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(Edin, student)

Hi my name is Edin Pretzantzin I am an English student coursing intemediate level IV section D.

Today I am the waiter. So let´s go…

(Edin, student)
Welcome to Home Food
My name is Edin
I´ll be your server tonight
How are you doing this evening?

(Danilo, not student)

I am great,
thank you for asking
How are you?

(Edin, I am fantastic, sir

Can I get you a drink?

(Danilo, not student)

Mmm Pepsi please.

(Edin, student)
I´ll be right back with that drink

(traer Pepsi)

All right here is your pepsi,

(Danilo, not student)

Thank you

(Edin, student)
Yeah no problem, can I recommend any
appetizers or are you ready to order?

(Danilo, not student)

Sure, what do you recommend to me?

(Edin, student)
Ok, well me personally, I love potatoes with chancol cheese
They are freshly made every day.
A delicious plate and quesadillas are to die for.
(Danilo, not student)
That´s sounds good. Let´s get an order with that quesadilla?

(Edin, student)
Great choice, I am going to go put your order in,
And give you both a chance to look over the menu
I´ll be back in a few.

(Ir por comida)

Have you decided what you want to eat yet,

Or do you need a little more time?

(Danilo, not student)

I just need a few minutes more

(Edin, student)
Ok, take your time

(Edin, student)
Are you ready to order now?

(Danilo, not student)

Yes, of course

(Edin, student)
What can I get you, sir?

(Danilo, not student)

An burger and potatoes with chancol cheese.

(Edin, student)
How do you want it cooked?

(Danilo, not student)


(Edin, student)
Ok, only?

(Danilo, not student)

And please give me a beer
(Edin, student)
I am sorry, we are completely out of beer for the night.

(Danilo, not student)

Ok, no problem

(Edin, student)
I have your order,
Your food should be out shortly.
Can I get you anything else?

(Danilo, not student)

Can I have a refill, please?

(Edin, student)
Of course, I´ll be right back with that

(Ir por más Pepsi)

(Danilo, not student)

No, thank you

(Edin, student)
Enjoy your meal!

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