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Food Microbiology 44 (2014) 168e172

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Short communication

Inactivation of avirulent pgmþ and Dpgm Yersinia pestis by ultraviolet

light (UV-C)
George C. Paoli a, *, Christopher H. Sommers b, O. Joseph Scullen b, Chandi Wijey a
Molecular Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Eastern Regional Research Center,
600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA
Food Safety& Intervention Technologies Research Units, US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Eastern Regional Research Center,
600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of bubonic plague. Though not considered a foodborne pathogen,
Received 8 April 2014 Y. pestis can survive, and even grow, in some foods, and the foodborne route of transmission is not
Received in revised form without precedent. As such, concerns exist over the possible intentional contamination of foods with this
27 May 2014
deadly pathogen. Here we report the inactivation of avirulent (pYV-minus) strains of Y. pestis by ultra-
Accepted 2 June 2014
Available online 17 June 2014
violet light (UV-C, 254 nm). Two strains of Y. pestis containing an intact pgm virulence locus (pgmþ) and
strains from which the pgm locus was spontaneously deleted (Dpgm) were tested using cells grown in
both logarithmic and stationary phase. The D10 values for inactivation (the UV-C dose required to
Yersinia pestis
inactivate one log of bacterial cells) of Y. pestis on the surface of agar plates ranged from 0.69 to 1.09 mJ/
Ultraviolet light cm2. A significant difference was observed between the inactivation of cells of Y. pestis strain Yokohama
Food grown in logarithmic and stationary phases, but no significant difference between growth phase
pgm locus sensitivity to UV-C was observed in Y. pestis strain Kuma. No difference in D10 values was observed
Irradiation between pgmþ and Dpgm strains of Yokohama grown to either logarithmic or stationary phase. A
measurable difference was observed between the D10 of Kuma pgmþ and Kuma Dpgm grown in loga-
rithmic phase, but this difference was diminished in the Kuma strains grown to stationary phase. Though
strain variations exist, the results showing that UV-C can inactivate Y. pestis cells on agar surfaces suggest
that UV-C would be effect in inactivating Y. pestis on food surfaces, particularly foods with a smooth
Published by Elsevier Ltd.

1. Introduction pharyngeal plague, gastrointestinal plague, or bubonic plague,

sometimes resulting in death, can be acquired through the
The genus Yersinia contains 11 species, 3 of which are known handling or consumption of raw or undercooked animal products
human pathogens. Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of bubonic (Arbaji et al., 2005; Bin Saeed et al., 2005; Christie et al., 1980; Leslie
plague and is typically transmitted to humans via the bite of a flea et al., 2010). Furthermore, Y. pestis is capable of survival and growth
from an infected rodent. Yersinia enterocolitica and Yersinia pseu- at refrigeration temperatures (Torosian et al., 2009) and in foods
dotuberculosis are foodborne pathogens causing nearly 100,000 such as ground beef (Bhaduri, 2010), frankfurters (Sommers and
illnesses in the US annually (Scallan et al., 2011). Cooke, 2009), liquid egg product (Gurtler et al., 2010), and milk
While the foodborne transmission of Y. enterocolitica and (G. Paoli, unpublished).
Y. pseudotuberculosis is well established, the risk associated with Y. pestis is a deadly pathogen, but strains are rendered avirulent
consumption of foods contaminated with Y. pestis, either inciden- or conditionally virulent upon spontaneous loss of either the 70 kb
tally or deliberately, is currently unknown. Although infrequent, pYV virulence plasmid or the 102 kb chromosomal pgm virulence
locus, respectively (Bearden and Perry, 2008). The pYV plasmid
(often referred to as pCD in Y. pestis), which is present in all three
* Corresponding author. Molecular Characterization of Foodborne Pathogens, US human pathogenic species of Yersinia, encodes a type III secretion
Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Eastern Regional
system and a number of effector proteins required for infection
Research Center, 600 East Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, USA. Tel.: þ1 215
233 6671; fax: þ1 215 836 3742. (Perry et al., 1998). The pgm locus, which is unique to Y. pestis,
E-mail address: (G.C. Paoli). contains the enteric pathogen high pathogenicity island encoding
0740-0020/Published by Elsevier Ltd.
G.C. Paoli et al. / Food Microbiology 44 (2014) 168e172 169

