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10 th March 1990 PROGRAMME

8.30 am Registration
Prayer : Students, Amala Nursing School.

Welcome : Rev. Fr. Gabriel CMI, Director,

Amala Cancer Hospital & Reserch

Introductory Speech : Dr. k. Rajagopalan, Research Director,

Amala Ayurveda Hospital & Research

Inaugural Address : Sri. A.C.Shanmugadas,

Hon ’ble Minister for Health,Kerala.

Presidential Address : Dr. P. K. Warrier, Managing Trustee,

Aryavaidyasala, Kottakkal.

Address : Dr. V. M. Brahmadathan Namboothiri,

Director, Indian System of Medicine,

Felicitation : Sri.K. P. Aravindakshan, M. L. A.

Chief Whip, Kerala Assembly.
Vote of thanks : Dr. Sr. Donata, Organizing Secretary
11.15 am Tea Break



Chairpersons : 1. Dr. K. Rajagopalan,

Research Director.
Amala Ayurveda Hospital &
Research Centre.

2. Dr. K. P. Sreekumari Amma,

Govt. Ayurveda College, Trivandrum.

1. concept of Ojas and : Dr. Kulvanth Singh,

effect of Rasayana in th Head of the Dept. Salya Salakya,
management of cancer Gujarat Ayurveda University,

2. Importance of Ahara- : Dr. T. R. Anand Alwar,

Vihara in the etiology Asst. Professor,
and management of Arbuda Govt. Ayurveda College.
(cancer) Mysore.
3. Role of Panchakarma in the management : Dr. P. K. Mohanlal,
of Arbuda (cancer) Professor and Medical Supdt;
Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital,
1.00 pm Lunch Break.

2.00 – 4.00 pm CLINICAL PAPERS – SESSION || (Time 10 mts.each)

Chairperson : Dr. K. Malathy,

Govt. Ayurveda College, Tripunithura.

1. Management of Cancer with Ayurvedic : Dr. Mattakkara Ramachandran Nair

Therapy, A case report Kottayam.

2. Advances in Cancer Reserch : Dr. N. V. Krishnankutty Warrier,

Chief Editor, Publication Dept.
Arya Vaidyasala, Kottakkal.

3. Clinical experience in : Sri. V. K. V. Neelakantan Namboothiri,

Arbuda Treatment Kihakkedathu Mana,

4. Ayurveda and Cancer Treatment : Dr. A.V. Balaraman,

Rtd.Mental Specialist,
Govt. Ayurvedic Mental Hospital,

5. Cancer Management With Ayurvedic : Dr. K. Ramanunni,

medicine Ottapalam.

6. Management of Jaundice in : Dr. T. R.Anand Alwar,

Leukemia Asst. Professor, Govt. Ayurveda College,

7. Priliminary study on the principles : Dr. Udaya Shankar,

of satwavajaya Gujarat Ayurvedic University,
4.00 pm Tea Break
4.15- 5.15 pm GUEST LECTURE-SESSION-|||
Chairperson : Dr. K.R. Panikkar,
Research Director,
Amala Cancer Research Centre.

1. Methods of Cancer Diagnosis : Dr. M. Balaraman Nair,

Rtd. Director of Medical Education,

2. Clinical Research on Cancer with : Dr. N. D. Joshy,

Indigenous drugs Bombay.

3. Clinical study on Cancer with : Dr. Sr. Donata,

selected Ayurvedic drugs. Research Officer,
Amala Ayurvedic Hospital.
5.15 pm Interval

5-30 -7.30 pm CLINICAL PAPERS-SESSION -1V (Time 10 mts.)

Chairpersons : 1. Dr. Kulvanth Singh,
Gujarat Ayurveda University,

2. Dr. R.R. Varma,

Asst. Director,
Institute of Panchakarma,

1. Cancer of female genitalia and : Dr. B. Syamala,

various aspects of it’s diagnosis and Lecturer,
management. Ayurveda college, Ollur.

2. Ayurvedic management of an : Dr. T. R. Ramaprasad,

inoperable case of mass in iliac fossa Ayurveda college,
with Diabetic Mellitus. Bangalore

3. Historical details about cancer and : M. R. Uniyal,

some folk medical treatments K. C. Tiwari,
of the disease S. C. Pant,

4. Cytosarcama Phylloeidos : Dr. K. P. Said Muhamed Salim,


5. Effect of in digenous therapy in : Dr. T. Sreekumar,

Squamous cell carcinoma following Lecturer,
Fistula-!n-Ano Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College,Ollur.

6. Cancer and its problems in clinical : Dr. B. V. Kumaraswamy,

Research-an experience sharing Dept. of Indian Medicine,
Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology
7.30 pm Dinner.

11 th MARCH 1990


Chairperson : Dr. N. D. Joshy,

1. Basic concepts of Tumour and : Dr. D. M. Vasudevan,
Tumour Immunology. Prof : of Biochemistry,
Medical College,Trichur.
2. Treatment of cancer with Indigemous : Dr. C. N. T. Namboothiri,
drugs Akhilasakti Medical Institute , Kidangoor.
3. Mineral preparations useful in cancer : Sri. Bharamanadaswamigal,
therapy. Chief Sidha Physician,
Mahalingam Mariammal Manivizha
Charitable Trust, Combatore.

4. Management of cancer with : Dr. C. P. Mathew,

Indigenous drugs Retd. Vice Principal,
Medical college, Kottayam.
11.15 am Tea Break


Chairperson : Dr. G. Santhakumari,

Director of Medical Education, Kerala.

Opening remarks : Chairperson.

1. Anti-tumour activity of lscador a
spiritual medicine from Europe : Dr. Ramdas Kuttan &Girija Kuttan
Amala Research Centre

2. Modrlatory effects of Crocus Sativus : Mr.Satish C. Nair,

and Nigella Sativa against Cisplatin Salomi M. J. and Panikkar K. R.,
induced toxicities in Swiss albino mice. Amala Research Centre.

3. Anti-tumour and anti carcinogenicity : Mr. M. C. Unnikrishnan&

of spices. K. R. Soudamini,
Research fellow,Amala.

4. Pharmacological action of some : Dr. Ramanand &Dr.Aswani Kumar,

Medicinal plants in Cancer. Ayurveda College, Patiala.
1.15 pm Lunch Break


Chairpersons : 1. Dr. Ramadas Kuttan,

Associate Professor,
Amala Cancer Research Centre.

2. Dr. R. P. Patel,
Hahnemann House,
College Road, Kottayam.

1. Homoeopathic approach in Cancer : Prof : Revi M.Nair,

Research and Treatment Govt.Homoeo College,
2. Psychological aspects of Cancer : Dr. Mohandas,
Pantients Psychiatrist,
Amala Cancer Hospital.

3. Epidemiology of Cancer : Mr. P. R. Varghese,

St. Aloysious College, Elthuruth.
4. Medicinal plants useful in : Mr. A. S. Sankara Narayanan,
Cancer Treatment Botanist,
3.15 pm Tea Break


Welcome : Rev. Fr. Walter C. M. I.,

Joint director,
Amala Cancer Hospital.

Presidential address : Sri. C. R. Kesavan Vaidyar,

Managing Trustee,
Sree Narayana Chandrika Trust,
Concluding remarks : Prof: Kulvanth Singh,
Gujarat Ayurveda University,
Vote of thanks : Dr. M. Kesavan,
Research Officer,
Amala Ayurveda Hospital.

Rev. Fr. GABRIEL C.M.I.,

Amala Cancer Hospital & Research Centre.


അമല ആയർേവദാശപതിയെട 8- വാർഷിക ദിനേതാടനബനിച് നടതെപടന ഈ

േദശീയ കാൻസർ ചികിതെയ സംബനിച് ഈ െസമിനാർ ഇനയയിൽതെന ഇത്
1978- ൽ സാപിതമായ അമല കാൻസർ ആശപതി എലാ അർഥതിലം ഒര സമർണ
കാൻസർ േകനമായി വളർതിെകാണ് വരണെമനളതാണ് ഞങളെട അഭിലാഷം . േകരള കാൻസർ
െസാൈസറിയിൽനിന് ഈ സാപനതിെന ടസിഷിപ് ഏെറടതേപാൾ കാൻസർ േരാഗികൾക്
താങം െസമിനാർ എലാംെകാണം വളെര പാധാനയം അർഹികന ഒനാണ് .ഒര പെക
ആയർേവദതിലള തണലമായി തീരാവന ഉനത നിലവാരമള ഒര സാപനമായിരന ഞങളെട
1982-ൽ ആയർേവദ വിഭാഗം തടങിയേതാടകടി അമല കാൻസർ ആശപതി അതിെന രണാം
ഘടതിേലക് പേവശിച എന് തെന പറയാം. ഒര കാമസിനളിൽ അേലാപതിയം, ആ‍യർേവദവം,
േഹാമിേയാപതിയം േവെറയം ചികിതാ വിഭാഗങളെണങിൽ അവയം േച ർത് ഒര സമർണ കാ ൻസ ർ
േകനമാണ് ഞങൾ വിഭാവനം െചയനത് . ഒരപെക ഭാരതതിൽ തെന ഇത് ആദയെത
പരീകണമാകാം. േരാഗികൾക് അവരെട അഭീഷമനസരിച് ഏത് വിഭാഗെത േവണെമങിലം
സവീകരികവാനള ഒര െസൌകരയമാണ് ഇതിൽ ഏറവം പധാനം.തെനയമല വിവിധ വിഭാഗങൾ
പരസരം പരകങളായി, െകാണം െകാടതം വളരനതിനള ഒര സംവിധാനം ഇവിെട
സംജാതമാകയാെണങിൽ അത് േദശീയ തലതിൽതെന ഒര വലിയ േനടമായിരികം .
േരാഗനിർണയതിന് അതയനാേപകിതമായ ലേബാറടറി െടസകൾ, എകേറ, സാനിഗ് മതലായ
സംവിധാനങൾ ആധനിക ചികിതാവിഭാഗതിെന അവിഭാജയ ഘടകങളാണ് . ആ െസൌകരയങൾ
ആയർേവദ വിഭാഗതിന് പലേപാഴം േരാഗനിർണയതിന് ആവശയം വരാറണ് . അങെന എലാ
ശാസവിഭാഗങളെടയം േനടങൾ സവരപിച് േരാഗികൾക് ഏറവം ഫലപദമായിടള ചികിത
കാഴെവകക എനളതാണ് ഞങളെട പരേമാനതമായ ലകയം. ഈ ലകയം മനിൽകണ് െകാണാണ്
ഈ െസമിനാറിൽ വിവിധ ചികിതാവിഭാഗതിൽെപട വിദഗനാർ സംബനികണെമന് ഇതിെന
സംഘാടകർക് നിർബനം ഉണായത്.
ആയർേവദെത സംബനിചിടേതാളം പേതയകിച് കാൻസർ ചികിതാരംഗത്
പരാതനങളായ പല അമലയ ഗനങളം ചികിതാവിധികളെമാെക െപാത ശാസധാരയിെലതാെത
അവിെടയം ഇവിെടയമായി ഒളിഞകിടപെണനളത് ഒര സതയമാണ് .അവെയ ഒര
പരിധിവെരെയങിലം പറത് െകാണവരാൻ സാധിചാൽ അത് ൈവദയശാസതിന് തെന ഒര വലിയ
സംഭാവനയായിരികം. അതിെന ആദയപടി ഇവിെട ആരംഭികാൻ ഈ െസമിനാറിൽകടി കഴിയെമന്
ഞങൾ പതയാശികയാണ്. ഈ പശാതലതിൽ ഇവിെട വനിരികന ആയർേവദ ആചാരയനാേരാട്
ഞങൾകള വിനീതമായ അഭയർതന നിങൾ ൈപതകമായി കരതികാതസകികന അർബദ
ചികിതാവിധികളം മരനകളം മാനവരാശിയെട നനെയ കരതി ഈ െസമിനാറിൽ പങെവകകയം
ഗേവഷണ വിേധയമാകകയം െചയാൻ തയാറാവണെമനളതാണ്.
ഈ െസമിനാറിൽ പെങടകാൻ എതിയിടള എലാവർകം സവാഗതം ആശംസികാൻ ഞാൻ
ഈ അവസരം ഉപേയാഗികയാണ് . ഉൽഘാടകൻ ബഹ: േകരള ആേരാഗയമനി ശീ. എ. സി.
ഷണഖദാസ് ഞങളെട സഹതം ഈ ആശപതിയെട അഭയദയകാംകിയമാണ് . അേദഹതിൻ ഞാൻ
പേതയകം സവാഗതം ആശംസികന. അദയകേവദി അലങരികന േകാടകൽ ആരയൈവദയശാലയെട
ചീഫ് ടസിയായ േഡാ: പി. െക വാരയർ ഞങൾേകവർകം വളെര പിയങരനായ വയകിയാണ് .ഈ
ആശപതിയെട തടകം മതൽ എലാ കാരയതിലം ഞങൾക് മാർഗനിർേദശം നൽകാറള അേദഹതിന്
ഞാൻ സവാഗതം േനരന. ഞങളെട കണം സവീകരിച് ഇവിെട എതിയിടള ഇനയൻ സിസം ഓഫ്
െമഡിസിെന ഡയറകർ േഡാ. വി. എം. ബഹദതൻ നമതിരിെയ ഈ സദസിേലക് ഞാൻ പേതയകം
സവാഗതം െചയെകാളന.ഞങളെട എം. എൽ.എ.യം ഞങളെട ഏറവം നല സഹതമായ ശീ.
െക.പി. അരവിനാകന് സവാഗതം അർപികന. ഈ െസമിനാറിൽ പെങടകാൻ േവണി ഇനയയിെല
പല ഭാഗങളിൽ നിെനതിയിടള വിവിധ ചികിതാ ശാസതിലള േഡാകർമാർ കടാെത ദരദ ർശൻ
ആകാശവാണി എനിവയെട പതിനിധികൾ, പതകാർ, മറ വിശിഷാതിഥികൾ എനിവർകം ഞാൻ
പേതയകം പേതയകം സവാഗതം ആശംസികന.
Dr.K. Rajagopalan,
Research Director,
Amala Ayurveda Hospital &
Research Centre.

Respected President Dr. P. K. Warrier, Hon ’ble Minister for Health, Kerala Sri A. C.
Shanmugadas, Dr. V. M. Brahmadattan Namboothiri, Director of Indian system of Medicine –Kerala,
Sri K. P. Aravindakshan MLA, Chief whip Kerala Assembly, Rev. Fr. Gabriel, Director of Amala
Hospital, Rev. Fr. Walter, Joint Director, Ladies & Gentlemen,
On behalf of the Ayurvedic unit I am extending a hearty welcome to all of you in this

I am before you to present a brief idea about our institution, particularly about the Ayurvedic
unit and also regarding the Ayurvedic Seminar on cancer.
The Ayurveda Hospital and Research Centre is a major unit of Amala Cancer Hospital
Complex. The Ayurveda unit consists of Ayurvedic Research wing. Ayurveda general hospital,
Pharmacy and the Ayurveda Bhavan. The Research wing started to function from 27-3-1982 as a
grant in aid research project of central council for research in Ayurveda and Siddha. The general
hospital started functioning in the newly constructed building from 19-3-1983. Here treatment is given
for all general diseases. Facilities for doing the panchakarma therapy and Kerala special treatments
like Dhara, Pizhichil, Navara Kizhi etc. are also available in this hospital. The Ayurveda hospital has
earned avery good reputation in a short span of time and the increasing number of patients attending
the I. P. and O. P. departments are a proof to the confidence of the public.
The Research wing at present does mainly three types of work:
1. Evaluation of certain Anticancerous drugs supplied by the C.C.R.A.S. under their guidance.
2. Finding of effective and cheap Ayurvedic formulations for general diseases. And
3. Determining the efficacy of certain herbal and mineral preparations in the management of
For all these efforts we are thankful to the whole hearted co-operation extended to us by the
scientists of the Modern medical wing of this institution. A rare feature of this institution which usually
cannot be seen else where, is the presence of experienced scientists in various disciplines of
medicine including Homoeopathy. Modern equipments, dedicated staff,- all made available under one
roof by the management.
Modern medical men from countries like Germany,Italy and England who have interest in
studying Ayurveda visits this institution to get themselves acquainted with the Ayurvedic methods of
therapy and they have even requested us to start a short term course for imparting some knowledge
about Ayurveda, which is under consideration.
Our pharmacy unit is intended only for preparing genuine Ayurvedic medicines for the use of
our patients. This unit is equipped with modern mechanical appliances.
The Ayurveda Bhavan (Health resort) is mainly intended for providing accomadation to
foreigners who are coming for Ayurvedic treatment and the amenities in this section is planned to suit
their requiremints.
The person behind the multifarious development of Amala Cancer Hospital Complex, within a
short span of eleven years to a full fledged Hospital with departments of specialities and super
specialities as well as separate wings for Ayurveda and Homoeopathy is none other than our most
revered Director – Rev. Fr. Gabriel. He is a person with gifted qualities like deep thinking,
farsightedness and proper planning. He has never been a mere executive of plans and projects. His
contribution to the Educatiomal and Health fields of Kerala has few parallels. The prestigious
institutions like the Christ College, Irinjalakuda, Carmal English Medium High School, Chalakudy and
Amala Cancer Hospital and Research Centre are a few notable examples. Even the Chief Architect of
this Seminar is Rev. Fr. Gabriel. Months back he had presented the idea of conducting this Seminar
to the staff members of the Ayurvedic Section and had detailed discussions with them regarding the
As you all know the planning and conduction of a seminar of this type on a subject like
cancer giving emphasis for sharing the experiences with the indigenous drugs in the clinical,
pharmacological and biochemical aspects are not an easy job.
Fundamental to making rational therapeutic decisions is a grasp of the architecture of
clinical trials. Only in the past 30 years has a systematic and scientific approach to clinical research
and its interpretation have developed in modern medicine. Prior to that time, most efforts to assess
the utilityof therapy depended on empiric studies with series of patients. As far as Ayurveda is
concerned the idea of conducting research in its various branches in an organised manner only
fructified in the seventies and some sort of research work, worth mentioning that name started only a
little later. Even now the actual methodology to be accepted in the Ayurvedic field of research is still is
in controversy.
With these difficulties in mind we have decided to accept a few papers also from Ayurvedic
physicians who have some clinical experience in the management of Cancer. Though these may lack
in certain details when viewed through modern standards, definitely the information gatheted from
these papers may be beneficial for future research work. Besides this, top ranking scientists from
Ayurvedic and Modern medical fields who have experience with indigenous drugs are also
participating in this seminar. Scientists from both the Ayurvedic and Modern Medicine wings of Amala
are also actively participating in this effort. An experienced Homoeopath and a Siddha physician are
also expressing their views and experiences in this field.
With all these orations and presentation of papers I am sure that this seminar will be a thought
provoking stimulant to all of us who are present here, especially from the Ayurvedic side.
Finance is an important factor for the conduction of any seminar. Being a Scientific Seminar we
have approached various governmental organizations like D. S. T. for financial help. Unfortunately we
have not received any till date. Scientific minded public at large a few philanthropists and the Director
of Amala came to the rescue in time. Otherwise the organizing committee would have been in great
difficulty. May I conclude by quoting the words of Dr.Hans Holzer former Professor of
Paraspsychology, Institute of Technology, New York, in his famous book “Beond Medicine ”
Published in 1987.
‘Let us all who are healers of one kind of another, therefore work together and not against one
another, and let us not reject notions and experiences we find unusual or in contradiction to what we
were taught in school. Compared to what there is to know, we know preciously little as yet ’:A No
Bhadra: KRATHAVOYANTHU Viswatha”:-Let noble thoughts come to us from everyside.

Thank you.
Hon’ble Minister for Health,

അമല ആയർേവദ ആശപതിയെട 8- വാർഷികദിനേതാടനബനിച് നടത് െപടന ഈ

ദവിദിന േദശീയ ശിലശാല എലാംെകാണം പാധാനയം അർഹികന ഒനാണ് .ഇനയയിൽ ഇന് 18
ലകതിൽ പരം കാൻസർ േരാഗികളണ്. അതിൽ 85000-ൽ പരം കാൻസർ േരാഗികൾ നമെട
േകരളതിലാണളെതന് കണകകൾ സചിപികന.ഇവിെട ഇതേതാളം കാൻസർ േരാഗികൾ
ഉെണങിലം കാൻസറിെനതിെരയള ചികിതാ ഗേവഷണരംഗത് നമക് േവണത േനടങൾ
ൈകവരികാൻ കഴിഞിടില.ആ നിലക് അമല ആശപതിയിെല ഗേവഷണ പവർതനങൾ
കാൻസർ േരാഗികൾക് ആശവാസം പകരന േവദന സംഹാരി നിർമികാനള ഗേവഷണം
തശർ അമല കാനസർ െസനറിേലക്കടി വയാപിപികാൻ പരിശമികനതാണ് .ഇേപാൾ
െമകിേകാവിലം, വിയറ്നാമിലം, തിരവനനപരം റീജണൽ കാൻസർ േകനതിലം ഈ രംഗത്
ഗേവഷണം പേരാഗമികനണ്. കാൻസർ േരാഗം സംബനിച പേതയക ഇൻഷറൻസ് പദതിയിൽ
പാവെപടവർകകടി േചരാൻ പറം വിധം ഉദാരവൽകരിേകണത് ഇന് വളെര അതയാവശയമായി
േകരളതിന് ൈപതകമായി ലഭിചിടള ആയർേവദ ചികിതാ സമദായം വളർതാൻ
ആയർേവദ സാപനങൾക് േവണത കഴിഞിടില.ആയർേവദതിനേവണി ആവിഷരിച പല
പദതികളം ലകയം കാണാൻ പറാെത വനിരികയാണ് . കാൻസർ ചികിതകേവണി
േകനസർകാരിെന ധനസഹായം സംസാനത് േവണത ഉപേയാഗികാൻ കഴിഞിടില . ആയർേവദം,
അേലാപതി,േഹാമിേയാപതി എനീ ചികിതാ സേങതങളിെല േമനകൾ ഉൾെകാണ് ഫലപദമായ
പതിെയാര ചികിതാരീതി കാൻസർ േരാഗമടകമള മാരകേരാഗങൾെകതിെര രപം
െകാടേകണതണ്. വയതയസ ചികിതാ രീതികൾ സവീകരികാൻ ജനങൾ തയാറായ അവസരതിൽ
ചികിതാ പദതികളിലള വിവാദം നിർേതണതാണ്.
ചികിതാരംഗത് അപർവം വയകികൾേകാ കടംബതിേനാ ൈപതകമായി ലഭിചിടള
അനഭവസമത് അവരിൽ മാതമായി നാ‍മാവേശഷമായി േപാകാതിരികാൻ ഇതരം െസമിനാറകൾ
പേയാജനെപടെമനതിൽ സംശയമില. ആയർേവദ ചികിതെകാണ് അർബദേരാഗതിന്
താൽകാലികശമനം േനടാനാവെമങിൽ അേതപറി െഗൌരവമായ പഠനം ആവശയമാണ്. ഇനയയിൽ
കാൻസറിന് ആയർേവദ ചികിതാഗേവഷണം നടതന ഏക േകനമാ‍യ അമല , കാൻസർ
ചികിതാരംഗത് പേരാഗതിയെട മാനങൾ ഉണാകം എന് ഞാൻ പതയാശികയാണ് .
Managing Trustee,
Arya Vaidyasala,

Hon’ble minister, Rev. Father Gabriel, Dr. Rajagopalan, Dr.Brahmadattan Nambudirepad,

Sri. K. P. Aravindakshan MLA, Dr. K. R. Sujatha, doctors, scholars, friends and students-First of all I
may offer all of you my humble pranamam and thank the organizers of this Seminar for having
honoured me by asking me to chair this august session. To be frank, I was quite reluctant to accept
the position and even while I stand here, I feel whether I am a right choice to preside over such an
authentic session on Cancer and its treatment, where oncologists and experienced doctors who have
handled varieties of tumour and malignant cases and have clinical experiences are to present reports
and conclusions, as the presiding person is expected to evaluate the various suggestions and give his
own opinion on them. I am here among you as a student eager to listen and pick up whatever I could
from the deliberations because as an Ayurvedic physician I consider it my duty to help the patients
who approach me to relieve their agony as much as I can. When a cancer patient comes to me, it may
not be proper to turn him away without trying at least to find ways to reduce his agony, if not to cure
the disease for ever. I have been following this line of approach in cancer cases and in my trial I have
come across certain medicines and methods which are helpful at least to reduce the pain. Internal
and external use of some oils like Sanjeevani thailam also is found beneficial. Chandraprabha vatika
with various decoctions and bhallataka( semicarpus anacardium) extract with a grape diet as
suggested by Dr.Lakshmipathy have also been tried.but since we have not established a clinic with a
necessary laboratory equipments and due to other limitations, we are not in a position to claim
concrete results although we could observe favourable responses in such treatments. The
observations and reports of experiences of other physicians and patients, show that herbal medicines
and treatments as followed by Naturopathic techiniques can assure better results. We have evidence
of some cases completely cured by such techniques. Ayurvedic treatments also follow a similar
approach but studying the cases according to the Dosha approach is found to be yielding good
For instance, Panchathiktam kashayam or Gulguluthikthakam kashayam are found to be
dffective in bringing down the counts of white corpuscles in Leukaemia cases. Though we have
practical evidence on this, we were not successful in curing advanced cases. But this experience
gives us a hint or guidance. We have reports that the same Kashayas prepared in goat ’surine is
found more effective. I am only giving you some food for thought by these references, but I may say
that treatment for cancer cannot be confined to medication alone.
According to Ayurveda, Cancer is to be treated with various techniques taking into account the
stages of the disease. The treatment for wounds ( Varna) in the early stage for Sopha and then for the
different stages of a wound according to the nature is to be administered, says Susrutha when dealing
with Arbuda. Arbudas are of different kinds as Raktarbuda,Mamsarbuda which are incurable
according to Susreta. Arbudas are studied in relation to Grandhis or tumours and as a Nija vrana.
Charaka says thatcause and involved Doshas are alike for Grandhis and Arbudas and so to follow the
treatment for Grandhis in Arbudas. All are by three Doshas. The term “Cancer ” and malignancy used
in the modern parlour are applicable to other diseases caused by all the three doshas in Ayurveda. In
mokern studies both benign and malignant tumours are studied according to the tissues from which
they originate.But in Ayurveda it is according to the Doshas, although all tumours are of three Doshas.
So it is not easy to equate all modern terms with Ayurvedic designations. Some can be represented.
But the question is not how the disease should be named but finding out the actual cause, form,
pathogenesis and chances and ways of treatment. In Raktavata, certain cases are pointed out as
movingto Arbuda and decoction of Banyan Bark (Ficus benghalensis ) has been suggested as
medicine. Grandhis like Apachi,Galaganda, Alaji and Valmeeka can turn malignant.
Usually any tumour with three doshas involved can become cancerous. Dr. Lakshmipathy
includes Valmeeka, Indravidha, Gardhabhika, Pashanagardhabha, Sarkararbuda as cancerous. So
the treatments for these diseases mentioned in Ayurveda texts are to be studied well, notified, and
improved by us, using modern knowledge also. By the term modern knowledge, I mean not only the
researches and studies of allopathic practitioners alone, but also the studies conducted in various
scientific disciplines such as Homoeopathy, Chinese medicine and Siddha here and also the
experiences of tribal people. Here is a serious problem which can be tackled only by the combined
efforts of many disciplines.
In Ayurveda the basic approach is to handle cancer cases as handling Grandhis. For this
Ksharagni prayoga, blood-letting and application of leeches are all recommended. The modern
doctors are using surgery and radiation. We are not against such usages. But one important thing
insisted in Ayurveda is that we should be careful not to allow the vitality of the patient to diminish.
Susruta insists always to look for “Bala”. So anything that reduces “Bala ” is to be avoided. For
keeping or improving Bala, both purification and usage of medicines and techniques that promotes
Bala as Rasayana treatment are recommended. The importance of tranquility mind, the courage of
the patient in facing the crisis cannot also be over-looked. The value of these instructions has to be
well understood. From personal experiences, I can assure that if treatment is done understanding the
value of each system, we can at least enlarge the range of curability and chances of prevention of
When observing things, we cannot be rigidly adamant or certain ideas and means alone. We
should have an open mind and then we can find various solutions.
Our real intention, as I understand, is not to find ways and means to eradicate this ‘curse of
civilization’ by one stroke. Cancer is a curse of civilization, a net product of alienation of man from
nature and society. So eradication of cancer is a task, as we understand, that can be successfully
undertaken only with the combined effort of all sections of conscious people interested in the future of
humanity and ready to serve to tackle the problems created by present social order also. Here what
we can do is to be aware of the problems and assist the movement to find ways and means in our
own way as far as possible by enquiries and acquiring knowledge of the activities now going on in this
I congratulate the sponsors of the conference for having convened such an assemblage,
because medicine has improved only by mutual communication of ideas and experiences. Whenever
difficult problems to be solved in a new way appeared, our preceptors always called for such
parishats. The origin of Ayurveda itself, as we read from the texts, was from such an assemblage on
the Himalayas.
Organizing Secretary.

Respected president Dr. P. K. Warrier, Honourable Health Minister Sri. A. C. Shanmugadas,

Other dignitaries on the dias, Eminent scientists, Delegates,Doctors. Staff and Students of Amala
On behalf of the organizing committee of this seminar and Amala family I stand here to extend
our sincere gratitude for all who have pooled their personal efforts to make this seminar successful.
The keen interest evinced by Dr. P. K. Warrier, in the dissemination of scientific and
technological innovations in the field of Ayurveda is well known. We thank you sir for taking effort to
set apart your busy time to preside over this function and impart valuable thoughts and experiences to
the growing generation.
As we know, our honourable health minister has taken personal interest in the progress of Amala.
The readiness with which he agreed to inaugurate this seminar is a sufficient testimony to his
wholehearted involvement in the health care programmes of Amala. With added joy we extend our
hearty thanks to you sir.
We are specially indebted to the Director of Indian Medicine who has enriched us by his address
in this inaugural session. We record our deep sense of gratitude for you sir.
We are thankful to Sri. K P. Aravindakshan M. L. A Chief whip of Kerala Assembly, for enriching
us with your felicitation.
With sincere gratitude I thank all the distinguished scholars and scientists from all over the
country who would enrich this august occasion with their knowledge, experience, views and ideas.
Their deliberations and papers, I am sure, will throw a new light and open a way to conquer the
dreadful disease, Cancer. My profound thanks to all the distinguished guests who have blessed this
function with their presence.
Ofcourse, our grtatitude flows to the representatives of press, radio, doordarsan, who are to carry
the message of this seminar to a wider audience to make this seminar objectively successful.
I am particularly grateful to Fr. Gabriel who is the brain and Fr. Walter the task master of Amala.
Our sincere thanks to the doctors, staff and students of Amala family. The research unit has offered
their full brain and man power to plan and furnish this seminar.
Our hearty thanks to Dr. Panicker, Dr. Ramdaskuttan and Research fellows.
Finance is the frame work of every seminar. Our sincere gratitude to the sponsors of this
seminar. With their generous help only we could do all the arrangements. Our profound thanks to the
bank authorities, pharmaceuticals and other firms who offered their goodwill and financial help to
make this seminar a success.
Before winding or mu sincere thanks goes to one and each person who are present here by
their presence and personal contributions. It is our sincere hope that the deliberations in this seminar
will give us valuable guidance for an integral approach in the treatment of Cancer.


Head, Departmint of Shalya Shalakya, I. P G. T. & R.,
Gujarat Ayurved University,
Jamnagar- 361 008 (India )

Though it is a privelage but with hesitation and humility, I venture to present before this learned
gathering of experts belonging to different scholls a comprehensive view point regarding the concept
of Oja and effects of Rasayana in the management of Cancer.
As the word Oja is in reference to Ayu, so ler us think about the word Ayu and its relevancy, Ayu
and Nityaga means which is constantly on move or leaking out, never remaining static and it is bound
to exhaust; whereas the other nature of life is opposite to this. It means upholding life. i. e., keeping
the flame and never allows to extinguish, but helps to maintain the flame endlessly. It is denoted by
sord, Jivita and Dhari, meaning continuity of life and preventing or having continuous succession of
continuous flow.
It is the nature of life, to resist death and to pass on the flame of life to successive generation. i.
e., daughter cells. Incidentally the word Dhari is also a synonym of Ojas. Hence in this word Ojas we
find some glimpses.
Now, as told earlier Oja is in reference to Ayu, health; or it can be said in other words, Oja
provides defence to the disease, then how should we take the disease?. The disease is considered to
be forerunner or the agent of ensuing death.
When we come to the disease and its prevention, volition, transgression, inwholesome contacts
and seasonal variations are the causes of the disease. Right knowledge, wholesome sense contacts
and normality of the seasons are the remedies. It is possible through Bala only, as it possesses the
capacity to withstand physical hardship and stress and duressess of hunger, thirst, heat, and capacity
which does not allow to be cowed down against intensity of the disease.
It can be expressed in this way as well as helps freshness and compactness of tissyes and
stability youthfulness inspite of the advancement of chronological age. i. e. delaying the senile
degenerative changes.
Sushruta speaks more elaborately so the strength of the patient should always be maintained
and it reduces the intensity of the disease. Hence Bala as per the above said discussion simply gives
an idea of an abstract condition of inborn power of resistance or of capacity to grow or to undergo and
withstand trying physical and mental stressful conditions without getting perturbed.
But is there any concrete substance or material in the body on which this condition depends?
Yes, it is Ojas, which imparts the body all these different forms of energies; cited above. Therefore, it
is costomary to call Ojas as Bala. Verily speaking the Ojas is the cause and Bala is its effect. Now,
how to ascertain and identify Ojas in reference to Bala is a difficult task.
Synonyms used for Ojas are Bala, Prana, Urja, Shakti, Sara Satwa, Tejas, Rasa and Shleshma.
Whereas the similies quoted for it are;that of ;as nectar in the flowers and fat in the milk, as this
depicts its form and nature of minuteness invisibility and its defusion and uniform distribution.
Further as Bees isolate nector from flowers which is in very subtle form and minute quantity;
similarly our body tissues collect Ojas from nutrient Rasa. Also as ghee is the essence and subtle
product in the various transformations of milk and which gives it, its real value; so does the Ojas
defused uniformly all over the body and gives the person his real value as regards Bala; Abala;
Balavan and Balaheena.
It can further be explained in the manner that there may be lean persons full of vigour and
strength and they withstand stress steadily and there may be corpulent persons looking apparently
robust but devoid of strength and getting easily fatigued.
The difference between the two lies in the natural difference in their constitution and capability
of the tissues and set up.
Regarding the shape and form of the Ojas, it can be said that the Ojas is a watery substance –
Somatmaka, can be measured in Anjali and drops; it is the purest form of Shleshma.
The properties manifested by its presence are compactness unctuousness, durability and
stability against stressful conditions, gives suppleness, freshness and power of repair and growth and
it has the nature of perfusing the tissues with nutrition. It has thus the properties to protect the tissues
from the deleterious effects of roughness, dryness and heat. Further it has the properties of softness
and smoothness and of being fluid and very clear, most minute of sweet taste and of predominately
white colour having slight reddish and yellow tinge.
It is the greatest support to life; it perfuse the wholebody and its minutest fractions i. e. cells.
Moreover the formation of Zygote is only possible if sperm and ovum are animated by Ojas
again zygote can develop into embryo if the nutrient fluid is perfused and saturated with Ojas. And
once heart etc. are evolved then this Ojas takes the possession of heart and remains there to supply
the body strength and to beat the heart ceaselessly throughout the life till death.
As Bala and Ojas are one reference said as synonyms, this has greater roles to play in the
noumal physiology of the body and in the fuctions of Agni., as the transformation of food factor into
Dhatus, Malas, Prasada and Kitta is due to Agni and this finally leads to the formation of Ojas. In
other words, the Bala or Ojas are possible because of the assistance of Agni in the nourishment of
the tissues.
Further let us look this Ojas in different contexts.
-Shlema: phlegm, protoplasam, fluid matter.
- Rasa: plasma, lymph, tissue fluid.
- Rakta: whole blood.
-Shukra: Seminal fluid.
- Sarva Dhatu Sara: characteristic, minute structure of each specific dhatu.
- Shukra Sara: essence of semen ( spermatozoa).
- Annasara: nutritive element in the food.
- Madhura Swabhava: essence of rasa, vitamins,glucose, glycogen in blood and
- Pravara Satwa: moral strength, boldness.
- Prasanna mana: elation, govial mood, high spirit.
- - Tushti: heightened mood.
- - Resistance to disease and depression.
- Ushma (capacity to digest and transform energy, heat, opposing coldness and
frigidity and assimilate enzymes intracellular and inertia).
Perhaps in ladies it has to play some more important role in addition to the above
said factors as fair sex body, softness hairlessness etc. now coming to the management of Cancer
it may not be out of place to speak about cancer as per the concept of Ayurveda.
Arbuda, is a clinical entity described in the texts of Ayurveda, which is derived from
the root are, meeting thereby million millions. i.e., Arbuda is a sankhyavachaka word, where
uncontrolled number of cells are formed. It is rightly pointed as a MAMSOPACHAYA SHOPHA by
sushruta who also describe the classification on the basis of Dwirarbuda and Adhyarbuda along
with Doshic varieties like Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Raktaja, Mamsaja and Medoja. The treatment of
Arbuda needs Lekhana and Rasayana drugs along with the systemic purification by
Panchakarma.however it is said to be a Shastra Sadhya Vyadhi(CHEDANA). The role of
Rasayana drugs is of considerable importance in the effective management of this disease as,
Rasayana is a method of forming the Prashasta Dhatus in the body.
Rasayana, is defined by charaka as a means by which one gets potimem quality
of Dhatus etc. susharuta describes it as a theraphy which arrests aging, increases intelligence and
strength and enables one to prevent the diseases.vagbhata follows charaka whereas
Sharangdhara says that it is a drug which keeps off aging and prevents diseases. Dalhana while
commenting on Sushruta’s views, mians Vayasthapana as enabling a person to live his mornal
span of joyous life. Ayshkara as increasing span of life to 100 years. In this way, Rasayana the
rapy increases the tissue etc., prevents aging and hilps in the formation of such Dhatus which
were not being promptly formed earlier.
1. Rasayana with or without exposure to sun or wind.
2. Rasayana according to the requirement of persons.
3. Samshodhana and Samshamana Rasayanas.
4. Achara Rasayana.
5. Miscellaneous Rasayana.
Rasayana is classified on the basis of therapeutics as :
KAMYA: (health promoter) -- Prana kama (promoter of physical health )
-- Medhah kama ( mental health promoter )
--Shridama (Social status promoter )
by promoting the lustre-Prabha, complexion, body glow which ultimately
leads one to earn general respect in society and thus reverence of the people.
NAIMITTIKA (Immunity promoter ) __ When used in reference to relieve a particular disease and
may be used independently or as an adjuvant with the other treatments of that disease.
AJASRIK __ Continuous use of milk and ghee.
RASAYANA Vs Cancer :
The beneficial effects of Rasayana are the clear indication of the wastihg diseases
including Cancer, where Agni, Dhatu and all other important factors of the body are disturbed
producing a wrong variety of Dhatus, which can be arrested by the proper utilization of Agni and
Ojas with the help of concept of Rasayana. It engances the life span, makes Doshas in
normalcy,ignites the Agni, clears the Srotamsi and thereby promotes the excellent tissue
formation, which is the strategy in cancer therapy.
The paper is intended to chart out the possible fields of research and give guidelines as
to the areas that need special attention, in the present context, Oja and Rasayana, when Arbuda is
deliberated upon.
The magnitude of the task ahead should not put off an ardent scholer and an enterprising
research student, but should rather project upon to strive ahead and the author ’s purpose is
served if the paper has given a few points to ponder upon or created new querries in the inquisitive
minds of the fellow physicians and scientists assembled here.
The author is thankful to the Hon ’ble Vice Chancellor Shri V. R. Mehta and respected
Dean Prof. Harishankar Sharma for permitting to participate in this session. Author is also grateful
to the Amala Cancer Hospital, for providing an opportunity to share the ideas with you all.
Professor and Medical Sudpt.
Govt. Ayurveda College Hospital, Trivandrum.

