MRKT 1199 ch.4 E-Book

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Evaluate criteria consist of a set of salient, or important, attributes about a

particular product that are used to compare alternative products.

Which of the following are possible postpurchase outcomes? Feeling

satisfied or dissatisfied, Developing loyalty toward a product, Having
cognitive dissonance
Marketers are particularly interested in postpurchase behavior because it entails actual
rather than potential customers.

perception is the process by which we select, organize and interpret

information to form a meaningful picture of the world.

Perception as it influences consumer behaviour is : developed through

culture and family influences

In trying to influence perceptions, marketers must understand and focus on

the four components of perception: selective exposure, selective attention,
selective comprehension, and selective retention.

Marketing managers often appeal to consumer’s lifestyle when developing

the marketing mix to be sure it fits with how they spend their time and

Knowing how children influence food-buying decisions is a strategic

opportunity for traditional supermarkets and their suppliers to exploit.

Even within Canada, there are cultural differences between various

subgroups and subcultures.

Which of the following is an example of a temporal state that affects a

purchase situation? A consumer who gets in a fight over a parking space
before entering a store.

Affect the consumer search process? The locus of control, actual or

perceived risk, perceived benefits an costs

An external search is when the buyer looks for information beyond personal
knowledge to help make the buying decision, such as checking the Internet,
asking a friend, or visiting a showroom.
Performance risk involves the perceived danger inherent in a poorly
performing product or service.

Psychological risks are those risks associated with the way people will feel if
the product or service does not convey the right image.

Universal Sets: Include all possible choices for a product category, but
because it would be unwieldy for a person to recall all possible alternatives
for every purchase decision, marketers tend to focus on only a subset of

Retailers use the conversion rate to se how well they are doing at turning
potential buyers into actual buyers.

Postpurchase cognitive dissonance, ex. Buy a sport car with high salary,
regret buying the car when gets laid off from the job

Typical consumer most likely to experience postpurchase cognitive

dissonance: A new washing machine and dryer

The point in the consumer decision process at which marketers can solidify
consumer loyalty is during the post-purchase stage.

A passive consumer is fairly undesirable to the marker because he is not

royal, does not repeat the purchase, and makes no positive word-of-mouth
communications to other potential consumers.

Well trained sales personnel can influence the sale at the point of purchase
by pointing out the advantages of one item over another and by encouraging
multiple purchases.

Limited problem solving is most likely to occur under which of the

following conditions? When the consumer has a purchase decision that calls
for, at most, moderate effort and time.

Which of the following scenarios elucidates a social factor that is influential

in the purchase of a commodity? Jill is influenced by her sister and buys the
same wallet what her sister bought.

Consumers often use extended problem solving for risky purchase decisions.
In-store demonstrations. The taste and smell of new food items may attract
people to try something they normally wouldn’t. Similarly, some fashion
retailers offer “trunk shows,” during which their vendors show their whole
line on a certain day.

Customers are often enticed to purchase during “trunk sales” because they
get special assistance from the salespeople and can order merchandise that
the retailer otherwise does not carry.

Retailers employ various promotional vehicles to influence customers once

they have arrived in the store.

Judy quickly decides to buy mints at the supermarket check-out. This

spontaneous purchase is indicative of impulse buying.

A habitual purchase involves little conscious effort.

Research has shown that, if used in concert with other aspects of a retailer’s
strategy, music, scent, lighting, and even color can positively influence the
decision process. Which store situation is being referred to? Store

Consumers may have different levels of involvement, which is known as the

consumer’s degree of interest in a product or service.

When consumers’ choices are affected by members of their family, reference

group, or culture, they are being influenced by social factors.

High buyer involvement is likely to lead to what kind of problem solving?

Extended problem solving

The taste and smell of new food items may attract people to try something
they normally wouldn’t. Customers are often enticed to purchase that day as
well. in-store demonstrations

Since many buyers are leery of buying a product advertised on an

informercial, one way marketers can reduce potential customer
dissatisfaction about the items is to offer which of the following? A money-
back guarantee
Customers are often enticed to purchase during “truck sales” because they
get special assistance from the salespeople and can order merchandise that
the retailer otherwise does not carry.

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