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The Islamic University of Gaza

Faculty of Engineering - Mechanical Engineering Department

Dynamics EMEC 2306

2nd MidTerm Exam Closed Book 10/3/2014

Lecturer: Mohammad Abuhaiba, Ph.D., P.E., TA: Eng. Hanan Eshraim

Problem #1: (50 points)

To transport a series of bundles of shingles A to a roof, a contractor uses a motor-driven lift
consisting of a horizontal platform BC which rides on rails attached to the sides of a ladder. The
lift starts from rest and initially moves with a constant acceleration a1 as shown. The lift then
decelerates at a constant rate a2 and comes to rest at D, near the top of the ladder. The
coefficient of static friction between a bundle of shingles and the horizontal platform is 0.30. If
the bundle is not to slide on the platform, determine:
a. the largest allowable acceleration a1
b. the largest allowable deceleration a2

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Problem #2: (50 points)
Slider C has a weight of 0.25 kg and may move in a slot cut in arm AB, which rotates at the
constant rate in a horizontal plane. The slider is attached to a spring of constant k
= 4 N/m, which is unstretched when r = 0. Knowing that the slider is released from rest with no
radial velocity in the position r = 460 mm and neglecting friction, determine for the position r =
600 mm:
a. the radial and transverse components of the velocity of the slider
b. the radial and transverse components of its acceleration
c. the horizontal force exerted on the slider by arm AB

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Bonus: (16 points)
A series of small packages, each with a mass of 1.0 kg, are discharged from a conveyor belt as
shown. Knowing that the coefficient of static friction between each package and the conveyor
belt is 0.5, determine:
a. the force exerted by the belt on the package just after it has passed point A
b. the angle  defining the point B where the packages first slip relative to the belt.

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Some Useful Formulas

 
ar  r  r 2 , 
a  r  2r 

 d  dr  der dr  d 
v  rer   er  r  er  r e
dt dt dt dt dt
 
 r er  r e

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