ശരീരതിെലവിെടെയങിലമണാകന കലിച മഴെയ ഗനി എന പറയന.(ഗഥനാത് ഗനി. )

അത് വളർന വലതാകനതിെന അർബദം എനം പറയന. (മഹത് തഗഥിേതാടർബദം.) അർബദം
എന പദം വർദനവിെന സചിപികനതാണ്.‘ അർവ ഹിംസായാം’ ‘ അരംബനതി’ എനീ
ധാതകളിൽ നിനാണ് അർബദം എന പദം ഉണായത്. ‘പരഷമായ മാംസകീലം’, ‘പതേകാടി’ എന
സംഖയ എെനലാം അർബദെമന പദതിന് അതമണ്. ഗനിയെടയം അർബദതിെനയം നിദാന
സമാപികൾ ഏെറകെറ സമാനങളാണ്. േദാഷങൾ കഫപധാനമായി േകാപിചേമദസ്, മാംസം,
രകം എനീ ധാതകെള ദഷിപിച വതാകതിയിൽ ഉനിച കലിച നീരിെന ഉണാകന. കലിപ്
അതിെന സവിേശഷതയാകയാൽ ഗനി എന പറയന.
‘കഫപധാനാ കർവനി േമേദാ മാംസാ സഗാ മലാ:
വേതാനതം യം ശവയഥർ സഗനിർ ഗഥനാത്കത :’
(അ: ഹ: ഉ )
ഗനി ഒമത തരതിലാണ്.പേതയക േദാഷങൾ െകാണ മനം -വാതജം, പിതജം, കഫജം,
പിെന മാംസഗനി, േമേദാഗനി, അസിഗനി, സിരാഗനി, വണഗനി എനിങെന ആറം
േചർന് ഒമതവിധം. ഗനി തെന വളർന വലതാകനതാണ് അർബദം. ഗനിയെട ലകണങൾ
തെനയാണ് അർബദതിനം ഉളത്.
‘………… ………. …………… …… മഹത് തഗഥിേതാർബദം
തലകണം ച ………. ……… ………………….’
എനാൽ സമാപി ലകണങളിൽ േനരിയ ചില വയതയാസങളം ഇലാതില . േകഷങൾ േകാപിച
മാംസധാതവിെന അതയധികം ദഷിപിച ശരീരതിൽ ഏെതങിലം ഭാഗത വതാകതിയിൽ
മാംസാധികയേതാടകടിയ കലിച നീരണാകന. േവദന കറവായിരികക, വലിയ വിസതി
ഉണായിരികക, അഗാധധാതകളിേലക വയാപികക,കേമണ വദി പാപികക,പഴകാതിരികക
എനിവ ആ മാംസസംഘാതതിെന സവിേശഷലകണങളാണ്.ഇതാണ് അർബദം. ഗനിയിൽ
േമദസം മാംസവം രകവം ദഷികനണ്. അർബദതിലാകെട മാംസേമേദാധാതകളാണ് ഏറവം
‘ ഗാതപേദേശകവമിേദവേദാഷാ:
വതം സിരം മനരജം മഹാന-
മനലമലം ചിരവദയപാകം
( സ. നി.)
അതയഗാധമായ മാംേസാഛയമാണ് അർബദം. അലമായ േവദനേയാടകടിയ കലിച ഒര
വീകമായാരംഭിച കേമണ വളർന ചറപാടകളിേലകം ഗംഭീരധാതകളിേലകം വയാപിച വലതാകന
അതയനഭീകരമായ ഒര മാംേസഛയമാണ് അർബദെമന പറയാം.
സാധാരണഗതിയിൽ അർബദം പാകമാകാറില. കഫതിെനയം േമദസിെനയം
ആധികയമാണ് ഈ പാകാഭാവതിന കാരണം.
‘ നപാകമായാനി കഫാധികതവാത്
േദാഷസിരതവാത് ഗഥനാചേതഷാം
സർവാർബദാേനയവനിസർഗതസ ’
ഗനി ഒരപേക പാകമാെയനവരാം. കാരണം ഗനിയിൽ കഫതിെനയം
മാസേമേദാരകധാതകളെടയം ആധികയേതാടകടിയ േദാഷദഷയസമർഛനതയാണളത്.
അർബദതിലാകെട കഫതിെനയം േമദസിെനയം ആധികയമളതിനാൽ പിതരകപധാനങളായ
അർബദങൾേപാലം അപാകികേളാ ചിരപാകികേളാ ആണ്.
‘ ഗനയാദിഷവപി കഫാദയനവതവാേരാേഹതവ: അർബേദഷപന:
കഫേമദേസാരാധികയമിതിവിശഷ: തേതാ ന പാകമായാനി. സർവാേണയവാർബദാനി
പിതരകകതാനയപി ന പാകം ഗചനി, കത:? കഫാധികതവാദിതയാദി. വിേശഷത ഇതി
കഫേമദേസാരാധികയാത്.’ ( ദൽഹണവയാഖയാ)
ഇതിൽനിെനലാംതെന മാംസേമേദാവദിജനയമായ ഒര േരാഗാവസയാണ് അർബദെമന
വയകമാകന. അതിെന സമാപിപകിയക് തടകം കറികനതാകെട കഫാധികമായ
േദാഷേകാപവമാണ്. മാംസധാതവിേനയം േമേദാധാതവിേനയം വദിലകണങൾ വിവരികനിടത്
അർബദം പരാമർശികെപടനതം ഇവിെട പസാവയമാണ്.
‘ മാംസംഗണാർബദഗനിഗേണാരദരവദിതാ:
കണാദിഷവധിമാംസംച, തദവേനദസ്, ……. …….
……. ….. …………. ………. ………. ………
( അ:ഹ സ: )
അതിനാൽ മാംസതിേനയം േമദസിേനയം വദിയിൽ അർബദം സവാഭാവികമായം
കഫാധികമായ േദാഷേകാപമാണ് അർബദതിെന സമാപിയെട തടകം . ആ നിലയ്
കഫെത വർദിപികന ആഹാരവിഹാരങളം സാഹചരയങളെമലാം തെന ഗനി അർബദങളെട
നിദാനങളായി കണകാകാം. മധരാമലവണ രസമള ആഹാരങൾ, സിഗവം ഗരവമായ
ആഹാരദവയങൾ, കഫശവണെത ഉണാകനതം ശീതവീരയപധാനവമായ ആഹാരങൾ എനിവ
അതിമാതമായപേയാഗികക, വയായാമമിലാെത അലസമായിരികക, സേഖാപേഭാഗങൾ,
അജീർണെത ഉണാകന ആഹാരങൾ, പകലറകം, അതിെസൌലയകരങളായ മറ ഘടകങൾ
എനിവെയലാം കഫെത വർദിപികനവയാണ്. ഇതരം നിദാനങൾ നിരനരമായം
അതയധികമായം ശീലികനതിെന തടർന കഫം വർദികന. കഫവദിയാകെട കഫതിെന
ആശയധാതകളായ രസം, മാംസം, േമദസ്, മജ, ശകം, എനീ ധാതകെളയം ദഷിപികന.
‘തതാസനി സിേതാ വായ : പിതം തേമദരകേയാ
േശഷാ േശേഷഷ േത ൈനഷാമാശയാശയിണാം മിെഥൌ
യേദകസയ തദനയസയ വർദനകപെണൌഷധം ’
( അ:ഹ:സ)
േശഷാധികമായ ഈ േദാഷദഷിെയ തടർന ശരീരതിെല സമസ പരിണാമപകിയകൾകം
ആധാരമായ അഗികൾക മാനയം സംഭവികകയം ധാ‍തകളിൽ ആമതവം അവേശഷികകയം െചയം .
ഇങെന േശഷാധികമായ േദാഷസഷി േശഷാശയികാളായ ധാതകളെട ദഷി, അഗിമാനയം
(ധാതവഗികൾ ഉൾെപെട), തടർനണാകന ധാതകളെട ആമതവം, ഇവെയലാം േചരേമാൾ
േരാേഗാൽപതികള േദാഷദഷയ സമർചനത സമർണമായി. ഈ സാഹചരയതിൽ ഇേത
കാരണങൾെകാണതെന മാംസേമേദാവഹ േസാതസകൾകം ദഷി സംഭവികന. ഇങിെന
സമസശരീരവം േശഷാ‍ധികമായ േദാഷദഷയ സമർചനതയാൽ ദഷിതമായിരികേമാൾ ഏത
പേതയക ശരീരഭാഗമാേണാ വിവിധങളായ കാരണങളാൽ സവയം ദഷിതേമാ പീഢിതേമാ
ആയിതീരനത് ആ പേതയകഭാഗത േദാഷദഷയ സമർചനതയാൽ ദഷിതമായിരികേമാൾ ഏത
പേതയക ശരീരഭാഗമാേണാ വിവിധങളായ കാരണങളാൽ സവയം ദഷിതേമാ പീഢിതേമാ
ആയിതീരനത് ആ പേതയകഭാഗത േദാഷദഷയ സമർചന വിേശഷം സാനസംശയം
െചയകയാണ െചയനത്. അമിതമായ അൾവിലള േറഡിേയഷൻ, അനസയതമായ പേകാപനം,
രാസവസകളിൽ നിനള െപാളലകൾ, ൈജവരാസ വസകളമായള നിരനര സമർകം,
ചായങൾ, പതദജീവികളെട ബാധ, ഭകണം, വിരശലയം, േകാൾടാർ, െപേടാളീയം ഉലനങൾ
തടങിയവയമായി ശരീരതിനണാകന നിരനര സമർകം എനിവമലം ശരീരതിെല ഏത
പേതയക ഭാഗമാേണാ സവയം പരികീണമായിതീർനിരികനത് ആ സാനത േദാഷദഷയങൾ
സാനസംശയം െചയന. അർബദ േരാഗതിെന വിേശഷനിദാനങളായാണ് ഇവെയ ആധനിക
ൈവദയശാസം വിവരികനത്.പേതയകിച് ഉപദവലകണങെളാനം പകടമാകാെത
ഗനിരപതിൽ ആരംഭികകയം കാലകമതിൽ വദിപാപിച് മാരകമായ അർബദമായി
പരിണമികകയമാണ് െചയനത്.
േശഷാധികമായ േദാഷദഷിയാണേലാ ഇവിെട പധാനകാരണം. േശഷാവിെന ധർമം
േപാഷണമാണ്. ധാതപഷിയം അതവഴി ശരീരതിെന അവയവപരമായ വളർചയെമലാം
േശഷാവിെന സമാവസയിലള ധർമങളാണ്.
“……… ….. ….. ……….. പാേയാവദിർഹിതർപണാത്
േശഷണാനഗതാ” …… ….. …………. ………… ……
( അ :ഹ: സ )
ശരീരതിെല വയതയസങളായധാതകൾക് അവയേടതായ ധർമം നിർവഹികതകതരതിൽ
ഘടനയം രപവം പഷിയം പദാനംെചയനത സമാവസയിൽ നിലനിന സവധർമം നിർവഹികന
േശഷാവാണ്. േശഷാവിെന തർപണകർമതിലെട േപാഷണം ലഭയമായാണ് ശരീരധാതകൾ
ശരീരതിെന നിലനിൽപിനാവശയമായ ധർമങൾ നിർവഹികനത്. അതായത് ശരീരതിെന
വളർചക് പേയാജനകരമാകംവിധം ശരീരധാതകളെട ഉലതിവദികൾകാധാരമായ
േപാഷകപദാർതങൾ അനസയതം പദാനം െചയനത േശഷാവാെണനർതം.
ആതയനികവിശകലനതിൽ അതിസകങളാകയാൽ ഇനിയേഗാചരങളലാത പരസഹസം
പരമാണകളെട സംഘാതമാണ ശരീരം.ഈ പരമാണകളെട അഭംഗരം തടർന േപാരന
സംേയാഗവിേയാഗ പകിയാപരമരകളിലെടയാണ ശരീരാവയവങൾ വദിപാപികനത്.
‘ ശരീവാവയവാസ പരമാണ േഭേദന
അപരി സംേഖയയാ ഭവനി, അതിബഹനാത്,
അതിെസൌകയാത്, അതീനിയതവാതച,േതഷാം
സംേയാഗവിഭാേഗ പരമാണ നാം കാരണം
കർമ സവഭാവാത് ച്.’
(ച. ശാ )
ശരീരതിെല ഓേരാ പരമാണവിലം തിേദാഷങളെട ധർമമണ് . ഓേരാ പരമാണവിെനയം
ഉലപ്തി സിതിനാശങൾ സമാവസയിൽ നിലനിൽകന തിേദാഷങളാലാണ
നിർവഹികെപടനത്.നിരനരം നടകന േകാശവിഭജന പകിയകാധാരമായ ചലന-പചന-
േപാഷണധർമങൾ നിർവഹികനത വാതപിത കഫങളാണ്.േകാശങളെട ഉൽപതി
സിതികൾകാവശയമായ േപാഷണപദാർതങൾ അനസയ‍തം പദാനംെചയെകാണ േശഷാവം,
പരിണാമ പകിയകളിലെട അവെയ സവാംശീകരിചെകാണ പിതവം, ഈ േപാഷണ- പചന –
സാരകിട വിഭജന പവർതനങൾക പേചാദകമായം, അനസയതം വിേകപണ കർമങളിലെട
അവെയ സമസേകാശഭാഗങളിലെമതിചെകാണ വായവം പവർതികന. ഓേരാ പരമാണവിലം
അഭംഗരം നടകന ഈ തിേദാഷ ധർമങളിലെടയാണ ശരീര ധാതകളം, അങിെന
ശരീരമാെകതെനയം വദിെയ(വളർചെയ) പാപികനത്.
അർബദ േരാഗതിനാധാരമായ േദാഷദഷയ സമർചനത സാനസംശയം െചയിരികന
ശരീരപേദശെത സകപരമാണകെള സംബനിേചടേതാളം അവിെട േശഷാധികമായി
ദഷിചിരികന തിേദാഷങളാണ് ഉലതി-സിതികൾകാധാരമായ ധർമങൾ
നിർവഹികനത്.വർദിച വികതമായിരികന േശഷാവിെന, ആ പേതയക സാനെത
സംബനിേചടേതാളമള തർപണധർമം വികതമാകനതിനാൽ േകാശങളെട ഉലതി -
സിതികളിലം ആ ൈവകതം പകടമാകന. ശരീരതിെന നിലനിലിനാധാരമായ തർപണ കർമമാണ്
അവിെട േശഷാവ നടതനെതങിൽ േപാലം വർദിച വികതമായ േശഷാവിന് ആ പേതയക
സാനെത സംബനിേചടേതാളം ആ പവതി അപകാരം ശരീരതിന
പേയാജനകരമാകതകവിധം നടതവാൻ കഴിയനില. ഇതര സാനങളിേലതിൽനിന
വയതയസമായി വികതമായി തർപണകർമം നടതെപടനതിനാൽ ആ സാനെത
ശരീരപരമാണകെള സംബനിേചടേതാളം ഇതര ശരീരസാനങളിെല
ശരീരപരമാണകളിൽനിനം വയതയസ സവഭാവമാർന പരമാണ സംഘാതമായി മാറാൻ മാതേമ
കഴിയനള. അവിെട കപിത േശഷാവിനാൽ വദികർമം മാതേമ നടകനള. അത് ആ
ശരീരഭാഗെത മാംസാദികളായ ധാതകെള വികതമായി വർദിപികവാൻ മാതമലാെത
ശരീരധർമങൾ നടതതകതരതിൽ നിയനിതമായി- പേയാജനകരമായി നടതവാൻ
കഴിയാെത വരന. വികതമായ ധാത വദിധർമം അവിെട മാംേസാേസാധെത സഷികവാൻ
മാതേമ പേയാജനെപടനളെവനർതം. ഇതാണ് അർബദേരാഗതിനാധാരമായ േകാശപരിണാമ
പകിയയിെല തിേദാഷങളെട കർതതവം എന പറയാം.
അർബദെത നിേയാപാസിയ, കയാൻസർ, മലിഗന് ടയമർ എനീ േപരകളിലാണ് ആധനിക
ൈവദയശാസം വിവരികനത്. നിേയാപാസിയ എന പദതിന് പതിയ വളർച -നയ േഗാത്-
എനാണ് അർതം. യാെതാര പേതയക പേയാജനതിനമലാെതയം േകാശങളെട സാധാരണ
വളർചക വിേധയമായലാെതയം നിയനണാതീതമായി മഴേപാെലയണാകന വള ർചെയയാണ
നിേയാപാസിയ എന പദം സചിപികനത്. “ Neoplasia means new growth. The term neoplasia
refers to a tumour growth, a process which serves no useful purpose which continues unchecked
and which is not controlled by the laws of normal growth ”. കയാൻസർ എന പദം ‘ഞണ് ’
എനർതമളത ‘ കാർകിേനാമ ’ എന ഗീക പദതിൽ നിനമാണ് ഉണായത് . ഞണിെന
കാലകൾേപാെല ചറപാടമള ധാതകളിേലക വയാപികന സവഭാവമളത് എന അർതതിലാണ്
കയാൻസർ എന പദം ഉണായത്. ശരീരേകാശങളിലം ധാതകളിലമണാകന അസാധാരണമായ
മാരക വളർച എനാണ് കയാൻസർ എന പദം നിർവചികെപടനത്. ടയമർ എനപദതിന്
ധാതകളെട അസാധാരണമായ വളർച എനാണർതം. --
--“An abnormal growth of new tissue.” അതാകെട ബിൈനൻ, മലിഗന് എന രണ
വിഭാ‍ഗമണ്.ബിൈനൻ ടയമറിെന സാധാരണ അർബദെമനം മാലിഗന് ടയമറിെന ഘാതക
അർബദെമനം പറയാം. ചരകതിൽ അനിയനിതമായ, അസാധാരണമായ, സാധാരണ
വളർചാകമങൾക വിേധയമലാത ശരീരേകാശങളെട വളർചയാണ കയാൻസർ. വയാപി (Invasion)
ദവിരർബദവയാപി (Metastasis), പനരലതി (Recurrence) എനിവ ഘാതകാർബദതിെന
സവിേശഷ ലകണങളാണ്. െതാടടത േകാശങളിേലക കടി വയാപികക എനതാണ വയാപി
(Invasion ) എനതെകാണ് ഉേദശികനത്.
അർബദ ബാധിതങളായ േകാശങൾ ലസികാവാഹികളിലെട-അഥവാ-രസ-രകചംകമണ
വയവസകളിലെട മേറെതങിലം ഭാഗത സഞയിചിട് അവിെടയം അർബദം രപം െകാളന
അവസക് അഥവാ പകിയക് ദവിരർബദവയാപി-Metastasis- എന പറയന. ശസകർമം െചേയാ
േറഡിേയഷൻ മഖാനിരേമാ നശികെപടാൽ േപാലം അർബദേകാശങൾ പനരൽഭവികന
അവസക് പനരലതി-Recurrence-എന പറയന. ഇെതലാം അർബദതിെന
സവിേശഷതകളാണ്. ഇേത സവിേശഷതകൾ ആയർേവദസംഹിതകളം അർബദെതകറിച്
പതിപാദികനണ്.‘ വതം സിരം മനരജം മഹാനമനലമലം ………….’
എനിങെനപറയനിടത് മഹാനെമനതിന് വിസതമായ ചറപാടകളിേലക വയാപിയളത്
എനാണർതം. അതേപാെല ദവിരർബദവയാപിയം വിവരികെപടനണ്. അസാധയമായ
വർജികെപേടണതായ അർബദം വിവരികേമാൾ അധയർബദവം( വളെരയധികം വളർനേപായത്
),ദവനവജാതാർബദവം-ഒര അർബദവയാധിയിേനൽ മെറാര അർബദം വളരനതം , ഒേര സമയത
രണിടത് അർബദം ഉണാ‍കനതം അഥവാ ഒരിടതണായതിെന തടർന മെറാരിടതണായതം

‘അർബേദ തവർബദം ജാതം ദവനവജം വാടനജം ച യ ത്

ദവിരർബദമിതിേജയം തദസാധയം വിനിർദിേശത് ’ .
(േഭാജൻ )
അേതപകാരംതെന അർബദകാരിയായ ഗനിവിേശഷെത േഛദികവാൻ നിർേദശികേമാൾ
അതിനേശഷം നിേശഷം െപാളികവാനം പറയന. കാരണം, േലശെമങിലം
അവേശഷികവാനിടയായാൽ വീണം വളർനവരെമന നിശയമാണ്.
‘ഛിേതവനം സിരേതേകഗിനാദേഹത് ;
സാധവേശഷം സേശേഷത പനരാപയായേത ധവം’
‌( അ :ഹ : ഉ )
ഇതിൽനിനം അർബദതിെന പനരലതി സവഭാവവം വയകമാകന.
അർബദെത സംബനിച് ആധനിക ൈവദയശാസവം ആയർേവദവം നൽകന വിവരങളിൽനിന്
അർബദം ബാധിച ഭാഗെത ശരീരേകാശങൾക് ഇതരഭാഗങളിെല ശരീരേകാശങളിൽനിനള
വയതയസമായ പരിണാമസവഭാവമാണ് അർബദതിെന സവിേശഷത എന മനസിലാകാം.
അർബദബാധിത േകാശങളം ഇതര ഭാഗങളിെല േകാശങളം തമിലള പരസരബനം
ഇലാതാകനതാണ് അർബദതിെല മെറാര സവിേശഷത. സാധാരണ നിലയിൽ
േകാശപരിണാമങളിൽ ശരീരതിനണായിരിേകണ നിയനണം അർബദബാധിത േകാശങെള
സംബനിെചടേതാളം ഇലാെതയാകന. അവ സവതനമായിതെന പരിണമികകയം
വർദമാനമാകകയം െചയകയാണ് അർബദതിൽ സംഭവികനത്. അതെകാണതെനയാണ്
ഔഷധങൾ പേയാഗികേമാൾ ഇതര ശരീരഭാഗങളിൽ ആ ഔഷധങളെട പേയാജനം
ലഭികനതേപാെല അർബദബാധിത പേദശത് അത ലഭികാതതം േരാഗം അസാധവാകനതം
ഇങിെന ശരീരതിന പേയാജനെപടാതതം ശരീരതിെന നിലനിലിന
ഹാനികരവമായതിനാൽ അനാവശയമായിതീർനിരികന ഈ മാംസ സംഘാതെത മലസഞയമായി
കണകാകാവനതാണ്. ശരീരതിെന പരിണാമ പകിയയിൽ ശരീേരാപഘാതകരമായിതീരന
എലാറിെനയം മലസഞയമായാണ് ചരകാചാരയൻ വിവരികനത്. ശരീരതിെല
സകേസാതസകളിൽ ലീനമായിരികന മലാംശങൾ, ഇനി േസാതസകളിൽ രപംെകാളന
കൺപീള, മകിള മതലായവ , പാകം സംഭവിച ശരീരഭാഗങൾ, കപിതങളായ തിേദാഷങൾ
തടങി ശരീേരാപാഘാതകരമായ എലാ ഭാവങളം മലസഞയമാണ്.

‘ …. ……. ….. തത മലഭതാേസ േയ ശരീരസയാ

ബധകരാ : സയ : തദഥാ ശരീരഛിേദഷപേദഹാ :
പഥക് ജനാേനാ ബഹിർമഖാ : പരിപകവാശ ധാതവ :
പകപിതാച വാതപിതേശഷാണ : േയ ചാേനയപി
േകചിത് ശരീേര തിഷേനഭാവാ : ശരീരേസയാപഘാതായ
ഉപദയേന സർവാസ്നേല സംചകേഹ.’
(ച. ശാ. )
അർബദം ആറവിധമാണ്. വാതജവം പിതജവം േശഷജവം രകജവം മാംസജവം ,േമേദാജവം.
ഓേരാനിെനയം വയതയസ ലകണങളം ചികിതയം ഇവിെട വിവരിേകണ ആവശയമില. ഈ
പബനെത സംബനിചിടേതാളം അത പസകവമല.
പഞകർമ ചികിതയെട പേയാജനം
അർബദതിൽ പഞകർമ ചികിതയാണ് ഇവിെട ചർചാവിഷയം. അതിനാൽ ഇതര
ചികിതാവിധികെള സംബനിച പരാമർശതിന് ഇവിെട പസകി ഇല .
ശസസാധയേരാഗങളിൽെപടതിയാണ് അർബദെത ആയർേവദാചാരയനാർ വിവരികനത് .
അർബദവം ഗനിയം തമിൽ പേതയകിച വയതയാസെമാനമിലാതതിനാൽ ഗനിയെട ചികിത
തെനയാണ് അർബദതിനം വിധികനത്.

‘ ഗനയർബദാനാം ച യേതാവിേശഷ: പേദശേഹതവാകതി േദാഷദൈഷയ :

തതചികിേതത് ഭിഷഗർബദാനി വിധാനവിത് ഗനിചികിതിേതന. ’
( ച. ചി. 12.87)
‘ അർബേദ ഗനിവത് കരയാത് യഥാസയം സതരാം ഹിതം. ’
( അ : ഹ: ഉ :)
ഗനിയെട ആദയഘടതിൽ േശാഫചികിതയായ അപതർപണാദി വിേരകാനമള
ഏകാദേശാപദവങളാണ വിധികനത്. േശാഫചികിതെകാണ ഗനി മാറനിെലങിൽ തടർന
പർവകർമങൾ ചിയെകാണ വിവിധ ശസകർമങൾ െചയവാൻ വിധികന.
‘ ഗനിഷവാ േവഷഭിഷക് വിദയാത്
േശാഫകിയാം വിസരേശാ വിധിജ :
….. …. …… …… …..
( സ. ചി. 18 )
ശസ കർമാനനരം അഗികർമം പേയാഗിച നിേശഷം െപാളികണെമനം അെലങിൽ
പനരലതി നിശയമാെണനം നിർേദശികന.
ഗനിയെട ആമാവസയിൽ വിധികന ഏകാദശ ഉപകമങളീൽ പഞകർമങളിെല വമനവം
വിേരചനവം ഉൾെപടന.
‘ അപതർപണമാേലപ : പരിേഷേകാഭയംഗ: േസവേദാ
വിമാപന മപനാഹ: പാചനം വിസാവണം േസേഹാ
വമനം വിേരചനം … …….. ……….. …..’
( സ. ചി. )
മാതവമല ശസകർമം െചയനതിനമമ് േശാധന കർമങൾ െചയണെമനം നിർേദശികനണ് .
വമന വിേരചനാദി േശാധനകർമങൾ െചയ ശദമാകിയേശഷം ഗനിയള ഭാഗം പേതയകം
വിയർപിച തളവിരൽ െകാേണാ അശം െകാേണാ കാഷം െകാേണാ വിയർപിച ശസംെകാണ കീറി
ഗനികകതള േദാഷ വിേശഷെത േകാശേതാടകടി പറതകളയണെമനം തടർന് അലം
േപാലം േശഷികാെത െപാളികണെമനം നിർേദശികന.
‘ സംേശാധിേത േസവദിത മശകാൈഷ: സാംഗഷദൈദർ വിലേയദപകവം
വിപാടയ േചാദ് ധതയഭിഷകേകാശം ശേസണ ദഗവ വണവത് ചികിേതത്
അദഗ് ഈഷത് പരിേശഷിതച പയാതി ഭേയാപിശൈനർ വിവദിം
തസാദേശഷ: കശൈല: സമനാത് േഛേദയാഭേവത് വീകയ ശരീര േദശാൻ
( ച. ചി. 12)
ഇവിെട മാതമല ശസകർമം െചയെപടനഏത േരാഗതിലം ശസകർമതിനമമ ശദി
കർമങൾ വിധികനണ്. ശസകർമ സാധയേരാഗങളിൽ മാതമല മാനസിക േരാഗ ചികിതയിൽ
േപാലം ശദികർമങൾ നിർേദശികനണ്. ശസ സാധയമായ േരാഗെത സംബനിെചടേതാളം
കറച കാലമായി അെലങിൽ ദീർഘനാളായി തടർന വന േരാേഗാലാദന പകിയയെട പരിണാമമായി
കർത രപതിൽ വയകീഭവിച ശരീരതിനനയമായ ഒര േരാഗവിേശഷെത നീകം െചയക മാതേമ
ശസകർമം െകാണ സാധയമാകനള. ആ േരാഗതിെന ഉലതിക കാരണമായതം േരാഗവദിക
കാരണമായി തടരനതമായ സമാപി പകിയേയ ഇലാതാകാേനാ ആ സമാപികാധാരമായ
േദാഷൈവഷമയെതപരിഹരികവാേനാ ശസകാരെന ശസതിന കഴിയിലേലാ. അതിന്
അടിസാനപരമായ ചികിത തെന േവണം. േരാേഗാലതികം തടർന േരാഗവദികം കാരണമായ
സമാ‍പി പകിയയെട തടർചെയ ഇലാതാകവാനം ആ സമാപി പകിയമലം ദഷിതമായിതീ ർന
ശരീരെത ശദമാകവാനം അതിെനലാം കാരണമായ േദാഷൈവഷമയെത പരിഹരിച
േദാഷസാമയെത പനസാപികവാനമള അടിസാനപരമായ ചികിത തെന േവണം. അതാണ്
ആയർേവദതിെല േശാധനചികിത.
അർബദം സനർപേണാതേരാഗമാണ്. അതെകാണ് അപതർപണം അഥവാ ലംഘനം
തെനയാകണം അതിെന ചികിത ദവിധാ വിഭകമാകന ലംഘന ചികിതയിെല ശമനെത
സംബനിചിടേതാളം അർബദ ചികിതയിൽ പേയാജനകമാകക അസാധയമാണ്. കാരണം
അർബദതിനാധാരമായ േദാഷദഷയ സമർഛനത അതേതാളം അധികരിചതാണ്. ഗനിയായി
ആരംഭിച് അർബദമായി പരിണമിചിരികകയാണ് . ഗനിയായി ആരംഭിച ആ‍ദയഘടതിൽ േപാലം
ഒര പേക ശമനചികിത പേയാജനെപടേമാ എനതം ചിനാവിഷയമാണ്. അർബദാവസയിൽ
ശരീരതിെന നിയനണങൾക വിേധയമാകാെത വർദമാനമായിതീർനിരികന ആ
മാംേസാഛയതിൽ അതെകാണതെന ശമെനൌഷധങൾ പേയാജനെപടവാൻ സാധയത കറവാണ് .
പിെന ലംഘന ചികിതയിെല േശാധനതിന മാതമാണ് അർബദതിൽ പസകി . േശാധന
ചികിതകായി നടതെപടന അഞ പധാന കർമങളാണ പഞകർമങൾ.—വമനവം,
വിേരചനവം, നസയവം, നിരഹവം, അനവാസനവം
മാംസവഹേസാേതാ ദഷിയാണ് അർബദ േരാഗതിന കാരണം.
‘ ….. ….. …. ശണ മാംസ പേദാഷജാൻ
അധിമാംസാർബദം കലം ഗളശാലകശണിേക
പതിമാംസാലജീഗന ഗണമാേലാപജിചികാ
വിദയാനാംസാസയാൻ …. …. ….. …… ’
(ച. സ.)
മാംസവഹേസാേതാ ദഷി മലമള േദാഷങളിൽ േശാധന ചികിതയം തടർന
ശസകാരാഗി കർമങളമാണ് നിർേദശികെപടന ചികിത.

മാംസജാനാം ത സംശദിശസകരാഗി കർമച.

(ച. സ. )

മാംസധാതവിന മാതമല അർബദതിൽ േമേദാ ധാതവിനം ദഷി ഉണ് . േമേദാവദിജനയേരാഗങളീൽ

തീകങളായ വസി പേയാഗങൾ ചികിതയാണ്.

‘ വാതഘാനയനപാനാനി േശഷ േമേദാഹരാണിച

രേകാഷാവസയ സീകാ രകാണയദവർതനാനിച

…. ….. ……… . ….. ’

( ച. സ. )

ഇതിെനലാമപരി േശഷവദിയാണേലാ അർബദതിെന അടിസാന കാരണം. േദാഷങൾ

കഫപധാനമായി േകാപിച േമേദാമാംസ രകധാതകെള ദഷിപിച ഗനിയണാകകയം തട ർന മാംസ
േമേദാ ദഷി മർഛിച് ആ ഗനി വളർന് അർബദമാകകയമാണ് . േശഷാവിെന പധാന േശാധന ചികിത
തെന പഞകർമതിെല വമനവമാണ്.

പഞകർമങളിേലാേരാനം െചയെപേടണ േരാഗങളെട പടികയിൽ ചിലതിൽ അർബദവം

െപടനതായി കാണാം. വമനസാധയേരാഗങളിലം വിേരകസാധയേരാഗങളിലം അർബദം ഉൾെപടനണ്.
വമനാർഹനാെര പറയേമാൾ-

വമയാസ-വിഷേശാഷസനയേദാഷ മനഗയനാദപസാരാ ശീപദാർബദ വിദാരികാേമേദാ േമഹ ….

…. …..’ എനിങെന വിവരികന. വിേരചയനാെര പറയേമാൾ ജവരഗരാരചയർ േശാർബദ ഉദരഗനി
വിഭധി പാണേരാഗാപസാര ഹേദാഗാ’ … … എനിങെന വിേരചയനാരിലം അർബദേരാഗികൾ
െപടന. ശിേരാവിേരചനം (നസയം) വിധികന േരാഗങളിലം അർബദം ഉൾെപടനണ്… … …. ദനശല
ദനഹർഷ ചാലാകി രാജയർബദ സവരേഭദ .. … .. ’കഫാധികമായ ഊർദവജത േരാഗങളിെലലാം
നസയം െചയാെമനാണ സശതമതം. ‘ശിേരാവിേരചനം േശഷണാഭിവയാപ താലകണ ശിരസാമേരാചക
ശിേരാെഗൌരനശലപീനസാർദാവേഭദക കമി പതിശയായാപസാര ഗനാജാേനഷ അേനയഷച
ഊർദവജത ഗേതഷ ശിേരാവിേരചന ദൈവയസത് സിേദന വാ േസേഹന ഇതി. (സശതം)

പഞകർമങളീൽ വമനവം വിേരചനവം നസയവം െചയെപേടണതായ േരാഗങളിൽ അർബദവം

ഉൾെപടനതായി ഇതിൽനിന മനസിലാകാം.

ആ സാപയാനവാസനീയ േരാഗങളിൽ അർബദം ഉൾെപടനതായി കാണനില. എനാൽ

േവേദാദഷിജനയമായ േരാഗങളിൽ വാതഹാരങളം േശഷേദാഹരങളമായ ആഹാരവിഹാരങളം
രകവം ഉഷവം തീകവമായ വസി പേയാഗങളം വിധികനണ്. അർബദതിൽ
േശഷേമേദാദഷിയണ് എനത് ഇവിെട സരണീയമാണ്.

നിരഹാനവാസനങൾ അർബദ േരാഗതിൽ വിധികകേയാ നിരഹയാനവാസനീയ േരാഗങളിൽ

കഫപധാന േദാഷ ദഷിയള അർബദം പരാമർശികെപടകേയാ െചയനിെലങിലം പല
അനവാസൈതല േയാഗങളം നിരഹവസി േയാഗങളം േശഷജനയേരാഗങൾക വിധിചിടളതായി
കാണാം. തിഫലാദി അനവാസനൈതലം േശഷാധികയതിെന സവിേശഷലകണമായ ആലസയം, കണ
എനിവേയയം കഫജനയമായ മറ േരാഗങെളയം ശമിപികം.(സ. ചി. 37 ). അതേപാെല പാഠാദി
അനവാസനികൈതലം കഫജനയമായ സമസ േരാഗങെളയം ശമിപികം. ( സ. ചി. 37 ) അതേപാെല
പിപലയാദി ഗണതിെലയം ആരഗവധാദി ഗണതിെലയം ഔഷധങൾ േചർതള കഷായതിൽ േതനം,
േതനം േഗാമതവം േചർതള കഷായ വസി കഫേരാഗങളിൽ ഹിതമാണ് .(സ. ചി.).അർകാദികവാഥവം
ഹരിദാദികവാഥവം പിപലയാദികവാഥവം സകാരെകൌദ േഗാമതയകമായം നാതിേസഹാചിതമായം
നിർേദശികന മന വസിപേയാഗങളം കഫജനയേരാഗങൾകാണ വിധികനത് . (ച. സി. 10.)
ഇങിെന നിരഹാനവാസന പേയാഗങൾ വിധികെപടന േരാഗങളിൽ കഫപധാനമായ അർബദം
ഉൾെപടനിെലങിലം കഫാധികമായ സമസേരാഗങൾകമായി നിരഹാനവാസന പേയാഗങൾ
നിർേദശികനതിൽനിനം അർബദതിൽ അത നിേഷധികെപടനിെലന വയകമാണ്. േകവലവാത
േരാഗങളിലം വാതാധിക േദാഷ േകാപങളിലമാണ വസി സാമാേനയന വിധികെപടനത് .

‘ വാേതാൽബേണഷ േദാേഷഷ വാേത വാ വസിരിഷയേത’ ( അ: ഹ: )

അതിനാലായിരികണം കഫാധികേദാഷ ദഷിയള അർബദേരാഗം വസയർഹേരാഗമായി

നിർേദശികെപടാതത്. എനാൽ േകവല വാതതിലം വാതാധികേദാഷ േകാപതിലം വിധികെപടന
വസി ചികിതയിൽ േശഷാധിക േരാഗങൾകള നിരഹാനവാസന േയാഗങൾ വിധിചിരികന.
വാതാനബനമളേതാ വാതസാനെത ആശയിചളേതാ ആയ കഫാധിക േരാഗങളീൽ
നിരഹാനവാസന പേയാഗങൾ യകയാനസാരം പേയാഗികാെമനാണ് ഇതിനർതം .
വാതാനബനമായ അർബദ േരാഗതിലം വാതസാനമായ പകവാശയാദികളിലണായതായ
അർബദതിലം നിരഹാനവാസന പേയാഗങൾ യകിപർവമാകാെമനാണ് ഇതിൽനിനം
വയകമാകനത്. േമൽ വിവരണങെള ഇപകാരം സംഗഹികാം. :- പഞകർമങളിെല വമനവം
വിേരചനവം നസയവം വിധികെപടന േരാഗങളിൽ അർബദം ഉൾെപടനണ് . നിരഹാനവാസന
പേയാഗങൾ വിധികെപടന േരാഗങളിൽ അർബദം ഉൾെപടനില . അേത സമയം പസത
േയാഗങൾ നിേഷധികെപടന േരാഗങളിൽ അർബദം ഉൾെപടനില . മാതമല നിരഹാനവാസന
േയാഗങൾ പേതയകമായി കഫജനയേരാഗങൾക നിർേദശിചിടമണ് . ഇതിൽനിനം നിരഹാനവാസന
പേയാഗങൾ കഫാധിക േദാഷദഷിയള അർബദതിൽ യകയനസാരം ആകാെമനാണർതം .
വാതാനബനിയം വാതസാനാശയിയമായാ അർബദതിൽ നിരഹാനവാസനങൾ ആകാം. വിേരചനം
പിതതിെന േശഷ േശാധനചികിതയാണ്. കഫാധിക േദാഷ ദഷിയള അർബദെത
വിേരചയേരാഗങളിൽ െപടതിയിരികനതിൽനിനം വിേരചനം കടതൽ പേയാജനകരമാകെമനർതം .
വമനമാകെട, കഫതിെന പധാന േശാധന ചികിതയാണ്. േകവല കഫജമായ അർബദതിലം
കഫസാനാശിതമായ അർബദതിലം വമനം നിശയമായം അനേയാജയമായ േശാധന ചികിത തെന .
ശിേരാഗതാർബദതിന് ശിരസ് േശഷസാനമായതിനാലം ശിേരാവിേരചനം ശിേരാഗത േരാഗങളെട
മഖയേശാധന ചികിതയായതിനാലം നസയം ശിേരാഗതാർബദതിൽ പേയാജനകരമാകം .

േരാേഗാനലനം മാതമല പഞകർമം വഴി സാധയമാകനത്. േരാഗതിനാസദമായ സമാപി

വിേശഷതിന കാരണമായ േദാഷദഷയ സമർചനതെയ ആെക ഇലാതാകകയം അതവഴി േരാേഗാലതി
–വദികാരകമായി തടർനെകാണിരികന സമാപി പകിയെയ അതയനികമായി അവസാനിപികകയം
ആ സമാപി പകിയയിലെട ദഷിതമായിതീർന ശരീരതിെല ഓേരാ പരമാണവിലം ലീനമായിരികന
ദഷയ വിേശഷങെള ബഹിഷരികകയം കടിയാണ്. അങിെന സർവശരീരേതയം ശദീകരികകയാണ
പഞകർമ ചികിത വഴി സാധയമാകനത്. അേതാെട േദാഷൈവഷമയം പരിഹരികെപടകയം
ശരീരധർമങൾ സമമായി നിർവഹികെപടകയം െചയന .

േസഹനം, േസവദനം തടങിയ പർവകർമങൾ െചയ ശരീരെത സജമാകിയതിന

േശഷമാണേലാ പഞകർമങൾ െചയനത്. േസഹനകർമതിലെട സിഗമാകെപട ശരീരതിെല
സകേസാതസകളിൽ ലീനമായിരികന േരാഗകാരികളായ േദാഷദഷയസമർചനവിേശഷങൾക്
ഉൽേകശം സംഭവികന. തടർന േകാശാനരാളങൾ ( Intercellular spaces ) മതൽ മഹാേസാതസ വെര
(Alimintary tract ) സമസേസാതസകളിൽനിനം േസഹനകർമെത തടർന സവേണാനഖമാകന ആ
േദാഷവിേശഷങൾ ദവീകതങളായി ബഹിഷരണ മാർഗങളിേലക് ആനയികെപടന . തടർന
നടതെപടന വമനവിേരചനവസയാദികളായ വയതയസേശാധനകർമങളിലെട ആ േദാഷവിേശഷങൾ
പർണമായം ബഹിഷരികെപടകയം െചയന. ഇേതാെട ശരീരതിെല സകപരമാണകൾ മതൽ
ബഹദവയവങൾ വെര പർണമായം സംശദമാകെപടകയാണ്.

‘ േസഹകിനാ േകാഷഗാ ധാതഗാ വാ

േസാേതാലീനാ േയ ച ശാഖാസി സംസാ
േസവൈദേസ ദവീകതയ േകാഷം
നീതവാ സമയഗ് ശദിഭിർ നിർഹിയനി ’
(അ ഹ)
പർവകർമങൾ തടങി േശാധനകിയകൾ കഴിയേവാളവം ആഹാരാനഷാനങളിൽ േരാഗി
കർശനമായ പഥയം പാലിേകണതണ്.അതിെന ഭാഗമായി േപയാദികമം അനഷികനതിലെട േരാഗിയെട
ദഹനപചനവയവസകൾ പനർനവീകരികെപട പവർതിച തടങന . അതിെന തടർന സംശദമായ
രസധാതവം അതിൽനിനം ഇതരധാതകളം പഷിെപടവരന .അങിെന ആപാദചഡം, േകാശതലം
മതൽ തെന ശരീരം പനർനവീകരികെപടന ചികിതാവിധിയാണ പഞകർമ ചികിത. ഇപകാരം
ശരീരധർമങളാെക പനർനവീകരികെപടനേതാെട ശരീരതിൽ േരാഗകാരികളായ
അനയപദാർതങൾെകാനം തെന നിലനിൽപിലാെത വരന.
അർബദെത സംബനിെചടേതാളവം ഇതതെനയാണ് സംഭവികനത്. േനരേത
സചിപിചതേപാെല അർബദം മലസഞയമാണ്. േശഷാധികയേതാടകടിയ േദാഷദഷയ
സമർഛനതയാൽ ഗനി രപതിൽനിനം അർബദമായം അതപിെന ദവിരർബദമായം വളരകയാണ
െചയനത്. വർദിപികക എന േശഷാവിെന ൈനസർഗികമായ പവതി ദഷിതമായ അവസയിലം
അഭംഗരം തടരനത മലമാണ് അത സംഭവികനത് . എനാൽ അതാ‍കെട ശരീരതിെന നിയനണതിന
വിേധയമലാെതയം വികതമായമാണ് നടകനത്. അതിനാൽ വളർനെകാേണയിരികന ഈ അർബദം
ശരീേരാപഘാതകരമായ അനയപദാർതമാണ്. അതെകാണ മലസഞയം എന കണകാകി അതിെന
ശരീരതിൽനിനം ബഹിഷരികകയാണ േവണത്. അർബദം വദി പാപികന അവസയിലം
അതിനാധാരമായ േദാഷദഷയ സമർഛനതയം സമാപി പകിയയം അനസയതം
തടർനെകാേണയിരികന. വിധിപകാരം നടതെപടന േശാധന ചികിത- പഞകർമ ചികിത വഴി
സർവശരീരവയാപിയായിരികന േദാഷ വിേശഷങൾ സമർണമായി ബഹിഷരികെപടനേതാെട
അർബദതിനാസദമായ േദാഷ ദഷയ സമർചനത ഇലാതാകകയം സമാപി പകിയ നിലയകയം
െചയന. അേതാെട അർബദതിെന വദികള സാധയത ഇലാതാകന. േശാധന ചികിതെയ തടർന
േവരറകെപട വകെമനേപാെല മെറലാ േരാഗങെളയം േപാെല അർബദവം േപാഷണതിനാവശയമായ
േദാഷ ദഷയ സമർഛനതയെട അഭാവതിൽ സവയം ബഹിഷതമാകകയായിരികം സംഭവികക.
അഥവാ, ശസ കർമചാരാ നിർഹരികെപടാലം േശാധനചികിതെയ തടർന സമാപി പകിയയെട
തടർച ഇലാതാകകയം േദാഷ ദഷയ സമർഛനത നഷമാകകയം െചയന അർബദതിന്
പനരലതിയെട സംഭാവയതയം ഇലതെന. അതിനാൽ പഞകർമ ചികിത അർബദതിൽ
പേയാജനകരമാെണന മാതമല ശസകർമം വിധികേമാൾേപാലം േശാധനം
നിർേദശികനതിൽനിനം അർബദചികിതയിെല അനിവാരയമായ ഘടകമാണ് പഞകർമ ചികിത
എന പറയനതിൽ അപാകതയില.



