JVS, SAS Proven Message Swipes

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Methods (click on the method you want to use below!

Quora(questions), Reddit, Craigslist, Tumblr, Pinterest, Flickr, DeviantArt, Eventbrite, Meetup,
Google SEO, Facebook, Youtube Livestream, Email List Brokering, Flyer Promotion, Facebook
Marketplace, Pinterest Ads, Profession-based Messaging, Host Local Events, Facebook Job
Posts, Classmates, Google Ads, Snapchat Ads, Twitter Ads, Quora Ads, Email List,

REMEMBER!!!! Modify the scripts and make them your own! Use different shortlinks to track
what outreach messages and methods are working best, and keep hustling to get those clicks
and sales!

UPDATE! I suggest you try marketing my product ‘WORK AT HOME SECRETS’ in some
of your links instead! Signup for Digistore, then search my last name to get your links. It
is MUCH easier to get sales (The initial product cost is only $1), BUT you will get
RECURRING income ($36/monthly) because of the continuity here. Try it out, affiliates
are seeing crazy results!


*Join Digistore, https://johncrestani.com/DIGI (has Super Affiliate System & ebook links)
*Join ClickBank, https://johncrestani.com/CLICKBANK (has Super Affiliate System links)
Join OPM Wealth Network, http://johncrestani.com/OPM
Join Clickbetter, https://johncrestani.com/Clickbetter
Join MaxWeb, https://johncrestani.com/MAXWEB
Join the Super Affiliate Network, https://johncrestani.com/SAN
Join Entre Network, https://johncrestani.com/ENTRE
Join Six Figure Mentors, https://johncrestani.com/SFM
Join Clickfunnels Affiliate Program, https://johncrestani.com/CFAFF
Join AWOL Affiliate Network, https://johncrestani.com/AWOL

See All The Free Traffic Methods Here!


Linkedin Markets
Freelancers. Graphic designers. Copywriters.
Locations: US, CA, UK, AU, NZ

Classified Ad Posting
Classified ads are a free form of advertising that you can use to promote products online

> > > Training Video

Classified Ad Titles
Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online
Genius Way to Make Money Online (on the Side) Today
Follow This “Beginner Friendly” 3-Step Formula Webinar

(OPEN asap)
STOP: Even You Can Make $$$ every day – Chance of a Lifetime!

Classified Ad Description
My special guest’s 3-Step “No Product Funnel” can be duplicated to start earning a significant
income online.

He’ll show an enormous amount of proof on the training that HE and his STUDENTS are doing
that pretty effortlessly. So, make sure you register now to claim your spot on this special

Signup for the free training HERE, [LINK]


Quora (Answering Questions)

> > Training video

Quora is a question and answer site where you can place your affiliate links by answering

Quora Answer Topics

make money
affiliate marketing
tai lopez
tony robbins
robert kiyosaki



Flickr is a photo sharing site and you can do affiliate marketing on there by posting affiliate links
in the comments section of different images
- 87 million users
- 3.5 million images uploaded daily
- Hosts over 6 billion images

Photos to target
- Anything with lots of views
- Cash
- Money
- Make money

Direct message scripts

- hey [NAME], really like your photos, especially [DESCRIBE A PHOTO HERE]. I was
wondering if you’re monetizing them? I went through this online training recently and
noticed a lot of photographers seem to be having success with it. I havent made any
money with it but maybe it would help you out the good stuffs at around the hour mark

Comment Script Example

- Start earning from 200$ per day [LINK]
- Interesting photo! I love [INSERT SOMETHING IN THE PHOTO HERE]. i dont mean to
hijack the thread but they don’t want me to share this with you which is why im posting in
the comments but if you’re looking to find out how people are really making money
online and you have a laptop computer then watch this free training, [LINK]
- Greetings, I want to share the secret of the success of good earnings. I earned $1,000 a
month and in many ways refused myself, but then a friend advised the site on making
money. I took a chance and invested $ 100 and the very next day I earned $150, I hardly
believed it. Now I earn $4000-5500 a month and spend only an hour a day! Do you want
to earn money and not deny yourself anything reg [LINK]


