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PETTICOAT: Seam short ends of skirt for 3/4"; hem remaining edges to form placket. Gather
upper edge to fit waistband. Attach waistband and sew on a snap to fasten ends. PANTIES:
With right sides together, join center front and back seams (curved edge). Place these seams
tog et he r; j oi n c rot ch s ea ms . H em upper edge a nd l eg open ing s. Run el as ti c t hrough hem s;
fa st en end s. DR ESS ES : Al l S tyl es - Bod ic e: Ma tc h fron t to bac ks and se am t oge th er at
shoulders. Gather top edges of sleeves between V's to fit armholes. Stitch sleeves to armholes.
St it ch under arm and s ide s ea ms . Gat he r l owe r e dge s of sl ee ve s t o f it sl ee veb and s. Ski rt :
Gather top of skirt to fit lower edge of bodice. Stitch skirt to bodice. Seam ends of skirt, leav -
ing a 3/4 " open ing a t top . H em low er edg e of ski rt . Dre ss wi th Ru ffl es on Ski rt : Sew la ce
around neck and sleeve edges. Follow illustration and stitch two rows of lace on skirt. Hem
back opening; sew on snaps. Dress with Bows on Bodice: Stitch collar to collar facing.
Stitch collar to neck edge. Follow illustration and stitch ribbon over waist seam and across bo -
dice, leaving ends free to tie bows. Hem back opening; sew on snaps. Dress with Square Col lar:
Sew lace around sleeve edges. Stitch collar to collar facing; stitch lace around edges of collar.
Stitch collar to neck edge. Hem back opening; sew on snaps. NIGHTGOWN: Bodice: Follow
instructions under Dress Bodice. Skirt: Gather top edge of skirt to fit bodice. Stitch skirt to
bodice. Seam ends of skirt, leaving 1-1/2" opening at top. Follow illustration and sew lace
across bodice, over waistline seam, and at neck, sleeve and lower skirt edges.. Hem back op en i n g ;
s e w o n s n ap s . SH O R T I E PA J A MAS : P an t i e s : Fo l l o w in s t r u c t i o n s un de r P an t i e s . Sew lace
around leg openings. Top: Stitch short ends together. Start at top edge and stitch down 3/4".
Leave 1-1/2" opening for armholes and continue stitching to lower edge. Hem up per and lower
edges. Sew lace around upper edge and armholes. Run elastic through upper h e m . C O A T :
S e a m on e cu rv e d ed g e of e a c h s l e e v e t o a r m ho l e o f f ro n t c o a t . S e a m o t h e r curved edge to
back coat. Hem lower sleeve edges. Match fronts to back and stitch underarm and side seams.
Turn facings to inside. Match collar to collar facing and stitch to neck edge. S e w on p o ck e t s .
S ew o n bu t t o n s f or t r i m ; s ew o n sn a p s t o c l o s e c o a t . H AT : F a c e ha t b r i m and interline if
necessary. Stitch brim to back of hat along curve. Hem lower edge of hat back. Sew a 7" piece of
ribbon to each corner of hat. SOCKS: Seam two matching pieces, leaving open at top straight
edge. Hem top. SHOES: Paste felt and cardboard sole pieces together. Seam short ends of
upper shoe. Sew upper part to sole, easing fabric around toe. Attach strap to back. Fasten on
side with a snap.



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