രണായിരാമാേണാെട സർവർകകം പർണാേരാഗയം വിഭാവനം െചയ . അതിനേവണി

പവർതികന സമഹതിെല എത െചറിയ ഘടകെത സംബനിചം അതിെന ചമതല
വളെര െഗൌരവേമറിയതാണ്. അവസരതിെനാത് ഉയർന് പശങെള അതർഹികന
തരതിൽ വിലയിരതി പദതികൾ ആവിഷരികാനം ചിനികാനം മതിർന അമലാ കാൻസർ
ആശപതി ഭാരവാഹികെളയം പവർതകെരയം അഭിനനികന.
പർണാേരാഗയം എനതിേനകാൾ ഇേപാഴള അവസെയങിലം നിലനിർതാൻ
കഴിയേമാ എന ആശങ ജനിപികമാറാണ് മാരക േരാഗങൾ വർദിച വിളയാടനത് .ഇന്
സമഹെത ഗസിചിരികന മാരകേരാഗങളിൽ ഏറവം പധാനമായതം ദസരതമവമായത്
അർബദമാെണനതിൽ പകാനരമണാവാനിടയില. ആയർേവദതിെന സിദികളം
സാദയതകളം ഈ േരാഗതിന് എത കണ് പസകമാകാെമന് ശാസരീതയാ
വിലയിരതനതിനം, എത കണ് പസകമാകനെവന് അനഭവങളിലെട
വിലയിരതനതിനം ഇേതവിധമള സേമളനങൾ ഒടവളെര പേയാജനെപടാതിരികില
എനാണ് എെന വിശവാസം.
േരാഗങെളപറി വിശകലനം െചയകയം ചർചകളിലെട അതകളെട രപവം
സവഭാവവം നിർണയികകയം െചയിരന, ആയർേവദതിെന പർവഘടങളിൽ, അർബദം
താരതേമയന വിരളമായിരനതിനാലായിരികണം ഇനതർഹികന പരിഗണന അന്
കലികാതിരനതം, സംഹിതകളിലം മറം പാധാനയേതവന വിവരണങളം ചികിതയം
നൽകാതിരനതം ;ഏതാണ് കദേരാഗ പരിഗണനയിൽെപടേപായതം, എനാൽ ഇന്
കാേലാചിതമായി ആ േരാഗെതപറി ചിനികനതിനം പരിഹാ‍രം കാണനതിനം
കഴിയെമനാണ് വിചാരിേകണിയിരികനത്.
അർബദെത ആയർേവദതിെന മഹാേരാഗ ഗണതിൽെപടതിയിടില എനതതെന
അതിന പരിഹാരം കാണനതിനള െതരചിൽ വഥാവിലാകയിെലന് വിശവസികനതിനം
പതീകികനതിനം വകനൽകനണ്.
എനാണ് അർബദം ?
ആയർേവദ രീതിയിൽ അർബദം എന പദതിനേദശികന അർതവയാപി
തെനയാേണാ ആധനികചികിതാരീതിയിൽ ‘കാൻസർ’ എന വയവഹരികന പദതിനളത് .
അഥവാ കയാൻസർ എന വിവകികന എലാ േരാഗങളം അർബദ
പരിഗണനയിേലാ,അർബദെമന് വിവകികന എലാ േരാഗങളം കാൻസർ പരിഗണനയിേലാ
വരനേണാ എന് മതൽ ചിനിേകണതാണ്.
ലകണ രപസാദശയംെകാേണാ എേനാ വദി, ഗളഗണ, ഗണമാലാ, അപചി
ഗനി എനീ േരാഗങേളാടനബനിചാണ് ആയർേവദാചാരയനാർ അർബദെത
പതിപാദിചിരികനത്. അധിഷാനേദാഷ ദഷയങളിലം സമാപിയിലം ഈ േരാഗങൾക്
അനലമായ സാമയങൾ ഉളതായി കാണാം. എനാൽ അർബദതിെനാഴിെകയള േരാഗങൾക്
സാനനീയതതവം ഉണായിരിെക അർബദതിന് സാനനീയതതവം ഇല തെന . അത
ശരീരതിെന ഏതഭാഗതം ഉണാകാവനതാണ്. കടതലം മാർദവേമറിയ ഭാഗങളിലാെണന
മാതം. എനാൽ ഇപറയെപടവെയലാം േമേദാജനയ േരാഗങളിൽെപടനെവനത് ഒര
പേതയകതയാണ്. ഇന് സമഹെത അലടന കടതൽ േരാഗങളം കഫേമേദാജനയ േരാഗങൾ
ആെണനതം ഒര വസതയാണ്.
ആഹാരവിഹാരാദികളെട കമരാഹിതയമാണേലാ േദാഷങൾ ദഷിപികനതിന്
കാരണമാകനത്. അത് വയതയസ േരാഗങളിൽ വയതയസ രീതിയിലായിരികകയം െചയം .
േദാഷങൾ ധാതകെള ആശയിചാണ് സിതിെചയനത്. അതെകാണതെന േദാഷംെകാണ്
ദഷിപികെപടനതം ദഷയങൾ-ധാതകൾ- ആയിരികകയം െചയം. അർബദേരാഗതിെല
ദഷയങൾ രക മാംസങളാണ്. ചയാപചയപരിണാമതിെല പധാനങളം അനബനങളമായ
രണ ധാതകൾ. േദാഷങൾ രകമാംസങെള ദഷിപിച് ശരീരതിെല ഏെതങിലം ഭാഗത്
മർഛിച് വതാകാരതിൽ തടിച രഢമലങളം ഉനതങളം അതേപാെലതെന കീഴേപാടം
വയാപിചിടള അർബദെത ഉണാകന. അങിെനയള അർബദെതയാകെട
വാതപിതകഫരക മാംസേമദ പധാനങളായി ആറവിധമായി വിഭജികെപടകയം
െചയിരികന. പാേയണ എലാ അർബദതിലം സിരതവവം ഉണായിരികം. എനാൽ ഇതിന്
വിദധികം മറം ഉളത േവദന ഉണായിരികയില.
േപശീേകാശങൾക് രപഭാവ വയതയാസങൾ സംഭവികനെവനതം േകാശങൾ
കമരഹിതമായി വർദിച് വളരനെവനതം ആണ് സമാനങളായ വിദധി ഗളഗണമാലാ‍
അപചി ഗനികളിൽനിനം ഇതിനള വയതയാസം, അഥവാ പേതയകത്. അത് പലേപാഴം
മൺപറിന് സദശമായിരികകയം െചയം.എനാൽ േരാഗാശയമായി േദാഷ
ദഷയാദികൾകനസരണമായി ഇതിലം പകാരേഭദം ഉണായിരികം . ഗനിയിലം േകാശവികസനം
ഉണാകനെവങിലം അർബദതിെല േപാെല വിഭജനം ഉണാകനില തെന . ആയർേവദതിൽ
വിവകികന ഗനിെയ അേലാപതിയിെല ‘ടയമറി’േനാടം അർബദെത ‘മലിഗന് േഗാത്’
എനതിേനാടം ബനെപടതി ചികിതികാെമന േതാനന. േരാഗം രപെപടനത്
ശരീരതിെന ഏെതങിലം ഭാഗത് ആെണങിലം അതിെന വികാരങൾ- േപശികൾകം
ഞരമകൾകം ഉള വലിവിലം മറം—സർവേദഹവയാപവമായിരികം ; പേതയകിച്
അർബദതിൽ േരാഗവർദനേവാ പാകേമാ െപെടന സംഭവിയനിെലനളത്
വിദധിയിൽനിനം ഇവയള പധാന പേതയകതയാണ്. േദാഷാധിേകയനയളതലാെത
ദഷയപധാനങളായി—രക—മാംസ േമദ—പധാനങളായി മന വിധതിൽ കടിയാണേലാ
ആചാരയനാർ അർബദെത വിവരിചിരിയനത്. രകജനയ അർബദതിൽ സിരാസംേകാചവം
കാലകമതിൽ ഉരണകടലം അലമായപഴപം രകസവവം സംഭവികനതായം മാംസ
ജനയാർബദതിൽ കലേപാെല കാഠിനയവം ചലനരാഹിതയവം അപാകതവവം താരതേമയന േവദനാ
രാഹിതയവം അനഭവെപടനതായമാണ് പറയെപടിടളത്. േമേദാജനയ അർബദമാവെട പേതയക
ശരീരപകതികൾകാണണാവക. ‘മാംസം മാംേസന വർദേത’ എന തതവപകാരം
മാംസഭകകൾകാണ് മാംസജാർബദതിനള സാദയതഏറകെയനം ആചാരയനാർ
പറഞവചിരികന. അർബദതിൽതെന അർബദമണാകന മെറാര പതിഭാസെതപറി—
അധയർബദെമനം ദവയാർബദെമനം പറയന ഒര േരാഗെതപറി—കടി ആയ ർേവദതിൽ
പതിപാദനമണ്. ഈ വസതകൾ എലാം കണകിെലടതെകാണ േവണിയിരികന ഇതിെന
പതിേരാധെതപറിയം പരിഹാരെതപറിയം ചിനികവാൻ.
പതിേരാധെതപറി പറയേമാൾ ‘കാരണാഭാേവ കാരയാഭാവ’ എന നിയമപകാരം
കാരണെത കണെകാണ് അതിഴിവാകാനള യതമാണെലാ നടേതണത്. ശരീരതിൽ ലയിച
േചരാൻ കഴിയാത ഘടകങൾ അടങന ആഹാരങളം ഔഷധങളം, മായംേചർന
ആഹാരങൾ, മലിനവായ, മലിനജലം, ലഹരിപദാർതങളെടയം പകയില
തടങിയവയെടയം ഉപേയാഗം ഇവെയലാം അർബദതിന് കാരണമാകാെമനതിനാൽ േരാഗം
വരാതിരികാൻ ഇവയിൽനിെനാഴിഞ ജീവിതം മാതെമ കരണീയമായള. ആധനികങളായ
പല ഔഷധങളെടയം ഉപേയാഗവം പരിേശാധനാസമദായങളം നഗരജീവിതം തെനയം
േരാഗേപരകങൾ ആണ്. ഇവയിൽനിെനലാമള മകി എങിെന ൈകവരികാെമനത് ഉറെക
ചിനിേകണ കാരയമാണ്.
േരാഗം വനതിനേശഷം പരിഹരികവാനള മാ‍ർഗെതപറി -അതിനള
ചികിതേയയം അതിൽ ആയർേവദതിന വഹികവാനള പങിെനയം പറിയം അനഭവതിെന
െവളിചതിൽ ചിലത പസാവികാെമന കരതകയാണ്.
ഒര കാലത് പരീകണാർതെമങിലം ഒര കാൻസർേരാഗിെയ ആയർേവദചികിതക്
വിേധയനാകനതിന് അതിയായ ആഗഹം േതാനിയിരന. അേലാപതിയെട അതിപസരം മലം
ആയർേവദതിൽ അർബദതിന് ചികിത ഉേണാ എനേപാലം സമഹം സംശയികന ഒര
കാലമണായിരന. അേലാപതി സമദായപകാരവം േരാഗശമനസാദയത വിരളമാെണന
മനസിലാകിയതിനേശഷമാണ് ചിലെരങിലം ആയർേവദചികിതകെര സമീപികനതിന്
തയാറാകാറളത്.മെറാരവിധതിൽ പറഞാ‍ൽ അേലാപതിചികിത കെറെയങിലം
െചയതിനേശഷമള േരാഗിെയയാണ് ആയർേവദചികിതകന് ലഭികക. അേലാപതി
ചികിതയാവെട ഹിസാതികമാെണനത്—അധികമായണാകനതം പനർവിഭജനം
നടകനതമായ േകാശങെള നിർഹരിചെകാണളതാെണനത് -- സവിദിതമാണ്.
ആയർേവദശാസരീതയാ േദാഷവിഷമതയാണ് േരാഗെമനം അത് സമീകരികകയാ‍ണ്
ചികിതെകാണ് സാധിേകണെതനം ഉള തതവം ഇവിെടയം പസകമാണ് . അതായത്
േകാശങൾക് – അത് ഏത ധാതവിെന അധികരിചളതായാലം—ഉണാകനപകാരം
േഭദെതമാറി പഴയ രീതിയിലാകിെയടകനതിനള പയതം ആണ് കരണീയമായിടളത്. ആ
വിധതിലള പയതം ഫലവതായ ചില അനഭവങെളങിലം പസാവികവാനണ്.
ചികിതിച ഗനി അർബദ േരാഗികളിൽ ചരകം േപരാണ് പർണസഖം
പാപിചെതനതം എനാൽ സഖം പപികാത േരാഗികൾകം അനലമായ ആശവാസം
നൽകവാൻ കഴിഞെവനതം എടതപറേയണതണ്. അതിൽ പലതം േകാടയം െമഡികൽ
േകാേളജിെല കാൻസർ വിഭാഗതിൽനിനം നിർേദശിചവയാണ് . വിഭാഗീയ ചിനകതീതമാ‍യി,
ആതരശശഷാരംഗത് ഇതര സമദായങളെട സിദികെളയം സാദയതകെളയം
അംഗീകരികനതിനം സമനവയിപികനതിനം കെറ സഹതകെളങിലം തയാറാകനെവനത്
ഗനി അർബദേരാഗചികിതയിൽ ആയർേവദ ഗനങളിൽ
പതിപാദിചിടളതലാത ചില പേയാഗങൾ അത് ചികിതയിൽ
പേയാജനെപടതിയിരനവരം അവരെട പിൻ ഗാമികളം ഉദാരമനസതേയാെട പറഞതനത്
പേയാഗികനതിനം അതതകരമായ അനഭവം കാണനതിനം ഇടയായിടെണനളത്
അവേരാടള കതജതേയാെട ഇവിെട അനസരികന. മറപലരം കർണാ കർണികയാ
അറിഞതം പസാവയമാണ്. അവെയപറി പസാവികനത് സനർേഭാചിതമായിരികെമന
1. കരങൻ മയിലാഞി, മവില െപരങലം ( പാണി െപരങലം) ഇവയെട
േവരിേനൽ െതാലി െമാരി ചീകികളഞ് കാടി തിളപിചത് േചർതരച് പകൽ തടെര തടെര
പശനതെകാണ് കടിയള വീകം – അർബദമൾെപെട – ചരങകയം കടി കറയകയം
സാധാരണ നിലയിലാവകയം െചയന.
2. ആനപല്, കീഴാർെനലി, േമാര് തിളപിചത് തളിച് ഇടിചപിഴിഞ നീരിൽ അരച്
തകെര തകെര പശനത മലം വളെര കഠിനങളായ വീകങളം മായെപടനതിനം വലിഞ്
സാധാരണ നിലയിലാകനതിനം ഇടയാകന.
3 . ആനയെട അസി, ഏലകായരി, ചിേറലം, കനരകം, െകാടം, ഞാഴൽ പവ്,
മാഞി, ഇരേവലി, നാനകപല്,േചാനകപല്, കേചാലം, തണിയാങം, കർപരം, മതചിപി, നറം
പശ, നറം ചണകിഴങ്, പനപവ്, പലിചവടി, അരത, ആവിൽ, െചഞിലയം, ഗൽഗല,
തിരവടപശ ഇവ സമം മരിങാെതാലി നീരിൽ അരച് പശനതം േമൽ പറയെപട ഗണം
1. െചറവഴതിനവിത്, 30 ഗാം, ചായിലയം ചടൻ കർപരം, 15 ഗാം വീതം കറാർവാഴനീര്
േചർത് നലവണം അരച് തണിയിൽ േതചണകി രണരകിലം കളിപാലം േതച് െതറത്
വീണം ഉണകി ചിരടകനലിൽ കഷണിചിട് കതിച് അതിൽനിന് വരന പക നാളികയിലെട
ഏൽപികനത് വീകം ചരങനതിനം വണം ദഷ് നീങി വലിഞ് കരിയനതിനം
ഇടയാകനതാണ്. ഒര തവണ 7 ദിവസതിൽകടതൽ െചേയണതില.പക ഏൽപികന ദിവസം
കളികരത്. കടതൽ െവളം ഉപേയാഗികരത്.
2. ചടൻ കർപരം, വിഴാലരികാമ്, അതിവിടയം, ചായിലയം, െചറവഴതിന വിത്,
കണകാ‍രി വിത് ഇവ 10 ഗാം വീതം ചായിലയം 20 ഗാം ഇവ നലവണം െപാടിച് 1/18 ഭാഗം
വീതം ചിരടകനലിൽ ഇട് പക പറതിേപാകാതവിധം കമീകരിച് ദിവസം 3 പാവശയം
േരാഗമള ഭാഗത് പകേയൽപികക. കവിൾവാർപിനം മറം പക വായിൽകടി എടത്
മകിൽകടി വിടാ‍വനതാണ്. ഇത് 3 ദിവസതിൽ കടതൽ ഒനിച് ഉപേയാഗെപടതരത് .
േവണിവനാൽ കറച ദിവസങൾക േശഷം െചയാവനതാണ് . ജലപാനം കഴിവതം
വരണാദി, ആരഗവധാദി, പഞതിലകം കഷാദി, ഗൽഗലതികകം, തടങിയ
കഷായങളം ഗനക രസായനം, രസഗനി െമഴക്, രസസിനരം, നവപാഷാണം, കാഞനാര
ഗൽഗല, ഗൽഗലതികകധതം , തികകധതം, തടങിയ തയാറിപകളമാണ് പധാനമായം
ഔഷധങളായി വിവിധ േരാഗികളിൽ പേയാഗിച് അനഭവം കണിടളത്.
അേലാപതി നിഗമനരീതയാ അർബദമായി പരിഗണികെപടകയം എനാൽ
അതനസരിചള – ഹിംസാതക – ഒടം െചയാെതയം സമീപിച രണ േരാഗികൾക് േകവലം
ആയർേവദരീതിയിലള ചികിതെകാണ് പർണ സഖം ലഭികകയണായി .
1. ജിമി : 6 മാസം
കടിയെട വയറിൽ നീരം, പനിയം ആയി അസഖം ആ‍രംഭിച. സവകാരയ അേലാപതി
ആശപതിയിെല ചികിത ഫലികാെത വനേപാൾ േകാടയം െമഡികൽ
േകാേളജിേനാടനബനിച് പവർതികന കടികളെട ആശപതിയിൽ ( ഇൻസിറയട് ഓഫ്
ൈചൽഡ് െഹൽത് ) പേവശിപികകയം ശസകിയ നടതകയം െചയ. വണം കരികകയം
െചയ. നീര് േനരെതേപാെലതെന അവേശഷിചിരികകയായിരന. േകാശ പരിേശാധനയിൽ
പേതയക തരതിലള അർബദമാെണന് ചികിതിച േഭദമാകക വിഷമമാെണനം
പറഞേതാെടാപം തിരവനനപരം കയാൻസർ ഇൻസിറയടിൽ േപാകവാൻ നിർേദശികകയം
െചയ. കടതിൽ അവിെട െചനാലം വലിയ പതീകകവകയിെലനം ചികിതിച േഡാകർ
അഭിപായെപടവേത. ഈ സാഹചരയതിലാണ് ആയർേവദ ചികിത െചയനതിെനപറി
കടിയെട രകിതാകൾ ചിനിചതം എെന സമീപിചതം . കടിയെട വയറ് മേഹാദര
േരാഗിയേടെതനേപാെല വീർത് ബീഭതമായിരന. കാലിനം ൈകയിനം അലം നീരം
ഉണായിരന. പഞിരികന പസനമായ മഖം ആെരയം ആകർഷികനതായിരന.
അതെകാണതെന കടതൽ അനതാപവം അർഹിചിരന.കടലാസകൾ നിരീകിചേപാൾ
േരാഗസിതി െഗൌരവമളതാെണന് മനസിലാകകയം അത് അവെര േബാദയെപടതകയം
െചയ. കടിയെട രകിതാകളം ഞാനം ആയർേവദ ചികിത െചയകെയന തീരമാനതിൽ
എതി. അങിെന 6 മാസം പായമള ജിമിെയ 7-10-87-ൽ അമതാ ആയർേവദ ചികിതാ
േകനതിൽ പേവശിപിച. കലിചവീർത വയറ് െചാടകയം ൈകകാലകളിെല നീരം പനിയം
മാറകയം െചേയണിയിരികന. മടൈതലതിൽ കചരാദി ചർണം ചാലിച് തളം,
പനികർകയിലനീരം െചറനാരങനീരം േതനം സമം േചർത് മതയഞയരസം ഗളിക ചാലിചതം
പാചനാമതം കഷായവം, രാവിെല ഒരേനരം മാതം ഏരണസകമാരം മലപാലിൽ േചർതം
ഉളിേലക് െകാടതേപാന.മരിങെതാലിയം വാളൻപളിയിലയം കാടി തിളപിചത് തളിച്
ഇടിച പിഴിഞ നീരിൽ രാസാദിചർണം കലകി കറകി േതനം േചർത് വയറത് പകൽ
പശകയം െചയിരന. 5 ദിവസം കഴിഞേപാൾ പനിയം ൈകകാലകളിെല നീരം മാറി.
വയറിെല നീരിെന കലിപിന് അലം കറവേതാനി. ചികിതയിൽ മാറം വരതി.
വരണാദികഷായം , േഗാേരാചനാദി ഗളിക, ഏരണസകമാരം ഇവ ഔഷധമായം മലപാലം
പശവിൻ പാൽ കാചിയതം വറകറെക അരചകലകിയ കഞിെവളവം ആഹാരമായം
െകാടതേപാന. കരങൻ മയിലാഞി േവരിേനൽ െതാലിയം മവില െപരങല േവരിേനൽ
െതാലിയം കാടി തിളപിചതം േചർതരച് പകൽ വയറിനപറെമ പശകയം െചയിരന.
െപാതെവ ആശവാസമാ‍ണ് കണത് . 15 ദിവസങൾകേശഷം-22-10-87-മതൽ- കടിെയ വീടിൽ
കിടതി ചികിതികവാൻ നിർേദശിച. വരണാദി കഷായതിൽ കാഞരാര ഗൽഗല വടകവം,
കണിെവറിലനീരം േതനം േചർതതിൽ മകരദവജവം (ദിവസം 1 േനരം ) െകാടകക, േലപനം
തടരക, അഷപതാദി െവളിെചണ തലയിൽ വച് കാടതളസി , പവൻ കറനൽ, കാടതമ,(
കാകതമ) ഇവയിേലെതങിലം ഇട െവന െവളംെകാണ് ആഴയിൽ ഒരികൽ കളിപികക
എനിങെന ഉപേദശിചാണയചത്. 5-11-87-ൽ പനി ഉണായതിെന തടർന് മതയഞയരസം കടി
െകാടകനതിനം കളി പനിേപാകനതവെര നിർതിെവകനതിനം പറഞ . മെറൌഷധങളം
േലപനവം തടർനേപാന. വയറിെല നീരിെന വലിപവം കടിയം കമാനഗതമായി
കറഞെകാേണയിരന 19-11-87-മതൽ മറളവ തടർനെകാണ് അരഗാം വീതം രസഗനി
െമഴക് േതനിൽ െകാടകനതിന് ആരംഭമിട . 5-12-87-ൽ കടിക് വയറിളകവം ഓകാനവം
ഉണാ‍യതിെന തടർന് 4 ദിവസം രസഗനി െമഴക് നിർതിെവകകയം വിലവാദി ഗളിക ചവന
തളസിയില നീരം േതനം േചർത് െകാടകനതിനം നിർേദശിച . അതിനേശഷം 4-11-88- വെര
പഴയപടി തടർന. പിനീട് വരണാദി മാറി േശാഫഹരം കവാഥം ( അർദവിലവ തഴതാമ എന
േയാഗേതാെടാപം മരിങെതാലിയം ദർഭയം കലർ വഞിയം േവപിൻ െതാലിയം
െചറതിപലിയം േചർത നിർമിചത് )ആകി. കടാെത 1/5 ഗാം വീതം േഗാകരഭസം േതനിൽ
രാവിെല െകാടകനതിനം ഉപേദശിച. നീരിെന തടിപിെന ലാഞന മാതെമ
അറിയവാനണാ‍യിരനള. േലപനം മാറി ആനപല്, കിഴകാെനലി, േമാര തിളപിചത്
േചർതിടിചപിഴിഞ നീരിൽ അരചിടനതിന് നിർേദശിച . മകരദവജം 3-2-88-വെരയം
രസഗനി െമഴക് 24-3-88 വെരയം തടർന. ഇതിനിെട ചമ ഉണായതിന് കകടാണതവക്
ഭസവം താംബല രസായനവം െകാടേകണിവനിടണ് . 1988 മാർചിൽ ചികിത
അവസാനിപികേമാൾ മറിപാടകൾ മാതെമ അവേശഷിചിരനള. ചികിത നിർതന
അവസരതിൽ േകാടയം െമഡികൽ േകാേളജ് ൈവസ് പിൻസിപൽ സാനതനിന വിരമിച
േഡാ : സി. പി. മാതയ കടിെയ കാണകയം പരിേശാധിച േനാകകയം െചയിരന. ചികിതാ
കാലഘടതിൽ മലപാൽ െകാടതിരന മാതാവിനം കടത ആഹാരപഥയം
ഏർെപടതിയിരന. മകരദവജം രസഗനി തടങിയവ ഉപേയാഗികനവർക് കടത പഥയം
അനേപകണീയമാണേലാ ?
2. െസൌഭാഗയം-33
ഇടത മലയിലായിരന േരാഗം. മലയിൽ ഒര മഴയണായത് മനവർഷം
മൻപായിരന. കടാ‍കാെത ചിലറ ചികിത െചയ നീങി. അസഖം കടകലായി േതാനിയേപാൾ
കലർ അർബദ േരാഗനിർണയ േകനതിൽ േപായി . സചിവിദ േകാശപരിേശാധനയിൽ Needle
biopsy യിൽ േകാശ വികസന വർദന (mitosis and giant cell formation ) അതായത് അർബദ
ലകണമളതായി േബാദയെപട. തിരവനനപരം അർബദ ചികിതാ േകനതിൽ െചന് മല
ശസകിയ െചയ് നീകണെമന് അവിെട നിർേദശികെപടെവങിലം തമകശവാസ (Asthma)
ബാധിതകടിയായ േരാഗി അതിന വിസമതിച. അങിെനയാണ് ആയർേവദ ചികിതക്
സമീപിചത്. ആയർേവദചികിത തടങിയ 23—8-89 െല രക പരിേശാധനയിൽ Hb 11.2, Tc
9800, Poly 57, Lymyh 32, Mono 1, Eisno 10, E.S.R ആദയെത മണികറിൽ 18 m.m.
എനിങെന കണ. മലയിെല മഴകണായിരന കതിേനാവ് കടാെത തലേവദന, ഇടത െചവി
േവദന, തലകറകം തടങിയ ഉപദവങളം ഉണായിരന. േരാഗി കീണിതയായിരന.
അവിപതി ചർണം െകാണ് േശാധന വരതിയ േശഷം വരണാദി കഷായതിൽ
കാഞനാര ഗൽഗലവം േചർത് 2 േനരവം കാനഭസം െചറനാരങനീരം േതനം േചർത് 1
േനരവം െകാടകനതിനം കനങൻ മയിലാഞി േവരിേനൽ െതാലിയം മവില െപരങല
േവരിേനൽ െതാലിയം െകാണള േലപനം മലയിൽ ഇടനതിനം നിർേദശിച . കറെഞാര
ദിവസെത ചികിതെകാണതെന േരാഗിക് പതീകാതീതമായ ആശവാസം അനഭവെപട. 11-9-
89- മതൽ രസഗനി െമഴക് െകാടത തടങി. 10-10-89-വെര തടർന. മഴ തീെര
െചറതായിരികന. 13-10-89- മതൽ മറ മരനകൾ നിർതിെകാണ് ദിവസം 2 േനരം
രസസിനരം െകാടത തടങി. അേതാെടാപം മൻേലപനം മാറി ആനപല് അരചിടനതിനം
നിർേദശിച. 15-12-89-വെര ചികിത തടർന. മഴ ഒടം ഇെലന് അറിയകയണായി. ഈ
െസമിനാറിൽ സംബനികനതിന മൻപ് നിശയം വരതനതിന േവണി അകെലയള
േരാഗിെയ 26-2-90-ൽ വിളിചവരതി പരിേശാധികകയണായി. േരാഗം വനതിെന
ലാഞനേപാലം അറിയാനിെലന് േബാദയെപട. തെനയമല ആൾ പഷിെപടകയം
െചയിരികന. ചികിത ആരംഭിചതിനേശഷം തമകശവാസതിെന ഉപദവം ഉണായിടില.
േരാഗിയെട അചെന അമകം, െകാചമകം കടലിലം ഒര സേഹാദരിക്
ഗർഭപാതതിലം , മെറാര സേഹാദരിക് മലയിലം അർബദ ബാധയണായിരനെവനത്
അർബദം പരമരയമായണാകാവന ഒര േരാഗമാേണാ എന് ചിനിേകണതിേലക് വിരൽ
രണ ചികിതാ വിവരണേതാടം ബനെപട പരിേശാധനയെട വിവരം ഇേതാെടാപം


Case No. Biopsy No. 8127 /
IP. 7171 Dated : 5-10-87

Name : Jimmy Sex Age 6/12 Date received

Unit : Paed. Surgery Surgeon / Hospital
Dr. Gopalakrishnan achari,
Clinical Diagnosis : Neuroblastoma sympathetica …….
Nature of Specimen : Biopsy from tumour.


Macro. One irregular greyish white bits meas. 1x 0.5 cms.

Micro. Section shows a fibrocollagenous tissue and fragments of neoplasm arranged in
lobules. Neoplastic cells are small round cells with hyperchromatic nuclei and pale
eosinophilic cytoplasm seperated by a fibrillary stroma. In areas the
tumour cells show rosette formation.
Imp. Picture is that of a round cell sarcoma-possibly neuroblastoma.

( Signed )
For Professor of Pathology.

Instirute of Child Health and Childrens ’ Hospital


Dr. G. Gopalakrishnan Achari,

Associate Professor of Paediatric Surgery,

I. C. H. Kottayam.

To The Director,

Regional Cancer Centre,

Medical College,



This child Jimmey 6/12(Female) was brought to this hospital with complaints of enlargement of
abdomen. She has a tumour in the abdomen occupying the whole of abdomen. Blood urea-16 mgm%
IVP. the Rt. Kidney, ureter and bladder normal.

The left kidney is pushed up and laterally with crowding of the calyxes and compression of
pelvis from below.

X-ray chest –Normal.

Exploration : The tumour was found to occupy the whole of the retroperitoneum. The aorta and the
major branches were engulfed in the tumour. The tumour was found to infiltrate the mesentery and
the superior mesenteric vessels. The left kidney was found to be infiltrated and pushed up and

The pancreas was invaded at the body and tail. The liver had multiple secondaries on the right

The tumour extended into the pelvis.

Hence a biopsy was done and is reported as round cell sarcoma probably neuro blastoma.
Biopsy report (No. 8127/87) is hereby attached.

Kindly do the needed.

Yours sincerely,





A Unit of Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum

Cytology No. RC 6683 / 89 EA 586 /89 Referred by

Name & Address -- Smt. Soubhagyam Babu 33 yrs.

Tannippally house


Clinical Exam. –cx. Unhealthy , hard, erosion.

Firm lump partially fixed with irregular marjin, 2cm.inner

Quadrant of left breast. Nipple shows retraction.

Specimen Examined --Cervical smear-

Aspirate smear

Cytology Report --RC 1683 /89 Cervical smear – The endocervical cells show

Marked inflammatory changes and squamous metaplasia.

Diag :-- Endocervicitis

Follow up after 6 months.

Diagnosis -- Aspirate smear —Shows scattered neoplastic cells with

occasional papillary formation. The cells are large, columnar

spindle and have abundant cyanophilic cytoplasm and large

hyperchromatic nuclei. One or two macronucleoli are noted.

A number of mitoses and giant cell formations are found.

Benin ductal cell groups showing fibroadenomatous

Arrangements are also often found.

Advice -- Diag :- Infiltrating Duct Carcinoma (Papillary type ) probably

Arising from fibroadenoma.

Date -- 16 /8/89




Abstract :

Failure of the universally accepted line of treatment in advanced cancer cases, radiation,
surgery and chemotherapy and organization of societies for further research is the current trend.
There are heretics who challenge the possibility of a cause for cancer, a pre-cancer stage is
preventability and early diagnosis. Cancer according to them is ever there as a part of self and insist
on minimal treatment. Any-how mechanical approach to cancer as simply due to a somatic
derangement as a malady strting locally and spreading or attacking other parts is not correct is
recognized. experiences prove its psychosomatic root and the necessity of a holistic approach to yield
better results. The A.C.P. (Attiva Come Prema ),society in Milan organized and working for
rehabilitation of cancer affected patients, conclude from their investigations that psychic factors
influence relapse. Dr. Lakshmipathy reports how he could relieve many inoperable cancers, by
administering Bhallataka (semicarpus anacardium ) as medicine insisting on purification of toxins by
providing a grape diet and by bucking up the courage and will power of the patient by persuading him
to stick up to faith and devotion. The role of the mental crisis in the onset of cancer and how this
mental situation affects the tissues later are studied and techniques for successfully treating cancer
by reversing the changes, with due importance given to mental consolation along with all current
treatments with a holistic approach by Simontons. These studies engance the importance of a restudy
of Ayurveda approach which always insist on vital strength, psychosomatic approach-a description of
which as given in classical texts followed.

Most of the modern designations for cancer and malignant conditions can be understood in
Ayurveda as with the term Arbuda and many malignant conditions due to provocations of the three
doshas together, although exact equation of terms of the systems may not agree.

Experience of treatment personally conducted and from other ’s experience prove that there is
an effective and reliable approach in Ayurveda which can be improved by modern knowledge and
purposeful researches, cases of cure gained by Naturopathic, Ayurvedic approach and personal
experience are reported.

But for AIDS, Cancer is the most dreaded of all diseases and much controversy is centered on
it. We have a bulky literature on the study of Cancer. Everyday we get reports of trials, versions,
discoveries of possibly effective medicines etc. While official medicine still clings to radiation, surgery
and Chemotherapy and go on organizing cancer scientists for research and treatment and collecting
funds there are heretics who challenge and negate the basis of all these understandings and
proceedings. “ Myths and realities of cause and cure of Cancer ” by Dr. M. L.Kothari and Dr. L.A.
Mehta raises such a challenge. They challenge the very idea that cancer is caused, preventable,
diagnosable and that there is a pre-cancer stage. According to them, cancer is always there. It is not
curable but understandable and often palliable. Cancer has been with mankind since ages and its
occurance is not a punishment. It is a part of your own self. Neither love nor hate it. Decide to live with
cancer is their message. They say must you should be treated, seek surgery. Should you be
irradiated or given Chemo-therapy insist on the minimal and be prepared for the cellular levy from
head to foot that your body must pay”.

Cancer is a species, class or ordinary character. You can neither inherit it or pass it to your
progeny. But inspite of the challenge official medicines goes on as before. We are here to discover
the possibilities and limitations and how we can improve our techniques, approach and medicines in
the Ayurvedic way. But we have today other medical systems, sapecially modern, comparatively with
more command in the field. It is accepted by all that present day medical problem can be tackled only
with a combine effort of all.

Arbuda is seen studied in classical texts and latter ones on Susruta, Charaka, Vagbhata.
Madhava Nidhana, Anjana Nidhana, Rasa Ratna Samucchaya and other works. They are studied in
relation to and in the context of the studies jof Grandhis. It is also a Nija Vrana. Vagbhata says it is
bigger than grandhis. Charaka saya “because there is no difference between the cause, creation,
shape, the doshas involved and affected between that of Grandhi (tumour) and Arbudas (Cancerous
tumours) , the physician has to treat Arbuda as per the instructions or steps as per the instructions or
steps as per grandhis. Susruta gives a clear picture “ the doshas having got vitiated in any part of the
body and affecting the Mamsa (flesh) produce swelling in the later ”. This is circular, fixed, slightly
painful, big in size,broad based, slowly growing and it does not supprate. The same is called
“Arbuda” buy the experts. This is produced by vitiated vata, pitta,Kapha, Raktha, Mamsa and by
Medas. While the grandhis are nine in vumber by each of the three doshas, Blood, flesh, fat, bone
veins and from ulcers (Vrana ) according to Susruta.

Regarding the prognosis, Susruta points out this ( Raktarbuda) which continuously
discharges vitiated blood is incurable and Mamsarbuda also is said to be incurable. Even out of
which are curable those which discharge. Those situated over the vital parts or over the srotases and
those which become fixed should be discarded from treatment. When another tumours grow over the
pre-exsisting ones, this is known as Adhyarbuda by the Oncologists. When two tumours grow
simultaneously or one after the other that is called Dviarbuda and both these are incurable. Here
Dviarbuda is commented as secondaries. The term used “Samprasruta ” denotes ulcerated Arbuda.
The mention of srotases speaks of the knowledge then they had on the spread of Cancer cells by
lymph and blood. The term “Achala”denotes fixity. According to Ayurveda, metabolism is due to
Chalanam ( movement) , Paka( transformation and maturation) and Upachaya ( accumulation) and
these are controlled by Vata, Pitta and Kapha respectively. When the doshas are upset metabolism is
impaired and degeneration sets in the unrestrained and unregulated increase of cells cause
malignancy and manifestation of Cancer. Although malignancy of Arbuda is presented as a special
topic in this context, there are hints of developing Cancer from other grandhis or tumour like
abnormalities. For instance, Kapha gulma in structure is much like a grandhis. There is possibility of
such tumours turning Cancer. Apachi also can take such a course. So Cancers of intestinal organs
also can be inferred. Apache, Galagandha Alaji and Valmika are described as grandhis. The
treatment also for these conditions are similar. Dr. Prabhakar Chatterjee in his book, Ayurvedic
treatment of Cancer says that “ Cancer has an exact resemblance to the disease designated as
Rohini in Ayurveda and Rohini may be regarded as identical to Cancer ”. But some suggest Rohini as
Diphteria. The term Valmika means molehill. some suggest it as actinomycosis madhura foot (Ancient
Indian Surgery Page 191). But in Susruta, it is said to be treated like that of Arbuda. Valmika with
multiple openings and inflammation in the hands and feet is incurable. It is a disease in which all the
three doshas join together. Usually in any tumour in which all the three doshas are in a provoked
stage, malignancy can be suspected, Dr. Lakshmipathy included Valmika, Indraviddha, Gardhabhika
and Paashana Gardhabha among malignant tissues. Sarkaraarbuda is refered to sarcoma of the
fibrous type or to a scirrhous Cancer. In Vata Raktha such a possibility is clearly defined. That which
is originated by the three doshas with discharges which is stuck up prone to turn cancerous is advised
to be discarded.

So any disease taking a similar turn has to be considered as malignant.

Since there is no such tissue vice difference in Ayurveda it is very difficult to equalate
these term with Ayurvedic designations. Some may be equated. Rakta Arbuda and Mamsa Arbuda
may be represented as Sarcomas. Raktarbuda as Haemomangio Sarcoma and Mamsa Arbuda as
Myo sarcoma. Dr. Lakshmipathy says it is difficult to say whether Rakta Arbuda is a carcinoma or
sarcoma. The description may apply to a carcinoma or a soft variety of sarcoma. Kapolarbuda is
carcinoma cheek. Medarbuda has Lipo sarcoma. The Ayurvedic designations of Vata, pitta and
Kapha Arbudas are not liable for exact equations taking the relationship of doshas to tissues. Vata
Arbuda can be those related to nervous tissues and skin. Pitta with blood and Kapha with structural
tissues mucous, phlegm etc.,as Kapolarbuda. Cancers associated with white corpuscles according to
modern designations are lympho-sarcoma and lymphatic leukaemia. There is Myeloid Leukaemia
also . these may be represented to cancers due to Pitta and Kapha. There is no mention of
multiplication of white corpuscles in Ayurveda. But when describing Pleehodara in Udara Nidana
there is mention of enlargement of spleen. When blood is increased unevenly i. e. without the uniform
increase of Rasa and other tissues, increase spleen. The symptoms of troubles described are
enlargement of stomach, cough, thirst, fever, distension of stomach, torpor pain and anaemia. Of
these, apart from enlargement of stomach all agree with the symptoms of Leukaemia. Again in Pandu
(anaemia ) also we come across similar symptom. So investigations can be done following these
symptoms. When comparing the modern tissue vice studies and studies in classical texts we have to
bear-in –mind the difference in approach and the time. Susruta ’s description is exquisite and
absolutely conforming to the needs then, because as we can presume cancer may not have been so
prevalent then as today. It is an admitted fact that diseases spring up and disappear as per the
changes in our way of life and circumstances. The same disease may take different form.

Today, since we have more facilities and equipments to examine and study internal
organs. We could note and describe varieties of cancers, sarcomas and others affecting each and
every tissue. At the time of the classics there was no possibility for such detailed investigations of
internal organs and detections. More over our attitude was for more functional studies. So we have
basically Dosha depending descriptions, although Dhatu dependence is not excluded. Basically
Ayurvedic approach is functional, field-oriented, holistic and multi-factoral. Modern approach is
structural, analytic (reductionistic), liner and uni factoral. Both approaches are useful and mutually
contributing. But since Ayurvedic approach is with arrested growth, it is the up-to-date approach that
dominates us. So our first duty is to develop our functional approach, embracing all modern studies
but true to the spirit and as a continuation of the Dosha-Dhatu-Mala conception.

Modern treatment as familiar consists in eradicating the cancerous tissue by radiation or

surgery and to correct the metabolism, chemo-theraphy. Since radiation and surgery have only
temporary effect to remove the appeared one and not in preventing relapse chemo-theraphy has got
more importance. This trend leads to the idea of restoring equilibrium. but still the approach is
conservative. It shows what we need is a radical change in our approach. Happily there are ominous
signs very important for us of such an approach emerging in the west. Fritjof Capra ’s work, Turning
Point gives a brief report of such an approach. It is named “Simonton approach. ”

The conceptual frame work and therapy that Carel Simonton a radiation oncologist and
Stephanie Mathews- Simonton, psychotherapist have developed agree basically with the idea that
the imbalance and fragmentation that pervade our culture today play an important role in the
development of Cancer and prevent medical researchers and clinicians from understanking the
disease. At present their work is only a pilot study but so far the average survival time of their patient
is twice that of the best institution of cancer theraphy and three times of the national average in the
United States and the quality of life and levels of activity of these patients are absolutely

The popular image of cancer is that it is a strong and powerful invader that strikes the body
from outside. Patients see it as a localized problem. Simonton want to reverse this image. According
to modern cellular biology cancer cells are weak and confused. They do not attack but simply over-
produce. They are with incorrect genetic information and so do not function normally. Their
communications with the environment to determine their optimal size and rate of production and self-
organisation are impaired and so normal cohesion weakens, malignant get loose travel and create
meta-stasis. The immune system is weak. So Cancer is a break-down within. The cause of the
formation of cancerous cells and the weakening of the immune system are to be enquired too.
Simonton fully recognize the role of carcinogenic substances and environmental influences and
genetic disposition but these factors alone do not provide an adequate answer. What inhibits a
person’s immune system is the crucial problem, there are the mental and emotional aspects.

A state of imbalance is generated by prolonged stress which is channeled through a

particular personality configuration to give rise to specific disorders. In cancer, the crucial stresses
appear to be those that threaten some role or relationship that is central to the persons identity or set
up a situation from which apparently there is no escape. Several studies suggest that these stresses
typically occur six to eighteen months before the diagnosis of cancer generating feelings of despair
helplessness and hopelessness and so serious illness or death become consciously acceptable as a
potential situation. So in their psycho-somatic model of cancer, physiological and physical states
work together. The emotional stresses has two principal effects. It suppresses the boy ’s immune
system and at the same time leads to hormonal imbalances that result in an increased production of
abnormal cells. The connection between Cancer and emotions has been observed for hundreds of

Laurence Leshan’s studies of more than five hundred cancer patients approve their
observations. So Simonton approach holds that the development of cancer involves a number of
inter-dependant psychological and biological processes and that these can be recognized and the
sequence of events which lead to illness can be reversed to lead organism back into a healthy state.
Make the patient aware of the wider contexts of their illness. Ask patient questions to identify the
major stresses occurring in their lives six to eighteen months prior. Get the patient ’s participation and
create the basic for reversing the cycle of psychosomatic processes that led to the state of ill- health.
Strengthen belief in the effectiveness of the treatment and create a positive attitude. The response to
treatment depends on their attitude than on the severity of the disease. Once feelings of hope
anticipation are generated the organism translate them into biological processes that begin to restore
balance revitalize the immune system using the same pathways that were used for development of
disease. Physical therapy is also used. So cancer is a problem of the “whole person ” and so a multi-
dimentional approach with various treatment strategies required. Simontons employ a method of
relaxation with visual images and symbolic language. The cancer and the action of the immune
system are pictured in the patients own symbolic imagery. This is extremely good to strengthen the
immune system. The visualization method is excellent for patient to communicate with their
unconscious. Along with the psychological and social problems also are to be reckoned. So
psychological councelling and psychotherapy also to be employed. Often group sessions are held for
therapy. Most patients need a change in the belief system because hopelessness is due to wrong
inter-pretation. Confrontation with death is also a problem. The therapist has to play a supportive role
here also to succeed in improving the quality of ones living and ones dying. the cancer patients are
thus naturally led to consider their goals in life, their reasons for living and their relation to the cosmos
as a whole. Observing these developments, we get more conviction as to how improving upon it in the
light of these modern studies can be a valuable contribution to cancer treatment.

Cancer is basically due to alienation of man from nature and society. It is a psycho-
somatic disease. It cannot stop simply by eradicating the cancerous tissue by radiation or surgery.
Along with such steps the “Bala” factor i.e. preservation and fortification of vitality has to be planned
both during such treatments and afterwards to prevent relapse. In this respect purification steps and
Rasayana are always to be insisted.

In selecting herbs and preparations with mineral and animal products Ayurveda insists on
Dhatusamya or adaptogenic property. In Europe Misletoe is considered as a medicine for Cancer.
There is no wonder that search for cancer medicines has now turned towards the herbal lore. Since
the discovery from Vinca rosea. So many plants are now collected at random and tried. But Barbara
grigs in green pharmacy suggests to turn to traditionally used herbs instead of selecting at random.
This has another suggestion. Traditional medicines are used withaan eye for purity. So this implies
the necessity of purification also. She also points to the scope of new techniques advancing in the
west. Edward Batch (1886-1936),a Welsh born bacteriologist got convinced that Sun warmed dew
absorbed the vital healing powers of the plant in which it rested and that this power could be
transmitted to pure spring water standing in a glass bowl in full sunlight in which were placed specific
herbs. His cure was not to attack the disease. But to flow the body with beautiful vibration from herbs
and flowers in the presence of which disease would melt away as snow in the Sun shine. According to
Ayurveda also we cannot do without surgery, cauterization or alkalies in advanced cases. So the
place of surgery and radiation is still there in such advanced cases. But even here internal use of mild
purifying and strength giving medicines will be helpful. In my persomal experiences, I have found
Chandraprabha gutika with Panchathiktam kashayam and Punarnavadi kwatha are very effective in
Pancreatic Cancer. Gomuthra Hareetaki to heal a throat cancer. Such instances can be reported both
from by experiences and from my colleagues. But since we are not working at clinical research
institution, we have not data to claim for our results.

In Surabaya at the IASTAM Conference three professors from Airlanka University

presented a paper on anti-cancerous effect of Vernonia cineria(Sahadeve). They reported trials on
induced liver cancer in mice completely healed by the glucocide of Vernonia cineria. Such
phytochemical and biological tests and their reports are encouraging. But it has the other side also.
Bhallataka (Semicarpus anacardium) has proved its worth in healing cancer by an eminent doctor like
Lakshmipathy is rejected by researchers saying that it has no such effect. So the question arises. Are
such studies alone trustworthy? . Often it is not the medicine alone that works. It is the way the
technique that works. upton Sinclaivas his book of life when dealing with fasting has given a report of
the cases benefitted by fasting, one of it is Cancer. In our personal experiences, we have observed
many types of cancer including Leukaemia, some healed or at least controlled by naturopathic
physicians. So the importance of holistic approach in naturopathic techniques it is cleaning the body
and allowing it to work with its own vital strength that intended. We have to see that Mhallataka is
used as a Rasayana especially in Kapha conditions. So the importance of holistic approach in dealing
with anti-concerous drugs in Arbuda. So Ayurvedic herbs and preparations are selected by giving
preference 1) to Dhatu samya 2) Purificatory effect and 3) Preenana of life-giving. When preparing
yogas also they have aimed at the holistic effect.

In cancer the basic problem is the protection of the healthy cell from toxicity or other
unfavourable conditions. So along with eradication of the morbid tissues, promotion of regenerative
tissues taking cancer as a systemic disease involving even mental factors have to be attended to
leeches applied to cells do both together. Purification itself is regenerative. In Charaka Dasemani is
Ballyani, Prajasthapanani are combination of herbs which are purificatory and regenerative. That is
the vision of the preceptors. Our medicines work in that way. So we have to improve our research
taking all these factors.


ഈ സദസിെന സംഘാടകർകം വിേശഷാൽ ൈവദയശാസങളിൽ അഥവാ‍ ആയർേവദം,

അേലാപതി, േഹാമിേയാപതി, യനാനി, സിദ, പകതി എനീ ചികിതാവിഭാഗങളിൽ പാണിതയവം
പാ‍േയാഗിക പരിചയവമള എലാ ഭിഷഗവരനാർകം വിനീതമായ നമസാരം അർപിചെകാണ് ,
അർബദെതകറിച് ഞങളെട ഗനവരികളിൽ പറഞിടള വിവരങളം അർബദചികിതാരംഗത്
എനികള അനഭവങളം ഈ െചറപബനതിൽകടി പരിഗണനകം പരിേശാധനകമായി നിങളെട
മമിൽ വിനയപരസരം ഞാൻ അവതരിപികാം. തയാജയഗാഹയപടകളായ ഭിഷഗവരനാ‍ർ
ശതിയകയനഭവാദികളാൽ ഇതിെല പതിപാദയം പരിേശാധികണെമന വിനീതമായി ഞാ ൻ

മാസധാതവിെന ആശയിച് സാമാനയമായി ഒര പേതയകതരതിലണാവന

ഗനിവികാരെത ( അഥവാ മാംേസാഛയെത)അർബദെമന് പറയാെമനാണ് െപാതെവ അഭിപായം.
ഏതപായതിലം ആർകം ശരീരതിെന ഏതഭാഗതം ഈ േരാഗം ഉണാവാം . ഏെതങിലം ഒര ഭാഗത്
േകനീകരിചണാകെമനലാെത ഒേരസമയത് പലദികിലം സാമാനയമായി ഉണാവാറില.

മാതമല, ഇത് േരാഗാണകൾവഴി സംകമിചണാവന ഒര േരാഗമെലന് വിദഗാഭിപായവമണ്.

അതെകാണ് േരാഗകാരണം നിദാനം എനിവ വയകമല എന ചിലർക് അഭിപായമണ് . ഇത്

എലാവരം അംഗീകരിചിടില. വിദധി ഗനി ഗൽമം ഇവ എലാം ഒര വിഭാഗതിൽെപടവയാണ്.അവയെട
പരിണാമമാണ് അർബദെമനപറയനത്.

എനാൽ വികലേനതീയാചാരയൻ പറയനത് ശരീരതിൽ ആഹാരവിഹാരങളാൽ ഓജകയം

സംഭവിചിടള സനർഭങളിൽ ചാനായണകമതിൽ വാവമതൽ കയറകയം ഇറങകയം െചയന

അമതവിഷകലകളിൽ അമതകല താെഴയം വിഷകല മകളിലമായി നിൽകന സനർഭങളിൽ വിഷകല

നിൽകനിടത് ഏൽകന ഇടി, സമർദം, അഭിഘാതം മതലായവകളാൽ ആ സാനങളിെലാ
അെലങിൽ അതമായി അമിതതാദാതയം പാപിചിടള മർമസനങളിെലാ സകനാഡികളിൽകടി
വയാപിച വിഷകലയെട സകാംശം അവിെടവച് തിേദാഷങെള വിഘടിപിച് വിദതി, ഗൽമം, ഗനി
എനിവെയ ഉണാകന. (ഇവയെട പരിണാമെത പാേയണ അർബദെമന വിേശഷിപികാം .) ഇത്
മാംസം , മജ, രകം എനീ ധാതകളിലാണ് സാമാനയമായി സംഭവികാറളത് .അതിൽ വച്
രകധാതവിൽ സംഭവികനതിെന രകാർബദെമനം മാംസധാതവിെന ബാധിചതിെന
ഗനയർബദെമനം മറളവെയ സാനേഭദമനസരിച് പേതയകേപരിലം വിേശഷിപികന . ഇവെയലാം
ചിരപാകികളം ആദയഘടതിൽ സാദയങളം മദയഘടതിൽ കഛസാദയങളം അനയഘടതിൽ
അസാദയങളമാണ്. േമൽപറഞ കാരണങളാലാണ് ഇത അകാരണമാെണനപറയനത്.

എനാൽ ചരകം ചില സനർഭങളിൽ അചനമമാരിൽനിന് മകളിേലക് പാരമരയമായി

പകർന കാണാറെണന് ചില ആചാരയനമാർ അഭിപായെപടിടണ് . ഈ അഭിപായം െപാതെവ
അംഗീകരികെപടിടില. ഈ വിഷയം പേതയകം പഠനവിേധയമാേകണതാണ്. സമയപരിമിതിയാൽ
ഞാൻ കടതൽ ആ വിഷയതിേലക കടകനില.

