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Actividad de aprendizaje 12

Evidencia 4: Sesión virtual “Debate about and support your essay”

El propósito de esta evidencia es que aplique los conocimientos adquiridos del idioma inglés en
esta actividad de aprendizaje y con estos pueda sustentar, discutir y debatir sus opiniones sobre
un tema técnico.

Por lo tanto, para el desarrollo de esta evidencia, realice lo siguiente:

∙ En la sesión virtual “Debate about and support your essay”, sustente en inglés, ante su instructor
y grupo de compañeros, su punto de vista sobre el ensayo que realizó en la evidencia 1 de esta
guía de aprendizaje. Recuerde que el instructor es el encargado de crear y habilitar esta sesión en

∙ Utilice el pasado, presente y futuro de forma adecuada cuando realice su sustentación.

∙ De las sustentaciones de los demás compañeros, elabore un documento con el resumen en inglés
de las dos (2) que más le hayan llamado la atención por el aporte técnico.


The International Physical Distribution is a set of operations necessary to achieve the movement of
the cargo (product), from its place of origin, to the place where the importer requires it in the
country of destination, for the fulfillment of the period just in time.

According to EAN Magazine of EAN University

In an article published in June 2011, International physical distribution is the logistics process that
develops around placing a product in the international market complying with the terms
negotiated between the seller and the buyer. And this is presented in several stages:

● Load analysis:

Types of cargo: It can be liquid, solid or dry.

Nature of cargo: Perishable cargo, Fragile cargo, Dangerous cargo, Cargo of special dimensions and

● Determine the preparation of the load, in terms of packaging, marking and unitization of
the different articles
Packaging, Marking, Unitization

The Export Logistics Subdirectorate, Proexport Colombia. To these stages he adds:

● Selection of transport mode

This includes air, sea and land transport


All the costs of the export and import process are taken into account, from the adequacy of
the cargo to its delivery.

● Documentation

It is understood as any document requested by the control entities in the export and import

According to the Factor5 Company, the DFI process exists and there may be some flaws in
international coordination, problems With: language, schedule, cultural change.

Medium and small companies will have a more difficult excess than large ones, and the greater the
distance to travel, the greater its cost, and to this is also added aspects of legality (customs
policies) for the entry and exit of cargo.

The Golden Rule of the DFI: "transport the appropriate product, in the required quantity, to the
agreed place and at least total cost, to satisfy the needs of the consumer in the international
market just in time and with total quality."

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