Topics to target
- Trending posts
- Highly viewed posts

Subreddits to target
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Affiliatemarketing/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/dropship/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/marketing/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/DigitalMarketing/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/webmarketing/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/digital_marketing/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/advertising/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/SocialMediaMarketing/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/SideProject/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/business/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Socialpreneur/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/ladybusiness/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/growmybusiness/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/consulting/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/beermoney/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/WorkOnline/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/forhire/
- https://www.reddit.com/r/Jobs4Bitcoins/

Submit a link method

URL = Your affiliate link or shortlink
Image/video = One of my videos
Title = pretty cool training on how to make money as a [profession]
Post on = subreddit
Options = Send replies to my inbox. If people message you it means they’re interested! Chat
with them and explain to them about affiliate marketing that you know other people making lots
of money and that its the easiest place to start!

Having Issues Posting Bit.ly Links?

If Reddit doesnt allow your Bit.ly link, then use a Google Doc link instead. Here’s how:
Click ‘File’ > ‘Make a Copy’ > Replace the button & text link with your own aff link > Click ‘Share’
- The ‘Share’ link is the link you will post instead.
Google Doc File Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1q56Z7zTFXk69-

this is pretty cool free training I came across that seems like a great way for [PROFESSION] to
make a little extra money on the side

its pretty long, over an 1hr nbut the presenter seems like a really successfull online
businessperson and the method seems prety easy.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried out these methods for making money on line

Submit a post method

Link post text example

this is pretty cool free training I came across that seems like a great way for [PROFESSION] to
make a little extra money on the side [LINK]

its pretty long, over an 1hr nbut the presenter seems like a really successfull online
businessperson and the method seems prety easy.

I was wondering if anyone else has tried out these methods for making money on line

Comment method text example

Heeeey Stay Silent on this OK. Promise you wont share this private video outside this subreddit

Direct message title example

Free training for [PROFESSION]

Direct message text example

Heeeey this video has been a miracle for me. Promise you wont share this private video [LINK]

> > > Training video

Topics to target for email outreach

- resumes

Message title example for email outreach

RE: Craigslist resume

Message example for email outreach

Hey, I saw your resume on craiglist and based on your experience I think you’d be an awesome
fit for this. You can do this work from home, you need a computer (desktop or laptop is fine, no
mobile phones) and a stable internet connection. Please apply here and watch the training
webinar as soon as possible to get further information on exactly how the work is done, [LINK].

Give yourself roughly 1-2 hours to watch the entire training, as it will explain the income
opportunity in its entirety.

OPTIONAL: Feel free to followup with me after you watch the entire training if you have any

Posting method:
- Target = gigs > computer gigs
- Posting title = Need a computer-based job you can do from home? Seeking applicants

Description text example

We are looking for a few home workers from [AREA] that have 4-10 extra hours per week to do
online work.

This is not for everyone; we prepared a presentation for you outlining the income opportunity,
please watch through it in its entirety before contacting us. Here is the training link, [LINK]

A few requirements for individuals interested in applying this business model include: a desktop
or laptop computer, a stable internet connection (not dialup), and some money will be required
to purchase a website to make this method work.

This will only be available for a limited time so make sure to register and watch the training as
soon as possible.

Compensation text example

Up to $2,500 Per Week


Examples of Tumblr blogs to follow

- https://365mktg.tumblr.com
- https://einsteinmarketer.tumblr.com
- https://gloupblog.tumblr.com/
- https://entrevision.tumblr.com/
- https://success76.tumblr.com/
- https://onlinecounsellingcollege.tumblr.com/
- https://billionaires-road.tumblr.com/
- https://dreamer-garage.tumblr.com/
- https://luxurylearry.tumblr.com/
- https://superior-luxxxury.tumblr.com/
- https://motivationsistems.tumblr.com
- https://thepowerwithin.tumblr.com

