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Poetry Analysis Tic-Tac-Toe Board

Instructions: Using the Tic-Tac-Toe board, complete the center tile and two opposite squares to
get three in a row. The center activity will be worth 10 points and the outer squares are worth 5
points each for a total of 20 points.

Using imagery, write a

descriptive short story (400- Using the photo or drawing
Using the poem of your
500 words) about an Autumn of your choice, write a poem
choice, record a video of
topic. Examples of possible describing the scene. If you
yourself reciting the poem.
topics include carving are having trouble thinking of
Be mindful of how commas
pumpkins, leaves changing what to write, pay attention to
and line breaks are used to
color, Halloween night, etc. the use of color, contrast,
assist your rhythm and
Make sure to incorporate as motion, and empty space in
many of the five senses as the image.

Create a playlist of at least Create a presentation using
Using the link below,
(5) songs that share similar to analyze a poem
complete the poetry terms
lyrical themes. After creating of your choice. Determine the
crossword puzzle. Make sure
the playlist, write a short theme of the poem and use
to submit a screenshot of the
summary describing the lines from the poem to
completed crossword to
common theme with support your argument. Make
receive full credit.
examples from the lyrics of sure to identify at least (3)
each song that supports the examples of literary devices
theme. and describe the effect they
have on the poem.

Using the list of topics from

the link below, write (5) Find two poems that have the Using the link below,
metaphors and (5) similes. same theme. On a blank sheet complete a word search of
You cannot reuse the same of paper, write the theme at poetry terms. Make sure to
topic so, in total, you will be the top of the page. Use a submit a screenshot of the
using 10 different topics from double bubble map to completed word search to
the list. Make sure to use compare the literary receive full credit.
complete sentences. techniques used by each to
support their theme. CLICK HERE

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