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Time, Intelligent Design and the Multiverse

We can only measure time through the manifest increase in disorder, described by the 2nd law of
thermodynamics. Except for the 2nd law, all the other physical equations known to man are “timeless”,
i.e. can be mathematically described by time going forward or backward. It is only the 2nd law which
states that the entropy (disorder) of any closed system always increases with time. Hence, through the
“hourglass” of the 2nd law, when we see specks of sand falling down, we can sense and even measure
the time moving forward.

But what if the sand goes up the hourglass? What if “order” increases within a system? I have called
such systems “Gibbs free-energy traps” in my other treatise (God of Life and Intelligence). Free-energy
traps can increase their internal order, at the cost of exporting disorder to external entities. For
example, this is how a single cell bacterium, or a human civilization operates. And through relentless
evolution on Earth, this is how more and more complex and orderly entities have emerged from simpler

Intelligent Design
Here, I want to go one step further and speculate that the evolution of Gibbs free-energy traps (going
from a state of disorder to successive states of more and more order) can be viewed as a “clock”
indicating a limited and localize movement in time, but going backwards. So, I suggest that the clock of
evolution can indicate an earlier state in our universe, perhaps going back billions of years ago, when life
and intelligence was already supreme. This means that our universe’s closure (mathematically and
parametrically) can only yield such progressive evolution of Gibbs free-energy traps (in its minute
minority locations at the cost of immense loss of order in most other places) because it has originated
from a past of very evolved state (rich with life and intelligence).

Now, what is to stop us from speculating even further, but this time into the future? Astronomy
indicates that our universe is accelerating faster and faster, so in many billion years from now, galaxies
and then even solar systems can be speeding away from one another and even reaching an apparent
relative speed of light, therefore, becoming “invisible” to each other. Then, lets imagine that some very
intelligent lifeforms will still exist in some of those lonely solar systems, aware of their grime fate in the
coming darkness, and decide to create a Big Bang before the curtains fall. As by that time, those solar
systems will be isolated (invisible) to the neighboring space regions, their Big Bang can create a new
universe without damaging others. Similarly, what is to stop some other very intelligent lifeforms to
start their own Big Bang in another region of space? This can be a “simple” way for Intelligent Design to
create a Multiverse!

Evolutionary Maxim
Chicken can be viewed as the egg’s way to make more eggs.

Intelligence can be viewed as the universe’s way to create more universes.

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