Message template
hey i see your interested in [INTEREST] I was wondering if your doing any online work thats
maiking money for you? I watched this guys training and it seems to work pretty well, [LINK] let
me know your thoughts its a bit of a long training but the good stuff is about 1hr in

Search terms to find more blogs to follow

- Entrepreneur
- Motivation
- Marketing
- dropshipping


> > > Training video

Examples of users to find comments/likes on

- https://www.pinterest.com/nboomdigitalmarketing/
- https://www.pinterest.com/OnlineGrowUp/
- https://www.pinterest.com/affiliate_hub/
- https://www.pinterest.com/yourhelpfulaffiliate/
- https://www.pinterest.com/stunningmotivation/
- https://www.pinterest.com/damien_thomas/
- https://www.pinterest.com/kazuma600/
- https://www.pinterest.com/AMMotivatedMom/

Message template
hey i saw you were interested in [INTEREST} and was wondering if you've had any success
working online yet? I've been following this guys system ([LINK]) and it seems to work pretty
well, he has a free training he reveals some pretty interesting things about 45min in



Headline template example


Message template example

Hey I love your art! Especially [DESCRIBE PHOTO]. If your looking for extra ways to earn
money online as an artist, you might want to checkout this training [LINK]; I’ve been trying it out
but I’ve heard that artists and people with other creative skills do the best so maybe it would
work for you better than me


> > > Training video

200+m events attended last year

Business & Professional > Sales & Marketing / Career / Startups & Small Businesses

Event title example

Online Training: How to Earn a 6-figure Side Income Online

Keyword ideas
Entrepreneur, marketing, advertising, affiliate marketing, digital marketing, work at home, john
Organizer text example
This event is hosted by John Crestani, a self-made internet millionaire

Summary text example

This training webinar will be 1-2 hours long and shows you how you can earn a 6-figure side
income without any prior experience or selling

Description text example

This training is hosted by John Crestani, a self-made internet multi-millionaire which goes over
how you can earn a 6-figure side-income by working online from your computer. There will be
live case studies showing a few of the tens of thousands of people from around the world that
have created an online business for themselves without any prior experience, from countries all
over the world.

This presentation will not be about any of the following: MLM, Crypto, eCommerce,
Dropshipping, Consulting, or starting an agency.

A few requirements for individuals interested in applying this business model include: a desktop
or laptop computer, a stable internet connection (not dialup), and some money will be required
to purchase a website to make this method work.

This is a limited-time online training so make sure to register as soon as possible through this
link, [LINK]

Message for Order Confirmation Page example

Thanks for registering! Here is the link to attend the event, make sure you register for the
session here (there may be other times available, if so that is fine)



Message example
hey [NAME], heres a private link just for [GROUP NAME] members, [LINK] please dont share it
with anyone outside the group, and allot for roguhly an hour to watch this in its entirety.

if you have any questions/concerns/ideas/etc send me a msg

Keywords to find meetups

- Marketing
- Entrepreneur
- Networking
- Business


Google SEO
> > > Training Video

> > > Training Video #2!!!

Image & text examples

a. Image: Use an image of the college
2. Do not go there before you watch this video
a. Image: Stop sign or some sort of warning symbol
3. College trains you to be a compliant job-working, indebted, broke slave
a. Search ‘job slave’ for images in google
4. Watch this entire training before you decide to go to college
a. Image: ‘Person with an idea’ image (google search that)
5. Link is in the description. View on a desktop computer.
a. Image: Downwards arrow

Title of uploaded file


Title of video example

Do Not Go To [COLLEGE] Before You Watch this video | [COLLEGE] Review

Google searches to find educational institutions

[STATE] colleges
[STATE] universities
(use any US state, Canadian province, or country in place of the state text

> > > Training Video

Google Doc Presell Page Example

Click ‘File’ > ‘Make a Copy’ > Replace the button & text link with your aff link > Click ‘Share’