സാധാരണനിലയിൽ ശരീരതിൽ സംഭവികന മറിവകളിൽകടിേയാ,

ഭകണവസകളിൽകടിേയാ, വായവിൽകടിേയാ, മറധളിപടലങളിൽ കടിേയാ, ശരീരതിനകത
പേവശികന ആേഗയം, വായവയം, പാർതിവം, ആപയം, ശാബികം, സാനിപാതികം, സമിശം
എനിങെന തരംതിരിചിടള് സാധാരണ കണിന അദശയങളായ സകകണികകൾ ഒറേകാ
ഇടകലർേനാ ശരീരതിൽ തിേദാഷങെള വികതമാകി നമെട ശരീരതിലള വിഷകലെയ
ഉേതജിപിച് സപധാതകളിൽകടി ശരീരം മഴവൻ വയാപിച് െചറിയ പനി , ദഹനകറവ്, മനത, തമൽ,
ഉറകകറവ്, കാഴകറവ്, അകാരണ േരാമാഞം, േശാധനകറവ്,തളർച,സംഭമം, വിഭാനി എനിവ
ഉണാകിതീർകന. േമൽപറഞസകകണികകൾ ഒറെകാറക് പേതയകം (ശരീരതിന്
ഹാനികരങളല. ഇവ പാഞെഭൌതിക തനാതകളെട സകാംശങൾ മാതമാണ്.) എനാൽ
ശരീരഘടനയെട ചില പേതയകാവസകളിൽ ശരീരതിൽ പേവശികന സമയസനർഭങളെട
പേതയകതകളാൽ തിേദാഷങെള വികതമാകനതിന് േഹതവാകന എനമാതം പറയാം .

അങിെന വിഷകല ഉേതജിപികകയാൽ വികതങളാകെപടേമാൾ ഉണാ‍കന

തിേദാഷജനയമായ വികാരങളെട കാരണം അവയകമാെണനാണ് ചിലരെട അഭിപായം. ഈ
ലകണങൾ മികേരാഗങൾകം കാണാവനതെകാണ് സാമാനയനിലയിൽ െവറം കണെകാണ്
തിരിചറിയാനം േരാഗനിർണയം നടതവാനം പാഥമിക ഘടതിൽ വിഷമമാണ് . ഈ സനർഭങളിൽ
താൽകാലികമായി തിേദാഷങളെട വികതി മാറി സമനിലയിലാകാനം ഉപദവശമനതിനം
ഉപേയാഗികന മരനകെളെകാണ് തൽകാലം മാറിയേപാെല േതാനം എങിലം വീണം
പതപതിനഞദിവസതിനിടക ആവർതിെചനം ആവർതിചിെലനം വരാം. ഇങിെന തടർചയായി
വിവിധ നിലകളിൽ പരിേശാധിച് േശാധനശമനപധാനങളായ ചികിതയം പതയാചരണവം
ശീലിേകണത് ആവശയമാണ്.

ആ നിലക ചിനികേമാൾ അർബദങൾ െപാതെവ വാതം , പിതം, കഫം, വാതപിതം,

വാതകഫം, മിശം എനിങെന ഏഴായി തരംതിരിചിടാണ് ഞങളെട പാരമരയതിൽ
വിേശഷിപികനത്. വാതപധാനമായത് അതിയായ കതിേനാവേപാെലയള േവദനേയാടകടിയതം
പറെമ വരൾചയം ഉൾഭാഗത് ചീചലമളതം കാലകേമണ വർദിചവരനതമാകന .

പിതപധാനമായത് നീരം ചടം ഘനവം ഉളിൽ പഴപ് ഉളതം ആദമായ ദാവകം

പവഹികനതം ഇടകിടക് ചടനീറലം ഉൾഭാഗതിൽ വിങലം ഉണാകനതമായിരികം .

കഫപധാനമായത് െചറിയ േതാതിൽ തടിപളതം െകാഴതജലം പവഹികനതം ചറം

തടിച് നടകഴിഞ് ഇടകിടക് സചികതനതേപാെലയള േവദനേയാടകടിയതം പറംഭാഗം

വാതപിതപധാനം ചറിലം െചറിയ െചറിയ പരകളളതം ചടനീറലം െചാറിചലം വിങലം

ഉളതം പറെമ വരണപകതിേയാടകടിയതമായിരികം.

വാതകഫപധാനം െതാടാൽ േവദനികനതം നലേപാെല െവളത് െകാഴത ചലം

പവഹികനതം നടഭാഗംകനത് ഉൾഭാഗതിൽ കതിേനാേവാടകടിയതം െതാടാ‍ൽ തണതിരികനതം

കഫപിതപധാനം ൈകെവചാൽ ചടളതം നീരം വണതിനചറം വരൾചയം,

മഞൾനീരിന് തലയമായ െകാഴതജലം പവഹികനതം കണാൽ വാടിയേപാെല

തിേദാഷങൾ ഒനിചേകാപിചതിന് േമലറഞ എലാ ലകണങളം ഇടകലർന

കാണാവനതാണ്.എനാൽ ചില സനർഭങളിൽ ഒര ഭാഗത്മാതം ആശയിചവളർന മാംേസാഛയം
(അർബദം) ഔഷധാദികളാൽ ദവിപികകേയാ, െപാളിചകരിചകളയകേയാ െചയാലം അതിെന
സകകണികകൾ വയാനവായവിൽകടി ശരീരതിെന മറഭാഗങളിൽ വയാപിച ഒേരസമയത് പലദികിലം
ആവിർഭവികവാനമിടയണ്. അപർവമായിമാതെമ അങിെന ഉണാവാ‍റള എനമാതം.

െപാതെവ അർബദങൾ ആരംഭിചാൽ 3 വർഷം വെര സാധാരണ കരകളേടേയാ,

വണങളേടേയാ ലകണങൾ മാതെമ അനഭവെപടകയള. അകാരണതാൽ സാധാരണനിലയിൽ
വിദധി എേനാ ഗൽമെമേനാ ഗനി എേനാ കരതി അതിെന ശമനതിനള ചികതയാണ്
െചയവരാറളത്.എനാൽ പതയാചരണകറവ് ധാതേയാഗയമലാത ചികിത എനിവയാൽ േരാഗിക
ശകിയായ കീണം, തളർച എനിവ അനഭവെപടം. മാതമല േരാഗലകണം
പധാനമർമസാനങളിലാെണങിൽ അഥവാ മർദാവ് െനറി, കവിൾ,മക്, െചവികൾ, കണകൾ,
കേപാലം, കഴത്, ഹദയം, പാർശവങൾ, കകങൾ, വയറ്, നാഭി, ഗഹയം, മഴങാൽ, പദഗലങൾ,
അണാക്, നാവ്, താല കണം എനിവിടങളിലാണ് എങിൽ കടതൽ േവഗതിൽ വയാപിച് മരണം
വരതിെവകാനം സാദയതയണ്.

തിേദാഷസമിശമായ അർബദതിനം ശദവാതാർബദതിനം മികവാറം പറെമ വണങൾ

കാണകയില. അതിെന പകടാവസയിൽ രകം േനർമയായിതീരകേയാ ഘനീഭവികകേയാ െചയാം .
രണ ലകണവം കാണാറണ്. ഇതിെന പാരംഭാവസയിൽ േവഗതേയാടകടിയ ശവാേസാഛാസം
ശവാസതിന് ശകിയായ ദർഗനം, അതിയായ വിയർപ്, (കഞിപിഴിഞ വസം േപാെല) െകാഴത
ദാവകതിൽ മകിയ വസം േപാെല കാണാം. പറെമക വണമിെലങിലം ഒര പെക ശകിയായ
വയറേവദനേയാ മലവിസർജന ൈവഷമയേമാ ഉെണങിൽ അകത് വണമെണനനമാനികാം . തനലം
മലതിൽ ചലവം ചിലേപാൾ േചാരകടകളം കാണാം . അതേപാെല ഹദയതിേലാ,
ശവാസേകാശതിേലാ ആണ് വണെമങിൽ തപലിലം മകചീറിയതിലം ചലാംശേമാ രകാംശങേളാ
കാണാം. ശകിയായ ശവാസവിമിഷവം െനഞേവദനയം അനഭവെപടാം. േമലറഞ ലകണങൾ
പാരംഭാവസയിൽ േനരിയേതാതിെല അനഭവെപടകയള. ആ സനർഭതിൽ േസവദനം
വമനവിേരചനങൾ തടർചയായി ശമെനൌഷധങൾ എനിവ പരിശീലിചാൽ തീർചയായം േരാഗവിമകി
ൈകവരികാെമനാണ് അഭിജമതം.

ഇതലാെത മൻപറഞ മർമസാനങളിൽ മഴകൾ കാണകയാെണങിൽ അർബദാരംഭമാെണന്

ശങികാം. അവയ ആദയഘടതിൽ േവദനേയാ, മറ വിഷമങേളാ, പകടാമായി കാണാനിടയില.
ഇടകിടക ശകിയായ പനി, അകാരണമായ േരാമാഞം, ശകിയായ തലേവദന, പാദദാഹം, മതം
ഒഴിഞേപാവായ, ദഹനകറവ്, അരചി, രാതിയിൽ ഉറകകറവ്, പകലറങാനള വാസന, തളർച,
േനരിയ േതാതിൽ കണിൽ അസാധാരണ ചവപനിറം, വിളർച എനിവയണാെയനവരാം. േമലറഞ
ലകണങളം മർമസാനങളിൽ മഴയം കണാൽ അർബദാരംഭമാെണന് ഊഹികാം. കേമണ 3-4
വർഷങൾകളിൽ അവ വണമായി രപാനരം പാപിച് ബഹമഖമായ കഷപാടകൾ വരതിേയകാം .


സാമാനയ ഔഷധങളം ചികിതയം

െപാതെവ അർബദങൾക് ഗൽഗലരസം നീലമരി, ശദിെചയ ഗനകം, മഞടി, െചനാമരയലി,

െചറിപവ്, കിരിയാത, മതങ, പതരിചണ മതലായവയം മറ േശാധനശമനങളായ ഔഷധങളം
ഉപേയാഗികനത് നന്. പഷികരങളായ കഞിപല്, കവനറ്, ചിറമതിൻ നറ്, എനിവയം
പരിശീലികനത് നന്. കടാെത തിേദാഷശമനങളായ ഔഷധങൾ, േവപില, പടവലം, കയപക
എനിവയം ഏലാദിഗണവം ഉപേയാഗികാവനതാണ് . മലബനം വരാെതയം, പനി വരാെതയം,
സകികനത് നനായിരികം. ഉളിവർഗങൾ മിതമായി ഉപേയാഗികാം. രസഭസം, ഗനകഭസം,
ഗൽഗല, ചായിലയസിനരം,നവസാരസിനരം എനിവയം അർബദങൾക് വിേശഷമാണ്.

ഇടകിടക് ആരഗവധാദിഗണം ഉപേയാഗിച് േശാധനവരതനതം മധവാരീരസായനം

ശീലികനതം കളികാൻ തഫലേതാടിട െവളേമാ, നാലാമരകഷായേമാ, യകം േപാെല
ശീലികനതം മിതമായ വയായാമം ശീലികനതം, േരാപണപധാനങളായ ( െവളിെചണ, മേരാടി എണ,
ഉരകെനയ് എനിവ പരടികളികനതം നന് . ) ശദമായ പചെവളം പാനേലപനാദികൾക്
ഉപേയാഗികനതിന് വിേരാധമില.

അതരം പാരംഭലകണങൾ കണാ‍ൽ തളസിയം മഞളം കതിപിഴിഞ നീരിൽ േതനം

ഗൽഗലവം േചർത േസവികനതം, വമനവിേരചനേസവദാദികൾ നടതനതം പേയാജനപദമാണ്.

ഗനികളിൽ ഉമതിനിലയെട നീരിൽ നവസാരം,പഞമപഴക, െചനിനായകം ഇവ േചർത

പരടനതം ഉമതില അരിഞ കിഴിെകടി െവപകാടിയിലിട തിളപിച് കിഴി നടതനതം

കയന േവപിനില തിനനതം നന്. ദഹനകറവണാകാതിരികാൻ ശദികണം. അതിയായി

െവയിൽ െകാളനതം നിഷിദമാണ്.

ഞാൻ ഒര േരാഗിയാണ് എനവിചാരം േരാഗികണാ‍കാതവിധം ബദിമാനായ ൈവദയൻ

േരാഗിെയ ചികിതികണം.

ഏത േരാഗതിെനയം വളർചക് മനസ്, മഖയകാരണമാണ്.

തിേദാഷങെള കമീകരികന ഋതചരയകളം ദിനചരയകളം ഉപേദശികനത്


മർമങളലാത ഭാഗങളിലാണ് ഗനികൾ അനഭവെപടനെതങിൽ ബാഹയേലപനങൾ

െകാണ് എൺപതശതമാനവം സഖെപടതാവനതാണ് .

അർബദതിെന ഏതവസയിലം തിേദാഷശമനങളായ ഔഷധങൾ പരിശീലികനത്


മദയം, വയവായം, അതയധവാനം എനിവ തീെര അരത്.

ഏതവസയിലം അതിയായ എരിപളി എനിവ വർജികനത് നന്.

അനബനമാ‍യ പേമഹേമാ ശവാസേകാശങേളാ ഉെണങിൽ കഫഹരങളം തിേകാഷണ

കഷായപധാനങളായ ദവയങൾ ശീലികനത് നന്.

പാലിൽ ആടിൻപാലാണ് അതയതമം. ( വിേശഷാൽ െതാടാർവാ‍ടിയിലയം വയറവളിയം

ആലിലയം തിനന ആടിെന പാ‍ലായാൽ വളെര നന്.)

കരെനാചിയില, െതാടാർവാടിയില, കഷതളസിയില, ഇവ സമം കതിപിഴിഞ നീരിൽ

മനം കടിയിടേതാളം പഴത( വാതകംഭം) പപായപിഴിഞ നീ‍രേചർത അതിൽ 4 ൽ ഒരഭാഗം മേരാടി
എണ നാഴിക് 50 ഗാം ശദിെചയ ഗൽഗല 5 ഗാം (21 തവണ കേയാനിനീരിൽ ശദിെചയ) ഗനകം
എനിവ േചർത െമഴപാകതിൽ കാചി അരിെചടത ൈതലം ദഹനശകികനസരിച്
(െചറനാരങനീര്, പഴത പപായനീര്, മഞൾ നീര്) എനിവയിൽ 4 തളിവീതം േചർത േസവികനത്
ബാഹയാനരർബദങൾക് പധാനമായ ഒര ശമെനൌഷധമാണ്.

പഴതപപായ ഇടിച പിഴിഞനീരിൽ സമം േവലിപരതിയിലയേടയം, ജാതിപതിയേടയം,

കറകയേടയം നീരേചർതതിൽ പകതിയളവ് േതങാപാലം േതങാപാലിൽ പകതി മേരാടി എണയം
േചർത് ജാതിപതിക കലലും േചർത് കാചിയരിെചടകന ൈതലം വണങളിൽ പരടാൻ വളെര

നല ആേരാഗയമള േകാലാടിെന വഷണങളിൽ അടെയ പിടിപിച് അട േചാരകടിച

വീർതാൽ വിടവിച് (േചാര േചാർനേപാകാതിരികാൻ കടകലം തലകലം പരതിനലെകാണ് െകടി
ആ അടയം അതതെന ഞാഞളിേനയം ഒര ചടിയിലാകി മെറാര ചടിെകാണടച് ശീലമൺെചയ്
താെഴയം േമെലയം തീയിട് 6 മണികർ കതിച േശഷം എടത് െപാടിചതിൽ സമം ശദിെചയ
ഗൽഗലവം 51 സടം െചയ ഗനകവം സമം േചർത് ഇളകിെവചത് ദഹനമാതകനസരിച് ശദമായ
േതനിൽ അർബദേരാഗികൾക് അകേതക് െകാടകനത് ആദയാനരാർബദങളെട ശമനതിന്

എരകിൻ പഞികരിച ഭസവം ശദിെചയ ഗനകവം ശദിെചയ ഗൽഗലവം േചർത്

എരകിൻപാലിലം പഴത പപായനീരിലം മാറിമാറി 4 വടം അരച് ഉണകി െപാടിചവച െപാടി
യകിേപാെല ബാഹയമായം ആനരമായം ഉപേയാഗിചാൽ ബാഹയാദയാനര അർബദങൾ

പഴതപപായ മറിചകളഞ ഒര പകതിയിൽ ശദിെചയ ഗനകവം ശദിെചയ തരിശം

സമം േചർതതം മെറ പകതിയിൽ പടികാരവം ശദിെചയ െവടിയപം നിറച് (രണം വയറവളിെകാണ്
േചർത് െകടി തിഫല അരചതെകാണ് ½ ഇഞ കനതിൽ കവചം െചയ് 1 േകാൽ സമചതരതിലം
ആഴതിലമള കഴിയിൽ പകതി കരിങാലികാതൽ െചറതാകി നിറച് അതിൽ
മൻപറഞപപാ‍യെവച് മീെതയം കരിങാലികാതൽ െചറതാകി നിറച് 2 ഇടങഴി മേരാടി എണയം
ഒഴിച് തീകതിച് തീയണഞാൽ എടത് െപാടിച് ശീലെപാടിയാകിെവച െപാടി േതങാപാലി ൽ
ചാലിചം പരടനത് അർബദതിെന ബാഹയവണങൾ ഉണങാൻ വിേശഷമാണ്.

െചമരതിപവ്, െചറിപവ്, െചനാമരയലി, ജാതിപതിക ഇവ സമം പഴത പപായയെട

നീരിൽ അരച് ഉണകിെപാടിചെപാടി മഞൾ നീരിേലാ , പഴകിയ പശവിൻ െനയിേലാ ചാലിച
പരടനത് വണങൾ ഉണങാൻ വിേശഷമാണ്.

എരകിൻപഞി, അപപൻ താടി ഇവ സമം കരിെചടത ഭസം എരകിൻപാലിൽ ചാലിച

പരടനത് ഗനികൾ ദവികാൻ ഉതമമാണ്.

ദവികാത ഗനികളിൽ ആവൽകമ് എരകിൻപാല േചർതരചപരടി ആ ഭാഗത്

സരയകാനചിലിൽകടി രശി പതിപിച െപാളികനത് ഉതമമാണ്.

ഇനിയം വളെര സിദപേയാഗങൾ ഉണ്. സലപരിമിതിയാൽ ചരകി ചിലത മാതം


തതീയ ഭാഗം

എെന ചികിതാനഭവങൾ

[ പതയകതിൽ േഡാകർമാർ അർബദെമന വിധി കൽപിച േരാഗികെള ഇതവെര ഞാൻ

ചികിതിചിടില. അതെകാണ് എെന ചികിതാനഭവങൾക് ഈ േവദിയിൽ എതകണ് പസകിയണ്
എന് എനികറിയില. എങിലം എെന ദഷിയിൽ അർബദമാെണന േതാനിയവയം അർബദമാവാൻ
സാദയതയളെതനേതാനിയവയമായ േരാഗികെള ഞാൻ ചികിതിചതിെന അനഭവങൾ

1950 ജനവരിയിൽ രാമൻ പായാട്, വടകേഞരി എന ഒര േരാഗി ചികിതകായി എെന

സമീപിച. ഉേദശം 40 വയസ് പായം. അയാളെട കാലിെന തളവിരലിനടിഭാഗത് ഒര െനലികേയാളം
വലിപമള മഴ (3 വർഷം മമ കണതടങിയതാെണനാണ് പറഞത് ) ആദയം ഒരരിമാറേപാെല
കനികര വലിപമായിരന.കേമണ വളർന് എെന സമീപികേമാൾ െനലികവലിപമായി.
ചവപനിറമണ്.ഞകേമാൾ അേങാടമിേങാടം നീങം. െതാടേമാൾ പഞിനിറച റബർ ഉറ
േപാെലയണ്. ശകിയായ േവദനയണ്.ഇടകിടക് പനിയണാവാറണ്.ശകിയായ കീണവമണ്.ഇതാണ്
പാഥമിക ലകണം.
നിശയിച ചികിത: രാവിെല നിംബാമതാദികഷായം ഗൽഗലതികഘതം, േമെമാടി
േചർതം ഉചക് കാഞനാര ഗൽഗല േചർതം േസവികക. കാഞിരകമരച് േതാരേതാെട പരടക.

3 മാസം െചയ. ഒര മാറവമില.അതെകാണ് കതിെപാടിച. േചാരേയാ ചലേമാ വനില.

അേപാഴാണ് മാംേസാഛയമാേണാ എന ഞാൻ ശങിചത്. േരാഗിേയാട് പറഞില.

അടയിട േചാരകളയാനം ഗൽഗലതികകം കഷായം കാഞനാര ഗൽഗലേചർത കഴികാനം

ഗനകരസായനം 25 മിലിഗാംവീതം േതനിൽ കഴികാനം, നവസാര സിനരം അതാഴപറെമ കഴികാനം,
എരകിൻ പഞി കരിച ഭസം എരകിൻ പാലിൽ ചാലിച പരടാനം നിർേദശിച.

ഓജസണാവാൻ െവണെനയ് േസവികാനം െതചിപവിട തിളപിച ആടിൻപാൽ കഴികാനം

നിർേദശിച.2 മാസം െചതവന. ശഭപതീകേതാനി. (മഴ വളെരയധികം ചരങി.) േവദനകം
ആശവാസമെണന പറഞ. ഇത തെന തടർന 6 മാസം െചയ. േരാഗം നിേശഷം മാറി. ഇത്
അർബദമാെണന് ആരം വിധി കലിചിരന േകസല.

2) 1960 ൽ കഷൻ േകാനാനത്, വടകാേഞരി 38 വയസ് എന േരാഗി എെന

സമീപിച.ശരീരതിൽ മഴവൻ േവദന, ഇടവിട ശകിയായ പനി, േദഹതിൽ മഴവൻ ഒര
വിളർച,വായിൽ ദനമലങളിലം, നാവിലം കവിൾതടങളിലം അവിടവിെട വതാകാരതിലള
പണകൾ, മാംസേപശികളിൽ കതിേനാവ് ഇവയാ‍യിരന ലകണം. തടങിയിട 14 ദിവസേതാളമായി
എനാണ് പറഞത്.കാഴയിൽതെന എനിക രകാർബദാരംഭമാേണാ എന ശങ േതാനി . ഞാൻ

നിശയിച ചികിത :- േലാഹഭസം രാവിെല േതനിൽ, കാഞനാര ഗൽഗല ഉചക്,ഗൽഗലതിക

കഷായതിൽ, ഭനാഗസിനരം ഉചഭകണേശഷം േതനിൽ, അതാഴപറെമ മഞൾനീരം േതനം
േചർതതിൽ സിദസിനരം (ഞങളെട പേതയക മരന് )

ദഹനതിനനസരിച് ആടിൻസപ്, പനിമാറാൻ 4 മണികർ ഇടവിട്

കിരിയാതപർപടകാദികവാഥം, േദഹമാസകലം സിദസഞീവിൈതലം (ഞങളെട പേതയക മരന് )
പരടി ഒനിടവിട് നാലാമര െവളം െകാണം തിഫലെവളം െകാണം വിയർപികൽ, ആടിൻപാൽ ഇഷം
േപാെല കഴികൽ, 21 ദിവസം െചയാൻ പറഞ. 7 ദിവസം ദിവസം െചയേപാൾ േശാധനയിെലന
പറഞ.ആരഗവധാദിഗണതിൽ ആവണെകണ േചർത വയറിളകാൻ പറഞ

വായിൽ അരിേമദാദി എണ കവിൾെകാളാനം, തിഫലകരിച ഇനപേചർത െപാടിചതിൽ

എരകിൻ തണചതച ബഷേപാെലയാകിയതിൽ മകി പലേതകാനം നിർേദശിച .പലെപാടി പാലിൽ
കറകി േസവികാനം ഉപേദശിച.

28 ദിവസം െചയവന. കണിെല വിളർചകം സനികളിെല േവദനകം അലം കറവെണന

പറഞ. തടർന് മൻപറഞ മരനകളം വിേശഷാൽ രസരാജസിനരം ( ഞങളെട പേതയക മരന് ) 2
ഔൺസ് മലപാലിൽ അതാഴപറെമ േസവികാനം നിർേദശിച . ആ ചികിത തടർന് 28 ദിവസം കടി
െചയ. ആശവാസമായി, ഇേപാൾ വിഷമെമാനമിെലന് അയാൾ പറഞ. വീണം 28 ദിവസം കടി എലാം
ആവർതിചെചയിച. ആശവാസമായി, അയാൾ ഇേപാഴം സഖമായി ഇരികന. (ഇതം േഡാകർമാർ,
രകാർബദമാെണന് വിധിച േകസ് അലായിരന.)

3) 1965 ൽ രമണി 38 വയസ്, െതകട്, നാടിക എന സീ എെന സമീപിച. അവരെട ഇടെത

മലയിേനൽ ഒര െനലികേയാളം മഴ ചകപ് നിറം കലപ് െഞകിയാൽ അകേതക് േപാവം
കറചകഴിഞാൽ വീണം മഴകം. ഇടവിട ശകിയായ പനി, ദഹനകറവ്, രചിയിലായ, ചിലേപാൾ
ശകിയായ േവദന, തണപതടേമാൾ അധികം േവദന, എെന കാണികേമാൾ തടങിയിട
രണമാസമായി സനകളിെലലാം പിടിചവലി, ഇടകിടക ശവാസം മട്, തളർച ഇവയായിരന

ഗൽഗല ശദിെചയതം 101 വചഗനകരസായനവം 50 മിലിഗാം വീതം രണേനരവം

േതനിൽ, 2 മണികർ ഇടാവിട് കിരാതകവാഥം, ഗൽഗല ഇരടി േചർത പനർനവേഗാകരാദി കഷായം 3
േനരം, രാവിെല നവസാരസിനരം, ഉചക് ഇനചഡസിനരം, രാതി ശാവണയാദി സിനരം ഇവ േമെമാടി (
മനം ഞങളെട പേതയകമരനകൾ) പറെമ എരകിൻപാലിൽ നവസാരഭസം േചർത 2 േനരവം
പരടൽ, തിഫലകഷായതാൽ കഴകൽ, സിദസഞീവിൈതലം (ഞങളെട െസഷൽ മരന് ) പരടൽ,
കവെപാടിയം മലർെപാടിയം, പാലം േചർത കറകികഴികൽ,28 ദിവസം െചയാൻ
നിർേദശിച.അതകഴിഞവന. വിളർച്കം സനകളിെല േവദനകം കറവെണങിലം മഴയെട വലിപം
കറവില. മഖവമില.മൻപറഞവകപറെമ വീണം 28 ദിവസം കടി ആഴയിെലാരികൽ അടയിട
േചാരകളയാനം തിഫലകഷായതിൽ തരിശഭസം േചർത ധാരയിടാനം ഒനിടവിട ദിവസങളിൽ
േദഹമാസകലം രജാരിേലപം പരടി വിയർപികാനം നിർേദശിച.

28 ദിവസം കഴിഞ വീണം അവർ വന. മഴയില. ആശവാസമായി എനപറഞ. തടർചയായി

2 മാസം ദിവേസന അഭംഗസാനം നടതാനം, െവണ േസവികാനം ഗൽഗലനിംബാദിഘതം രാതിയിൽ
േസവികവാനം നിർേദശിച.പിനീടവർക് ആ അസഖം ഉണായിടില. പസവിച. കഴപെമാനമണായില.

4) 1968 ൽ നാരായണൻ 45 വയസ്, ചിറകര ഇലം, കാണകാരി, േകാടയം എനയാൾ എെന

സമീപിച. വലതകവിളിൽ ഒര കര. ഏേതാ ൈവദയെനകാണിച് മരനെചയ. കര െപാടി ഒര
വർഷമായി ഉണങനില. കരവിെന ചറിലം മഞാടിവലിപതിൽ വളെര കരകൾ. െപാടനില ,
നീെരാഴകനില, ശകിയായ േവദന, പനി, കവിളിൽ ഈ കരവിെന ഭാഗം മഴചനിൽകന . ഇടകിടക്
പനി, ശകിയായ ഉൾപഴകം രാതികാലങളിൽ ശകിയായ േവദന.

കാഴയിൽ മാംേസാഛയമാെണന ഞാൻ ഊഹിച. അടയിട േചാരകളയക, പപായനീരം,

എരകിൻപാലം േചർതിളകിയത് പരടക, കിദസഞീവിൈതലം പരടക. (ഞങളെട െസഷൽ മരന്
) കഴകാൻ തിഫലെവളം.

ഗനകരസായനം 101 െവചത് രാവിെല പാലിൽ േസവികക. ശദിെചയ ഗലഗല

പനർനവാഗൽഗലകഷായതിൽ രാതി േസവികക. രാതികാലങളിൽ േവലിപരതിയില അരചതിൽ
പടികാരഭസവം,കൽപരവം േചർത് പരടക. അരിേമദാദി എണ കവിൾ െകാളക.ചമനളി മപിചത
കടിഉണക.പനിക കിരാതകവാഥം 2 മണികർ ഇടവിടകഴികക. കവനറം പലെപാടിയം േചർത
പാലിൽകറകി കഴികക. 3 മാസംെചയ. കറവെണനപറഞ. വീണം 3 മാസേതക് മൻപറഞ
ചികിതകളം കടാെത രാവിെല തളസിനീരിൽ സവർണവംഗവം , രാതിയിൽ േതനിൽ സിദസിനരം 25
MG. യം ആടിൻ പാലിൽ കാഞനാരാഗൽഗല ഉറങനതിനമമം േസവികക. കാലാവധികേശഷം
അയാൾ വന. വണങെളലാം ഉണങി എങിലം കലപേപായിടില. ആനിലക് മൻപറഞ മരന
തടരാനം വിേശഷാൽ എരകിൻപഞിയം കരിച ഭസം എരകിൻ പാലിൽ ചാലിച പരടവാനം ,
മാസതിെലാരികൽ അടയിട േചാരകളയാനം നിർേദശിച. 6 മാസതിന േശഷം അസഖം തീെര വിട
മാറി എന കതലഭിച. ( ഇതം ആരം അർബദെമന വിധിചേകസലായിരന. )

(5) 1972 ൽ കഷൻ 28 വയസ്, േകാമാത്, ചാവകാട് എന േരാഗി എെന സമീപിച.

മകിൽ ഇടതഭാഗത് ഒര മഴ, ശകിയായ േവദന, പനി, ഇടക തലചറൽ,മനഗി തമൽ,ഇടക
രകസാവം, ഉറകകറവ്, േശാധനകറവ്, മതതടവ് ഇവയായിരന ലകണങൾ. ഗൽഗല
തികപനർനവാദി കഷായം, കാഞനാരഗൽഗല ഗളിക േചർത് രണ േനരം, േവലിപരതിയിലയെട
നീരം പതമ നീരം മന േനരം നസയം െചയൽ. അപപൻ താടിയം , എരകിൻ പഞിയം കരിച ഭസം
കലരം േചർത മകിൽ വലികൽ, തലയിൽ അരാേമദാദി എണ േതയൽ, പലെപാടി പാലിൽ കറകി
കഴികൽ, ആഴയിെലാരികൽ നാരങനീരം ആവണെകണയം േചർത വയറിളകൽ, സിദസിനരം(
ഞങളെട െസഷൽ മരന് ) മലപാലിൽ രാവിെല, രാതി ഗനകരസായനം ആടിൻപാലിൽ, 41
ദിവസേതക് നിശയിച. 41 ദിവസതിനേശഷം വന. മഴക് വലിപവം രകസാവവം കറവെണന

തടർന് 41 ദിവസേതക മൻപറഞമരനകൾക പറെമ ഹിംഗളസിനരം 101 െവചത്

രാവിെല പാലിൽ രസഭസം െവറിലനീരിൽ രാതി . രാതി കിടകേമാൾ സിദസഞീവിൈതലം(ഞങളെട
െസഷൽ മരന് ) വിരലെകാണ് മകിനളിൽ പരടി കിടകക. പഭാതതിെലഴേനറാൽ ഉരിെവളതിൽ
5 ഗാം പടികാരഭസം കലകി തല ചരിചപിടിച് വലത മകിൽ ൈപപവഴി ആ െവളം ഒഴിച്
ഇടതമകിലെട കളയക. അതേപാെല ഇടത മകിലെട ഒഴിച് വലതമകിലെട കളയക. ഇതയം
നിർേദശിച. കതയമായി െചയ. േരാഗം മാറിെയനാണയാൾ പറഞത്. ഇത് നാസാർബദമായിരെനനാണ്
എെന നിഗമനം )

6) 1988 നവംബറിൽ രാമകഷൻ 40 വയസ്, കടങൽ, പറളി, പാലകാട് എന േരാഗി എെന

സമീപിച. അഞാറമാസമായി വയറിൽ വലതഭാഗത് അടകേയാളം വലപതിൽ ഒര മഴ . ആ ഭാഗത്
ചകപനിറം. ശരീരതിന െപാതെവ വിളർച, ഇടകിടക് ശകിയായ പനി, ഭകണം കഴിചാൽ
ദഹികായ, വയറിലാകമാനം ശകിയായ േവദന, വലാത തളർച, വായിൽ എേപാഴം ഉപരസം േതാനൽ,
മലതിന ശകിയായ ദർഗനം, ഇടകിടക േചാരേപാക്,മതതിന അമിതമായ സാനത ഇടക
േചാരനിറം, ശവാസ വിമിഷം, ഉറകകറവ് ഇവയായിരന ലകണങൾ.

101 വച ഗനകരസായനം 25 മിലിഗാം രാവിെല പാലിൽ, സവർണവംഗം 2 േനരവം,

തളസിനീരിൽ 25 മിലിഗാം വീതം ചിരവിലവാദികഷായ േയാഗവം, പടവലാദികഷായേയാഗവം േചർത
കഷായം 2 േനരം േമെമാടി (ചിരവിലവാദി കഷായതിൽ ശദിെചയ നവസാരം നാഴി ആവണെകണക്
100 ഗാം വീതം േചർതകാചിെയടത്) ആവണെകണ് ഓേരാ ടീസൺ വീതം കവെപാടി പാലിൽ
കറകിയത് രാവിെല, ഉചക് ലശനകീരം ,അതാഴപറെമ സിദപാ‍ശം േലഹയം(ഞങളെട െസഷൽ
മരന് ) സിദസഞീവിൈതലം േമെലലാം പരടി ചടെവളതിൽ കളി, മതിളിേനയം, തവിഴാമയേടയം
നീരിൽ ശദിെചയ നവസാരവം െവടിയപം േചർതിളകിയതിൽ പഞിമകി മഴയളിടതിടക .
രാതിയിൽ തവിഴാമേവരം , െകാഴിഞിൽ േവരം മതിളിൻ നീരിൽ അരചപരടക . ഇവ ഒര മാസം
െചയാൻ നിർേദശിച. ഒരമാസം കഴിഞവനേപാൾ മഴയെട വലിപം നാലിെലാന് കറഞ . േവദനയം
പാരവശയവം കറവണായിരന. വീണം ഒര മാസേതക് അേത മരനകളം വിേശഷാൽ െചറപഞമലം
പാൽകഷായം രാതിയിലം, ഡാഡിമാദിമകടി( ഞങളെട െസഷൽ മരന് )2 േനരവം ആയി
നിർേദശിച.അെതലാം െചയ. മഴ തീെരയിലാതായി. മറ പാരവശയങളം മാറി. ( ഇതം
മാംേസാഛയമാെണന നിഗമനതിലാണ് ഞാൻ ചികിതിചത് )

1971 ഡിസംബറിൽ െക. െക കഷൻ 30 വയസ്, കരമത്, ചാവകാട് എന േരാഗി എെന

സമീപിച.വലേതതടയിൽ ഒര മഴ കണിട 3 വർഷമായി. പലരം ചികിതിച.ഒര േഡാകർ മഴ കീറി
സിചിട. 3 മാസം െകാണണങി. 6 മാസതിനേശഷം വീണം മഴചകണേപാഴാണ് എെന സമീപിചത്.

അേപാഴെത ലകണം ഒര മാങേയാളം വലിപതിൽ ചകനതടിച് ഉനിനിൽകന മഴ

ൈകെകാണമർതിയാൽ റബർപനേപാെല താഴം. ഇടക കളിരേതാനാറണ്. ശകിയായ േവദനയമണ്.
( േവദനാനിവാരണികൾ കഴികാറണെത.)

ഒരേനരം നിംബാമതാദികഷായതിൽ കാഞനാര ഗൽഗല േമെമാടി ഹിംഗളസിനരം

തിപലിെപാടി േചർത രാവിെല , താളകഭസം േതനിൽ അതാഴപറെമ, ഗനർവഹസാദി കഷായതിൽ
ൈകേശാര ഗൽഗലഗളികേചർത ൈവകേനരം, തണലിയാദി പാൽകഞി രാതി പലെപാടി
പാലേചർത കറകിയത് 3 േനരം. എരകില അരച് ശദിെചയ നവസാരം േചർത് പരടൽ.
ആഴയിെലാരികൽ വയറിളകൽ, ശകിയായ േവദന േതാനേമാൾ എരകില , കടക് എനിവ േചർത്
കിഴി 1 മാസം നിർേദശിച. 1 മാസം കഴിഞ വന. മഴ ഘനം കറവണ്. തടർന് 1 മാസേതകകടി
അേത മരനകളം വിേശഷാൽ സിദസിനരം (ഞങളെട െസഷൽ മരന് ) 3 േനരവം േതനിലം
ജളകരകേമാകണവം നിർേദശിച.

വീണം വന. മഴ വളെര കറവായി എങിലം െനലികവലിപതിലണ്. പനി മതലായവെയലാം

മാറി. വീണം ഒര മാസേതക് മൻപറഞ മരനകളം വിേശഷാൽ ഉറങനതിന മൻപ്
ഗനകരസായനം 101 വചത് 50 MG . പഴത പപായനീരിൽ കഴികാനം േവലിപരതിയില അരചത്
നലകനതിൽ പരടാനം (ഒഴിവസമയങളിൽ) നിർേദശിച.

േരാഗം നിേശഷം മാറി. പിനീട മഴയണായിടില. ഇതം ആരം അർബദെമന് വിധിച

േകസായിരനില. അർബദവിഷയതിൽ എെന ചികിതാനഭവങളെട രതചരകമാണ് ഞാൻ
ആയർേവദവം കാൻസർ ചികിതയം

േഡാ. എ. വി. ബാലരാമൻ.

Abstract :

പേരാഗമിചെകാണിരികന ആധനിക ൈവദയശാസതിന് ഇനിയം പർണമായി കീഴടകാൻ

കഴിയാത കാൻസർ ചികിതെയപറി െപൌരാണിക ശാസമായ ആയർേവദതിെല പരാമർശങൾ
വീകികനത് ഉചിതമായിരിക്ംം .

നാമമാതമായ പരാമർശങേള ആയർേവദതിൽ കാണനള. ഗനി, അർബദം, വതീകം ,

ഇനവിദം,ഗർദഭിക, പാഷാണ ഗർദഭ തടങിയവ ഇതിൽ ഉൾെപടതാം. േരാഗനാമങൾക് പാധാനയം
നൽകാെത ലകണങൾ േനാകി േരാഗനിർണയം നടതാം.

പാേദശികമായി തിേദാഷേകാപതാൽ മാംസദഷിമലം വതവം ഇളകാതതം അലം

േവദനയളതം കമതിൽ വളരനതം പാകം സംഭവികാതതമായ േശാഫം അർബദമായി സശതൻ
വിവരികന. കഫാധികയംമലവം േമേദാവദിമലവം േദാഷസിരതവമലവം അർബദം പാകെത
പാപികനില. ഇതരം സാമാനയ വിവരണങളിൽകടി അടിസാനസിദാനങെള ആശയിച്
േരാഗനിർണയം നടതാം.

ബലതിന് പാധാനയം നൽകിയള ചികിത നിർേദശികന. േരാഗിയെട ബലം വയാധിബലെത

നശിപികന. േദാഷേകാപതിനനസരിച് പഞകർമ ചികിത നിർേദശിചിരികന. ശസകർമങളം
കാരകർമങളം അഗികർമങളം പതിപാദിചിടണ്.

േരാഗികൾ അവസാന കയായി ആയർേവദെത സമീപികനതാണ് ഏറവം വലിയ ബലഹീനത.

ബലം നഷെപട േരാഗിെയയായിരികം ലഭികനത് . നിരാശനായ േരാഗിയെട മാനസികാവസ
ചികിതെയ പതികലമായി ബാധികന.എങിലം െചറിയ ഫലങൾ ആശെയ ഉണർതാറണ്.
മാനസിേകാപചരണം വളെര പധാനെപടതാണ്.

താളിേയാല ഗനങളിൽ കാണന ശദീകരിച ചില രാസപേയാഗങൾ പാേദശികമായ ചില

കാൻസറകളിൽ അനകലഫലം നൽകനതായി അനഭവമണ്.

ഇന് ൈവദയശാസരംഗത് വളെരയധികം മനഷയപയതം െചലവഴിചെകാണിരികന ഒര രംഗമാണ്

കാൻസർ ചികിതാരംഗം. കാരണം ആധനിക കാലഘടതിൽ ഇനിയം പർണമായം കീഴടകെപടകേയാ
തപികരമായ ഒര ചികിതാ പദതി നടപിൽ വരതവാൻ കഴിയകേയാ െചയാൻ കഴിയാത
ശാസപേരാഗതികമൻപിൽ ഒര പേഹളികയായി ഈ േരാഗം നിലനിൽകകയാണ് . എലാരംഗതം
അഭതപർവവം കാലികവമായ വളർച അവകാശെപടന ആധനിക ൈവദയശാസതിെന മൻപിൽ ഈ
േരാഗം അസാദയഗണതിൽ ഉൾെപടിരികനതാെണനിരിെക െപൌരാണിക ശാസമായ ആയർേവദം
ഇവിെട എപകാരം പാേയാഗികമാെണന് പരിേശാധികനത് ഉചിതമായിരികം.

ആയർേവദ ഗനങളിൽ അർബദ േരാഗെതപറിയം ചികിതെയപറിയം വളെര നാമമാതമായി

മാതെമ പരാമർശങൾ കാണനള. എങിലം ഇന് വിവരികെപടന ഈ ഗണതിൽെപടന-
ഒടമികേരാഗങളം ആയർേവദഗനങളിൽ വിവരികെപടിടള ഗനി, അർബദം, വതീകം, ഇനവിദം,
ഗർദഭിക, പാഷാണ ഗർദഭ തടങിയവയിൽ ഏെതങിലം ഒനിേനാട് സാദശയമളവയാണ് . ഇവ കടാെത
തിേദാഷേകാപം മലം അസാദയതെയ ൈകവരിചിടള സമാനങളായ പല േരാഗങളം ഈ ഗണതിൽ
വരനവയാണ്. വളെര അടതകാലം മതൽകാണ് ൈവവിദയമാർന ഈ േരാഗം മനഷയെന
കമാതീതമായി പീഢിപിചെകാണിരികനത്. ഒരപെക ഇകാരണം െകാണമാകാം െപൌരാണിക
ഗനങളിൽ പാമാേണയന ഈ േരാഗവിവരണം കാണാതിരികനത് . എനിരനാലം ആയർേവദതിൽ
ഈ േരാഗചികിതകള പസകി നഷെപടനില. കാരണം േദാഷേകാപങൾകനസരിചം േരാഗിയെട
ബലം, കാലം, സതവം, സാതയം തടങിയവെയ നിരീകിചം ഓേരാ േരാഗേതയം ചികിതികണെമന
നിർേദശമെണനിരിെക േരാഗനാമങൾക് പാധാനയം നൽേകണതിലേലാ .

ശരീരതിൽ ഏെതങിലം ഭാഗത് തിേദാഷങൾ േകാപിച് മാംസെത ദഷിപിച് വതവം

ഇളകാതതം അലേവദനയളതം വലതം കമതിൽ വളരനതം പാകം സംഭവികാതതം
മാംസചയേതാട ക‍ടിയതമായ േശാഫെത അർബദമായി സശതൻ വിവരികന. ഇതകടാെത
അദയർബദെതപറിയം ദവിരർബദെതപറിയം പരാമർശമണ് .

അർബദതിൽ കഫാധികയം മലവം േമേദാവദി മലവം വിേശേഷണ േദാഷസിരതവം മലവം ഗനി

രപം ൈകവരികനതിനാലം എലാതരം അർബദങളം പാകെത പാപികനില .

ഇതരം പതിപാദനങളിൽ നിനതെന കാൻസർ േരാഗെതപറി സാമാനയവിവരണം

ലഭികനണ്. ഇതരം അടിസാനവിവരങൾ െവചെകാണ് ആ‍യർേവദതിെന
അടിസാനസിദാനങളിൽ ഉറചനിനെകാണ് േരാഗസവഭാവെതപറി ൈവദയൻ

ചികിതാ പകരണതിൽ ബലതിന് പാധാനയം െകാടതെകാണള ചികിതാവിധികളാണ്

വിവരികനത്. േരാഗിയെട ബലം വർദികനതിനനസരിച് ചികിത വയാധിബലെത

രേകദ് ബലം ചാപി നരസയനിതയം

തദകിതം വയാധിബലം നിഹനി.

പഴകാത മഴയിൽ േശാഫചികിതയാണ് നിർേദശിചിരികനത് . േദാഷേകാപതിനനസരിച്

പഞകർമ ചികിതാവിധികളം പർവകർമങളം വിവരികനണ്. ശസകർമങളം കാരകർമങളം
അഗികർമങളം വിവരികേമാഴം േരാഗിയെട ബലം നിലനിർതിെകാേണ ചികിതികാവ എന്

ഇനി എെന അലമായ ചികിതാനഭവംെവച് ഇതിെന വിശകലനം െചയാൻ ശമികാം . ഇത് ഈ

േരാഗതിെന സാദയാ-സാദയതെയപറിയം ഭീകരതെയപറിയം ഏതാെണലാേപരം േബാധവാനാരാണ് .
േരാഗനിർണയം നടതികഴിഞാൽ ഉടെന ഏറവം ആധനികമായ ചികിതാരീതികൾ
ൈകെകാളാനാണ് എലാ േരാഗികളം താലരയം കാണികക. എനാൽ േറഡിേയഷൻ കീേമാെതറാപി,
സർജറി തടങിയ ആധനിക രീതികൾ സവീകരിചാലം പലേപാഴം േരാഗശാനി ലഭികാെത
അവസാനകയായി ഹതാശയരായാണ് ചികിതകായി സമീപികാറ്. മങിേപാകനവെന വേയാൽ
തരമായി മാതമാണ് അവർ ഈ ചികിതാരീതിെയ കാണാറ് . നെമ സംബനിേചടേതാളം
ആചാരയനാർ നിർേദശികന ബലം നഷെപട് മാനസികമായി തകർന േരാഗികെളയായിരികം
ചികിതിേകണിവരിക. പലേപാഴം േശാധന ചികിതകൾ നടതാൻ കഴിയാത അവസയിലായിരികം
േരാഗി. വളെര മദവായ േശാധന ചികിതകൾ െചയ ബലെത രകിച് ചികിത െചയാൽ തെന വളെര
അപർവമായി മാതെമ ഫലപാപി കിടാറള. ഫലപാപി കിടിയാൽതെന ആധനികരെട അംഗീകാരം
ലഭികാെതയം േപാകന.േരാഗാരംഭതിൽതെന േരാഗിെയ ലഭിചാൽ പർണമായ േരാഗശാനികള
സാദയതകൾ ഏെറയാണ്. മരണം പതീകിചകഴിയന േരാഗിയെട മാനസികാവസ പലേപാഴം
ചികിതയെട ഫലപാപിെയ വിപരിതമായി ബാധികാറണ് .മാനസികമായി നാം നൽകന ൈധരയവം
ജീവിതെതകറിചള ആശയം പലേപാഴം ചികിതെയ സഹായികാറണ് . ചികിതാകാലയളവിൽ
ലഭികന വളെര െചറിയ അനകലഫലങളം തടർനള ഫലസിദിക് സഹായകമാകാറണ് .

