L1 (1) Tenses

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The word Tense comes from the Latin word "Tempus".

1.Simple present tense = ( ता ह , ता हूँ , ती ह , ते ह )

*The simple present tense is generally used for an action that is done(daily , everyday , often ,
generally , always , usually , never , sometimes , frequently , ever , normally , in these days ,
regularly )

Always 100%

Usually 80%

Sometimes 50%

Hardly 30%

Never 0%

*Once in a day/week/month/year.

*Twice in a day/week/month/year.

*Thrice in a day/week/month/year.

*Four times in a day/month/year.

*A tense expressing an action that is currently going on or habitually performed , or a state

that currently or generally exists.

*When action take place that not fix it may in the morning, afternoon, or at night.

Helping verbs=is , am , are , was , were , do , does , did , has , have, had .

** Helping verb also come with wh question **

I Am Do Have

He, she, it Is Does Has

You, Are Do Have

They, we Are Do Have

To be object. Verb

Affirmative I am a teacher. I like my teacher.

(s+h.v+ob) We do our work.

She does like sweet .


Negative He is not a teacher. I don't like my teacher.

(s+h.v+not+ob) She doesn’t like sweet .

We don’t do his work .


Interrogative Are you a teacher? Do I like my teacher?

(h.v.+s+o?) Do you do your work ?

(do/does +s+v+ ob?)

Who=( person), कौन 1.Who are you? 1.Who tells you this?

कसने. 2.Where is your house? 2. Who does this?

3. Who sings bhajan at 3. Where do u live?

Where=(place), कहां.
temple ?
Which=( कौन सा ) 4. Which is your book? 4. Which book do you have?

5. Why are you here? 5. Why do you worry?

Why=(Reason) य .
6. How is your friend? 6. How do you know this?
How= कैसे.
7. When 7. When do you go to bed?
When=(time), कब. 8. What does he like?

What = या. 9. What do you do?

10. What does she cook ?

1.Positive =Have, 1. I have book.

2. She has pen.

3. You have umbrella .

Negative 1. I don’t have book.

2. She doesn’t have book .

Interrogative 1. Does your uncle have 3

sons ?

2. Do they have pen ?

3. Don’t you know her ?

4. Doesn’t he knock the

door ?

1.How many 1. How many girls are 1. How many books do u

there in the class? read?
2.How much
2. How much milk is 2. How much juice does she
in the pot? have ?
1. How many kings 1. How many brother do you
have queen? have ?

2. How much milk do 2. How much milk do you

you have ? have ?

3. How much do you earn ?

Spelling rules (only for singular) Examples

With most of verb, just add s Live-lives, sit -sits ,work-works, run-

She lives in tent. / I live in house .

If word end with consonants +y Try-tries, cry-cries.

buy-buys, enjoy -enjoys

Ending with ss , sh , ch , x , o , zz add Miss-misses, buzz-buzzes, catch-

only es catches,

fix-fixes ,Do-does ,go-goes.

The girls eat sweet . (Plural never change) .

The girl eats sweet .

To express universal truth, facts, habit action ,Permanent situation.

1.General truth , facts :-

1.The sun rises in the east.

2.Honey is sweet.
2.Daily routine /Habits :-
1.I dance every Monday. 4. I never work after 10 pm at night.

2.Every Saturday I skip my break fast. 5.Rajul keeps his promises

3.I get up everyday at 5am. 6. I change my hairstyle everyday.

3.For Future the things which is fix , permanent situation :-

1.We go/will go to Delhi next Tuesday. 3.Parlour opens/will open on February.

2.The train leaves/will leave at 6.30 pm. 4.when does the college reopen?

4.Telling stories/for giving directions , permanent situation :-

1.Sachine runs and bowls to Virat.

2.First of all takes some ice cubes and then pour some water in it.

3.I lives in Surat.

5.If we using" if"in the sentence so in that sentence we use simple future tense
along with simple present tense :-
Eg.if you work hard, you will pass.

6.Proverb :-
1.Honesty is the best policy. 2. Slow and steady win the race.

3. Time and tide waits for none. 4. Empty vessel make the greatest sound.

7. Imperative sentence :-
1. Write neatly . 2. Work hard . 3. Do well in the next time.

8. Be (Simple Present Tense) :-

(1) Be a good boy .
(2) Be a good girl .
States with states verbs(can't start and finish) :-
Wants and likes Like, dislike , love , hate , prefer , need ,
want , wish , hope.