NOTE! If Facebook for whatever reason stops allowing Google links (I dont see this happening
in the foreseeable future, but who knows…), then you can place the same ad copy and images
and links on Scribd or Slideshare, or even a PDF file, and then share those links (or files) on
Facebook. This method works pretty well folks, but Facebook doesnt like that people are
making money from their platform without placing ads, so plug away with your links, and make
some money! Alternatives, https://beebom.com/google-docs-alternatives/

Targeting: Examples of keywords to search to find groups to post on

- Entrepreneur
- Amazon FBA
- Marketing
- Freelance
- Work from home
- Any profession related work (customize ad copy for that particular profession

Group post comment example

thakns for the post its really helpfull ive been trying to learn more about [SUBJECT]. saomething
im also looking at is [LINK] my friend says he makes a lot of money doing this. its some sort of
online business traning but the good stuff is 1hr in so id watch till that point. if any1 else has
success doing it let me know i might

Group post example

has any1 heard about this traning [LINK] the stuff 1hr in is relly interesting my [PROFESSION]
friend is doing this and supposedly does very well but im not sure if others can vouch? The
good stuff is about 1hr in but id like to hear from others

Direct message script examples

You: hey, i saw your also in the [GROUP] group are you having any success doing the
Them: …
You: huh
You: is there anything else you tried that worked?
Them: …
You: i just found this site https://bit.ly/2VPgw8C, do you know if its legit?
Them: …
You (at least 1 hr later): i just went through the training and looked up some of the testimonials
the guy talked about, it seems pretty legit. The good stuff seems to be 1hr in.
Them: …
You: wow. Im pretty blown away at how this whole affiliate marketing thing works? I think imma
do this seems much easier than [SUBJECT MATTER] or whatever else ive tried


Youtube Livestreaming

- Livestreaming is preferred over normal video

- Facebook and Youtube are pushing livestreaming very hard
- Billions of people have seen livestreams at this point
- It is unsaturated because people dont know how it works

Targeting Ideas
These are ideas on the people who’s audience would be a right fit for the offer.

Be Inspired
Mateusz M
Workout Music
Workout Music Service
*Bryn Madoc Meditation
The Wolf of Wall Street

Make money online
Affiliate marketing
Day trading
Real estate investing
Work from home
Workout music
Travel vlogs

Message templates
These are examples of messages you can send to Youtube channel owners to get them to
agree to either get them to invite you as a channel manager, or to link their account to your
livestreaming software. Feel free to change up this message and try new things top get better
response rates. And feel free to message the same person multiple times, and on different
social channels.

Subject line: Livestream monetization test

Outreach message (Direct version)

Hey! Love your channel, its super motivating. [OPTIONAL: Especially this video changed
my life and has shifted my mindset towards MASSIVE success! Thank you so much!!!]

I help Youtubers make more money from their audience; with your following size, I
believe I can make you [250*(AUDIENCE SIZE/1000)]. Heres how it would work:

1. I’ll setup a livestream using software I already know how to use.

2. You connect your account to the software for a week.
3. I will livestream 2-3 sales presentations that I believe will be a good fit for your
4. We split the commissions 50/50

Think of me as an agent, or marketing broker. I’ll be doing all the work, and you can
focus on gaining an extra source of income while building your audience.

If I dont blow your mind with the amount of additional money I make you, disconnect it
(I’ll show you how before we even begin)

If your interested, let me know your phone number or skype and I can put together what
product I believe we should begin the monetization test with, or discuss any other
questions you have.

Outreach message (Indirect version)

Hey! Love your channel, its super motivating. [OPTIONAL: Especially this video changed
my life and has shifted my mindset towards MASSIVE success! Thank you so much!!!]

I help Youtubers make more money from their audience; with your following size, I
believe I can make you [250*(AUDIENCE SIZE/1000)] through a single livestream which
I will handle for you.

If you are interested, let me know what your phone number or skype is, and I can explain
it to you in more detail.


Promotional Materials
Here is the template for all the rest of the information that you will fill in once you book a
livestream. Congratulations for making it this far!!!

