to develop further.
List these below in order of priority.

Skill Area Action Plan for Development and where you can access these
I want to become a real estate agent so for this I need to ensure that I have the correct body language. I need to
1. Body language make sure that my body language is perfect so that my clients are not put off and that they know my whole focus
is on them. I can learn to develop my body language whilst I am on placement and in college. I can observe other
people and see how their body language is when they talk to people and can use it when I am speaking to
2. Ability to interpret To become a real estate agent I may sometimes have to interpret statistics when buying or selling houses. I can
inferential statistics develop this skill whilst I am on work placement. Last year I had the opportunity to edit some spreadsheets and
hopefully this year I will be able to expand my knowledge on that.

3. Ability to create a I will need to have the ability to create a database. I can develop this skill whilst being at college as I can help my
database tutors for advice and guidance. I can also develop this skill if I get a job and definitely whilst I am in placement. It
is important that I am able to create a database for statistics.

Section 2: Providing Evidence you have the Skills


Communication may be formal or informal, personal or impersonal, creative or factual. Messages may be delivered
verbally, in writing or non-verbally. There are many areas where examples of each communication approach may have
been successfully applied, at university, at work, at home, etc

Written - Ability to express self well in writing

The evidence for being able to express myself well in writing is all the assignments and coursework I have been doing
since Secondary school to College. I have had many opportunities to write to different people, as I had to write a
covering letter in school and in college for a job role. Now that I am planning to go to University, I have had to write a
personal statement explaining why I want to study a certain course.

Informal – ability to network easily with other people

The evidence for this is that whether I'm in College or not I like to socialise with people. When I was in school I made lots
of new friends by interacting with them and I have done the same at College. During school I had to organise a lesson for
this I needed help from the teachers and I had to network with the students well so that I could teach them.

Formal – ability to express yourself clearly and concisely to a group

The evidence for this is that during school I have had to do many presentations whether that is individually or in a team.
When being in a team I have had to express myself clearly to my group so that they understand my point of view. I have
also been in a couple of interviews with visitors and I have had to speak to them confidently and get my point across.


Listening – ability to attend actively to others’ views and ideas and understand their point of view

The evidence for this is that during College I have to listen to my tutors so that I am able to get the guidance, advice and
information I need to complete my assignments. I also listen to other people such as my friends with any problems they
have and give them any advice that I can to help them. I have had to take part in debates where I have had to get my point

Body Language – ability to match body language appropriately to what is being said verbally
The evidence for this when I have had an interview with an employer, I have had to maintain good eye contact so that
they know that I am focused on what they are asking me. I need to work on this though.


Working with others is a skill highly valued by employers. Suitable evidence for this skill need not be limited to work
experience. You should think of all aspects of your work, studies and social life.

Cooperation - Ability to collaborate effectively within a team

The evidence for this when I have had to take part in team based activities and during school when I was in the rounders
team. I had to ensure that I work well and effectively with my team to make sure that we win our matches. Sometimes
when we have to do group presentationS have to ensure that I get along with the people in my group so that we are able
to complete the presentation.

Negotiation - Ability to reach a mutually satisfactory outcome through compromise

The evidence for this is when I had a job at a clothing boutique. There I had to negotiate with the customer on what price
would be satisfactory for the both of us. I had to ensure that I was selling the products at a loss and that my customer was
happy with the price they were paying. This would ensure that they would come back to the business as they were happy
with the outcome.

Sensitivity- Ability to respond appropriately to individual differences, e.g., age, gender, etc.
The evidence for this is when I was at work placement. I had to speak to the parents and sometimes spoke to the children
at the kiddicare. I had to make sure that I spoke to each individual appropriately as their age mattered to what I'd be
saying. Some words would be hard for children to understand.

Leadership - Ability to encourage and motivate others

The evidence for this is when I was in school I motivated my teammates as I was the captain and due to this the team
worked better together. I am very good at encouraging people to take part in something and I have done this a lot during
school and college as I felt like it was my responsibility.


Calculations - Ability to use a calculator or PC to make calculations

Interpretation - Ability to interpret descriptive statistics, e.g. ratios percentages, means, standard deviations
- Ability to interpret inferential statistics, e.g., confidence intervals, statistical significance, effect size
Application -Ability to organize and present numerical data in an appropriate manner

The evidence from this is when I had to do a finance unit or my business course. I had to use a calculator to calculate the
cash flow forecast. I have also had to use a calculator when doing mathematical work in school and for my Gcse’s.


File Management Techniques - Ability to create, store and retrieve files

The evidence for this is when I had to create files and store them in my google drive for my assignments. I also did this
during primary school when I used Microsoft Word to make a leaflet. I had to save my work onto my desktop drive. When
I save my files into my drive I have also had to look for them to show them to my tutors.
Word Processing - Ability to use a word processing package to produce a variety of formats of documents

The evidence from this is when I had to create my CV and covering letter to go with it for a job at Broadway in Bradford. I
have also made many different posters during school and when I was at work placement. I have also had to write letters to
different places and I have been doing nearly all my assignments using different formats of documents.

