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15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Grade 105.00 out of a maximum of 125.00 (84%)
22 23 24 25
Show one page at a time Que stion 1 Gram mar Section
Correct Unit 2 : Tag question
Finish review
Mark 1.00 out of Complete the sentence using the appropriate Tag Question:
Mary is an excellent actress, isn't she?
Flag question

Que stion 2 Reading Se ction

Incorrect Unit 2 : Preppositions
Mark 0.00 out of In the third paragraph of the "Reading 4 Grace Darling", the word “ABOVE” could be changed by
the preposition:
Flag question

Select one:
a. Superiorly

b. Over

c. Across

d. On Sorry, this is not correct. You have to read more carefully.

Your answer is incorrect.

T he correct answer is: Over

Que stion 3
Reading Se ction
Unit 2 : Tag Questions
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 What could be the best tag question according the following sentence of the "Reading 3 : Moving
Flag question
“She could see the wreck, a mile away, with the angry waters all around it. She could see the men
clinging to the masts”

Select one:
a. She could see the wreck and the men clinging to the mast, could she?

b. She is seeing the wreck and the men clinging to the mast, is she?

c. She had seen the wreck and the men clinging to the mast, hadn’t she? Yes, this is the
correct answer. Congratulations!

d. She is not seeing the wreck and the men clinging to the mast, is she?

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: She had seen the wreck and the men clinging to the mast, hadn’t she?

Que stion 4 Writing Section

Incorrect Unit 1 : Compound Adjectiv es
Mark 0.00 out of The correct way to write this:
"He i s a wel l known author" is:
Flag question

Select one:
a. He is a well-known author.

b. He is a welknown auttor.
c. He is a well-known autor. The correct way to write the compound adjective is when we use
hyphens. The spelling of the second word (author) is incorrect.

d. He is a wellknown autor.

1 de 8 03/12/2014 APC Lorena 06:17

Your answer is incorrect.
T he correct answer is: He is a well-known author.

Que stion 5 Writing Section

Correct Unit 2 : Tag Questions
Mark 1.00 out of What could be the tag question of the following sentence?
You look out of the window. The sky is blue and the sun is shining, it is a beautiful day. What do you
Flag question
say to your friend? How long have you worked in the International Bank?

Select one:
a. It is a beautiful day, isn’t it? Excellent! This is the answer. Good for you!

b. It is a cold day, is it?

c. It is a clear day, aren't they?

d. It is a beautiful night, isn’t it?

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: It is a beautiful day, isn’t it?

Que stion 6 Vocabulary Section

Correct Unit 1 : Compound Adjectiv es
Mark 1.00 out of
Choose the right option according to the picture:
Flag question

Select one:
a. New brand

b. Brand

c. Old

d. Brand-new It is the right answer because it refers to a recent building.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: Brand-new

Que stion 7
Reading Se ction
Unit 2 : Phrasal Verbs
Mark 1.00 out of
Answer the question according to the "Reading 3 : Moving on":

In Paragraph number seventh, the words "Jumped off and climbed down" means:
Flag question

Select one:
a. Descend from the horse and the wagon. Yes, this is the correct answer. Congratulations!

b. Carry on the path.

c. Ascent into the horse and the wagon.

d. Go up into the horse and the wagon.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: Descend from the horse and the wagon.

Que stion 8
Correct Gram mar Section
Unit 1 : Past Progressive
Mark 1.00 out of
According to the study of past progressive in the online contents, complete this sentence with
Flag question
the correct word or set of words:

We were having dinner together in the restaurant next block last Friday night.
Que stion 9 Gram mar Section
Correct Unit 1 : Time and Enough Clause
Mark 1.00 out of
According to the study of past progre ssiv e in the online contents, choose the correct answer to
Flag question reply to the dialogue:

A : Santiago, do you remember Steven? That guy, he could speak several languages?

Select one:
a. B: Yes, I remember. He speaks English and Spanish with my friend Maria.

b. B: I don’t know who is he. Who he is?

c. B: Oh yes, I remember him. He is the guy who speaks 5 different languages. That’s correct.
This is the right option for relative clauses in this particular case.

d. B: I think so; he is the guy that drives a suburban truck on the beach.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: B: Oh yes, I remember him. He is the guy who speaks 5 different languages.

Que stion 10
Gram mar Section
Correct Unit 2 : Use of -ING Forms
Mark 1.00 out of
Choose the correct sentence where the pre position and phrasal verb are appropriately used:

Flag question

Select one:
a. The cashier handed out the money without saying a word. This is correct. After the
preposition "WITHOUT " the main verb is in gerund, like the rule requires.

b. The cashier handed out the money without say a word.

c. The cashier hands out the money without said a word.

d. The cashier hands out the money without says a word.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: The cashier handed out the money without saying a word.

Que stion 11
Correct Vocabulary Section
Unit 2 : Apologizing/Expressing re gret
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Choose correct option according to the definition:

To reject or refuse a person, an advice, or a suggestion.

Flag question

Select one:
a. Turn down It is correct! It means to refuse or reject a person or a request.

b. Agree to
c. Accept

d. Allow

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: Turn down

Que stion 12
Gram mar Section
Unit 2 : Phrasal Verbs
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Complete the dialogue appropriately:

A: My car broke down, I don't know what to do.

Flag question

Select one:
a. B: You can fix the tyres.

b. B: My father can do it.

c. B: Study the machine first.

d. B: Go to the mechanic. T his is correct. A mechanic can fix a car when it has broken down.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: B: Go to the mechanic.

Que stion 13
Liste ning Section
Unit 1 : Past Progressive
Mark 0.00 out of
Liste n to the Audio 1 "Things were wrong" and choose the correct answer:

Flag question Why did Deb delete all her e-mails?