Senses See, hear, smell, taste, feel,

Appearance Seem, look, look like, appear,

resemble ,sound

Possession and relation Have, own, belong, possess

Thought and opinion Think, remember, forget, know, believe,

imagine , understand.

Other state verbs Cast, depend , include , invalve ,

contain , lock.

Correct Incorrect

Rishit loves to sing Rishit loving to sing.

I hate crowded places. I am hating.

Do you remember me? Are you remembering me?

I think man is really smart. I am thinking Mam is really smart.

Your performance smells really nice. Your perfume smelling really nice.

This pizza taste awful. This pizza tasting to be awful.

That house seems to be empty. That house seeming to be empty.

Nani looks really beautiful in that dress. Nani looking really beautiful in that

I have two children. I'm having two children.

I have a red car. I having a red car.

Manisha's house have a swimming pool Manisha's are having swimming pool at
at home. home.

I know this man. I'm knowing this man.

There are 4 tricky verb :-

Example :-

1. I change my library book every week.

2. He takes the dog out twice a week.

3. Birds usually build nest in the tree.

4. My father always take his coffee without sugar

5. Water contain Oxygen and hydrogen

6. We fly to Canada next month.

7. I brush my teeth daily

8. I watch TV.

9. I go to bed at 10:30 p.m.

10. Today is Monday.

11. I am in classroom now.

12. There are 40 students in the classroom today.

13. You are in class 5th this year.

14. The sun give us heat.

15. He speaks Hindi.

16. My mother prepare breakfast for me.

2.Simple past tense. (था , थी , थे)

To express a past action or event (Used to) habit in the past , Yesterday , last
week/day/month/year , Ago , In early days, In those days, In my childhood, In olden days , In
1980 , Once upon a time .

*The simple past tense used to indicate an action completed in the past. We do not know
whether the action was Completed in the recent past or in the distance past.*

I Was Did Had

He, she, it Was Did Had

You Were Did Had

They, we Were Did Had

Object Verb Used to

Affirmative I was a dancer. We bought some Rohan used to

balls. wear cap.

Negative She was not a We didn't bring Rohan not used to

dancer. some balls. wear cap.

Interrogative Were you are Did we bring some Did Rohan use to
dancer? balls ? wear cap?

Who= 1.Who was that 1.Who told you Who used to wear
lady? this? cap in childhood
Who did this? from our family?
2.Where was your 2.Where she
house? married? 2.Where

3.Which was your 3.Which car you 3.Which

Which= book? drived ?
4.Why was Manu 4.Why did you
on terrace? worry?
Why= 4.Why she used to
5.How was your 5.How did you of tea?
friend? know this?
5.How he used to
6.When you wrote 6.When did this of tea?
this? happen?
6.When he used to
When= 7.What was the 7.What she did? of teen ?
What= 7.What

1.How many 1.How many boys 1.How many books

were there in the was in the table ?
2.How much
2.How much milk
2.How much
was there in the

1. Had (positive) I had a book .

I didn’t have a
2. Had (negative)
book .
3. Had
(Interrogative ) Did you have a
book ?

Such verb never change in Cut, put , shut , hit , hurt, beat , set , bid , read , burst ,
past tense cast , cost , let , rid , shed , spit , spread , thrust.

If 2nd last is vowel + Stop =stopped , clap clapped , drop dropped,

consonant than last letter will chat=chatted, quarrel=quarrelled , travel=travelled.
be double.

Some verb change in past Go-went, sing-sang, meet=met , say=said ,

awake=awoke , run=ran , win=won,

come=came, eat=ate, drink= drank , write=wrote,


threw, hear=heard.

1.Ending with "e". add d Live=lived , stare=stared.

2.Ending with vowel+y add ed 2.Stay=stayed , play=played.

3.Ending in consonants +y 3.Try=tried , carry=carried.

change y to i and add ed

4.Two syllable, stress on 4.Commit=committed , prefer=preferred.

second syllable and ending in
single Consonant than double
the final consonant and add

Eg. I have met your brother yesterday.

I met your brother yesterday.(right)

*To indicate a habitual action in the past.

=My father always went for a walk every morning.

*To express imaginary or impossible conditional sentences.


1.If I were you , I would act more wisely.

2. If I were a bird, I would fly high in the sky.

3.If my friend , Henry , were now, we would go together to see the principal.


 I saw a movie yesterday

 I didn't see him yesterday
 Last year I travelled to Delhi
 I live in Surat last year
 I talked on phone for a minute
 He studied English in the home
 She didn't played sitar
 Shilpa was shy in the childhood
 It will rain tomorrow
 He will carry your bag
 I will not do your homework for you
 We will buy TV next month
 You will know the result in a week

3.Simple future tense. (गा , गे , गी)

Tomorrow, Next (Day/Week/Month/Year) , Soon, Shortly , Probably, In coming days, Within a

week, In a few minute , Later .