100% 🔥LEGIT Online Income Training 💰💰💰


Education (or whatever the channels default is)

Custom Thumbnail = optional

Additional Settings
- Schedule for later
- At least a day or two in advance
- Set it at a time during the day in the country of wherever the users subscriber base is.
I’ve found that 10am and 7pm are the best times in the US.
- Select ‘Monetize in all countries
- No, its not made for kids

Live chat message: Display this message right after the price is named within the sales
presentation. For Super Affiliate System it shows up around 1hour 10minutes. You may need to
be set as a channel manager in order to post links on some channels.

Video file to livestream

- For promotion of the SAS the folder here, and select the file ‘Super Affiliate Webinar’
- File name: ‘Super Affiliate Webinar’
- Get your affiliate link through Clickbank or Digistore, and put that in the description


Email List Broker


In this method you will be acting as an email list broker and getting others to send emails on
your behalf, and then splitting the commissions with them.

Message templates
These are examples of messages you can send to email list owners to get them to agree to
send emails on your behalf. Feel free to change up this message and try new things top get
better response rates. And feel free to message the same person multiple times, and on
different social channels.

Subject line: List monetization question

Outreach message (Direct version)

Hey! Love your content, its super motivating. [OPTIONAL: Especially [SPECIFIC THING]
changed my life and has shifted my mindset towards MASSIVE success! Thank you so

I can help you make more money from their audience; with your following size, I believe I
can make you $250 for every thousand people on your email list through a single
livestream which I will handle for you. Heres how it would work:

1. I’ll hand-select a promotion that I believe your audience will love, and you’ll make
a lot of money from
2. I’ll write and send you the emails for the promotion for 1week
3. We split the commissions 50/50

Think of me as an agent, or marketing broker. I’ll be doing all the work, and you can
focus on gaining an extra source of income while running your business.

If I dont blow your mind with the amount of additional money I make you, you never have
to speak with me again.
If your interested, let me know your phone number or skype and I can put together what
product I believe we should begin the monetization test with, or discuss any other
questions you have.


Outreach message (Indirect version)

Hey! Love your content, its super motivating. [OPTIONAL: Especially [SPECIFIC THING]
changed my life and has shifted my mindset towards MASSIVE success! Thank you so

I help you make more money from their audience; with your following size, I believe I can
make you $250 for every thousand people on your email list through a single livestream
which I will handle for you.

If you are interested, let me know what your phone number or skype is, and I can explain
it to you in more detail.


Promotional Materials
Email templates are available at https://johncrestani.com/jvs


Flyer Promotion

In this method you will be putting up flyers, then sending the people who respond to you to an
affiliate link.

Subject line: Away on vacation

Affiliate Vacation Auto-Responder

Thanks for the message! I am currently out on vacation but if you are interested in learning how
to make money online watch this entire presentation [INSERT AFFILIATE LINK] to learn how I
make money.

Flyer templates
- College template
- From Home


Facebook Marketplace

In this method you will be facebook marketplace posts giving away free ebooks to have people
get in contact with you so you can get them to buy additional products/services through your
affiliate links.

Item For Sale Template

- Category: Books, Movies, and Music
- What are you selling?: Think & Grow Rich (Link to download the ‘Think & Grow Rich’
- Price: $0
- Location: Whatever location you think best (preferable to major cities in higher income
- Describe your item?: If you are looking for the #1 way to change your life and start
earning a substantial income on your own, then you will want this book and to watch the
associated online free training session with the book.
- Images? You can use this image (feel free to find others, there are many more on the
- Select Audience: Post in Marketplace, Newsfeed, and any groups that youve joined

Link to download the ‘Think & Grow Rich’ ebook

Message response template (options below)

1. Hey! Heres the link to the ebook [LINK] and the associated training, [AFFILIATE LINK].
2. Hey! If you could send me an email at [EMAIL], I will send you the book and the training.
Hopefully it changes your life like it did mine :)


Pinterest Ads
Pinterest is used by 291 million people. Their ad platform is very unsaturated. It is a great place
to post ads to reach people cheaply