1985 െഫബവരി മാസതിൽ കാടേഞരിയിൽനിനം 38 വയസ് പായമള കഞമ

എനസീ എെനയടകൽ ചികിതക് വനിരന. ഇടേത മലയെട ഇടതഭാഗതായി ചരൽകലമാതിരി
കമം മഴയമായ ()കലിപായിരന അസഖം. അേലാപതി വിഭാഗതിൽ കാണിചേപാൾ കാൻസറാെണന്
സശയികനെണനം ബേയാപിെടസ് നടതണെമനമാണ് പറഞത്. ബേയാപിെടസ് നടതാനള
വിമഖതയം ആയർേവദതിലള വിശവാസവം മലമാണ് േരാഗി എെനയടത് വനത് .

ഈ േരാഗിെയ വിശദമായി പരിേശാധിചതിനേശഷം തകധാരയം പസാരിണി ൈതലം െകാണ്

പിഴിചിലം ൈതലബസി, കഷായബസി, എനീ ചികിതകളം െചയ. വരണാദി കഷായം 2 േനരം,
ഗനിനായകം, രസസിനരം േചർത് 2 േനരം, ഗൽഗലതികകഘതം രാതി എനിങെന മരനകൾ
െകാടത. ഒര പാവശയെത ചികിതെകാണതെന വളെര കറവകിടി. ഗൽഗലതികകഘതവം
ഗനിനായകവം തടർന കഴികാൻ പറഞ. തടർചയായി 3 െകാലം ധാര തടങിയ എലാ ചികിതകളം
െചയ. ഇേപാൾ ഇവർ േരാഗെമാനമിലാെത സഖമായി ഇരികന . ഇവിെട ബേയാപിെടസ് നടതി
കാൻസറാെണന് ആധനികരീതയാ േരാഗനിർണയം നടതിയിടില എന വസതയണ് .

വലതകാൽമടിനതാെഴ മാറാ‍വണവമായി 1989 ൽ ജൺ മാസതിൽ എെന സമീപിച

േരാഗിയാണ് തിരമറേകാടനിനം 65 വയസ പായമള കഷൻ. ഇതിനകം പല ചികിതകളം െചയിരന.
േതാലിൽ ബാധിച കാൻസറാെണന് െതളിഞിരനതിനാൽ തിരവനനപരം െമഡികൽ
േകാേളജിൽനിനം േറഡിേയാ െതറാപി െചയ. തൽകാലം ആശവാസമാെയങിലം വീണം േരാഗം മർഛിച.
വീണം തിരവനനപരം െമഡികൽ േകാേളജിൽ േപായേപാൾ കാൽ മറിചകളയകയലാെത ഇനി
രകയിെലന് േകടതിനാൽ ഹതാശയനായാണ് േരാഗി എെന പകെലതിയത് .

ഈ േരാഗിയിൽ താലിേയാല ഗനതിെല ‘ഷടപലബലായതാ’ എനഒര േയാഗം കഷായമാകി

2 ദിവസവം തടർന് രണ ദിവസം പഥയവം എടപിച. പിനീട് രസഭസം പണയാഹചണയിൽ അരചണകി
വണതിൽ പകേയൽപിച. െമഴക് ഉരകിയതിൽ ശദിെചയ തരിശ് േചർത് പടാകി െവചെകടി. 31
ദിവസംെകാണ് വണം പരിപർണമായി മാറി . േരാഗി ഇേപാഴം പർണാേരാഗയേതാെട ജീവിചിരികന.
ആവശയെപടകയാെണങിൽ എലാേരഖകേളാടം കടി വരാൻ േരാഗി തയാറാണ് .

1984 ഒേകാബറിൽ കലകേഞരിയിൽനിനം എെനയടകൽ ചികിതക് വന ഒര േരാഗിയാണ്

48 വയസണായിരന നായാടി. വായകവം നാവം ആെക പഴതം നാവിെന പകതിഭാഗം
െവടിെയടതനിലയിലം തീർതം അവശനായാണ് എെന അടെതതിയത് . േകാഴിേകാട് െമഡികൽ
േകാേളജിൽനിന് കാൻസറിനള എലാ ചികിതകളം െചയതിന േശഷം ഇെനെയാനം െചയാനിെലനം
അടതള ആശപതിയിൽ േപായി േവദനക് എെനങിലം കഴിചാൽ മതിെയനം നിർേദശിചായിരന
പറഞവിടിരനത്. ഈ േരാഗിക് പരഭസം( രസകർപരം) പഥയേതാടകടി 7 ദിവസം െകാടത. 14
ദിവസം കഴിഞ് അയേമാദകം േതച് കളിചതിനേശഷം വരാൻ പറഞ . വളെര ആശവാസമണായി.
തടർന് ചിറമത് കഷായവം, െവളതപാവ് െപാടിച് 4 ഗാം േതൻ േചർത് രാതിയം കഴികാൻ പറഞ.
പരിപർണമായി മറിയ അവസയിൽ ഒര മാസതനേശഷം േരാഗി തിരിെചതി .വായിൽ ഒര
പളിേപാലം പഴപളതായി കണില. ആടിനിൽകന കറചപലകൾ പറിചകളഞ് വീണം വരാൻ
നിർേദശിചെകാണ് പഴയ കടലാസകേളാെട െമഡികൽ േകാേളജിേലക് അയച . ഇതയം സഖെപട
േകസ് ആയതിനാൽ എലാേരഖകളെടയം േഫാേടാസാറ് േകാപി സകിചിരന . പിനീട് 1987 ലാണ്
േരാഗി വീണം തീർതം അവശനായി എെനയടത് വനത്. കാരയങൾ തിരകിയേപാൾ, െമഡികൽ
േകാേളജിൽ െചനേപാൾ ഈ േരാഗം കാൻസർ ആയിരനിെലനം തങൾക് െതറിയതാെണനം
പെലാനം പറിേകണ കാരയമിെലനം എെനങിലം െചറിയ മരനകൾ കഴിചാൽ മതിെയനം പറഞ്
തിരിചയചെത. േരാഗം രണാമതം വർദിച് വീണം െചനേപാൾ പഴയേപാെല ചികിതകൾ
ആവർതിച് രകയിെലന് പറഞ് തിരിചയചതായിരന. നിർഭാഗയവാനായ ആ േരാഗി പിേറ ദിവസം
മരണെപടകയം െചയ.

രണരവർഷം മൻപ് േചലകരയിൽനിനം 63 വയസപായമള രാധാകഷയർ എനേരാഗി

അനനാളങളിൽ കാൻസറായി വനിരന. ദാവകരപതിലള ഭകണം മാതം അലാലമായി ഇറകാൻ
കഴിയന അവസയിലായിരന േരാഗി. ഇവിെട ആദയമായി ഇനകാനഘതെകാണ് 7 ദിവസം
മാദയമമാതയിൽ േസഹപാനം െചയ. 8- ദിവസം മതൽ രസഭസം ശദിെചയ് നീർവാളകര
േചർതരചത് 100 മി. ഗാം. ഇഞിനീരിൽ േചർത് ദിവസവം കാലത് 7 ദിവസം നൽകി. 7 ദിവസം
ൈവകേനരം 3 മണിക് േരാഗി പനിെന രപതിൽ നലകൾ െകടപിണഞേപാെല ഒര പിണം
ഛർദിച. അേപാൾ േരാഗിക് ആശവാസം േതാനി. ഖരരപതിലള ഭകണം ഇറങിതടങി. ആ
വയാഴാഴ പശവിൻ െനയ് കടികഴച് േചാറ് കഴികാൻ സാധിച . എനാൽ െവളിയാഴ കാലതമതൽ
േരാഗിയെട വയറ് തടി വീർകാൻ തടങി . ചില ചികിതകൾ തടർന െചെയങിലം ശനിയാഴ കാലത് 3
മണിേയാടകടി േരാഗി മരികകയാണണായത് . അനനാളതിനടിയിൽ പറിപിടിചനിനിരന കാൻസർ
ഗനികൾ പറിഞേപാനതമലം അവിെട തളവീണതായിരികാം മരണകാരണെമന് ഞാൻ
സംശയികന. ഈ അവസരതിൽ ശസകിയ ചിലേപാൾ ഫലപദമാേയകാം എന് ഞാൻ

കഴിഞ നവംബർ മാസതിൽ കണശാംകടവിൽനിനം 63 വയസപായമള കഷൻ എന

േരാഗി കഴതിന് പറെമ നിറെയ ഗനികേളാടകടി, ഭകണം ഇറകാൻ വിഷമേതാടം ശബം
തീെരയിലാെതയം എെനയടകൽ വനിരന. കണതിൽ കാൻസറായിരന. ശദിെചയ രസഭസം
പണയാഹചണയെട കായകടി അരചണകി അത െനയനനച പിഴിഞതണിയിൽ തിരച മീെത
ഉണങിയ വാഴയിലെകാണ തിരച സിഗററേപാെലയാകി കതിച പകവലിപിച. ദിവസം 3 പാവശയം
എനിങെന 7 ദിവസം െചയേപാൾ ആശവാസം കണതടങി. 8- ദിവസം മതൽ ദിവസം 2 പാവശയം
െചയ.പഥയാനഷാനങൾ എടപിച. കേമണ സഖേകടിന് േഭദം കണ. കണതിെല ഗനികൾ
നിേശഷം ശമിച. മരന് നിർതാൻ നിർേദശിച. അനരാതിമതൽ എകിടവം ഛർദിയം തടങി.
േരാഗിക് കീണമണായിരന. കീണതിനേവണ ആധനിക ചികിതാരീതികൾ െചെയങിലം
പിേറനാൾ കാലത് 9 മണിക് േരാഗി മരികകയാണ് ഉണായത്.

അനനാളതിൽ കാൻസർ വന േദവസി എനേരാഗി 11 വർഷം മൻപ് എെന പകൽ വന്

ചികിത നടതി. 7 വർഷം വെര യാെതാര ബദിമടമിലാെത ജീവിചിരനിടണ് . െവലർ മിഷയൻ
േഹാസിറലിൽനിനം കാൻസറാെണന് േരാഗനിർണയം നടതിയിടണായിരന . ദവരപതിലള
ആഹാരം മാതം കഴികാൻ കഴിഞിരന ഈ േരാഗിയിൽ േസഹപാനമാണ് ആദയം നടതിയത്. െനയ്
ഉരകി െകാടതകഴിഞാൽ അലാലമായി ഇറങമെലാ. 7 ദിവസതിനേശഷം രസഭസം ഇഞിനീരിൽ
േചർതെകാടത.കാചിതണപിച പാലം പശവിൻ െനയം മാതം ഭകണമായി െകാടത . കേമണ
ശാസീയമായ ചികിതകൾ െചയേപാൾ വളെര നല ഫലം കിടകയാണണായത്.

ഇങെനയള ചികിതാനഭവങളിൽനിനം രസപേയാഗം ശരികം പരീകിചാൽ കാൻസർ

സഖെപടതാൻ കഴിയം എന് ഞാൻ ഉറചവിശവസികന. രസമണിെകടി തീെര പകഞേപാകാെത
ഭസമാകിയാൽ അത െകാടതാൽ കാൻസർ മാറം . അെതങിെന ശരിയാകാെമന് ഇതരം
സാപനങൾ മൻ ൈക എടത് കടായ പരിശമംെകാേണ കഴിയ.

താളിേയാല ഗനങളിൽ പറഞ ചില മരനകൾ ഇവിെട വിവരികാം.

1 ‘നലപ’ :-- അതിെന നിറം മഞൾ േപാെലയിരികം. ഒരപെക നാടിലള അപേയാട സദശമായി
കാടിൽ ഈ െചടിയണാകാം. ഈ മരന് കണവരെണന് പറയെപടന.

2 അഴകണി :-- എേപാഴം െവളം ഒറ വീണെകാണിരികം.

3 െതാഴകണി :-- ഇതിെന ഇലകൾ ഇടകിടക് െതാഴതെകാണിരികം. ഇത് േകാടകൽ

ആരയൈവദയശാലാ ഔഷധേതാടതിൽ ഞാൻ കണിടണ്. ഇവയെട സമം നീെരടതതിൽ രസം അരചാൽ
ബനികെമന് പറയന.

ഇങെന അപർവമായ ചില മരനിൽ ബനികന രസം കാൻസർ മാറാൻ

പരയാപമാവെമനാണ് എെന വിശവാസം.

ആയർേവദതിൽ കാൻസർ ചികിതെയപറി ഏറവം കടതൽ വിവരികെപടിടള ഒര

ഗനമാണ് ബഹത് നിഘണരതാകരം എന പഴയ പസിദീകരണം. ഇതിൽ വിവരിച
“കമാരികനകലം’ എന മരന് കീണിച കാൻസർ േരാഗികളിൽ കെറ ഫലം സിദിചതായി

ഇങെനയള് ഗനങേളയം ഈ രംഗത പവർതികനവരെട അനഭവസമതിേനയം

ഉപേയാഗെപടതിെകാണ് ഏറവം ഫലപദമായ ഒര ചികിതാ പദതി രപെപടതാനള
പരിശമങൾ ഊർജിതെപടതണെമനാണ് എെന വിനീതമായ അഭിപായം. ഇവിെട
വിശദീകരികെപട അനഭവങെളയം േയാഗങെളയം പറി മതിയായ വിശദീകരണങൾ നൽകാ ൻ ഞാ ‍ൻ
തയാറാണ്. ഇതരം സംരംഭങൾക് എലാവിധ സഹായങളം വാഗാനം െചയെകാണ് , ഇങെനയള
ഒര സനർഭം തനതിന് ബനെപടവേരാട് എെന ഹദയംഗമമായ നനി േരഖെപടതിെകാണ് ഞാ ൻ



Assistant Professor,

Govt. Ayurvedic College,

Mysore- 570 021

Abstract :

“ Jaundice” is one of the common problems in cases of ‘Leukaemia ’ treated with drugs of
western system of medicine. Attempts are being made all over the globe to overcome this
problem/complication. Different traditional and alternative medical systems are found to be effective in
the management of this problem. Ayurveda, the Indian health care system have better prospectus in
this direction.

Here an attempt has been made to manage ‘Jaundice ’ in a case of ‘Leukaemia ’ with Ayurvedic
formulations based on the principles of Ayurveda.

Brief History of the Case:

Six years back a 30 years male patient working as a typist at HMT Factory, Bangalore
presented with the signs and symptoms of Jaundice. He was referred by an Ayurvedic physician
working at Kidwai Institute of Oncology (KIMIO) with less hopes of survival (hardly 3-4 months). He
was a known case of chronic myeloid leukaemia since 2 ½ years. i.e.middle of 1980. He was put on
mainly with ‘Myleran’ tablets an anti-Leukaemic drug. Since 2 ½ years with varied dosage, depending
upon WBC, HB% and platelets counts. His WBC count was 1,50,000, HB% 8gms, ESR
40mm/hr..Platelets 50,000 per cmm. And when he was referred the following were his complaints:

Netra-Mootra_Talu Peetata, Dourbalya,Kandu, Yakrut and Pleeha vrudhi and sparsha asahatwa,
aruchi, Annadwesha, Bhrama, Nidralpata Deenata,Alpamalapravrutti, and Hrullasa since one week.

Roganidana (Diagnosis)

After knowing the history, and examining case it was tentatively diagnosed as ‘Pandujanya
Kamala’ based on the concept: Charaka: Chikitsa:Cha/16.

Here his ‘Leukaemia’ was considered tentatively as a type of ‘Pandu roga ’ and the
Jaundice as secondary to that. The reason for this was suspected as (Myleran and other)anti-
leukaemic drugs. They have been considered as Kshara,Amla,Lavana and Athyushna dravyas.
According to Davidsons principles and practice of medicine, “the drug Myleran is an alkylating agent
having Busulphan in it. It is given orally in a commencing dose of 4mg.daily and can bring about a
temporary but satisfactory clinical and haematological remission in a high proportion of cases.
Subsequent maintenance of dosage, e.g. 2mg. daily , is continued and regulated according to the
results of frequent blood examinations and the general state of the patient. It must be emphasized
that all such drugs are capable of producing severe haemopoietic depression and their administration
requires haematological supervision. The too rapid destruction of abnormal white cells may cause a
rise in blood uric acid and even uric acid nephropathy ”.

Chikitsa (Management) :

Chikitsa sootra ( Line of treatment) ; Ref: Bhaishagya Tatnavali :

Looking into the condition of the patient the line of treatment adopted was as follows :

a) Deepana pachana without increasing pitta.

b) Laghu virechana as a part of shodhana.

c) Shamanoushadhas.

d) Pathya and Apathya.


Table showing the No. of complaints and the extent of relief after treatment.

No. Complaints Before Relief in days

Treatment After 3 days After 7 days After 10 days

1. Netra Peetata +++ ++ + ±

2. Mootra Peetata +++ ++ + _

3. Talu Peetata ++ ++ + ±

4. Annadwesha ++ + ± _

5. Aruchi ++ + _ _

6. Hrullasa ++ + _ _
7. Dourbalya +++ ++ + +

8. Bhrama + _ _ _

9. Kandu ++ +± + _

10 Twak Roukshyata ++ ++ + _

11. Nidralpata ++ ± _ _

12. Sparshasahatva in yakrut ++ +± + _

and pleeha bhaga

13. Alpamala pravrutti + _ _ _

14. Yakrut andpleeha vrudhi ++ ++ +± ±

Note : + = Present, _ = Absent, ± = Less present.

Treatment given :

The duration of treatment for Jaundice was 15 days.

First 3 days :

1. Livomyn syrup ( 2, Charak co)

4Tsp 4 Tsp 4 Tsp


15 —20 minute

2. Suvarna sootashekharapills

(yo. Ra.) (D.A.P. Co. before food.

50 mg 50mg 50mg

3. Paithyantika rasa(impcops)

100mg for ticking 2 —3 times a day after food.

4. Katuki lepa to the Abdomen twice a day.

5. Trivrut leha (Aryavaidyasala, Kottakkal) ½ Tsp at bed time with warm water.

Ahara vihara :

Complete bed rest. Avoided bath, day sleep, exposure to heat or sun.
Rice kanji (Rice gruel) with cream free milk added with little cardamomum, sugar, dry
grapes. 2—3 times a day. 150—200 ml. at a time approximately.

Tendercoconut water, moosambi juice as and when required.

From 4th day :

1. Pancha Tikta Ghritha

3 Tsp 3 Tsp two hours before

M E food with warm water

2. Livomyn syrup

4 Tsp 4Tsp 4Tsp

M AN N after food

3. Srvarna sootashekhara rasa

50mg 50 mg 50mg with warm water

4. Katuki lepa to the abdomen twice a day.

5. Trivrut leha ½ Tsp bed time with warm water.

Ahara vihara :

a. Double boiled rice (old rice) with sourless fat free fresh butter milk in semisolid form in
the morning and thick rice in the night.

b. Fruits as usual.

c. Avoided bath etc. as usual, allowed to have spongue bath daily.

After d10 days :

1. 1 Pancha tikta dighanavati + 3 Tsp ghritha

3 Tsp in the morning 2 hrs before food.

2. Livomyn syrup

3 Tsp 3Tsp 3 Tsp after food


3. Suvarna sootashekhara

25 mg 25 mg 25 mg


4. Katukilepa to the abdomen as usual.

Ahara vihara :

a) Allowed to take lukewarm water bath, allowed to walk a little and others as earlier.

b) Allowed to take double boiled rice with mudga yoosha with little of jeeraka,saindhava and
maricha choorna twice a day. Fruits as usual.

After 15 days he was instructed to stop all the drugs and was adviced to take ‘Dhatriloha ’
(Bhai. Ra) ½ gm (prepared of home) twice a day with warm milk after food for one month.

He was allowed to have moderately normal food and also permitted to attend strainless work
at his office for a months time.

He was asked to go back to KIMIO Bangalore and report for further investigation and
treatment. According to the report of Ayurvedic Physician of KIMIO at that time, all the investigations
had shown normal range. No much change was noticed in HB%. Later it was heard that he was not
on any drugs for 2 yrs. After that his leukaemic condition went to the worst status. blood was
transfused for number of times and expired at KIMIO Bangalore on 15-5-1988. Totally he survived for
almost 8 years from the date of detection of Leukaemia.

Remarks :

However the researcher felt the necessity of indepth study of the course of manifestation of
the disease and the treatment based on Ayurvedic lines.




Kshirsagar T.D. ,Dave O.D., Prof Kulwant Singh

Dept. of Shalya Shalakya, I.P.G.T.& R.,

Gujarat Ayurveda University,

Jamnagar -361 008,


The stinking death, cancer anguishes a great deal of psychological

breakdown symptoms under the shadows of intolerable pain. One of the neglected area of Ayurvedic
treatment –SATVAVAJAYA, the promotion of mental stability offers a ray of hope for such problems.

A preliminary study was conducted in the Department of Shalya Shalakya,

I.P.G.T.&R.Hospital, Jamnagar on confirmed cases of Cancer with the help of prayers to promote the
devotion on Almighty and Hypnotic suggestions. The results tend to suggest the beneficial effect in
reducing the tenson and inducing the self confidence in the patients.

Details of the methods adopted and the full results are presented in the paper.

The dreaded pathology of cancer produces a wide range of psychological

breakdown symptoms in advanced stages. As an average Indian patient has many limitations in
getting all the sophisticated methods of treatment, he resolves himself to dejection and depression.
When all the known remedies fail to counteract the all kinds of activities and develops anorexia and
insomnia in the long run. No remedy was found suitable at this context as the patient himself was sure
about the inevitable death that awaits in the doorsteps.

Roga Bhaya,the fear of the disease, says Charaka (Sutra Sthana 11), can be
overcome by Bhaishajya, which is of mainly three types —Yuktivyapashraya,Daiva vyapashraya and
Satwavajaya. The former aims at Chemotherapy, surgery and other measures whereas the latter two
act at the level of mind. In Daiva vyapashraya, it is believed that cure is possible by Bali, Mangala,
Homa etc. satwavajaya is the best method to abstain from Ahita Arthas as it controls mind against
these thoughts.

Keeping these views in mind, a clinical study was undertaken at I.P.G.T.&R.

Hospital, Jamnagar, Gujarat with a view to evolve a method to overcome the psychological
breakdown symptoms during cancer care.
Materials &Methods :

--20 Cancer patients who had already undergone available modern and traditional
remedies in vain, were selected for the present study from the in patients ward of Shalya Salakya

--All the routine anticancer drugs were continued through out the present study.

--The method of Satwavajaya involved two phases :

Phase 1 : The spontaneous meditation was for 30 minutes by reciting the following Mantra along
with audio cassette HARI OM TAT SAT JAYA GURU DATTA.

Phase 11: Hypnotic suggestions for the next 30 minutes regarding the improvement in their general
well being and the protection of Almighty.

-- Duration of the course was fixed as 3 months.

Observations :

Table showing the effect of Satwavajaya on 20 terminal care patients of cancer.

Symptoms % of Patients %of Relief

B.T A. T.

Depression 100 20 80

Dejection 100 30 70

Inferiority complex 100 40 60

Insomnia 100 20 80

Anorexia 100 20 80

Suicidal tendency 80 20 75

Discussions :

The depression and dejection were assessed by looking into the activities of the patients;
inferiority complex and suicidal tendency were inferred by their talks whereas insomnia and anorexia
were evaluated by the quantity of food intake and hours of sleep.

All these six major symptoms of mental breakdown recorded significant improvements as
evidenced by the table above, it can be, therefore, postulated that the selected method of
Satwavajaya therapy helps for the bio feed back mechanism in the body leading to rejuvenate the
confidence and self esteem of the patients.

Conclusions :
It can be concluded from the present study that the adopted method of Satwavajaya can help
the terminal care cancer patients as it adds life to years, though it may not exactly add years to life by
reducing the psychological breakdown symptoms.

Acknowledgements :

Authors acknowledge the co-operation extended from Mr. V. R. Mehta, the vice chancellor of
Gujarat Ayurved University and Dean, Prof, H.S. Sharma is carrying out this research.authors are
grateful to the patients who underwent this course of therapy and the hospital staff.



Ayurveda is the most sacred knowledge, it increases the life-span, energy and vitality
and it is alleviator of old age and diseases; and this knowledge came from Lord Brahma to Indra to
sage Bharadwaj.

Cancer is a disease caused by our own body; not by infection from outside and it is not
infective to others.

My treatment of cancer is based on principles of Ayurveda and modern drugs –not

cytotoxic drugs which are used at present for cancer treatment.

A disease called CANCER is notorious for the development of local recurrence or distant
metastasis even after a lapse of several years, therefore it is obviously rash to speak of cure in the
sense of a cure for all time.

The object of cancer therapy is to cure the patient or atleast to prolong his life and make his
life a tolerable one.

The human body is compromised of millions of cells with varied life span, while the brain
cells are life-long entities. A number of cells in other parts of the body have life-span ranging from 36
hours to a few weeks. We do not know yet the life span of a malignant cell.

As we know there are various known and unknown causes for cancer but I have developed
my own hypothesis – about “Disturbed metabolism” as a cause of cancer from my own experience in
the treatment of cancer.

The disturbed metabolism of a cell or group of cells, tissue or organ is due to faulty diet,
environment, hormones, minerals, vitamins and some changes in physiological functions of an organ
or tissue as per example in Breast-Cyst or adenoma of thyroid where their own secretion remains for
a long time, causing stasis—it leads to auto-infection, then to chronic irritation, all these produce
some metabolites, as call it original metabolities—these metabolites leads to irreversible intracellular
changes in the same place or in other organ or organs which are called malignant tumours.

This story or mine also explains why multiple primaries occur in the same patient.

Examples of Multiple Primaries in the same patient which I have seen :

1. Pancoast tumour of right lung and carcinoma of prostate with secondaries in right

2. Carcinoma Tongue with Carcinoma of Oesophagus.

Whenever there is inflammation there is some inflammatory exudates which contains

cells derived from the blood and partly from the tissues, in the same way when a malignant tumour
grows –some physiological changes are going on and some metabolities are formed which are
derived from the tumour, blood and neighbouring tissues. Let us call it TUMOUR METABOLITIES.

When I noticed that in majority of cases after removal of Cancer-en-Masse(Primary)still

start appearing even after administration of cyto-toxic drugs and radiation. It struck me that the
disturbed metabolism still persisted which produced original metabolities. These will cause recurrence
and secondary metastasis or multiple metastasis, even in some cases after a lapse several years of
supposed successful curing of the primary.

As for example –there is a spontaneous regression of all secondary metastastic nodules

after removal of primary papillary adenocarcinoma of the ovary. Here the original metabolities were
produced in the ovary and even it was removed the secondaries disappeared.same in chorio—
carcinoma, from Hydatidiform mole in uterus.

Original metabolite and tumour metabolities when they are modified in forms and given
they attack only the malignant cells wherever they are in the body without producing any side-toxic
Allergic or cumulative effect.

Instances have been reported in medical literature of spontaneous regressing of primary

as well as secondary metastasis without any medication. This may be due to either changes in
metabolism in the individual or environment or diet.

These cases support my hypothesis that ,disturbed metabolism is a likely cause of


The present day treatment of advanced cases of malignancy depends on Cytotoxic

Drugs, they are no specific antitumour drugs and all have toxic side effects , thus there is always
danger of treatment creating more damage to the patient than the disease itself.

I have developed indigenous anticancer drugs which are non-toxic and equally anticancer
compared with available cytotoxic drugs. This is the presentation of my fifteen tears experience.

Material and method

Since 1975,I have treated over 422 patients. Male 65%, Female 35%, Children 5%
,youngest was four years old and oldest was 85 year old. Over sixty percentage of patients belong to
age group 40 to 60 years,all these patients previously treated with Surgery, Radiation,Chemo-therapy
or combination and given up as terminal cases.

1. Head and Neck Cancer –116

2. Lung Cancer and Metastases in Lungs —28

3. Gastrointestinal Tract —74

4. Breast Cancer—38

5. Gynecological Cancer—29

6. Testicular Cancer—3

7. Urinary Tract Cancer—19

8. Neurological Tumour—42
9. Endocrine—9

10. Skin Cancer –2

11. Sarcoma—8

12 Hemetological malignancies —10

13. Skeleton malignancies—44

8 Metastasis

Factors to be considered before treatment

Detailed history about Chemotherapy, radiations, blood transfusion, or other transfusion,

steroids, Diuretics, allergic to drugs and food, Diet-Vegetarian or non-vegetarian, Habits;polluted
atmosphere and Dental care was taken.

The above factors were considered before giving the treatment, in all eight plants were used
for the treatment. The plant extracts was utilized in form of ;

1. External application

2. Internal Administration

3. In Enemata

4. Administration by intramuscular route.

These administration is done at regular intervals. Blood count and other investigation
were done during the course of treatment.


No patient had any toxic or side effects,there was no mortality due to drugs used, even in a
single case.

1. Good result—complete relief with prolongation of life —70 cases

2. Fair results—symptomatic relief—262 cases

3. Poor results—no response—90 cases.


Present day Chemotherapy is very costly and toxic and recovery is not certain. Due to
improved life standard, the incidence of cancer is increasing in India. Therefore the only satisfactory
solution lies in developing successful indigenous drug treatment. I have made this effort, using plants
which are totally indigenous and these results are comparable to available cytotoxic drugs.






Ayurvedic Research Unit,

Amala Cancer Hospital and Research Centre,

Amala Nagar, Trichur,

Kerala (India)


Cancer is a disease which has got a long term process of development. Modern research
reveals that it may take about 8 years to develop a neoplasm or malignancy in the body. This period
of developmental changes of cancer is silent. So the patient gets awareness of this, life consuming
disease, only after complete invasion of the body. The advanced modern treatment like surgery,
chemotherapy and radiation could control the progress of the disease to some extend . Even after
long years joined effort with all scientific methods available under the sun, to control cancer, it still
remains as a dreadful disease with its death warrant in the depths of human minds. In Kerala 13% of
death is due to cancer. In India, Kerala is the top most in cancer incidence.

Ayurveda the science of life presents a disease viz.Arbuda which can be co-related with
cancer. Literally the word Arbuda is used to denote a mountain, shape of a hemisphere or a round
shaped mass or a lump in the body. In Rugveda this word is used to describe a serpant. According to
the teaching of vedic physicians Surutha and Charaka, Arbuda is an enormously growing mass which
has got similarities of normal body tissue. this disease manifests are an immovable hard mass fixed
with deep roots in the tissues, having little pain. They are of opinion that it seldom suppurates.

Samprapti or development of the Arbuda is due to the derangement of three Doshas

dominating Kapha resulting in the vitiation of Mamsa and Meda Dhatus which in term forms a deep
rooted hard mass in any part of the body. In other sense the vitiation of Doshas in a particular pattern
adversely affect the metabolic process. This may be by inhibiting the process of proper
dhatuparinama i.e. metabolic process or over stimulation of the development in its initial stage.

On the Basis of Vitiation of dominating Doshas and Dhatus, Ayurveda describes 6 types of
Arbuda viz. Vata, Pitta, Kapha, Mamsa, Meda and Raktarbuda. The literature gives detailed
descriptions of these types. Apart from these the authors describe various types of Arbuda as
organvise especially in head and neck and genital organs. The nomenclature is given on the basis of
affected organ and nature of appearance.

The Ayurvedic authors are of opinion that before developing a case into Arbuda it may pass
through 2 initial stages. Viz. Sopha and Grandhi. Charaka describes Arbuda along with sopha and
grandhi. Sopha is a distant precursor where as granghi which has got some similarities with Arbuda,
is the immediate precursor of Arbuda.

The stages of development of Arbuda may be co-related as follows.

1. Sopha

2. Grandi

3. Arbuda

4. Adhyarbuda

5. Dwirarbuda

6. Vruna or Vidradhi in the last stage of Arbuda (Cancer).

Usually Arbuda gets into abscess formation whether it is internal or external. Once paka is formed it
is classified under the group of vruna or vidradhi instead of Arbuda. The ancient Acharyas Susrutha
and Bhoja are of opinion that Arbuda may not get suppurated due to the dominating Doshas kapha
and medodhatu. But in Anjana Nidana, the author describes, Arbuda in its last stage develops to form
abscess and the disease in this stage is incurable.

The ancient Acharyas have seen through their experience that Arbuda in general is an
incurable (Asadhya) disease. But they have expressed hope. If the disease is in its early stage and
those which developed by vitiation of single Dosha, But this is a very rare incidence. The prognosis
also depends on the site and nature of Arbuda.

The incurable types of Arbuda are the following :

a) Those which arise on

1. Vital points

2. Internal organs

3. Viscera

4. Body channels

5. Secondaries on primary site

6. Distent metastasis.

b) Nature of the tumour is also important. They are

1. Hard, fixed, big sized mass.

2. Arbuda which got suppurated or abscess formed.

3. All types of three Doshaja Arbuda.

4. Raktarbudam.

c) The age group and stage of affected person is also a valuable point in the prognosis of

1. child

2. Diabelitated person

3. Aged people, are also in the list of incurable.


Arbuda is enlistend under the group of the disease which needs surgery. Susruthacharya the
famous surgeon of vedic period gives a detailed therapeutic process for pre surgical, surgical and
post operative treatment.

As stated before Arbuda is considered as a systemic disease due to the vitiation of three
Doshas, so the treatment principle is also of systemic nature. Before surgery the body is prepared
according to the dominating Dosha. For Vataja Arbuda external fomentation is advised to prepare the
body. Simultaneously the medicines and diet which regulate vata are to be given internally. For pitta
dominating Arbuda, purgatives, medicated Ghee and decoction of pitta hara dravyas are indicated.
For local treatment, cold poultice is recommended. In the case of Kaphaja type blood letting after the
preparation of body is advised. Poultice with erosive and alkaline natured drugs for local application is

After the surgical procedure the wound has to be cauterized with alkali or specific cauterization
fire so that any particle or un removed tumour cells can be destroyed. Any tumour particle left
undestroyed or un removed would lead to fresh growth of tumour which may destroy the life like an
un extinguished fire. Hence it should be destroyed in its entity. After surgery the patient has to
undergo curative and regenerative therapy which will help to heal the wound and ulcer and regain his

The object of the present study is to identify and evaluate the drugs and the therapeutic process
traditionally followed for the management of various types of Arbuda (Cancer).

Title of the project

‘Leukaemia and allied diseases’.

In this project clinical study was conducted in two types of patients :

1. Cancer patients

2. Leukaemia and allied conditions.

Aim of the study

1. To evaluate the therapeutic process traditionally followed for the treatment Arbuda

( Cancer)

2. To identify and formulate effective medicines for cancer treatment.

3. To improve the quality of the remaining life of cancer patients.

4. To alleviate the symptoms.

5. To prevent the disease.

Period of study: 27.3.1982 -- 28.3.1985

Criteria of selection of patients

a) Age and sex -- No restrictions were put forwarded.

b) Diagnosis -- All diagnosed cases confirmed by histopathological reports.

c) Site and stage __ No restriction.

d) Duration of treatment __ The course of treatment was minimum for three months.

e) Clinical evaluation __ Daily in inpatients and at fortnight in outpatients.

f) Laboratory investigations__ Routine examination of blood and urine at an interval of

1_2 months according to their clinical changes.

Cancer Patients Group -- 1

a) Medicine

1. Varanadi Quatham –60 ml. 6 a.m. &6 p.m.

2. Rasasinduram – 500mg with betal leaf juice, 10 a.m & 5 p.m.

3. Gomoothrahareetaki leham – 10 bed time.

4. Khadirarishtam 25 ml. twice daily after meals.

b) Supportive Therapy

1. Local application –to relieve pain, swelling, abscess etc.

2. Analgesics -- :Allowed to continue analgesics or sedatives which they were using.

3. Laxatives,Vasti etc. to ensure regular bowel movements.

4. Nutritive and rejuvenative therapy —to improve the general health and immunity.

5. Emergency care was given according to the nature of complaints.

c) Diet

Vegetarian diet, fruits, green vegetables. Avoid non –vegetarian meals, hot spices, preserved
and tinned foods etc.

Table No. 1


Classification of patients according to age

Age No. of cases Percentage

1—10 2 3.64

11—20 1 1.82

21—30 3 5.45

31—40 5 9.09

41—50 12 21.82

51—60 15 27.27

61—70 9 16.36

71—80 6 10.91

81--90 2 3.64

Table No. 2
Incidence observed according to sex

Sex No. of cases Percentage

Male 27 49.09

Female 28 50.91

Table No. 3

Classification of patients according to religion

Religion No. of cases Percentage

Hindu 29 52.73

Christian 15 27.27

Muslim 11 20.00

Table No. 4

Incidence observed according to the primary

Sites of the studied cases.

Sites No. of cases Percentage

Oral --20
Breast --5

Rectum --3

Cervix --4

Vagina --2

Liver --2

Intestine --5

Pharynx --4

Prostate --1

Pancreas --1

Embryonal sarcoma --1

Brain tumour --1

Bone --1

Thyroid --1

Ovary --1

Kidney --1

Olfactory Neuroblastoma --1

Lymphoma --1

Total : 55


Out of these patients the following have regular follow up at present :

Cancer Breast -- 3

Cancer Cervix -- 2

Cancer Pharynx -- 2

Cancer Thyroid -- 1
Embryonal Sarcoma -- 1

Olfactory Neuroblastoma -- 1

All these patients had undergone treatment in Oncology department previous to Ayurvedic
treatment. At present the disease is under control. Since 8 years there is no evidence of secondaries
or metastasis. At present they are taking Varanadi quathum.

Site wise Observation

1. Oral Cancer

No. of cases treated --20

Age at diagnosis 20 –80

Maximum incidence 40 –50 years—75%


Chewing 65% --25 years

Smoking 25% --20 years

alcoholism 25% 16 years


Vatakapha 50%

Kaphavata 35%

Others 15%

previous treatments

Surgery 6

Radiation 17

Untreated 3

Nature of lesion

Non- ulcerated 35%

Ulcerated externally 65%

Response to the treatment

Local oedema reduced 25 –50%

Movements of the jaw increased

Pain reduced

Analgesics reduced 50%

Food intake increased 25 –50%

Weight increased 2 – 3 kg.

11 pharynx

No. of cases 4

Age at diagnosis 60 and above


Kaphavata 2

Vatakapha 1

Kaphapitta 1


Alcoholics 0

Smoking 4

Chewing 0

Previous treatment

Surgery 2

Tracheostomy 2


General health increased –in all cases

Normal professional life 2

Expiry –2 ( One case expired after 6 years due to heart attack. Second case was on Stage IV and
expired after one year. )

111. Breast

No. of cases 5

Multipara 4
Nullypara 1

Age at diagnosis 35 –50


Vatakapha 3

Kaphavata 2

Stage at trial

Stage 1 1

Stage 11 2

Stage 111 2

Ulcerated lesion 2


Healthy with professional life --3

In other cases no : of analgesics reduced --50%

Sleeping hrs. increased –2 —3 hrs.

Weight increased –1—3 kg.

1V Intestines

No. of cases -- 4

Age at diagnosis -- 34—74

Prakruthi -- Vatapitta Prakruthi in all cases.

Previous treatment

Byepass surgery -- 3

Laparotomy -- 1


Regular bowels -- 5

Food intake increased -- 50%

Sleeping hrs. increased --2-3 hrs.

Analgesics reduced - 40%

Weight increased --1 —3kg.

Ascitis fluid vanished completely in one case.

V. Rectum

No. of cases -- 3

Age at diagnosis -- 55 —60 years.


Vatakapha -- 2

Vatapitta -- 1

Hesitated to do colostomy, so no previous treatments.


Constipation decreased in all cases

Appetite increased in all

Food intake increased 50---75%

Tenesmus decreased Local pain decreased Analgesics decreased 40%

V1. Embryonal Sarcoma

Age 1 ½ years

Sex -- Female

Previous treatments –Chemotherapy –6 months back. There was no response. So advised for

Condition on admission

-- paraplegia

--Incontinence of urine

-- Bowels-severely constipated. Hard stony faecal matter was palpable on large bowels.

-- Scoliokyphosis in the size of 4×2 inches towards the left at lumbar level.

--Deep tendon reflexes depressed

General condition, weak, pale, emaciated.

--Body weight 5 kg.

Response of treatment

After two weeks treatment voluntary movements started on big toes . By three months
treatment free movements of obtained on the legs. The size of the tumour reduced. The child could sit
with support. The tumour regressed completely after one year and the child started to walk with
support. At present the child goes to school regularly without support.


Period of study 27.3.82 to 28.3.1985

Selection of cases

Patients were selected after diagnosis confirmed by histopathological study. All types of
leukaemias and blood diseases were selected.


1. Snehapanam -- with Shadpalaghritam for healthy patients.

2. Swedanam -- Anagneyaswedam --(mild)

3. Virechanam -- with Avipathykara choornam

4. Light diet -- till regaining appetite and proper digestion (Agni deepti)

After this process of eliminative therapy, the following regime of threatment was given. Those
who are weak no elimination treatment was given. They also will be given the treatment given below.

1. Shadpala ghritam 0 gm. 6 A.M. & Bed time.

2. Palasaksharabhavitapippali choornam 3 gm.8 A.M & 5 P.M with milk.

3. Rohitakarishtam 25 ml. twice daily after meals.

Supportive therapy

1. Emergency management was done according to the condition of the patients.

2. Fever, anaemia etc were managed by Ayurvedic medicines.

3. Leukaemias having acute nature. It was found difficult to manage emergency conditions with
Ayurvedic medicine. So they are allowed to follow modern medical facilities. After solving the
immediate problems they used to continue Ayurvedic treatment.


Vegetarian diet, fruits, Avoid hot spices, acidic dietary items tinned and preserved food materials.
Table No. 1


Sex Caste Total


1. Acute Lymphatic Leukaemia 8 4 6 2 4 12

2. Acute Myeloid Leukaemia 8 1 7 1 1 09

3. Chronic Myeliod Leukaemia 4 0 3 1 0 04

4. Idiophathic Thrombocytopenic

Purpura 2 1 2 1 0 03

5. Aplastic Anaemia 2 0 2 0 0 02

24 6 20 5 5 30

Table No 2.

Age incidence of the following

Age A.L.L A.M.L C.M.L I.T.P. A.A

1—5 5 1 0 0 0

6—10 3 2 0 1 0
11—15 2 2 2 1 2
16—20 1 1 0 0 0

21—30 0 0 0 0 0

31—40 0 3 00 0

41—50 0 0 2 0 0

51—60 0 0 0 0 0

61--70 0 0 0 1 0

Total 12 9 4 3 2


|. The following patients are still continuing medicine to preserve their healthy condition.
Three cases of Chronic myeloid leukaemia,one case of Idiopathic Thrombocytopinec purpura and one
case of Apalastic anaemia.

These patients are moderately healthy and engaged in professional or student life.

||. one case of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura expired after 5 years and one case of
Aplastic anaemia expired after 7 years of treatment. They were regular students till two days before
their death. The I.T. P. and Aplastic anaemia cases were referred from paediatric department of
Amala. Before starting Ayurvedic treatment these patients were getting blood transfusion 1 —2 times
in every month. Their general condition was so poor and weak that they could not walk a short
distance of about 25 meters.

After giving hospitalized treatment in the Ayurvedic unit their general condition improved.
Duration of interval for blood transfusion increased by 3 months. After this no blood transfusion was
needed till now. They started regular school life. Their body weight and height increased according to
their age. They could walk 1—2 their school at a stretch and play with boys. But their blood
picture showed no improvement.

|||. All these cases improved in the following ways.

a). ‘Agnideepti’ improved and food intake increased

b) Body weight increased by 2 Kg. at an average per year

c) General health and vitality improved so that they could attend the school regularly and
scored good marks in the examination.

d) The tendency to get infection and fever was reduced.

e) One of the Aplastic anaemia patient stopped education due to financial problem and
joined in a diamond cutting institute to earn for his lively hood.

f) The three cases of chronic myeloid leukaemia are in moderate health with their
professional life.

|V In Acute type of leukaemias, the positive changes noted were :

1) Could reduce the height of temperature.

2) Improved appetite and increased food intake.

3) General health increased till the terminal stages.

4) Bed ridden time reduced.

5) Body weight gained by 1— an average.

6) Extertional dyspnoea and palpitation reduced. So the patients exhibited more interest to


7) No marked changes were noted in the blood picture.

GROUP -- ||

Aim -- The aim of this clinical study was to evaluate the therapeutic action of the selected medicine
on cancer patients.

Selections of patients

The clinical study on the second group of cancer patients were started on 1.4.1985. as in
the previous group study all types of cancer cases confirmed yy histopathology were selected
irrespective of their site and stage.


In Kerala experienced Ayurvedic clinicians and scholars prefer to use Gulgulu

thiktakam(Panchathiktagulgulu) preparations (AH. Chi-21 58 —61) for the treatment of chronic
ulcerated lesions of various etiology and pathological conditions, in the form of quatha, ghrita, oils etc.
this combination is also indicated for the treatment where vatakapha derangement is dominated. All
Ayurveda Acharyas have highly recommended this drug for the treatment of Arbuda, Apachi,
Galaganda, Nadeevruna,Vidradhi, Gulma etc.
In this background Gulgulathiktaka combination was selected for the group || trial as one of the
main drug.

2. Kanjanaragulgulu (Bhaishajya ratnavali 44.64) is also indicated in the treatment of Arbuda.

3. Rasasindura was taken as a common drug in group --| &||

All these three combinations are highly recommended for the treatment of Arbuda.


1. Gulguluthiktakam quatham 60ml—Bd 6 a.m. – 6 p.m.

( Decotion of 60 gm. Of chopped medicine, was given daily in two divided doses)

2. Kanjanaragulgulu 1 Bd. 6 a.m. –6 p.m. (Mixed with a quatham ).

3. Rasasinduram 500mg Bd. 10 a.m. –5 p. m. (With betel leaf juice).

Clinical observation

All cases showed the following clinical changes within 3 months.

1. Appetite improved and food intake increased in all cases —(39/39)

2. Constipating tendency relieved with regular bowel movements.(30/35- 85.71%)

3. Gastrouble reduced __ distension of the abdomen in the evenings was relieved (28/34—

4. Heart burn, nausia etc. relieved completely (25/31—80.64%)

5. Sleeping hrs. increased for 1-4 hrs. in (17/26—65.38%)

6. General health of the patients improved (30/39—83.33%)

7. Tumour reduction was not observed more than 25%. But there was an initial response with a
reduction of pain and swelling in all cases who had external session in oral cancer patients. (3/5).

