Activity Reflection Portfolio

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Celeste Radcliffe

Chld.Dev. 259 Practicum

Activity Reflection

My reflection is on one of the story books we read, “Apples for Everyone”. We took a trip to the
library to find books about apples together. After we signed the seven books out, Leilani sat down, put
her seat belt on and excitedly said, look!, I have all the books, you drive and I’ll hold on to the books. I
said ok, do you think they are too heavy for you to hold? She told me no they are fine, and I said ok let
us take them home with us. As we got out of the car, I had to ask permission to help her carry them. She
was so happy and tried to hold and carry all seven books. She allowed me to help. After we put them in
the book basket, she looked through them and brought one to me saying, come on read this one. We sat
on the couch and she said, Apples, and I said the rest, for Everyone, and I began to read the book, Leilani
would say a few of the words she recognized as I read. When we can to the part of the book that named
several apple names, and she heard me say one of the apple names, “Pink Lady” she squealed, that is
my favorite apple. I asked why, she told me because it is pink lady, and pointed to the apple in the book.
As we came to the end of the story Leilani said, again, again, read it again. We read the book about five
times before she hurried off to the writing table to color the apples. When we had to return the books
back to the library Leilani helped me carry them in the library but when she realized we were leaving
them there she started to cry and yell no, my books, my books, they can’t have my books. Later that day
we had to go to the store and buy some books

 The learning objective this activity promoted was: 30.C.ECa Exhibit curiosity as a learner
 The objective fit because the child was able to see some of the things that were made with
apples and learn the names of some apples, which turned out to be one of Leilani’s favorite
names, “Pink lady”.
 The area of development this activity specified was in language

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