Targeting & Ad Campaign Setup
- Campaign: Traffic
- Interests: Career
- Keywords: Search ‘Marketing’ then click ‘Add all’
- Genders: All genders
- Ages: 34+
- Locations: Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, US, US Territories, United Kingdom
- Language: English
- Devices: All Devices

Pinterest Ad Setup
- Image: Get example images & photoshop template here.
- Title: Free Online Training
- Description: Signup and watch the free online training
- Destination Link: https://imjetset.com/presell (you can copy my presell by clicking here,
https://johncrestani.com/COPY_MY_PRESELL )


Profession-Based Messaging
There are many sites and forums that focus on people with specific jobs, or are freelancing in a
particular area, in a specific profession. You can earn money by connecting them with products
and services that they need.


Message template (direct and indirect options)

Hey! I saw you were looking to add a little extra income to being a [PROFESSION]. Check out
this training it helped me a lot, [LINK]

Hey! I saw you were looking to add a little extra income to being a [PROFESSION]. If you’d like
I can send you the training, let me know

Indirect Message Gambit

You: How is [site] working out for you? Im a [profession] myself and was wondering how good
this is for earning a little extra on the side?
Them: …
You: Interesting. Doesnt sound like much, ill stick to what im currently doing then.
Them: …
You: I do affiliate marketing, its basically posting links online. I learned through this youtuber
john crestanis training, he has a book that explains it for $1 if you want to look into it. [LINK]
Profession-based Websites
Teachers, https://www.verbling.com/
Actors, https://www.backstage.com/
Models, https://www.modelmayhem.com/
Entrepreneurs, https://www.thefastlaneforum.com/community/
Classmates, https://www.classmates.com/


Text Messages
Everyone uses text messaging! You can make money by recommending products and services
to people by sending them affiliate links.


Text Message Examples

Here is the link you asked about [YOUR AFFILIATE SHORT LINK HERE] it's been a blessing
for our family

This blessing is all yours. Enjoy it and use for whatever [LINK]

Alert:there is an opening in your area [LINK]

We discovered this program that may make hundreds 4 ur household [LINK] join by oct27

This blessing is yours. Now get your bills paid [LINK]

This miracle is 4u u dont have to pay back the fuunds you get. [LINK]

you have been caught wanting this. [LINK]

Heeeey Stay Silent on this OK. Promise you wont share this private video. [LINK]

Pay attention the ultimate opportunity has come for you today. [LINK]

[NAME] we chose you on [DATE] to see our groud breaking system [LINK] ur going to enjoy it

Host Local Events
Teaching content: You can re-teach content from my Youtube channel. Encourage attendees to

Flyer template: You can download and modify this to include your events information


Facebook Job Posts

This method describes how you can get traffic to your affiliate links by creating job posts on


Google Doc Presell Page Example

Click ‘File’ > ‘Make a Copy’ > Replace the button & text link with your aff link > Click ‘Share’

NOTE! If Facebook for whatever reason stops allowing Google links (I dont see this happening
in the foreseeable future, but who knows…), then you can place the same ad copy and images
and links on Scribd or Slideshare, or even a PDF file, and then share those links (or files) on
Facebook. This method works pretty well folks, but Facebook doesnt like that people are
making money from their platform without placing ads, so plug away with your links, and make
some money! Alternatives, https://beebom.com/google-docs-alternatives/

Post details
- Job Title: Work at home Marketing Position
- Job Location: Enter a major city, preferably in a prosperous country
- Salary Range: $0 - $250 / hr OR 0-2500 per week OR 0-10000 per month
- Job type: Contract
- Job description: Learn how you can earn an income working at home! Computer and
stable internet connection required. You will be working with a major Youtube influencer
who has been featured in Forbes, Fox News, CBS, NBC, and Dubai Television. Please
watch the training first, [LINK]

Message template (direct and indirect options)
Hey! Figured this might help you out, but this free training can really add a little extra income to
whatever your doing now. check it out and let me know [LINK]

Hey! Figured this might help you out, but this free training can really add a little extra income to
whatever your doing now. let me know if your interested and ill send you over the training


Google Ads
Google shows 50 billion ads per day across the world, and is the largest ad network in


This is all based on the People > Place > Product system that I teach in my in-depth training
course, The Super Affiliate System. If you want to go deeper and master online advertising, I
suggest you get the entire course for my Youtube subscribers discount.

