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10/26/2020 Telling Time | Print - Quizizz


Telling Time
20 Questions

1. What time is it? ....

a) It's one to twelve b) It's fty-nine past twenty-three

c) It's twelve to one d) It's twenty-three past fty-nine

2. What time is it? ...

a) It's twenty-four past six b) It's six past twelve

c) It's six past zero d) It's six o'clock

3. What time is it? ...

a) It's 12.10 b) It's 12.00

c) It's 14.10 d) It's 14.00

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10/26/2020 Telling Time | Print - Quizizz

4. What time is it? ...

a) It's ten o'clock b) It's twenty past ten

c) It's ten past ten d) It's ten to two

5. What time is it? ...

a) It's half past three b) It's twenty-seven to three

c) it's fteen thirty-three d) It's half to four

6. I wake up every day at ...

a) at twelve minutes to ve b) at twelve minutes to four

c) at four past forty-eight d) at forty-eight to four

7. What time is it? ...

a) It's twelve o'clock b) It's 4 o'clock 2/8
10/26/2020 Telling Time | Print - Quizizz

8. What time is it? ...

a) It's twelve o'clock b) It's twelve thirty-four

c) It's thirty-four past twelve d) It's twelve past thirty-four

9. I usually sleep at .......... every night.

a) a quarter past eight b) twenty past quarter

c) twenty past fteen

10. What time is it? ...

a) It's sixteen past thirty-eight b) It's half to ve

c) It's twenty-two to ve d) It's thirty-eight past sixteen 3/8
10/26/2020 Telling Time | Print - Quizizz

11. What time is it? ...

a) It's eight past forty- ve b) It's a quarter to nine

c) It's a quarter past eight

12. It's twenty-three to four

a) b)

c) 4/8
10/26/2020 Telling Time | Print - Quizizz

13. It's twenty-six to eleven

a) b)


14. What time is it? ...

a) It's three past twelve b) It's three past eleven

c) It's three to twelve

15. What time is it? ...

a) It's thirty-nine past ten b) It's twenty-one to eleven

c) It's ten past thirty-nine 5/8
10/26/2020 Telling Time | Print - Quizizz

16. It's a quarter to two.

a) 01.15 b) 01.35

c) 13.45 d) 13.15

17. What time is it? ...

a) It's twenty- ve past one b) It's half past one

c) It's twenty- ve to two d) It's half past two

18. It's a quarter past twelve

a) 15.00 b) 09.00

c) 12.15

19. What time is it in Miami? ...

a) It's eight to nine in the morning b) It's eight to nine in the afternoon

c) It's eight past fty-two in the afternoon 6/8
10/26/2020 Telling Time | Print - Quizizz

20. The clock shows seven to two.

a) b)

c) d) 7/8

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