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The Family’s Problems

The family is fast becoming an endangered species! The family as we traditionally know it is
changing in structure and function in no uncertain terms, as the presures and denmands of our
fast moving society erode its integrity. We must stop it!

Dr. James Dobson, in 1986 met with eleven U.S. Army Chiefs of Staff to impliment the Army’s
theme for the year “The Year of Values”. As these busy men grappled with the stresses on the
family due to Army separations, marital problems, child rearing difficulties, as well as financial
problems, the army dedicated itself to improving the family sitiation by aggressively seeking to
adress the needs of its families.

It seems reasonable that here in the Caribbean, the time has come to commit ourselves to the
systematic rebuilding of our family life fabric before it becomes any further unravelled. We
cannot afford to be any less determined to analyse and improve our families position than
those Army Chiefs were eleven years ago.

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