8. Dose of analgesics reduced within 3 months of treatment (10/15—66.6%)

9. Laboratory investigations of blood showed the following changes.

1) Haemoglobin content increased by 1 to 1.5 gm. After 3 months of treatment (12/39—


10. E.S.R. reduced by 10—30mm in the 1st hour, after 3 months in (10/39—25.64%)

11. Body weight increased by 2—3kg. (14/39—35.9%).


1. This disease has mainly affected the persons while he was on vatakaea or elderly person who
were in the declining period. But the dominating sites were on kapha stanas.
2. The leukaemia patients were on their tender periods, ie kaphakala. Where they have not yet in
full grown stage. This budding is prone to kapha dominating diseases.

3. In pittakala between the age of 20 —30 this disease was comparatively in a lower rate. Pitta
stanas have only a few incidence of cancer. This age groups are more resistant to all types of

4. Patients were distributed in all types of economical status.

5. Any disparity between the residential area viz jangala, anoopa and sadharana desa were also
could not be detected among the patients.

Table No. 1


Classification of patients according to age

Age No. of cases Percentage

0--10 3 7.69

11—20 2 5.12

21—30 1 2.56

31—40 4 10.25

41—50 10 25.64

51—60 7 17.84

61 above 12 30.76

Table No. 2

Incidence observed according to sex

Sex No. of cases Percentage

Male 19 48.72
Female 20 51.28

Table No. 3

Classification of patients according to religion

Religion NO. of cases Percentage

Hindu 19 48.72

Christian 10 25.64

Muslim 10 25.64

Table No. 4

Incidence observed according to the primary

Site of the studied cases

Sites No. of cases Percentage

Oral 9 23.08

Cervix 2 5.13

Breast 5 12.82

Intestine 2 5.13

Larynx 3 7.69

Vulva 1 2.56

Olfactory Neuroblastoma 2 5.13

Lymphoma 1 2.56

Osteo sarcoma 1 2.56

Multiple Myolma 1 2.56

Lung 3 7.69

Vocal cords 2 5.13

Hepatoma 1 2.56

Myxipappillaray Ependymoma of

Cauda equine region 1 2.56

Astrocytoma 2 5.13

Pancreas 1 2.56

Oesophagus 1 2.56

Embryonal sarcome 1 2.56

Total 39


Laboratory investigations

1. Haemoglobin – There was slight improvement in all patients at an average of 1 gm

1.5 gm%

2. Leucocyte counts —Total and differential counts recorded were within the normal
limits before and after the treatment in Cancer cases.

3. E.S.R.—A reduction in sedimentation rate was noted in 83% cases of Cancer at an

average 15—30mm/hr.

4. Blood urea – There was no specific change before and after treatment. The
marginal change was ± .5—1.5mg.

5. Serum cholesterol – A tendency to reduce serum cholesterol level was recorded.

Average reduction noted was 0 – 10mg. in 72%cases.

Age 40—60 73—65%

30—39 9.5%
20—29 4.25%

01—19 8.5%

Site Kapha stana 62.76%

Pitta stana 10.63%

Vata stana 27.61%

Prakruthi Vatakapha 50.02

Kaphavata 34.08

Others 15.90

General Response

-- General health increased

--Protected erythropoetic system

--Augmented agni –incerased metabolism

--Tumour regression was only below 25% at an average. Only two cases got 100%

Tuomur regression

--Anti inflammatory action increased.

--Immunological response with an increase in ‘T ’ cell.

--Improved the quality of the remaining life

--As a whole, treatment could alleviate the symptoms

--Mitigate the suffering

--Pacify the symptoms

--Control further development.

Properties of medicine

Rasa Tikta 76% Kashaya 53.9%

Katu 58.8% Madhura 30.6%

Guna Laghu 76.9% Theekshna 38.4%

Ruksha 53.8 Snigdha 7.6%

guru 15.3%
Veerya Ushna 86.6% Seetha 15.4%

Vipaka Katu 76.9% Madhura 23%

Dosha samanatwa

Kaphavata 92.3%

Vatapitta 7.6%

Pittavardhana 7.6%

Classification of drugs—The ingredients of medicines used for the clinical study was classified as

1. Ahara Dravyas – which can be used as part of diet.

2. Rasayanas –Rejuvenatives which can purify and nourish the tissues.

3. Samana Oushada dravya – Drugs with curative properties.

Out of these drugs the following are found as anticancerous on experimentas study :

1. Curcuma longa

2. Zingiber officinale

3. Sesamum indicum

4. Allium sativum

5. Moringa oleifera

6. Asaphetida

7. Embilica officinalis

8. Tinosphora cordifolia

9. Terminalia chebula

10 Hemidesmus indicus

11. Boerhavia diffusa

12. Peper longum

13. Glycyrrhiza glabra

14. Semicarpus anacardium

15. Calotropis procera

16. Hydnocarpus langifollia

17. Solanum trilobatum

18. Ixora coccinea

19. Crocus sativus

20. Myrlstica fragrens

21. Plumbago zeylanica

22. Nigella sativa.


Period of study 1.4.87 to 31.3. 90

The following drugs were supplied in the form of capsules from Captin Sreenivasamoorthi Drug
Research Institute Madras.

1. Cap. B – Solamarin 50mg –Solanum trilobatum.

2. Cap. Plumbagin 5mg -- Plumbago zeylanica.

3. Cap. Echetamine chloride 5mg -- Alstonia scholaries.

These drugs were tried on head and neck Cancers stage ||| and |V.


Initially the dose was fixed as one capsule twice daily. On getting the response of the first
group, it was decided to increase the dose.

Method of study

The diagnosed cases were selected from OP and IP sections of Oncology and Ayurveda

Minimum 10 cases were studied in each group. The period of study was 3 months for each

Dose –1 cap. Thrice daily—in each group. Later on this dose increased to 2 Tds and 3 Tds.

The patients were admitted in Oncology department of Ayurveda Unit according to availability
for one week to start the initial dose. After this, according to the condition of patients they may or may
not discharged. In OP cases weekly check up was insisted. Laboratory investigations were done at
monthly intervels.

Response of treatment on studied cases were not marked either subjectively or

objectively within the short period of 3 months.

1. Size of the lesion

Within three months of treatment there could not record any reduction or arrest in the size
of the tumour in these three groups. The measurements indicated a gradual increase in the tumour

2. Slough formation

In two cases slough was dried after the administration of B-Solamarin but the size of the
lesion increase gradually. In other cases there was no change in the condition of external lesion.

3. Pus discharge

Reduced for two weeks in 10% cases. But gradually this was increased and there was no
response on further medication.

Salivation—in 12.3% cases excessive salivation reduced for one week.

Pain—dose of analgesics reduced in 15%patients for 10—15 days. Since the disease was
on progress they had to increase the dose.

Swelling – There was 25—50% reduction of swelling in 31% cases. This was a temporary
response for 2—3 weeks.

The clinical changes presented were more or less symptomatic and temporary.

Dose of medicine

The dose of medicine was one capsule thrice daily. Seeing the result on first group study the
dose was increased to 2 cap. thrice daily. Since the result of second trial was not satisfactory the
dose increased to 3 cap. thrice daily. This study was conducted with all the three drugs. There was
no marked change after increasing the dose of medicine. No toxic effect was noted in the patients
subjectively or objectively.

Laboratory investigations – Blood picture remained within marginal level. Fluctuations in

Haemoglobin and sedimentation rates before and after treatment were not reasonable. Blood urea
and serum cholesterol levels remained with slight variations within the normal limits.





V. A. C. Ollur, Trichur.

Abstract :

Amongst the hundreds of diseases occurring to a human being cancer outstands as

something unique. Because of its life threatening character it is a nightmare to every woman. amongst
the various types of cancer occurring to female, cervical cancer becomes the third most important one
( the others being endometrial and breast cancer). Clinical evaluation and early approach for proper
treatment can cure the disease very well. Recent advances in medical technological helps in
diagnosing the condition at its very early stage (‘0 ’ stage).

Descriptions about the aetiopathogenesis of cancer and allied conditions are available in
Ayurvedic classics. Very much explanatory descriptions about conditions as angiomas (Siragranthi),
leukemia (Raktapitta) etc. and their prognosis and secondary lesions or metastasic (Dwirarbuda) etc.
are available in looks like Sushruta ,Samhita. There are several Ayurvedic drugs (Single & compound
drugs ) used for the treatment of cancer which will be dealt with while presenting the paper in the

Amongst the hundreds of diseases occurring to man, cancer outstands to be something

unique. Because of its threatening character it is a nightmare to every man. But early diagnosis and
management at proper time can save the patient ’s life. The word cancer arises from a greek word
‘Carcinoma’ denoting the spread or growth of the disease. The condition or disease described in
Ayurvedic classics which can be correlated with carcinoma of modern science is ‘Arbuda ’ and its
prognostic conditions (Avasthabhedas).

The diseases of the female genitalia is enumerated to be 20 in Ayurvedic classics but

among them there is no any ailment described to be having the characteristics of Arbuda or
carcinomas. So general descriptions about Arbudas should be taken into account in cases of
carcinoma of female genitalia also.

The cancerous growths which can occur in female genitalia are that of
Bahyayoni(Vulva,Vagina etc.), Antharayoni i.e. ,Garbhashayagreeva (endometrial)
Andashaya(ovaries) etc. Ayurvedic classics are written in ancient time i.e., in an era in which science
and technology were not much developed. As newer scientific techniques are available nowadays to
diagnose and identify the progress of the diseased conditions, the knowledge about the same will
help us in its correct diagnosis and management.

As cancer of cervix is observed to be the most common cancer of female genitalia, I shall
first deal with the general concept about its aetiopathogenesis ,diagnostic measures and treatment
etc. to be undertaken.

Carcinoma of cervix can be said to be that of a kind of Mamsarbuda with predominance of

Kaphadosha first then changing to Pittarakta and then to Vatika.

According to modern scientific views, cancer of cervix is divided in to 3 stages i.e.,

1. Cervical dysplasia (intra epithelial neoplasia)

2. Pre- invasive carcinoma

3. Invasive carcinoma

Amoung these the first two can be included under Mamsarbuda with predominance of
Kaphadosha and the third one that of the same first, then changing to Pittarakta and then to Vatika.


Causes : general ( Samanya NIdana)

The aetiopathogenesis of Mamsarbuda in general is said to that of the vitiation of

Mamsadhatu in a person who takes more meat or flesh of animals and whose body parts undergoes
constant irritation etc.

Specific Cause (Vishesha Nidana)

Clinical observations done on cancer cervix cases have shown that the following causes are
specifically responsible for the same. Coitus is said to be having the prime importance in its
causation. Spermatozoa is considered to act as a carcinogen in cancer of cervix.

The indirect causes being :

a) Multiparity that too grande multiparae

b) Early marriage i.e. women who had their first coitus and pregnancy before 20 years.

c) Multiple marriage or frequent change of male partners prostitutes.

d) Malnutrition : Unhygeinic character etc.

pathogenesis ( Samprapti)

The Mamsarbuda ( cervical tissues) getting vitiated due to the above mentioned factors or
other factors for vitiation of Kaphade doshas gets inflamed (shopham)with the colour that of the same
type of tissue, painless, smooth, unsuppurative fixed like a stone (Su. Ni. 1.22)

According to modern science, in cervical dysplasia, squamous like metaplastic columnar cells
or atypical intraepithelial cells grow from basal part of the cervix i.e., from portio vaginalis to vaginal
part of cervix to 2/3rd of the thickness of cervical tissue. In pre-invasive carcinoma 75 —90% of
atypical cell growth takes places, where as in invasive carcinoma, the atypical cells penetrate beyond
the basement membrane to parametrium, ligaments, bladder, rectum etc. and to distant organs as
ovaries etc., by metastasis (Dwirarbuda or Athyarabuda).

Clinical features (Lakshan)

1. Cervical dysplasia :

Clinically no signs or symptoms will be assailable but rarely the patient may complain of

a) Coital bleeding
b) Bleeding on defaecation or urination

c) Inter menstrual or postmenopausal bleeding

d) Persistant white discharge or non- healing cervical erosion after cauterization may also
be detected in some cases.

Invasive carcinoma

In those type patient will complain of

a) irregular bleeding i.e., of : Post coital, bleeding while straining, post

menopausal Intermenstrual.

b) Discharge (Sravam) : Watery, later becomes blood stained then foul


3. Pain ( Vedana) this is a late symptom (while becoming vatika)

4. Cachexia (Daurbalya) : In advanced cases.

Per vaginal examinations will show vascular papillary growth which bleeds on touch (Su. Ni. 11/15)

(Dosha : Pradushto Rudheram Sirathu

Sampeedya Samkochya Gadasthwapakam Sasravamunnahyati,mamsapindam)

In advanced cases : Vascular growth appears as cauliflower arising from cervix which spread
to vagina, which are friable, bleeds on touch & may have foul smelling discharge.
(Mamsankurairachitamasu Urdhim Karotyajasram Rudhirapravarthim)

Mobility of uterus will be present in early stages but absent or restricted in advanced stages.

Fornics will be felt hard (indurated)

On per rectal examination : Parametrium and rectal wall will be felt hard.

Diagnostic measures

The following are the diagnostic measures useful for diagnosing various types of cancer of

Cervical dysplasia Pre invasive and invasive carcinoma

1. Cytological

a) Vaginal pool aspiration 1. Cytological examinations

b) Cervical scrape smear 2. Colposcopy

( papinicanl’s stain)

2. Colposcopy 3. Cervical punch biopsy

3. Cervical punch biopsy 4. Endocervical curetting

Complications and causes of death

Causes of death may be due to the following complications.

a) due to renal failure

b) Haemorrhage

c) Severe anaemia ( Raktakshayopadrawa peeditavat Pandurbhaveth

sorarbuda peedithasthu ( Su. Ni. 11/16)

d) Fever

e) Visceral peritonitis (udara)

f) V.V.F. (Vesico Vaginal fistula – Bhagandara)

g) R. V. F. (Recto Vaginal fistula)

h) Pyometra etc.

average lifespan after cevelopment of symptoms of carcinoma is about 18 months.


1. Prevention (Nidanaparivarjan)

The exact cause of cervical cancer is still unknown. Nevertheless, complete chasity is
associated with almost total freedom from malignancy. The incidence of cervical cancer cancer can
be reduced by the following health measures.

a) improved personal hygiene : Use of candous, Pre-coital washing of penis, prevention &

prompt treatment of cervicities(Garbhashaya galapakam)

b) avoidance of intercourse

in an early age : Avoiding early marriage and pregnancy, frequent coital practice

and restriction of number of children

c) frequent cancer outscreening of all women specially women in deprived social circumstances and
those who had many several partners.

Vyadhi vipareetachikitsa

Management of cervical dysplasia and pre-invasive carcinoma

The treatment for Kapharbuda can be done in cervical dysplasia and preinvasive done in
cervical dysplasia and preinvasive carcinoma.

The following are the measures adopted by both the systems of medicine.

Ayurvedic allopathic

a) Cervical dysplasia

shodhana Karma Electrocauterization

(Purifying measures) or


Ksharakarma Conisation Exision

Agnikarma Surgery

Local application of drugs as Langali,

Cow’s urine, Kulatha etc.


b) Pre –invasive carcinoma

same as above same as above or radiotherapy if

surgery is contraindicated.

Invasive carcinoma

Radiotherapy, Surgery, Chemotherapy, combined radiotherapy and surgery are advised in

(early stages of invasive carcinoma and palliative measures are adopted in advanced cases.

Clinical experience

While working in S.S. Hospital B.H.U, I was able to observe about 200 cases of
Garbhashaya greevarbudas (Carcinoma Cervix). Among them 3 cases were of cervical dysplasia, two
of pre-invasive and rest carcinoma. As we were not much interested in treating cancer cases with
Ayurvedic drugs,abdominal hysterectomy was done as a preventive measure in such cases.
Ksharakarma with Snuheekshara (Euphorabia niruri Linn) was done thinking that of cervical erosion
(Kamala) after sending smear for cytological studies.

After Ksharakarma, pichu (tampon) with udumbaradi taila was given to be kept in vagina for
6 hours and then Utharavasti with Thriphala kwatha for 5 our utter surprise, the case was
reported to be that of cervical dysplasia and papsmear tests were done at 6 weeks intervals but no
any dysplasia was detected during the fellow up period.

All other cases were of invasive type that too advanced cases of stage ||| &|V in which the
patients were lean and thin above age group 45, with unhygienic character with foul smell.
Multiparity, early marriage, deliveries happening in frequent succession, malnutrition,
unhygienic character etc. were observed to be the causes of cancer of cervix. All the cases were of
lower socio economic class.

Per speculam examinations showed the cervix to be irregular unhealthy friable which bleded
on touch and, cervix was adhered to the fornics.

Cervical punch biopsy was taken for histopathological studies and the cases, were referred for
radio theraphy. Along with that Rasayana therapies as Chyavanaprasha, Narasimha rasayana,
Kooshmanda rasayana erc were given.

Along with that Lohasava and Draksharishta to combat anaemia and to relieve the conditions as
cachexia etc. were given helping to withstand radiotherapy. Saraswatharishta was also advised in
cases having anxiety, insomnia etc.

So in my opinion the available modern techniques must be accepted and adopted by Ayurvedic
Practisioners also for correct diagnosis and proper management of the disease. Carcinoma of cervix
can be cured by drug therapy (by Ayurvedic drugs) if it is in early stage i.e., in cervical dysplasia and
in advanced cases, if both the systems are applied in union can increase the lifespan of the patients.




Bangalore .

Abstract :

A male aged 31 years with a history of fever, Diabetes mellitus, hypochromic anaemia and a
mass in the left iliac fossa in an inoperable stage sought Ayurvedic treatment. Fever, which was
teriodic, was treated first followed by the treatment of hypochromic anaemia. Simultaneously
treatment for diabetes mellitus was also begun. The patient was dependent on insulin and after the
introduction of Ayurvedic medicines insulin was withdrawn gradually. The growth of the mass was
also checked and the patient was brought to an operable state. Subsequently he was operated upon
for the mass in the abdomen.

Ayurvedic diagnosis, treatments given and the effect of Ayurvedic medicines are discussed
in the paper.


Mr.S. aged 30 years, moderately built, vegetarian with no habits of smoking or drinking
alcohol, working as a Junior Engineer supervising the job of machinery erection, unemployed since
one year due to ill-health presented the following history in May 1987.

1. Fever on and off since 1.5 years of moderate degree not associated with rigors, subsides
with treatment and reappears.

2. Diabetes mellitus since 1.5 years

3. A mass in the left iliac fossa detected about 4 months ago.

4. Gradual loss of weight over 8 months.

No family history of malignancy, no history of cough or expectoration, anaemic,not jaundiced.

On examination :

Abdomen –spleen enlarged (2 cm). Hard fixed mass in the left iliac fossa, irregular in shape, non –
tender, dull on percussion. No ascitis.

The patient was undergoing the following treatment when he came for Ayurvedic

1. Insulin plain and insulin lente, 52 units every day.

2. Antipyretics once in 2 or 3 days.

3. Vitamins.

4. Human mormal gamma globulin, 2 ml. once in 2 weeks.

5. Blood transfusion ( a maximum of 2 bottles ) once in 7 weeks.

It was also reported that the patient was treated with antimalarial drugs, sullphonamids,
chloromphenical, antidiarrhoeal and antitubercular drugs.

A trial of chemotherapy using vincristine adriamycin cyclophosphomide ( VAC) protocol was

also planned by the oncologists but not started as the relatives of the patient were reluctant to give
their consent. It was the patient was not in an operable state.


1. Chest X-Ray


2. Intra Veinous Pyelography

Spleen appears enlarged pushing left kidney downwards kidneys, Ureters and bladder normal.

Impression : Splenomegaly.

3. Ultra Sound Scanning.

A spherical hypoechoic mass with central cystic area in left iliac fossa measuring about 5.8 cm.

Impression :Retroperitoneal Mass.

4. Biopsy of Retroperitoneal Mass.

The retroperitoneal mass was variously diagnosed by different pathologists and Oncologists as
neurilemmoma, liposarcoma, lymphoma, neurofibroma and liomyoma.

5. Marrow Examination __

No evidence of malignancy.
6. Other Tests—

Haemoglobin 7.5G/dl.

Blood sugar Levals Random 216 mg/dl.

F. B.S 115 mg/dl.

P.P.B.S 298 mg/dl.

ESR 80 mm


Based on the history and clinical examination the patient was diagnosed according to Ayurveda as a
case of :

1. Madhumeha

2. Visamajavara

3. Gulma

4. Pandu

5. Plihodara


All the other medicines were stopped except insulin. Ayurvedic treatment was started for Jvara
first. There was no recurrence of fever after 3 weeks of treatment. Following this, treatment for pandu,
plihodara, and madhumeha were started simultaneously. Insulin dose was gradually tapered from 52
units per day to 24 units per day and later blood sugar level was kept within normal limits with only
Ayurvedic medicines. At this stage treatment for gulma was also started.

The quantities of medicines used, for different disease conditions are shown in Table —1. Each
medicine was administered until the specified quantity exhausted.

Table -- 1


Disease Total Dose per

Condition Medicine Quantity day

Jvara Mahasudarsana Ghanavati 40gm 2 gm

Amritarista 400gm 30- 40 ml

Pandu Dhatri Lauha 50gm 500 mg

Plihodara Pippalyadyasava 400ml 30- 40 ml

Rohitakarista 400ml 30-40 ml

Madhumeha Nisamalaka 100 tablets 4 tabs

INSOL--N 200 tablets 4 tabs

Kaisora Guggulu 50 gm 1 gm

Gulma Rasaparpati 20gm 200 mg

Amrita Bhallataka 200gm 10 gm

Daurbalya Bhimasakti Rasayana 400gm 20 gm

Brihat Vata Cintamani Rasa 2gm 50 mg

Svarna Bhupati Rasa 1.5gm 50 mg


After approximately 6 months the patient was evaluated by oncologists. The findings are as

1. Ultra sound scanning of the Abdomen _

Both kidneys normal. Mass in the left iliac fossa, solid in nature with central transonic
cavity,measures 5.9cm. centrally.

Liver ,gall bladder,spleen show normal echopattern.

2. on Examination –

General condition appeared good.

Performance Status 1.

Weight increased by 4Kg.

3. Other Tests _

Haemoglobin 14/dl.

Blood Sugar Levels Within Normal Limits

ESR 5mm.


It is clear from the post-therapy evaluation report that Ayurvedic treatment had brought about
the following changes.

1. Tumour growth was arrested.

2. Enlarged spleen assumed the normal size.

3. General condition of the patient appeared good.

4. The patient became symptom-free and fully ambulatory.

5. Haemoglobin increased from 7.5to 14 G/dl.

6. Blood sugar level was controlled and maintained within normal limits.

The patient was operated for the mass in the left iliac fossa in a private nursing home after a
couple of months. Post- operatively the patient is reported to be free from all the ailments since 1½

The positive changes observed in this case are in conformity with the scriptural descriptions of
the effects of Ayurvedic medicines used. The effect may be attributed to a concerted action of the
medicinal preparations.

1. Ayurvedic medicines can be effectively employed in the management of certain

inoperable cases of tumours.

2. Tumour growth can be arrested by the use of proper combination of Ayurvedic medicines.

Further clinical evidence is needed to establish the role of Ayurvedic medicines in the
management of tumours.


The author is indebted to Dr. (Mrs.) Bapsy and Dr. B. V. Kumaraswamy of Kidwai Memorial
Institute of Oncology, Bangalore, for their kind guidance and assistance in evaluating the case.


1. The Ayurvedic Formulary of India,Part —1, 1st Edition, Ministry of Health and Family
Welfare, Govt. of India, 1978.

2. The Caraka samhita by Agnivesha. Yadavji Trikanji Acharya (Ed.),Chowkhambha Sanskrit

Sansthan, Varanasi, India, 1984.





Abstract :

After the industrial revolution of the west, the health pattern of the whole world has been
gradually changing. This new civilization has advanced very rapidly. Therefore many diseases
appeared ,Cancer is the biggest challenge of this century.
Ayurveda is the ancient science of life. Some Aurvedic text written more than five thousand
years ago have mentioned details of cancer (Arbuda) its causative factors and remadies. Vagbhata
mentions about cancer of mouth, tongue, eyes, nose, breast and uterus. Charak mentions it as
protrusion of flesh into flesh. Susrut samhita deals with finer details of cancer. According to Tridosh
Theory in Ayurveda all the disorders of body are due to the disturbances of any one of the following
i.e. vayu, pitta and kapha. The doshas are affected to blood and Skin known as Raktaj doshas, the
basic fundamental units for developing tumour growths.

The U.P. Himalaya finds mention in ancient religious books of India. In this context authors
mentions certain traditional medicines locally used for the cure of Arbud and Chronic ulcers from this
region like Beriberis aristata, Berberis asiatica, B.lyciun, urtica dioica Linn etc.

Deep study and critical analysis of various diseases mentioned in ancient and medieval Indian
medical texts clearly indicate that cancers are the kinds which fall under the group ‘Arbud ’ which
means malignant formation of cells forming tumours or deterioting and destructing matural, cells of
animal system (though all the arbud’s are not fatal). Ayurveda also describes the types like
‘Karkatarbud’, ‘Raktarbud’, ‘Mamsarbud’, ‘Jalarbud’, ‘Talwarbud’, ‘Galarbud ’, ‘Sirarbud ’,
‘Sisnarbud’, ‘Yoniarbud’ and so on. The ancient Ayurvedic Surgeon ‘Susruta ’ has prescribed the
operation of ‘Nasarbud’, cancer or nose 1,2,3.

Carak, Susruta, Vagbhata etc,have described this disease at many places in their Granthas’
and ‘Samhitas’ 4-15.

The father of the modern medical science Hippocrates have described the cancer and its
treatment 1400years B.C. Cancer of the breast was treated through operation followed by
cauterization by Greek surgeon Leonides 180 years BC. Roman physician Gallen 200 A.D. also
mentioned the symptoms and identifications. It is very interesting fact for the present medical
research that the Mummies and papyris 1500-3000 years BC. When gone through the process of
research,it was discovered that the cells and tissues of bone were found effected by cancer.

After the cardiad 2, 16 17,diseases, cancer is the second biggest biller in the world. At the present
rate of its extensive attack, if not controlled, by 2000A.D, the world shall see 90 lakhs of cancer
patients out of which 30 lakhs shall come from developing countries. 43 lakhs shall die each year out
of which 25 lakhs will be from the third world still more than 90% cancer patient come from
economically and educationally backward classes. In big industrial towns where the air, water, soil
and other types of pollutions are the common features 17, out of one lakh, 85 people suffer from
cancer with a increase of 5 lakhs every year.

Besides the human beings, animals and birds also suffer from the cancer. 200 body parts
are attacked by cancer in different intensity.

At present the science which studies cancer is called Oncology which indicates that the
main cause of the cancer is disturbed bio-chemical reactions in the body are through careful standard
living effective control can be achieved. Cancer is the result of conspiracy of first time immunological
forces of the body against its own cells. In the normal conditions these forces fight against canser
gene or ossogene which are also made from DNA. In the case of conspiracy this nucleic element
changes its properties and helps in forming cancer cells spread fast and grip the attacked tissue of
system. Susruta says as the remains of fire further spreads the flames similarly the poison left by
‘arbud’ cells multiplies to spread it to fatal limits.
The prime factors responsible for growth and development of cancer are

1) Age factor 2) Metabolic disbalances 3) Occupational factor 4) Living conditions and

personal habits.

Cancer is found more after the age of 40 years and maximum intensity of attack between 50-
60 years of age. Anaerobio conditions because of improper exhilation and outlet of CO 2 and other
gases in the body also helps the development of cancerous cells and tissues. Occupations where
workers are exposed to radio-active rays and little carelessness can mulate the genes and cancer
cells can grow and develop easily. It is now more or less established and realized that excessive use
of alcohol, tobacco, synthetic cosmetics, perfumes, synthetic medicines are directly responsible for
increased incidence of cancer. Excessive use of chemicals,fertilixers, insecticides, fungicides and
man’s tendency to keep him self at a distance from the nature are very injurious to health and these
probably by weakening immunity mechanism and inducing toxicity are helping the dreaded disease to
tighten its grip on human and animal life. Whereas for over coming the cancer and defeating it, a
foresaid factors shall have to be carefully looned at, it will also be timely to record some folk and tribal
medicines which should be experimented for finding cure and control of this disease.

1) Mushroom, a type of saprophyte which grows on decaying woods, is collected and

dipped in water for some time. Then the juice is expressed from it and mixed with little quantity of
paste made thoroughly from the plant Lajjawanti (Mimosa pudica) and sleeper plant ( ‘Nagdamani-
Pedilianthus tithimehoides Poir). Three mushrooms with some paste shall compose a single doze by
mixing with 125mg. of Musk and 55mg. of black aconite(Aconitum chasmanthum stapf ex Holms).
The patient is given one doze per day after taking some high food. 2) 3-4 leaves of ‘Aswaskota ’ or
‘Bannimbu’ 18 (alycosmis penta phyla correa) are given to patient for chewing and swallowing the
juice, 3-4time a day in throat cancer. Similarly 50 gm. of powder or paste from the roots of ‘karmard ’
or ‘Karmida’ (carrissa carandas L.)is given 3-4times a day to the patient of cancer in general. 3)
continuous and successive day and night use of juice from carrot,spinach and lemon is also reported
to check the occurance of the disease as well as helps the patient after the attack. Eating the leaves
and plants of gulbanafsa (Vida odorata L) is also reported to give cancer resistant properties to the

4) Detailed research work 19 has been conducted with ‘Bankarkat ’ or ‘Bankakri ’(Podophyllum
hexadrum Royle) and ‘Sadabahar’ (Vinca rosea L.) for their curative properties against the different
types of cancer many positive results has been achieved.

While concluding, it will also be timely to give a list of some medical plants which has been
mentioned to conta in controlling and curing properties against the cancer in various indigenous
systems of medicine20.

1) ‘Chitrak’ --Plumbago zeylanica Linn.

2) ‘Bhallataka ’ --Semecarpus anacardium Linn. f.

3) ‘Siris’ --Albizzia lebbeck Benth.

4) ‘Kanchnar’ --Bauhinia variegate Linn.

5) ‘Sigru’ --Moringa oliefera Lam.

6) ‘Varun’ --Crataeva nurvala Buch. Ham.

7) ‘Rohitaka’ --Tecomella undulate G. Dob.

8) ‘Mahanimba’ --Azisandicits Indica.

9) ‘Devadaru’ --Cedrus deodara (Roxb.) —Loud.

10) ‘Apamarga’ --Achvranthes aspera Linn.

11) ‘Shuhi’ --Euphorbia royleana Boiss.

12) ‘Palash’ --Butea monosperma (Lam.) –Kurtze

13) ‘Sarpunkha’ --Tephrosia purpurea(Linn.)pers.

14) ‘Guduchi’ --Tinospora cordifolia (Willd). Miers.

15) ‘Ark’ --Calotropies procera(Ait.) —R.Br.

16) ‘Punarnava’ --Boerhavia diffusa Linn.

17) ‘Yava’ --Hordeus vulgare Linn.

18) ‘Gulggulu’ --Commiphora mukul (Hook. Ex. Stocks) Engl.

19) ‘Til’ --Sesamum indicum Linn.

20) ‘Kantakari bheda’ --Solanum trilobatum Linn.

21) ‘Tulsi’ --Ocimum sanctum Linn.

22) ‘Triphala’ -- 1) Terminalia chebula Retz.

11) T. belerica Roxb

111) Emblica officinalis Gaertn.

23) ‘Arjuna’ --Terminalia arjuna W & A

24) ‘Haridra’ --Curcuma longa Linn.

25) ‘Manjista’ --Rubia cordifolia Linn.

26) ‘Ameel’ --Hippophae salicifolia D.Don.

27) ‘Laljari’ --Geranium Wallichianum D. Don.

28) ‘Ratanjot’ --Microtomia benthami —DC.

29) ‘Sadabahar’ --Onosma bracteatum Wall.

30) ‘Diannu’ (Tibetan) --Nepeta longibracteata Benth.

31) ‘Taskya’ (Tibetan) __Caragna cuneata Baker.

Authors, who have ruveyed different regions of India for ethno medico botanical purpose, feel
that there are many pockets like Assam and Garo hills in N.E. region of India. Tribal pockets of south
Mirzapur, higher reaches of Western Himalayas with essence of Buddist —Tibetan culture which can
give further more information on folk tribal medicines and treatments for cancer. Many samts and
‘Yogis’ in Himalayas and elsewhere know effective medicines against ‘Asadhya rogas ’ (diseases
normally considered incurable) who if approached in proper way can give valuable informations for
cure and control of the dreadful disease cancer.

Authors are higher thankful to Dr. V. N. Pandey, The Director, C.C.R.A.S., New Delhi for his
keen guidance and encouragement on collection of folk and tribal medicines regarding disease and
ailments on scientific lines from farflung and remote areas of the nation.

References :

1. Sharma Priyavata ‘Arbud or Cancer ’, Ayurveda Vikas; ‘cancer

Roga Chikitsank ’—Nov. 1989, Dabur India Ltd.,

New Delhi pp. 9 —10.

2. Pandey V.N.&Sharma K.D ‘Cancer roga ke upchar me Ayurveda ka

Yogdan ’,Ayurveda Vikas Cancer Roga

Chikitsank – Nov. 89 Dabur India Ltd.

New Delhi pp.11-12

3. Gawe, Banwarilal Cancer ke Samanya Chikitsa Siddhant Ayurveda

Vikas, Cancer Roga Chikitsank, Dabur India Ltd.

New Delhi pp. 39 —40

4. -- Susrut sutrasthan – 24/5; 42/1; 12/87; 25/3;

29/42; 25/14; 11/7; 12/10

5. -- Srsrut Nidan —

11/4-6 ; 11/13-14; 11/16-21

6. – Sushrut chikitsa —

18/29-39; 18/41-42

7. -- Susrut shastra –4/4

8. -- Carak Chikitsa—

12; 12/80-82; 12/87,22/82,25/100

9. -- Carak sutra sthan – 28/25-26; 18/33

10 -- Charak samhita –Chikitsa /15

11 -- Astanga sutra —11/61

12. -- Carak vimansthan —12/80

13. -- Astanga Hrdya uttar tantra –30/8

14. -- Chakradatta – 41/43-55

15. -- Bheshjya Ratnavali 51-51

16. -- Cancer and its prophylactics ; Foreign languages

Publishing House, Moscow 1955 pp. 1-96

17. --- ‘Dharmayug ’, 16-22 July 1989.pp.6-13

18. Bhattacharya, G.S. Tiwari, Folklore Medicine from Kamrup (Assam)

K.C. Majumdar R, BMEBR. Vol 1, No. 4 pp.457

Misra A.K.

19. Tiwari K.C., Pandey V.N., Cancer ki etihasik prastabhum evem lok prachilit

Uniyal M.R. jaributian Ayurvedic Vikas, Cancer roga Vishesank—

Nov.1989.pp. 275-277

20. Uniyal M.R., Pandey V.N. (Karkatarbuda) Cancer ka sapeksya midan evam

Chikitsa —Ayurveda Vikas, Cancer roga Vishesank —

Nov. 1989 pp . 59-60.






The aim behind this article is to share my experience on a rare disease and also seek various
expert opinions of the managements from the scholars and practitioners, with our medicine and
treatment, if has any.

Cystosarcoma phyllocidos is rare disease seen in females only. Most of its features like rapid
growth tendency to Ulcerate and bleed, fungation of the ulcer, etc, are so identical with carcinoma of
breast—Though it is purely benign in origin —But unless effective treatment is made 1/4th of the
cases may show malignant changes and even metastasis. This disease usually seen between the
age of 40 and 50. The existing effective treatment in modern medicine is simple or Radical

Hope the scholars and eminent physicians will exchange their views on this rare disease.

Here I am presenting a case history of a rare disease, which I came to met within
the short period of my practice. The main aim behind this article is to share my experience with my
friends, whom didn’t get a chance to come across this disease and also to seek the various opinions
and aspects of management with our medicines from the Scholars and Practitioners, those who had
got an opportunity to treat this type of disease with a positive result.

This is a case of young lady of 28 years old, having Poliomyelits of both legs from her
childhood onwards. Beside this she is congenittaly mentally retarded also. Though she is having
above difficulties, she can sit up and do her needs by herself, and also communicate with her family
members for her needs. Her nutritional status and general built is satisfactory except the atrophy of
leg muscles due to the polio. Her menstrual period are regular and normal.

Nearly 11 months back her sister came to my clinic and complaint that this patient has
suffering from fever and rigor, and requested for a house visit. I went there and examined the patient.
The patient was shivering and the temperature was 102 o F. All other systems were within the
normal limit. Though I suspect filarial fever. , I gave some medicine for fever only. After two days her
sister informed me that the fever has subsided and the rigor was settled, but now she complains of
pain in the left breast. I went and examined her both breasts and found that the left one was hot and
tender. There was an area of reddish discolouration in the lateral lower quadrant. Diagnosing as acute
mastitis I advised some external application also. After two days the temperature and pain has come
down. But I can feel the fluctuation of pus in the left breast. I incised the abces and drained out about
150ml of pus and bloody discharge and examined the cavity , which is about 4 ×4cm in depth and
diameter respectively. There was no septa and I plucked the cavity and gave medicine. Dressing was
changed daily. After 5 days I examined the breast and found that the cavity remain as such and
ulcer was not showing any tendency towards healing. In addition to this, the size of the left breast has
slightly increased and its base become mildly hard with irregular surface. 55 more days have gone
like this. On 6th day I noticed that the whole breast has lost its softness and become moderately hard.
The ulcer also increased by 1 cm in diameter, though the cavity remain as such. Thinking a 10%
chance for malignancy I once again examined all the systems thoroughly. The whole breast feels hard
with irregular surface. Small protuberance can feel beneath the skin. The mass was not infiltrated to
deeper structure and can easily slide over the pectoral muscle. The veins on and around the breast,
are clearly visible and palpable. The cervical supra clavicular and axillary lymph nodes are not either
enlarged or tender. The liver and speen are not palpable. There was no oedema on her left arm. All
other systems were found to be normal. Ulcer was clean and there was no pus and only slight serous
discharge was present. Suspecting the prognosis in treating as a O.P. Case and also to rule out any
possibility of malignancy I advised and referred to the local hospital. But they not only refused the
hospitalization, because of their poor economically and family backgrounds, but also begged to
continue the treatment. I explained my risks and difficulties in treating as a O.P. case and suggested
to seek a second opinion of any Experts. On their request I gave a referral letter to Dr. Viswanathan, a
First Grade Civil Surgeon in the local hospital. Next day he came to my clinic and enquired the
details. After that both of us together made a visit. He examined the patient and ruled out the
possibility of carcinoma. Even then, he cannot diagonise it exactly. Suspecting two chances of either
cystadenoma or filarial breast with secondary infection, he also advised to shift to the hospital. But
again they expressed their extreme inability to do so. Then he also explained all the possible risks
and sequelsof the case. He prescribed some antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs for 20 days and
advised daily dressing. He himself made arrangement for dressing by a qualified nurse. After 15 days
we again examined her. But , the ulcer has again increased by 1cm in diameter and there was some
areas of black recrossed tissues in the ulcer. The ulcer bleeds ontouch. There was no pus and
copious serous discharge was present. The cavity is already filled up. The size of the breast has
almost doubled. We advise to examine the urine and blood. But the result didn ’t show any
abnormality except slight reduction in Hb% (10.5grams %) and mild albuminurea. The E.S.R.was 25
MM/hr. Once again we forced them for hospitalization. But all are in vain. Explaining the poor
prognosis we decide to continue the treatment. One more month later we examined her and found
that the size of the breast is increased by 2 fold and the ulcer also considerably enlarged (about 7cm
in diameter)with an everted margin. The left breast weighs about 1.5kg. and part of the nipple is
eroded by the ulcer.the ulcer began to fungate. Due to my clinical interest and curiosity I suggested
for a biopsy. Dr. Viswanathan took the specimen and sent for biopsy. The biopsy result is as follows:

“ Sections show breast tissue with few lobules of acini and dilated ducts, all are lined by
uniform cuboidal cells. Stroma shows interlasing bundles of markedly poleferated spindle shaped
uniform sized cells. One area shows abcess walled by inflammatory granulation tissue. No evidence
of malignancy”.

Diagnosis : Benign Cystosarcoma Phyllocidos”.

Before entering to the details of the disease a brief description of the anatomy and physiology of
the breast may help better understanding.

The breast lie in the superficial fascia on the pectoral region between the sternum and axilla and
extend from 2nd to 6th ribs. They enlarge at puberty and atrophy in old age. The breasts are convex
anteriology with a nipple n the middle encircled by a tinted areola. The nipple is perforated by 15to 20
orifices which are the milk ducts of the gland.

The breast consists of alveolar substance arranged in lobes separated by fibrous, connective
and fatty tissue. Each lobes further divided into lobules which consists of a cluster of alveoli opening
into tubules or lactiferous ducts. This ducts unite each other and form a larger ducts when this larger
ducts approach the nipple they expand to form reservoirs for the milk, called lactiferous sinus which
then narrow and open on the nipple.

Lactation is mainly stimulated and controlled by a hormone secreted by anterior pitutory

known as prolactin. The secretion of prolactin is controlled by posterior pitutory and thyroid glands.

According to “Baiely and love ” this tumour is classified under massive tumours of breast.
Others are diffuse hypertrophy and sarcoma of breast. The Greek Word phyllocidos means leaf like,
because there are branching of projections of the tumour into the systic cavity. The origin of the
tumour is not a specific entity. But the outcome of systic degeneration of fibroadenoma into cyst
adenoma may proceeds in some cases and a cysto sarcomaphyllocidos results. This disease can
appear at any age above sixteen year and frequently seen between 40 and 50th year.the striking
feature of this neoplasm is its tendency to grow rapidly and attain a great size(see the figure 1).
Nevertheless it is surroundered by a capsule. The surface of the tumour is unevently bosselated with
areas of softening and even fluctuations in the larger convexities. The overlying skin is thin and tense
and large veins can be seen coursing beneath the integument. Occasionally, in very large tumour,
due to rubbing or pressure up on it, the skin ulcerates. When the tension is greatest and if the capsule
become eroded, the tumour protrude as a fungating mass (which is happened in this case see figure
2). As a rule the tumour is adherent neither to the skinnor to the deeper structures.

On occasions there is serous discharge from the nipple. Axillary lymph nodes are not
enlarged except secondary infection occurs. Through the tumour is benign in nature about a quarter
of cases, the tumour may undergo sacromatus changes and give rise to distant metastasis. The
malignant change take place in the stroma not in the glandular tissue. The treatement is simple or
radical mastectomy with post operative radio therapy through its value is doubtful. This tumour is also
known as Serocystic disease of Bordie.

Aftyer one more month the breast weighs about 1.75kg. and the ulcer has achieved the
size of 10 x 10 cm. the whole breast is hanging as a separate component ( See the figure 1). After 8
month of continues treatement to check and control the secondary infection (the only medical
treatement available in modern medicine for this) the tumour has continued its growth and it weighs
about 2.75Kg. (the normal right breast weighs only about 600gm and the ulcer is 14 x 12cm in size
and medically speaking the ulcer is “clean ”. The patient can hardly sit up due to the heavy mass. In
spite of good food, oral protein and iron suppliments her nutritional status has come down. Nutritional
oedema dewvelops all over the body especially on depended parts like buttock, sides of the chest and
legs. The skin on the remaining parts of left breast become pitted in appearance (Peau d ’ orange like
appearance). The whole mass feels remarkably hard with irregular surface. After two months, the
patient died on account of pulmonary odema and cardiac failure.

Due to lack of adequate knowledge and the controversy of the term “Arbuda ”, I didn ’t like to
attempt to compare this disease without terminology. Though some of the symptoms of arbuda and
Grandhi are seems to be identical with this, of course most of the symptoms differs from it. I request
the scholars to consider this matter also. I kindly request once again to my friends, teachers and
scholars to share their experience about this disease, if had any.

Before concluding the article I use this occasion to thank to Dr. Viswanathan who has taken a
keen interest in this case and also helped me extensively






Dept. Of Shalakya,

Vaidyaratnam Ayurveda College,

Ollur – Thaikkattussery,

Trichur – 680 322.


Cases of squamous Cell Carcinoma following Fistula-in-Ano not been seen reported (though
fistulae following carcinoma of rectum are common). Such a case is being reported here. The non-
healing, hard ulceration with everted edges and induration, found associated with multiple fistulae-in-
ano of prolonged chronicity was clinically labeled as neoplastic and subsequent biopsy proved it to be
a squamous cell carcinoma of Stage – 1.

The effect of BHALLATHAKA KSHEERA was found worth trial and was given. But, though the
drug brought out some symptomatic relief by 14 days treatment, due to constitutional problems, it had
to be discontinued and the patient was discharged. The drug appears to be effective in such cases
besides it being cheap. Further prospective studies in this field are welcome.

Objective : To assess the efficacy of indigenous drug preparation in squamous cell

carcinoma following multiple fistula-in-ano. (Shathaponaka bhagandara)

design : Open study on single case using Bhallathaka ksheera.

Patient : 78 yeared patient of fistula-in-ano of 19 years chronicity in whom fistulectomy was

tried two times.

Interventions : The patient was given Bhallathaka ksheera and the therapy was expected to be

Continued for 41 days.

Parameters : Reduction in the exudates through the multiple fistulous openings, reduction in the

physical signs, healing rate of the carcinomatous ulceration, reduction of induration

and overall wellbeing of the patient’s condition, besides biopsy.

Results : Though the drug brought out some symptomatic improvement, it had to be

due to constitutional problems.

Conclusion : Although the efficacy of Bhallathaka ksheera in squamous cell carcinoma is not

Proved by this case alone, it appears to be effective in such cases. It is cheap also.


The clinical condition of fistula-in-ano (bhagandhara) is characterized by tubular ulceration in

the viscinity of anus. It may be solitary or multiple and shows no affinity towards age or sex. It is
commonly believed to be found in sedentary workers or in those whose work demand travel on rough
seats. More often than not, a history of abscess formation prior to fistula is encountered, the abscess
either opened on itself or was surgically managed inadequately. The internal opening of the sinus
may not be there at all, or may be low anal or high anal. Diagnostic measures as bimanual palpation,
proctoscopy,sigmoidoscopy, probing, irrigation or contrast radiology may be employed. Certain
fistulae are the result of infections as Tuberculosis or Chron ’s disease, certain others may result from
frank non-specific infections or inflammations. Various organisms as pseudomonas,staphyllococus
coagulase etc. has been grown from swabs taken from the exudates. The exudates may be serum,
pus, blood or liquefied faecal matter. When the openings are multiple the term Shathaponaka
Bhangandara is used in Ayurveda, which is very difficult to cure. The classic management of fistulae
is to lay open the tract and this can either be achieved by fistulectomy or Ksharasuthra.