several proteins necessary for iron acquisition and a second region (150 rpm) for 18 h, to a density of approximately 107e108 CFU/mL,
which confers the pigmented phenotype (thus the name pgm) to using a New Brunswick Model G24 Incubator (Edison, NJ). To
colonies grown on media containing the dye Congo Red (Buchrieser generate logarithmic phase cultures, the overnight cultures were
et al., 1999). The deletion of the entire pgm locus is spontaneous and diluted 1/10 in 25 ml of BHI and allowed to grow to an OD600 of
frequent in vitro, involves a RecA-dependent recombination event, 0.5e1.0. The cultures were then sedimented by centrifugation at
and results in a loss of the pigment binding phenotype (Hare and (1700  g) using a Fisher Scientific Marathon 21000R Centrifuge
McDonough, 1999). In addition to the Y. pestis-specific pgm locus (Needham Heights, MA). The cell pellets were then resuspended in
and the 70 kb Yersinia virulence plasmid, pYV/pCD1, fully virulent an equal volume of Butterfield's Phosphate Buffer (BPB) (Applied
strains of Y. pestis contain 2 additional Y. pestis-specific plasmids Research Institute, Newtown, CT) for stationary phase cells and
associated with pathogenicity, a large plasmid (100e110 kb) pMT1 reduced volume for logarithmic phase cells.
and a small (~10 kb) plasmid pCP1 (Bearden and Perry, 2008).
Because of its deadly nature and potential for misuse, Y. pestis is 2.2. Phenotypic and genotypic characterization of the Y. pestis pgm
considered a select agent for food safety and defense (Anonymous, locus
2013; Takhistov and Bryant, 2006). As such, intervention technol-
ogies to inactivate Y. pestis should be investigated. Ultraviolet light The presence of the pgm-locus was determined phenotypically
(UV-C, 254 nm) is a nonthermal intervention technology that can by the ability of bacterial colonies to bind Congo Red (CR) on
be used for decontamination of water, food, and surfaces and is Surgalla-CR medium. On this media pgmþ colonies bind CR and
used by many industries, including the medical industry, to reduce appear red while Dpgm strains are non-pigmented. The Surgalla-CR
the possibility of disease transmission (Koutchma, 2008; Koutchma medium contained 1% Bacto™ Heart Infusion broth (Becton Dick-
et al., 2009; Rutala et al., 2010; Yoosook et al., 2009). It has also been inson, Sparks, Maryland) 0.2% Galactose, 0.01% CR and 2% agar
proposed as a technology to inactivate foodborne pathogens of (Surgalla and Beesley, 1969). To prepare 1 L of media 10 g of heart
relevance to biosecurity (Brickner et al., 2003; Rose and O'Connell, infusion broth was dissolved in 980 mL of water and 20 g of agar
2009). was added prior to autoclaving. After autoclaving the media was
Current trends in risk analysis often include not only potential cooled to 55  C, 10 mL of a sterile (filtered) 20% galactose solution
presence or absence of a pathogen, but, where possible, the path- and 10 mL of a sterile (autoclaved) 1% CR solution were added.
ogenicity and virulence of the microbial hazard (Anonymous, Inoculated plates were incubated at 26  C for 72 h.
2012). Yersinia spp. are a good model system to determine the ef- The presence or absence of the pgm-locus was determined
fects of intervention technologies, in particular ultraviolet and genotypically by a multiplex PCR assay using primer pairs PP3þ/
gamma radiation, on the reduction of both pathogen load and PP14þ and DPGM1/DPGM2 (Bearden and Perry, 2008). Primers
pathogenicity. For example, studies on the Yersinia enterocolitica PP3þ (GACGATTAACGAACCGGA) and PP14þ (ATTCAGGATGGCCTG
pYV 70 kDa virulence plasmid (Butler et al., 1987; Sommers and CTG) amplify a PCR product from the gene encoding the pesticin
Bhaduri, 2001) and whether or not the presence of the plasmid receptor (psn) within the pgm locus yielding a 402 bp amplicon,