*This tense expressing on action that has not yet happened or a state that does not yet exist.

Affirmative I will go for a walk.

Negative Sha will not go for a walk.

Interrogative Will we go for a walk ?

1.Who= 1.Who will guide you?

2.Where= 2.Where will we go?

3.Which= 3.Which chocolate she will bring?

4.Why= 4.Why she will shout?

5.How= 5.How will you come here?

6.When= 6.When will be the next meeting?

7.What= 7.What will you do day after tomorrow?

1.How many= 1.How many time I will tell you?

2.How much= 2.How much milk will you bring?

* Future action is also expressed in the present indefinite tense.

1. She arrives from the USA next week.

To express the expected or suppose main action( mostly in the main or principal clause)

Eg. If I go to market tomorrow, I shall bring some toys for you.

2. I shall relate to you the story of this novel after I have read it.


 It will rain tomorrow .

 He will carry your bag.

 I will not do homework for you .

 We will buy a TV next month .

 You will know the result in a week .

4.Present continuous tense.(ing) (रहा है , रह है )

At this moment , right now , still , at present

*For action happening right now at the moment of speaking.

*To talk about something that is happening around the time of speaking but not necessarily
at this exact moment.

*it also used to indicate actions /event which are showing gradual progress or which have
been on for a long time.

Eg. I am reading a great book. (it not means that reading now).

She is running a beauty parlour.

I'm learning Gujarati these days.4.He is speaking English much better now.

I am

He, she, it is

You, we, they are

Affirmative I am cooking . I am going to visit Palitana .

Negative They are not cooking . Shilpa is not going to visit Agra

Interrogative Is she cooking? Are they going to visit

1.Who= 1.Who is opening a 1.Who is going to come to
window? your house tomorrow?
2.Where are the boys =Who is coming tomorrow?
playing football?
2.Where are you going
3.Which= tomorrow?
4.Why is she selling milk? 3.Which girl is going to
6.When= perform on stage next week?
7.What= 4.Why is she going to shouts
6.When are you having
you ?
5.How is she going to react?
7.What is your matter going
on? 6.When is Khushi going to

7.What is going to happen?

How many 1.How many times you going

to come here?
How much
2.How much you going to
drink water?

For an action that is planned or take place in the near future.


1. I'm leaving for surat today.

2. What are you doing tonight.

3. Mother is coming /will come home tomorrow.

4. The climate is getting cooler these days.

5. Rains are going to be heavy this year.

5. Continuous Past Tense :- (when, while, as) (रहा था , रह थी , रहे थे)

The past continuous tense is used to describe actions that began in the past and continued
for a short period of time.

Affirmative We were reading.

Negative Rani was not playing.

Interrogative Was Heli cooking?

1.Who= 1.Who was washing clothes?

2.Where= 2.Where was Manu swimming?

3.Which= 3.Which book was Raj buying?

4.Why= 4.Why was Mala going to mall?

5.How= 5.How was Tina doing?

6.When= 6.When was your brother reading?

7.What= 7.What was Ramu eating?

1.How many= 1.How many

2.How much= 2.How much

* Past continuous tense also used for a definite arrangement for future.

Eg. I asked her that what she was doing next Sunday.

*To denote the continuity of an action at the time another took place.

Eg. They were sleeping when the thief entered the bedroom.
=The light went out while I was reading.

=When he came, I was dancing.

*To denote the continuity of two pass action at the same time.

= The sister was dancing while the mother was singing.

6. Continuous Future Tense :- ( रहा होगा , रह होगी , रहे ह गे )

This tense is used to indicate the activities that will be Continuous and will not be completed
at that time(next/day , month , year) , by this tomorrow

Affirmative I will be reading a letter at that time.

Negative She will not be cooking.

Interrogative Will they teaching?

= What will you be doing this evening?

= Tomorrow at this I will be taking bath.

= He will be learning his lesson.

*To indicate the continuity of a suppose or expected action in the future when the second
action take place.

Eg. 1. When we reach Shilpa's house, she will be learning her lesson

* To denote the possible continuity of a habit.

Eg. 1. He will be Looking through the window all the day.

