What Is A Tidal Stream? (Minimum of 100 Words)

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1. What is a Tidal Stream? (Minimum of 100 words)
A tidal stream is the periodic movement of water in a horizontal direction that is
due to the same astronomical causes as the tide (the tide is a movement in the vertical
direction). In general, as the tides rise there will be a current flowing from the oceans
into the bays, harbours and estuaries; this is termed a "flood stream". As the tides fall
there will be a current flowing towards the oceans; this is termed an "ebb stream".
Between the two there are periods when there is little or no flow; this is called "slack

● Tidal Stream Energy - The tides are caused by the gravitational forces of the sun
and moon moving the seas around the surface of the earth. It is this movement of
water that we will use to generate electricity.
● Tidal Stream Generator - Tidal stream generators make use of the kinetic energy
of moving water to turn a turbine—similar to the way a wind turbine uses wind to
create electricity.
● Tidal Stream Turbine - The tidal stream turbines are also known as underwater
windmills. They are driven by the kinetic energy of the moving water in similar
way that wind turbines use moving air.

2. What are Marine Environmental Issues? (Minimum 100 words)

We depend on the sea, economically, social well-being, and for the quality of our
lives, yet direct and indirect human activities have affected the marine environment,
causing many problems such as overfishing and pollution at the local scale and ocean
warming and acidification at the global one. Hence, addressing the cumulative effects of
these activities is required to conserve the marine environment for our current and
future generations.

● Ocean Dumping - Dumping of waste materials from industries, ships and sewage
plants into oceans has polluted the marine ecosystem to a great extent.
● Land Runoff - One of the major sources of ocean pollution is the waste comes
from the nonpoint source, which happens as a result of runoff.
● Dredging - In this world of ever expanding industrial activities, dredging is an
important activity that enhances marine transportation and other related
● Ocean Acidification - The issue of ocean acidification is quickly becoming a
threat to both marine lives and humans.
● Sea Water Level Rising - Global warming is alarmingly increasing seawater
levels, threatening the marine ecosystem. According to reports, the annual rate
of seawater rise during the past two decades has been 0.13 inches a year, which
is around twice the average speed of rising over the preceding 80 years.
● Waste Pollution from Ships - As we know, tens and thousands of ships are
responsible for more than 90 percent of world trade. Apart from other pollutants
such as oil and gas, the waste and garbage generated on board ships poses a
significant threat to the marine ecosystem.
● Noise Pollution from Ships- It has been scientifically proved that the noise
generated from shipping operations is harmful to marine organisms.
● Oil Spills - No discussion on marine environment can come to a conclusion
without mentioning the biggest cause of marine pollution – oil spills.
● Plastic Pollution - It is important to mention this environment degrading agent
separately for the sole fact that it has and is the reason for several environmental
problems both at sea and land.

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