A Nice Place To Work

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Yuliana Andrea López Cogollo

Activity: A nice place to work


Universidad de Córdoba
Facultad Ciencias Económicas, Jurídicas y Administrativas
Administración en Finanzas y Negocios Internacionales
Montería – Córdoba
Año 2020

1. Match the words with their definitions.

1 Break D a. Not formal

2 Casual A b. Work from home
3 Commute F c. Working 20 hours or less a week
4 Downsize H d. A short rest during the workday
5 Flextime G e. A person who is responsible for the work that other people do
6 Formal I f. Travel to and from work
7 Full-Part J g. Work hours that change according to an employee’s needs
8 Part-time C h. Make a company smaller
9 Supervisor E i. With a lot af rules
10 Telecommute B j. Working 35-40 hours a week

2. Complete the email with the words from Exercise 1.

Hi, Carmen!

How’s everything?

I’m on a (1) BREAK at work right now. Things are great here at my new Job.
As you know, my last job ended because the company had to (2) DOWNSIZE.
It was terrible for a while. I was only able to find a (3) PART-TIME job, but i
needed a (4) FULL-TIME job. I needed to make more money.

Things here aren’t very (5) FORMAL. I can wear (6) CASUAL clothes every day, and
on Fridays we all wear jeans. We’re on (7) FLEXTIME, which means that i’m able
to work from 10:00 to 6:00. That’s better for me that working 9:00 to 5:00 because I (8)
COMMUTE by train and it takes me an hour and a half each way. That’s the only bad
thing about my job. I talked to my (9) SUPERVISOR. And I may be able to (10)
TELECOMMUTE in the spring. That would be fabulous! Then I could save a lot of
time and money.

3. Complete the conversations with the verbs in parentheses and the correct form of have to
and do.
1. A: Did you have to get up (get up) early this morning?
B: yes, I did

2. A: Did you have to work (work) tonight?

B: yes, unfortunately, I did, so I can’t meet you for dinner

3. A: did Thomas have to wear (wear) a uniform at his last school?

B: No, he did

4. A: did Sara have to wear (wear) a suit in her new job?

B: No, but I did

5. A: did Tim have to drive (drive) to work?

B: No, he did, but he likes driving better that taking the bus

6. A: Sorry, but I couldn’t finish the report yesterday. I have to leave (leave) early.
B: That`s ok, but you did (do) it before Friday. Ok?

4. Fifty years ago, big department stores had certain rules for employees. Read the list of
rules for employees at the time and answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
1. Did women have to wear suits?
No, They had to wear dress or skirts.

2. When did employees have to arrive for work?

Did they have to arrive for work 10 minutes early

3. What did employees have to do in the afternoon?

Did they have to must take a 15 minute in the afternoon

4. Did employees have to work overtime?

Yes, they had to work overtime

5. Did employees have to work on Saturdays?

Yes, they had to work part-time

6. Could employees wear casual clothes?

Not, they had to wear clothes formal

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