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Lily Szymanski

Sona article
Interactive effects of drinking history and impulsivity on college drinking

This particular study analyzed the effects of alcohol abuse during the transitional period

of a person. Most data from other researches provided evidence that alcohol abuse

during the specific period in a lifetime can cause damage to developmental qualities. A

large intake of alcohol during such a transitional period can cause long term difficulties

and complications in social and academic situations. This study focused on the act of

impulsivity as a result of the consumption of alcohol. The four groups in this group

include: abstainers/very light users, late/moderate users, early/moderate users, and

steep increase/heavy users. Participants were 443 students, 43% male, all freshman in

college. To begin the study, participants completed surveys on family background in

substance abuse. This is an important factor to the study because of the large influence

family members have on us which can lead to a possible reason for consuming alcohol.

Based on data, 2 groups were made that showed results based on drinking outcomes

based on trajectory groups and demographics. Results showed that students who

consumed little to none alcohol demonstrated fewer symptoms to impulsivity and

negative effects. On the other hand, students with more alcohol consumption showed

more signs of developmental problems and more impulse decisions. Ultimately, these

results contribute to the supporting idea that alcohol use during this transitional period of

life can lead to defects and impulsivity as a heterogeneous construct.

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