affects pathogen survival to gamma radiation (Sommers and Novak, confirming the presence of the pgm locus. The deletion of the pgm-
2002) were simplified by the pYV plasmid-associated crystal violet- region was confirmed using primers DPGM1 (GGCA-
binding phenotype which can be used as a facile screen for plasmid GACGGACCATCCAG) and DPGM2 (CCCCGCCAGATCCTTACC) that are
loss (Butler et al., 1987; Sommers and Bhaduri, 2001). Similarly, complimentary to nucleotide sequences that lie outside of the
Y. pestis represents a good model system to determine the effect of 102 kb pgm-region and generate a 2020 bp amplicon that spans the
chromosomal virulence genes on microorganism resistance to pgm-deletion site. The polymerase chain reaction was done using
genotoxic agents and interventions because of a simple pgm locus- GoTaq DNA polymerase as described by the manufacturer (Promega,
associated colorimetric screening assay (i.e., Congo Red binding). Madison, Wisconsin). Each 20 mL multiplex PCR assay contained 1X
The current study was undertaken to measure the inactivation Green GoTaq reaction buffer, 200 mM each dNTP, 0.8 mM each primer
of Y. pestis by UV-C, with particular interest determining if there is (PP3þ, PP14þ, DPGM1, and DPGM2), 1.25 units of GoTaq DNA po-
any difference in UV-C resistance between strains of Y. pestis with lymerase, and 1 mL (~40 ng) of DNA template. PCR was done using an
or without the pgm locus, and if the frequency of loss of the pgm iQ5 thermocycler (BioRad, Hercules, CA). Samples were denatured
locus is increased in survivors following exposure to UV-C. for 90 s at 95  C, followed by 30 cycles of 95  C for 30 s, 55  C for 45 s,
72  C for 60 s, followed by a final extension at 72  C for 5 min. PCR
2. Materials and methods products were separated on 2% agarose gels, stained with ethidium
bromide and visualized with a UV transilluminator.
2.1. Yersinia pestis strains and growth conditions
2.3. Selection of Y. pestis Dpgm strains
Though fully virulent Y. pestis is a biosafety level 3 pathogen and
a select agent, strains that have lost either the pYV plasmid or the Individual CR-binding colonies of Y. pestis Kuma and Yokohama
pgm locus are attenuated for virulence and are considered biosafety were picked from Surgalla-CR plates and inoculated into 5 mL of
level 2, and are thus excluded from the select agent list BHI broth. The cultures were grown overnight (~18 h), serially
(Anonymous, 2013; Bearden and Perry, 2008). Y. pestis strains diluted in phosphate buffered saline, and 100 mL of dilution ex-
Yokohama and Kuma, both of which are avirulent due to the loss of pected to yield 100e200 cfu was spread onto 20 CR-Surgalla plates.
the virulence plasmid pYV, were provided by Dr. Robert Brubaker After incubating for 72 h at 26  C, 6 non-pigmented colonies of each
(Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI). Y. pestis was routinely strain were checked for loss of the pgm locus by multiplex PCR. Each
grown on Bacto™ Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) (Becton Dickinson, of the isolates had lost the pgm locus (data not shown), and one
Sparks, MD) broth or BHI plates solidified with 1.8% agar. Cultures isolate of each strain was used for further experiments.
were inoculated from frozen (80  C) glycerol (15%) stocks, onto
BHI plates, incubated at 30  C for 72 h, and stored at 4  C until 2.4. Exposure to ultraviolet light (UV-C)
Each Y. pestis strain was cultured independently in 25 mL of BHI For determination of D10 value, the UV-C dose needed to inac-
broth in a sterile 50-mL conical tube at 37  C with shaking tivate 1 log10 of microorganism, the following protocol was used.
170 G.C. Paoli et al. / Food Microbiology 44 (2014) 168e172