Spreadsheets - Ability to use a spreadsheet to record and manipulate different sets of data

The evidence from this is when I had to edit spreadsheets whilst I was on work placement at Keighley Kiddicare. I had to
edit their spreadsheets for the fees that parents were making for their children. I also had to create a spreadsheet for my
assignments in college.

Databases - Ability to retrieve information from a database/ Ability to create a database

I have been able to access databases whilst I was on placement, however I believe I need to improve on this skill as I am
not very confident in doing so.

Presentations - Ability to create and display a PowerPoint presentation

The evidence for this is when I had to create a powerpoint to present in the Centre of excellence for business. I had
created my powerpoint and presented it in front of my class, my tutor and the college governor. I have had to create and
present powerpoints in school as well which is why I feel confident with this skill.

Information and Communication - Ability to send and receive email

The evidence from this is when I was at school my school most of the time did the work on our chromebooks, so
everything was electronically. We had to email our teachers if we needed help with the work or needed any guidance at
all. The teachers also sent us emails to tell us about the work or if anything was happening in school.

Ability to send and receive attachments as email

The evidence from this is when I was at school I had to share my coursework to my teacher so I had to attach it to my
email so that the teacher was able to access it and mark it for me. I have also attached my CV to an email to send to
employers. I have received emails with attachments from my teachers in school when they needed to share resources
with us.

Ability to use an internet browser e.g. Internet Explorer, Netscape, AOL

The evidence from this is when I had to use the internet to research stuff for my assignment and coursework. The internet
allows me to access information and data to help me to complete my assignments.
Ability to download files from the internet and transfer to WP

The evidence for this is when I had to download an application from the internet to fill out. This has mainly been
application forms for jobs and application forms to fill in for college.

Ability to use a search engine e.g. Altavista, Google

The evidence from this is when I have had to do my assignments. I needed google to be able to research about the topic I
had to write about in my assignment. This helped a lot to ensure that I talk about the right things. I have also used google
to look for a job. I have used a website called Indeed which lets me see which jobs are looking for a new employee. I have
used google to do a lot of online shopping as well.


Creativity - Ability to generate new ideas or conceive existing ideas in a new way

The evidence from this is when I was in School. I feel like I am good at coming up with new or different ideas to use in a
project. I have done this during school for our charity event for children in need. I came up with the idea of doing activities
for a pound and the students all took part in it.

Organisation and Planning - Ability to set down a systematic sequence of activities and carry them through in an effective

The evidence for this is when I organised my own lesson to teach when I was in year 11. I organised a PE lesson for year 7
students and I did my planning beforehand to make sure that when I come to teach the lesson everything runs smoothly. I
have also planned a few outings with me and my friends to have a good day out.
Research - Ability to gather information in a systematic way to establish certain facts or principles

The evidence from this is when I had to plan market research for my new business that I had to choose for my assignment.
I had to create a questionnaire/survey in order to find out what my potential customers thoughts and views were.

Analysis - Ability to understand and summarise information (Detailed examination of structure and content)

When I street an assignment I have to ensure that I analyse the assignment brief so that I am able to understand it and
that leads me to be able to complete my assignment on time and not get a resubmission.

Initiative - Ability to initiate, take decisions and act resourcefully

The evidence from this is when I was in school and on placement I tried to ensure that I make full use of my time. If I had
finished a task early then I would either do something else or ask my manager or teacher for something else to do.


Self Management

Self-awareness – ability to identify and reflect on own strengths and weaknesses in relation to: Personal development,
Education development and Career development.
I feel like I am good at being able to express myself and I am fully aware of what my strengths and weaknesses are. I have
been working on a skills audit which has helped me define my strengths and weaknesses. This has allowed me to
understand what I need to work and how I can improve further. I do have a career plan which has kept me organised. It
has allowed me to understand what it is that I need to do in order to achieve my goals.

Effective learning – ability to learn from a range of situations and apply learning in a variety of contexts

I have used the skills that I have learnt from my sports education classes in my day to day life. Such as being able to
motivate other people and the skill of working well in a team and ensuring that you see each person as an individual.

Reasoning skills – ability to defend argument using logical and systematic thinking based on sound evidence

The evidence from this is when I had to be part of a debate in school. I had to think about my topic and make sure that the
points I was making were relevant and appropriate.

Reflection – ability to reflect on and critique own performance

The evidence for this is when I had to teach a lesson in school to year 7 students. I was able to reflect on my own
performance on teaching them and that allowed me to understand what I should do better next time. I did an evaluation
on my own performance and that highlighted my weaknesses and enabled me to make the changes that I should.

Study Skills - Ability to manage and prioritise time to meet deadlines

- Ability to identify relevant sources of information, including people and reference material
- Ability to use a library to find books and journal articles
- Ability to take notes, organize them, and integrate them with other sources of information
- Ability to reference materials using an appropriate system, e.g., Harvard or Vancouver
The evidence for this is that I have been able to prioritise my time so that I am able to meet my deadlines when I
have a lot of work from all of my tutors. I have the ability to take notes as I do so in my college lessons. I use the
notes to help me in my assignments. I have used harvard referencing to reference my work but I still need to
practise to get better at it as sometimes I get a bit confused.

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