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How do people change physically, mentally and socially as they

grow older?
If we take my own example, and how I’ve changed from 25 to
50, it looks like this:


I have pretty much the same physique now as I did then, but the
difference is that I have learnt how to exercise and run in my
30s, so my stamina and posture are a very different story these
days. I could outrun, outswim, or deck my younger self any
I no longer suffer from a twice annual onslaught of the cold or
the flu, probably because I’ve ditched the white flour and
industrial sugars diet of my youth, and replaced it with a proper
man food diet of plenty of raw veg, lean meats, pulses, and
whole grain stuff.
I no longer seem to have any allergies.
I no longer seem to have asthma.
I no longer get lumbar problems all the time.
On the whole, I’d say I am doing vastly better physically at 50
than I did at 25.


I am a university lecturer now, which came with having to learn

the scientific process. That has completely changed me
mentally. I have become an ice cold rationalist, and have no
patience for mumbo jumbo or esoteric stuff anymore.
I think differently these days. Perhaps it comes with experience,
but I am actually able to see the whole picture, and it makes my
responses to life more considered and effective.
I’ve become a planning freak. While I used to just wing it most
of the time in my younger years, I really enjoy calendars,
planning meetings, and a structured approach to anything I do.
The outcomes blow the doors off the pitiful blundering of my
youth, and I have come to expect that I can now master
anything I choose to attempt.
I am mentally stable these days. I don’t think I’ve always been
that. The first thirty to forty years of my life saw me with plenty
of episodes I would these days classify as pathetic.
I’ve actually become able to enjoy people, and take an interest
in them. I can feel something for them now. When I was
younger, all that interested me was myself, and what others
could do for me.
I’ve become a competent people handler.
I can manage even complex situations involving people now,
having learned a thing or two about conflict resolution and
So, if I met my younger self today, I’d be running circles around
that lazy, superstitious milk toast of a flake.

And as always, pictures say more than a thousand words. Me

now, in 2020:

Me in 1990:

Oh, before I forget: I’ve shrunk one centimetre, from 183 to 182
cm. I suppose I’ve “intensified”.

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