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Complete the sentences with subject pronouns, Complete the text with the correct forms of be

object pronouns, possessive adjectives or or have got.

possessive pronouns. I’m from Santander. It _______________ a city in
1. I meet friends on Saturday. ________ go
the north of Spain. My parents ___________ from
here – they’re from Salamanca and Ávila.
2. He helped me with _______ homework.
I ______________ two brothers. Their names
3. Have you got a camera? Is this camera
_______________ Ricardo and Pablo. We
_______________ a flat near the centre of
4. I never play computer games. I hate _______.
Santander. My mum wants a new flat because our
5. ‘Where’s your sister?’ ‘That’s _______’
flat _____________ very modern. At weekends,
6. Can you see those boys? These rackets are
we go to the mountains – my grandmother
______________ a big house there.
7. The teacher is here. That’s _______ bag.
8. That’s a nice car. What is ______ name?
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense:
9. I have got a laptop. This laptop is present simple or present continuous.
1. Jane and Jill _____________________ (play)
tennis every Saturday.
10. I phone ______ every day! You never send
2. _____________ you _________________
_______ a text message!
(listen) to the radio? Can I turn it off?
11. Lisa! Mike! ______ mum is here.
3. Paul’s mother ____________________ (work)
12. Alice has got a grey calculator. That calculator
in an office from Monday to Friday.
is _____________.
4. Jake ___________________ me in town this
13. _______ name is Rico, I think ______ is
5. Jenny ______________________ (not work)
14. This isn’t for you. It’s for ______ (Alice).
at the moment. She’s on holiday.
15. I don’t think _______ (John and Susan) are
6. Nick is a teacher. He ___________________
here today.
(teach) Maths.
16. Their car is new but our car isn’t.
7. Peter usually __________________ (get up) at
_______________ is old.
8 o’clock in the morning.
17. He downloads music on ______ computer.
8. I ______________________ (look) for my
18. I often help _______ with their homework.
book. Is it here?
19. We play computer games in _______ room.
9. ‘Why don’t you go out?’ ‘I can’t. It
20. ‘I’ve got a sister’. ‘How old is ______?’
____________________ (rain). It always
___________________ (rain) at the weekend.
10. This is a great party. I ___________________
(have) a great time!
11. We ____________________ (not / go) to
school on Sundays.

12. Lucas ___________________ (watch) TV. He 4. __________________ children are there in
always ____________________ (watch) TV your class?
after dinner.
13. My brother usually __________________ Complete the sentences with a, an, some, any,
much, many, a lot of.
(listen) to the radio. He loves music.
1. I haven’t got __________ bananas. Only three.
14. Susan _____________________(meet) her
2. There’s ___________ food on the table.
friends this evening.
3. She’s reading __________ interesting book.
15. We _____________________ (not / play)
4. I’ve got __________ sandwich for lunch.
hockey at the weekend because we’re always
5. Have you got __________ apples?
6. How ___________ sugar do you put in your
16. We _____________________ (go) to the park.
Would you like to come?
7. There aren’t __________ tomatoes in the
17. Listen! Ellen ____________________ (play)
the guitar. It’s lovely.
8. There’s __________ bread in the kitchen. The
18. _____________ Paula and John
bag is full.
___________________ (run) ten kilometres
every day?
19. __________ Sue __________________ (go) Complete the sentences. Use the correct phrase
in the box.
to the gym every day?
There’s an   There isn’t any   There’s some
20. Peter ______________________ (not / work)
There aren’t any   There’s a
at the moment because he’s ill.
21. __________ you _________________ (go) to
1 You mustn’t sit there. ____________________
the mountains next winter?
water on the chair.
22. I’m an architect and I ___________________
2 Oh no! _____________________ spider in my
(work) in a studio.
23. Vince ____________ (play) his guitar at 3 ______________________ tickets for the party
the moment. so we can’t go there.
24. Mr Moore ____________ (have) a shower 4 ______________________ excellent restaurant
every morning. in the town.
25. She ____________ (get) up at seven 5 I can’t print this. _____________________

o’clock. paper in the printer.

Complete with how much or how many.

1. __________________ books have you got?
2. __________________ money have you got?
3. __________________ coffee do you want?

Write the present simple or continuous. 6. I ____________________ a new laptop. It

Draw, have, put, go, wash, listen, cook, visit, __________________ really fast.
7. ___________________ a laptop computer in
not play, not wear this room? ________________________
8. My father _____________________ (not /
1. I like this music. What _____________ we
enjoy) swimming, but my mum
________________ to?
________________ (love) it.
2. They __________________ tennis in the
9. ____________________ any paint for the
3. We sometimes ______________ dancing.
10. The baby _____________________ hungry
4. _______ your mum _______________ dinner
at the moment? No, ______________
11. I ___________________ (want) to have a cup
5. I'm cold. I _________________ a jacket.
of coffee now.
6. She _____________ a picture of her house.
12. ___________ you ____________ a house in
7. They always _______________ lunch at two
the countryside?
8. _________ you _______________ sugar in
your tea? Yes, ________________
9. She can’t answer the phone because she
_______________ her hair.
10. We ______________our grandparents every

Fill in the correct tense. Use present simple,

present continuous, to be, have got, there is or
there are.
1. We ___________________ (go) to the beach
every year.
2. ____________________ a beautiful house at
the end of my street.
3. My friend _________________ blue eyes and
she _________________ really friendly.
4. Our teacher _________________ very hard-
5. ___________ the children
_________________ (use) paintbrushes right

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