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Section A : Directed Writing

[35 marks]
[45 minutes]

You have just returned from a two-day-one-night leadership camp. You are asked to
write a report to the principal about the camp. Use the following notes to write your

In your report, include the following:

 Dates and place

 Number of participants
 Aim – groom future leaders
 Accompanying teachers
 Activities carried out and their benefits:


i) Jungle trekking Teamwork

ii) Flying fox Give your own idea

– one benefit

iii) Give your own idea – one Communication skills


iv) Workshops Enhancing knowledge

Do remember to:
 address the report to the principal
 set out the report correctly
 use all the points given
 give your own ideas as required
 add any other relevant details

1119/1 SULIT

To: Haji Borhan bin Basir, Principal, SMK Bukit Tampoi

From: Head Prefect, SMK Bukit Tampoi


Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other. Leadership development is

crucial especially among the young leaders. In line with this aspiration, a two-day-one-night
leadership camp was organised by the school Prefect Board in MSM Resort, Baling. The camp
began on 18th of January and ended on 19 th January 2020 [C1]. A total of 40 prefects participated
in this inaugural camp [C2] and there were 3 accompanying teachers; Mdm Melanie Tan, Mr
Kamal bin Kasim and Miss Nur Fiona binti Hasan [C4]. The devoted facilitators of the camp were
the staff of the MSM Resort who had a vast experience in conducting leadership camps for
school pupils.

There were stimulating activities conducted with the aim of grooming future leaders
[C3]. Jungle trekking was the first activity [C5]. The participants were taken to explore the virgin
rainforest nearby the resort. After an hour trekking the lush tropical forest, the participants
reached Mahligai Waterfalls and they were offered with a magnificent and stunning view of the
150-metre high waterfalls. The hiking was not easy as a few parts of the trek were quite
treacherous. There, the campers learnt the true meaning of teamwork [C6] as they assisted
each other in overcoming the obstacles.

It was petrifying and horrifying to some but the participants enjoyed flying fox, the
second activity [C7]. One apparent benefit of flying fox would be it taught the participants to
conquer their fear [C8]. Many of them had to muster their courage in order to “pass” the test of
acrophobia. It was truly an edgy experience but all managed to complete the task with a
howling success. At night, the campers were involved in an inter-group sketch competition [C9].
The members in each group had to plan and decide what to present for their sketch. Obviously,
their communication and thinking skills as well as their creativity were enhanced through these
processes [C10]. Some of them were very exceptional and talented.

Before the closing ceremony on the second day, there were two workshops for the
participants [C11]. Both workshops were enlightening and prized as they focused on developing
leadership skills. Moreover, decision making and problem solving skills were also given emphasis
through the activities conducted in the workshops. Based on the feedbacks given by the
campers, the workshops did enhance their knowledge and skills as leaders [C12].
The camp ended after a simple closing ceremony and group photo. All the participants
were jubilant and bursting with joy. They requested the camp should be held longer and if
possible, the school should have it as an annual event. We hope this suggestion will get good
consideration by the school.

Reported by,
Head Prefect,
SMK Bukit Tampoi

1119/1 SULIT


1. Read and examine the keywords in the question. Check whether the keyword is singular
or plural. For examples:

1.1 C1 – dates. Candidates must give two dates. Refer to the sample answer.
1.2 C4 – teachers. It is wrong if candidates only write down one teacher’s name.
1.3 C11 – workshops. It is wrong if candidates explain about one workshop

2. Must use all the words given. Do not leave or delete any of the words given such as
deleting the word “accompanying” for C4.

3. C9 – it is not suitable to suggest “Ice-breaking” as the fourth activity. Normally ice-

breaking is the first or second activity.

4. C11 – the details of the workshops must be relevant to the focus of the camp that is to
groom leaders. Avoid giving details such as “The workshops focused on the techniques to
answer Physics and Chemistry papers”

5. Take care of your grammar. Study the words given and ensure the sentences are
grammatically correct. Examples of inaccurate sentences:

5.1 The workshops can enhancing knowledge.

5.2 There was a workshops.

6. Most reports written in the examination lack sophisticated words/ merits. Refer to the
underlined word for samples of merits which can be included in the report.

7. Be clear when you write a sentence to present about the benefits. For examples:

7.1 Jungle trekking requires teamwork [This sentence does not tell the benefit of jungle
trekking so you will lose your C6]

7.2 Communication skills are crucial in a drama performance [Similarly, this sentence
also does not tell about the benefit the students get when they take part in the drama]

7.3 Flying fox was organised to develop confidence among campers [This is not a benefit
but it only tells about the aim of having flying fox].

7.4 Refer to the sample answer for ways to write about the benefits.

1119/1 SULIT

1119/1 SULIT

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