Individual Y. pestis isolates were serially diluted in BPB and 0.1 mL the pgm locus are involved in iron acquisition (Buchrieser et al.,
inoculated onto duplicate Surgalla-CR plates, which were then 1999) and the intracellular iron pools may have an important
allowed to dry for approximately 15 min. Exposures were carried impact on the generation of reactive oxygen species resulting from
out using the UV-C source from a biological safety cabinet (NuAire, UV irradiation. Thus, the presence or absence of the pgm locus may
Inc., Model NU-425-600, Plymouth, MN) with an intensity of have an effect on the sensitivity of Y. pestis to UV-C. Secondly,
100 mW/cm2/s as determined by a calibrated UVX Radiometer (UVP, bacteria respond to UV assault by inducing the SOS response,
Inc, Upland, CA). The logarithmic phase cells were then exposed for which, in repairing DNA damage, leads to replication errors and
ca. 0, 7.5, 15, 22.5, 30, and 37.5 s, to obtain total exposures of 0.75, mutagenesis (Schlacher and Goodman, 2007). Part of this SOS
1.5, 2.25, 3.0, and 3.75 mJ/cm2, respectively. The UV-C dose was response involves increased levels of the RecA-recombinase and
extended to 4.5 mJ/cm2 for the stationary phase cells due to higher the high frequency loss of the pgm locus from Y. pestis occurs via a
cell density used in these experiments. For determination of fre- RecA-dependent deletion (Hare and McDonough, 1999). Thus, it
quency of loss of the pigment binding phenotype, 0.1 mL of would be interesting to determine if the Y. pestis that survives the
appropriately diluted logarithmic or stationary phase culture was UV-C exposure shows any increase in pgm deletion frequency.
inoculated onto 80 Surgalla-CR media plates (40 plates of 2 The D10 values obtained in this study are consistent with those
different dilutions). Half of the plates were not exposed to UV-C obtained in other studies of vegetative bacteria which commonly
(untreated controls) and the remaining plates of logarithmic and report D10 values from 0.5 to 4 mJ/cm2 (Koutchma et al., 2009) and
stationary phase cultures were exposed to UV-C doses of 2.25 and differences in resistance to UV-C light within serovars and between
3.0 mJ/cm2, respectively (doses corresponding to approximately a 3 isolates of the same species (Koutchma et al., 2009). The D10 values
log reduction in cell number). Each treatment was conducted in obtained in this study are similar to those obtained for Y. pestis
triplicate (n ¼ 3). For each replicate of each treatment, between (Rose and O'Connell) and Francisella tularensis (Rose and O'Connell,
4000 and 20,000 colonies were screened for loss of pigment 2009; Sommers et al., 2012), another Gram-negative bacterial
binding by the bacterial colonies. select agent that causes a plague-like ulceroglandular and pneu-
monic illness called tularemia. The results from UV-C inactivation
2.5. D10 values and log reduction experiments obtained in this study are shown in Table 1 and Fig. 1.
Data from the linear portion of the survival curves, 0e3.75 mJ/cm2
Data from the linear portion of the survival curves, 0e3.75 J/cm2 (Fig. 1), were used to determine D10, which ranged from 0.69 mJ/
were used to determine D10. The mean plate counts of the treated cm2 to 1.09 mJ/cm2. As such, Y. pestis seems to be on the more
samples (N) were divided by the average control plate counts (N0) sensitive side of the UV resistance scale for vegetative bacteria
to give a survivor ratio (N/N0). The log10 (N/N0) of the ratios were (typical D10 values range from 0.5 to 4 mJ/cm2) as reported by
then used for determination of D10 values and other statistical Koutchma et al. (2009). As expected, there were differences in the
analyses. D10 values were determined by the reciprocal of the slope D10 between isolates. There was no significant (ANOVA, p > 0.05)
(Diehl, 1995). Each experiment was conducted independently 3 difference between the D10 values for stationary phase cells versus
times (n ¼ 3). logarithmic phase cells for both pgmþ (D10 values of 0.82 and
0.83 mJ/cm2, respectively) and Dpgm (D10 values of 0.74 and
2.6. Statistical analysis 0.69 mJ/cm2, respectively) strains of Y. pestis Kuma. Unexpectedly,
logarithmic phase cells of both pgmþ and Dpgm strains of Y. pestis
Each experiment was conducted independently three times. Yokohama showed slightly higher UV-C resistance (D10  1.0 mJ/
Statistical analysis functions of MS Excel (Microsoft Corp., Red- cm2) than the same strains grown to stationary phase
mond, WA) were used for routine calculations, descriptive statis- (D10 < 0.80 mJ/cm2). While several reports have demonstrated an
tics, and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). ANOVA was used for increased UV-resistance in stationary phase cells (Child et al., 2002;
comparison of D10 values (Sommers and Novak, 2002). Dantur and Pizarro, 2004; Navarro Llorens et al., 2010) exceptions
to the correlation between specific growth rate and UV-sensitivity
3. Results and discussion have been reported (Bucheli-Witschel et al., 2010; Qiu et al., 2004).
A measurable difference was observed between the D10 of Kuma
UV-C is used in a number of industries to inactivate bacteria pgmþ and Kuma Dpgm grown in logarithmic phase (p ¼ 0.043), but
(Koutchma, 2008; Rutala et al., 2010; Yoosook et al., 2009) and has this difference was reduced when cells were grown to stationary
been proposed as a technology for inactivation of microorganisms phase (p ¼ 0.063) (Table 1). Y. pestis strain Yokohama demonstrated
of biosecurity concern (Brickner et al., 2003; Rose and O'Connell,
2009). The mechanism of killing by UV-C is primarily due to the
Table 1
DNA damage through the formation of cyclobutane pyrimidine
D10 values for inactivation of stationary and logarithmic phase cultures of pgmþ and
dimmers and pyrimidine (6,4) pyrimidone photoproducts at pgm (Dpgm) isolates of Yersinia pestis strains Yokohama and Kuma by ultraviolet
dipyrimidine sites causing error prone DNA replication resulting in light.
increased mutation frequency (Ikehata and Ono, 2011). UV-C irra-
Isolate Growth phase D10 (mJ/cm2) R2
diation also induces oxidative stress through the generation of
reactive oxygen species that can further damage DNA (Ikehata and Stationary
Kuma pgmþ 0.82 0.98
Ono, 2011) and proteins involved in several cellular process, in Kuma Dpgm 0.74 0.97
particular molecules that contain iron or are involved in iron Yokohama pgmþ 0.77 0.89
acquisition and metabolism (Eisenstark, 1998). Due to the fact that Yokohama Dpgm 0.79 0.92
ultraviolet radiation affects DNA replication, faster growing cells Logarithmic
Kuma pgmþ 0.83 0.97
(i.e., cells in the logarithmic phase of growth) are usually more
Kuma Dpgm 0.69 0.97
sensitive to genotoxic agents such as ultraviolet and ionizing ra- Yokohama pgmþ 1.09 0.98
diation than are slower growing cells (i.e., stationary phase) (Child Yokohama Dpgm 1.00 0.97
et al., 2002; Dantur and Pizarro, 2004; Navarro Llorens et al., 2010). D10 values are the average of 3 independent experiments. Analysis of variance was
Interestingly, certain aspects of UV-induced lethality may affect used to determine significant differences in D10 values (P < 0.05) as indicated it the
or be affected by the Y. pestis pgm locus. First, several genes within text.
G.C. Paoli et al. / Food Microbiology 44 (2014) 168e172 171

