Social Networks

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Social Media.

Care on Social
Media. My opinion about it.
By: Valery Lavrenyuk

Now everyone has an account on social media, but 20 years ago people didn't know what is that. I think it is big progress that we can communicate with others staying
at home online,and if you made mistake or you dislike some message you can delete these messages but we started abuse that. Statistic say that teenagers spend 5-7
hours in Instagram and others. Is it not crazy? I find social media (special Instagram and Pinterest) as motivation and aesthetic. I can take interesting ideas for photo
there and then post it order to others inspired by this. But what they can do there 5 hours? For me using Internet it is simple, maybe that’s why they sit online so much
time. I rarely post something on social media, I like more watch what post others. Often on my social media you can see cutie photos which can inspired others. I never
post my feelings and phrases like “Ohh it was the worst day in my life….. ” or “Like I love this life”because it is not interesting for others. Also social media lost my
trust when my account in Instagram was hacked. Programs like this use too little protection, everyone can hack your account just typing your password or they can buy
an app which hack passwords. That’s why need to make up password which is not connect with you, and of course remember it. Social media are dangerous because
some people can upload your photo and post in another account with another name. But we need social media it is really comfortable and important for our life.
Social media_
Autor: Nancy Melnik

In 2020 social media are very important in life

of ever
teenager.There we can find new information,friends.
For example I find there funny stories, ideas for post
and chatting with friends.Firstly you should install a
programme. Then key in your password. You can upload
photo if you want. And now you can learn something new
for yourself,tell how your day went and chat with friends.
Of course social networks have minuses.For example another people can do fake
account with your photos . Someone can offend you or hack your account.
But this is all unlikely.
The worst is when you don't think and publish some confidential information. And
then you can have problems. For instance you can post were are you etc.And
maniacs or haters can find you and some crime.
So sometimes be with active flight mode and always consider “ what do you post”?
Take care of yourself !

It’s easy for me to use the internet.You cant do without the internet now.This is a
very necessary thing.Besides it is simple and easy.I publish not very
often.Only,when for me it’s interesting or liked.I don’t see the need for it-often
publish something.I mainly post my photos or quotes.Photos that i
liked.Quotes,which i publish,they are instructive or make some sense.Passwords
are safe,but not reliable.THERE are many different ways to protect your pages in
the world.So i use:secret words and touch id.I think one of reliable methods of

Kirill Gapon
Yep, I have to admit it: modern people cannot live without social media. However, not everyone loses head
because of it. At least, I don’t.

I don’t think I have any trouble with going online in the Internet. For me, it’s like a part of my life. It is one of
those natural things, such as installing a programme or attaching a file, which I do every day. Usually I only play or
surf in the Net. However, talking to other people as well as texting or using voice chats is a big problem for me. I
cannot say that I am shy, I just feel uncomfortable.

Frankly, I don’t fancy uploading any posts, videos and images, except only when I want to ask some questions
on special services or to share funny moments. These things I post are often about computer games. As I’ve said we
have some special web-sites and services for gamers. Every site has its own password. To get to the site you need
to key it in. So, of course, I have to keep my passwords somewhere. I won’t tell you where, but they are hidden
somewhere deep on the bottom of the Caribbean Sea! To remember my passwords I use funny words and numbers
with symbols and letters. Sometimes, they may look quite unusual, for instance, 4U2PLAY.
By Miha Tarnavsky
Sosial Media-Autor: Taras Birukov.
Internet has changed our life for the better. I use the internet
not so long. I final if cool that we can stay in touch with friends and
relatives of find information what we need.Usually I watch videos on
YouTube or learn new information. It is easy for me to reed People
Posts. Unfortunately hat so often. I post them myself. Even I can say
that. I varely do it, bacause I don’t have a genre. If to speak about
secutiry. I think that I have good password for my account. Good
password means a greet Safety for you.
Social Media Kostenko Yaroslava

I often surf the net. Now, for me that's not so difficult. I have some accounts in different
social networks. In Twitter for example.
Sometimes I post photos or comments about the comeback my favourite music group, but
usually I'm just interested in other people's posts.
Usually, I write my impressions about some events. I do not lead an active social life.The
Internet gives me an opportunity to learn about other people's experiences in starting
their business, the rules of communication and the possibility to make useful
acquaintances. On the other hand - I listen to music often too. Most frequently I look for
ukulele chords or covers of famous songs.
One day my friend's account was hacked. People, who did that wrote to one woman
asking her to marry him. That was very funny and very sad at the same time.
I know that you must not give your password to another people. And you should think
before posting something. People on the internet are very bold in their statements. So they
may offend or hurt. You should not believe them. Remember these rules!
Social Media
Now, in 2020 social media plays important role in our lives. Almost everyone has a smartphone and also registered
in some social media. In social media people can find a new friend, post something, listen to music and much more.
I’m by myself registered in social media, like Instagram, Facebook and Telegram and I’m an active user. Like
everyone I like posting photos, about nature, animals and also my minds. But I do it very rarely because. To keep
my private information safe I have a password. Password is important part of social media, because in internet
there’s hackers which can hack our accounts. That’s why I keep my password on sheet of paper and I keep it home.

Lazur-Shevtsov. V
Social Media - A Part Of Our Life

Nowadays, we can’t imagine our life without the Internet. We can watch spectacular movies ( By the way it’s time
for adventure and horror films, comedies and documentaries), listen to music, do shopping, chat with friends and
check the news on the Internet.
So what about me? Frankly speaking, as I am a sociable and persevering teenage-girl I use social media round the
clock. I am a stickler for the rules, so it is used for improving my skills in different things. As everybody, I have got
accounts in social networks. They are a part of my life. I post photos there and I like to follow peoples’ lives. But not
follow insincere and selfish people, to put it in a word, not follow SLIME BALLS.
For everybody, it is necessary to have a private account. Security is the main thing on the Internet. Of course, no
programmes can promise me 100% security. One of all things that we can do for it - to have a password. So, it is one
step to safety.
To top it all, I would like to say, that you can use social media, but DON’T FORGET ABOUT REALITY!

P.S : Thank you for reading this post. I wish you to think about the houres which you spend on the Internet….
Maybe, you can spend that time for something more important!)

Veronika Yaremchuk
David Kovalenko

Social network
I often go online, especially when we are quarantined. To take to the social network, for example
Instagram, I just need to click on its icon. Now social networks are more popular as a worldwide
pandemic. And almost everyone is sitting at home. My favorite social network is Instagram. I
spend 3-5 hours a day in it. From now on, I rarely post. But in the summer I upload a photo quite
often. I cycled wherever I could and took pictures of landscapes. I really love taking pictures of
nature. For every social network you have to create your account and come up with a password
for it. Of course, your password must be safe and secure. You don't need to set very easy
passwords. They are very easy to crack and get to your page. The best password will consist of
numbers and letters together. If you find it hard to remember your passwords, you can use
services where you can keep your passwords and keep them safe.
It's easy for me to use the I save my password
internet.You cant do without the Orlyk Yegor for example; I write
internet now.This is a very random numbers
necessary thing.Besides it is simple and symbols or I
and easy. ganуrate secure
password.I always
write my new
password in my

I use all this social I didn’t have any

I use internet and
media.I have problems with
social network to find
Facebook account security. I always has
variety of interesting
but i don`t use it and got perfect and
information,look for
i have instagram difficult password , so
interesting books and
account. I use it all no one can hack my
day and I post photo account .
and videos in this
account. I use
youtube, for
example, I watch
many blogs.

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