2. Father will be going out for his regular morning walk.

7. Present Perfect Tense :- (चूका ह , चुक ह , चुके ह )

(yet , already , just , for , since , ever , recently , till )

The verbs are in the present perfect tense. It is used to express an action that began in the
past and has just now been completed

I Have

He , she ,it Has

You Have

They , we Have

Affirmative Sweety has just gone out. (s+has /


Negative Sweety hasn't gone out.

Interrogative Has sweety gone out ?

1.Who= 1.Who has broken that glass?

2.Where= 2.Where has Rinku gone?

3.Which= 3.Which book have you bought?

4.Why= 4.Why has your uncle gone to the

7.What has Tina broken?

1. How many times have you tried to call her ?

2. I have some bad news.

3. I have lost my job .

4. I have hurt my leg .

5. I have been to USA.

6. My work has just been finished by me.

7. I haven't received any letter from him since he left the village.

2.To indicate that the action began at sometime in the past, but is continuing up to the
present time of speaking.

= I haven’t received any letter from him since he left the village .

= Rajvi has been ill since yesterday.(He is still ill)

= We have known each other for 10 years.

3.To describe a past action the time of which is neither indicated nor definite.

= She has helped her many times.

= Have you seen a ghost?

= He has lived here for 10 years .( अभी भी वह ं रहता ह)

= He lived here for 10 years .( अब वह यहाँ नह ं रहता ह)

= We have known each other for 10 years . (We still know each other)
PAST PERFECT TENSE:- (चूका था , चुक थी , चुके थे )

(Before, after, when , while , as soon as, by the time, ever, never, already yet just so far, until)

* Past perfect tense is used to refer to action that took place and we're completed in the

I Had

He she it Had

You Had

They Had

Affirmative I had written a letter.

Negative I hadn't written a letter.

I had never had to face such a situation earlier

in my life.

Interrogative Had I written a letter?

Did he go to school after I had come?

1.Who= 1.Who had not done the work before I came?

2.Where= 2.Where had the Bhavi gone?

3.Which= 3.Which

4.Why= 4.Why had the boy not done the work before
you came?
6.When had kajal written a letter before she

7.What had u decided?

This tense indicate that an action was Completed in the past before another action took

Eg. The patient had died before the doctor came.

=When I reached the station , the train had left.

*For unreal or imaginary thing wishes in the past.

=We wish we hadn't eaten in the past.

*Describe an action completed before a certain moment in the past.

Eg. I met him in USA in 1998.

= I had seen him 5 years before.

*To express an imaginary conditional state in the past

Eg. 1. If my mother had received my telegram in time , she would come to receive me at
railway station.

2. If I had been you, I would not have done this.

3. Mr. Paul walked as if he had been lame.

*To ask questions about a past completed action by writing had at the beginning of the

1. Had the chief guest already left when you reached the venue of the function?

2. Had I not striven hard to drive home my point at the meeting?

Future Perfect Tense:- (चक

ू ा होगा , चक
ु होगी , चक
ु े ह गे ) (before ,after, when)

Perfect future tense to denote an action and event which would be completed by a certain
time in future.

Eg. I shall have returned from school by that time.

Affirmative She will has gone.

Negative She will not has gone.

Interrogative Will she has gone?

*First action which will be completed prior to the second one.

Eg. Students will have written their tasks before the teacher asks for.

=Before you reach home, he will have left that place.

=By Tomorrow evening, we shall Have reached surat.

*To express an action which starts earlier but is still expected to continue in the future time.

eg. 1. I shall have been lived in this house for five years by January next .

2.The Principal will have addressed the students by the time the Chief Guest arrives.

3.We shall have travelled for four hours when the train reaches Kingston.

Present Perfect Continuous Tense :-

=has/have been when, before, after,since,for)

To express an action which started in the past and still going on or has just stopped .

Affirmative She has been learning dance for tow


Negative She has not been learning dance for

tow years.

Interrogative Has she been learning dance for tow

To describe an action which began at sometime in the past and is still continuing.

= She has been working since 7 a.m. (she is still working )

Eg. Your son has been teaching in school for the last two months.

= I have been teaching English for the last fifteen years.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense :- =had.

Affirmative We had been playing football.

Negative She had not been playing football.

Interrogative. Had she been playing football?

* To describe an action which began in the past and continued up to a certain point of time
in the past.

Eg. I had been wanting such a book for a long time.

= We had been knocking for an hour before the door was opened.

=I had been teaching him, but he never learnt.

* Express the cause of something in the past.

=She was tired because she had been dancing

Future Perfect Continuous Tense :- =

To describe an action that will be in progress even after a point of time in future.

Eg. By the end of this month, we will have been living here for 5 years.

= I will have been sleeping for eight hours when you come.

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