Multiple fistulae in ano results from a host of infections ans inflammatory conditions, besides it
heralding the presence of carcinoma of the rectum. But fistulae itself is not mentioned to precipitate
Various preparations of Bhallathaka, especially Bhallathaka Ksheera is known to have been
tried at many centres for carcinoma and it seems the early results are encouraging. So, the drug was
found worth trail.

Patient and Methods

Mr. A, 78 years, retired school teacher presented himself with a history of multiple
fistulae in ano of 19 years chronicity. His main complaints were discharge through the openings, an
ulceration on the left buttock and occasional constipation. He was not complaining about pain. He
gave the history of two surgical interventions tried for cure. He was anaemic and debilitated.

On local examination, the patient was found to have left sided multiple fistulae in ano, totaling
four in number with cavities filled with pus. Evidence of previous operations were there and these
scars extended to the anal verge. The discharge was mucopurulent. Occasionally, the discharge was
clear or bloody and was jelly like. A solitary round ulceration on the left buttock of two centimeters
diameter was there which was hard with everted edges and fixed to the underlying tissues. The floor
of the ulcer showed pale granulation tissue. It was not tender.

On rectal examination, the anal verge was found to be distorted with the previous operated
scar on the left lateral side. There was no evidence of my prolapsed piles, prolapsed rectum, or
fistulae in ano. Digital examination gave no clue of any pathology with the mucous membrance being
smooth, soft and non adherent. Proctoscopy was also performed and no masses were visualized.
Sigmoidoscopy and other investigations were not done.

As the clinical data of the ulceration gave clues of malignancy, tissue taken from the same
was sent for histopathological examination to the pathology department of the College of
Veterinary&Animal Sciences. The report proved conclusively that the ulcer in question was a
squamous cell carcinoma of stage-1. As the patient was aged, anaemic and debilitated and even
though of the first stage, the ulcer was complicated by surrounding areas of pus filled cavities and
multiple fistulae in ano and above all, as the patient was reluctant to surgery or radiotherapeutic
management, it was found worthwhile to try conservative management and administer an indigenous

Various Bhallathaka preparations including Bhallathaka Ksheera are reported to give

encouraging results in cases of carcinoma. The procedure of Bhallathaka Ksheera administration is
as follows – Healthy seeds of Bhallathaka was at first boiled in the swarasa of Gosakrit for 15 mts.,
taken out and was shade dried. Out of these, ten seeds were taken and put in a mixture of 300 ml of
milk and 1200 ml water, boiled and reduced 1/4th. This milk was taken and was given in divided
doses in morning and evening. Before it was administered, 25ml Cow ’s Ghee was asked to be
swallowed. Ghee was also administered on the lips of the patient this procedure is expected to reduce
the local corrosive property of the drug. The number of seeds are daily increased by one to reach a
maximum of 30 and reduced likewise to reach 10 and thus, the total course is of 41 days. During the
whole therapy, the patient was given only milk diet-milk&milk gruel.

Besides Bhallathaka Ksheera, the patient was also given iron preparations for his anaemia.

Before the therapy was started, routine laboratory investigations were done. No other
abnormality was seen other than a raised ESR of 40 mm at the end of 1st hour and slight
leucocytosis. His blood sugar was within normal limits and BP was 140/90.

It is notable feature that by the end of 5th day of management itself, the discharge from his
fistulous openings reduced considerably. The hard edges of the ulceration turned soft and red and by
the seventh day, healthy granulation tissue was found to take the place of the paler one. The
elevation of the edge of the ulcer was decreasing slowly day by day and the indurated fistulous tracts
were becoming softer to feel. But the patient ’s overall condition was becoming bleak. By the 7th day
of management, the patient was very weak and by the 14th day of management, the patient began to
have moderate to high rise in temperature. These changes were thought to be due to constitutional
idiosyncrasy of the patient towards Bhallathaka Ksheera and so, the drug had to be withdrawn.


Arbuda, which is mentioned in Ayurveda is primarily caused by a cardinal vitiation of Kapha-

Vata doshas, predominantly Kapha dosha. In this case also, taking into account the hard, non-healing
ulceration with everted edges and which is painless, it can be taken granted as being produced by the
same doshas. So, the selection of drug should be such, that it is Kapha-Vata hara, at the same time,
potent enough to act in a deep-based malignant condition. Bhallathaka is known to be haveng
requisite properties and its efficacy in neoplasia has been studied. It is also reportedly working in
cancer of the maxilla in quadrupeds. In order to make it samsudha and be devoid of toxic properties, it
was boiled in goshakrit swarasa and to reduce the corrosive effect, decoction was prepared with
ksheera, which is also expected to give Brumhana in the weak and anaemic patient. Local irritation
was reduced by the prior administration of Cows Ghee. The beneficial symptomatic effect cited
above are proof sufficient to highlight that it works in squamous cell carcinoma.

But it may not be susceptible to be used in all the patients and all the conditions. That might be
why, even at the beginning of the therapy itself, the patient developed fever and other constitutional


Squamous cell carcinoma, to the best of knowledge of the author is a rare complication of
chronic fistula-in-ano. Even though Bhallathaka Ksheera failed to bring about significant effect in the
case projected here the satisfactory symptomatic effect in itself gives scope for is further study in a
wide spectrum of cases of squamous cell carcinoma.


Professor and Head,

Department of Biochemistry,

Medical College,


Immune Mechanisms

Some of the important immunological mechanisms by which the body is able to destroy the
cancer cells are :

1. Direct cytolysis by sensitized T cells, ( classical cell mediated immunity ). The precursor
cells, originating from bone marrow, pass through the thymus, thereby acquiring certain thymus
specific antigens. These are called the T cells. When a ‘sensitized ’ T cell comes into contact with the
target cell, (to which the T cell has already been sensitized), then the T cell become enlarged in size
(blast-transformation ), and this ‘activated’ T cell can directly hit and cause cytolysis of the target cell.
This mechanism is independent of the presence of antibodies.

2. Cytolysis by armed macrophages : This is also antibody-independent. During the activation

and blast transformation process of T cell (induced by antigen), a number of biologically active protein
substances ( local hormones ) are liberated into the surroundings, some of which are :

a) Macrophage activation factor (MAF), When released by the T cells will ‘arm ’ or ‘activate ’ the
macrophages so that the latter can attack and lyses the target cells.

b) Macrophage migration Inhibition Factor (MIF), When released will cause inhibition of the
movements of the macrophages, leading to local accumulation of these cells. Thus the new members
of the effector cells are recruited to the side of activity.

3. Opsonized target cells are phagocytosed by normal macrophages : This reaction is antibody
dependent, but complement components may or may not take part. The target cells carry negative
surface charges which will repel the attacker cells. But when the target cells are coated by the
antibodies (opsonization), the surface charges are neutralized and hence the macrophages can make
a contact and later engulf the cancer cells.

4. Cytotoxicity by K cells : When the antibodies attach over the antigens of the target cells, the
normal (non-immune) lymphocytes to K series can lyse the target cells. Therefore, this mechanism is
described as the antibody-mediated, non-complement dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. The K
cells are 5% of the lymphocyte population, and they belong to neither the T cell nor the B cell series.
T cells are the Thymus-derived lymphocytes, which are mediators of classical cell-mediated
immunity against transplantation and neoplastic antigens B cells are the Bursa-processed
lymphocytes , or Bone-marrow derived cells, i.e., lymphocytes which are not passing thymus, but are
processed by the gut-associated lymphoid follicles (bursa-equivaient in mammals), and they are the
mediators of humoral immunity.

5. Complement-dependent antibody-mediated immunity : When the antibodies are attached on

the antigens present on the surface of the target cells, the change in the tertiary structure of
antibodies will produce microscopic holes in the cell, membrane. This will cause osmotic entry of
water in to the cell thereby causing the target cell to swell first, and eventually bust out.

Expressions of immunity

There are many circumstantial evidences to conclude that immune mechanisms are operating
in cancer patients as well as in tumour-bearing animals :

1. Immune suppression, employed in patients receiving organ transplants, leads to

increased incidence of cancer.

2. There is an increased occurrence of cancer especially lymphoma/leukemia in the

immune deficiency diseases.

3. Post-mortem prevalence of cancer is more than that is seen in the normal population.
This is because, minute pockets of cancer are checked from spreading by the immune mechanisms
of the body.

4. There are more than one thousand reports of well documented cases of ‘spontaneous
regression’ of cancer, where the histologically proved cancers were miraculously cured by inadequate
treatment or with no treatment at all. Most of these cases belong to the retinoblastoma,
nephroblastoma, renal carcinoma, malignant melanoma and choriocarcinoma. Incidentally these are
the group of tumours which elicit powerful immunological response.

5. Generally speaking, there is a good correlation between the lymphoid infiltration of the
malignant area, with that of the survival time of patients. Thus the histological finding of a good
lymphocyte infiltration indicates better prognosis.

6. In tumour-bearing animals if a few number of cells from the same tumour are taken and
injected into another site of the same animal, the cells at the new site (auto-transplant) will be rapidly
eliminated, while the tumour at the original site will go no proliferating. This ‘concomitant immunity ’ is
explained by the fact that the fewer cells at the second inoculation site are killed by the immune
rejection mechanism, while the large number of tumour cells at the original site are beyond the
competency of immune attack.

7. Antibodies against cancer cells could be detected in the circulation of normal healthy
persons. Ordinarily, antibodies are produced only when the body comes into contact with the
corresponding antigens. So the natural line of argument is that cancer cells are being frequently
produced in all individuals; but most of them are eliminated by the body by immune mechanisms.

8. Mutation is a statistical probability during cell division. As the number of cell divisions (and
the total number of cells) in the body is increased along with the advancement of age, the chances of
mutations are also increasing. Among such somatic mutations some will be of neoplastic in nature.
Hence cancer is essentially a disease of old age. Burnet has postulated that the cell nediated
immunity had developed in the multicellular organisms, mainly to detect and eliminate the cancer
cells. This is called ‘Immune survailance’

Assessement of Immune Status

The following methods are widely used for the detection of tumour-specific
immunological reactions in patients.

1. a) Delayed hypersensitivity skin reactions to tumour cells or extracts. Here the

specifically is difficult to prove because of the problem of bacterial contaminations.

b) Delayed hypersensitivity skin tests with DNCB (Di-nitrochloro benzene) or bacterial

antigens : This is to test non-specific ability of the body to mount either the primary or the secondary
immune response.

2. Mixed lymphocyte-tumour cell cultures : Tumour cells and autologous (from same
person) lymphocytes were cultured together for 3 or 4 days. Due to the recognition of the specific
antigens, the sensitized lymphocytes will become lympho-blasts. This blastogenesis is aseayed by
the amount of radio-active thymidine incorporated into the newly syethesised DNA of lymphoblasts.
This test will detect the antigens, but may not quantitate the state of immunity adequately.

3. Leucocyte migration inhibition test : Leucocytes incubated in a capillary tube will

migrate out; but when the sensitized cells are incubated in presence of specific antigen (in this case,
tumour extracts),the migration is inhibited. This test is easy to perform; but difficult to interpret.

4. Colony inhibition assay : Colony forming ability, of the tumour cells in agar gel could be
inhibited by patient’s lymphocytes. This is a tedious and time consuming test. Quantitation is difficult.

5. Lymphocyte mycrocytotoxicity test (actually cytostasis test). The lymphocytes from

patients will inhibet the multiplication of tumour cells of same histological origin. This effect is
mediated by non-T-cells.Cytostasis could be ‘blecked ’ by serum factors. This is the most widely used

6. 51-Cr releases assay (Brunner assay) : Target cells are tagged with radio-active
chromium, and then incubated with lymphocytes from patients. Lymphocytes will lyse the cancer cells
and chromium is released from the lysed cells. So, the radio activity measured in the supernatant
medium will be proportional to the cytolysis of cancer cells. This cytotoxic reaction is mediated by T
cells. ‘Blocking’ factors could not be easily demonstrated by this method. Even though this is the best
method forquantitation purpose, due to certain technical difficulties, this test could not be applied
universally to all types of cancer cells.

7. Membrane immuno-fluorescence for detection of tumour-specific antibodies. This test

is positive in Burkitt’s lymphoma, nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and in certain cases of melanoma.
However, reliability is questionable due to false positive and false negative reactions.

8. Complement dependent cytotoxicity of serum : this detect the antibody levels. The test
will be positive in early disease, and after remission, especially in melanoma, neuroblastoma and
sarcoma. But the test will usually be negative in most patients. This is an insensitive assay system.
9. PHA (Phyto-haemaglutinin) stimulation : T cells are stimulated and so they are
transferred into blasts when they are cultured along with a non-specific mitogen, called
phytohaemagglutinin. With limitations, this could be used to assess the non-specific immunity.

As a generalization, in most cases, the specific and non specific immunity of the patients are
going on decreasing as the tumour size is increasing.



Akhilasakthi Medical Institute

and Cancer Treatment Centre, Kidngoor


Hon’ble Physicians, Collegues and Friends,

I am extremely happy to attend this seminar which is conducted by the Amala Cancer
Institute, Trichur ; a well known Institution of its ’s kind. Probably this Institution is unique even in India;
because of the fact that the patient is benefited by a combined system of therapy; both allopathy and

Allopathy is a system of medicine; having world-wide distribution and Ayurveda is a system,

originated in India. As the name implicates it is a part of “veda ” obtained from “Parampurush ” ( പരം
പരഷൻ) Narayana Moorthy(നാരായണമർതി) to Brahma. From Brahma, it is transmitted in turn to
Dakshaprajapathy(ദകപജാപതി) Aswinidev;(അശവനീ േദവനാർ) Indran (ഇനൻ) and “Athreya
Maharshi”(ആേതയാദി മഹർഷികൾ) ( ആേതയൻ, െഗൌതമൻ,സാംഖയൻ,പലസയൻ, നാരദൻ,
അസിതൻ, അംഗരസ്, ജമദഗി, വസിഷ്ൻ,കാശയപൻ, ഭഗ,അഗസയൻ, വാമേദവൻ, മാർകേണയൻ,
അശവലായനൻ, ഭരദവാജൻ, കപിജലൻ).

It is said that “Rishis” assembled in Himalaya and discussed about the methods to treat
disease of the human beings. They knew that Indra knows Ayurveda. So they deputed “Rishi
Bharadwaja”, to “Devalokam”(േദവേലാകം) to study the Ayurveda. After returning from Devalokam he
delivered the Science of Ayurveda in the Seminar of Rishis.
In the seminar; Athreya and Actual God “Dhanwanthari ” were present; Later on “Athreya ”
taught Ayurvedic medicine to his six desciples like Agnivesan(അഗിേവശൻ); and dhanwanthari
taught “Ayurvedic surgery” to this desciples like Susrutha. Along with this system, another branch of
medicine, “രസപേയാഗപധാനചികിത” originated from Maheswara, Nithyanath(നിതയനാഥൻ) and

So the classification of Medicine is as follows :

ൈദവം -- രസപേയാഗം

മാനഷം -- ഔഷധചികിത

ആസരം -- ശസപേയാഗചികിത

In Kaliyuga (കലിയഗം), Charaka (പതജലി മഹർഷിയാെണന പറയന)200BC prepared

“Agnivesa Samhita” (അഗിേവശ സംഹിത) having 12000grandh;(ഗനം) Nagarjunacharyan also
prepared 12000 grandh from Susruthasamhita.

Later on, this was simplified and revised by Vagbhatacharyan(വാഗഭടാചാരയൻ) believed to be

the birth of real God. He prepared the “ Ashtanga hrudaya ”( അഷാംഗ ഹദയം). Thus, Ayurveda
originated from Dhanwanthary. Siva, Rishis and Acharyas;

Whereas allopathy is the fruit of intelligence and research based observations of our fore-

Both systems are fundamentally based on specific way of thinking and principles of action.
Thus Ayurveda is based on “Tridosha” whereas allopathy is based materialistic foundation. Ayurveda
gives more emphasis on prevention of disease, but allopathy gives more importance on eradication.

To some extent, allopathy is more materialistic in nature, and Ayurveda is more of a spiritual

So, if the materialization and spirituality can be combined in a healthy way for the treatment of
disease, the outcome will be miraculous.

As you know, the disease is a state of affairs affecting both the mind and the body, and the
treatment should be aimed at treating the body as well as the mind.

Another important point I wish to emphasise, is that the physician should treat the patient as a
whole with a full spectacle of observation. Specialization and super specialization heads one to think
only in his own angle; and other systems are rather ignored.

Coming to our subject of discussion, cancer is a disease, having world wide distribution. It is
seen in man and other animal kingdom. The crude form of the disease was described in ancient

The real aetiology of the disease is not known. Several factors may be causative like smoking,
chewing, Alcohol and spices. Similarly the nature of the present food articles, the way of life in stress
and strain, and the atmospheric pollution everything will contribute to either the beginning or to boost
up the disease.
At the same time a man without any such wishes also gets the attack. In this situation, we are
inclined to think of genetic or mutation abnormality.

A detailed description of the aetiology, pathology and signs and symptoms are not relevant for
the occasion. But I would like to emphasise certain important points only regarding the above subject.
As I have already mentioned; mental stress and strain is a major cause of the
disease(മാനസികാഘാതം& പിരിമറകം)

Of course in many cases, we are totally helpless in finding out the cause.3.7% of Indias
population is at the risk of cancer.

Age incidence

I have seen patients from 5 years to 85 years; but more prevalence is between 30-60 years.


Male population is having slightly higher incidence; and aerodigestive tract ( Tongue, soft palate,
oral cavity, uvala) cancers are more common among males. One interesting fact to mention is that,
nearly 70-85% of these cancers are regionally spread, at first diagnosis itself.

As you know male distribution is as follows :

Pharynx 19%

Oral cavity 12%

Oesophagus 9% Annual report 1986

Lung 8% National cancer Registry

Leukaemia 6%

Larynx 5%


Stomach 40% each


In female population
Carcinoma cervix 25%

Brest 17%

Oral cavity 10% Annual report 1986

Oesophagus 5% Cancer Registry

Stomach 4%


Ovary 3% each


Thyroid 2% each


Slight regional variation is reported from different parts of India.

In female population, Carcinoma cervix stands first and Breast cancer is the second in order.
Both of them are seen in married women; having more than two children.

Signs & Symptoms

Signs and symptoms vary according to the nature of the disease and the body resistance.
Some type of disease is more Virulent and painful in some Individuals, where as it may not be so
painful in others. So much so, the symptoms also will vary.


Almost all the cases can be diagnosed by the modern method of investigation. But a small
percentage is still there, which is resistant for investigation as a result of which; the primary cannot be
spotted out in many cases.


Regarding the treatment, all the systems has got their own line of treatment. But the result is
unsatisfactory; though some improvement is claimed by all. So I feel it is time to think of a “Combined
treatment—method”(സംേയാജിത ചികിതാ പദതി)which is binding to all the systems. A combined
therapy is proved to be very effective in many cases of cancer. This is being tried by myself and the
famous Ayurvedic Physician the Ashtavaidyan Cheria Narayanan Namboodiri. Our silent dedicated
work started 15 years back. Now, it is proved to be very effective in many cases.

My own medicine is an alkaloid obtained mainly from three Indian Medical Plants namely
Calotropis gigantia-Proceva, Acorus calamus and Plumbago.

It is being processed and combined in such a way that the potency is maintained without any
untoward reaction and loosing the individuality. The name “NAVAYOGE ” is given to the final product.
This was prepared in an injectable form by Navaratna Pharmaceuticals and intra-resion injection was
given in some cases with some beneficial effect. But some patients reported that even in the small
doze hypersensitivity reaction do occur. So I have stopped the injection for the time being

Now it is given orally in the Powder form and as drops. Attempt is being made to prepare and “
Intra-resion” injection.

The treatment patterns of the patients, is based on the extend of spread of their cancers.
Here one important finding is the invariable increase of Serum alkaline Phoshatase in advanced
cases. This is important for the calculation of the dosage.

Material and Method

The following types of cancer were treated with specif result.

. 1. Brain Tumour --2 Nos.

2. Carcinoma Tongue

Cheek Pharynx --12 Nos.

3. Carcinoma Thyroid 2 Nos.

4. Carcinoma Breast --10 Nos.

5. Carcinoma Lung 5 Nos.

6. Carcinoma Thymus --1Nos.

7. Carcinoma stomach --8 Nos.

8. Carcinoma cervix and ovary 15 Nos.

9. Carcinoma Rectum 2 Nos.

10. Lymphoma --2 Nos.

11. Leukaemia --4 Nos.

12. Osteogenic Sarcoma --2 Nos.

Total 65 Nos.

Out of this 65,

1. Brain tumour – middle aged male

2. Carcinoma Tongue Cheek—Male more-seen in oldest age group.

3. Pharynx—Male more:

M—F 9+3 40—65 years

4. Carcinoma Thyroid, male only; one case was operated 12 years back,
Following which he developed the disease.

5. Carcinoma Breast – Female only; 30—50 yrs, married having children; in good socio-economic

6. Carcinoma Lung more in males ( M4+F1) 30—50 yrs. , known smokers.

7. Carcinoma Thymus, Female 25 years, married with two children.

8. Carcinoma stomach. Males more (M.7-- F.1)

30—65 years gives a H/O Ulcer stomach.

9. Carcinoma cervix and ovary.

25 years—65 years, married having more than two children only one is nulliparous

10. Carcinoma Rectum—Males-above 60 years.

11. Lymphoma: ||--||| decade. Males.

12. Leukaemia. 4 years—65 years.

Equal distribution of male and female.

13. Osteogenic Sarcoma.

Female. 15 years—25 years.

1) The medicine is administered only to the Biopsy – proved cases.

2) All the cases attended in my OP have undergone some form of treatment either surgery,
Irradiation, Chemotherapy of treatment from other systems.

3) The general resistant power was poor.

4) Haemogloben was nearly 10grams or below only.

5) Peripheral oedema, Ascitis and Lymphnode enlargement were seen in some regionally spread or
advanced cancers.

6. No cases was reported as an emergency.

Treatment started only after routine investigation Hb; T.C., D.C., E.S.R.and specially serum
alkaline and acid phosphatase; urine, Blood, urea. Liver function Tests and weight of the patient in
Kgms. The medicine is given in the powder form or drops; the dosage being calculated according to
the weight of the patient in Kgms and the level of Phosphatase.

It is given in three equally divided doses at 8 hrs. interval (6 A.M. —2 P.M. 10 P.M) Patient is
restricted from taking any form of food one hour before and after medication. Honey and water can be
combined with the medicine if necessary.
Routine investigation will be done every three months; and special investigation like X-ray and
Scanning will be done at 12th and 18th months.

Duration of Treatment

Usually the treatment will have to be continued for 18 months; in exceptional cases it may
go upto 24 months. In responsive cases; by this period the patient will be cured of the disease. I say
responsive cases, because the alkaloid will have individual response and selective action. It may be
highly responsive in some individuals and totally resistant in some others. The cause of this
interesting observation is not known.


The overall response is satisfactory. Patients used to get relief from pain and subjective as well
as objective improvement will be noticed within a couple of weeks. Radiological improvement can be
noticed at the minimum of three months.

I am presenting herewith a case report of one Carcinoma Thymus. A middle aged lady came to
me with H/O Dyspnoea of sudden on set and pain left Inframamary region. No H/O Fever.

O/E—moderately built lady of 26 years, No Oedeoma of extremities, No lctrus, No

Lymphadenepathy, Not anaemic, Pulse normal 72/mt.

B.P. 130/80(CVS)NAD

Liver&spleen Not Palpable.

The only positive finding I could make out is the dullness at the left inframammary region with
comparatively low air entry.

Routine investigations were normal.

X-ray chest. A positive Shadow—Left middle —chest,

She was referred to the Medical College Hospital, Trivandrum. Where she has undergone
“Thoracotomy”. On examination; there was a huge mass. The mass was inoperable, so they did a
biopsy only; and report came as carcinoma Thymus. She has undergone this treatment for 18 months
with remarkable improvement.


As mentioned earlier, the anti-cancer activity is noticed in the alkaloids of certain plants.
Probably som” labile alkaloid” may be the active principle, which cannot be isolated in our present set
up. So the whole extract is given to the patient. Mainly the root and the bark is the medicinal part

Hypersensitivity to the drug is seen in exceptional cases. It will be of the allergic nature. As a
rule the medicine can be continued to be administered by desensitization by lower doses along with
antiallergic drugs.

Restrictions (പഥയം)

The medicine should not be mixed with food at least one hr.before and after
administration. If necessary Honey and boiled water can be given. Smoking, spices and alcohol
should be totally avoided. Day time sleeping is contra indicated and 8 hrs. sleep at night should be
ensured. Vegetarian food is to be preferred; though controlled non-vegetarian food is not contra


The incidence of cancer can be controlled by modified way of life and thinking. Strict personal
Hygien is to be observed. A well balanced mental condition, without any undue fear or favour is
necessary for the well being of the individual. Attitude towards the relatives, friends and the society
should be calm& sobri. I do believe that a philosophical attitude towards life, is the part and parcel of a
healthy body and mind. When the body and the mind is in harmony, health and life expectancy will be



In the ancient sidha book Agatyar karma kandam 600 , the following medicines are described
for cancer treatment.

1. Rasam purified 1-phalam.

2. Gandhaka, Kattuli mixed together made into thaila. Thailam &rasa added together is
made into cakes after which is undergone putapaka.


Uses in kustha, Granthi, Sula, poisonous bites, putru(cancer) Bhagandara Kapala Sula etc.

“ The word ‘putru’ mentioned by ‘Siddha’s of ancient times, is now called as cancer.

Those cases of cancer given up by the allopathists have been successfully cured by me using
the sidha medicines alone. They are absolutely healthier now.

The Rasapashnas, Loha bhasmas, Sindhuras, etc. mentioned by ancient sidda ’s and also
diamond (pravalam, Mukthi) etc. along with some anupanas of herbal origins, churnas, and also
gritha’s made of bhallataka, chitramula etc. They help in curing the disease at their begining stage.

The severity of the chronic cases can also be cured by using the same medicines.

For treatment


Loha Senduram, Talaka Sendura.

Special medicines; Swarna Senduram.

Alimentary Canal : Cancer :

Loha, Rasa phashana senduram.

Special medicines : Suvarna Mukti Veera senduram.

Incase of Cheek, Tongue Cancer :

Sutam sindura, Loha sinduram,

Special medicines :Rasa karpoora parpam.

In nasal cancer :

Pancha Phashana sinduram.

Special medicines : Sinduram made of Bronze.

Cancer of Penis, Vagina, Chest etc.

Peria Arumuga sinduram, Loha sinduram.

Special medicines : Sutaka senduram, kantha rasavillai.

In intestinal cancer : (small/big)

Bhallataka ghritam, Ayakantham.

Special medicines :” Vediuppu” sinduram.

General usage : ( in all types of cancer)

Sutam senduram :

Talaka senduram :

Kanta senduram

Loha senduram

Swarna senduram

Muthu chunnam

Veera chunnam

Bronze senduram

Sapta senduram

Turusu senduram

They help in all types of cancer.

Some Anupama churnas, thailas, Lehas are also needed.




I have been using 4 types of Sidha drugs in the management of Cancer since the last 6
years. The schedule is a combination treatment using Allopathic and Sidha drugs. The provocation to
switch on to this modality of treatment was from an accidental observation. One patient diagnosed as
advanced lung cancer and discharged from the medical college hospital without any treatment was
struck by the marvelous result of this treatment, and started an intensive search to get some insight in
to this system. After a detailed study of the various drugs commonly used for cancer I settled down to
the following four drugs which I am using rather extensively in the management of Cancer.

1. Nandhi Mezhugu

2. Rasagandhi Mezhugu

3. Chandamarutha Chendooram

4. Rasa chendooram

I have treated over 300pts on this schedule in the course of last 6 years. It is indeed
surprising that in some advanced cases I could achieve total arrest of the growth and in some even

Illustrateve cases

1. – A case of cancer of the urinary bladder with extensive metastasis after total cystectomy. Pt
was treated in Nov. 85. Pt is disease free and is healthy todate.

2. – A case of cancer of the prostate advanced with secondaries in the inguinal region —under
treatment from 1987 keeping good health.

3. – Carcinoma stomach, ovary, breast , colon, urinary bladder are some of the cases treated on
this schedule.

Some observations

1. – There is remarkable improvement in general health of the pts when put on these drugs.
Their appetite improves and there is a feeling of well being.
2. – They stand the chemotherapy well. The usual adverse reactions of chemotherapy are
much less when this drug is given.

It is interesting to note that Arsenic has been in use in allopathy as a tonic in olden days
and it is being used as such in vetinary practice even today. So the effectiveness of Arsenic as a
general stimulant is well known. It may be noted that most of the Sidha drugs contain Arsenic as the
main ingredient. The drug that was given to the advanced lung cancer pt by the Ladaguru, the first
case I saw which cured the pt. I discovered later to be NAVAPASHANA. This combination consists
of the following 9 pashanas.

1. Sulpher

2. Mercury

3. Red Sulphide of Mercury (Cinnabar)

4. Mercuric chloride(Corrossive sublimate)

5. Mercurous chloride (Calomel)

6. Arsenic trioxide (White arsenic )

7. Arsenic Bisulpite ( Red arsenic)

8. Arsenic trisulphide (Yellow arsenic)

9. Arsenic pentasulphide (Gowri pashanam)

This according to the Sidha Vaidyas is a very potent drug. Only well experienced Vaidyas are
permitted to handle this drug. The drug contains 4 compounds of Arsenic and 4 of Mercury. Most of
the compounds are deadly poisonous and hence restriction in its use.

There is a legened connected with this drug. The idol of Lord Muruga of Palani Temple is
made of these Navapashanas—9 compounds. This is said to have been fabricated by Bogormaharshi
about 700 AD. The abhishekams of this idol is found to have medicinal properties. It is obvious that
abhishekom will have traces of the compounds dissolved in it and hence its medicinal property. It is
also interesting to note that the Madras Gove. Has now restricted the number of abhishekams to six a
day because the large number of abhishekoms has resulted in gross deformity of the idol. Formerly
600 to 700 abhishekoms were done in a day.

The Navapashanam is not available in the market. Expert vaidyas make it on their own
following the detailed instructions given in ancient books on Sidha system.

1. Rasachedooram

2. Copper Sulphate

3. Zinc Carbonate

4. Mercury

5. Sulpher

6. Mercurous Cholride (Calomal)

7. Red Sulphide of Mercury

8. Arsenic Bisulphite (Manase Ela)

9. Arsenic Trisulphide (Yellow Arsenic )

10. Arsenic Pentasulphide (Gowri Pashanam )

11. 38 Medicinal Herbs.


1. Sulpher

2. Mercury

3. Mercurous Cholride (Calomal)

4. Arsenic Trisulphide (Thalakom)

5. Copper Sulphate

6. 28 Medicinal Herbs


1. Sulpher

2. Rasa Chendooram

3. Red Sulphide of Mercury (Cinnabar)

4. Mercurous Chloride (Rasakarpuram)

5. Mercuric Chloride ( Saveeram).







An extract from Viscum album has been found to reduce ascites and solid tumour induced
with Dalton’s lymjphoma ascites tumour cells (DLA-cells) in mice. Tumour reducing activity could be
demonstrated when the extract was given simultaneously with the cells, prophylactically and after
tumour development. The cytotoxic component in the extract was isolated using column an paper
chromatographic procedures. The isolated component had a molecular weight of 5000 and liberated
amino acids upon acid hydrolysis indicative of its peptidyl nature. It was cytotoxic to DLA-cells and LB
cells but showed only very little cytotoxicity to human lymphocytes. Isolated component reduced solid
tumour in mice induced by DLA cells. The peptide did not show any hemagglutinating properties
indicating that it is not a lectin. Activity is reduced by pre-incubating with a DLA cell sonicate indicative
of a possible receptor to this peptide in tumour cells. Possible mechanism of action and identity of the
component will be discussed.


An extract of Mistletoe (Viscum album) known by the proprietory name Iscador had been
found to be useful in cancer therapy (10,8). However due to its inconsistent response its efficacy is
still being questioned (11). This extract had been found to be cytotoxic to various cell lines (5).
Reduction in some of the animal tumours including Sarcoma 180 and Ehrlich ascites tumour was
observed during the administration of Iscador while some other tumours such as L1210 and p388
leukemia were non-responsive. Since L—1200 and P388 are used for the primary screening of
antitumour agents non-responsiveness to these tumours made its action controversial (1).

Recently we had reported that Iscador administration reduced ascites tumours and solid
tumours induced in mice by Dalton’s lymphoma ascites tumour cells(7). The latter originated from a
spontaneously grown tumour of mouse thymus. In the present manuscript we have isolated the
cytotoxic and tumour reducing component from Iscador and studied its properties.


Iscador 1 (5%) used in this study was a gift from Dr. Rita Leroi, Varein Fuer
Krebsforschung, Switzerland.

In vitro cytotoxicity assay :

In vitro cytotoxicity assay was conducted using Dalton ’s lymphoma ascites tumour cells(6).
Briefly a small aliquot of the extract or isolated fraction was incubated at 370 C with 1 million cells in
one ml phosphate buffered saline (PBd) for 3 hr. After incubation percentage of dead cells was
determined using Trypan Blue exclusion method.

Tumour reduction experiments :

Female Swiss albino mice weighting 16 —20gms were used for animal tumour
experiments. They were fed with standard mouse chow (Lipton,India )and were housed in ventilated
cages in airconditioned rooms. Dalton’s lymphoma ascites tumour cells were propagated in the
peritoneal cavity of the mice by injecting 106 cells. The cells were aspirated from developed tumours
and washed in PBS. Solid tumours were produced in mice by injecting 1 million cells subcutaneously
on bind limbs. Isolated component (equivalent to approximately 50ul of original extract) was injected
from next day subcutaneously at the same site and continued on alternate days. Totally five injections
were given. Solid tumours were measured from day six andvolume was calculated from the formula
V=4/3πr12r22 where r1 and r2 are radial of tumour.

Isolation of cytotoxic and tumour reducing component from Iscador :

We have used in vitro cytotoxicity assay during the whole isolation procedure. 50ml of
Iscador M(5%) was lyophilized to 5ml and was loaded on Sephadex G-50 (40cm ×2cms )column and
was eluted with isotonic saline. 2ml fractions were collected and assayed for cytotoxicity. Active
fraction(eluted at 23-28)were pooled and concentrated to 2ml and passed through DE-52 cellulose
column (15cm×1cm) and eluted with saline. Fraction (2ml) containing active material eluted at (5-8)
were pooled and concentrated to 2ml and passed through a Senphadex G.10 (44cm+1cm) and eluted
with water. Fractions (2ml) containing cytotoxic component were pooled,concentrated and streaked
on whatman No.1 paper and the developed with butanol ascetic acid-water (4:1:1). The position of
cytotoxic component as determined from quide strip was eluted with water and concentrated to
dryness by lyophilizer.


Initial column chromatography of Iscador on Sephadex G-50 indicated that molecular weight
of the cytotoxic component was lower than that of a protein molecule, but larger than that of very
small molecular weight components. Fractionation on Sephadex G-50 also separated the active
fraction from a hemagglutinating component eluted at the end of inner volume of Sephadex Column.
The active component was found to react with Folin ’s reagent indicative of a peptidyl nature but
contained very little sugar.

The active material did not bind on DE-52 cellulose column indicative of its basic nature.
Further sephadex G-10 column chromatography and paper chromatographic separation isolated the
material into a pure component free from large molecular weight protein, free from lectin activity and
free from iron small molecular weight amino acids and no detectable sugar. SDS-gel;electrophoresis
of the isolated component and further staining with coomassie Blue indicated that this component is a
low molecular weight peptide (molecular weight apprex 5000).

Properties of the isolated material :

The cytotoxic activity of the isolated component was stable to heat

denaturaturation,trypsin,and pronase digestion. It had a maximum absorption at 210mu and upon acid
hydrolysis it liberated amino acids indicative of a peptide.

Cytotoxicity :

There was a dose dependent cytotoxicity to Dalton ’s lymphoma tumour cells in vitro. The
cytotoxicity was also time dependent and needed hardly 3hrs for its maximum effect. Cytotoxicity was
reduced at 40 C by 50%. It was found that treatment with isolated component produced a complete
disintegration of Dalton’s lymphoma ascites cells.

The isolated component did not produce any cycotoxicity to lymphomytes (isolated from
human volunteers by Fiacol-Hypaque method). It was found that concentrations with is 10 times more
than needed for tumour cells cytotoxicity did not produce any effect on lymphocytes in vitro.

Tumour reduction :

Injection of isolated component reduced solid tumour volume in mice considerably. For
example, tumour volume of untreated mice was 0.5cc on 10th day,1.5cc on 15th day,3cc on 20th
day,3.75cc on 25th day,and 6.5cc on 27th day, while for the treated mice the tumour volume where nil
on 10th day, nil on 15th day, 0.5cc on 20th day,1cc on 25th day and 1.25cc on 27th day. This data
indicates a considerable reduction in tumour volume during the treatment with isolated component
from Iscador.


Viscum album as well as the proprietory extract prepared from Viscum album; Iscador
has been shown to produce a regression of several kinds of tumours in experimental animals as well
as clinically (2,8, 10). However the tumour reducing component in Iscador has not been
characterized. Several types of compounds has been isolated. This include Lectins which has been
classified as ML 1, ML 11,and ML111(3). Viscotoxins (9), Vester protein complex(10), Alkaloids(5),
Polysaccharides (4) and Polyphenolic substances (13), Vester found that non-protein and protein
components in Viscum album was found to have anticancer activity. But the exact nature of the
component has not been determined. Other components such as Viscotoxins and Lecting were found
to be cytotowic to tumour cells but their anti cancer activity has not been reported. In fact some of the
immunomodulatory activity that is produced by Viscum album has been suggested to be mediated by
the lectins or its component side chain (3).

In the present manuscript we have identified a tumour reducing component from Iscador as a
peptide of molecular weight 5000. Identification of the tumour reducing component as a low molecular
weight peptide is not unexpected as many peptides of known antitumour properties, have been
reported recently. This list include interferon, interleukins and several lymphokines. The molecular
weight profiles, resistance to trypsin, pronase and heat inactivation indicate that isolated peptide is
similar to Viscotoxin (9) in its properties. However at present we do not know whether this is the only
tumour reducing component present in Iscador. Its role in tumour prophylaxis is also not known at


Authors are thankful to Dr. Rita Leroi for kindly supplying Iscador used in this study.


1. Berger, M and Schmahl, D (1983) : studies on tumour-inhibiting efficiency of Iscador in

experimental tumours :J. Can. Res. Clin. Oncol. 105,262-265.

2. Evams M.R. and Preece, A.W.(1973) : Viscum album —a possible treatment for Cancer Bristol.
Med. Chir. J. 88, 17-20.

3. Franz,N (1986) : M Stletoe lectinsand their A &B chains. Oncol. 43 Suppl.1, 23-34.

4. Jordan, E and Wagner, H (1986) : Structure and properties of polysacchades from Viscum album
L : Oncol. 43 Suppl. 1, 8—15.

5. Khwaja, T. A. ; Dias,C.B. and Pentecost, 5(1986) : Recent studies on the Anticancer activities of
Mistletoe (Viscum album) and its alkaloids, Oncol.43.suppl. 1,42 —50.

6. Kuttan R. Bhanumathy P; Nirmala K and George M.C. (1985) : Potential anticancer activity of
turmeric ( Our uma longa): Cancer Letters, 29, 197-202.

7. Kuttan G., Vasudevan D.M. and Kuttan, R. (1986) : Anticancer activity of extract from Viscum
album :Soc. Biol. Chom. 55th Annual Meeting 4, 105.

8. Leroi R. (1975) : In clinical experience with Misletoe preparation, Iscador. Vittorio Klostermann,

9. Samuelson G. and Petterson B. M. (1971). The amino acid sequence of Viscotoxin B. from
European mistletoe. Eur. J. Biochem. 2, 86-89.

10. Steiner R. (1920) in spiritual sciences and Medicine, Rudolf Stainer Publishing Co., London.

11. Unproven methods of cancer management Iscador (1983) Can. J. clinicians 33, 186-189.

12. Vester F. and Neinhaus, J. (1965) Cancerostatuche protein Komponenten and Viscum album.
Experientia 21, 197-199.

13. Wagner H. Jordan P. and Fcel B (1986) studies on the standardization of Mistletoe preparation :
Oncol. 43, suppl. 1, 16-22.
Modulatory effects of extracts of Natural products like

Crocus Sativus and Nigella Sativa against Cisplatinum

Induced drug Toxicities in normal swiss albino mice.




Amala Cancer Research Centre,

Amala Nagar, Trichur- 680 553.

Kerala, India.

Cisplatin is the most effective and widely used cytotoxic drug. Although renal toxicity is the
dose limiting factor, others toxicities include emesis, nausea, diarrhea, anorexia and
myelosuppression. The tumoricidal activity of cisplatin results in part from the reaction with DNA.
Reactions with proteins may also be responsible for the observed toxicity to the kidneys and the
gastro- intestinal tract.

Considerable interest has been focused on the isolation of compounds that might be
administered with cisplatin to reduce dose limiting toxicity. On the above basis, we investigated the
extracts of Natural Products like Crocus Sativus and Nigella Sativa. As potential agents against
cisplatin induced toxicities.

Extraction and Purification of Natural Products

Crocus Sativis and Nigella Sativa (Seeds) were extracted using 100% alchohol. The extracts
were further concentrated under reduced pressure and puridied by Sillica gel column
Chromatography technique. The purified extracts was used for the present study. Each of the mice
receiveg 50mg /kg body weight equivalent of the extract I.P. for five alternate day ’s either alone or in
combination with cisplatin at a dose of 2 mg/kg body weight.

Results and discussion

An increase in the life span (ILS= 194%) of mice treated with the purified extracts along with
cisplatin was observed when compared to the groups of mice that received cisplatin alone. The mice
that received combined treatment did not show loss of body weight, anorexia, and lethargy indicating
the protective effects of these extracts at the gastro-intestinal level. Hematopoietic and bone marrow
toxicities which included leuckopenia, thrombocytopenia, fall in Heamoglobin levels were also
prevented by the use of co- dministration of these extracts.

The exact nature of the active compound present in the extracts is not known to us
known. However co-administration of these extracts along with cisplatin helps to prevent drug induced
toxicities of cisplacin. Thus these extracts can be effectively used as rescue agents in clinical trials to
increase its therapeutic index.





Tumour reducing activity of extracts of eight commonly used spice in India were studied in
mice transplanted intraperitoneally with Ehrlich ascites tumour. Oral administration of extracts of black
pepper, asafetida, pippali and garlic could increase the percentage of life span in these mice by
64.7%, 52.9%,47% and 41.1% respectively. However intraperitoneal administration of spice extracts
did not produce any significant reduction in tumour growth except for sesame (38.8%). Garlic extract
and asafetida extracts also inhibited two stage chemical carcinogenesis induced by 7,12 dimethyl
benzanthracene and croton oil on mice skin with significant reduction in papiloma formation. These
results indicate the potential use of spices as anti-cancer agents as well as anti-tumour promoters.

Key words :Antitumour activity -- Anticarcinogenesis – spices – Garlic —Asafoetida.


Extracts of some spices were found to inhibit the growth of tissue cultured cells as well
as cytotoxic in vitro to tumour cells. (1,2). Ginger, turmeric and pippali were found to be most
cytotoxic. Curcumin isolated from turmeric was found to inhibit the cell growth at concentrations of 4—
8ug/ml and had a tumour reducing activity when given to animals (3). Some of the spices such as
garlic andasafoetida were also found to have antimutagenic activity in Salmonella assay systems (4).
Moreover recently the anti-promoting activity of curcumin has been demonstrated in TPA and croton
oil as promoters (5,6) as well as in benzo (a) pyrene induced stomach cancer in mice (7).

The anti-tumour and anticarcinogenic action of other spices are largely unknown. In the
present manuscript we have studied the antitumour activity of eight spice extracts using transplanted
tumours as well as in two stage chemical carcinogenesis models induced by 7,12 dimethyl
benzanthracene (DMBA) was bought from Sigma Chemicals (USA) and croton oil was prepared from
the seeds of Croton tiglium by light petroleum extraction.

Extraction :

10gms of dried powder of each spice was stirred with 200ml 70% ethanol overnight at room
temperature. The extract was evaporated in vaccum and made upto 10ml in 70% ethanol. This was
diluted to 100ml with isotonic saline. Asafoetida extract was prepared by boiling 10gm of asafetida in
water and finally making up the volume to 100ml in water.

Tumour reduction studies :

Inbred strains of Swiss albino mice (6 in each group)were used for tumour reduction
experiments. They were housed in ventilated cages and were fed with pellotted mouse chow
(lipton,India) and water ad libitum. Transplantable tumours Dalton ’s lymphoma ascites tumour cells
(106 cells) and Ehrlich ascites tumour (106 )were injected (i.p.) into the animals (6 animals in each
group) and after 24hrs. 500 ul of extract of spices (containing 50mg of spice) was injected either
intraperitoneally or given orally from day 1 to day5. Mortality of animals dying of tumour were noted
and average increase in life span was calculated.

Antipromoting studies :

Two stage carcinogenesis produced by painting of DMBA (200 in mole )and croton
oil(100ul) was used to study antipromoting activity of garlic and asafetida extracts in mice. Fresh
garlic (50gm) was extracted with 400ml 70% ethanol and concentrated and made upto 10ml in water
and asafetida extract (10%)was made in hot water. Dorsal hair was topically treated with 200n mols of
DMBA in acetone (200ul). After 1 week croton oil (100ul) was applied at the same site twice weekly
for 4 weeks. The effedt of the extracts of spices on tumour promotion was determined by topically
applying 200ul of either garlic extract or 200ul of asafetida extract 15 minutes prior to croton oil
application for 4 weeks. Number of animals with pappiloma, their onset, size and number were
determined during the next several weeks.


Effect of spice extract in the reduction of ascites tumours :

Table 1 shows the effect of administration of spice extract by intraperitoneal route 24 hrs after
transplantation of tumours. The untreated control animals survived 25 to 27 days in the case of
tumours induced by Dalton’s lymphoma ascites cells and 17 to 19 days in the case of Ehrlich ascites
cells. These values were not significantly changed after administration of extracts of spice by
intraperitoneal route, although moderate increase were noted in the case of sesame (Table 1).

Oral administration of extract of spices were found to yield berrer results (Table11). Extracts of
black pepper (64.7%)Pippali(47%), Asafoetida(52.9%)and garlic(41.1%)were found to increase the
life span of Ehrlich ascites tumour bearing animals significantly. Other spices did not increase the life
span as compared with controls.

In another experiment effect of various concentrations of asafetida extracts given orally in

increasing the life span of tumour bearing animals were determined (Table111). As seen in the table
there was a concentration dependent increase in life span with a maximum at 50mg/day. At higher
concentration there was a slight decrease in life span. Increase in life span was highly significant (p<
0.001) in these two concentrations.