PRODUCT: The affiliate offer

- Signup for Digistore, https://johncrestani.com/DIGI
- Search Crestani
- Grab your link

PLACE: The Presell Page

- Advertorial presell from clickfunnels, https://johncrestani.com/COPY_MY_PRESELL
- Signup for 14day free trial
- Funnel settings > Add/Edit Domains > Add New Domain > New Domain
- Domain name ideas: newjobadvice, career guidance, terrys career advice, etc
- Select domain
- Grab link
- Place in Google

PEOPLE: The Advertisement

- Signup for Google Ads, https://johncrestani.com/googleads
- Create new campaign
- Create a campaign without goals guidance
- Display
- Standard display campaign
- Enter your website URL
- Locations: English speaking countries
- Languages: English
- Bidding: Maximize clicks
- Budget: $10/day
- Targeting: Topic > Business & Industrial > Small Business > MLM & Business
- Image/logo: Use from website
- Headline: (I suggest you create your own unique version or you may not be approved,,
but an example is ‘16 Ways to Make Money at Home’)
- Long headline: (I suggest you create your own unique version or you may not be
approved, but an example is ‘16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home. How to
Make Money From Home in 2020’)
- Description: (I suggest you create your own unique version or you may not be approved,
but an example is ‘So you’re looking for ways to make money from home… Join the
- Business name: (The name of your domain)


Facebook Ads
1.5 billion people use facebook on a daily basis. It is one of the biggest ad networks on the
planet, not very affiliate friendly, but a massively profitable place to advertise if you are willing to
suck it up and not take it personally if an ad account or two gets shutdown. Lots of money here


This is all based on the People > Place > Product system that I teach in my in-depth training
course, The Super Affiliate System. If you want to go deeper and master online advertising, I
suggest you get the entire course for my Youtube subscribers discount.

PRODUCT: The affiliate offer

- Signup for Digistore, https://johncrestani.com/DIGI
- Search Crestani
- Grab your link

PLACE: The Presell Page

- Advertorial presell from clickfunnels, https://johncrestani.com/COPY_MY_PRESELL
- Signup for 14day free trial
- Funnel settings > Add/Edit Domains > Add New Domain > New Domain
- Domain name ideas: newjobadvice, career guidance, terrys career advice, etc
- Select domain
- Grab link
- Place in Google

PEOPLE: The Advertisement

- Signup for Facebook Ads, https://johncrestani.com/facebookads


Snapchat Ads
210million people use Snapchat each day, making it one of the most popular social networks in
the world.


This is all based on the People > Place > Product system that I teach in my in-depth training
course, The Super Affiliate System. If you want to go deeper and master online advertising, I
suggest you get the entire course for my Youtube subscribers discount.

PRODUCT: The Affiliate Offer

- Signup for Digistore, https://johncrestani.com/DIGI
- Search Crestani
- Grab your link for one of my offers.

PLACE: The Presell Page

- Advertorial presell from clickfunnels, https://johncrestani.com/COPY_MY_PRESELL
- Signup for 14day free trial
- Click on your funnel (Dashboard > Funnels > Listicle Cold Traffic Funnel > Edit)
- Click on all the links selling my ebook, and replace them with your own
- Funnel settings > Add/Edit Domains > Add New Domain > New Domain
- Domain name ideas: newjobadvice, career guidance, terrys career advice, etc
- Select domain
- Grab link
- Place in Google

