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Sample Question 2002

Road accidents have been on the increase with more and more young people becoming victims.
Your school has decided to launch a “Road Safety Week” to raise awareness among students of the
need to be more responsible on the road. As chairperson of the school’s organizing committee, you
have been asked to give a talk to other students on road safety.

Below are some notes you have made on the reasons why road accidents occur and suggestions to
reduce to reduce the number of accidents.

Reasons Suggestions
 speed  strict enforcement of traffic rules
 reckless driving  increase fines
 tiredness  road-worthy vehicles
 racing  awareness campaigns
 poor maintenance of vehicles  increase age limit for new drivers
 road conditions  suspend driving license

Write out the talk that you would give. When writing out what you plan to say, you should
remember to:
- address the audience
- introduce the topic of the talk
- use all the notes above
- end the talk appropriately [35 marks]

Sample Question 2002

Road accidents have been on the increase with more and more young people becoming victims.
Your school has decided to launch a “Road Safety Week” to raise awareness among students of the
need to be more responsible on the road. As chairperson of the school’s organizing committee, you
have been asked to give a talk to other students on road safety.

Below are some notes you have made on the reasons why road accidents occur and suggestions to
reduce to reduce the number of accidents.

Reasons Suggestions
 speed  strict enforcement of traffic rules
 reckless driving  increase fines
 tiredness  road-worthy vehicles
 racing  awareness campaigns
 poor maintenance of vehicles  increase age limit for new drivers
 road conditions  suspend driving license

Write out the talk that you would give. When writing out what you plan to say, you should
remember to:
- address the audience
- introduce the topic of the talk
- use all the notes above
- end the talk appropriately [35 marks]

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