Table 2
A Stationary Phase
Frequency of the deletion of the pgm locus in Y. pestis strain Kuma and Yokohama
0 with or without exposure to UV-C. Both stationary phase and logarithmic phase
cultures were tested in three independent experiments.
Y. pestis Dpgm frequency (White colonies/Total colonies)
Log Reduction (N/No)

-2 strain
Stationary phase Logarithmic phase

-3 No treatment UV-C exposed No treatment UV-C exposed

Kuma 3.5  1003 1.6  1002 6.9  1003 2.3  1002

-4 Yokohama 7.7  1003 7.7  1003 2.2  1003 6.7  1003

-5 Frequencies of pgm loss are the average of 3 independent experiments. Pairwise

analysis of variance was used to determine significant differences in values
-6 (P < 0.05) as indicated it the text.

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 either strain Kuma or Yokohama grown to either logarithmic or
2 stationary phase. Furthermore, all 144 non-pigmented isolates and
UV-C (mJ/cm ) 26 pigmented isolates that were screened by multiplex PCR for the
presence of the pgm locus were also screened by a multiplex PCR
B Logarithmic Phase
assay for the presence of the two Y. pestis-specific virulence-
0 associated plasmids (pMT1 and pCP1) present in avirulent (pCD1-
-1 minus) strains Yokohama and Kuma. No loss of either of these
Log Reduction (N/No)

plamsids was observed (data not shown); thus, Y. pestis survivors of

-2 UV-C exposure do not appear to show any significant reduction in
virulence potential. Additional experiments to assess a larger
-3 population of Y. pestis cells may be needed to more accurately
-4 determine the frequency of CR-binding loss (loss of the pgm locus)
(Sommers and Bhaduri, 2001) and loss of virulence potential
-5 resulting from exposure to ultraviolet light, as well as other geno-
toxic agents.

0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5

UV-C (mJ/cm2) The authors would like to thank Dr. Robert Brubaker for
providing Y. pestis strains Yokohama and Kuma used in this study.
Fig. 1. Inactivation of Yersinia pestis by ultraviolet light (UV-C). Strains Yokohama Mention of trade names or commercial products in this publication
(triangles) and Kuma (circles) with an intact pgm-locus (open symbols) or a deleted is solely for the purpose of providing specific information and does
pgm locus (filled symbols) were grown to (A) stationary or (B) logarithmic phase and
not imply recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Depart-
exposed to ultraviolet light (UV-C; 254 nm) as indicated. The slightly higher UV-C
exposure was used for the stationary phase cells as the result of higher cell densities ment of Agriculture. USDA is an equal opportunity provider and
in these cultures. Each point is the average of 3 independent experiments. The error employer.
bars indicate the standard deviation.


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