PEOPLE: The Advertisement

- Signup for Snapchat Ads, https://johncrestani.com/snapchatads
- Enter your website you registered.
- Download this image and use it for your ad,
- Name of Business: Online Career News
- Headline: 16 Ways to Make Money at Home (i recommend you create your own unique
version of this text, or at least test your own variations against this)
- Call To Action: View
- Video to upload
- Snapchat video ad #1 (click upper right corner to download)
- Snapchat video ad #2
- Snapchat video ad #3
- Demographics > Genders > All
- Ages > 21+
- Languages: English
- Location > Any english speaking country (United States, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia,
New Zealand, South Africa, Bahamas, Jamaica, etc)
- Advanced Targeting > Interests > Adventure Seekers
- Business Address (just enter your own address)


Twitter Ads
330million people use Twitter every month, making it one of the biggest social networks, and
best ways to reach people on the internet.


This is all based on the People > Place > Product system that I teach in my in-depth training
course, The Super Affiliate System. If you want to go deeper and master online advertising, I
suggest you get the entire course for only $997 with my Youtube subscribers discount.

PRODUCT: The Affiliate Offer

- Signup for Digistore, https://johncrestani.com/DIGI
- Search Crestani
- Grab your link for one of my offers.

PLACE: The Presell Page

- Advertorial presell from clickfunnels, https://johncrestani.com/COPY_MY_PRESELL
- Signup for 14day free trial
- Click on your funnel (Dashboard > Funnels > Listicle Cold Traffic Funnel > Edit)
- Click on all the links selling my ebook, and replace them with your own
- Funnel settings > Add/Edit Domains > Add New Domain > New Domain
- Domain name ideas: newjobadvice, career guidance, terrys career advice, etc
- Select domain
- Grab link
- Place in Google
PEOPLE: The Advertisement
- Signup for Twitter Ads, https://johncrestani.com/twitterads
- Create Campaign > Website clicks or conversions
- Gender > Men
- Ages > 35+
- Locations > (any English speaking country will do, United States, Canada, UK, Ireland,
Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Jamaica, Bahamas, Guam, etc)
- Languages > English
- Audience Features > Follower Lookalikes > TonyRobbins
- Create Tweet >
- Text: 16 Legitimate Ways to Make Money at Home. How to Make Money From Home in
2020. {Enter Your Website here}
- Video to upload (for ad variations. Test all three to see what has the highest CTR and
- Twitter video #1 (click upper right corner to download)
- Twitter video #2
- Twitter video #3
- Check the box that says ‘Promoted Only’ > Click ‘Tweet’
- Select the tweet.
- Placements > Deslect ‘Twitter Audience Platform’


Quora Ads
300million people use Quora every month, making it one of the biggest sites people go to find
answers after Google itself, which lends itself to very targeted advertising to people who are
already looking for solutions to problems.


This is all based on the People > Place > Product system that I teach in my in-depth training
course, The Super Affiliate System. If you want to go deeper and master online advertising, I
suggest you get the entire course for only $997 with my Youtube subscribers discount.

PRODUCT: The Affiliate Offer

- Signup for Digistore, https://johncrestani.com/DIGI
- Search Crestani
- Grab your link for one of my offers.

PLACE: The Presell Page

- Advertorial presell from clickfunnels, https://johncrestani.com/COPY_MY_PRESELL
- Signup for 14day free trial
- Click on your funnel (Dashboard > Funnels > Listicle Cold Traffic Funnel > Edit)
- Click on all the links selling my ebook, and replace them with your own
- Funnel settings > Add/Edit Domains > Add New Domain > New Domain
- Domain name ideas: newjobadvice, career guidance, terrys career advice, etc
- Select domain
- Grab link
- Place in Google

PEOPLE: The Advertisement

- Signup for Quora Ads, https://johncrestani.com/quoraads


Email List
Sending emails is the highest ROI form of marketing. To get started sending emails, you need
to have an email list


This is all based on the People > Place > Product system that I teach in my in-depth training
course, The Super Affiliate System. If you want to go deeper and master online advertising, I
suggest you get the entire course for only $997 with my Youtube subscribers discount.

Bing Ads


Pinterest Ads







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