Effect of asafetida and garlic extracts on the tumour promotion :

Table |V indicates the number of pappiloma formation in mice after two stage
carcinogenesis in presence and absence of extracts of asafetida and garlic. As seen in the table
topical application of asafetida and garlic extract reduced number of animals with pappilloma (from
100% to 16.85%and 29.85%) as well as their onset. Moreover there were also a substantial inhibition
in the number of pappillomas produced per animal (8.5% and 15%). These values were highly
significant (P <0.001. No pappilloma were produced either by croton oil or DMBA alone as well as by
the vehicle used. These tumours were not malignant and no deaths were seen due to the tumour


Spices are parts of the world. Harmful effects of spices such as mucosalf irrigation and
possible mutagenicity are known. The antioxidant property of some spices make them not only useful
preservative but also possible antitumour promoters. However the usefulness of spice in inhibiting
cancer promotion has not been studied, excepting for turmeric. The active ingredient from turmeric,
curcumin has been shown to inhibit the promotion brought about by CPA and croton oil (5,6).

Extracts of spices have also been known to be cytotoxic in tissue culture and to in vitro
tumour cells indicating the possible presence of growth inhibiting substances. In the present
manuscript we have shown the tumour reducing activity of spices in experimentally implanted tumours
and there was a significant increase in life span of animals treated with extracts of black pepper,
pippali, garlic and asafetida. The effect could be demonstrated only when the drug was given orally
but not w hen given intraperitoneally, indicating a prior metabolism of the ingredients in spices may be
needed for their activity. Moreover it was of interest to note that black pepper and pippali were highly
cytotoxic in cultures (1) and hence there was a correlation between cytotoxicity and tumour reduction.
In the case of asafetida extract the increase in life span seen was concentration dependent and
maximum increase was seen at 50mg.

Asafetida and garlic were not only found to increase the life span of tumour bearing animals
but also was shown to inhibit chemical carcinogenesis. Possible ingredients responsible for the
activity are ferulic acid and sulfydryl compounds present in the extracts which can scavenge free
radicals and superoxides which are generated during promotion. More work is needed to evaluate the
usefulness of spices as anti-promoters in human neoplasms.


Authors are thankful to Dept. of Science &Technology, Govt. of India for final assistance.


Effect of intraperitioneal administration of extracts of spices

In tumour reduction

Dalton ’s lymphoma ascites tumour Ehrilich ascites tumour

Name of the Average number of Percentage Average number of

Percentage spice Days animals increase in
days animals increase in
Survived life span survived life

Control 25 ± 5.32 - 18 ± 1.16



(Zingibar officianale) 29 ± 4.32 + 11.5 20 ± 3.9



(Pipper longum) 25 ± 3.32 0 19 ± 1.83 +



(Ferula asafetida) 22 ± 1.95 + 4.8 19 ± 2.09 +


Black peppera

(Piper nigram) 24 ± 3.92 -4 19 ± 2.42 +



(Allium sativum) 24 ± 2.31 + 9.1 21 ± 1.03 +



(Brassica compastris) 24 ± 2.65 + 9.1 21 ± 2.36 +



(Dolichos biflorus) 25 ± 5.12 + 13.6 21 ± 1.99 +



(Sesamum indicum) 25 ± 3.67 + 19 25 ± 6.43 +


Tumour cells (1x106 cells ) were injected (i.p) and after 24 hrs each spice as aqueous extract (50
mg/animal) injected (i. p) for five days. Value are average of six animals/each set of experiment.

* significant (p < 0.01)

TABLE -- ||

Effect of oral administration of extracts of spices

In tumour reduction

Name of the spice Average number of Percentage

Days animals increase in

survived life span

Control 17 ± 0.85 --

Ginger 19 ± 2.32 11.7

Pippalia 25 ± 5.21 47.0 **

Black peppera 28 ± 8.56 64.7 **

Asafoitida 26 ± 4.76 52.9 **

Garlic 24 ± 5.43 41.1 *

Mustard 22 ± 2.34 29.4 *

Horsegram 21 ± 3.22 23.5*

Sesame 20 ± 2.59 17.6

Ehrlich ascites cells (106) were injected (i.p). after 24hrs. an extract prepared from 50mg. of spice
were given to each animal. Orally for 5 days.

*Significant (P < 0.01)

**Highly significant (P<0.001)

a—concentration used was 10mg /animal.

TABLE -- |||
Effect of oral administration of asafetida extract in

Tumer reduction

Concentration Average number Percentage

Of days animals increase in

survived life span

Nil 20 ± 0.75 --

10mg 21 ± 0.63 5%

25mg 27 ± 3.92 35%

50mg 30 ± 4.80 50%

100mg 24 ± 1.17 20%

Ehrlich ascitas cells (106)were injected intraperitoneally and after 24 hrs. various concentration of the
asafetida extract (10—100mg/animal ) was given for 6 days.

*Significant (P<0.01) ** highly significant (P<0.001).


Effect of asafetida and garlic extract on tumour

Treatment Percentage of mice Mean number of tumours

With tumour animals

8 week 12 week 16 week 8 week 12 week 16week

Nil 62.5 87.5 100 1.25 2.19 2.35

Asafetida 0 5.55 19.85** 0 0.055 0.2**

Garlic 16.25 23.6 29.85** 0.215 0.29 0.355**

Dorsal hair of the mice (10 in each group) were removed and after 48hrs. mice were treated topically
with 200n moles of DMBA in 0.2ml acetone. After one week Croton oil (0.1ml ) was applied topically
as a promoter twice weekly for 4 weeks. The experimental animals also were applied with 200ul of
asafetida or garlic extract prior to croton oil application. Values are average of two independent
experiments consisting of 10 animalsper group. Values were highly sibnificant. **P<0.001


1. Unnikrishnan M.C. and Kuttan R. (1988) Cytotoxicity of extracts of spices to cultured cells,
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2. Goodpasture C.E. and Arrighi, F.E. (1976) : Effects of food seasoning on the cycle and
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Toxicol, 14,2.

3. Kuttan R. Bhanumathy P., Nirmala K. and George M.C. (1985) Potential anticancer activity of
turmeric. Cancer Lett. 29, 197.

4. Unnikrishnan M.C., Soudamini K. K, and Kuttan R. (1989) Anti-mutagenic and anticarcinogenic

activity of spices. National Seminar on Cell Biol. Abst.45.

5. Huan M.T., Smart C. R., Wong C.O., and Conney A.H. (1988) inhibitory effect of curcumin,
chlorogenic acid and ferulic acid on tumour promotion in mouse skin by 12-0-Tetradecanoyl phorbol-

6. Soudamini, K.K. and Kuttan, R : Inhibition of chemical carcinogenesis by curcumin.

J.Ethnopharmacol. (in press)

7. Nagabhushan,M and Bhide, S. V (1987) Antimutagenicity and anticarcinogenicity of turmeric

(Curcuma longa). J. Nutr; Growth and care 4, 38.





The Arbuda (Cancer)which are produced Med &Kaf are having no pain or a little pain,
take a long time to grow and there is no suppuration. The Arbud (Cancer)can grow any where in the
body by making the base of mucos membrance. Specially this type of Arbud (Cancer) is found in lips,
palaie, pharynx etc.

We used Glycyrrhiza Glabra in the form of different preparations in Kafaj Arbud. We tried
in such types of arbud (Cancers ). Powder, extract and Decoction of Glycyrrhiza Glabra on two
patients. One of the patients was declared Ca of Pharynx and other Ca of Larynx. After the biopsy
done by P.G.I. Chandigarh and then they had given radiation therapy to these patients. By that time
patients got temporary relief. But after some time the disease revived. We give to these patients
Powder of Gyucyrrhiza Glabre 1gm. Three times a day for chewing and extract of Glycyrrhiza Glabra,
Piper Cubeba, Pure campher and Sugar Candy after mixing of all these in a dose of 1gm. Three times
a day with water. We pasted Dasang Lape on both sides of throat. Both the patients got the complete
relief. Uptill 1yr. the patients had not got any problem.

In this way we tried Glycyrrhiza Glabra at the initial stages of Arbud(Cancer) and
experimental study is going on.

How long will it take for medical science to cure cancer? At this stage the cure seems to
be a for off cry. Despite all the efforts of men and mechines and millions of dollars spent on the
research to find a cure for cancer, there seems to be no hope yet, and the disease remains an enigma
for all the medical scientists. No body seems to have any clue to its cure. Millions of people
throughout the world are suffering from this disease and they lead a very miserable life in the grip of
pain and the fear of death. They know fully well that death is inevitable and there is no hope for them
to survive for long.
A question is often put to Ayurvedic physicians whether there is any remady for this
dreadful disease. But before giving any satisfactory reply the physician must know the meaning of the
term cancer.

In Ayurvedic language we can call a Grandhi or Arbud as a term for cancer.

According to the modern views the main cause of cancer is abnormality of tissues. The
enzymes are full of burning effects. The D.N.A. break down because of this burning effect of
enzymes. The break down of D.N.A. triggers the collapse of Lysosomes and they also break down.
The Lysosomes mix with the base causing abnormality in the base. The abnormal base causes
SROTOAVRODH and they gather there. Then they start decaying. Tissues are known as Dhatuen or

D.N.A : It is a cellular fibre which is a mixed and a changed form of sugar & phosphates.

Lisosome: These are fine cellular granules,from these numerous granules cell body is made.

Enzymes : it is a Dhatwaagni. It is the name of heat which is produced by the movement of

living cells.

Base : Liquid mucoid substance of Lysosome which is fine element of AP Mahabhut is

called Basemai Samagri (Base-Material).

Acharya Sushruta in about 4th century AD described the varieties of cancer as malignant
and non-malignant.

The classification is as below :

1 Vatarbud : Malignant tumours of connective tissue origin.

2 Pitarbud : Malignant epithelial tumours

3 Kafarbud : Tumours derived from mucus

4 Raktarbud : Leukaemia and Hodgkin ’s disease or Aplastic Anaemia

5 Mahaarbuda : Sarcoma, Bune Tumours

6 Medaarbud : Giant cell tumours of Bone

7 Sharkararbud : Chorion Epitheloma, Benign Tumours

8 Adhyarbud : Endotheliometic tumours

9 Diwirarbud : Terratomas & mixed tumours

10 Darmarbud : Cervical Lymph Carcinoma

11 Nasarbud : Pharyngeal Carcinoma

12 Vartmarbud : Skin Carcinoma.

All these classification and by classification derived their names according their locations
and the treatment of these abnormalities was done during the days of Sushuruta.
The following medicinal plants are used in the treatment of cancer.

1. Nimb : Melia azadiralha

2. Paribhadr : Erythrina Indica

3. Aragvadh : Cassia fistula

4. Udambur : Ficus racemosa

5. Mahiadshas Gugal : Balsamodenrone mukul

6. Punarnawa : Boerhavia diffusa

7. Madhu shigru : Moringa oleifera

8. Sheetal Chini : Piper cubeba

9. Klitkam : Glycyrrhiza Glabra

The properties of these plants is as below :

1. Melia azediralha : It purifies blood due to Tikat Ras. It is dah pershamak

It is used in the kaf & pit diseases.

2. Erythrina Indica : It purifies blood due to Tidat Ras. It is also Kaf & Vat kiseases.

We have used Mandar as paribhadr. It is also described as Kantki Palas

In various books.

3. Cassia fistula : It curesVat due to Madhur & Sanigdh properties. Pit due to shit property.

Due to its Rechak property it causes Sanshodhan of Kosthagat pit & kaf.

It is blood purifier & anti inflammatory.

4. Ficus Racemosa : Kaf Pit Shamak &Rakat Pit Shamak. Dah Parshamak, Varn Ropak.

5. Balsamodenrone mukul : Anti inflammatory, kafnashak, Lekhan, due to anti inflammatory,


It is used in all internal &external hard swellings and for organs

Swelling in the form of PAN & LEP. It is used in Grandhi. Apache &


6. Boerhavita diffusa : Tridoshahar& Shother.

7. moringa oleifera :
8. piper cubeba : it is shothhar &Vrunaropan Dah Parshamak

9. Glycyrhiza Glabra : It is used according to CHARAK as Jiwnea, Dahparshamak, shonit-

Sathapak, Sanghania, Varnya, Kanthaya, Vamanopag, Asthapanopeg.

We find the following practical experience :

The first patient of Ca Larnx was declared by P.G. I. Chandigarh Cr. No. A15 1986. After that
patient came to us with the complaint that he was unable to drink even liquid. He was given the
treatment. After six month he started taking normal diet. And upto one year patient did not give any

The second patient of Ca Pharynx was declared by P.G. I. Chandigarh Biopsy No.S-8399/88.
The patient was suffering with the complaint of dysphagia. The treatment was given for three months.
Then he started taking normal diet. Upto one year patient did not give any complaint.

We give to these patients powder of Glycyrrhiza Glabra 1gm. Three times a day for chewing
and extract of Glycyryhiza Glabra, Piter Cubeba,Pure camphor and Sugar candy after mixing of all
these in a dose 1gm. Three times a day with water. We pasted dasang Lape on both sides of throat.

In this way we triedGlycyrrhiza Glabra at the initial stages of Arbud(cancer) and experimental
study is going on.



Abstract :

Medicinal herbs or combination of medicinal plants are employed in treating all diseases
including Arbuda from time inmemorial. Here author evaluates the medicinal plants used by the
primitive tribals viz Cholanaikans, Irulars, Kurumbars, Mudugas, Malayar and Kadars distributed in
various settlements of Tamilnadu and Kerala. Auther wishes to compare the methods of utilization of
herbs among the tribals with the Ancient Ayuvedic classics.


The medicinal plants used against cancer among the above origins are supported by the
Ayurvedic texts. A vety few plants screened for anticancer by the central drug research Institute can
be referred in the Ayurvedic Classics. Of the 2818 plants screened till 1987, only 42 single drugs are
active as antiviral and 131 as anticancer. Though most of the antiviral plants have got reference in
Ayurveda a very few are supported for anticancer effect in Ayurveda.

Medicinal herbs or combination of medicinal plants are employed in treating all the diseases
from time immemorial. As disease cancer if found to its seriousness only 3 decades back, we
presume that this disease is a manifestation of micro organisms developed due to the so called
civilization and sophisticated way of life deviating from natural life.

A very few drugs are mentioned in Ayurvedic literatures like charakasamhita, susrutha
samhita and Ashtangahridaya.

The occurrence of Cancer among the primitive tribals is comparatively megre. Among
Cholanayikkans of Nilambur there is no report of cancer. Irulars of Anaikatty reported 2/5670,
Kurumbars of Attappady reported 1/3100, Mudugars of Attappady has no report Malair of
Malampuzha treat cancer by chanting Mantra. Here it is notable that the Folk-lore practices their
medicine by a random diagnosis.

The medicinal plants Boerhbavia diffusa, Melia azadirachta, Strychnos Nux-vomica and
Trichosanthus cucumerina used an anticancer plants by the Tribals have references in Ayurved and
these plants when screened are found to be either anti cancer or antiviral herbs. The Kadars of
parampikulam reported the plant barks of Cassia fistula and ficus glomerulata are ground and taken
internally unlike the enternal application as mentioned by susrutha.

The screening of 2812 plants by C.D. R. I. Lucknow revealed 42 single drugs active as
antiviral and 131 drugs as anticancer. Of these plants Calotropis gigantea, Cocculus, Zingiber,
Cyperus sp. Indigofera tincteria, Semecarpus anacardium and Inula racemosa have reference in
Ayurved where as the other 124 plants ack reference in Ayurved for Arbuda chikitsa. Of the 42
Antiviral herbs a majority have got references in Ayurved. The 5 plants mentioned in Ayurvedic
literature found to be active after screening as antiviral and anticancer are Cassia fistula, Indigofera
sp. Terminalia chebula and zingiber sp. These plants have got enough reference in Arbuda and
Grandi chikitsa in Ancient Ayurvedic classics.

Taking this into account the combination of antiviral herbs mentioned in Ayurved will have
greater efficacy as anticancer drug.


Tribes Plants used methods

1. Cholanaikans --No report

Nilambu 0%

2. Irulars
Anaikatty 2/5670 --Boerhoaria diffusa and Malia azadirachta-

Pulp-external application

3. Kurumbars 1/3100 -- Strychnos nuxvomica and coconut oil-

Attapady External application

4. Mudugars --Trichosanthus cucunerina

Attappady internal

5. Malayar

Malampuzha --Manthra

6. Kadars

Parambikulam --Cassia fistula Ficus glomerulata Internal.

C.D. R. I. Reported 42 plants as Antiviral

Common antiviral and anticancer plants 5/13

5 plants supported by Ayurveda :

1. Cassia Fistula

2. Cassia Tora

3. Indigotera sp.

4. Terminalia Chebula

5. Zingiber officinale.

Plants Mentioned in Ayurveda


1. Seeds of cucumber and seeds of Recimus Communis boiled in milk or urine and apply with
coconut oil (Susrutha)

2. Leaves of ficus and leaves of tinotoria uranums ? these leaves in cancerous growths.

3. Glyzeriza glabra stembark with olea racemosa bark ground in honey and apply.

4. Kwatha of Achyranths aspera ( R) and Tasminum leaves for washing.

5. Bhasma of Radish shanka Bhasma

6. Common treatment for ghandhi and Arbuda. Seeds of Indigotera tinctoria and seeds of Dolichos

Labanga, ground in butter and apply.

7. Rhysome of Zingiber Officianale with guda taken internally increasing dosage.

8. Oil of Recimus communis internally.

9. Thriphala -- Trichosanthus, cucumerina

--kwatha --internally.

10. Ashta varga and Dasamoola.

C.D.R.I Reported 131 single Drug

Auurveda supported

1. Calotropis gingantica --Arka

2. Cocculus Hirsuta --Daruharidra

Coscinium tenestratum

3. Cyprerus sps. –Mustha

4. Semicarpus anacardium --Bhallathak

5. Indigotera tinctorrice --Neeli

6. Zingiber officinale --Inchi

7. Inula racemosa.




St.Aloysius College


Trichur -680 611, Kerala.

Information on variations in Cancer prevalence is a pre-requisite to all cancer research
programmes. Cancer in India is not a reportable disease. Thus there is no way of knowing exactly
how many new cases of cancer are diagnosed each year. The number of new cancer cases
diagnosed is called as the incidence and is the most-valid data for the primary prevention as well as
to provide treatment facilities to the population. Such a data can be collected only through population
based cancer registeries.

In 1982, ICMR launched a National Cancer Registry Project (NCRP) which includes
population based cancer Registeries at Bombay, Bangalore, Madras and later at Delhi and Bhopal.
The data available from these registries describes the incidence rates in that particular cities. This
data is not sufficient to compute the incidence of Cancer in the country. Hence for the purpose of
public health administration and also for the research, prevalence data available from various hospital
besed Cancer registries throughout the country from the precious data base.

It has been estimated that there are about one and half million cases of Cancer in the country
at any given time with about half a million new cancer cases being added every year. More than 60%
of these affected patients are in the prime of their life betweenthe ages of 35 and 65 years. When this
situation is projected to the year 2000AD the problem of cancer is likely to become far more acute
than it is today with the increasing life expectancy and changing life styles concomitant with
development, the number of cancer cases will be almost three times the current number. Cancer
incidence among males are 48.7 (Bangalore) 64.4 (Bombay) and 62.3 (Madras) per one lakh
population. In females the rates are 57.3, 68.6 and 88.9 respectively.




Stomach 10.8 Uterine Cervix 28.3

Cheek 9.4 Breast 17.0

Lung 8.6 Cheek 7.8

Oesophagus 7.6 Ovary 6.0

Leukaemia 4.4 Stomach 4.3




MALE Stomach Cheek Tongue Oesophagrs Tongue Lung


10.8 12.1 8.9 12 10.5 10.2 16.4

Cheek Lung Oesophagus Hypopharynx Hypopharynx Hypopharynx


9.4 6.0 8.2 11.8 9.4 6.4 15.3

Lung Tongue Hypopharynx Lung Oesophagus Oesophagus


8.6 6.8 7.9 9.1 8.7 6.3 8.6

Oesophagus Oesophagus Stomach Stomach Cheek Brain Tongue

7.6 5.7 7.2 5.8 7.1 5.7 8.5

Tongue Larynx Lung Tongue Larynx Tongue Lung

7.5 5 6.9 5.3 6.5 5.7 4.7

FEMALE Ut.Cervix Ut.Cervix Ut.Cervix Ut.Cervix Ut.Cervix Ut.Cervix Ut.Cervix

28.3 26.1 46.6 42.7 34.2 44.4 20

Breast Breast Breast Breast Breast Breast


17 16.3 13 10.2 19.9 14.2 12.4

Cheek Cheek Cheek Cheek Oesophagus Oesophagus Breast

7.8 7 6.2 9.8 5.9 3.9 9.9

Ovary Thyroid Oesophagus Oesophagus Ovary Hypopharynx Stomach

6 5.2 3.4 7 3.6 3 4.8

Incidence rates of cancer are not available from Kerala since no population based cancer
registries are functioning in the state. Prevalence rates available from the hospital based cancer
registries at Regional Cancer Centre, Trivandrum (NCRP) and Amala Hospital, Trichur, shows a
steady increases in the number of new Cancer cases diagnosed every year. Religion wise distribution
of the patients are almost similar to the proportions of the respective communities in the local
population. However, the preliminary observation in Amala have shown certain differences in the most
frequent sites of various communities among females (Table III )







Hindu Ut.cervix 31.3 28.3

Breast 15.8 17

Cheek 6.3 7.8

Christian Breast 25 17

Ut. Cervix 18.1 28.3

Cheek 6.0 7.8

Muslim Cheek 16.7 7.8

Ut. Cervix 14.5 28.3

Breast 11.9 17
The most frequent age group among the patients are 60-49. A significant change in
this regard is observed in the case of female breast cancer which are frequently diagnosed in the age
group of 49- 49.

All the centers in India as well as in abroad have reported an increase in the year wise
incidence of cancer. This may be due to improving diagnostic and reporting facilities. However, the
most frequent sites remain unchanged during successive years. Another important observation to be
reported from Kerala are the consistently increased percentage of oral cancer at all centers and a true
reduction in cervix cancer at Trivandrum in successive years. The increased oral cancer is correlated
with the Pan-chewing and oral hygiene practices and decrease in cervix cancer to the improving
family planning drive in the state.


This study is supported by a UGC. Minor grant No. 722/89.




Govt. Homoeopathic Medical College,

Trivandrum -23.

Respected Chairpersons, leaned audience, Ladies and Gentlemen,

Let me express my heartfelt thanks for inviting me to represent Homoeopathy in the

Ayurveda Seminar on Cancer organized under the auspices of the Amala Cancer Hospital and
Research Centre, Trichur. It is a pleasing thing to note that all the systems of medicine such as
Ayurveda, Allopathy and other allied branches of medicine have been made to assemble together on
one stage to discuss the various aspects of the research already done and to be done on the fatal
disease, Cancer, which even now possess a serious threat to humanity as a whole. Recently another
fatal disease has begun to terrorise humanity and that disease has been diagnosed as Aids. With the
discovery of the incidence of this disease, it appeared for a little while that cancer has been eclipsed
by Aids. But it is only an illusion. Cancer still continues to be more mysterious and terrible even by the
side of the horrible disease Aids. It is therefore quite significant to open a discussion and continue it
till some lasting solution is found out to remedy this fastal disease. Viewed in this perspective, the
present seminar deserves more importance and seriousness. In this context the organizers of this
seminar certainly deserve to be complimented and praised.

Being a true Homoeopath, I naturally feel myself obliged to tapping at the resources
available in Homoeopathy to offer as a remedy to this gruesome disease. As regards other systems of
medicine like Ayurveda and Allopathy, they have been in the midst of the human race from time
immemorial when compared to the origin and existence of Homoeopathy in this world. Homoeopathy
has just completed only a period of say two hundred years or so. In the history of a medical system,
this period comes only within its infancy ie. Homoeopathy system of medicine has entered only its
infancy and it is yet to grow beyond that stage to stand in comparison with other medical systems. It is
against this view that I propose to initiate a paper fully conscious of the limitations of Homoeopathy in
this field. What I means to say is that Homoeopathic system has no so far been able to conduct
serious and deep research works in this field mainly owing to the depth of facilities which feature this
system of medicine because of its infancy. Yet this system is not utterly ignorant of certain means of
remedies which are of its own. There is also another factor which hampers any successful move
initiated towards treating this disease in Homoeopathy. Because of its relatively low publicity and
popularity among the masses, and because of lack of sophisticated diagnostic equipments and well
established institution, a new case of cancer does not at all come before a homoeopath for his
medical attention this case naturally goes for treatment after treatment to other physicians in Allopathy
and Ayurveda until it is decreed by them ‘incurable ’. it is now that as a last resort the patient is
brought before a homoeopath for his treatment in a mood of ‘let come what may come ’. By this time
the patient would have been over drugged and exposed to various therapies like, radiation, X-ray,
Chemotherapy etc. With all these the patient would have come to a stage of past-cure even by God
Almighty. It is then the unfortunate Homoeopath has to do his treatment on the patient. Even in such
past-cure cases certain Homoeopathic medicines have been proved highly efficacious at least to
palliate the sufferings. It is a silver lining in the all too confused and confounded horizon of treatment
of this dreadful disease.

Before going deep into the present subject, I wish to enlighten on the salient features of
Homoeopathic system of medicine, because I find it necessary on this occasion to do so in the midst
of a gathering almost allient to this relatively new system of medicine.

Homoeopathy is based on a system insisting on treating the patient rather than the
disease. It is a very highly systematic method of powerfully stimulating the body ’s vital force to cure
illness. It is based on a simple but profoundly insightful principles of nature which are contrary to
commonly held beliefs. The principles are simple in concept. But they require years of intensive
training and experience to apply.

It was Dr. Hahnemann, that founded this system of medicine and propounded its
salient principles. He found that a drug which was known to be curative in Malaria-Cinchona actually
produces the very symptoms of Malaria when given to a healthy person. He conducted keen
observation and got convinced himself by repetitive experiments and observations. Thus he proved
that curative power of a drug is nothing but its pathogenetic power. It is from this principle he deduced
the low of similar ie. ‘ let likes be treated by likes ’. It is closely analogous to the Indian concept
‘Ushnam Ushnena Santhi’ or ‘Vishasia Visha Maushadham’.

As regards medication too Homoeopathy has its own unique principle. It deosnot
believe in giving more than one medicine at a time as it is difficult to distinguish the effect of each
medicine produced in human body when it is given as misturse so it categorically insists on
administering only one medicine at a time –the low of single medicine.

Hahnemann also stressed the necessity of giving the minimum dose of the medicine.
He proved that the least possible dose is very convenient and more effective to produce a reaction in
the human system especially when the human body is over sensitive due to disease. And this has
completely ruled out any possibility of adverse sipe effects due to drugging in Homoeopathy.

Another characteristic feature of Homoeopathy is its Drug ddynamisation.

Homoeopathy finds medicines from all available sources in the nature such as vegetable kingdom,
animal kingdom, minerals, imponderabilias like sunrays, moon rays X-ray magnetic power etc. Further
Homoeopathic medicines are prepared from the healthy tissues or their secretions of animals which
are known as ‘sarcodes’ and disease products known as ‘Nosodes ’. All these drugs are used after
precise potentisation. Potentisation is a delicate process of minimizing the quantity of a drug
substance so as to result in the immencity of power of Medicine by making use of all the inherent
qualities of the said substance.

As regards the treatment of Homoeopathy is concerned, it confines its attention to the

patient with particular reference to his environmental circumstances. The patient is studied in his
physical, mental and temperamental spheres. This paves way for studying the patient in his totality.
The patient is further individualized by going into his history of family, past and present, his habits,
and his likes and dislikes of food, drinks, coverings, climate, postures, sleep etc. Different patients
manifest symptoms of a disease in varied forms as each person responds individually to his
environmental influence. These are all modifying factors which are also taken into consideration for
the selection of medicine in Homoeopathy. These kinds of modalities are not to be seen in any other
systems of medicine. It may thus be seen that it is only in Homoeopathy that the persomality of a
patient is thoroughly assessed and investigated for treatment. This presupposes a complex and
winding nature of case taking on the part of the Homoeopathy. It is also a task to find out the suitable
similimum from the thousands of innumerable drugs available. This demands a very studious
academic carrier and precise training on the part of the Homoeopath. This is the very reason why
most Homoeopaths lacking in good academic education and precise training fail to prove themselves
to be good practitioners in this field.

Homoeopathy has to concerned itself with the concept of causation of disease. There
are mainly two factors of causation viz. the extrinsic and intrinsic. They combined together to
contribute to the causation of the disease. Under the extrinsic factors come bacteria, virus, fungus,
protozoa, Heat and cold, radiation and all other environmental stimuli. These factors no doubt are
capable of producing the incidence of many diseases in human beings. But, if the above factors are to
make their impact on an organism, the latter must be having a tendency or say a susceptibility or
predisposition to invite or welcome the influence of the above factors to result in disease. It is here
that the intrinsic aspects of a patient are also considered along with the extrinsic ones. The intrinsic
factors consist in the consideration of the patient ’s hereditary tendencies or susceptibilities to certain
diseases and his past stigmas acquiredhisom his very intra uterine life to till date. These are the twin
factors that render the patients susceptible to a particular disease capable of being contributed to by
the extrinsic influences. For example things like Tobacco, Arsenic, asbestoes, Benzene Benzedine
are believed to be carcinogenic agents. Let us take the instance of tobacco. The use of tobacco does
not produce equal response in its consumers. Certain consumers begin to develop the malignant
effect whereas others do not develop any such effect. It is here that we have to apply the principle of
the combined action of both the extrinsic and intrinsic factors. The tobacco being an extrinsic factor
finds in some person condusive atmosphere to exert its impact in a thriving manner because by the
intrinsic factors, the persons are susceptible to the incidence of the tobacco malignant disease.

The intrinsic factors may be summed up in Hahmennian way as being due to

three miasms or stigmas viz. Psora, Sycosis and Syphilis.

Psora develops from the nonvenerial itch or similar to skin disease. It produces mainly
functional disturbances in the system and the system is rendered hyper sensitive. This hyper
sensitivity may pave way for many infections. Hence it is considered to be the mother of all the

Sycosis and syphilis are venereal in origin. These stigmas are cast on account of
suppression of gonorrheal and syphilitic Infections respectively by the crude form of drugging. Sycosic
produces proliferation of tissues while syphilis produces destruction and disintegration of tissues. And
these two features are clearly visible as malignant ones in cancer. If there is only proliferation of
tissues it is benign for which sycosis is alone responsible. Though there are only three basic miasms
as detailed above, when these miasms are blended together, the situation gives rise to the origin of
yet another miams known as ‘tubercular miasm’. This miasm is characterized by both proliferation
and destruction which are nothing but characteristic features of cancer.

Although Hahnemann has classified cancer under psora in a precancerous state, usually the
incidence of cancer is discernible in the blending or mixing of all the three miasms in an organism.
This fact has been established beyond doubt iu the findings of Dr. H.A. Robert, Dr. A.H. Grimmer, Dr.
Bernovelli, Dr. Kasad and others.

What is evident from the above revelation is that it is the predisposition of a patient to the
incidence of a disease that has to be set right or corrected by a physician. This is what a Homoeopath
believes. It has convincingly been attributed this tendency to the combined and cumulative effect of
above miasms in an organisms resulting into cancer.

It is under this awareness that Homoeopathy approaches a cancer patient for treatment. As
the treatment has to be directed towards constitutional changes, deep acting drugs capable of
correcting the constitutional dyscresia have to be administered. Homoeopathy has got such
medicines in plenty, some of them are as follows.

Thuja occidentalis, Lachesis, Iodium, Silica, Lycopodium, Nitric acid, Nedorrhinum,

Leuticum, Calcarea carb, Calcaria flour, Lapis Alba, Kali Bicrom; Kali lodide, Kali Cyanatum, Carbo
Animalis, Causticum, Arsenic Album, Tulberculinumm carcinocin etc

This method is effective in a precancerous as well as in the curative phase of a cancer. But
such cases are rarely brought to a Homoeopath on account of reasons mentioned in the earlier part of
my speech. What a homeopath gets, is a rejected case of cancer as a last resort to attend on.
Because of the hazards of over drugging and many other experiments already done on the patients,
he would have well passed the stage of recovery at this time. So what is left to be done by a
Homoeopath is palliation and not cure. In a devilish and diabolic disease like cancer palliation is as
important as cure. So it can also be rightly aimed at with a view to giving relief to the patient. For this
purpose also there are certain effective remedies in homoeopathy. A few of them are as follows.

Condurago, Cistus caradensis, Phtolacca, conium mac, Hydrastic, Kreosotum,

Ornithogalum, Sedum Acre and sedum Repens, Sedum Teleplium, serofularia Nodosa, Sempervivum
Tectorum, Carbolic Acid, Baptisia Tinctora, Aurum Muriaticum Natronatum, Asterias Rubens,
Cholesterinum, Chimaphila Umbellata, Radium Bromide, X-ray, Galium Aparine, Fuligo Ligni, etc.

Again, there are a few very precious medicines in Homoeopathy which are capable of
mitigating and agonizing pain associated with a cancer patient at the final stage. This pain, intolerable
in nature as it is, will not even permit the patient to die peacefully. So giving relief to such a patient at
such a stage is not a small thing, which I am proud to say. Homoeopathy is capable of. The following
are some of medicines which can be used effectively for the purpose.

Arsenic Album, Nitric Acid, Apis Mellifica, Arnica, Calcarea aceticum, Euphorbium,
Magnesium phos, Rutta, Colocynth, Ecoinacea, Cali Cyanatum, etc.

Let me be permitted to draw your attention to a popular saying that prevention is better
than cure. This is highly relevant to ponder over. Homoeopathy has to its credit very effective
methods to help prevent the incidence of this disease in a scientific way. This is because it is only
Homoeopathy which has discovered the fact that a patient ’s predisposition is more tantamount to the
incidence of this disease, than any other factor or factors after which other systems of medicine are
heatically waging a shadow war. It is here that Homoeopathy can achieve wonderful result in adopting
constitutional therapy with medicines mentioned earlier.

It is thus clear that Homoeopathy can effectively interfere in preventing curing and
palliating even the diabolic disease cancer. This position has been proved here and there by certain
isolated individuals who are vereran Homoeopath through their experiments and observations. They
have to their credit certain miraculous achievements in this field also. Had there been a concerted and
combined attempt scientifically designed towards getting such achievements in Homoeopathy, as is
done in other systems of medicine in the world, Homoeopathy, which has only a few years of
existence would definitely have proved unambiguously that it is capable of delivering the goods to the
envy and jealousy of other systems of medicine. Let this seminar make a start to direct the attention
of all concerned to usher this branch of medical science in all diverse directions to achieve the
cherished result. I hope the Amala Cancer Hospital and Research Centre which has been successful
in establishing two research units each in Allopathy and Ayurveda, will definitely pioneer the cause of
Homoeopathy to this direction. In such an event, we will be in a position to benefit more by
comparison and contrast of the results produced by these three systems in one subject —Cancer.

Thank you.


അർബദ ചികിതയിൽ ആയർേവദതിെന പങ്

സി. ആർ. േകശവൻ ൈവദയർ

ഈ സേമളനതിെന അദയകനായി കണികെപടത വലിയ ബഹമതിയായി ഞാൻ

കണകാകന.േകരളതിന അഭിമാനികാവന ഒര സാപനമാണ് അമല കാൻസർ േഹാസിറൽ.
അതിെന ശിൽപിയം രകകനമായ റവ: ഫാദർ ഗബിേയൽ അവർകൾ ഗംഭീരാശയനായ ഒര
കർമേയാഗിയാണ്. േലാേകാപകാരപദമായ സാപനങൾ പടതയർതനതിലാണ് അേദഹതിന
താലരയം. ഉനത വിദയാഭയാസരംഗത് അേദഹം ൈകവരിച േനടം േകരളം ഒരികലം മറകകയില.
അതമാതം മതി ഒര പരഷായസിെന ധനയമാകാൻ. എനാൽ സർവകലാശാല വിദയാഭയാസതിെന
രംഗതനിനം വിരമിച അേദഹം തനികർഹതെപട വിശമജീവിതം നയികവാനല നിശയിചത് .മറിച്
കടതൽ വിപലവം േകശകരവമായ ആതരശശഷയെട േമഖലയിേലകാണ് അേദഹം കടനെചനത് .
അവിെട അേദഹം വിജയ ൈവജനിയാണെലാ ഈ മഹാ സാപനം. നമെകലാം അനഗഹം
വർഷിചെകാണ് അേദഹം അേനകം സംവതരം കർമനിരതനായിരികെട എന് ഞാൻ പാതികന .

െസമിനാറിെന കാരയപരിപാടിയിൽകടി ഒന കേണാടിചേപാൾ എനിക സേനാഷം മാതമല

കറച വിസയവം േതാനി. പഴയ ആയർേവദ ഗനങളിൽ വിസരിച പതിപാദിചിടിലാതഒര
േരാഗമാണ് അർബദം. എനിരികിലം അതിെനപറി 36 പബനങൾ ഇവിെട
അവതരിപികെപടിരികന. ആയർേവദതിലണായിടള പതിയ ഉണർവിെന ലകണമാണിത് എങിൽ
തീർചയായം നമകഭിമാനികവാൻ വകയണ് . പബനങളെട ശീർഷകങൾ ശദിചേനാകിയേപാൾ,
നമെട ഗേവഷണ വിദയാർതികൾ എതിപിടികവാൻ ശമികന ചകവാളം വളെര വിസതമാെണന
മനസിലാകാൻ കഴിഞ. അമലയിെല േഡാകർമാർകം ഗേവഷകനാർകം, േകരളതിന പറതള
പഗൽഭമതികളമായി ആശയവിനിമയം െചയവാനള െസൌകരയവം ഈ െസമിനാർ
നൽകിയിടണ്.ഇെതലാം കാണേമാൾ പഴമകാരനായ എനിക വളെര ഉതാഹവം അഭിമാനവം
േതാനനണ്. പതിഭാശാലികളായ നമെട പർവികനാർ േനടിതന വിജാനസമത ൈകകാരയം
െചയ് നാം മടിയനാരായി കഴിഞകടകയല, പതിയ സമത് ആർജികവാൻ അദവാനികകകടി
െചയനണ് എന് ഈ െസമിനാർ െതളിയികന . പതിയ െവലവിളികെള വിജയകരമായി േനരിടാൻ
കഴിഞിെലങിൽ ഏത പരിഷാരവം മണടിഞേപാകെമന് ചരിതം പഠിപികന. ൈവദയശാസം
േപാലള ഒര പാേയാഗിക വിദയയെട കാരയതിൽ ഇത കടതൽ ശരിയാണ് .

പാചീന ആയർേവദ ഗനങെളലാം അർബദെത പരാമർശികനെണങിലം, അതിെന

മഹാേരാഗങളെട കടതിൽ ഉൾെപടതിയിടില.നിദാനതിേലാ ചികിതിതതിേലാ അർബദം
വിശദമായി ചർചെചയ െപടിടില. ഉതരസാനതിൽ കെറ കദേരാഗങളെട കടതിലാണ് അതിെന
െപടതികാണനത്.ശരീരതിെന ഓേരാ ഭാഗതണാകന േശാഫങൾകം ഗനികൾകം നൽകന
ചികിതതെന അർബദതിനം നൽകിയാൽ മതിെയനാണ് ചരകൻ പറഞിരികനത് .
സശതസംഹിതയിലം രസ രത സമഛയതിലം അർബദെത കെറകടി വിശദമായി വിവരികനണ് .
ഒരിടത പതയകെപടന അർബദം മറ സലങളിേലക് വയാപികാെമന് ആ ഗനങളിൽ
പറഞകാണന.െമാതതിൽ ആയർേവദെതമാതം ആശയിച് അർബദചികിത ഫലപദമായി
നടതക പയാസമാണ് എന ധാരണയാണ് എനികണായിരനത്. എെന ധാരണ ശരിയെലനം
ആയർേവദതിൽ അർബദതിന ഫലപദമായ ചികിതയെണനം വരികയാെണങിൽ അതിൽപരം
സേനാഷം നൽകനകാരയം േവെറയണാകാനില.

ചരകേനേയാ, സശതേനേയാ, വാഗഭടേനേയാ കാലത് അർബദം ഇനെതേപാെല

വയാപകവം മാരകവമായിരനില. വയാവസായിക വിപവതിന േശഷം നമെട ജീവിത രീതിയിലം
ചറപാടകളിലം വനമാ‍റം അർബദതിെന വളർചക് വഴിെവചിരികണം. ചില പേതയക
സാഹചരയതിൽ പണിെയടകനവർക് ചില പേതയകതരം കാൻസർ പിടിെപടനതായി
െതളിഞകഴിഞിടണ്. േറഡിേയാ പസരമള വസകൾ ഖനനം െചെയടകന െതാഴിലാളികളിൽ
ശവാസേകാശാർബദം വയാപകമായി കാണെപടന. ചായം നിർമികന ഫാകറികളിെല െതാഴിലാളികൾക്
മതാശയതിൽ അർബദം വരന. ഇംഗലണിെല ചിമിനി തപകാർകിടയിൽ വഷണസഞിയിലാണ്
അർബദം കാണെപടനത്. േലാഹകഷണങൾ വിളകിേചർകന െതാഴിലിേലർെപടിരികനവരെട
ചർമം അർബദബാധക് വിേധയമാകനണ്.െവറില മറകനവരിൽ വായിലം കവിളിലം െതാണയിലം
അർബദം വരാവനതാണ്. പകവലികാരിൽ ഒേടെറ േപർക് വായിലം ശവാസേകാശതിലം അർബദം
ഉണാകനണ്.ഇതേപാെല ചില പേതയക രാജയകാരിലം പേതയക േഗാതങളിലം സവിേശഷരീതിയിലള
അർബദബാധ കാണെപടന.ഇതിൽനിെനലാം അനമാനിേകണത് അർബദബാധെയ സഹായികന
ഏറവം വലിയ ഘടകം സാഹചരയവം ജീവിതരീതിയമാണ് എനാണേലാ.

ഈ അറിവ് ആയർേവദതിെന അടിസാന പമാണവമായി വളെരയധികം

ഇണങനതാണ്. ആേരാഗയചിനയിൽ ആയർേവദം ആഹാര വിഹാരാദികൾക് പാഥമയം നൽകന . ദവയം
പഞഭതാതകമാ‍ണ്: ശരീരവം പഞഭതാതകമാണ്. ആഹാരമായി സവീകരികന ദവയെത ശരീരം
ഘടകഭതങളായി വിഘടിപികകയം,ഓേരാ ഘടകേതയം ശരീരതിെല സമാനഭതം
സവാംശീകരികകയം െചയന. ശരീരതിൽ ഏെതങിലം ഭതാംശതിെന കറെവാ കടതെലാ വനാൽ അത്
േദാഷ ൈവഷ മയമായി പതയകെപടം. ഈ ൈവഷ മയം പരിഹരികവാൻ, സനർഭവം ആവശയമനസരിച്
േദാഷശമനങളം േദാഷസമീകരണ േയാഗയങളമായ ദവയങൾ ശരീരാംശമായി േചർകകയാണ് േവണത് .
ഇതാണെലാ ആയർേവദതിെന സമീപനം.

അർബദം ഒര വലിയ ഭീഷണിയായി ഉയർനവനത് പെതാമതാം നറാണിെന

മദയേതാെടയാണ്. അതിെനതടർന് അേനകം ശാസജനാർ അർബദെതപറിയള പഠനതിൽ
ഏർെപടകയണായി. പഠനതിെന വയാപിയം തീവതയം നാൾകനാൾ വർദിചെകാണവന.
ആധനികരായ ശാസജനാരെട കഠിനമായ തപസയ െകാണം അർബദതിെന അടിസാനകാരണം
കെണതാൻ കഴിഞിടില. അർബദമണാകന ചില സാഹചരയങൾ ചണികാണികാേന ഇതവെര
സാധിചിടള.അർബദ സംബനമായ ഗേവഷണതിൽ ആയർേവദം അടതകാലതമാതമാണ്
കടനവനത്. ഈ ഹസവമായ കാലയളവിനളിൽ ഇനയയിെല വിവിധ ഗേവഷണേകനങളിലായി
ആയിരതി അഞറിലധികം ഔഷധികൾ പരീകണവിേധയമാകികഴിഞ എനം, അതിൽ
അറപേതാളം ഔഷധികൾ വലിയ പതീകക വക നൽകനണ് എനമാണ് അറിവ് . അർബദതിന്
ഫലപദവം സഗമവമായ ഒര ചികിത കെണതാൻ േപാകനത് ആയർേവദമാണ് എന ഒര േതാന ൽ
എനെകാേണാ എെന മനസിൽ ശകിെപടവരികയാണ്.

അേലാപതിയിൽ അർബദചികിതകായി ഔഷധം, േറഡിേയഷൻ, ശസകിയ തടങിയ

മാർഗങൾ ഇന സവീകരിചവരനണ് . ചിലയിനം അർബദങൾ അവയെട ആരംഭദശയിൽ
കെണതാൻ കഴിഞാൽ നിയനികവാേനാ നിർമാർജനം െചയവാേനാസാധികനണ്.
േരാഗനിർണയതിന് ആയർേവദം ചിരകാലമായി അവലംബിചേപാരന ലകണസമദായം
അർബദതിെന കാരയതിൽ വിജയികവാൻ പയാസമായിടാണ് കാണനത് .
അനർഭാഗതനിനാരംഭികന അർബദതിെന കാരയതിൽ ഈ പയാസം ശതഗണീഭവികന .
നിലവിലള സാഹചരയതിൽ േരാഗം അർബദമാേണാ എന കണപിടികവാൻ അേലാപതിയെട മാ ർഗം
അവലംബികകയെല നലത് എനാേലാചിേകണതണ് . ൈവജാനികമണലതിൽ അറിവിനം
അറിവാർജികവാനള മാർഗതിനം ഒര വിധ അയിതവം കൽപിേകണതില.
ഞാനിപറഞെതലാം ഒര സാധാരണകാരെന അഭിപായങളായി മാതം കണകാകിയാൽ
മതി. കാരണം ൈവദയശാസതിെന രംഗതനിന ഞാൻ വിരമിചിട് ഇേപാൾ അര നറാണ കഴിഞ.
‘ഇരമം െതാഴിലം ഇരിെക െകടം’ എനാണേലാ പഴെമാഴി . ഇങിെന ഒരവസരം നൽകി എെന
ബഹമാനിചതിന് െസമിനാറിെന സംഘാടകേരാട് പേതയകിച് എെന മാനയ േസഹിതൻ േഡാ :
രാജേഗാപാലിേനാട് നനി പറഞെകാണം, അമല കാൻസർ േഹാസിറലിനം റിസർച് െസനറിനം വിജയം
േനർനെകാണം ഞാനവസാനിപികന.

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