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For finalization of your portfolio:

1. Portfolio cover (on the cover of the clear book – the same with your cover page inside)
Rating Sheet and Rubrics inserted at the back of the cover page. See attached file for printing.
Module 1
 Subcover page√
 Form 1 to send the final copy for printing through your email √
 Form 2 of the facilitators√
 Form 3√
 Form 4√
2. Module 2
 Subcover Page√
 Introduction on MELCs√
 Unpacked MELC√
 2 sheets of Form 4√
3. Module 3A
 Subcover Page√
 Subtitle pages√
 List of targeted learner interventions - √
 Learning tasks for DL - √
o Another Learning Tasks for DL – See sent file: LTforDL
 Assessment methods in DL - √
 Weekly Home Learning Plan (WHLP) - √
 Individual Learning Monitoring Plan for a learner who lags behind in
completing the learning tasks - √
 LAC 3 Teacher Engagement Report - √
 LAC 3 Session Report - √ Refer to our slides for guide√
4. Module 3B
 LR Assessment with Reflections - √ (Rapid Assessment)
 3 sheets LAC Engagement Report√
The following (red color) will be uploaded in our drive. NOT TO BE PRINTED.
LR Concerns (yung colored)
TEMPLATE (Sorry mga mams and sirs…need pa rin daw talaga itong i-fill-out.
5. Module 4
 Development Plan√

6. Please check the contents of your Study notebook

Module 1 Lesson 1 Activities 1,2,3
Lesson 2 Activities 1,2,3
Module 2 Lesson 1 Activities 1,2,3,4
Lesson 2 Activities 1,2,3
Module 3 A Lesson 1 Activities 1,2,3,4
Lesson 2 Activities 1,2,3,4
Module 3B Lesson 1 Activities 1, 2
Lesson 2 Activities 1,2
Lesson 3 Activities 1,2,3, 4
Module 4 Lesson 1 Activities 1, 2, 3
Lesson 2 Activities 1,2

Due: November 20

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