Select one:


b. It is the wrong answer because she was learning to use

her new computer.



Your answer is incorrect.

T he correct answer is:

Que stion 14 Gram mar Section

Incorrect Unit 2 : Ex pressing regret
Mark 0.00 out of Where can you find this ad?

Flag question

Select one:
a. A circus This is incorrect. A circus is a public place that shows featuring performing animals,
clowns, etc.

b. In a hospital

c. The park
d. In a farm

Your answer is incorrect.

T he correct answer is: In a hospital

Que stion 15 Reading Se ction

Correct Unit 1 : Compound Adjectiv es and Modal Verbs
Mark 1.00 out of Answer the question according to the "Reading 1: Becoming a vegetarian":
Which is the best vegetarian diet for a person who wants to start?
Flag question

Select one:
a. Vegetables, chocolate bars, cereal and fast food.

b. Fruits, vegetables, cereal, and french fries.

c. Tomatoes, sodas, rice, and candies.

d. Tomatoes, apples, natural juices, nuts, avocado. This is a healthy and vegetarian diet.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: Tomatoes, apples, natural juices, nuts, avocado.

Que stion 16
Reading Se ction
Unit 1 : Compound Adjectiv es and Modal Verbs
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Answer the question according to the "Reading 1: Becoming a vegetarian":

What is the writer trying to do in this article?

Flag question

Select one:
a. He is explaining the reader how to start a vegetarian diet.

b. He is explaining the reader pros and cons of being vegetarian.

c. He is suggesting the reader to become vegetarian.

d. He is suggesting the reader to be careful with a vegetarian diet. This is the key because the
writer is suggesting the reader about the need to be careful when becoming vegetarian.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: He is suggesting the reader to be careful with a vegetarian diet.

Que stion 17
Reading Se ction
Unit 2 : Present Perfect Tense
Mark 1.00 out of
1.00 Answer the question according to the "Reading 3 : Moving on":

Who has grown up in the family?

Flag question

Select one:
a. Mother Boone

b. Any member of the Boone Family

c. Daniel Yes, this is the correct answer. Congratulations!

d. Father Boone

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: Daniel

Que stion 18

Mark 1.00 out of


Flag question
Vocabulary Section
Unit 1 : Use of -ING Forms

Determine the be st option based on the definition:

This is another way to consider as belonging to a person.

Select one:
a. Race

b. Human being It is the correct answer because it relates to characteristic or having the nature
of people.

c. Living

d. Thrilling

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: Human being

Que stion 19 Liste ningSection

Correct Unit 1 : Modal Ve rbs
Mark 1.00 out of Liste n to the "Audio 2 Rent" and answer the question:
What does the customer need to rent the videos?
Flag question

Select one:
a. A membership card. This is the key since the store employee says that he needs a
membership card to rent videos.

b. A store card.

c. A credit card.

d. A ID card.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: A membership card.

Que stion 20 Liste ning Section

Correct Unit 2 : Prepositions
Mark 1.00 out of
Choose the best option to fill in the blank according to the Audio "Fast Food":

I sometimes pick up something for my roommate.

Flag question

Que stion 21 Gram mar Section

Correct Unit 1 : Use of -ING Forms
Mark 1.00 out of According to the study of -ING forms, what’s the right sentence to answe r to this question based
on the picture ?
Flag question

What has Daniel been doing for the last 5 years?

Select one:
a. He having been studying on his Ph.D. at the UNAD University in Florida.

b. He has been studying for his Ph.D. at UNAD University in Florida. T hat’s correct. T he
sentence is well-written using the -ING form.

c. He have been studied for his Ph.D. at the UNAD University in Florida.

d. He had been study for his Ph.D. at the UNAD University in Florida.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: He has been studying for his Ph.D. at UNAD University in Florida.

Que stion 22 Vocabulary Section

Correct Unit 2 : Phrasal verbs
Mark 1.00 out of Choose correct option according to the definition:
To increase the speed or intensity.
Flag question
Select one:
a. Turn down

b. Turn off

c. Turn on

d. Turn up It is correct! Because TURN UP up is used when you want to increase the speed,
volume, intensity of something.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: Turn up

Que stion 23 Vocabulary Section

Correct Unit 1 : Modal Ve rbs
Mark 1.00 out of
Choose the correct m eaning of CAN in the sentence:
Flag question
Nairo can ride the bicycle during Giro d’Italia in 2014.

Select one:
a. Obligation

b. Advice
c. Ability It is the right answer because CAN means to have the ability to do something.

d. Suggestion

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: Ability

Que stion 24 Gram mar Section

Correct Unit 1 : Use of -ING Forms
Mark 1.00 out of According to the study of -ING forms, what’s the right sentence to answe r to this question based
on the picture ?
Flag question

What does Karol enjoy doing?

Select one:
a. She likes goes to the cinema and has dinner at expensive restaurants.

b. She likes to go to the cinema and to have dinner at expensive restaurants.

c. She loves going to the cinema and having dinner at expensive restaurants. That’s correct.
The sentence is well written using the -ING form.

d. She loves to going to the cinema and to going to have dinner at expensive restaurants.

Your answer is correct.

T he correct answer is: She loves going to the cinema and having dinner at expensive restaurants.

Que stion 25 Reading Se ction

Correct Unit 2 : Present Perfect Tense
Mark 1.00 out of Answer the question according to the "Reading 3 : Moving on":
When the Boone family was on the path, which kind of animals has Boone family hunted along the
Flag question

Select one:
a. They have had hunted cows and birds.

b. They have hunted small animals and birds. Yes, this is the correct answer. Congratulations!

c. They hunted birds and big animals.

d. They are hunting cows and horses.

Your answer is correct.
T he correct answer is: They have hunted small animals and birds.

Finish review

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